Well isn't this interesting

Not that I'm really in favor of rioting but nonetheless.

In my opinion which will be called cointelpro

People should take these "anticom" retards bluff and match it with only lethal ammunition.

Considering I don't like BLM or anti-fa, I don't really give a shit. But remember when Holla Forums said they were going to conquer an island?

Yeah, how'd that turn out?
they didn't go through with it

It's all done in defense of the state which means violence on their behalf isn't necessary - they have the police for that.

Otherwise, these methods would be as grossly impotent as antifa's own

It might be the last intelligent think you say

some retard will take it seriously like how they take memes seriously from time to time.

He is going to show up to a protest dressed up as a fascists & get himself easily injured or killed.

Some idiot is going to get themselves killed, and they'll martyr him forever. It's like they want that to happen and I'm pretty sure some of them do

dumb piece of shit says something fucking dumb

They've clearly outclassed you, and will now absorb all sentiment. Black Block is useless.

They're not even on the streets, and stick to fucking with a liberal actor's stream. then bitch to the police after getting a little shove.

This. They may get gear, but I shit you not, there'll be those who will be fucking useless with it. They're not professionals.

Much as i hate anti-fa, and the autistic dicks of black bloc, they've had more experience with rioters.

How is it dumb?

They just said bring live fire ammunition?

What you want us to show up with a little sheep's blood?

No. Almost everyone on this board owns a gun, and we're itching to show it. If you bring live fire ammunition, we will bring live fire ammunition.

Can you stop making attention seeking threads reddit turgidity?


Yeah. Garunteed, one of them will open fire on them out of spite, and then brag about how he killed our """"fellow leftists""""" on this board, a bit like that one Holla Forumsyp who posted here two days in a row.

Screen cap this, this is likely to happen.

What about stealing this idea? Any time an antifa or rioter looks like they will do something particularly stupid try to stop them but wear something that makes your ideology identifiable (idealy padded, bulletproof and flame retardant). It will either make leftists look like heroes or at least prove to be not all violent idiots.

inb4 some autist shows up in full riot gear and shoots an undercover fed


lmao good luck with that Holla Forums

In America antifa should really consider arming themselves. Just saying.

Nothing will come of this and they'll go back to posting pepe memes or whatever it is they do
