It's real fucking obvious that there is no coherent Left response to the current crises. All we have is SocDems and SocLibs, neither of which are capable of any self-criticism whatsoever and both of whom promote nothing but status quo capitalism. As a result, everyone is turning to the right, with nationalist and religious extremism rising in many places. "Left" has become a dirty word for many people, a term associated with elitism and weakness, a word which might as well be synonymous with liberalism though it was its greatest enemy just a few decades ago. Still we sit idle, as we have for the last 25 years. What remains of the Radical Left contents itself to LARP out the ideologies of the past, with tankies and anarchists deluding themselves into believing that they can somehow resurrect the worker's movement which has been gone for more than half a century and the basis of which has been steadily eroded as the traditional working class disappears under automation. Where do we even go from here? How can we even raise a movement before everything turns to shit in this extremely volatile age where many disasters are lurking just around the corner? What can any of us do when the bourgeoisie has already managed to subvert all anger and fear towards immigrants and foreigners?
It's real fucking obvious that there is no coherent Left response to the current crises...
>It's real fucking obvious that there is no coherent Left response to the current crises.
This is why we need to organise… as some of us are currently doing
if you're a true revolutionary then you'd join the republican party and help push the country further towards nationalism and the eradication of the deep state
Dumb burger
Funny how we are still at war in all the places we were at war and foreign policy isn't noticeably different beyond some pathetic ban that didn't even include Saudis or Somali, where all the terror actually comes from. Face it retard, your swap is still full of crocs and you got cucked by a guy who literally lubes up his hole for Israeli dick every Friday on the Sabbath. Man is more Jewish than a fucking Menora.
You are a disgrace to your flag
how does UBI work in an open borders environment?
will automation lessen the oligarchs grip on power?
the oligarchs currently have zero regard for human life, what stops them from sterilizing, or even euthanizing, the masses once automation renders them surplus to requirements?
well exactly, which is why we need to euthanize them first
Any evidence of this because for as far I know they actively support mass migration.
Mate, the world didn't begin when you were born. People have been doing what you've been doing for decades to no avail. Since the 50s it's been one giant slide down the drain for the radical left, with both anarchism and communism growing progressively weaker despite all attempts to 'organize.' We're gonna have to do better than attempting to resurrect 19th century ideologies which haven't enjoyed any working class support for decades now.
Not itself.
Technically nothing.
Of course, it makes them money. But people aren't blaming the bourgeoisie, they're blaming the immigrants and puppet politicians. So the global elites can just continue playing this game forever until the Western nations start to reenact Yugoslavia, which is of little concern for them as long as their business interests are under no threat.
Yeah, and since the 50s capitalism has enjoyed its calmest period in history. Since 2008, things have been different. It's still early, but events will move quickly. People are getting radicalized, and if we start organizing around good political theory, strong leadership, and correct ideas, things could start to look different.
well, this is what I am saying, this is what I want to do, I meant, some of us, like some of us on leftypol
We should make more coops tbh
sounds like you've been reading too much fake news
Low quality bait
no sorry only one those options can be chosen at the same time
Stop responding to obvious bait, dummy.
I thought so too but it seems to have worked pretty well
nearly every bait works on this retarded board, I swear half of this board is on a spectrum explains the attraction to communism
the left is fucking useless, and has been for decades
being a leftist is suffering
what anime is this famrade?
The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one?