Sargon Makes A Video Attacking BadMouse

It's literally his worst video yet. Sargon is beyond retarded by this point.

Take a shot every time he makes a generic argument against leftism, or each time he makes an ad hominem, and you'd be dead 10 minutes in.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why does anyone on the left even pay attention to a video games youtuber who styles himself after an ancient Mesopotamian warlord despite being an anemic cheeto-hog who makes 1,000$ a month whining about Kotaku? He's easy to ignore.

$3,473 per month.

Honestly when the whole gamergate thing happened and I was swept up in the exodus from 4Chan I was sucked in by the whole anti she craze but as time went on all the arguments to be made were made and the content just started getting more and more built around entertaining a right wing audience.

I honestly used to love Sargon but I can't stand to watch him now. I can't tell if he changed or I did.

literally no one cares, we should have the rule that pol has where e-celeb threads are banned

both. That's how it works


Reminder that the Chapo boys make 10 times as much as this faggot.

How much?

$41,252, they're making the big bucks.

God this is just embarrassing


Good the more attention leftist yt channels get the better


I think Badmouse is a faggot but the arguments against him are still fucking retarded

From the video comment section, what did he mean by this?

another retard who thinks marxism has anything to do with wealth

We should start a petition to get Sargon on Chapo. Petitions are gay as fuck but I reckon we can get enough people to sign it and bring it to Carl's attention that his ego will not be able to stop him.

that will actually be brutal as fuck, let's do it

Fucking this.

Sargon needs to humiliated before an another big internet community. I can't stand this fucker's ego.

He's not even a college graduate right? And he goes around pretending he's an academic?

I will put money down to see this happen.

There was some feminist girl who literally only had like a bachelors or something, asked Sargon very simple questions and he was stumbling on his words almost instantly. It was fucking hilarious and pathetic

fuck u

Ehh, BadMouse is okay. He's a half-decent shitposter on the left.

who is chapo?

I am writing the petition right now, how is my text? I want both the left, his fans and the alt right to sign it.
Anything I should add/change?

you mean he's not living in the woods? what the fuck is this class traitor garbage?

Those are only his Patreon earnings. He also gets $1.7K - $27.8K from Youtube

gucci mane


to attempt to challenge them on their views*

that way it appeals to both leftists and aut-right

That's not an offense to people who don't go to college. It's because Carlgon acts like he's god's gift to the intellectual community.

Look at his pretentious quote under his avatar. He can barely read philosophy and proceeds to lecture the entire world on the "regressive left" is when he couldn't even understand Marx for years.

make sure you talk about how popular Chapo is

Right away Uncle Joe!


are you sure sargon knows what left wing is
i hope he doesn't

he won't do it anyway


Just some recommendations

Add something like about this being about moving "the left" in an intellectual direction.

You don't have to listen to me.

Carl has gone to a lot of debates. It feeds into his ego.



Jesus Christ man if I took a shot every time that the other Carl the Cuck said something stupid I would die of liver failure

This just shows how easy it is to make money under capitalism. Poorfags need to make their own jobs. Commies BTFO.

Me and you both.

I'd say it's us that's changed the most, but undoubtedly Sargon has been drifting to the right as well.

he got lucky. theres like 1,000 other guys doing the exact same shit


Never underestimate a man and his ego.

Good suggestions m8 but I had already submitted it by the time I saw your post.

If anyone has a facebook group (looking at you declasscuckers) share it, and go around sharing it on comments with shitloads of replies on Sargon's vids. Be sure to tweet it on twitter and if any Holla Forumsyps are reading I know you hate him too so get your guys to sign it.


spread it like cancer

Dude if this goes through I'm so pumped. First Richard Wolff now this. Holla Forums is taking off. We have to frame it to Sargon as the chance to prove how """"smart""" he is.

Thread theme is now:

Separate thread? I really want to see this happen


Oh boy.

It's like he's forgotten who his fanbase is.

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

I watched one video in the GG days in which he talked about housing benefit. He's forgetting who he was.

do I have to?

Dude it needs a nice flashy picture. It easier to share.

Made a dedicated thread:

lol I love have Sargon triggers everyone on 8ch with nothing more than mild centrist commentary

This could end really well, or terribly.

HA! He's winning alright.

It can be summed pretty shortly: violence is bad and commies are all NEETS and they are coming for your toothbrush.

That's not the problem. The problem is his video is entirely composed of ad hominems, strawmen and fearmongering.

Like Capitalism, which incidentally is about sucking up their surplus wealth, which is what makes them poor in the first place. Dialectics fam.

Does this man have any arguments?

Sargon is just pointing out the idiocy of communism and how bad a violent revolution would be, he doesn't need to rebut anything more because 99.5% of people aren't retards and have seen how the horrors of communism have played in the previous century. I have no idea what mental gymnastics you have established to justify these countless failures, I'm not really interest either. Even liberals are much smarter than you, at least they can justify socialism through the 'best of both systems' meme. Being here and having the change to be 'red pilled', it just shows you are such a completely hopeless group of people.

But you're posting here. Ancucks like to watch, I guess.

The terror doesn't real i guess

First mistake.

You don't understand anything nor do you want to fuck off.

are you un-ironically ancap? i wanna know about the idiocy of communism and be red pilled on "anarcho" capitalism

Do you support violence ==against me==?

If it makes you leave.

Checkmate, I win the argument, statist.

whats wrong with violence? robespierre killed the counter-revolutionairies so you can bitch about the NAP and other dumb shit

What argument?

All I can see is you sperging. America was founded with a riots and a violent take over. Might is right. Grow up .

Initiating aggression is wrong.


Inane lifestylism, plus a retarded belief that Socialism regards poverty as something laudable rather than something to be destroyed.

why? what is wrong, what is right?

but if liberals didn't initiate aggression we would still have kings and feudalism.

So is exploiting the labor of others for you own benefit. Eat shit nerd.

what if you're bein a bitch???

They'd uphold private property.

Voluntary exchange isn't exploitation.


sir….did your mother breastfeed you?

The slaves can't give up ownership of themselves. 'Voluntarily indentured worker' would be more accurate.

I wonder if Sargon even knows what the Contradictions of Capitalism is?

Quality parenting leads to ancaps.

Tried watching it, had to quit after Sargon called himself an anti status qou fighter because he makes videos. Still he whines about other peoples internet activism. How dense are the people that watch that shit?

fucking lol ancap turns out to be a monarchist. i guess violence is good if the king does it.

That's racist

It's not voluntary when you need capital to survive.

You realize if liberals didn't kill or undermine the monarchy. You'd be a serf right now at the mercy of Monarchy's private property you gigantic classcuck.

Violence is only good when it is in response to aggression.

So work hard and get your own capital.

It would be in the monarch's interest to allow voluntary trade.

Read some economics outside of austrian school. You will be amazed.

Aggression is exactly what the ruling class uses. That's exactly why we're advocating resistance and self defense you giant baby.

I have capital, tons of it already. You don't get to pretend its voluntary then. Which you just admitted its not. You advocate violence as long its the rich doing it.

The kings initiated violence to make people serfs kiddo. Revolution wether liberal or socialist is in response to the violence inherint in the previous system

The old aristocracy rightly viewed free trade as eroding their status and rights. They often used violence to stop free voluntary trade to enforce their monopolies.

I don't see you guys thumbing it down or bashing him in the comments.

Get on it Holla Forums

Remind me again on how ahistorical you ancap idiots are.


You're advocating stealing property. They're defending the property owners against you.

Defending property is justified.

We really should deport lolberts to Mexico or pre New Deal America and watch them try to not die while they attempt to make money by any way possible.

Yeah I know that's cruel, but hey most of them would kill us by way of helicopter if they got the chance so really it's not that cruel besides they want to live in free market. I know that people in third world countries are still classcucked as I've heard from Mexicans who browse this board, but let's face it most lolberts wouldn't be lolberts if they actually lived in their free market "paradise."

Good to know you want to be willingly ignorant faggot

private property is the result of violence. why isn't it okay to react to a violation of the nap when your boss does it?

Ancaps are actually just concerned that the state will disturb their individual status qou further, history begins for them after the second world war.


It's the result of homesteading.

If your boss tried to seize your property? It would be fine to react to that.

imo ancaps are dipshits who think that if there were no laws they would be on top instead of geting assraped by the same comapnies they idolize.

Why is property more important than people's right to live?

See why NAP sucks? You just let rich criminals get away with it.

They're too stupid to realize they're already getting assraped.

It's the result of conquest idiot.

Your boss has more connections to the cops than you do. He's your boss he's your superior. You're fucked. Welcome to where your stupid ideology gets you. You guys are cucked in almost the most literal sense.

The fedora'ed cheeto beard man has spoken!

Truly a master of intellect and the epitome of an open mind

nice try kid. the bourgoisie killed the fuck outta some lord and serfs to get that property. same in america where the US governemnt broke the NAP to genocide some indians for the """homesteaders"""

to add on, learn some history kid. all history is a long story of violence

I get the feeling BadMouse will pull a Mile and get annhiliated


Sargon has been BTFO in every debate I've seen.

Sargon is a poor mans molymeme who thinks that middle school debate club is the real world

I am kind of worried about BadMouse, but Sargon is such an idiot I'm sure he'll lose regardless.

Yeaaah, but half the time it's by academics.
Carl is shifty af, and I don't expect him to debate the issue honestly at all. It's going to be a gish gallop of bullshit, and if BM doesn't know his stuff he could get overwhelmed.

Oh shit.

BadMouse better give a response of "not an argument" at some point in the debate, just to trigger the ancaps

Someone should check in with him about how to shut down Carl's tactics.

I agree. Know your enemy and all that


Also, Sargon just calls them NEETs, as opposed to trying to dismantle a legitimate grievance.

The ruling class initiate aggression by stealing surplus value from the workers.

He must have forgotten since he's apparently read some of Marx's capital.

Let me guess is the script something like this.



Alright let me give you a thought experiment:

Imagine that people started to live in communes by themselves and somehow managed to completely live separately from free market capitalism. Now let's say that these communes are so successful that the majority of people in a country live in these communes instead of live in the capitalist society. Overtime the businesses start to take a lot of damage since nobody is working, buying, and/or selling from these businesses. So now those in charge of a capitalist society have a few choices. (A) Do nothing and let capitalist society fall apart, (B) attempt to try to negotiate with these communes and attempt to get them to rejoin capitalist society, or (C) use physical and/or legal violence against the communes so that they are no longer a threat to private property.
The problem with option (A) is obvious because since it involves doing nothing it means that the capitalists are about to lose their power if they do nothing. The problem with (B) is not as obvious, but it is still there. It is very likely that those in the communes will not accept things like compromises or attempts to make those in the communes move back into capitalist society so at best only a minority of people will do anything other than resist. Meaning that (C) where the capitalist use legal and/or physical violence because it is the way that will most likely be successful at preserving private property because it removes the thing which threatens private property. Meaning that in order to preserve private property and keep one must use violence.

Now that's just dumb.

itt. Butthurt leftists trying to hold onto their wicked worldview.
He is very right when he says you are all bunch of pampered middle class whitebois larping to be radicals and could not be further away from the proletariat.

You guys are getting BTFO at every corner outside your sheltered University Cafe Safe Spaces. Either get back to the real world and stop circle jerking long dead theories or get turned to dust as the Time rolls on without you.

And get a Job you fucking Manchildren. (Yes, Ad Hominem, deal with it)

what if the real Ad Hominem was the friends we made along the way?

Plot twist: Sargon is actually the one using Orwellian newspeak, that all property is private property, all leadership is hierarchy automatically, and stateless, moneyless societies will never work because it means everyone will forced to be the same thing, and workers should never have direct control of the means of production because their dumb.

Lets say for a second you are 100% right, what is Sargon's solution to widespread inequality & unemployment, political corruption so rampant it's hard to tell where business starts and our government begins, environmental collapse and the failure of austerity and neoliberalism around the globe?

Oh yeah that is right he doesn't have an answer to any of these things because he is only good for laughing at twelve year olds who overuse the word "empowered" on YouTube. We could be complete morons living in our parents basements larping harder than Unruhe on a sugar high and that still wouldn't change the fact that capitalism just doesn't fucking work.

A very shitty Ad Hominem based on one fucking article.
Are you telling me that those 873 "left wing activists" are totally representative of the whole far-left? German antifa is the most prone to be inflated by liberals.
I would also like to point out that living with your parents only means that you are in a shitty economic situation, why should you be ashamed because of it?. There 5 European countries where over 70% of the young population lives with their parents.
Btw there was case recently when an oathkeeper infiltrated leftist groups and this is what he thought about anarchist organizations:

In conclusion, I think it's safe to say that not anarchist are not liberal college students. They are just people who are fed up with system, waiting for chance to take over and initiate a social revolution.

The Badmouse Productions guy acutally has a job.


this fucking bootlicker pls

Same, I was at OWS phoneposting in the communities that would later become NRx. I think the schism didn't really appear until Anita Sarkeesian started talking about video games, then gamergate cemented it. The whole process took about a year.

Also isn't Sargon like 40 even though he acts like a dumb teenager?

lmao he's fucking 40 and doesnt have the reading comprehension expected of most 18yos where i went to school?

Do you think badmouse has a chance in this debate ? Sargon will probably say muh 100 billion and muh rationalism is bettet than your culturalmarxismpostmodernism

They don't own any capital though.

this is what i'm expecting, I doubt Sargon would let himself lose even if he did.



Were they not promted by New York Times at a forum or something to that effect?

That's not the problem. The problem is that he is a fallacious e-celeb who's most likely gaining more followers while becoming associated with the likes of JonTron.


*reads from wikipedia*

*fake laughs*

*reads whatever he is "fighting" against says*



don't forget to donate

don't forget the sound of the built up saliva sloshing around in his jowls impeding his voice

Oh look, an empty critique.


A what?

The comment section of the video is cancer
Disappointed but not surprised

sargon has one too
he tricks teenagers from their pocket money

Doesn't badmouse have a job?

I once seen a tweet on him saying his boss ranted on him during work that one day so yeah

Gonna need a name here.


I hope Badmouse BTFOs him.

I guess that explains his hatred for academics.

Jesus your right. So much for the """rational"" community


Ex-soldiers who can't make themselves useful in back in America, so they will just keep doing the same thing they were doing before: sucking daddy US's dick (but for free this time).

So Badmouse's original Trumpapalooza video was flagged for inappropriate content, presumably by the Sargon fanboys.
Any idea when the debate might happen?

They always have to go full SJW don't they?

They have become the thingy they hate. Like pottery.