So, a new site is up, trying to connect the different Maoist groups around the US. I'm not saying that they are perfect (in fact I know very little about them – not even an Americunt), but knowing that most of our user base is Burger, I'm interested in the community's info and reaction: Can you connect with one of these groups and give us info on their theory & praxis? Can you give us a quick rundown of them if you know them?
Why Maoism? Everything he did after he came to power was a failure and he was immediately succeeded by a full capitalist restoration.
Evan Davis
Sparrows and Pig iron
Robert Hernandez
honestly, give me three good reasons why Maoism is the banner you'd march under in the united states
Brody Flores
tbh if some sperglord Maoists can pop up that will do something to drag the overton conversation waaaay left. As soon as you've got liberals saying that achtually, if there are armed neo nazi groups, then there should be armed commie groups, that's when it gets to the point where all that's left to do is pick your armed side. By then it won't matter that they were Maoists because the broad front will have been swamped by liberals and we will have a bigger problem anyway.
Cooper Hall
thanks for the feedback, Leftypol
Jack Baker
1) It's not Trotskyism. 2) It's not Anarchism. 3) It has at least seen some sort of real world application.
Charles Robinson
Again, I'm not a burger. I'm just asking for you guys experience with these groups.
Daniel Martinez
So in otherwords, the PRC decided they needed to fund more useful idiots. What else is new?
Cooper Bell
Seems to me like it will just drag it even further right as the liberals will just scream about muh 10 gorrilion innocent sparrows and depict the left as dangerous radicals they need the fascists to protect themselves from.
Austin Morales
Nah fam, the liberals hate muh 6 gorillion more than us, trust me. Remember this is Maoists, so they'd be spouting endless Idpol and the libs would be licking it up
Austin Young
Happens every time ;)
Joshua Adams
This really isn't true lmao
Jacob Price
Maybe some background:
In my early days of moving further to the Marxist side (from an ancom position), the now defunct Kasamaproject (US) provided great inspiration for me, because they shared real life experience on organizing factory workers, work with ghettos, etc.
They had great articles about 21st century communism, great critiques of the 20th, and some articles explaining modern theorists like Badiou, Althusser.
I'm interested because beyond the mainstream "SJW" Maoism – I'm convinced – there still lingers a Maoism that works with the masses, not against them.
Zachary Myers
You know nothing.
Wyatt Lewis
Zachary Rogers
They're pulling the long con. Soon China will declare full socialist restoration after they've used the capitalists to finance their industrialization. The People's Liberation Army will bring socialism to the world, and the capitalists will have sold them the rope with which they'll be hanged!
Grayson Wood
This is so naive I don't even know where to begin to debunk it.
Ryan Watson
One can hope.
Oliver Brown
This is no better than hoping that St. Nicholas will bring Communism in his bag this year.
Gavin Bell
Literally one of the primary reasons the new left failed
Wrong. Mautism was one of the main reasons for the fall of the Students for a Democratic Society movement. Don't pretend that the PLP was not mautist.
Jordan Young
Thx for reading the thread, fgt
Bentley Harris
Blake Reyes
Are you actually prepared to give us the concrete conditions under which said party collapsed, or are you just a general shill, who labels everything from the past as a failure without lessons?
Parker Hall
Michael Hernandez
Are you actually going to propose what to do differently, instead of just clinging to outdated analysis, theory and praxis? What lead to the fall of the SDS was the divisions caused by Mautist groups who insisted on clinging to an outdated understanding of revolution. Mautism is ultimately a self defeating ideology, one that cannot assess a changing system of capitalism and changing classes.
Jeremiah Carter
Holla Forums has a lot of newfriends now who think Maoism = jason unruhe, if they even are that far along
be patient and explain things
Daniel Brown
I actually already did:
I have no idea what you call "outdated," but compared to your "humanist" and religio-ecological standpoint, I think that the likes of Kasamaproject did perfectly well establishing a prole/ghetto base of power and trying to work "upward" from there.
I have NO IDEA what you call "outdated," tbh! Compared to the 20th century there are objectively more proletariat globally than ever before!
Be specific or get to be thrown at the wall, tbh!
You are not even trying to be constructive! All you do here is: "LE LOL, IMA VERY SRS REVOLUTION MAN, EVERYONE ELSE IS FGT!" – the very same attitude you supposedly oppose!
Colton James
You've posted that before and we already analyzed how it was an identity politics ridden piece of crap written by a Redditor from /r/Communism - aka tankie central - which massively misrepresents the status of the Naxalites and overemphasizes the usefulness of some fairly basic and hardly universal applicable concepts as being somehow a perfect route to socialism. 0/10, Maoism a shit.
Andrew Price
John Kelly
Maoism ruined leftism.
Gavin Gray
Marx ruined leftism.
Zachary Rogers
Lo and behold, we are still at OP post, that is, asking Americunt faggots of their actual experience in/about these groups!
Just keep in mind that so called "comrades" who shitpost without reference are basically faggots who don't give a single shit about the communist movement in America.
Let's make it clear what is really happening ITT (and IRL): ok, but why? ok, are you willing to actually engage them? … No further comments required…
Andrew Sanchez
The Black Panthers were Maoist and they were the only decent left wing American group in the last 90 years
Maoism offers the correct approach for gaining socialist power
Anarchists will be crushed
Chase Evans
I'll admit to that. There is legitimately zero hope for leftism in America. This is a nation so delusional and right wing that it has somehow managed to convince its population that liberals are left wing. Every attempt to deal with the misery caused by capitalism just caused them to beg for daddy Porky's cock further up their ass. It's a shame nuking the place would make the rest of the world uninhabitable also.
Cameron Ward
It requires a specific kind of spontaneity to read this book and conclude that Marx was a cuck, tbh.
In all honesty, Proudhon was respected by Marx… and then NOT… Why? Because Marx began to understand the commodity form.
If you keep on shilling for Proudhon after Marx's interjection you are fucking filth, tbh!
You think that it can go on, but it objectively can't!
Proudhon was BTFO by marx and all your anarchist attempts at reawakening are a fucking JOKE!
Angel Brooks
Lelninst are not meant to be taken serious
Xavier Reyes
Adam Cruz
Luis Collins
That's not how it works, tbh.
This, so called "Nation" has already convinced itself that a 'nigger' who wants "world-peace" is much more in favor of what the nation wants than the general electorate.
>fugen nigers
Charles Lee
The entire marxist tradition is an outdated one Outdated, as in looking at history through the lenses of someone who lived in the 19th century. As in, not realizing that capitalism is an evolving system, and that classes evolve along with it. You can label communalism whatever you want, but it's no substitute for actually understanding what it is and being able to critique it. The best you can do is try to construct a strawman, and it's very easy for anyone who actually knows what communalism is to point out that it is a strawman. The "proletariat" itself is an outdated notion, "class consciousness" a phenomena that exists only in theory. PLP and WSD. Just because you don't like what I'm saying does not mean it's not constructive. If you want to seriously understand the alternative to marxist dogmatism, I'd be more then happy to help you to understand communalism.
Nathaniel Morgan
Okay OP you have my attention, where should I begin reading Maoism?
John Anderson
Benjamin Lewis
you mean like, using under hand means to wrest control of the international from its most popular member like the kniving kike he was?
Nathaniel Kelly
Chase Howard
another antisemitic anarchist, what a surprise
Andrew Bennett
From the very first chapter of the Communist Manifesto: Why haven't you kys like you've been told to, liberal?
Jason Morales
I have NO idea what you are trying to mean here, tbh. Again, I'd like to concentrate the common attention to this:
prz enlighten me on what you actually mean, dear black flag postah
Joshua Murphy
And they opposed the PLP, another mautist group. It's almost like marxism is prone to sectarianism and infighting
James Bailey
Thx for yout deep analysis, dear eco-man. I wish that all could have such earth-shattering views as you, ffs!
Nicholas Hall
What are you trying to prove by quoting this? That Marxism has kept up with the evolving system when it still relies historical and systemic analysis from the 19th century? Please.
Luis Parker
Marx knived to exclude Proudhon from the international at a key moment, thus making it a predominantly Marxist and not predominantly Proudhonian organisation, which is I suppose in fitting with ML theory but is still a treacherous bourg thing to do to a comrade just because he is more popular than you are
Lincoln Allen
Your whole quote-marathon is ridiculous and melts into the air, tbh!
Levi Cox
Josiah Scott
It's good to see left parties group together rather than splintering, even if they are Maoists.
Jose Bailey
That's if they can even get enough members, which I seriously doubt they'll be able to.
Noah Jackson
What the Church of Originalist Librul Americuck Marxlarp does is irrelevant to whether there's something useful, i.e. predictive or explanatory, to be found in the literature. Used-god sales culture and Belieberism is a problem, I agree.
Respect the sperg's wishes, won't you?
James Morgan
WOW! Thanks for your feedback, dork! Unfortunately, there was a problemz! :🍀🍀🍀(
Idk! Probably because we are still under the yoke of private property, or sg!
Wew, friend, le moyist is sure important to all of us! I can't remember a time when we lived accordingly of your hegemonic intentions! For us your "LE HEGEMONNEY" shit is meaningless, m8!
We want to abolish this ORDER AS SUCH, k, m8?
Jonathan Rodriguez
True, but it's not merely the praxis that I'm disputing. The theory itself leaves much to be desired. In the context of the 19th and early 20th century, it was certainly revolutionary, but we've gone beyond a time of it's usefulness. I'm not saying that we should abandon a dialectical view of history, or that class should be ignored, but that we need to turn to a more modern look at dialectics and class i.e. Murray Bookchin's Communalism.
Robert Roberts
BUT NOT JUST THIS and not to mention this ridiculous faggots account:
Adam Wood
Lucas Cox
Honestly, as much as I shit on everyone, I'm just glad to have more far leftists at all. Uniting the left is a nigh impossible task, but making a one-man world revolution is even more impossible.
Jeremiah Jones
lel holy shit did we break him? Can't even tell what you're trying to say at this point
Brandon James
Maybe that your fag-tier "environmentalism" is nothing more basically than your faggy petit-bourg drooling over your Earth-fetishism?
Carter Evans
Jeremiah Baker
Luis Torres
w8w, u so free, m8, i wanna becum U, m8!!!
Julian Martin
t. never read bookchin. Social Ecology =/= Enviromentalism. This is what I was talking about earlier, you can't actually say anything of substance regarding bookchin.
I'm not even an anarchist, but I've got to say, thr analyis is good.
Wyatt Jenkins
I'll share my experience with Maoists and why they suck.
Maoists are fucking cancer. I should also mention that there is a pretty heavy pool of left-wing activists where I live, since its a heavily unionized town surrounded by indigenous reserves. These cunts have managed to alienate basically every single one of them, I know plenty of dedicated socialists, anarchists and indigenous activists who won't touch them with a ten foot pole.
Kevin Campbell
But IRL, it is totally different! We are NOT connecting to this strange category!
Lucas Campbell
Juan Ortiz
I fucking hate this country, but I can never help but laugh at our students' stupidity.
Elijah Ortiz
Angel Hernandez
Are you the guy who complained about Red Guards Austin some time ago?
Hudson Baker
Are you the guy who complained about Red Guards Austin some time ago or someone else?
Luke Davis
Oh wait never mind I misread, are you talking about people from the PCR-RCP?
Elijah Stewart
this thread is the face of Anglo communism, tbh
Brody Sanchez
Jeremiah Rivera
Benjamin Cooper
I'd argue the growth of any potential allies, or those open to Communist ideas, is a good thing.
Luis Martinez
Honestly, they wouldn't even need to drop dollar bills, just keep rolling out the blue and green lady pills, and they can get every fucking half-bit anarchist in the states to do their bidding.
It's like a reverse Opium War, this time with China dropping more oxys then Days N' Daze.