Saudi Arabia and Israel fascist?

So I've been torturing myself by watching Richard Spencer so I can dissect his arguments, and I notice he often points to Saudi Arabia and Israel as model ethnostates. It makes me wonder, isn't Saudia Arabia basically green fascism anyway? Also, depending who you ask, Israel seems to be getting there if it's not already.

They are both racialist regimes but they aren't fascism proper.

I'm weary about referring to anything but the historical movements as fascist. Even the ones that are consciously "fascist" are better categorized as neo-nazi etc unless they actually take power.

Saudi is an oppressive, despotic monarchy and Israel is an apartheid state, but neither are necessarily part of the mid-20th century movement reacting to a wider fear of communism, crisis, and weak liberal government.

isn't Saudi arabia full off guest workers from India, Pakistan and indonesia?

Also Israel is like 20% arab and the jewish part of the population is hardly homogenious

I don't get why that's his standard then, I don't know.

Japan, south korea and maybe some homogeneous european countries like Poland and Iceland, would probably be better examples for them to use.

Japan is filled with a racial admixture, so I don't even think that would be a good example.

not even close to as much as the racial admixture the "white" american population has

Its more about a the laws of the state than how homogeneous the society is. Japan doesn't have racialist laws, Israel and the KSA do.