I'm gonna quit my job and I can't fucking go back to work. Help. What do. Thinking about selling weed again. Thinking about getting rid of all of my shit and going hitchhiking but now I've accidentally agreed to get an apartment with my friend and I'd be an ass hole to back out. Bottom line is cannot go back to work, can't deal with any of the shit. I have like a grand and a half in the bank but its not real money, it just meas i'm only -500 from a 2000 overdraft. (+what I owe for university) but that doesn't show up in my account. What do
I'm gonna quit my job and I can't fucking go back to work. Help. What do. Thinking about selling weed again...
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Throw yourself in front of an expensive car and then sue them.
found Saul Goodman
Does your friend know that you are not going to be able to pay rent? If no go tell him/her.
Also what job are you gonna quit, out of curiosity?
Go illegalist
Just move in with your girlfriend.
suck my dick for a few bux
Seconding this.
you should tell your friend before he commits to rent with you. Also, selling weed is fine but it mostly depends on the state tho. Some states you can get by without much hassle from cops.
Don't sell weed if you live with someone else.
Get a different, lower intensity job.
fuck you
I'm good for money always I mean I have loads of experience so getting a job isn't an issue if I really owe money but the thing is I just don't want to flat out. I want to get involved in activism and my creative stuff full time, maybe try and make an aut-left youtube channel or some shit. Do some art. I've had it with making coffees
This is why police needs sub-machine guns in urban centers.
it's good cautious advice
minmaxing for life
I can get bretty good deals so i really wouldn't have to sell that much or even to strangers to make rent and food
Yeah, but you'd fuck him over if the police ever raids the place. Don't put that over a friend's head just because you don't want to hold a regular job.
that isn't how it works in this country and I would never have enough for them to raid. I'm not talking selling huge amounts. You'd be surprised how much money you can make selling weed
When will the cycle end?
form a weed union of egoists
i would really like another option
Just go back to your job like any normal person would. You don`t really seem to be the type who can afford to lose that muh privilege.
Dude just work in your own self interest lmao
Why are the black flags always playing small game? The path to true fast cash is selling MDMA. Just hit up the darknet and you can get at least 10 grabs of it for around £60. All you need to do is hit up some student nights with the rest of that overdraft you have and build up your phonebook with people who want to buy, then ring them up and tell them to contact you any time for some when you're sobering up the next day. You don't even need to risk being searched by bouncers!
It's the best job ever you get paid to sit on the couch and occasionally go out and get drunk.
it drains me so that I will be there forever. I want to foment revolution. I don't want this bullshit.
No fam you have to tend the union
do you do this?
None of us want it but revolution is just unrealistic since most conditions historically before the revolution were horrific. Only exception to this rule where revolution was not born form war-torn hellhole is the Spanish revolution.
Crime awaits.
Good luck.
but that isn't true
I used to, I made at least a couple hundred a week selling to just a few people, and some weeks were ridiculously good. The great thing about the darknet stuff is it's always as pure as it can get so if you sell at a full gram but the highest price the area has to offer you'll always get people coming back because every other dealer is trying to sell impure stuff at 0.6-0.8g. Be sure to remind people of this when they buy. Don't do special offers unless people ask either, some people will start buying a shitload for their friends and if they have a really high tolerance before asking for a discount you can get an extra wad of notes in there. Some people will ask for offers at 2 bags, some can get as high as 5 or 6. Don't do offers until 3 because it makes the two guys buying one each punt for a third.
You can do this with a small base of people too, the going out drinking for phonebook contacts is just a way to do it if you had no friends.
You are correct, but in historic context such bloodless revolutions only tend to change faces of ruling class, not the actual conditions that forced the revolution in the first place.
You can always try to convince your friend to let you stay without paying in exchange for house choirs, or maybe getting a third room mate. Also before saying no to any kind of work have you considered part time jobs, or patreon if you are into art?
nah I already have plenty people I could sell it to. Any tips on the darkweb? Like where/how?
I want not job. Dude how much do you think rent is? House chores are not worth it
so why on earth are you a socdem?
what is patreon?
You can make plenty, I know enough dealers to know this. Just be careful in that milieu, police are not your only concern.
I don`t think that revolution is an political option for me until welfare state along other nice things that my country has achieved in its 70 year struggle for emancipation of unions and workers has collapse. I want to keep living and improving lives of my fellow citizens. Revolution is only the final option once capitalism starts to regress, also I have no heart for LARPing.
Not sure at the moment, they keep getting shut down. This is where I found the last one I used which was reliable, obviously do a bit of due diligence before throwing your money at any of them as when I was looking for this list it seems some of them are shady fuckers right now.
Tor is no longer secure and you should stump up for a logless VPN. Are you in the USA?
This. Watch out for scumbags as they will want your shit. This is why I suggest MDMA because it's not addictive and is more for people going out partying, so it's less likely to attract bagheads who will snitch you up to police/rival dealers.