Hello gomrades. I wanted to ask a question about my ongoing quest to make this video, I've realised that a lot of the entries are just games where you can play as the USSR but aren't necessarily socialist, so I wonder if I should make the video in two lists: ie the games that have socialist themes and the ones that include the USSR (while also taking note of the ones that are more socialist endorsing)?
Here is the list so far:
Marxist games:
1) Red Faction (Joke 1) Soviet City (hysterically anti communist) 2) Hostile Waters 3) Metal Gear Solid esp Peace Walker 4) Deus Ex 1 + 2 (Joke somewhere) Assassins Creed w Marx in it (but rewritten as a liberal, joke mention) 5) Liberal Crime Squad 6) Hidden Agenda (also mention Rogue State) 7) Tropico Series 8) Hearts of Iron + Kaiserreich 9) State Of Emergency DONE 10) Victoria II 11) Red Orchestra, Call of Duty 1-5 (combine into one entry?) 12) Twilight Struggle 13) Crisis in the Kremlin DONE 14) World in Conflict, Red Alert, Wargame (combine into one entry?) 15) Democracy 3 (democratic socialist/social democrat but still pretty good) 16) Dwarf Fortress 17) Men of War, Company of Heroes (combine into one entry?) 18) Everlasting Summer 19) Neocolonialism DONE (Joke somewhere) Papers Please (anti comm of course but honourable mention, work it into a joke) (20) Adventure Communist (Joke mention I guess) DONE Balance of Power? (Play and see), The Cold War Era DONE Gesta Final (find download), Guerrilla War (NES game play as Castro) (combine entry?) Death to Spies (try and see) Mercenaries 2 and Just Cause 2 (maybe) KGB – Conspiracy (play it and see) Oddworld (try it and see)
Anti-capitalist/imperialist games:
GTA series Bioshock 1 + Infinite Syndicate Wars (or just cyberpunk in general) Spec Ops: The Line FF7 FF Tactics Dead Rising 1 + 2 (1 DONE) Mother 3 Haze Star Wars Republic Commando (?) Play and see Borderlands No Pineapple Left Behind Thief Series (Play and see) Ace Combat Zero (Pixy esp end fight) Gods Will Be Watching Getting Up Under Pressure Watchdogs (meh) Resident Evil (Umbrella + Simmons “You’re playing with the people who really run this country”) DEFCON Big Pharma Stardew Valley
Reactionary Games:
Conflict: Middle East Simulator Homeland Security Game (name?) America’s Army Call of Duty (Modern) Freedom Fighters
Also discussion of other game related stuff of course
if you're going to add every socialist game to your list then you can add virtually every single strategy game ever made. only exception i can remember is caesar3, poor people there were beggars i think.
gta writing is pretty good but don't forget that rockstar games is evil as fuck, look up the false flag they participated in with Rantic Marketing (Fox empire) to try and shut down imageboards. for those who don't know: if you add "Emma Watson" to your search query you will find out even more about that campaign.
and now for something different: the wiki page looks like shit but here is a cyberpunk game that plays in the past and is the only game i know that lets you kind of travel back in time to coordinate multiple characters - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sting! Torrent hash: 23839bd83696ccca7171c241515dc22488e9e8ba it's a brilliant puzzle game but be careful on linux, my wine installation skips the awesome storyline videos.
Luke Myers
Change that.
Colton Price
whats anti imperialist/capitalist about it? I'm not including all games that make you fight an evil empire, only ones with a real world political context
Jaxon Fisher
It deserves to be there.
Colton Rodriguez
Elite:Dangerous has many communist star systems you can work for, as well as anarchist ones though they're given a red skull image. A larger faction is a mostly military pact between multiple independent (I assume mostly autonomous) star systems.
Zachary Nguyen
Evan Jones
Jaxon Davis
I don't get it, in what way are GTA games anti-capitalist ?
Elijah Wilson
This shitty hgame, apparently.
Jace Stewart
GTA is centered around the American Dream meme and exaggerates how the only way to achieve that is through crime.
Logan Stewart
I played that game but it was so mind numbing I forgot everything about it. Is there anything really communist in it (like different missions) or is it just that some star systems say 'communist' in their information?
Brayden Gray
Also, I don't consider this to be sufficient, otherwise I would have to include almost all action games, if they don't have some kind of comment on the real world (which I really don't think Star Wars does) then I don't think they can go on there.
I think I used to have that game as a kid but never finished it! Maybe I'll give it a look.
And yeah okay I'll add Uplink too. The anti imperialist list is less fully formed since I'm making the socialist video first.
Hah I thought that Hate and Hate Plus were great so maybe I'll give it a look.
Andrew Perez
Well, what about the the fact that the Empire came to power through democracy by Palpatine or that the clone war was orchestrated by Palpatine? The Empire beginnings is purely reactionary due to a fabricated war starting over heighten taxes on trade to push Palpatine to a higher position in politics and become emperor. You don't see real life context in that?
Justin Ramirez
If the game focused on that then yeah maybe but from what I remember from the GameCube version it's just 'hey these guys are evil, go fight them'. I get it if you like the games, I liked it too, but that's not what the list is about. Plenty of games that I like are not on there.
Jose Stewart
I suppose that I can agree it isn't worthy of the list. Would the list be accepting of mods?
Cameron Campbell
Sure, if you can think of a good/notable one
Jason Walker
I can think of a Half-Life 2 mod called G-String. The setting is a near future world where the economy collapses and money has no value or as they say in the mod "money is dead". The air is foul and polluted from the environment going to shit. Cities torn apart by war and civil unrest. The chaos had gotten to the point to where those that could afford it were able to buy their way to space leaving the rest to suffer. It's really dystopian and apocalyptic, with everything feeling hopeless and depressing. On top of that, Corporates are still trying to be in power and are killing people with psychic abilities that are popping up everywhere fearing what might happen if left unchecked. The MC has this power and the corps want to kill her.
Caleb Bell
Ian Price
The gameplay exaggerates it.
Jace Gray
Am I being rused?
Justin Perez
I think maybe flavour text for the missions but not much. You can still spread communism though.
Samuel Cox
are those screenshots from the mod? that looks really good for a mod.
Christopher Cook
It is.
Nicholas Jenkins
Holy fuck, Company of Heroes doesn't include the Soviets (how a WW2 game can exclude them is beyond me) and COH2 is borderline slanderous in its campaign. Just watching the game movie on YT now. I mean I will accept a bit of 'wow the stalinists were cruel and brutal' but every single mission has your commander killing his own men for stupid reasons and sending people to run right at machine guns like WW1. Jesus it's bad.
David Wright
Russians were rectalragnaroked over CoH2 and spammed low grades on review sites.
Adrian Johnson
Well it really is pretty over the top, I can see why.
I mean in Call of Duty you start the Soviet campaign without a rifle and some of the same brutality is displayed but it doesn't seem so ridiculously Hollywood as in COH2.
Alexander Young
Marc eckos getting up
Its good fam
Kevin Rodriguez
it's on the anti capitalist list
Anyone got any opinions on the first question about whether I should split up USSR and non USSR games from the list?
Jason Lewis
My favourite part of COH 2 is the soviets commiting more warcrames than the germans
Adam Murphy
Zachary Hill
Yeah seriously. Also funny/sad was the player character mentioning how he got drunk for days after seeing Majdanek, his commander is like 'yes you were becoming useless', well half true, and then player character responds with 'damnit i know we had to win the war but did you ever think about how we won it'? Like what the fuck? Did the developers know that Majdanek was a fucking SS concentration camp? Why do they seem to be blaming the Soviets?
Juan Sullivan
COH 2 is like if they made Enemy at the Gates into a movie but forgot the soviets were the good guys. I mean even my right wing convervative friend thought it was too nice the germans
Charles Rogers
*to the germans
Matthew Sanchez
into a game. im retarded today
Jaxon Butler
I might just link to this guys video because he kind of seems to have it covered so why retread the ground
speaking of which i guess i'm torrenting this shit lol
Kayden Roberts
Liam Green
good point
Jaxson Davis
Also I just noticed all the footage I've done so far on the Nvidia tool has been recording from the microphone as well so the audio is all fucked up in places. Shit a brick.
Also this is gonna take fucking ages to do properly, I'm kinda starting to regret this but oh well I've started now.
I'm not sure how long I should spend on each game too, some I could cover in a minute or two but others I could spend half an hour. Maybe I should just be making individual videos about each game instead? That way I wouldn't have to have everything done before I put something out.
Yeah maybe that's a good idea, I can do them as a playlist instead of a video!
Eli Lopez
Saving my thread from the repost bots
Joseph Davis
This is my working script just so people know I'm working but everyone says it's too autistic, turns out writing jokes is harder than it looks. Maybe I shouldn't even do an intro and just jump into it?
Hello and welcome to my newly rebranded channel, Marxist Media. I've been interested in leftism and politics in general for a long time, but I don't claim to be some huge super well-read expert who can come up with any original insights on the theories themselves. So how can I do anything to try to spread class conciousness? Well, I thought that one thing I can do is to combine that with one of my other great loves, video games, and maybe other stuff later on. Now, I'm not claiming that anything on my channel is going to change the world but at least it might introduce people to something new or give them a new perspective on some game that they love. Hell, it might even give people something to think about, if I can come up with anything interesting to say. I hope that whether you want to look for more left wing games to play, or you want to be shocked at the sinister influence of the cultural marxist essjaydubyas over the industry, you enjoy my channel and I hope to be putting out more videos soon. So let's jump right in, research is for losers but I'm sure I can find something to get started with! Well, that was easy. (watch some of Adventure Capitalist trailer) Actually, this is looking promising already, I might have to cancel the series since I think we found the best one already! I suppose we'd better play it just to be sure though. (talk a bit about the game and start it up) Now, I was originally going to create a top ten or twenty or whatever list of games with socialist themes, but I decided that sounded like too much work to do all at once, so like Marx I'm going to be channelling my inner lazy NEET and I'm going to be doing this one by one. I may do a compilation list at a later date, but as for now I'm just going to be rating each game individually.
Landon Rivera
Aren't you the one who tried to debate with Destiny but got his mic fucked ?
Nathaniel Roberts
thats me sadly
Nathan Thompson
The German campaign is so noble and apolitical I wouldn't bat an eye if the creators weren't crypo-nazis.
Henry Parker
Their usernames on their forums are all like 'Imperial X', I wouldn't be surprised
Brandon Perry
user, why are COD 1-5 on the Marxist list ?
Joseph Wright
Playing as the Soviets. Though I guess 4 shouldn't be on there. I think I'm going to separate out the games that just feature the USSR though.
Hunter Brown
Isaac Martin
jesus christ, they're banking on ideals, they're neoliberal you dumb fuck
Connor Butler
No mention of Civilization? You can literally build your Communist nation from the ground up and take over the world, forming alliances with other comrade nations and crushing Capitalism. Plus Civilization makes people kind of realize how ridiculously complicated and difficult running an actual nation is.
Lincoln Jones
It's babby tier compared to grand strategy though. Not that that's a bad thing, I like it, but it's hardly complex.
Also, Civ isn't on there because there's not really any leftism in it, ie. no communist leaders (as far as I remember) and no real communist ideology beyond some perks in the Tankie vein.
I havent really played Dwarf Fortress but every time this topic is made someone mentions it. And as for Deus Ex, one of the endings is basically technocommunism, and most of the game is corporations and neoliberal institutions being evil.
Also, every GTA is heavily critical of the American culture especially regards conspicuous consumption and so on, but yes it's not socialist, that's why it's on the anti capitalist themes list.
Henry Perry
Dominic Long
Jace Myers
What is it with Maoists? Even the religious bitch seems better by comparison
Jace Thomas
What's so daunting about it? For one thing, any game you want to play with a controller you can, just grab an Xbox 360 pad. Probably the majority of my time playing non sim games I'm using the pad. A good PC can be had fairly cheap especially if you build it yourself which isn't particularly hard.
Xavier Cook
idk, lots of reasons really. don't know if it's worth it, maybe it could get me back into gaming but i'm worried it'd just be a waste of money. i'm very tight with money and reluctant to spend it at the best times, since i don't have much. don't really have the energy or focus for gaming any more.
Kevin Wilson
To the Chinese, death toll is merely a statistic.
Eli Lopez
But that's all communists though :^)
But yeah seriously, I thought Chairman Yang was just some weird out of place caricature until I read more about Mao's social policies
Aaron Evans
If you're burned out with gaming then I wouldn't suggest a PC right now, if I were you I'd try to develop another hobby for now. I like to write and make model kits, also I have a hobbyist RC car and a bike to exercise with. Pick whatever works for you.
Adam Morgan
Don't help that I don't have the equipment for art either, or the skill for music
Jaxon Smith
Ask your comrades, if you can do the programming and find someone to do the art, those are the hard parts done. Music can be improvised and there are no shortage of writers if you need those
Eli Bell
What does everyone think about Shadowrun? I like Shadowrun.
Jackson Cooper
I'd like for it to get into at least prototype stages before assembling some sort of team
Anthony Gomez
I think cyberpunk is better without the fantasy stuff and there are still gamebreaking bugs in the first one like years after the sequel came out
Christian Edwards
I really like the fantasy element to be honest, it adds spice to the game and makes squad combo's a lot more entertaining. It also wouldn't be a DnD game either if you removed that.
Jace Gomez
pic related has some anarchist anti imperialist themes. There is even a settlement that has a self organized militia and co-ops. Its p neat
Jayden Ward
Jack Powell
Well if you haven't played MGS3 yet I feel bad for you. Particularly as you haven't experienced Glorious Comrade Ocelot.
Chase Miller
I'm trying to find a 1440p 27 inch gaming monitor that isn't £50,000, shit is impossibru. Why does errything have to be so expensive.
Jacob Brooks
isn't there by any chance someone who could help me to find some theory to make rts game? I do not need theory about programming or graphics, but everything else like how to create a story? which game mechanics are needed? How should the economy looks like? and so on
Sebastian Adams
How many have you played? A lot I would hope, which do you want it to look like? Wargame? Company of Heroes? C&C? Obviously that provides a template
Gabriel Clark
I'd like to create something like tropico with a little more difficult politics, maybe some funny stuff like pop-up decisions like in EU4. Also, it shouldn't take me more than two years to create.
Jose Gonzalez
Tropico isn't really an RTS… More of a city sim, but two years for a game like that with one person is shall we say 'ambitious'. Maybe you would have more luck modding Tropico itself to introduce those elements?
William Rivera
ok, then I want to create city sim, thanks. Yes, I realize that it's pretty ambitious, but it doesn't need to be on such high level like tropico itself, and I might find someone to help me with it when I finish prototype, so it might be doable.
Juan Brooks
If you did it in 2d (or really simple 3d) it might be possible I guess. Follow your dreams.
Caleb King
yeah, thanks comrade. It's not exactly dream and I'll most likely never finish it, but I need some long term project to keep myself sane.
>Choosing a filthy American spy over a real qt comrade
Adrian Mitchell
Anyone else Kaisereichs timeline is a lot better for the left than our own?
I'm fairly certain the devs are /ourguys/
Hudson Gomez
Not a radical centris
Parker Collins
PC gaming is bourgeois
Full of middle class snobs
Ayden Allen
The devs are a mixed bunch from all ideologies, who leave each other alone. Well except that Greek fascist guy (I think his name was Pavlos) who got the boot for pissing off his fellow reactionaries.
Brandon Jones
James Williams
Console gaming is even more consumerist.
Jaxon Rivera
It's only really feasible for the labor aristocracy and above
Maybe. I've lost most interest in gaming as a whole. But at least it's accessible.
Jace Williams
I had to stretch a shirt over a pizza box to get a zowie fk1 to track. Bullshit.
Charles Nelson
Jacob Ross
Halo customs are dead and far cry 2's servers are down.
Daniel Stewart
is it someone from this thread that keeps going and starting shit over at Holla Forums? if so, fuck off
Tyler Nelson
I only use 4/v/, 8/v/ last I checked had barely any vidya threads.
James Allen
Zachary Brooks
He isn't. Lal focuses Growth, which will make him go Democracy - Planned - doesn't matter - Eudaemonia
Democracy pushes him towards libertarian and Planned pushes him to the left. Eudaemonia is essentially a workers paradise, which manifests him to the left and it makes sense going by the short stories it provides.
What makes Lal not left is that he is kind of an elitist (but so is basically everyone). His redeeming quality is, that he is the only leader who actively works on trying to make everyone in his population a Talent. Whether or not he is successful with it, depends on the difficulty you picked at the beginning.
The one who is actually the closest to radical centrism is Zak. Zak prioritises Research. Neither the political nor the economical spheres provides Research (except Fundamentalism, which actually decreases Knowledge, but it's ok, since he can't pick that one anyway). So his path is: doesn't mater - doesn't matter - Knowledge - Cybernetics
The only thing that pushes Zak slightly to the left is that in his empire education is for free and his disregard to copyright law. But he is an unapologetic elitist who disregards people not working in the academic fields and he's all to keen to use his population as guinea pigs (although he is not the only one doing so, read the quote for building a Research Hospital base facility for the first time. It's just that he doesn't seem to bother to cover it up at all).
Nicholas Ramirez
I am a Holla Forums regular. Everything there is shitposting. I only use politics, when it makes sense in context.
Anarchs for life. You can remove yourself now.
Connor Gutierrez
remove this shit meanwhile
Dylan Ward
make me
Jace Lee
You mean the timeline where it all degenerated into Stalinism and then collapsed? Hardly seems like a particularly difficult timeline to beat.
Jacob Hernandez
Angel Robinson
Why no red alrt
Jaxson Brown
i literally thought i was the only one who plays this
Robert Hughes
I was referring to the time line in which we live, genius.
Jack Watson
just fuck my shit reading comprehension up, fam
Christian Johnson
I'm shit at it but I like the estetic and music
Kaiserreich is better of course, this is the timeline we live in
i bet u voted 4 the socdems in the second french election.
Also, regarding Victoria 2, what do you guys think is better for larger empires, communism, or fascism? Communism has some sweet assimilation bonuses, but the capitalists and aristocrats slowly leaking out means all of my expansion has to come out of pocket, and centrally planning a gigantic empire is a huge pain in the rear. Fascism has assimilation problems due to moralism and citizenship laws, but everything else seems to be top notch, especially consistent jingoism.
Ethan Bell
I'm thinking about giving Stalker a go. It's been sitting in my steam library for years now. I know there's some left-wing factions in the game. (Duty, Freedom) Would this be a Marxist game?
Angel Walker
you what mate. They're a paramilitary who spends almost all of their time killing Freedom, and the other bit of their time trying to destroy the zone. Freedom are anarkids, though, so you're not wrong there.
Wyatt Price
So… Like Marxists?
Colton Sullivan
Brody Brown
PC gaming will be the dominant platform for vidya games in socialism, laddy.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centuari/alien crossfire is the go to because /domai/
Also, I maintain fallout 4 has a good model of what anarcho-syndicalism would look like. A decentralised web of settlements propping each other up while a cooperative military and police force keeps the peace.
Cooper Phillips
I… well… yeah, I guess so. I hate admitting Fallout 4 is good for anything though despite dropping 40 hours into it