The "gamer class"

How the fuck do we deal with the probably hundreds of thousands of people who actually gave a shit about gamergate? How do you radicalize people who only care about thier entertainment? As Vidya becomes more and more engrossing the number of people who drop out of life to play games will also grow

Are they the lumpenproletariat of our generation?

Other urls found in this thread:
[email protected]/*

those hips……..

Would cream that cookie

Gonna need sauce lad

Start by not misusing class

Also WOW you're gonna get way more people talking about that beauty than your shitty post. Jesus she is something.

>She will never assault you

I just clicked for the picture, post more

Approximately how many of them do you think there are


OK please post about the topic at hand please

there goes my resistance to flicking the bean instead of posting here instead of being responsible

Are her tits fake? There is something unnatural about her torso.


This board only exists because of GamerGate.


Send this out to every red group across the internet. Tell them how to bring these sons of bitches down.


Whoa, for real?

No, please, whatever you do, don't send me every thicc bitch you can.

Yeah, that's how Holla Forums became popular. I came here because I was in GG from the start and didn't really agree with all the right wingers taking it over.

Kinda, Gamergate was a primary reason behind the 4chan/Holla Forums split

The lumpenproletariat have no interest in revolution - thus its more likely the ghazi retards so engrossed in liberal ideology that they would oppose revolution to maintain state "equality" of muh genders n freedom of corporate expression

You show GG how the arts (including games) can flourish outside the bounds of capital and sales, they'll start turning a little lefty. You mean Bioware wont get underserved reward for writing shit stories and shit, tacky characters just to show off their liberal points? No more success by marketing campaigns? Artists have to CARE about their art?

Sign them the fuck up

Also post more gorgeous chocolate

Ahh, I getcha. I was actually in the same boat: Joined for the consumer revolt, jumped ship after they started praising Milo.

Damn shame, too. Vivian was a real cutie.

Also gaming journalists are all marketers by another name and they all get shot like the worthless lumpen liberals they are

Actually 99% of western journalists can fucking get trampled by a tank for being such eager corporate pawns

Is this an ironic statement? Holla Forums was created immediately following the mass exodus from 4chan to Holla Forums when Moot banned GG discussion from 4chan. Some people wanted leftist discussion without having their threads shitposted into unusability by Nazi fuckwits or SJWs who want to replace class discussion with 24/7 idpol.

I don't care about video games post more bitches

all is not lost


kill the gamers

u mean

put socialist ideas back into games

Thanks for a good post, here you go

I've tried this and they claim that modded/indie games are all shit and I should fuck off

you mean


you see OP, gamers

who attacked this girl with a staple gun?

Tell em to play papers please.

That's just Holla Forums hating everything
I hope


jesus christ I hadnt thought bald could look good on a girl before


Not necessarily; m00t sold out to the SJWs which caused the split. If GG had still been allowed to be talked about on cuckchan without the threads being sagelocked & purged then we'd all still be posting on there right now and Holla Forums wouldn't exist.

Am I cuck loser etc if I like these types of black gals the best

Her thighs and ass probably resemble rotting wood covered in fungal spores, you don't maintain a decent look when you get too fat

Holla Forums and "gamers" are trash

this demographic is consumerism incarnate

how would you convince addicts to fight for communism? free heroin?

Gamers? Tell them they get free xbox live and WoW?

That's as deep as it goes unless you want to rehabilitate them first which would remove them from the gaming "community".


Stretch marks aren't noticable with chubby black girls

They can fly the damned drone missions.

Strong pecs and a sports bra go a long way.

Gamer gate is political garbage nobody should care about on either side of its horse shit aisle but I strongly approve of what this is and there needs to be more of it.

3rd pic is hnnngghhhh, 4th almost made me chuckle vocally

You don't.

Oh and

I'm to smart to care about typos

Let them enjoy the decline of their favorite entertainment industry, the one they worship for the content produced two decades ago, and revile for the current output, barring some creators who work independent of big business and a handful of genuine creativity that seeps out from the corporate cracks. All the while, have a consistent and simple message as to how capitalism makes such things inevitable. When it becomes unbearable, by damaging truly important aspects of their life, we can just say…

No you're not. Smart people don't make excuses either.

w-what were you saying op

Yes, you are

Sweet Jesus, what a babe!


Black women who work out are hotter than all white women.

tripfag knows the truth

Hello, my name is Berniebro the Gamergate rapist. Like all gamergaters I only care about video games and hating womyn, you can read about that on Kotaku. Just yesterday there was some bitch who said she wanted to make video games. Not on my watch! Because I like video games so much that I must prevent people from making them, you can read that on Vice. So I decided to rape her. Problem was it was too hard to hold her down, she just ripped my straw arms off and my straw dick as well. I am huge and have huge straw guts. She went all rip and tear and now I am dead. RIP me :(

This is about as subtle and funny as a Paul Verhoeven movie


No I just think its to hard at trying to be subtle to actually achieve subtly. Robocop was his only good film. Total Recall was stolen from David Cronenberg's attempt at it.

But I appreciate you also watch redlettermedia.

Sorry for expressing myself in a way that people who don't know me can figure out what I actually mean without even checking my body language. I will read up on Judith Butler to rectify that ASAP

Read the toilet paper I just wiped my ass with instead an hour ago, you can reach a drain shark down there and get it out, it's a better shit post than you just made.

Comparatively its pretty subtle.

Being subtle when you want to get a message across is not a virtue.

tier list

1. dark as the night
2. pale as snow
3. light Asian skin
4. normal European white
5. chocolate black
6. Cleopatra tier Arabs
7. yellow Asian skin
8. American "white" skin



No, that's just chan culture to make those tier lists for every conceivable thing

Your list is shit and is based on skin color and not body type. You're basically a shallow basic bitch and I don't like you or your taste.

Its "chan culture" for me to call you a fag who doesn't understand a god damn thing

youre just mad because youre at 7

You're just mad this 7 isn't on a diet like you are.

what kind of diet

Hoochie are you projecting again?

Subtlety apparently


I've never heard of a man who hates ass


1 to 4

5 to 8

Tier list is all fucked up. The "cleopatria-tiered arab" was the hottest.

Asian/White is the best mix tbqh

tbh only Americans are the real ugly ones, rest is open to individual interpretations

If it is thick, I will eat it. If it has no ass, I will avoid it.

If it is muscular, I am in love.

That is how all things should be judged, skinny noodle bitches are lame.

It's because for some reason people on the internet have an obsession with white women with fetal alcohol syndrome faces

But the fact this fucker actually likes dopey pale Japanese women is what bothers me. Not because of jealousy but because nobody on Earth should fall for the tricks of a Japanese whore.

This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Those legs so long and torso so short she got scoliosis lmfao

Are you drunk? You seem more shitpost-y than usual

Mad jelly

It's 2am and I don't care.

Mad jelly in my mood, or mad jelly like her spine?

This entire thread is one huge shitpost fam

Hoochie would you hit this skelly right here


Too bad it's what peak transgender performance looks like

kys faggot

But that's Bailey Jay

quints of truth

stop misusing the word.

It's a typical Irish thing.

found brother of pic related

I want to be a pretty girl too :(

I cared about GG.
When it was actually about conflict of interest and how money ruins shit
Then it turned into an idpol shitshow.

Let's hope communism will make cyborgs real so we all can be cute lolis

except for Hoochie she will always be an ogre

pedos should be the first people in the gulag honestly

Why am I the ogre. Ogres are men who live in caves and fuck children.

hoochie do you like trans girls


wanting to be a cyborg loli does not mean I am a pedo, user

Statistically speaking most white men

To get this thread back on topic, I think Gamergate was actually the introduction of many people that were completely disinterested into the field of politics and activism. People were mad about liberals pushing their agenda on their beloved medium and painting them as evil. They soon realized that the media does not work for the consumers but is a propaganda machine controlled by one political faction. Some of them realized that this applies to most if not all media and started becoming critical of our system, others were taken in by the later right wing stuff and conspiracy theories, slowly transforming into fully fledged Holla Forumsnarefs.

The first fight these people fought was one of self defence on the escapism they loved but that opened a whole world of resistance for them, both in ways we like and in ways we don't. Gamergate created our board by popularizing Holla Forums and it created our opponent, bringing lots of little fashos into the flock of Holla Forums Holla Forums, which is so insane even 4/pol/ doesn't want to associate with them.

I think the way to radicalise groups like gamers is to make them feel threatened. They are deep into escapism and have a shallow, centrist political ideology. You can't convince them with arguments because they don't care and will get bored easily while still maintaining that both you and your opponents point of view is equally stupid. But if something comes along that wants to take away their escape from reality, they have to enter just this place they dislike to save it, meaning they become open for politics.
The source of gamers is exhausted, we got some of them but most just went back to disliking politics with all their potential burned out, meaning that riling them up again won't work. Sadly, a big chunk also went over to become nazi LARPers, let's jsut hope they grow out of it.

We, as a board, have no way to rile up this feeling of threat. Of course the system is just fine with people disengaging and any attempt of us to shake them awake will just drive them further to the right, so converting media addicts is a shitty recruitment strategy and should be discarded.
I think we'd do better by just memeing hard, it's a good way to spread propaganda as jokes that get by the mental barriers of people.

I don't care but I'm not all that sexually attracted to them

There are exceptions here and there.


4/pol/ has been primarily edgy neocons for a while now. Most of the Holla Forums refugees actually came from racist reddit boards that were shut down and redirected to Holla Forums after being deemed too cancerous for IronMarch or Stormfront. It's why the real effects of the Holla Forums exodus weren't apparent until reddit started to crack down on boards, and also why calling them ledditors used to lead to a spergout without failure.

Very good post, I agree

This. In my experience normies are a better target. People who actually work and are being crushed by things like thr cost of living, housing inaffordability, unemployment rates, etc.
of course, this place needs to learn to balance idpol. We need to weed out the idiocy that makes reddit intolerable, but telling noobies that feminism/gay rights/etc is worse than the holocaust just alienates them.
Learn to change the topic or just pick a progressive socialist opinion and move on.

Point out to them that they're practically tripping on what's wrong with the gaming industry and yet are totally blind to it.

Don't take the BAIT, 14/88

[WARNING] Operation WoodPipe! FASuM Psy-Ops

Who's Behind this Post?


WoodPipe is a psychological manipulation operation to promote the brand of Dark skin black women created by a group called FASUM.

Strategies they use:

1. Black women Shill Post
2. Posing as white guys who likes black women
3. Stock Photos/wbem of fake qt dark skin black women
4. Fake Statistic of BW+WM Divorce rate (it's 58% higher)
5. Promoting irrelevant shiting (Bleached)
6. Starting thread with non related black women pictures
7. Scapegoating all of black women's flaws on black men
8. Stereotyping light skin, mixed, and white women

The goal of the Public Relations Campaign is to increase the percieved value of Dark black women, while enticing sexual desires in white men and normalizing relationship between dark skin black women and white men.

It's the reverse cuck psy-op…

– About the Agenda –

Within the Black community is a concept called "Colorism" where the most undesirable women have darker skin complexions, and there's a growing rift between black women and black men, with animosity over the perception of black men choosing lighter skin women, racially ambiguous, mixed women and white women.

Disguntled dark skin "and usally Ugly" black women create a movement called FASUM "or BWE" and underground activist movements (BWGTOW + Swirlers + Bleached) to make Dark Skin Black women appear more desirable/accepting/BASED to white men, while they pushes irrelevant shiting and anuddah shoah!

The Agenda falls into a subcategory of Social Justice Warriors with a Colorism/"Dark Skin" female feminist twist.

– Groups that push the Agenda –
1. Swirlrs:
3. Colorism:

Nice autism

This. Gamers are our most revolutionary comrades and not lumpen in any way, shape, or form.



You don't. That was the plan

No, it's just that you like THICC wymn

Please sauce for this nubian goddess

I have long contended that our mother hub's origins in gamergate are holding us back. As funny and smart as most of the posters here are, there will always be a subset of Dew guzzling "muh games, muh gaming culture" adherents spooking things up to 11.

This is now ebony thread.

She was Greek you fucking revisionists.


Bang them all
Get achievement

If someone gives me sauce on this, I will make communism real.

Don't worry, /Ieftypol/. I hated the vidya press, burger liberals and mainstream western games way before GeeGee so you don't have to do anything about me, comrades.

Make sure both the Blues and the Greens have armed militias.

comrades, if you are going to accuse me of being a counterrevolutionary and sentence me to death, atleast execute me this way


Fuck off OP.

It will be impossible to communicate further I am afraid, we clearly do not have a shared language.

if you ever saw her, you'd know she's never dieted

not with any degree of success anyway

Try saying capitalism is the problem on 8/v/ and see what happens

Try saying capitalism is the problem literally anywhere and see what happens

Woah mind blown


Why do we need to pander to a group of people whose entire "culture" is consumerism. Its time to let the lumpen go. If some of them find their way here, good. Otherwise, fuck them. I like playing vidya too, but I realized capitalism is garbage somehow. They can too if they actually care enough to do some research. I don't think some of them will though, because they don't want any change that could possibly effect their past time. Their priorities are simply different.


Sure thing, it's an honorable death after all.


Holla Forums does not have that many users and nobody else cared.

[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */ng-data-9323ed68535f

GG is only about 500 people, though they do have thousands of supporters.

Now, I don't believe vidya are art, but buy into their belief in that and show them how art has been ruined by capitalism. Talk to them about all the shitty games that have been released because they sell and how markets have forced games to become SJW-y.

GG was getting subverted since basically day one by all kind of shady fucks.
It very quickly went from what it was more or less the continuation of 2012's doritogate into idpol cancer in a few months.

DO NOT confuse what gamergate was about initially with Holla Forums.

At the very start gamergate was about exposing fradulent and corrupt video game journalists and review sites that would be bribed by publishers to boost the ratings of specific games, in order to make them sell more.

Holla Forums came after.
Video games are, after all, a hobby intimately tied to lonely, angry, bitter permavirgins that are by their nature rejected by normies.
Thus, it was extremely easy for Holla Forums to get GG under their wing.
And, by extension, all of Holla Forums.

Remember: the left alienates socially inept mentally ill weirdos way, way more than the alt-right does.
I'd go as far as to say that the entire point of the alt-right is to create a new "nest" for people that don't actually give a shit about politics and just want to find a group where they can belong, and hate fucking everything and everyone else in peace, using weaponized memes and decomposing in their safe virtual torture chamber.

Holla Forums fell for Holla Forums because every single leftist movement rejected them, or called them sexist bigots, or manchildren that enjoy playing games intended for children, and so on.
When the left rejects an alienated loner, Holla Forums is ALWAYS there to collect.

I dunno man, I wish Europe had the amount of black qts Holla Forums thinks we have.

A week later.

Attacking video game reviewers (caring about this is already pathetic enough) instead of the industry, or even better, the economic system makes your "movement" a fucking joke.

any hobby politics look 'pathetic' to outsiders.

again, any hobby politics look 'pathetic' to outsiders.

how can you be so full of shit and not die?

Seems accurate to me

and who is paying mods on every board to permit gamergate shill threads?

Read carefully, I'm saying caring so much about video game reviews is fucking laughable. I mean, seriously, reviews? They literally threw a tantrum over opinions.


no, it's a conspiracy, and it goes all the way to the top!!!

btw if you put 'sage' in the email field (without the quotes) then you don't shit up the frontpage, newfag.
welcome to Holla Forums.

suck my dick

piss off.

Because they said games Holla Forums didn't like were good.

I too think games like Gone Home are utter shit but starting a movement out of this is just the ultimate in spectacle. I fucking wish the movement had started out of disdain towards capitalism and how it infected the video games industry, but no, it was just another step in this irrational hatred towards indie devs that existed for many years prior.

Yes, everyone you disagree with is a newfag.

gamergate as an allegory of third-wave feminism

why the hell would the NSA or whoever is behind gamergate start a COINTELPRO operation that actually does something good?

what? i don't disagree with him, i'm just telling him to sage cancer threads or go to relevant cancer boards.


I'd say it's the opposite tbh. People are less willing to have children in the developed world bc it's not as easy to get a good paying job as it was in the past. And people are used to a certain standard of living that's declining.

Not saying that rich people have more kids but that previous populations booms in the West also happened to track economic booms. Growth has been consistently slowing down since the 70s, job creation is a dead possum thrown out of moving truck.

There wasn't even a single net job created in the US during the 2000s

Left my shitposting flag on

i wonder if we can easily pwn those shills by autobanning anyone who uses js.
i don't think i ever saw one use a script blocker.

lack of white babies actually due to Holla Forums economics.

More like because it was proven, and admitted by Kotaku's editor-in-chief Stephen Totilo, that Zoe Quinn had a sexual relationship with Kotaku journalist Nathan Grayson which was timed closely with his favorable coverage of her "game" (not a review, as some suggest, but positive coverage nonetheless). There's also the GameJournoPros mailing list where the "Gamers Are Dead" narrative was coordinated.

Face it, "ethics in game journalism" had a legitimate basis. The part where a bunch of Nazi assholes poached a large percentage of GGers didn't have to happen. In fact, it could easily have been prevented if the left had reached out to them. But even now, after Trump is in the White House, there are still people on the left who look their noses down at people they could have had supporting them, and wonder why the left isn't having the success they want.

You're beating a dead horse. Let Gamergate die already.

The same thing happened in the election, SJW liberals decided that the right way to sell their horrid female candidate was to insult everyone who refuses her rightful feminist role. The "bernie bros" and "deplorables" and "sexist! racist!" were endless and cost them a huge chunk of voters who previously voted for obama. Everywhere these idiots go, regardless of what political affiliation they have, they ruin it by turning into a harpies nest.

It was especially amusing and revolting when people who called GamerGaters sexist and then got behind Sanders' campaign suddenly wondered why the media was calling them sexist. It's almost as if the media was corrupt or something. If only there was a movement dedicated to exposing media corruption.

All this happened after its conception though, I'm talking about why it started. The "ethics in game journalism" was facetious, very typical of something that started on 4chin. It was literally another raid against le spooky SJWs and some shitty vidya news outlets that everyone hated (rightfully).

Starting to sage because all this is fucking irrelevant now that I think of it, even more so than before.

Reminder that "for ethics in game journalism" was a Ghazi meme, the actual slogan was "against CORRUPTION in gaming".

What started it wasn't really Chelsea's prostitutiongamedev antics and amused reaction to it, but the fact that the admin/mod/writer staff for THE ENTIRE MEDIA and EVERY SINGLE SITE ON THE WEB turned out as one to defend milady's honor in the biggest concerted blackout/smear campaign of internet history.

The fact that so many white knights in so many high (and pathetically low) places were ready and willing to go to bat for one high-mileage vagina by burning down everything at the drop of a fedora was amazing and horrifying. There's a reason "Quinnspiracy" was one of the early names, after all.