Milo supports pedophilia

Remember guys western civilization is better then primitive backwards culture

Other urls found in this thread: sexual abuse

i'm so tired of the american culture war

Bahah. I can tell just by his voice and line of argument that he used to enjoy fagging back in private school. Fucking posh boy degenerate.

BTW does anyone have footage of sargon or other fascists criticizing Islam for stuff like this


On this topic I just want to remind everyone to watch If…

waiting for ancaps and the rest of the pedos to come in here saying he's right. because it's going to happen.



ancaps and libertarians are mostly pedos, everyone knows this

Tbh, sex with 13-year-olds is technically hebephilia. And I definitely think they should have some kind of consent rights, albeit not legal rights to consent with people over like… 19. But there needs to be recognition that 13-year-olds have actual sex and have responsibilities regarding sex.

What's he actually advocating?

Like, several first world countries already have an AoC at like 14 (which imo is still a lot more reasonable than 13 just because puberty is kinda swift like that), not that guys like Milo don't have a double-standard about that shit because they know they can ~shock~ their cults with ~groundbreaking~ info about some Arab in some Arab country doing the same shit.

i want moralfags to stop thinking they are leftist. you cant be a leftist and support the systematic opression called "childhood".

That picture is awfully edited.

and here they are! like clockwork

still kinda disturbing though


AoC ought be 18+ in all honesty.

Commies mostly want to steal toothbrushes. Everyone knows this.

Also, I'd really rather you didn't try and associate me with ancaps and libertarians.

can someone pls post this on /liberty/ with an /ourguy/ narrative and see how they react

I could have fucked a ton when I was like 13. I'd probably be better adjusted than I am today. Granted, there are other factors involved, too. But all the time from 12 through most of my teens that I spent judging myself for jerking off and judging others for having underaged sex… lord, those people have jobs now and I'm on Holla Forums.

People under 18 can be taught algebra and hold driver's licenses. They ought to be able to make decisions about their basic bodily functions.

Less people die in sex accidents than car accidents.

I've said it before, but it should be 25+ at the very minimum. There can be no meaningful consent from the shallow imbeciles who make up recent generations.

See, this is the kind of shit I'm talking about. Some people just never get over their "sex is bad and people who have it are irresponsible" phase. Fucking Vulcans.

This reminds me of a certain image.Also, I think he just fucked himself when he said this because while his fans are stupid let's face it most of them are not going to put up with this shit.

"The left is degenerate"

Well, this is going to be another of those threads where Holla Forums clings onto its spooks for dear life while screaming for anyone who questions those spooks to be executed.

Oh hey I remember that episode of DP. Man Paul was salty. Is there other videos of Milo being this retarded?

Your bones will be ground into cement come the revolution.

So Milo had a "daddy" when he was a teenager. People don't like to acknowledge it, but lots of gay men DO remember fondly the illegal shit they were involved in as teen boys, it's a pretty common finding.

I don't think it should be legal for old dudes to fuck boys anyway, but it's cringeworthy that liberals are going to sensationalize this clip.

I mean, Rothbard thought children should be able to be bought and sold, so…

He goes a bit too far, but I agree that people who are sexually mature CAN have sexual relations with adults even if they are under the magical age of 18. 13 is a bit young, though… I can't think of any boys who were fully sexually mature by 13. The real problem with this is that it exposes Milo's hypocrisy: he's a gay man who defends pederasty, but is the figurehead of a movement that decries fun. Especially ironic considering how he claims that transgender people using the bathroom of their choice endanger kids… He's now trying to distance himself from his genuine, socially liberal views to appease his Trump-supporting followers.

Honestly, it's probably true. Sad.

I don't want to sound "racist" here, but Greeks have got to go. They've done nothing good for humanity, and they see all non-Greeks as barbarians. I honestly doubt the prevalence of pedophilia and pederasty throughout all of Greece's history is a coincidence.

I'd rather live next to toothbrush thieves than kiddy diddlers tbh so I'm not sure your critique really hit the mark there

A French far-right gay magazine with ties to neo-Nazis figures was shut down in the early '90s not long after being slammed by authorities for "promoting pedophilia". One thing leading to another, law enforcement ended up dismantling related pedophile video-distribution rings with nationalist ties.

The Third Reich? More like the Third Reip.

This exactly. He advocates the exact kind of shit that he and his ilk point to as evil when it's coming from outside the 'west.'

stop taking jokes seriously like an sjw

what is it with right-wingers and children


I would agree is it was actually a joke. It was a discussion.

thats a retarded response to a joke, kys

He's supposed to keynote CPAC next week.

Email this to every CPAC attendee. See how they handle this.


Remember the man that hired this Pedo to spout his shit looks like this, is in the government, and people who read him believe Pizzagate

What the fuck is wrong if two people love each other regardless of age.

No. Evidently it flew significantly above its target.


is this photoshopped?

Get the fuck out of here

That Bannon or Biretbart? Looks like a fucking sentient zit.

Yeah, but the original ain't much better

Look at that jewish nose.

Agreed. The world would be a better place if we killed everyone east of Germany.

Right, because Bannon is such a Jewish name

Human zit confirmed.


I've seen a lot on this site but everyday you just see another little nugget like this

leftists confirmed can't do phrenology/identify physiognomy of various ethnic groups

Bannon is fucking irish you idiot, his disgusting potato face and alcohol damaged skin should have made that blatantly obvious.

I think this post adequately summarizes the level of discourse on Holla Forums.

He's Irish. Probably explains why he's such a drunk.

These don't exist.


I be shitpostin', m8y.

No, just the Greeks. They're the originators of true western "culture".

Precisely ;)

What? It's true that pedo looking fuck hired this pedo and both of them perpetuated pizzagate shit

Wolves in sheep's clothing

Is "pedo" the new go-to insult for anyone who disagrees with your political stance?

No its codeword for Milo and Steve Bannon and you for being so triggered

pol running circles around leftypol's mental midgets!

If you don't agree with this

Wow it's almost as if there's actually something to that whole "doth protest too much" axiom.

How is that not the most normie line in that post?

No, tbh. If anything, we could have solved 6 million problems by just killing all Germans at the end of World War II and "reinterpreting" Jewish sacred texts to reveal the startling revelation that The Promised Land was Germany after all!

Anyone who thinks Jews wouldn't run a better, nicer country than those fucking Kraut cannibals is sorely mistaken. Just don't put them on somebody else's land in the goddamned desert, ffs.

W e w

If classes exist then ethnic groups exist. This is a fact. Yield both or accept them both, there is no middle ground. Race isn't ethnicity

wew boy

I mean, if you want to drag the discussion down to pizza-gate-level name-calling then by all means, do it. Holla Forums did it first, so it must be a good idea.


Aw, come on. Greeks are an ethnic group, not a race. I mean, obviously I don't agree with him, cuz it's the bloody fucking blood-sausage-eating Huns who need to die.

I'm not interested in MemeGate, but Andrew Breitbart was right about Podesta.

just saiyan

That doesn't follow at all. Classes can exist without people from different places being different. It is a completely fabricated myth that there are "Chinese people", "Western people" and "African people".

Carl isn't a fascist, he just sympathises with neoliberal juntas that throw people out of helicopters.

Those aren't ethnic groups, though.

Like, ok. China is a country. But actually, even China alone has multiple current and historical native ethnic groups.

Holla Forums, your gaslighting techniques are fucking terrible. Go away.

Podesta is probably a child molester tbh

Don't you mean concern trolling? I mean, you'd still be wrong, but you'd be wrong for the right reasons.

Western tyranny and civilization, it all comes from Greece. Are the crimes of Europe not ultimately because of Greece and Rome?

Sadly for far-rightists, glorification of virility has some unfortunate implications.

Concern trolling is a form of gaslighting. And you're bad at it. Go back to your board.

Stalin was right about the gay populace tbh.

No, they are completely different things.
I have /a/ open in another tab, by the way.

Wtf I love Milo now

No, they are not. Nice try.

Social gays are fine.

Anti social and reactionary gays are where the real autism and fun and lying come into play, your Mormon pastors and your Milos, your reactionary homosexuals.

There's nothing wrong with organs touching be them hand, cock, butt, vagina, whatever and shit.

But the cognitive dissonance and how its reinforced is what is dangerous. You think I'm joking, just look at all those Mormon cults. Hypocrisy and power are mutual.

Care to describe each of those terms in your own words?

Why do gays deserve to live?


The far right impulse is a purely libidinal urge. It makes sense that sexual deviancy is a part of it.


Because they aren't really doing anything wrong. Can you explain what they are?

I didn't mean antisocial in that sense. I meant it in the other sense. The sociopath sense. Antisocial doesn't mean friendless necessarily, it means Ayn Rand fuckers.

Single celled organisms aren't doing anything wrong either, but I don't hesitate to spray them with disinfectant.

They're because the Romans had to go and civilize the Black Forest Barbarians. Big mistake.

Oh you meant Pro-Social vs Anti-Social (as in helpful vs manipulative); as opposed to Schizoid/Anxious/Introvert vs Extrovert. My bad

Just fuck off already Holla Forums, we know it's you. The gig is up.

the entire field of politics is Pussy Economics
prove me wrong

I meant people, who have no sense of empathy for anyone anti social.

This is how Germans actually think.

Why would Holla Forums have correct opinions about Germany?

They think Merkel is a leftist ffs.

- Which reminds me.

Kaiser Wilhelm, Nazis (Hitler was Austrian, but you get me), Merkel, Trump, Kissinger, a bunch of serial killers: ALL GERMAN.


This is right in part, but all sexual deviants, drag societies down the sewer.

just watch how Autistic Antisocial Homosexuals behave in their safe space.
they are deeply reactionary.

>>>Holla Forums6773865
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Like, you wanna know why Greek pederasty is so famous and you don't hear so much about German pederasty?

It's because German pedophiles always chop them up when they're done.

It isn't about sex. It's about power.

To be fair don't most homosexuals lose it to guys creepily older (>10 years) than they are?

You're thinking of naive just out of high school girls

Coincidentally, this is also why BDSM should be illegal.

Marx, Engels, and the Young Hegelians were German too, Holla Forumsyp. We know you're lying and you aren't from around here.

Yeah but most girls at my highschool lost it to guys in their year level or above, while many homosexuals can't shut up about how "empowering" it was to get assfucked by a 25 year old when they were 12


Maybe an age of consent is wrong. It might be better to simply make it illegal to have sex with anyone more than two years younger than yourself. That should solve all problems.

Also, heterosexual relationships have an inherent power disparity due to the different genders involved.

i submit to you that being around people that agree with you all the time is fucking boring and therefore there's no better place to go sightseeing than the alternative-alternative political board

i even know what a tankie is now, ty senpai

I don't know about "most", but there are more than a few of them that are. 13 might be a bit too low, but 15 is reasonable by any sane definition of consent. Sad to say that if Milo is serious here, which he appears to be, he's closer to being right about this than tankies. What are the odds that he's kidding? Who would even kid about this given the political repercussions?


Spread this shit like wildfire comrades.

We must use meme magic to end Milo's career



Don't I need to ask OP's permission before I repost his content though? Is that the done thing on this chan site?

You lazy cynical fuckers won't do anything fun. If Milo was a leftist Holla Forums would be easily ruining his life.

Starting now, I'm just gonna assume everyone posting with a Tankie flag is a former Holla Forumstard who got tired of jerking off to Hitler and turned to Stalin to fill the void. They all seem to have that weird obsession with people's sexuality and the vague social ills allegedly associated with it.

I wouldn't really call AIDS a "vague social ill" 2bh

Confirming, I did a maddening amount of research on AIDS and it is by no means a "vague" social illness.

that's not funny tho, they're meant to be extremely unfair strawmen and not a shitty bunch of complaints

i will even try even tho i don't give a fuck

This needs to be done. This could either result in the right taking serious damage or the establishment in general being robbed of a boogeyman that they could potentially use on the left. It's worth it either way.

Not to mention the increased crime rate from miscegenation.


How and why should gays be blamed for AIDS? You do realize that the disease is not exclusive to homosexuals, right?


Marx was bad for Socialism, Engels had some great ideas but was too close to Marx, Young Hegelians are all old and dead now.

Freud was pretty cool, though. And hey, Kreator and Kraftwerk were from Germany, too. Shit, it's almost as though there are some minor exceptions!

Wait, oh shit, Freud was Austrian.


it happens that anals practiced amongst male men a lot more than other couples, some would argue it's because neither of them have a vagina but i wouldn't want to be presumptious

the fluids in someone's ass holds much more viral charge than vaginal fluid, meaning that the very practice of anal puts you more at risk of infection. (i can't remember the different, it was like 1/100 chance of infection with vaginal sex and more like 1/10 for buttplunder?)

if you want to argue that used needles are the biggest vector for aids then w/e but accept reality

oh boy i'm just going to go to bed.

tl;dr anal = aids


Heterosexuals are responsible for all suffering in the world though, so it balances out.





Socialism pre-Marx was better.
Communism was a shit. An actual shit. I'm not saying Marx was just a bad philosopher (in fact, he was a good philosopher), but Marxism is treated like this be-all-end-all for Socialism when in reality it killed active Socialist thought and stigmatized the term itself.

Intriguing. I wonder how he'll react to this. Should be a mini-GamerGate-level controversy at least. More to the point, he was invited to the White House by Trump. I wonder if Trump will do something in response to this.

Twitter screenshot squad, report for duty.


Somebody should tweet the video directly to Trump so that Trump knows that he will be bringing a pedo defender to the White House if he lets Milo in.

Even a true Holla Forumslack won't defend this.

Rolling the dice and betting on "it's all going to blow over and nobody's going to care who wouldn't already." Trump&friends already hold vastly more political capital than they do sympathy from the general public. Milo will predictably play it off as being "controversial" probably, and they'll all just keep up the shitshow.

well at least smashies can be defended when he shows up at UC Berkeley again in March

Good point - I'd still be cautious, though.
I'll repeat the oft-repeated motto ~
"Focus on punching Richard Spencer instead"

No, they'll still be morons. If anything, it will prove that they're even more short-sighted and violent than previously thought.

He spouted nonsense on normiebook and his delusional fans are eating it all up.

There are indeed greater risks of contracting AIDS associated with anal sex but that doesn't in any way make it a specifically "gay" disease, it simply means that gays are the most vulnerable segment of the population when it come to HIV. To claim this makes gays "responsible" for AIDS is heartless nonsense.

If anyone's actually responsible for the spread of AIDS, it's Ronald Reagan half-cynical, half-Puritan disregard for the issue when it became a major public health concern.

considering his doxxing of trans student and encouraging to a crowd of white nationalists to call ICE on suspected immigrants while threatening to do the same himself, there was already a good reason for his ass to be shut down last time.

it's just now it's way more obvious, especially with this pedo shit going on

You mean the utopian socialism of Owen, Fourier and Faint-Simon? Enjoy your impotent idealism, kiddo.

He's literally using the "I was only pretending to be retarded" argument

Top kek

No, actually, Milo will now have even more of a reason to cry that his free speech is being violated, because many in this thread have explicitly stated their desire to kill anyone who voices disagreement with the US status quo. This has the potential to lead to an unironic mass movement in favor of lowering the AoC, which has been building up for a while now, and when leftists are (or at least appear to be) the ones demanding that its voices be silenced, people will look at the left and say "Heh heh heh, so much for the tolerant left" and they'll actually be justified in doing so.

You know at least he could've said that he was joking, but this is like the worst defense I've ever seen. Like Jesus man he's not even trying.

He's gay.

Ban eceleb threads

That, Libertarian-Socialism, etc.

Don't drop this yet. Keep it going for a good long while, maybe 2-3 weeks.

How do people buy his shit


i think it's more that he's reaching such heights of contrarianism that he can't even keep track of it anymore

and they will be dubbed the "regressive right" and that's the end of that…

if you watch Milo's first appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast he talks more about it

Unlike the SJWs who've been dubbed the regressive left, people who advocate to lower the AoC will legitimately be able to claim that their opponents are censoring their free speech. SJWs are known for their censorship, so the label doesn't really work.

Also, even leaving AoC aside I'd rather side with libertarians or ancaps than tankies even having read extensively about the problems with their economic doctrine. Tankies are just capitalists by another name anyway. See: the USSR's entire history.

the secret is that everyone thinks teens are hot but everyone also thinks men are gross and no one wants to think about them fucking anything unless it's in a weird s&m context

that's why everyone always says impolitic shit like this and ends up getting crucified for it years later

also, for women, it's a weird s&m context a lot more of the time which is why they get ganked for saying shit like this a lot less

yeah but fuck what they think though, their lived experiences are not valid. i know better than anyone because i have political points to score and a vagina. in fact, we should punish them because by taking pleasure in illegal acts, they're undermining the law and blah blah blah earwigs falling out of my dead flapping mouth

mankind is a gangbang of misery. hopefully by the time everyone's done being more virtuous than everyone, we'll all be dead

their freeze peach has nothing to do with their actions tho, and this can always be brought up.

I don't know though because the US does not take very kindly to pedo or even hebephiles and constantly I've heard a lot of both people liberal and conservative basically say that pedophiles deserve to get killed so I don't really think that violent reaction to someone being a pedo or defending pedos would really work that well. Maybe I'm wrong, but a right wing movement that advocates for lowering the age of consent might backfire and lead to more people sympathizing with Antifa because of how much Americans hate pedophiles.

also you're forgetting that Youtube atheists have been attacking Catholic pedophilia for years, and this is literally exactly what they've been talking about.

How is libertarian socialism "pre-Marx"…?

If I remember correctly Proudhon wrote before Marx

The solution to this is twinkboys. Like Milo, ironically enough. Regardless of where you stand on this subject, don't let him off this easy .

What if they haven't actually done anything, though? More to the point, what if they've done something that they don't think should be illegal? You know, like numerous irrelevant shiters, gays and pot smokers (in some places) did before those were legalized? What if they go to the mat with detailed arguments?

And feed directly into their narrative?

This is also true.

Even when I was like 6, I looked at teens and could tell they were the hottest people.



Milo's not a real twink reeeeee

where did i advocate a lynch mob?

what do you mean "let him off easy"

it's funny because you have a guy that fucked around in his teens, who feels okay about it and therefore thinks it's okay to do, and the response to that isn't "this isn't our context", it's "kill him"

why don't we do it like Leviticus does with bestiality and put both the older dude and the younger dude to death. in fact, i dare you to do that. you won't be as morally righteous as me until you institute this reform.

or just do like the transhumanists want and replace humans with asexual biofilm on a soylent substrate

god just stop the fucking pain already

I know it doesn't I'm a Marxist myself, but most people in the United States usually are liberal (social liberalism usually) or conservative which is why I used those terms.

A near perfect russling. [9.73/10]

Are people on this sub really so autistic as to think that going after Milo about comments like this is somehow going to backfire.

This type of apologism for assulting minors "13 year olds can consent to sex" is deeply disgusting to the vast majority of people (for good reason imo.)

This is amazing ammunition to attack Milo and if you can't see that you have zero understanding of cultural norms or how people think.

something seems off here….

What the fuck are you even talking about? This tweet denounces Lena Dunham for being a pedophile.

I swear you lefties see things that aren't really there. Go to bed.


you didn't even click the twitter link did you? It goes to a clip of Milo on a stream being pro pedo


I mean don't just drop it because he made a post attempting to defend his statements. Basically just try to corner him and force him to either explicitly defend pedophiles' right to free speech or go against it, in which case he'll look like a hypocrite because his entire schtick is based on "antifa is censoring me!!!!11!1!!!1!!"

Milo's detractors win no matter what.

uhh yeah i meant to say this site. I admittedly came here from that catgirl debacle.

oh jeez… you're right


Fucking this. Due to the extended adolescence of today's "adults", the AoC should be higher. Anyone who wants sex with someone under 21 is a predator in my eyes and should be shot/tortured to death.

oh, and by the way, this will never ever ever ever ever ever let up even an iota, because it's literally the perfect ideological weapon: an unforgivable crime of which everyone is guilty

the ultimate human management tool

twitter spacing imo

why go after him for this when you can invent the idea that it's impossible for someone to consent to sex with anyone who's got 30 Autism Level points on them, and then retroactively damn millions of dudes– many of them famous– as total perverts and unforgivable criminals? as a bonus, no one ever goes up two std-devs, so you never find yourself in the awkward position of attacking a guy for endorsing something that didn't hurt him when it happened to him!

you'll have to acknowledge that Autism Level is real but that's basically a lost battle at this point

take this fine gentleman from the audience. sir, what if I told you that I could provide a rationale whereby sex with ashkenazis is automatically rape

watch him use this to attaq catholicism

just you wait


lol it filtered int quotient to autism level

accelerationism tbqh. just straight up force every pubescent man to take mones so he won't think like a man anymore. it's like evolution but quick!

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no

I'm completely serious. Today's 21 was yesterday's 18. Also, the feminists originally wanted to raise the AoC to 21 and we have them to thank for raising it to 18 in the first place.

make it 30 or 40 so the defects start showing up. i want to ensure the future of the autist race

the core information still holds true
go search for it and see for yourself
sage for off topic

t. Calvinist sociopath

I think you've had a bit too much ideology.

dude you'll never stop people,especially teens , fucking, AoC here is 16,and even then we have laws that mean sometimes 2 under 16 year olds can fuck and it's ok. Is this just more of that retarded American moralism? like when you guys outlawed alcohol?


I can't believe people legitimately believe he's a brilliant mind. What a ponce.

EighTEEN is still teenage and I get quite disgusted with porn when all they talk about is fresh teens and shit.

If they break the law, they should be punished. There shouldn't be any exemptions.

Actually since we have the means to generate a pregnancy artificially I think everybody should be forced to store their semen and eggs on a lab for when people decide to have kids and sex should be absolutely illegal.
There's no way to truly measure when people are really prepared to give consent or not, someone 50 years old can still be fooled into sex this is awful and the best solution it's obviously to abolish sex altogether.

are you retarded? You are autistic aren't you. Kids will fuck, no ifs no buts they will fuck and you can't stop them. you know what will happen though? the birth rate for teens will go through the roof s they don;t have access to contraceptives or abortions. us normal people are hardwired with a sex drive and no moralist bs will turn that off


No they will not pedo. If they do, as I said, they will be punished under the law by going to jail.

I can actually agree with that though it is unlikely to happen.

with that logic how can anyone consent to anything.

is this an attempt at edgy moralism or some shit

Holy shit even Richard Spencer is disowning Milo now.

look man your trolling isn't going to make me sperg out like it might you, I just think you have autism.

That place is filled with redditors from coontown and fatpeoplehate

I'm not trolling, it is what I truly believe but whatever.

ah, so you are a newfag

Man, the aut-right is falling apart a lot faster than I anticipated.

Congratulations, you've just understood how the ephebophobe mind works.

Not to mention the TRS doxing.

What happened?

its built on idpol what'd you expect??

Apparently earlier in the interview he talked about going to a Hollywood party where men were having sex with young boys? Or was that a different interview? Does anyone have the clip?

we will if we send them to juvie where they get raped and uhh wait

it's really fucking funny to me how you can go on [other board] and hear dudes talk about how they were literally raped, not "fucked in dubious conditions", but actually fucking raped, in juvie, and yet no one is talking about firebombing the department of corrections and shooting the employees as they try to flee, even though prison rape is essentially an intended consequence of the system and the people who put them there are basically "procuring"

poor fucking milo, though. i knew he'd get strung up sooner or later

as an addendum to the People Think Men Are Gross axiom: it's a lot worse if you're not "alpha" because the human ape circuits don't like to see subpar specimens get good mates. eg. Fightin' Joe Tito had a 15-year-old gf, Schwarznegger fucked boatloads of teens, Mao and Stalin did what they did, but no one cares because they were ultra-hardass leaders, whereas the guy who's typically strung up for this is beta-looking. uhh i mean evolution dont real


Sexual maturity has nothing to do with being in a relationship. It's about emotional maturity and it depends on the older person's age. If a 19 year old is dating a 16-17 year old. Nbd, because they around the same emotional stage in their lives. But a 17 year old dating a 28 year old is fucking weird unless that 17 year old has by some magic had to support herself or went through some other experience that matured her like having to take care of a kid

Somebody tweet this at him (caps optional) and post results.

FAKE NEWS is REAL NEWS to you isnt it?

say what you will about the guy who wants to chemically castrate you if you got a boner at 14 and liked it, but at least his insane shit's consistent

i still think my autism points-based caste scheme is better w/r/t the whole power dynamology meme though

End your existence.

Ultimate Final Voidpill:

consent doesn't exist because free will isn't real. all sex is rape

It's in his Joe Rogan interview from 2015.


what's the clip after that tho, because he could go on a "but…" rant, and he did in fact support pederasty

would you really rather read through the 20 archived Holla Forums threads on the topic?

jump off a bridge, it doesn't violate the NAP

wouldn't under 18 sex be more acceptable if private ownership of housing didn't exist, since the child wouldn't be trapped behind closed doors since housing belongs to everybody?



that's the best part of this whole deal. literally everyone knows in their gonads that a junior is more attractive than a 30-year-old DMV clerk, but they also know that knowing that is worse than worshiping the devil, so you can come into someone's life at any moment and dig up evidence of them being a total monster. it creates this awesome climate of fear, self-loathing, and paranoia that's really great for evoking compliance. unless you're a chick/nancy who wants to be the younger partner, in which case you'll be compliant anyway. fucking ingenious social technology there if you don't care about human suffering lol

Now you're thinking with portals!

if you aren't retarded it should be obvious to you that someone is too young for you.

get out Holla Forums housing is personal property not private property, read some fucking theory

Not yet. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

If we don't push on this, Milo might actually make it out of this one.

brb qualifying for the archery Olympics to get a driver's license

I don't think so. It's all over social media now. Jake Tapper is tweeting about it.



ctrl f, milo.

wew lads

This is going to be an entire series of threads, isn't it…

So who will black bloc go after next and get to implode?

It was all a master plan. We were too stupid to see

I don't want to be hopeful but this needs to happen. Especially if he drags more aut-rightists down with him.

This pedo stuff has been around for awhile. I'm surprised it took this long to get attention.

Hoisted by their own petard. There's no way this ends well for the right wing.

Even some generic conservatives are jumping off of Milo's ship. The only people defending him are autists such as Cernovich and his #Pizzagate following surprisingly. He's finished if CPAC cancels his keynote

Holla Forums user here. We don't like Milo, he's just an effective tool against you fucks. He's a disgusting degenerate. Just because we agree politically with him on some key issues doesn't stop us from disliking him personally. Most of the people that do like him are not actually red-pilled, just learning about the right.

Pizzagate lunatics on Voat are disavowing him…though for strange reasons…

I'm trying to think of a way to connect milo to pizza gate now and shitpost on 4pol with it

1/3 of the 3 "pedophiles" Milo claims to have exposed in his FB apology don't appear to have done anything more incriminating than Milo did, and Nyberg apparently used literally the exact same defense and still receives scrutiny.


He admits to going to Hollywood sex parties where young boys were in attendance.


You guys are slacking off lately.

Neo Nazis are going to be linked to pedophiles now by the mass media, good job.

Like flies to shit

Milo doesn't publicly agree with neo-Nazis though. He's a gay Jewish Greek man who loves BBC. It's going to be a stretch to make that connection. That won't stop the media from trying, though.

Still waiting to see that Holla Forums thread. They'd normally be on this like Milo on BBC. I guess Trump's victory made them complacent.

Why stop there? Just outlaw sex. You obviously are trying to punish others for your own inadequacies and insecurities.

Well it's a good thing we weren't fucking talking about you then isn't it? The alt-right, neo-nazis, and Holla Forumsfags overlap quite a bit, and while all retarded, they are not always one and the same.

This is what every ephebophobe does. They know they couldn't attract a hot-ass teen to save their lives, so they want to deprive everyone else of happiness. Assholes like that are why gun rights exist.

I haven't rewatched the interview, but didn't Milo tell Bill Maher that trans people are a danger to children?

Maher really is a despicable human being too. Probably goes to the same Hollywood sex parties with Milo, tbh.

Maher is peak liberalism it's almost vomit inducing watching him

Have a good source on that? I heard it before too. Something about trying to stop teen pregnancy thus protecting businesses from losing lesser paid teens.

No, it was because feminists were aging, ugly, bitchy whores who couldn't compete on the dating market with cute, fresh teenage girls. The only way they stood a ghost of a chance at getting married was to ban their competition out.

He's seriously not Jewish, though.

Don't shit-talk Hollywood sex parties just because Milo is a disgusting pervert.

…. that obviously wasnt the argument they presented themselves with.

I looked on Holla Forums on the Gamergate thread and it seems as if they too want to disconnect from Milo as well. I really think that this ends him.

Pin this thread.
Let's ruin that fucker.

Not exactly, but their motives were pretty transparent even in the 19th century. Look up Josephine Butler and the hoax she did to rile people up by pretending that AoC and prostitution had anything to do with each other.

If 10 year olds are mature enough to consent to taking hormone blockers, why aren't they mature enough to consent to being fucked? And if they aren't mature enough to consent to taking hormone blockers, why is there no push-back from the left on this?

I think both are equally helicopter-ride worthy, which is why it bothers me that only the right is pushing back against kids destroying their bodies with hormones or hormone blockers only to kill themselves a year or so later because WHOOPS, it was a brain problem, not a body problem

It's not entirely legal for children to go on hormonal therapy yet. They still need permission from guardians and other legal procedures.

Well Christina Sommers is babbling autistically in support of Milo

Yes, but these kids are still consenting to the procedure, or it wouldn't be happening. I wouldn't find fucking kids any more reasonable if pedos had to get written consent from both the child and the parent before giving them the dick, and I see PB/HRT in the same light.

Hormone blockers literally have no ill effects, if the kid decides to stop when they get older and goes off them they experience a normal puberty

It isn't legal for kids to decide on their own as the other user said and I'm also pretty sure most states require you be at least 16. Also the worst side effect is a minuscule chance of a stroke. Birth control has more fatalities than HRT. It's a better life expectancy than being suicidal like most trans kids are

To be fucking fair, though, there were AoCs as low as 9 in parts of the US into the late 19th century.

I partially agree with your sentiment, but I think there's a difference and there's a sense of urgency with catching and treating sexual dysphoria.

Milo was 24 years of age when he admits to having witnessed young underage boys having sex with older men at Hollywood parties. As a legal adult, he was bound by US law to report this felony to the authorities. Presumably he did not. This makes him an accessory to said felony. In California, sexual assault does not carry a statute of limitations.

In addition to his career likely being over he could potentially be facing a federal investigation - should this story get enough legs.

Either way, he's fucked. One of the alt-right's leading propagandists going down like this is a major victory.

You don't need to lie to push your ideology.

No. Using puberty blockers will fuck up your growth spurts, and the best you can do is to try and artificially induce them with steroids. Also long-term HRT use greatly increases your risk of cancer.
I wouldn't say a 2000% higher chance of offing yourself after going through SRS to be a particularly good outlook.

It's that sense of urgency that I think is what leads to so many kids or young adults who would otherwise "grow out of it", or who could have the issue treated from a neurological perspective being pressured into going through with puberty blockers and eventually HRT by their parents and those around them. Like abortion, I don't think there's a one-size-fits-all answer to this problem, but the current system is broken and could be a lot better.

I think it's safe to say that if you're at one of those elite kiddiefucker parties in Hollywood or DC, you're "protected". If that story is true, they'd never prosecute him because he'd start naming names.
I don't think he's going anywhere.

And the practice of child marriage survived well into the 20th century.

I don't think you read the article you linked, fam. Still gross though

He didn't say people were okay with it, and the fact that the marriage lasted until death despite all the protests just goes to show how irrelevant people being okay with it really is.

Read the article, famalam.

A few politicians and some "Women's Clubs" had some angry words to say. By "protesting" they don't mean assembling in the streets (which is what that user was implying since he didn't actually read his own article), they mean some people saying "I don't like thing".

Except the idea that all ancaps are just fine with kids getting raped is wrong. Just look at stefan molyneux and how triggered he gets about spanking and circumcision. LEt alone anything worse.

All I see is info on her trying to stop child prostitution by raising AoC. What hoax did she do?

Mods on /r/politics are deleting every post about this story.


Why am I not surprised?
Who would have thought a bunch of old feminists would get jealous that no man wants them and would rather get with young girls?
Better make it illegal and in a few generations the male population will look at the age of consent as if its gospel truth even though its based on absolutely nothing!
Truly a master plan.

I think the point is that in ancapistan, there wouldn't be age of consent laws nor a state to enforce them. Meaning a child could consent to sex without the government coming in and having men with guns kidnap you and lock you in a cage. This is why we meme it up about lolberts being pedos :^)
He's coming it at it from the point of view that both of those things alter the way your child's brain develops (they do). But even if that wasn't true, both of those things still violate the NAP.

why are you on r/politics in the first place?

Reddit is full of pedos. What do you expect?

This is what pedos actually believe.


It's pretty instructive to observe what the spooks and shills are up to, what sort of tactics they are using, etc. It's exceptionally easy to identify them on reddit due to posting history and whatnot.

hehe.. never change Holla Forums

If it was based on something tangible then it wouldn't be drastically different all over the world.

I've seen what your bullshit is supposedly "based" on. It wouldn't pass muster in a first-year psychology class if it didn't serve to create a moral panic that the establishment can exploit.

youre a retard

pakistan doesnt have an age of consent because all sexual relationships outside of marriage are prohibited and females need to be 16 years old to be allowed to marry

and while 13 is the nationawide age of consent there is another law that states that sexual relationships with anyone under 18 are forbidden unless there is parental approval and a sincere romantic relationship and such

lol this should be good. Please explain, pedo.

Almost every country in the world has an age of consent so it is based on something tangible.

If its based on something tangible then why is the age of consent completely arbitrary and varies drastically from country to country?

My guess is that since most seem to have a floor of around 12, that may be the age where you're able to fit the average adult penis into said vagina.

It's not you fucking idiot. If it is, why is it in almost every single country on the face of the planet?
Define drastically. Most countries have it at 16.

The reason it wouldn't pass muster is because your theory of "having sex with anyone under 18 is psychologically damaging and literally THE WORST THING EVER YOU SHIT LORD" fails one of the key tests of proper science, that being that your results can't be independently reproduced by other researchers. The only country that's come to this false consensus is the US. If your theory was true, every other country's psychological community would have reached the same findings, but they haven't.

So then where is the logic in it being over 12 in any other country?

Any age barrier to being allowed to do something is completely arbitrary.
Like the fact that in the U.S you can legally go to war and die 3 years before you can legally consume alcohol.
Theres no logic behind that, just like theres no logic behind the AOC.

Do you even know about the mountain of evidence that shows how damaging sexual child abuse is? Or do you ignore because you are a pedo?

Teens aren't children and your "mountain of evidence" for treating them as such was debunked by Rind et al.

How can you honestly believe there is no logic behind the AOC? Do you think fucking babies is okay?

Yes, they are.

That's not how it works.

can anyone shed any light on what the fuck is going on with this mans face. even in my worst years of acne ridden childhood did I ever resemble this

I've never seen a baby consent to anything before so I'd say no its not okay.
I find it funny that when asked to show the logic behind the age of consent you immediately jump to the fact that raping babies isn't okay therefore a 17 year old isn't able to decide to fuck the 18 year old they're involved with and if they do they've been raped.

did I listen to a different clip to you guys or something? all I heard is that he says sexual relationships between teenage boys and older female teachers etc. happen and that often the boys initiate them (which is true, though doesn't absolve those women of wrongdoing), made a joke about how he was abused as a kid and then said lots of young gays end up in relationships with older men when they can't get support at home and that these are often positive and then explicitly says the current legal age of consent (16 in the UK i think?) is "about right".

is there a different clip or something that I'm not seeing? because while he said some stuff that's ambiguous, you'd have to be interpreting it pretty creatively to get "advocates pedophilia" from that clip

If it's significantly older (around 18), I'd guess that it probably came to be as a backlash from aging women terrified that their rapidly diminishing sexual market value would leave them barren and alone when they're having to compete with young girls that (for better or worse) could essentially be molded into their husband-father's ideal woman.

I think 15-16 is reasonable for AoC laws. I was licking pussies and having my babby dick played with and sucked from boys and girls starting at like age 7 back in the mid 90s

Actually, that is how it works. The truth is based on evidence, not on the number of people who believe it. Rind did a meta-analysis of 59 other studies and found them to be severely methodologically lacking, with fatal flaws such as sampling bias, insufficient sample size and failure to distinguish taking a girl out to dinner and then banging her from tying her up in an abandoned shed. The recent reproducibility crisis in psychology has only added to the weight of his research.

Biology says otherwise. Biology > your feels.

Science, bitch.

in the UK the AOC is 16, but a lot of people have sex younger than that

Need a comment from muh pizzagate people.

Name one, bonus points if it actually accounts for cultural conditioning because no shit a girl thats treated like a victim their entire childhood because they had sex "too young" is going to act like a victim where that same girl raised in a society where it isn't stigmatized isn't going to act like a victim unless they were actually raped.

I think I only had one friend who was still a virgin by 16. Only technically though because apparently sucking dozens of cocks doesn't count if your cherry is unpopped.

yeah man I know,pretty much everybody is fucking by age 15 here.My younger brother is 15 and has a GF and she has the implant to prevent pregnancies,at 15

I don't think they actually said that. We were talking about a fucking marriage to a 9-year-old by Primitive Baptists in '30s Tennessee, and arcane ages of consent which were often not much higher than that in the 19th century.

As another user pointed out, the floor now tends to be around 12. This is reflective of puberty, basically. The reason it's usually higher in first world countries (afaik) is based on differing social ideas and possibly different average puberty onsets. Social conservatism and protective sentiments may also play into it.

And for the most part, that's reasonable. It's usually somewhere between 14-16, which gives them time to get used to their bodies and sexuality - and prior to this, there's often an exception. IE 13-year-olds can typically fuck 16-year-olds without it being statutory rape, but if a 16-year-old fucks a 10-year-old it's still probably statutory rape because a 10-year-old usually lacks even the basic physical development to readily understand it.

Here you go: sexual abuse

just get a hooker dude. or some horny ass menopausal cougar if you're not too picky.

what physical development do you not have at 10 to understand that sex feels good?
I was fapping like a madman when I was 10 because the feel good chemicals rushing into my brain after every orgasm was all I needed to understand.

not even slightly relevant, apply yourself.

ha,I can't even leave my house let alone be near another person. I'm not some nogf nazi, I know I'm a piece of shit


Were you cumming?

Look, I humped shit at like 7, but I never ejaculated until I was 12. Puberty is a big deal and affects the way your brain views that stuff and your body responds to it.

Good thread. Get to watch Milo's career go to shit AND all the ephebophobes get btfo.

I can see it now.

>tfw user finally loses his virginity to tyrone, davontavius and shaquilliard

well a study is going to either be funded by the government or a private company. Private companies only fund when they want to use it to make money off of by using it as evidence they aren't shitting up the planet. You can't have a non suspect study, that's the point of peer review

shit that sounds like a setup to a kick ass gay porno

actually prostitution is semi legal here,you can be a 'escort' but if there are 2 escorts working out of one place this is called as a brothel and illegal,I just don't want to fuck a whore.

Only difference between my faps then and now is that nothing came out back then for obvious reasons.
Didn't effect my enjoyment at all, in fact the only thing puberty did was make fapping more annoying since you have to clean up after yourself every time.


this is amazing, how can you even attempt to strawman these people?

It's nice to know tho that a rift is sowed in the right, it will be fun watching McInnes and co trying to shrug it off or justify it, eventually coming to terms with the need to shred Milo.

I remember the slippery slope of fun that gay rights will lead to pedoph- hebephilia. Who knew that it would come from the right? Talk about dialectics.

What's KHV?

Kissless Handholdless Virgin :)

The difference is you weren't fully physically capable of intercourse or exposed to the same amount of hormones.

I clearly missed my calling in life. I should be writing plots for parody porn.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. When I got laid, it just made me super nihilistic. I had allowed the media to amplify my biological urges to the point that nothing in my life mattered except the quest to get laid, and once that happened, everything would change and I would be successful. Then I found a grill who let me stick it in, and nothing changed. I just felt empty inside. I think that was basically the path that robots take, except they never got that release and realization, so they eventually sour and start to hate women and themselves.

Same, I remember back in like third grade sitting on the floor in class "indian style" with a book on my lap, listening to this shriveled up nasty cunt of a teacher blather on and boring the fuck out of me, so I took the book and was sort of rocking it back and forth in my lap. I started pressing down on it harder, and it actually pinned my little dick to the floor, so I was rocking the edge of the book back and forth on my dick, not sexually, but just because I was bored as fuck. It started to feel really good, and then I had a little kiddie orgasm right there in class (don't think anything came out), and from then on out I was on a quest to find creative ways like that to masturbate in class :^)

Don't see how that has any relevance at all in me being able to decide if I want to fuck someone or not.
I would have jumped at the opportunity just as much then as now to have someone else get me off instead of doing it myself, having a bigger dick and more testosterone doesn't make a damn bit of difference.

Oh so me then….

You'd probably feel differently if you were actually 10 right now and not looking back and remembering the times you were 10 and you touched yourself. Hormones make a massive difference physically and mentally.

No I wouldn't feel differently at all, the way I thought about sex then is no different than now. Well over a decade later and I'm still simulating sex with my hand while watching videos of people having sex.
My understanding of sex was established long before I had a "sex ed" class in school and it hasn't changed since.

Nice to see you can still put the hammer down on uppity faggots with the good ol' pedo smear.

First response was for
Fucked that one up.

I think he's saying that your sexual cravings would be somewhat less intense at 10 than post-puberty, which I would guess is probably right.

Even if that was the case I still fail to see how that would make me incapable of understanding sex until I reach whatever the arbitrary age of consent in my country is.

He openly admits in multiple videos that he's okay with old men fucking 13 year old boys and that he went to Hollywood sex parties where "very young boys" (his own words) were being fucked by old men.

It's not a "smear."

kek that sounds hilarious. links?

I don't think it's about understanding the act, per se, but the consequences, such as pregnancy, or more recently, the understanding that female promiscuity heavily damages their ability to pair bond and form stable, lasting marriages. I doubt even 16 year old girls are mentally developed enough that they'd understand those consequences to the point that they'd be willing to make an informed decision on whether or not to start riding the cock carousel and destroy their chance at a stable marriage, or put an aspirin between their knees and delay gratification. Hell, I doubt your average 21 year old woman is mentally developed enough to get that.

At 10, you're unlikely to have experienced the sex drive that comes with puberty and its completion, you're not sexually mature enough to perform basic sexual functions, you haven't completed a significant portion of the physical/sexual growth that occurs into and in the early teens, and even if you're at the earliest stages of puberty you haven't had much time to experience the effects of hormones and growth.

It is irrational to legally hold a 10-year-old to the same standard as a teenager when it comes to making sexual decisions.

It's not necessarily a smear, but it's not really accurate either. Based on the information provided, he's a hebephile advocate at worst. I'm not saying that's not taboo and grounds for stoning or whatever, but there really is a difference.

youre drawing a lot of causation from correlation there

Go to gulag immediately, faggot.

Holy shit what? Explain this one please

If your issue was female promiscuity then you would be advocating for child marriage for cases like this:

Ah, but puberty is an actual biological line.
Mental development is much harder to pin down, but we can actually say that a normal 16-year-old has access to mental development relating to sex that an average 10-year-old just doesn't.

Why? If anything they're at a lower standard to begin with since the risk of pregnancy doesn't exist.

I don't particularly care if it's true or not. So long as the link between homosexuality and pedophilia continues to exist in people's minds, I'm happy.

That's always going to be the case when dealing with human behavior. If you can create a better model that predicts behavior with 100% accuracy, I'd say you've got yourself a multi-billion dollar career in risk assessment.

Female promiscuity is only one part of the problem, and I don't think giving little girls a daddy-husband is the answer.

Sure, I can agree with that, but I still think that even in your early 20s before your brain fully develops you aren't fully equipped to understand the consequences and make a completely informed decision.

the right hates Lena Dunham for being a fat ugly jewish dyke and likes to remind the world though nobody cares the Lena Dunham molested her younger sister and a younger cousin a while back
i think it was something like Lena was 15 and decided to anally insert things into a 7 yo girl

but you usually you would narrow the correlation down as much as possible. for example its completely possible that in societies in which people marry as virgins the societal pressure is much higher to stay together. they might very well just lead unhappy marriages and not divorce because of their environment.

that image is slightly wrong
its all Roman/Greek art save for the colourful chap with the funny hat
that looks like a modern interpretation of a Scythian/Phrygian possibly even Bithnyian

I believe all of the women surveyed for the Teachman study were from the US. For all we know, the actual causation could have been that the women who had 0-1 sexual partners before marriage were ugly as fuck

It may not be the answer you like but it is an answer.

Yeah why do gays deserve to live?

Since when has homosexuality not been an expression of bourgeois decadence?

the French and Soviet revolutionaries legalised sodomy when they overthrew the aristocracy?
while before sodomy was punishable by either hanging or prison?

I know it can work, but I also think the potential for abuse is massive. You could mitigate a lot of that by having the man live with the girl's family for a while so they could really get to know him, but the thought of letting my 9 year old daughter get married off to a man who is presumably going to start diddling her right off the bat is fucking horrifying to me. Call me a puritanical spooked faggot or whatever, but holy shit that makes me uncomfortable.


tbh this is sort of the reason we had arranged marriages since forever ago?

and this is all true too
especially the death for anal sex
buggery/sodomy was punishable by death in every Greek city even Thebes
slaves were another thing though
the Romans liked anal sex though, its a good rule of thumb to tell if pottery is Greek or Roman
a real greek one never features anal penetration

Since when were the French and Soviet revolutionaries not bourgeois as fuck? Why do you think they overthrew the aristocracy, for the workers? Comrade please.



Age of consent is 15 where I live, 14 in Japan, and I think it's alright.
13 is maybe a bit too young to have sex with an adult, but whatever.
Anyway, I'm tired of American puritanism, you are the most spooked Western nation, and I hope Trump will transform the USA into a second-world country so you will stop being relevant politically worldwide.

Ewww, double digits?!


Actually, it's not 14 in Japan, their system is a bit weird, but it's 14 in China, Brazil, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Italy, Peru, Paraguay, Ecuador and Colombia.
Anyway, they should raise it to 30 in the USA, and put in privately-owned jail anyone who has sex before that age. Those fucking puritans would stop breeding and nothing of value would be lost.

Rolled 15 + 5 (1d20)
looks like he's outed four, now

suck bullets, Holla Forumsyp before you suck my cock

but he was in one of their podcasts the very next day

I just checked and he was in the last one too

sargon isn't a fascist. you're just so far-left anyone to the right of you looks like a fascist.

He's right though

Congrats on the witty comeback, champ.

Holla Forums you are so god damn

how is that tweet suporting pedophilia? You want to keep loosing? keep lying, keep being bastards with no moral base


Rind et al is a meta-analysis. It is the statistic combination of the results of 59 studies, giving much more reliable results than any single study could obtain.

You can tell that the "left" in the US is completely fucked when even Holla Forums is full of puritans.

Yeah, but tbh I think Holla Forums has been invaded by tankies recently, so that might explain that.

In the case of Chile, not even killing crazed Khmer rouge or anything, just dropping Democratic Socialists/ SocDems out of helicopters.

Rafiq is right once again.

he is both a libertardian and a catholic.
no surprise here

what a spineless little troll

he is gay, what did you expect?

yeah what a coward, he should shitpost on imageboards instead like a true revolutionary, right comrade?

Are you trying to defend Milo and call me a comrade at the same time? Newfags are precious.


Going by the clip, I'd say he obviously doesn't actually support paederasty and was just being edgy for provocation's sake. He's now being hoisted by that petard as lib media has something to latch on to to take him down.

Hey guys! Let's play "find the Nazi"!

That last one is amazing and it broke me.

Hey I am not the one who believes in a system that has never existed even when true believers in that system have seized power and those same true believers will violently defend that system even though they themselves claim it never existed.

My spooks are insignificant compared to the power of the left side.

That is a waste of time since in the world today anyone can be a nazi according to someone else.


We need to make tweeter accounts pretending to be aut-rights an defending Milo and his pedofilia, tweet about how fucking children is part of the western civilization and such

He made a few videos shitting on stormfaggots tho.

that's literally retarded user, nobody stands for that shit.

milo is degenerate.

CPAC board members are talking about removing Milo from the event.

I hope it emboldens Milo's fans and they dig themselves and even deeper grave.

wtf I hate white people now

It's true user, SJW are the worst censors of all time.

And yet another word is now officially devoid of all meaning.

you can just hate milo, he takes black pee pee anyways and im 200% certain Holla Forums hates him too

just gonna assume you retards are those types

wtf I love milo now
Every damm time.

That isn't really pedophilia. That is ephebophilia and it should be legalized.

Milo is done

socdems confirmed for boojy kid rapists

He also makes Pinochet memes

sargon is ancap leaning liberal, of course he does the retarded helicopter maymay

wrong flag sorry

The age of consent in the Soviet Union was puberty?

Is that sort of thinking outside your realm of logic?


What's up with the anti-gay rhetoric in this thread?

Cernovich is talking out of his ass. Let's raid the chat.

So much for that trolling career. lmao

Why don't we like Milo again? He's hilarious.

He'll be a nobody in 2 years.

The ironic left and the alt-right are having a field day.

[Milo voice] Every time I lose a platform I gain more strength than you can possibly imagine.

Can't he just apologise and say he's traumatised by being abused himself and sometimes it makes him say awful things? It would be at least half-true in this case, he obviously has some issues with paedophilia.


Pizzagate was just a projection.

He kinda did that already and failed. Plus if he directly apologized he'd lose his shtick with "LOL I'M SO EDGY CHECKMATE REGRESSIVES LMAO" persona he's made money off of.

That's not really that much of a smear, tho. For years that was just 8Chans rep. I mean, it still is - coming here is creepy.

Let's go after the rest of them now


How is that an argument?



Its current year after all, can't have anyone with the "wrong" opinions being allowed to have a voice anywhere.

How did this all start?

Holy shit he really extended too far this time - even for them


Outing and inviting people to harass trans women are incitement to violence, which was never covered under free speech laws. This is not mere opinion.

Try again with your victim complex elsewhere Holla Forums


Holla Forums is for faggots I'm just here because I'm under the impression that having a dissenting opinion won't get me banned.

As for milo "inciting violence" I'd like to see where he did that, If I had to guess I'm sure he just made fun of some trans person on twitter and that somehow means hes advocating for people finding and beating that trans person to death because reasons.

he doxxed trans students and illegal families.

Is this really going to bury Milo? He seems to have the internet philosophy of 'any attention is good attention' and become as much of a contrarian as possible. Also pretty sure this thing already came up a year ago and nothing happened.

We should however have a collection of Milo saying dumb shit in a webm. That would be pretty dope.

I would agree, save for the fact the president acts that way. Idpol is cancer.

That smells like Holla Forums falseflagging, or reddit honestly.

Literally the only thing that should ever get you b& is derailing threads, which incidentally what identity obsessed morons do all the time. Honestly the only time 'inciting violence' would make sense as an accusation is if he doxxed someone or advocated for genocide, which I haven't seen.

Half of Breitbart will go if Milo ain't fired lel

Holla Forums's selective amnesia .. is really special.

The legal category of incitement to violence is broader than genocide.

This is actually really sad.

TOPKEK they fucked no matter what

I really fail to see how milo and other people sending mean things to someone on the internet means everything hes ever said is wrong and he shouldn't be allowed to speak anywhere.



I don't see how even if he was only motivated by money that automatically makes anything hes ever said wrong.

Cite 3 articles that he's made, that aren't completely fucking stupid.

A compilation of Milo saying dumb shit would be pretty grand.

I don't follow milo on anything or read anything hes done, I'm just seeing that all anyone does is attack his character and never attacks any of his actual arguments.
Aside from the fact that hes been mean to some trans people I'm not even sure what the problem is with him.

You're confused because you're unfamiliar with him. He's a complete fucking meme that writes edgy headlines for clicks with no meaningful arguments and advocates mass harassment for individuals.

Yeah I'm sure thats a completely unbiased summary of him, thanks.

That one time on Joe Rogan where he talked about climate change was a complete anecdote TBH.

I didn't claim to be so, nor is there any obligation for me to be impartial.

He's a troll that got waaaay too well known.
It's like a case where everyone collectively forgot the old "don't feed the trolls" maxim.

Literally the same shit that happened with Anita.

i'm really enjoying this

An opinion piece on a college website? From someone who's clearly full idpol in their political views? And who provides a shitload of assertions and not a single screencap or link? (Except, bizarrely, to "" instead of to the actual profile where these threats were allegedly posted)

This "evidence" that Milo is some kind of threat is a fucking joke. I'm still viewing him as the enemy of my enemy.

This is fucking hilarious. Of all the insane controversial things you can say the only thing that's off limits is the pedo shit and he fucking said it. Best day I've had in a long time.


Breitbart are arch-reactionaries and most of his articles are about how Muslims and trans people are going to destroy the West because 'muh values'. I know he's only doing this for money and attention and I know he pisses people off on tumblr, he's still dirt.
