Why do you use capitalist software like Windows and macOS instead of communist software like GNU/Linux, Holla Forums?
Why do you use capitalist software like Windows and macOS instead of communist software like GNU/Linux, Holla Forums?
Because I like to play videogames
Because I am retarded and I'm short on cash to buy better hardware.
What a fag.
what does better hardware have to do with it
I use Trisquel GNU/linux on a think pad X60
Playonlinux isn't great but it isn't bad.
Linux shines on most old hardware. Try a live image. You may be pleasantly surprised.
I like the GPL license and FSF's philosophy but hate the actual quality of software and cancerous fanboy community around it.
I stick to FreeBSD and happy with it as a development platform.
Gee I can't wait for the year of the linux desktop
All honest if you like freedom why aren't you a ReactOS dev? Does the mighty NT kernel scare you? Does programming instead of complaining scare you?
WIth your viruses and bloated software you get shit done?
Can't wait to use that in 40 years, when it is done.
Fam you just gotta enter the wired
idk, i personally find it kinda hard to get things done on windows, given that it doesn't support half my software except in shitty versions, and doesn't even come with a package manager
The only reason virus writers don't target linux 'desktop users' is because it's not profitable enough. Why the fuck would you assume linux kernel & userland makes it magically immune to such threats.
Try gimp for lulz fam
What stuff are you doing that isn't supported on windows?
There are package managers for windows but they're ment for micromanaging upgrades since all other package fuctions are done by the programs themselves.
Yes and?
Never said such thing. If you are stupid enough security threats will get to you no matter what you use, WIndows just has horrible security in general.
Good fucking thing i have many other Foss alternatives.
[citation required]
Linux is also very insecure, just not a big target
lmk when windows has a usable shell, or nonshit vim, or proper ssh support, or a tiling wm, or Nix
We skipped that and went straight for the net-top, the set-top and the hip-top. Sry custom8
The NT kernel makes me a mean drunk and itchy af for several days afterward. Not enough epi pens in the world.
How many layers of pic related are you on?
A shell? Powershell
Dunno about vim
Rainmaker can get your windows on grids like in linux
For package managers try chocolatey
Yes, linux is a server OS, leave it there away from desktop machines
The freetard fears the NT
It s still using a bunch of ram for cache
awfully tempting to switch away from arch, with its ~9000 official packages, to chocolatey, with its ~4000, while simultaneously giving up Nix
read your own fucking link
I know what it says and what is it for, I just don't like it
pushing philosophy aside
Normies with actual jobs : install whatever their os their userland software wants with 'enterprise support'. They need pajeets to point finger on when shit hit the fan.
Programmers : Use whatever they were hired for.
Programmers who have simple hobbies like programming : OS X, *BSD or even goddamn hobbyist OS like TempleOS.
snowflakes who have fallen to /g tier memes and don't know how to write anything useful : install arch
spot the libcon
i switched to arch from ubuntu after pip came broken
Just out of curiosity, how does windows RAM footprint look like? NT kernel has File caching too right?
No idea, still haven't gotten to that part.
You dont have to be a communist to use a free OS and support free software
But if you have to use a free OS and support free software if you're a communist.
I bet good money noone who talks about how they "get work done" with windows and how they cant with linux actually gets any work done on windows, they just think other people do. Muh MS Office, muh photoshop.
I got some work done on linux today :3
My arch(antergos) system, which is pretty much completely stable, and I dont really fuck with at all :3
for real though, if you 're using windows, you're getting cucked by porky. just stop.
the actual fuck?
Typo. I dont remember how it got there.
ive literally broken ubuntu upgrading more than i've broken arch upgrading. make what you will of that
I use Fedora LXDE as my home OS, and Arch for my Database Sever.
I gave up windows ~4 years ago, never looked back…. Couldnt say i enjoyed being a part of the MS-NSA botnet.
I love linux, its fast and a programmable dream. Both my server and workstation combined use ~700MB RAM total when idleing.
The second, not the first you fucking lifestylist
ubuntu is garbage. Cant stand using it.
Ive broken arch twice upgrading, the trick is dont "upgrade everything"… only apply critical security updates, or updates you need for certain software and your golden.
t. Holla Forums
Linux is like Windows, they keep fucking with the OS and the interfaces so its never really "done" and you can't ever get comfortable enough to use it.
Rainmeter** Is fucking bloat for morons who want muh fucking spaceship rice.
It is not contest vs awesomewm or i3wm.
Chocolately is an inferior solution and you know it.
Then with linux you can change UIs and desktop environments freely.
Use Windows
cant understand things you read or how computers acutally work
use Linux
you are a competent, intelligent individual able to read and understand things that you read
You must use Ubuntu. a REAL gnu/linux platform such as Fedora/Red Hat or Arch is stable and doesnt get changed very often.
Ubuntu is trash.
What if I want to enjoy the fact that my mac has a nice trackpad?
What if I want to use real software?
Those change alot, is what he'd be getting at.
XFCE doesnt though, does it? And it is kinda the best DE.
Anyways, the command line doesnt really change much, so its nice to know, even though I mostly use a DE when not on my laptop.
trackpads are hardware. who said anything about hardware?
Implying windows doesnt take up massively more space than linux:
Windows 10's and 8's minimum requirements: A 1GHz processor, 1GB of RAM (2GB for the 64-bit version) and around 20GB of free space
Fedora LXDE:
512 MB RAM
650 MB HDD
pentium II or better
Pic related. its how much ram im currently using right now with multiple web browsers and a OpenShot running
Anything systemd does can be replaced with a working alternative if you please. Even so, most functions of systemd are ones you dont need to think about as a user, and dont affect application compatability.
You can change applications freely because they are, for the most part, designed with the UNIX philosophy of modularity.
gentle reminder that gamers belong in camps with furries, weebs, and whites
use free -h fam, it will give you numbers in K,M,G-bytes.
damn straight. I run a archlinux database server. no GUI.
If I cant understand what Ive read in documentation, I wouldnt be able to operate archlinux.
This seems to be the reason most people dont stick with linux. They cant/wont take the time to understand documentation.
Ironically, they will revert back to a system with NO documentation.
Do people really buy software? Sure I guess I'll use Libre Office and GIMP. lol
You have to use hardware to interface with the software. Why would I use an OS that doesn't let me use my hardware to it's fullest potential?
Implying you cant get just about any piece of non-gaming software you want, FOSS.
I havent been able to NOT find a single piece of software ive wanted in the last 4 years using package managers and FOSS repos.
On windows/Mac if I want software for free, im getting either a stripped down trial version, or a version loaded with spyware/malware/adware or ads.
I'm an animator and a drawfag and photoshop is too good mostly. Also I am PC master race vidya fag.
You can get windows cheap now if you know where to look at least. I only paid 39.99 for a 64-bit pro Windows 10 OEM liscense. It was the first time I ever actually paid for a copy. If it's any consolation I steal mostly everything else. I do pay for vidya software, but it's mostly old and indie games. I also pay for a password manager because it's just too fucking much of a lifesaver.
Linux's trackpad drivers are fine. Apple hardware has issues because they do what they can to prevent their shit from being supported by anyone but them.
Don't try to argue in this thread
freetards are the kind of people who see no use for art yet love anime
Im most definitely a certified freetard, and have used GIMP for many years and I can attest its a fucking piece of shit.
I actually tend to agree with this. I only use GIMP for making animated .gifs… just about everything else I use pinta
Nah, I'm happy with OpenBSD for doing real man stuffs and windows for manchild stuffs.
I don't have problem with systemd itself. source code has lots of engineering gems (like functioning hashtable) and stuffs and I'll probably use it on my rockchip chromebook (which runs gentoo).
If systemd supports musl libc.
mailing list archive, wiki article is not substitute for goddamn man pages.
Yea it's the worst part about chan culture. I understand where they are coming from though. That's why I support communism. I want to draw for free, buy the system doesn't let me.
why would you use openBSD for anything other than a microcontroller or such?
Do you actually draw son? Krita has an awful UX
You and I are pals
Libreoffice is fine.
GIMP isn't as good as photoshop for "serious" image editing stuff, but you aren't a professional whos work involves such image editing. You make memes. GIMP is more than you will ever need.
Or you draw, in which case, use Krita. Krita is top of the line drawing software, and its FOSS.
are you telling me you cant find man pages? any decent distro like Fedora has man pages for basically everything
Ill give this a shot, thanks user.
Ive been using a mix of either GIMP or pinta.
They both have their strengths but ive been looking for something elese.
the trackpad drivers weren't as good for my old Toshiba laptop either. Maybe just my experience but the scrolling was never as smooth on any of the linux distros I tried.
read the so called documentation decaying under linux source tree. Go write functioning driver for mainline kernel. I'll wait.
Microcontroller –
A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit. In modern terminology, it is a System on a chip or SoC. A microcontroller contains one or more CPUs along with memory and programmable input/output peripherals.
I tried using krita and I found it to be awful, there are pop up menues everywhere and the brush engines make no sense
if you're one of the winfags, note that ive heard reports it runs like shit on windows.
Its fine on linux though.
Yeah I do use OpenBSD on panda board.
I also dual boot it with my x1 carbon.
most linux hate basically.
Because capitalist software is better? (it always is)
Fedora. Gave up windows roughly 4 years ago. I just dl/d from my repo, im about to try it.
no need. I can prove you wrong with this image. Get a professional distribution and man pages arent a problem, even for the kernel
No, it was a big issue because it simply didn't fit my workflow or my painting techniques
Finish your fucking videogames video instead of bitching about people who aren't cucked by windows.
oh. ya, microcontroller.
I use OpenBSD on a beagle board. its roughly the same thing.
hes implying the documentation is shit and insufficient
BSD is known for having extremely good documentation, right?
One might work a bit differently with a different piece of software, and I cant see how it'd forbid certain kinds of painting. Either way, neither of those things make it bad. They're just 'its different from what im used to and I havn't figured out how to do everything I normally do'
Don't be mean, hes not being a total faggot right now.
How am I helping porky when I got my windows 7 off piratebay?
Son, I was hired to port linux mainline to shitty chinese board with flacky hw componenets. Do not tell me linux mmc subsystem | ACPI subsystem maintainer wrote enough information on some +8 years old text files.
This was my krita exerience
I should also add that the brush engines made no sense to me so I was unable to make brushes of my own and the premade ones I found weren't of my taste
Ok, linux has awful documentation you got me. Its so much easier writing firmware for apple or windows.
You got me once again, all of the common micro controllers available on the market have the most recent intel/amd chipsets. and because openbsd doesnt support those I should stop using it on my beagle boards
It's always fucked up the formatting when I go back and forth with Office, which I have to use for work.
GIMP is shit because it takes so much longer to do anything than in Photoshop. Also no custom shapes and refine edge, which I use all the time.
Still does telemetry, even if you turn it off they still vastly prefer people using pirated copies of windows to not using windows. You'll eventually have to switch to Win10, after all.
Thats still pretty much 'not what im used to, cant figure out how to do stuff yet'
Y'can use the eyedropper by holding ctrl on the keyboard, you must also be able to reassign it to something Id think but I havnt tried.
Im almost certain you can change the color properties of an image while its open, like via >image>properties or something.
I dont know about mixing. I use krita but I cant actually paint or draw yet, im just learning to.
Just saying, this is more like "I dont like it, to alien to me" than "its bad." I'll probably feel this way about sai in the future.
Don't forget intel based chromebook. They are edgy SoC like you user kun.
Oh right, I'm real programmer so I have to read entire tree to find out how to interpret the diagnostics messages.
I tried that, Alt is my shortcut in sai but the menu for assigning shortcuts in krita didn't want to recognize it.
I probably tried that and it didn't work and that is a big deal because I do all my line art traditionally
I have a lot of experience with traditional media and on screen mixing is a big issue for me, for me colors are cylinders that come grouped in boxes an that you mix in a palette before painting with them, the wheel color picker is fucking alien to me and krita is designed to focus on it
I want it to feel like sai but seems the program fights me
So this is just a 'who /freeware/ here?' Type thread where upper-middle class asshats take turns jerking off each others ego to the thought of giving it to porky by taking the time to install freeware os's and insult people who dont really want to go to the effort of googling what freeware shit they need to use that wont give their computers cancer and who dont want to spend half a fucking day looking at various websites learning about the common problems and solutions to their rather fringe programs everytime their shit crashes when they try to update, right?
How about you guys offer tutorials for technological retards like me rather than posting image macros and mocking people who dont think feeling smug about having ubuntu installed is a prerequisite for leftist LARPing.
I've been stealing it since 98. I just felt lazy this time and I got tired of the random rootkit that every pirated copy comes with in my shit.
"freeware" means software that doesnt cost money. we're talking about *free software*, which is released into the public domain or under a license that guarantees the 4 fundamental freedoms (gnu.org
You have to google to find out what software you need for literally any fucking software
Id have to go to google right now if I wanted to find out what program to use for CAD on windows.
Anyways, don't upper middle class hipsters who want to feel superior to others buy macs?
Where can i see your art?
That you call it "freeware" just means that you don't understand the principles of Free Software and what they're about. I would advise looking up Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation.
Also, it doesn't have to be all-or-none. I'm practically forced to use Windows in order to run certain programs that won't work on GNU/Linux systems, but that doesn't mean I don't go to FOSS alternatives every chance I get. Hell, they're usually free and stand for shit I agree with and more often than not, they work better than proprietary software.
Come on faggot. If you have to use propietary software, at least have the decency to steal it.
Microsoft would still rather you use pirated windows than not use windows.
Relying on windows means you'll eventually have to use Win10, for just one example. 7 still has telemetry though if you dont turn it off and remove a bunch of updates manually, even if its not as bad as 10s total violation of any semblance of personal privacy. And having a larger marketshare is better for them even if part of it is pirated.