WTF i hate communism now
WTF i hate communism now
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100M it's still pretty low compared to the billions capitalism has killed.
I'm not even joking.
Holla Forums complains holocaust (6 million deaths) is still being milked and that is conspiracy or some shit, but we still have right to complain for 100 million of fucking deaths being milked even harder than holocaust.
Our cow is much bigger.
Fuck, it even had good replies, and you are pretending its everyone's opinion that we must torture people.
But that's cronyism :^)
At least Holocaust denial is edgy and contrarian too, if you even begin to contest le ebin black book, burgers will point and do the pod person scream at you.
Not even a tankie either
Have you tried to argue communist death toll in same way holocaust deniers argue about holocaust, with same burgers you are talking about?
You will have exactly same results. Interesting fact, i know not everyone will accept that viewpoint, but i've seen same people proclaiming holocaust real, who also heavily shill against communism for bigger amount of deaths, almost like both of them are linked to same porkies behind those death numbers.
Capitalism kills even more people. By hunger, by wars, and by trying to impose it's economic system around the world.
go back to /r/latestagecapitalism
t. totally not a browser of this sub.
to be fair denying the holocaust is a hell of alot more controversial then to deny the black book.
Denying the holocaust which has been academically researched and verified isn't the same as denying a book that hasn't been. Then again, >burger education
Prolly cause there's more evidence for it and most poor people sympathize with the ideal of communism even if their completely cucked by capitalist ideology. That's why "it sounds good on paper" is like Intro to Anti-Communism 101
Canadian taxpayer money put to good use.
There is a shit ton of evidence for the Holocaust and its death toll. The only people who think Holocaust denial is sound are people who choose to look away from that evidence for political reasons.
The Black Book was heavily criticized by several historians for its inaccuracy and obsession with reaching the 100,000,000 death toll — including by some who had contributed to the book. It simply isn't an authoritative publication.
omg that footnote
Criticizing the Black Book isn't too controversial in most places, but it's reputation suicide in the US where 100 gorillion is a low estimate and "communism" is considered the root cause of literally every bad thing that has ever happened.
Vietnamese civilian dead: 627,000–2,000,000[30][48][49]
Vietnamese total dead : 966,000[29]–3,812,000[50]
Cambodian Civil War dead: 240,000–300,000*[51][52][53]
Laotian Civil War dead: 20,000–62,000*
Non-Indochinese military dead (sum): 65,425
Total dead (sum): 1,291,425–4,211,451
For more information see Vietnam War casualties and Aircraft losses of the Vietnam War
* indicates approximations, see Casualties below
At least post the whole thing
I hate to link to reddit, especially such a fucking cucked sup as lsc, but
Holy fuck.
So, where is this anyway?
Times square
Makes sense.
I wonder what the tally for the US would be. Strange how americans can speak of the horrors of everyone else but 6 year olds dying in a drone strike is the norm.
What the fuck do they aim to accomplish here?? What even prompts these kinds of ads?
It comes off as so preachy and awkward that you kind of want to disagree out of principle.
Poll after poll keeps coming out where the majority of people under 30 are, at the very least, skeptical of capitalism. Bernie Sanders won huge and turned lots of people on to "socialism" during the primaries despite having everything against him. Occupy Wall Street wasn't too long ago, either.
Porky's getting nervous.
Only 100 million? Shit, I thought it was 100 trillion.
But what I don't get is the lack of self awareness. Crying about ebul gommunism is considered extremely cliched. I'd even argue that the GOP calling anyone who disagreed with them a communist is partially why Obama served two terms.
Because to most people under 30 "capitalism" = "I have to pay back my student loans, unlike in Europe"
really makes you think
Anything good about modern China is thanks to capitalism, but everything bad is communism's fault. It's simple.
I felt like choking a bitch when I saw Shaun "Talcum X" King clutching pearls about the first civilian victims of a Trump drone strike.
The worst thing possible for the corporatocracy is for there to be an unopposed message in the realm of public dialogue. Even if it's a bad message, you have people arguing about that instead of about things that really matter.
And besides, what else can they do? What other political current can they demonize? They can't say Alt-Right Memes have killed 100,000,000,000 people. And with things like socialism gaining traction, they have to try to poison the well as much as they can.
Wew yeah it's not like the vast bulk of people under 30 haven't spent the majority of their lives in shit economic circumstances that continue to deteriorate. You might as well have just called them "priviIeged" and saved yourself the effort.
mao only killed 65 million? I though he killed 5 billion?
Well, neoliberalism has done far more to defeat leftist politics in the Western world than any hamfisted "anticommunist" activism.
Since communism is blamed for literally every environmental catastrophe and famine in the USSR and China. Will capitalism rightly be blamed for the millions of deaths caused by global warming? Not to mention the stuff that has already happened like the drought in Syria and the water shortages in south America?
Almost as many people died in the Taiping rebellion in China, almost as many people were dying of starvation under the Tsars. The USSR and the peoples republic of China were and are incompetent and are rightfully considered responsible for some of their deathtolls but they are in part only as bad as the previous governments that existed. Excising obvious things like Stalin's blood lust and the wars they brought on themselves.
Which is why there's so many libtard/lolbert ideologues complaining about 'cultural Marxism' worshiping Pinochet, and spreading the falsehood that Capitalism is still a benign system while saying gommunism is where everyone is the same and controlled by an authoritarian state, with postmodernism being pushed in schools to subvert the left I'm pretty sure they aren't directly funded by porkies, but the institutions they learn at certainly are.
Pretty much. Most of it is what I mentioned and ipol.
Actually it was 6 Brazilion.
China had a war with Brasil?
And the only reason you don't know about it is because academia is full of cultural Marxists.
so free and democratic and not propaganda
Opinion discarded
Yes it was the BRIC pact war. China killed millions of armored mounted Brazilian monkeys and people on the shores of Rio De Janeiro. They stole Bananas because communists are always starving, they got sick of waiting in lines at home and decided to steal Brazil's food, the way Trump wants to steal oil.
True der left and sjews don't want people to know about China's racist wars of imperialism.
Communism killed everyone
We're all dead
Huh? But user here said, the causalities were merely 6 Brazilians.
*We're all dead inside
Us leftists are so collectivist we stopped believing in species divisions among apes and some smarter monkeys. Don't tell anyone especially Holla Forums they will take our enlightenment as soft headed charity to lesser species.
Communism wins again.
Do I smell a kulak?
I think I smell a kulak!
What is this from?
Apparently, the fall of the Berlin Wall was orchestrated by non-ML socialists, who wanted to build ye olde socialism with human face and not reunite with West Germany. WHOOPS
HAHAHAH! I really, REALLY like that image.
That's surprisingly low for a whole contintent and a halve
I wonder how it is compared to all the CIA backed dictators with death squads.
That's right worker don't forget the 10 gorillion
communists build walls to keep people in
capitalists build walls to keep people out
lets be honest this is why anarkiddies are so attractive in the US when it comes to leftism
What a surprise.
No, you see, literally every death in a socialist country is because of communism.