Who Tiqqun here

Who Tiqqun here

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I've read Bloom Theory but couldn't understand a single thing of it.

schizo-marxism, proving the point that madness can be over-rationality


tiqqun just means "correction" (in any context) in Hebrew

isn't Tiqqun just some spooky religious/mystic shit?

Not really, it's post-situationist.

could you explain to someone whos familiar with situationism what the tiqqun project is in a nutshell.

If I understand correctly you'd like a quick rundown on these guys?

I've read The Coming Insurrection and disliked their totally Utopian proposals (establishment of communes), proposed organizational structures (loose affinity groups), and silly extremism (terrorism). They came off as typical "post-leftists" totally removed from the ordinary masses and their struggles.

Looked into their newer stuff too, but the language was unnecessarily poetic to the point of being anti-theoretical.

I don't think that Deleuze or Foucault are good sources for communist praxis, and that Debord is only marginally useful in propaganda work.

So, yeah, useless.



I study philosophy so I'm not unfamiliar with reading hard texts if that's what you are implying.

Take for example one of their later texts, Theory of the Young Girl. I get that the editing style with changing fonts, quotations, repeated simplistic sentences starting with "The young girl is…" etc. are a mocking parody of the subject at hand, imitation of her culture, but there is really no theoretical rigidity behind the book, thus fails to overcome its own chosen form.

Don't expect many replies if this is your attitude to your own "half-a-sentence" shitty thread.

Quick rundown on them:

Antifa bow to Tiqqun

in contact with Michel Foucault

rumoured to possess nuclear material

control Semiotexte with an iron fist

own squats and spaces all over the world

direct descendants of the situationist blood line

will bankroll the coming insurrection (bloomville will be be the first commune)

ancient french zines tell of two collectives who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of voluntary association and unprecedented communization with them

This is Tiqqun

They own independent publishers around the world

You likely have spectacle inside you right now

Tiqqun is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of Guy Debord to the YPG

They never learned fluent french

Can I get a pdf for this?


In their last book To Our Friends, they realized that being edgy insurrectionists doesn't help them IIRC. I don't know if it has been translated yet.
The problem with them and Debord is that they don't propose anything really solid when it comes to societal organizations. Workers councils are nice, but, communes, meh. I feel like a world of moneyless communes would make interesting stuff like microprocessor conception very hard to do.
They are interesting for their critical analysis though, kinda like Zizek, but more for leftists who don't want to see a revival of Marxism-Leninism appearing one day.


I agree. I'm not advocating against reading them, I just point out that there are other theoretical schools that are much more rigid and thorough conceptually. There's absolutely no problem with reinventing Lenin, tho.



worthy of




holy shit guys
the bogdanoff brothers will establish anarcho-Bolshevism in France and secretly control tiqqun. This fucking rapid hole goes deep!

yall need to take the true red pill

wtf I love body dysmorphia now

This one? theanarchistlibrary.org/library/the-invisible-committe-to-our-friends

French comrade here.

How do I join Tiqqun?

1. Learn French. No self-respecting situationist would dream of not knowing it.

2. Always use the most obscure language possible. Get lots of big scholarly words from a dictionary and use them often.
Poor: "Things are bad."
Better: "The formative mechanism of culture amounts to a reification of human activities which fixates the living and models the transmission of experience from one generation to another on the transmission of commodities; a reification which strives to ensure the past's domination over the future."

3. In particular, the words "boredom" (as in "there's nothing they won't do to raise the standard of boredom"), "poverty" (of the university, of art), and "pleasure" are important tools in the young situationist's kit, and use of them will greatly enhance your standing in the situationist community.

4. Make frequent reference to seventy year-old art movements like Dada and Surrealism. Work the subject into your conversations as often as possible, however irrelevant.

5. Vehemently attack "The University" and "Art" whenever possible (phrases like "the scrap-heap of Art" or "the stench of Art" are particularly effective). Attend as prestigious a school as possible and make sure your circle of friends contains no less than 85% artists.

6. Cultivate a conceit and self-importance bordering on megalomania. Take credit for spontaneous uprisings in far-flung corners of the world, sneer at those who oppose or disagree with you.

7. Denounce and exclude people often. Keep your group very small and exclusive — but take it for granted that every man, woman, and child in the Western Hemisphere is intimately familiar with your work, even if no more than ten people actually are.

8. Detournement: Cut a comic strip out of the paper (serious strips like 'Terry and the Pirates' and 'Mary Worth' are preferred), and change the dialogue. Use lots of situationist language. What fun!

9. Use Marxian reverse-talk. This is a sure-fire way of alerting people to the fact that you are a situationist or are eager to become one: "the irrationality of the spectacle spectacularises rationality," "separate production as production of the separate."

10. Invoke "the proletariat," factories, and other blue-collar imagery as often as possible, but do not under any circumstances associate with or work with real proletarians. (Some acceptable situationist jobs are: student, professor, artist.)

11. By all means avoid such repugnant proletarian accoutrements as: novelty baseball hats, rock group T-shirts, 'Garfield' or 'Snoopy' posters (no matter how "political"), and vulgar American cigarettes like 'Kent' or 'Tareyton'.



I agree but where are they? How do I join?


Tarnac, but they've disbanded.


are memes situationist?

Or are situationists memes?

Shit. I have a friend in Limoges and could easily get there.
