Was he /ourhombre/ all along?

Was he /ourhombre/ all along?

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lel I saw that "you think our country's so innocent" quote over the news but basically 0 discussion of it occurring in the normal channels.

forget about sanders, he's the real slick entryist

He's cynically feigning Asserism at best

Kill millions of natives, bomb several countries, overthrow democratic gov. simply for Imperialistic gains.

these pigdogs piss me off so much.

haven't heard this before!

Trump is Nazbol

No, Bannon is a Nazbol.

Trump is a porky

Oh look it is Holla Forums shilling for their shitty pee pee man again

Would you like to know more about Not Socialism?

He's Nazbol with American characteristics


Myopic viewpoint still tangled in the election politics of 6 months ago.

The bigger picture here is that Trump makes a correct point: US foreign policy is hypocritical to its core– but liberals became inflamed when he says this. It belies a real danger coming from the american democrats: For the last twenty years they've been having restless dreams of becoming the party of flag-waving jingoists that bomb the world in the name of the red white and blue.

No wonder no revolution will be coming, you fall for fucking lies like that all the time, he is totes on your side good drone

It's cool that Trump forces libs to confront their own retarded sophistry with regard to foreign policy. It's absolutely not cool that he's most likely going to start a war with Iran.

What? Read what I said again and then justify how you came to this conclusion.

It already has the fitting color.
Once the christfags all die off, you'd be hard pressed to not call the nu-GOP left-wing


this board is done.


Holla Forums is /ourguys/

Trump is the best American President for fucking who knows how long. Just by being the way he is and not swallowing what he is 'supposed' to be doing, and saying shit like America isn't perfect and makes a lot of mistakes.


Holla Forums: are you convincing he was /yourguy/ yet lefties?

Do you have any sources for this, other than liberal thinkpieces that twist facts?

Regulations won't end capitalism

nigga have you been paying attention to the last two weeks?


Neither will supporting people who want to dump pollution in your drinking water

Yes, I haven't seen anything that i consider an attempt to start a war probably because i don't have the right ideology glasses on.

That's where you're wrong kiddo

I guess you're not going to care until he makes a primetime address? Watch the rhetoric. New sanctions have already been placed on Iran.


Rhetoric and sanctions aren't attempts to start war. No country on Earth will go to war with US over rhetoric and sanctions. Think for yourselves for a change instead of letting the media brainwash you.

You guys are sometimes so up your ass you fail to see the big picture.

I hate Trump's vulgarity and the way he initiated an resurgence in far-right, and white nationalist nativists.

But what if he succeeds even slightly, like Zizek says? What if he really is an isolationist, non-neocon, and brings back industrial manufacturing?

You think that would be bad? Or rather what would be worse?

What if Donald Trump fails and after him an even more right wing nationalist comes into power that would effectively destroy the US and plunge it into ethnic civil war?

am I on the right board ?
just cause he admit he is an imperialist pig and trying to get the poor voting for him does not mean he is any good. He basically sold out to big finance asap.

He isn't, militarily at least
No but bannon's a neo-fascist
if he does it will be at the expense of the environment and public health.

The whole Yemen civil war started because of the Saudis. Its too early to tell how it will turn up considering the Iran situation.

So what? So is PSI in Poland, Orban in Hungary and Putin in Russia, if we want to stretch the term that far. Yet all of them increased the living standards of their citizens through brute force.

No one cares about the environment anymore, other than liberals.


I don't think that's the success Zizek was talking about.

welp guess i'm a liberal.

this didn't happen.

where are the Bookchin fags when you need them

The problem that Zizek talks about is that liberals love to talk down Trump and his supporters for their kitch nationalism yet ignore many motivations behind such support.

What if by way of Faustian deal, Trump really does achieve the things he promised? What would the left do in this case?

What's wrong with stopping China's hyper-capitalist takeover of the world? I wish Bernie had a similar stance on this issue.

Stuff like this, is what the Left should have anticipated as pragmatic solutions to real international problems.

If you compare the Yeltsin years and the Putin era, its night and day. Why do you think Putin has 88% approval rating?

the working class has always been comprised of short-witted Neanderthals; they aren't fit to do anything other than provide a good life for their superiors. the best case scenario for their rule is self-destruction.


you have no business calling anyone else a retard, classcuck

It's patently a trend of willful escalation at the behest of the Saudis, Israelis, and neocons, and against the broader public interest.

because grammar errors make me a retarded cuck

what class would you happen to belong to?

super saiyan S class, nigga


You're comparing it to a time when the ruble collapsed and the country was falling apart.
In the last 5-10 years the living standards of the average russian have barely improved.
The living standards of the average hungarian or pole haven't improved unless they escaped and went west to find work.

The Saudis do what the US tells them. There will be a war with Iran, and it will probably be made to look like Iran's fault. Although it wouldn't surprise me if they are blatant about their aggression, just to see if they can be.

Wow, I can't wait

And why did this collapse stop? Because Putin stopped Yeltsin's sell out of all energy and manufacturing industries to US multinationals.

That's mostly because of western sanctions, before that, Russian economy was slowly growing.

You are living in a liberal bubble, Poland is one of the fastest growing European countries.


And Hungary has been slow to recover from 08 crisis, but it has also seen steady growth in gdp.


This liberal mantra of living with blindfolds that people will beg nationalism only because they are ideologically deluded and because they have nothing else left, has to end.

and not because they have nothing left*

Orban has fucked Hungary, I speak with Hungarian people all the time.
It is only good for the rich and if you move to the west for work thanks to the EU.
The PSI have only won the recent elections in Poland, and the economy was doing fine without them, it is again thanks to EU membership.

