…he can still win this, guys
At 9 p.m. ET, CNN is hosting a live town hall with Senators Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz to debate "the ACA and their visions of healthcare"
I will post a comfy watch thread later today
…he can still win this, guys
At 9 p.m. ET, CNN is hosting a live town hall with Senators Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz to debate "the ACA and their visions of healthcare"
I will post a comfy watch thread later today
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I got a bad feeling about this. Cruz will probably say look at cuba or this anecdote from Canada who came down to get this rare and specific problem fixed.
Bernie is a social democrat, which Holla Forums is staunchly opposed to. Social Democracy is fascism, so Bernie is ours. Don't cheer for our guy.
wow this should solve things
Fascism isn't an economic movement.
socdem or demsoc, I'm partial to the old bastard
Any serious leftist is in favor of anything that pushes the Overton window to the Left. Look at what Zizek said about Obamacare.
that is woke as fuck back in 19 fucking 60, he was 19 at the time and already leftie as fuck
I mean I know how evil Kennedy was but still I get a rhetorical boner every time I hear him with a good speech
same here, and I think the same thing applies to Obama's appeal. They put a handsome face and lofty rhetorical flourish on mundane evil
just when I thought sanders couldn't get any more based
Does baby-face even stand a chance?
can someone explain why people unironically worship sanders?
you saw how easy he was to blackmail, why do you think he would have been any different from obama or hillary?
maybe he isn't evil himself but he would have been forced to act the same way as them, just like he was forced to endorse killary.
and regardless of this, why do people care about what sanders and cruz have to say when you could spend the same time listening to jill stein and gary johnson or vermin supreme or even a fucking cow with hiccups.
He started his campaign promising to eventually endorse the Democratic nominee no matter what. And in entire fucking decades in politics he wasn't "forced" to act outside his principles.
i said MAYBE he isn't evil himself.
obviously he is. thank you for the info though.
now please go back to reddit.
I'm assuming this is Holla Forums? Not even the dumbest of our own tend to be this stupid.
btw i always said he was evil because why else would he still be part of democrats? i just phrased it less offensively in the hope to not offend any fanboys.
you can't just call anyone Holla Forums who disagrees with you, fucking newfag. and no, i'm definitely not one of your kind, you fucking shill or propaganda victim.
To make use of their airtime and reach a wide audience? He was an independent for most of his life and I think he already left them.
Also I'm not sure if you know how parties work, but in the US they are pretty much public institutions. People from one party have run on the other party's ticket to troll them before. You don't have to accept a party line or agenda or anything.
Speaking for myself, I neither ironically or unironically worship Sanders.
Because, for better or worse, those people aren't in government and have no political power worth noting. Plus, Sanders and Cruz are both living memes at this point, so regardless of your personal opinion it could be fun viewing.
Less than 2 hours to go
This is unfair, Ted Cruz should get 6 other Republicans to make things even.
Cruz may win. There's a reason he's called Lyin Ted: he's good at lyin. Besides the only reason he would ever agree to this is if he thought he could win.
Fuck off m8, Bernie's a good guy.
He's going to pull the Cuba card and talk about his poor Batista loving, JFK killing, father
Fuck off, you ideological retard.
Do we have a chatting viewing room yet?
So will Ted Cruz and Bernies crimes be revealed?
I want to see these fuckers admit their crimes to the zodiac killings and the murder of Rosa Luxemburg
Fuck it, I guess there's no need for a new thread
Cruz really is the zodiac killer, or at least he is smart enough to be
Social Fascism confirmed at last
Stalin and Thaelmann dindu nuffin
Yeah, where it at?
no chatroom but i made a new thread
get in here, fags
right? should've just followed president Nader's example instead tbh
The Zodiac killer rambles incoherently about how he wants poor people to die.
Cruz certainly did ok, but I never seem to be impressed by the supposed "superstar debater" and I can't tell if it's because he overhyped himself as such or because he seems so inhuman that even considering agreeing with him repulses the average human
To wit, here's "superstar debater" Ted Cruz managing to lose a debate with a drunk caricature of a Trump supporter: youtube.com
I think he did fine.
The majority of people I've seen on normie places like twitter and facebook seem to think so too.
My conservative Uncle said "I see that Teddy is as slimy as ever".
I didn't know left was just a meaningless label
The overton window is about the fact that it becomes easier to call yourself a socialist and advocate for socialist platforms publicly, not that the current suggested solutions are properly socialist
And this doesn't accomplish that. All it does is allow one to call themself a "socialist" after changing the meaning of "socialist" to be a porky-approved capitalist.
Having seen an influx of people become interested in genuine socialism because of him, I beg to differ.
Has there been? All I see is more socdems and liberals screaming about Trump. I haven't seen much in the way of genuine socialism. In fact, I'm seeing less socialism on Holla Forums than ever.
if Holla Forums is your metric of real world socialist sentiment and action then you're gonna have a bad time
most people who throw labels on themselves politically aren't even active politically
so what point are you trying to make
catering to the average ignorant and slothful person is the best way to remain irrelevant and a tool of whatever is the status quo
God, I hate champagne socialist.
he is the reason i'm here now and a socialist
What the fuck are you even talking about? Who's talking about individuals and labels? I'm talking about real organizations who do real work in a socialist context.
It's pretty hilarious that in this context you're the "real" socialist since you shitpost online I guess