New to this place, saw someone mentioned private property being a myth. Why is owning private property bad?
Private Property = Bad?
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Private property as in capitalist property like major companies, productive lands, stock, etc, etc.
Personal property is like the things you own for personal consumption like that sex toy that's the kind of property that will be allowed under communism.
Though I guess there are some non-ironic "collectivize the toothbrushes" people out there.
The sole purpose of private property is exploiting others
Private property requires a violent state to maintain.
People who own said private property have other people produce goods or work with/on said property to produce goods that are then sold for a higher price, but the worker is compensated less. Check out our reading list OP, but here is a short primer:
On a unrelated note, please ignore my terrible grammar. I am very tired rn.
We're coming for your fucking toothbrush, put on your 3D glasses, it's coming atchya
So I don't have to share my sex toys (unless I want to)? I was watching a travel video from North Korea (Fun For Luis, I think the channel on YouTube is called) and while trying to give a skateboard to a kid they mentioned something about communism not allowing people to own private property like that. So that's why I was curious.
I wanna let you know that I've been laughing at that image for like 5 minutes, thanks.
I wish Socialists and Communists would stop calling capitalist business private property. It confuses and scares off most people thinking it means taking your ownership of your land your home is on.
lmao, did the NKs think that skateboard was a textile loom or something?
It gets rid of support from misunderstandings.
How else do you suppose we differentiate between the marxist private and personal properties? Do you have a suggestion because to the non socialist/communist private and personal property are both under the category of private.
"Means of Production" works.
Most people wont know what that means and will need it explained as well.
You act like intimidation isn't a form of persuasion itself
You're not serious
just like i wish we'd stop calling it the "dictatorship of the proletariat"
It's a hell of a lot easier to explain the meaning of a word that somebody doesn't know, than to play defense and prattle on about toothbrushes like a smug asshole. Means of Production is not a difficult concept, and if you think the average worker is too stupid to figure these things out, I have to wonder what the hell you're doing on the left.
no no I was just wondering if there was a word that would not need to be explained is all.
Intimidation attracts people.
Not the type of people you should want. Go play smug Red Fascist somewhere else.
t. Lesbo who projects her rape fantasies into real life
I have not read the marxist books yet. I think it is to stop exploitation of the people or breed the greeds but I would be wrong.
That would probably wind up depending entirely on who you're talking to, and what the two of you have in common. So if you're a maid, working at a maid service, the means of production would be the vacuums, rags, chemicals, mops, stepstools, all the stuff you use to work. If you're in a metal shop, it's the lathes, and drill presses, and CNC stuff.
If you're just shouting into the void on the internet though, I don't think there's going to be anything better than "means of production", aside from "factory machines and computers and stuff", which is simplistic to the point of making you sound like an idiot.
What the fuck?
Yea you got a point there. Sorry if I came across as gruff or abrasive. Internet with no context or tone and all that
No wait never mind. I thought that was directed at me for a second.
define "property" from top of your head please OP.
It means nothing.
What you know how to protect is yours, what you don't have protected isn't really. Simple as that.
How the fuck are you going to attract a revolution without violent disenfranchised people
I'm clearly not talking about fascists, because the goals of what we set out should be clear
People call me cointelpro when all you do is talk revolution but the moment anything generally subversive beyond the word "revolution" pops up you get scared and compare it to rape
The means of reproduction will be seized by the party tho :3
pic related
People who have never owned their own land will say its bad, while people who have owned their own land will defend their territory down to the last breath.
Simple as that.
Buy some land, build it up with your own sweat and blood and then watch some welfare manbabies demand you hand it over. You'll pull out an M60 outta NOWHERE and mow'em down.
Oh, another sweat of the brow primitive accumulationist.
Works out a lot better if you and your community build it up as a whole. "Your" land is merely a conceit we tolerate.
along these lines, at what point does a house/estate/parcel of land cease to be personal and become private?
Everyone who uses this argument should go straight to the gulag. May I remind you that 8 people own half the wealth on earth? The situation you're sketching is an incredibly rare exception, yet you turn it into an argument for property as a whole and through it you justify the absentee ownership and use of the landlords and business owners who have in the vast majority of cases done none of the things you claim justifies their greed.
There's a difference between revolutionaries and violent people who want to fuck shit up; fascists and authoritarians usually belong to the second group and that's the type of people a group known for intimidation and violence will attract. Violence might be a necessary tool, but a fetish for violence makes violence into an end itself and not a means, and that's basically what defines violent people who want to fuck shit up.
Watch The Grapes of Wrath. Or read the book.
Just the first part, before they start their journey.
Then I have a question. Did the Joad family own the land they worked on or not?
Or that other guy, who wanted to shoot a guy on the bulldozer. Did he own the land or not?
This concept may be alien to you as you may have never worked a day in your life and have lived in what we consider as the supreme levels of luxury. But it exists, regardless. We know your kind - you consider manual labor to be above your station.
We take pride in working hard. We pride ourselves on winning against a stronger enemy. We pride ourselves on building a great nation. For that, you call us primitive. Guess what? We call you lazy, rich, fat and decadent.
You will tolerate us - because you simply cannot muster the energy to get out there and work, rather remaining content with accumulating a paltry sum of wealth via social security. You will leave us be as we carve a prosperous nation for our people through our own hard work and effort.
We have already fought our way out of the gulags, crushed the hands of the slavers who kept us in our breeding pens to breed child soldiers to serve as fodder in their unending proxy wars. The land we own is ours by right, ours by money and ours by might.
Your ideals of landlords, absentee ownership and backward systems of finance and law are fitting for an inferior species. We have experienced freedom and dignity for the first time after a long history of slavery. And we will not go gentle into the slave pens again. Attack us at your own peril.
I haven't read it but I did skim a short version. You do realize that pawning land to bankers for money is a bad financial decision, right? Yet the owners took the risk.
It was merely bad fortune that the Dust Bowl happened - both due to mismanagement of agriculture and overuse of backward farming techniques along with the drought.
Regardless, that was then. This is now.
Mind the phrasing. It's not that it's "allowed or not," but the private ownership form becomes obsolete, and personal property of no concern.
Ah, but when you buy something stolen that's fundamentally illegitimate ownership from the start. And all land is fundamentally stolen from the commons.
When you employ someone to work on it.
we are coming for your sex toys m8
Selfishly thinking only of their own greed and transient power over others they sold the land. Sellers' remorse is regrettable, but there is nothing to be done about it now.
Real communism is not aggainst private property, that is just a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of true communism.
Why yes the country that has a monarchy and a military industrial complex that owns everything truly is a classless society where workers own the means of production.
I want this meme to die
Owning things for personal use is fine
It is only bad if it is used to exploit others
What could be a decent synonym to "private" that does not cause such confusion?
*sigh* here we go again.
"No private property" in commusion refers to "no individually owned industries".
Basically, it means that you can not be an owner that does nothing but own a company and gets money.
In a communist society, you don't get to hire a manager for your company, give him a paycheck and sleep all day in your home. The government owns the industry and pays you for managing your company. Cause otherwise, you'd be giving lower wages to other people and taking more money for yourself, creating an unfair system where you get more money than you deserve(according to your unique case) while your workers get underpaid(according to their unique case).
See the brackets where I mentioned specific cases? Yeah, I did it because some idiots keep spamming the "Hurr durr, doktor in cummunist society gets paid the same as a driver".
Which is not true. You get paid according to your work, but the government compensates for you in a way that both you and the doctor can experience a good life.
That is the simplest explanation of communism.
off yourself
How about and go paste your periscope on Holla Forums so your mates can jerk off to you an-hero-ing yourself live? that's fun yea?
so I could own the entire state of Pennsylvania as long as I'm not employing anyone on the land?
Not personally, no.
If you use it, you own it, like a car, computer, or toothbrush.
If you don't do all the work yourself, like working in a factory, building an aqueduct, or researching a vaccine, it doesn't belong to you but to you and the commune of people that helped you produce it.
I guess I should say "Not privately, no," because a car, comp, and toothbrush would all be "personal property."
well I guess I mean, what constitutes "using"? Am I "using" my suburban backyard? How about my rural acre? my rural 10 acres? 100?