Do you get positive or negative vibes from FDR?

Do you get positive or negative vibes from FDR?

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Positive, he was a good guy

His capitalist buddies thought he was a traitor but he was really their greatest defender.

All kind of capitalists, social democratic or not, give communists negative vibes tbh.

Positive. Even though he was capitalism's greatest defender.

Stalin on FDR in an interview with Wells
"Marxism Versus Liberalism"

Positive, his policies materially improved the condition of the American proletariat.

He also helped out the Soviets and leftist resistance movements in WW2, swore off intervention in Latin America, and broke the British Empire.

FDR was an enemy of the worker and the people.
Never forget that he had one of the most successful populists in American history fucking shot. He kept the corpse of capitalism shambling for another 80 years with what he did.

What's the evidence that he had Huey Long shot? How do we know it wasn't local porkies who were mad at him? He was fairly reviled by the local bourgeois at the time

By the same standard, FDR was a much more beloved "populist"

Long did a lot of shady shit in Louisiana (as well as some good, granted) and if he ended up with any true national power it would probably end with him raiding the national treasury for his own finances

As an individual, positive vibes. But he worked for a system and a establishment that can't change by individual effort, even if that effort seemed to succeed at times.

So he was like a good dude in charge of a company that dumps chemical trash in the water, and whose friends are all cunts.


Got some good vibes, tbh was one of the last presidents willing to negotiate with hard leftists & actually get things going in a bit more of a left direction. Sure, he was far from perfect (no US President was obviously) but he is definitely one of the best and was overall a really good force for change in the US. Before the Democratic Party was fully bought by the 1%.

But FDR's whole thing was saving the 1% from themselves. he kept the usa from having a revolution.

Negative, he was the creator of social fascism with American characteristics.

Probably the only legit social democrat president the USA has ever had. He managed to keep taxes for the rich at 90% at one point, just imagine proposing something like that now, you'd be called a communist.

Most of the post-war economic boom for all people is thanks to him, before it started going downhill.

He realized Guillotine Insurance is a necessity in a post-feudal society.

30% positive, 70% negative.

FDR was overall a faggot.

Only president I can say was our guy is Andrew Jackson.


He was a fascist just like Churchill, Hitler, and all the other bourgeois leaders of the time. If you look at his actual actions, you can't refute this.

Andrew Jackson is like only 5-10% positive lmao
definitely much less our guy than even FDR

Abe Lincoln is the only good president.

Lincoln was quite literally an imperialist. He needlessly caused massive amounts of death because of "muh unified country" instead of doing a referendum.

Fuck Lincoln.

The civil war was a war of capitalist aggression. The north wantedto expand industry and markets which necessitated the end of slavery.
I mean, dialectically it was a good thing, but don't act like Abe dindu nuffin

abe literally caused dindu nuffin


You only call a referendum when you know there's no way you'll lose (or if you're forced to). The only way he could keep the South under his control was with blood.

Sudan willingly allowed a referendum and I'm pretty sure they expected to lose.

Talking about the CSA, no slavery.

No, he killed more Americans than any other figure in history, making him one of the greatest communist heroes of all time.