Why do you use capitalist software like Windows and macOS instead of communist software like GNU/Linux, Holla Forums?


Fam you just gotta enter the wired

idk, i personally find it kinda hard to get things done on windows, given that it doesn't support half my software except in shitty versions, and doesn't even come with a package manager

The only reason virus writers don't target linux 'desktop users' is because it's not profitable enough. Why the fuck would you assume linux kernel & userland makes it magically immune to such threats.

Try gimp for lulz fam

What stuff are you doing that isn't supported on windows?
There are package managers for windows but they're ment for micromanaging upgrades since all other package fuctions are done by the programs themselves.

Yes and?
Never said such thing. If you are stupid enough security threats will get to you no matter what you use, WIndows just has horrible security in general.
Good fucking thing i have many other Foss alternatives.

[citation required]

Linux is also very insecure, just not a big target

lmk when windows has a usable shell, or nonshit vim, or proper ssh support, or a tiling wm, or Nix

We skipped that and went straight for the net-top, the set-top and the hip-top. Sry custom8
The NT kernel makes me a mean drunk and itchy af for several days afterward. Not enough epi pens in the world.

How many layers of pic related are you on?