I may disagree with every opinion that he holds, but this man is one of the greatest content creators the internet has ever seen.
Jump right in to a legitimate fact-based history lesson (with amazing production values, as usual) through the eyes of one of the evil geniuses of our era and one of the few alt-righters that I respect.
==Love, Life and "Anarchy" : The Jewish
(Muke's in it) also it's super scary how every single one of /ourguys/ on youtube is being hounded right now
Could Sargon Reedem himself as a Radical Centrist by going after him?
I may disagree with every opinion that he holds...
Other urls found in this thread:
My nose actually started bleeding right now. I'm scared.
You're not fooling anyone, Love Life and Autism.
Dude, you're supposed to be like opposites.
there is one answer to the jewish question: Christcucks are butthurt because they belive Judas was a jewcuck
its all spooks
dropped the tankie flag to shitpost?
Long as they don`t go after the finnish bolshevik I don`t really care.
I'm not going to watch 2 hours of Life Life and Autism sperging out, but when is Muke in it?
I'm glad Badhouse is getting hounded, he's shit.
Finnish Bolshevik is too nonchalant, I don't think he would care.
2:05:18 LSR; Hbomber
2:20:34 Lacy Green (lol)
2:23:56 Pinochet almost quoting Marx.
2:27:05 LSR again
2:27:25 Muke, Stimulator
2:29:01 LSR, hbomber
maybe defooing is actually good for you.
I came out of this legitimately questioning the holocaust after learning a whole bunch about how events went down in Nazi germany.
(the economic agreement between Israel and Germany, for example)
help me Holla Forums
This just demonstrates the duplicitious nature of Zionism not that the holocaust didn't happen. Both Jews and Palestinians deserve to be liberated from oppression. The fact that Israel is oppressive and duplicitous doesn't mean that Jews don't deserve to live free from oppression by Nazis and other oppressive groups.
Here's how the Holocaust went down.
The Havana agreement was agreed upon prior to the war. Hitler did repeatedly advocate against it, but eventually advocated it. The agreement was terminated when the war started.
Now, the Nazis viewed World War 2 as being a result of the Jews. In 1941, Hitler started executing Jews in the East because:
- They were presumed to be partisan since Jews were communist.
- They backlash from doing this wouldn't be too bad (as opposed to killing Western Jews).
Of course, Hitler did keep this a secret (they didn't want a repeat of the T4 program). Around 1942, it's starting to look like the Nazis are not going to win the war. This is when Hitler decides to speed up the process, with the introduction of the death camps (Auschwitz is the one we all know of, but the Atikon Reinhard camps were specifically built for this purpose). I'll quote Joseph Goebbels diary, May 27th 1942:
The former Gauleiter of Vienna, who is to carry this measure through, is doing it with considerable circumspection and according to a method that does not attract too much attention. A judgment is being visited upon the Jews that, while barbaric, is fully deserved by them. The prophesy which the Führer made about them for having brought on a new World War is beginning to come true in a most terrible manner. One must not be sentimental in these matters. If we did not fight the Jews, they would destroy us (vernichten). It’s a life-and-death struggle between the Aryan race and the Jewish bacillus. No other government and no other regime would have the strength for such a global solution of this question. Here, too, the Führer is the undismayed champion of a radical solution necessitated by conditions, and therefore inexorable. Fortunately a whole series of possibilities presents itself for us in wartime that would be denied us in peacetime. We shall have to profit by this.
Bringing up the Havana agreement to disprove the Holocaust is really bizarre, because it treats Nazi policy on Jews as if it were static. As the Nazis continued to loose the war, Hitlers hatred for the Jews (who he viewed as directly responsible) ramped up.
Btw, anyone who denies the Holocaust is usually a bona-fide nutcase. It's best to not engage with them. Try asking them to find 4 survivors from the Atikon Reinhard "transit camps". They haven't been able to produce a single Jew who went into Treblinka 2 or Sobibor 3 and came out alive who wasn't part of selections, or something like that.
no, this was me too
If you can watch 10 minute of this without cringing you win a prize
Stop shitting up the board with your garbage, you are not fooling anyone.
Tankie shows his true colors.
Didn't someone dox this guy?
It's funny how you faggots never stop talking about me. And even after all these years, there's still not one valid argument.
This is why many ancaps are becoming fascists - because you're communist gene pool is getting in the way of a true anarchy society.
I'm posting this because I remember there was one thread that seemed like he might LL&A have been the OP of and he didn't respond to these arguments at all.
Autism general.
Also because I'm suicidal I'm just going to leave this here
It's funny when I linked asspie LSR's reference on encyclopedia dramatica, you faggots were saying that wasn't a good source. Yet you'd cite weaker source if it meant pushing your jewish narrative.
Someone responds with an academic level
Marxist hogwash is not academic.
What the actual fuck are you on about?
Your literally seen as a joke on the internet your nothing but a meme my man
Pic related is what people think of when they think of ancapism
Uh yeah it is. Just because you don't like it.
As I said, you Red filth have no argument, so you need to strawman.
Who defends propety rights under ancapism?
You are worse than clods. You are, may Allah forgive me for saying this, 9gaggers
what ever shall I do?
Nice government then
You didn't even haven't a point, faggot.
You realize the core principle of Anarchism is abolishment of private property?
Neither have you. You've never made a point before stammering into slurs and death threats. You are literally the autistic ancap I've ever seen on the internet, and that's quite an accomplishment.
My point is no one knows you even exist and those that do. Know you as nothing more than a meme
How embarrassing
Chill brah. He's just a spaz. This is funny.
That's the core principle of COMMUNISM.
The core principle of anarchism is being without rulers.
Thanks, I actually try so hard.
You seem to know my personal lifestyle and relationships better than I do, commie filth.
Lol, read a book you cuck
So why should Imrespect your private property rules?
This guys voice is unbearable. Not going to submit myself to such grating noises.
Is love life autism back to entertain us? I'm giddy!
You look like a brown arabic balding guy to me
Rather ironic
Commies steal our terms like you steal property. Anarchy was used by the Greeks before this anti-Semitic.
Oh sorry, didnt know you were that invooved with cuckoldry
Property is theft to begin with
cuckold's etymology goes back to c. 16th century
what a fucking pseud
Cuckolding is literally a right wing term now holy shit.
Don't respect it, I don't give a fuck.
Even our toothbrushes?
No just the means of production.
So property is not theft.
Retard alert
Oh boy
Of course Imwomt, unless youmprove it is beneficial to me, property is theft
No, since themtoothbrush factorynis not owned, I can go there and get my own, I dont want your disgusting saliva
What Proudhon meant is that private property (Means of production land ect) is theft. Not personal Property
That means you can keep your toothbrush.
It is, we understand that allowing you to apropriate a toothbrushndoes not stop anyone from creating his own, the effort we would need to collectivize your toothbrush isnt worth it
This is why communism is dead.
Personal property is theft, the difference is personal property does not stop anyone from creating his own once the MoP are unowned
"property is theft" was said by a mutualist. Much closer to an "anarcho"-capitalist than a communist.
Try being less stupid
Your xbox is theft, however the efforst necessary to collectivize it is greater than the benefit,
Why don't you kill yourself faggot? You aren't even white anyway.
Bad meme
This tbh. who would ever wanna play with a dumb faggot who shitposts on the internet?
Ayy fam take your planned obsolescence red ring of death elsewhere
I never thought of that but it 100% true
It's like he wants to win the argument, but doesn't know anything about the subject. Thus every time he posts he tries to do a "gotcha" but he keeps revealing how uninformed he is instead.
He's like right-wing version of Jason Unruhe.
Keep posting pls. You're really funny despite you wanting to be taken seriously.
We only had a couple threads about you because you, rather hilariously I might add, confirmed our theory that "anarcho"-capitalist are more or less fascist in denial. You're a creepy hairy Greek man who stalks leftist on the Internet while making unironically fascist videos under a channel called "Love, Life, Anarchy". We have laugh at you.
Holy shit was that a freudian slip
Why am I not surprised
Don't you kids worship Muke? That cringe asspie kid who livestreams his New Years party by himself?
That's an awfully bad reason to go from anarchist to statist. It's also sad how you lurk Holla Forums just to see if we post about you, which we do, albeit infrequently.
lol, can't into the most basic fallacy.
I was here before I started my YouTube channel.
No, Muke's channel is more or less his learning communism vlog. As far as leftypol content creators go, Batko is superior.
When are you going to just kill yourself?
No we don't really like Muke he's more of a joke than anything. Hell there was straight hatred for him after that debate he had with kulturekampf.
I guess that's a yes - lol
Unlike you the cool kid who types death threats at political opponents on the internet.
More of a "guilt by association" or "Moving the goal posts"
Never going to happen
Well deserved. Waiting for someone on leftypol who's worth half a shit to step up.
Daily reminder that the ideal image of a Nazi soldier was a jew
Isn't that the goal of socialism/communism? Death of the capitalist/bourgeois scum?
I guess it's only okay when you do it.
Most of us have better things to do with our time than make two hour videos of autistic sperging
It's another love life anarchy gets BTFO on leftypol
No. Its to seize the means of production. Killing capitalists is just the means to that end.
the death of the place of the capitalist and the bourgeois is the goal of socialism, the individuals themselves are fine so long as they stop exploiting people
I remember someone had a doxx on him?
Okay, but you as an individual you make it hard to take you seriously as an intellectual when start calling everyone a nigger.
If you wanted to have respectable debates with us you shouldn't spaz into slurs and death threats.
Now you're just a lolcow.
No offence here, but have you actually ever read anything by Marx or well any left wing theorist/economist/thinker?
It's to seize the means of production, retard. If they're willing to give up the means of production and take part in laboring with the workers, then they will live
Lets talk about the video where you called stalinism Left-Anarchism.
So death threats at political opponents on the internet.
Shut up nigger
Also, I think I should link this video here just to provide more information
The end goal of Stalinism is true communism, and in true communism - there is no state.
What video?
Pretty fine difference between "seize the means of production from the rich" to "KILL THE NIGGERS LOLOLOL"
One stems from classism, the other from racism. End of the day, still enables the same behaviour
Imagine if someone proposed a version of capitalism where the state was huge and taxed people but eventually it was supposed to become anarcho-capitalism after the state magically withered away. You would call this a separate ideology from anarcho-capitalism would you not?
end your life
Except classism has a material basis. They have more than us. Thats a fact.
Delete your channel. Your a worthless faggot with no arguments other than adhoms.
Isn't wanting to enable genocide a major violation of the NAP?
For a person who has love, life and anarchy in his title, you seem to advocate for neither.
The essentially non-violent nature of anarchist ideas of social revolution can be seen from the Seattle General Strike of 1919. Here is a quote from the Mayor of Seattle (we do not think we need to say that he was not on the side of the strikers):
If the strikers had occupied their workplaces and local communities can created popular assemblies then the attempted revolution would have become an actual one without any use of violence at all. This indicates the strength of ordinary people and the relative weakness of government and capitalism — they only work when they can force people to respect them.
-Taken from An Anarchist FAQ
The dictatorship of the proletariat and Lenin's vanguard party was considered to be an acceptable way of bringing true communism as a transition phase. You don't get to suddenly disown that because you got suckered into believing that this will bring true communism by the Jewish overlords.
Ancaps will never advocate such transition phase because we are not stupid. That's why there was a civil war in Russia and Spain.
Yes, we have more than you - because we have earned it and deserve it.
No it's the abolition of commodity production, class and the state. Close tho.
Yes but imagine if there was an ideology of bringing about anarcho-capitalism with a transition phase? Would it still be anarcho-capitalism.
except thanks to its own internal contradictions, stalinism can never achieve true communism.
There are no more factories and means of production to strike at anymore in the western world. They are all in the third world. Unruhe was right again.
Right, the deaths of your political enemies - class and state. It's fine when you do it etc etc
Unruhe was actually kind of right.
No, because ANCAP is about NAP and private property rights, not the promise of Utopia.
You advocated a genocidal state, because you genuinely believe you could find a "socialist gene" of sorts exterminate anyone who would disagree with you. You claimed this might be necessary to build an ancap society.
You don't get to be a hypocritical retard.
So the fact that Rosa Luxemburg hated the USSR, along with Emma Goldman doesn't count?
Or the fact that Engels was an honorary aryan doesn't mean shit to you?
Considering the fact that Anarchy-ball thinks that communism is ==EVERYTHING THE GOVERNMENT DOES== while rejecting other schools of communism, I'd say otherwise.
Ah yes, exploiting the workers and reaping the rewards from the labour. How could I forget?
I sure as hell hope we are all fine with it. It would be a sad world if people only claimed to have a strong political stance. So yeah, it is right when we do it.
True communism can never been achieve - stalin or not.
There's literally a steel plant where I live and i'm in the UK.
And yet you advocate for constant NAP violations by promoting genocide and slavery.
I never said only.
The death of political entities, that is the relationship of class and the relationship of the state. However, violence has already been initiated by the ruling class, they are quite willing to kill to maintain their grip on power.
Don't humor him on the race thing. He's a hairy mediterranean sub-human.
NAP is all about what you can convince the people who may give a shit about you what constitutes aggression.
One opinion, served hot.
lel, it's more realistic than fucking anarcho-capitalism
Where? I did no such thing.
There is a socialist gene.
And you are the guys who historically exterminate people.
Yes, people who want to promote communism needs to be removed from an ancap/libertarian order.
Nothing hyprotical about that.
Your not a capitalist you LARPing manchild your a fucking balding numale cuck thats still obssed with video games.
Here is LL&A's Business
truly a titan of industry
What about the womens workers communes in Argentina
Lets talk about the video in which you confuse state capitalism with actual capitalism.
Not true communism
Prove it.
Not true communism
I know, you're all crazy.
We make fun of you because you have no theory and come off like an internally incoherent autistic faggot. Not because you're violent. The violence just reaffirms what we think.
He's literally a Brown skinned balding faggot
So much for muh pure genes
Ah yes, because communism is all big government and the genocide of the white race
Literally not an argument. BTFO
u shor shoed hym, fagget.
It had the republic.
There were classes
There were labour vouchers.
Not true communism
I've been dealing with leftist snark all my life. The type that comes out of leftypol is the most pathetic.
You just admitted it again with your own words right here.
Wow jeez how you gonna "remove them"
It's your own god damn fault for making such great content.
Not in the union controlled area
Everyone was a worker. Classless.
Not money.
In a car.
this thread is garbage even by Holla Forums standards
Where will they go…
No fun allowed.jpg
you let an ancap survive 180 replies
this is just an embarrassment
Wow, that sure was worth the research. It doesn't mean that Johnny has the socialist gene and therefor becomes a socialist, you fuck. A tendency is just that, you probably have a genetic tendency to be a neurotic retarded ancap, but not everyone with that gene necessarily is, thus I do not wish to exterminate based on gene, rather, by individual actions. Rabid dogs get put down.
Those areas were under the Republic, which was the state.
You were either a worker, a union leader or an official from the Republic. Union leaders/Republic had more authority and say than the workers.
They were the new form of money, a more autistic version that made everything worse..
As I said, Catalonia was not true communism. True communism can never be achieved
To your society.
lol never kill yourself you´re too funny
Here what it was based off. Gene related.
I'm an ancap, I'm against the state and the state's violence.
He looks like a rapist in that photo tbqh
The Republic didn't interfere with the anarchist areas.
Unions were direct democratic and had no leaders.
Money - a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively.
Labor vouchers don't fit this definition.
Here is the article you're looking for:
Differences would naturally happen when one group of people tend to grow up in morally conscious, structured, disciplined, healthy environments and spend their lives working, contributing to society, and building families, and another group are generally miserable, contemptible fucks that idolize contrarian views and a live in a constant state of outrage at rebellion, and are basically ideological skid marks on the ass side of human civilization.
Is he an Arab? He seriously looks like he has some brown genes in him possibly an ottoman rape baby
Ever consider that maybe liberalism develops these parts of the brain to make your brain more liberal and its not the other way around?
there does seem to be a link between pedos and ancaps
Oh, so it's all swell and dandy when it's private security forces doing summary executions, private prisons enslaving people with their own force, and then oil companies invading other lands for their natural resources?!
Not to mention, the pharmaceuticals would get away with mass opioid addiction and overdosing under your system as well.
But, regardless, I'm glad you agree! The violence of the ruling class requires all measures to be on the table in order to stop them.
Oh shit meant for lel
you honestly are retarded stop pretending to understand science
He's from Greek descent so he has to have some Turk in there since the Turks invaded Greece at one point
Do all your friends and family know about your fascist political views Adrian?
promotes statism
They did. Especially after the November event when the republic decided it was time for the unions to get the fuck out and purged them all.
You don't know what you're taking about - they had leaders and they collaborated with the government.
Money is the current medium of exchange. Labor vouchers were the current medium exchange.
Never has been, and never will be true communism.
You have just proven to all of Holla Forums you are scientifically illiterate.
I doubt you can even read academic sources at this point.
another Ancap has become a nazi. nothing to see here.
Mostly Greek, part Jew part Arab. But race is just a social contract right? lol
Yes, I've been converting them.
I converted my grandfather to Marxism.
top lel
So maybe it wasn't but socialism has been reached many times without famine/Genocide.
I fucking love you, man.
The Nazis would hang you daft cunt not to mention you like a fucking paki mate
There are correlations between genes and brain activity. It's no surprise that the reds on youtube are typical degenerate asspies.
Unlike money, vouchers cannot circulate and are not transferable between people. They are also not exchangeable for any means of production hence they are not transmutable into Capital. Once a purchase is made the labour vouchers are either destroyed or must be re-earned through labour. Therefore, with such a system in place, monetary theft would become impossible.
pls respond
There are correlations between genes and fucking everything about a person you dumbfuck.
obviously race is related to intelligence, but racism is much more related to dumbness.
it sounds pretty logic: if you have not achieved anything, it's much more likely to you to start being proud of other people's achievements, you feeling identified with them because muh race.
The brain is plastic so liberalism probably causes the brain to be like that not the other way around.
this is beyond the Holla Forums level racialist autism i literally cannot stop laughing
Basing your worldview on mere correlations is fucking retarded.
I can't stop laughing. I bet you misread another scientific article about that.
Dude I'm genuinely starting to feel bad for you at this point. It's like stomping on a puppie. Just leave for the night and have yourself a good wank.
No one cares, I'd gladly put you up against the wall. I'm glad you reciprocate. In fact. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I would have supported the Third Reich to undo the unjust the treaty of Versailles. There were many Jews that fought in Hitler'as army. Stop being brainwashed by ((them)). I literally made a 2 hour documentary about it.
It's kinda sad that you have to rely on white supremacists for your youtube views, you seem like a genuinely nice guy. Keep up the good work.
It's just the market, and it knows best.
That's what makes me so sad about this guy. He seems like he'd be so nice if he wasn't so selfish and murder happy.
I agree.
Same standards also applies to communists who blame "class".
The Sparticist league would have undone the treaty too, would you have supported them?
Tor tier banter m8
Nod and argududent
The instances of a few don't negate an attempted gencoide kiddo.
Also stop taking about ((them)) when your part jew yourself dafty
White Nationalism has been going gone since before WW1. Don't think Europeans will accept your global communist horseshit just because you've been brainwashed by Jews.
No, they were Marxists and would have purged capitalists and bouregios. Hitler would have never done that, which is why you hate him.
Material conditions>feels and pseudoscience.
Don't think they'll spare you when they find out you're both arabic and jewish.
watch the video.
Class and race are different in that one's class can change based on one's actions, but race can not. Also, you were close, but still wrong. We blame class relations. The tension between those who "own" and those who work.
Which genocide? The ones by Stalin or the fake one?
No you stupid faggot. Hitler killed millions of people. There's a plethora of evidence that suports the Holocaust. Take a look at No 205 presented at Nuremberg, a letter where Hitmmler advocates for sterilizing millions of Jews via X-ray. The graves that were investigated recently at Sobibor which could hold 10's of thousands of people. The Einztangruppen reports, the Sonderkommando photos at Auschwitz. You are fucking insane.
My personal situation probably wouldn't change to much after socialism, I am what you might call middle class, yet the contradictions of capitalism, its instability and violence make it undesirable to me. I side with the working class out of pragmatism, for only they have the power to change such a system.
Why don't you change your YT name to like 'Love Death Genocide' now since you're an open fascist? Your old name doesnt really work does it
Stalin dindu nuffin
Hate death and Statism
forgot to add
Yes I know, you are completely delusional.
ancap logic at its finest
Hitler killed more white europeans than anyone in history with his retarded living space war.
If the Holocaust is fake you should be able to find me at least 5 Jewish survivors who were transitted through Treblinka 2, or Lager 3 at Sobibor. Right?
Whatever Hitler did or didn't do, the communists around the world have turn worse. You don't give a fuck about the Jews, you just care about virtue signalling.
My granfather was there when they took those death camps.
Check out the ending on the JQ
One can be critical of both Stalin and Hitler for killing lots of people, shocker!
You're virtue signalling for the white race
A lot of my family went for just being polish.
Anyone with half a brain doesn't like Stalin, but you are standing up for a regime that would been happy to kill you. I thought you ancaps were all about "muh rational self interest"
Tell ya what, I'll watch your video if you watch mine when it's uploaded in a sec
*work camps
No, I don't. I'm a communist because I believe in communism. You have never read any leftist theory beyond Wikipedia articles but will continue to make videos calling for genocide because you are an insane, angry little man.
Kill your self
Which is what communism actually looks like.
Prove the Jäger report wrong then
Already read all those and much more on the holocaust.
That regmine only started to kill people when half of the world declare war on Germany.
fun fact, the mortality rate in Russia decreased by two thirds under Stalin. Work camps indeed!
Atikon Reinhard camps were pure death camps. Why the fuck are there graves filled with human ash big enough to hold 10's of thousands of people at a "work" or transit camp in the middle of but fuck nowhere you inbred retard?
No. Workers owning their own work place in a democratic planned economy.
Is this guy actually posting ITT?
I'm confused you actually blame Jews? Because this video seems like its supports not blaming Jews?
Me on the Left.
You believe in communism because of your genes,brain activity and upbringing. There's nothing objective about communism other than "feels".
i'm sure you please your (((masters))) just fine
Oh yeah Poland in particular. Totally declared war on Germany. That's how it went
Before or after his purges?
Find me a Jewish survivor who was transited out of the death camp sections of the Atikon Reinhardt camps.
Jesus christ join your kin
Either way your beloved nazis would of done the job on you anyway
from 1913 to 1950
You can literally do that now under capitalism. You and your communist friends and get together and run a workplace democratically.
holy fuck this guy really is retarded
There's nothing "objective" about property rights. They're a fuckin abstract. You wouldn't know beside you refuse to read any leftist literature because you're a fucking moron who will never amount to anything but crying on the Internet about muh leftist and making long winded racist videos about how totally violent you aren't.
Only the communist Jews.
Nice totally not feels bucko
and why should I be so unempathetic to not care about the theft of my neighbor's labor?
I actually love and prefer Tankies - they are honest and don't try to brainwash others with their jewish 🍀🍀🍀tricks🍀🍀🍀
So, what motivated you to become the Turkish Keemstar?
Except we would still exist with in a market economy so we would be forced to use coercion of people through work or starve.
don't waste your sapience with him, marxposter.
let us low-level commies deal with it.
As opposed to the fashy jews like yourself
Don't insult the Irish.
Dude we went over how you can't read that study like 3 times.
By the looks of it you're the one in need of some brain surgery.
They were fucking over Germans in Danzig before WW2.
Because they can do the same thing retard. Recluses will exist in communism or socialism same as now, you can't force peeople to work.
So during
You are Turkish, right?
And following that logic, your position as an ancap is also determined by your genes, brain activity and upbringing. There's nothing objective about anarcho capitalism other than "feels".
But mah toothbrush.
really nigga?
Totally not feels bucko.
So he is turkish? that explains a lot.
its easy to be a nationalist when the whole world hates your shit contry
"Theft of my neighbor's labor"
Paying people to work is literally theft.
thats pretty dumb.
We're gonna put ancaps on a reservation where they can still use money. After you die out kids will get to see a holographic reenactment of your way of life on a field trip safaris where they watch 'voluntary' ancaps exploit each other.
next he'll say Gleiwitz was real, and the 2 million ethnic poles deserved it because spurious connections between poles, politicians, and post-modern intellectuals,
Just like taxes right?
being forced to pay someone else at the threat of starvation is immoral. Sort of like how the workers are forced to pay their bosses at the threat of starvation…
Greek who has had his ancestor been raped by Turks somewhere in the past.
I meant it btw
Taking a portion of the laborer's payment as profit is theft.
Well I've actually made several objective videos about ancapsitan with special focus on Marxism in my videos. And the most the left can do is go into my instragram and post pictures of me in cat ear during a maid cafe in Toyko.
Do you not understand the difference between paid work and taxes? Probably not, you're a lefitst.
Forget just being the most autistic ancap on the internet.You are the most deranged human being I've ever seen or communicated with.
I sincerely hope you get off the internet and find help. I'm not even trolling. I'm concerned about your mental health.
Do you belive in free will?
Taxes - Do work someone takes a portion of it
Paid work - Do work someone "VOLUNTARILY XD" takes a portion of it
obviously. they just hated commies, and the concentration camps weren't death camps despite every testimony given by inmates, guards, or post-war nazis. it was all typhus. Also don't pay attention the millions of Jews who never went to camps and were just massacred by the Einsatzgruppen or in Hungarian pogroms. when the SS and Wehrmacht destroyed over 600 belorussian villages, and 209 (out of 270) belorussian cities, they always made sure the people living there had violated the NAP first.
Just subbed. Hope you like my shitposting comments after I leave this thread.
They were exploited in the form of taxes from the feudal over lords.
funny story. In 1969 Montreal, the police went on strike. Do you know what happened in that moment without state power? Disgruntled taxi drivers firebombed a limo agency for its monopoly at a local airport, and the owner, his son and his security were on the roof with rifles firing back down. This is what anarchy looks like under capitalism.
lol you're a Turkish rape baby
No, theft is taking something that doesn't belong to you without the consent of the property holder.
By investing in the original means of production and negotiation a wage, the employee is voluntary accepting this deal.
I don't know why this is so hard for commiecucks to understand, but this is how it's been going on since agricultural time period.
Thanks. I appreciate all comments for sure
My family said the same thing and then I defoo'ed.
Even if they're negative because it can be funny. Well unless you're too mean I dunno.
I'll watch some of yours now my man
Nope, that's not it. Do a little more thinking. Might help if you actually had a job.
Ah yes, the sacred object of consent! You can even consent to give away consent! That's the basis of a contract, after all.
Your joking right?
I have a job and this is how it works
You need a good de-spook
On what basis do you belive in souls or other spiritual activity or you simply ignore how it is physically impossible.
Except, class is not a spook. It is a material reality you fucking idealist .
ust massacred by the Einsatzgruppen or in Hungarian pogroms. when the SS and Wehrmacht destroyed over 600 belorussian villages, and 209 (out of 270) belorussian cities,
This happened
This didn't happen
Pretty much yes - consent is a big deal.
My god. Even you kids have (rightfully) disowned him.
Although it did didn't it you stupid fucker if you know full well that carting people off to small enclosed spaces will cause rampent disease that you will refuse to treat your actively taking part in genocide.
If 2 million jews weren't killed by the Einsatzgruppen, it should be easy enough to find some of them.
So you admit to destroying consent at its own alter?
le taxes are voluntary because u can leave the country XD
Souls and spiritual activities is mysticism. I take the Ayn Rand/Aristotle approach on Objectivity. Things can only be evaluated by what our senses and what the objective world shows.
Who do you mean by, "you" this isn't some kind of vast entity
Whatever issues you are dealing with I can promise you one thing. Internet Nazis will not help. Giving you a scapegoat to project your anger out on will not give you a realistic image or goal to work on yourself. There's a lot to be angry about in this world, but I promise you this is neither a healthy outlet for you or a productive one. If you want to be successful with your business maybe associating with fascists is not the best thing.
it's not any better to worship serial killers than gods dude
It's over exaggerated - all countries suffered before, during and after WW2. This 6 million is used to dismissed the valid parts of Not Socialist ideologue and promote the well being of minority and Jews.
Holohoaxers, in my experience, simply want the correct number of deaths attributed to their causes. A lot think "socialism with one volk" for every people is the only solution.
I dont know what you mean
I can't leave my country, but I can leave my boss (and I have)
It's a mystery what happened here.
That's not what you said you claimed that millions did not die which is nonsense
I consider Holla Forums as one vast entity of cancer.
Right so you didn't address my point classic
the sentiment is mutual
You can only leave your boss to work for another one though. The coercion and lack of consent is built into the system. It's as easy to leave the country as it is to find work where you're not exploited.
This still does not give you free will, the functioning of your brain/body is still governed by the laws of physics and therefore is hypothtically predictable. You can only process information with reference on you previous experience, instinct and genetics which you don't have control of. therefore you have no control over you brain activity or anything it produces
You admitted that you could consent to giving away consent, and that this is the essence of the capitalist contract.
It's a meme and it's alive
So you don't pay tax- err voluntary donations to your boss anymore?
Prove it belongs to you first, but remember, you cannot use property rights using gubernamental rule of law, as you call yourself an anarchist
And he can voluntarily decide tomdisregard your property claim
I dont consent with your property claims, are you going to use gubernamental force to defend your property claims?
Sorry thats statism
Our senses and the objective world shows property is theft, not onlymdoes it stops a man from making free use of his natural ability to work land, but also because property rights go against the natural order of a market
Go ahead kiddo, I will fucking bury you
I defooed over 3 years ago. One of the best things I've ever done.
They have helped. I find them to be more mature, reasonable and intellectual than most of the commie I've dealt with online.
I'm in top form. Don't even try with this faggotry gaslighting shit.
I have a lot to be angry with in this world, and the left is the root of all those problems.
Tell that to the workers at united fruit in the 50s
The correct number as far as we can tell is 5.9 million Jews. actual holocaust historians routinely discuss death tolls, death tolls at specific camps, and by specific agents.
hey im still finishing this video its p accurate
You say that the holocaust demonizes Hitler overshadowing Stalin and you say you hate Communism
Anarchists don't support Stalin either? Communists will tell you all day that State-Capitalism is not Communism.
Lets overthrow the state together? Comrade?
Ayn Rand stole most her work off of Aristotle.
Just like she stole state benefits huh?
Glad to hear this, I bet you dont have the balls to do anything about it, you impotent cuck
The Madagascar Plan didn't advocate killing Jews.
Do you recognize that you can accept that your (white) ancestors exploited and ripped off minorities for centuries and not be guilty of anything yourself. If you don't continue to perpetuate wealth inequality there's no guilt.
This is so dumb
And look what happened anyways
Crazy how the real world works
I've been my own boss for the past ten years. I'm thinking of homesteading and having my own farm so I can work on YouTube full time.
This narrative of "work for a capitalist or starve" only works on idiots and leftypol - but I repeat myself.
You know, I'm pretty sure that most of the problems that the Jews supposedly caused in Germany and throughout Europe were financial/economic exchanges made voluntarily between consenting parties.
I don't argument on free will vs self-determination anymore. We still haven't established a solution on the left and right divide
Why do you support capitalism then, do you like when the government taxes you?
Why doesn't everyone work alone
What could go wrong :^)
You literally spend 2 hours explaining out that its Capitalist Zionist Jews & Global Capital allies that are the problem. Commie Jews are working class.
Holy Shit.
Try finding a job in an area with high unemployment and no jobs and no money to move out with
Wait what, this ancap cuck is the fag who made the video posted in the OP?
top kek!
Anarchists don't support Stalin either?
They support the end of private property. Stalin ended private property. I have more in common with Stalin than I do with "anarchists" because Stalin/Tankies are honest about their methods.
After paying into it? Isn't that how social security is supposed to work?
I've made a 2.5 hour documentary on the JQ. What else would you like me do it?
There is no difference between state owned and capitalist owned
did you even read the original?
T. Self proclaimed anarcho capitalist
Anarchists desire an immediate end to the state.
They were also chummy with Zionists in Palestine before World War 2
That's fairly obvious.
he didn't even read the academic studies he linked, so I'd guess the answer is "no".
Taxes is not a part of capitalism (private ownership of the means of production) but something the state enforces to fund their own policies.
And I've made 2.5 hours of amateur porn with my gf but you dont see me being a fucking autist about it
I would like you to answer
State owned property is private property.
Left-Libertarian Anarchist Communists are for voluntary collective pooling of the means of production.
You keep your house, driveway, garden, toothbrush and xbox.
Together, we voluntarily collectively own all factories and farms and vote through direct democracy on what we produce.
Rent is taxation
I never made that case.
Therefore leftist revolution?
all you yellow flags and this youtube guy(and Mr. Dapperton) are the same person
Fucking statist
State owns one.
The private individual owns the other.
We are all individuals, but we are not all the state.
So how does an ancap society come about? Do you guys believe in revolution?
Anarchism is a political theory. As dictionaries are rarely politically sophisticated things, this means that they fail to recognise that anarchism is more than just opposition to government, it is also marked a opposition to capitalism (i.e. exploitation and private property). Thus,
opposition to government is a necessary but not sufficient condition for being an anarchist — you also need to be opposed to exploitation and capitalist private property. As “anarcho”-capitalists do not consider interest, rent and profits (i.e. capitalism) to be exploitative nor oppose capitalist property rights, they are not anarchists.
You really just a stateless capitalist not an anarchist because anarchism requires you oppose unjustifiable hierarchy
markets have historically needed political, and particularly, state support to form. States came before markets, and made them possible.
But let's say you succeed, and ancapistan is born. All you've done is put the market and corporations into the place of the state. It's brutal violence, power and repression continues, only under a different name.
This is actually a joke, right?
I am the state if I am the owner of private property
yeah we really have not conclude anything and won't on the left right divide. that's why i am taking other aproaches. I Just hope that you understand that capitalism is complete insanity if you don't belive in free will.
Many perfer reform
So I guess you use the an-nih flag only because there's no pure soulless grey nihilism flag?
And private individuals control the state. Or are you really so naive that you bought into the liberal fiction that the state represents everyone?
It's a freudian slip look at the balding bugger he's a literal cuck
"The cum dripping out of her pussy is my private property!!"
State= a group of cronies owns and controls the land
Corporation= a group of cronies owns and controls the land
Two VERY different concepts, don't mix them up
what could you possibly want? Make it yourself? No one is stopping you unless you want to grossly misuse necessary materials. Anything available in excess you would be free to use.
If you want a personal Apache Helicopter and the commune votes against wasting all the material I think that's fair. But as conditions change maybe Helicopters could become a luxury item you choose or "rent" for use? Maybe as we start to get robots to recover asteroids you can start to waste metals.
I don't think waiting lists for luxury is the same as waiting lists for food and medical care.
No, you're conflating important terms. State owned property is STATE OWNED PROPERTY - as you've just said in your first three words.
Yes, taking things that don't belong to you and then "sharing" from each according to his need and each according to his ability is the embrace of death.
There isn't a better way of destroying a country than doing EXACTLY this.
Promises promises. We all know that's never happened in any leftist revolution. Comrades take everything that they want.
Most of you idiots couldn't direct democracy a McDonald franchise. You really think you can run hospitals, car factories, sewage system, power plants this way?
If direct democracies would achieve better results - we would be doing it right now.
We are still arguing about that. Some ancaps think it can only be done in a mostly white society, thus why many ancaps are supporting white nationalism.
Working for an employer on a consented wage is a justified hierarchy. If you disagree, then you're an economic fascist and must be physically removed.
So you'll end up killing yourselves because none of you are white?
Ultimately, the property is owned by a handfull of individuals, and worked by others.
Aside from the fact that there have been examples of such. Going by that logic why aren't we an ancap society by now then?
Also don't you think those in power would rather not be removed from such positions
I own some small private property, but I am not the state.
t. the all knowing and wise one
The term cuckold has been use by the alt right to slur the left for decades. When the left try to use it against the alt-right, it's sad.
Mostly white - 80%. Think I'd be let in.
I don't even want to send him to gulag anymore. i think he just needs a hug.
And? The state owns all the property.
I know you're tired, just have lay down a moment and rest.
And who controls the state?
You really think the miners in south africa consented to semi-slavery or was that their only choice well other than starvation. Those bosses should be physically removed from power.
The onlymreason someone couldnt buil, manufacture or work something is if it breaks the NAP
Just like ancaps decided they could call themselves libertarians and anarchists then so can we take the NAP from, they however don't realize the NAP is against private property, as property is thft and theft is an aggression
The commune can not vote against something, but they can stop an indivudual if what he is doing violates the NAP
Apache helicopters clearly break the NAP as they upset the natural balance of force in favour of the pilot
Yeah, well I privatized the state, fuck you
Prove it is yours first, but remember, you cannot use state given property rights, as you call yourself an anarchist
Let me find a .pdf that shows they work better
We are
Yes, as long as I can decide to voluntary disregard his position of power, otherwise it is coercive and not justified
Indeed, proprietors to the wall
Can you charge money to someone for making use of it?
Remember to answer I'd understand you are a fucking cuck scared of debating tho
Wait a minute, I thought you were the one defending fascism, now you're saying fascism is bad? Do you have any idea how ridiculous you are?
The State is a "private" entity
What part of "voluntary" don't you understand. Its literally AnCap but nobody can force you to work by buying all the bread and water because theres no money.
Face it mate we know your a cuck it's ok
Is if it DOESNT break the NAP*
You're a shitskin and a kike at that, you'd be drug off to the camps to cleanse the genepool. And given that you're a balding autist who can't get laid unless he pays for it, maybe that's not such a bad thing.
You literally look like an arab
The video is actually pretty decent no meme.
Small isolated communities that last for a few years are not examples of such. There isn't even any cases of workplaces that run their business in this way, because you can't produce things effectively in this way. There has to be a manager who directs the workflow of their productions; who is prepared to take all the risk and rewards of such on his shoulders.
Because the state has guns, the force and the military that issues edicts that destories the free market for their own interests - who are protected and enabled by the left.
Believe me, if true communism could be achieved - they'd be working towards it right now. Not many people prefer working or managing employees when they could be spending time with their friends and families in a post scarcity communist utopia.
Sadly cant find the one thatnis always posted here, if someone has it pls post, you know which one
No one, the state is it's own entity.
You're a non-white white nationalist, you're a cuck mate.
I will ask you again you stupid faggot. Find me ONE Jewish survivor transitted out Lager 3 or Treblinka II. No one seen going in there was ever seen again. You are mentally insane and should be put down.
Sorry, should have said conservatives - not alt right. My bad.
Yes they should. That's why it's called slavery.
"escape velocity"
Wrong, under proprietarianism I can privatize the state, I am the owner of a privatenstate
You are stupid
kek, how objective of oyu
99% of the 'butthurt' is because they promote open borders out of tribalist hatred of whites, not christkiller shit
Holocaust denying fascist sympathisers are not to be debated with they should simply be killed due to there vested interest in bringing the earth to an ecological disaster
"Privatize the state"
LOL. How do you privatise the state?
You've already accepted the validity of personal property. I don't need to prove shit.
This is why fascism is the moral and necessary response to communism.
Written by a Marxist Jew.
You're not.
"It's not fascism when I do it"
"It's not genocide when I do it"
If I wanted to.
Nah, you sound like a faggot.
This is why Hitler hated Jews and their Jewish tricks.
Lobbies lobby the STATE. Not the people who control the STATE.
Classic Holla Forumsyp
You misunderstand Brain Physiology. Enlarged Amygdala results in enhanced fear response, which is literally what conservatism is.
The most common way to present this is to say that Lefties have a "defective" or "under-sized" Amygdala, however statistics can be used to show that most conservative fears are irrational.
Enlarged Cortex gives you better social skills and abstract cognition. This is why Conservatives believe in the spooky free market and can't see how concepts relate to each other within dialectical materialism and the historic record. Conservatives literally are unable to understand that there is a connection between distant events.
ie: poor people in Africa are exploited by American consumers.
leftist: yes and thats excellent
conservative: bootstraps! voluntary exchange! free market! human nature!
Do people not control the State anymore? You realize Capitalism wouldn't exist on a large scale without the state right? The black acts and the game laws created a wage slave population. You are such a moron, it's pretty hilarious. Every single time you come here you get BTFO for being a retard.
Yes, they see and respond to threats.
Yes comrade, it's irrational to fear communism and islam - the studies and statistic prove it. Don't look into history - trust us, we're Holla Forums.
Read Rothbard and Mises and find out, illiterate cuck
Personal property is still private property, all property is theft
Moralism is for the weak, read Nietzche
Wrong, provided .pdfa
Not an argument
Wrong, provided .pdfs
Fascism is the utilization of capitalism and property rights to impose an idea, i disregard your position of powerr as it is coercive in nature therefore not justified
Exactly, read Hoppe
Then it is a privatized state, read Rothbard and Mises
Typical cuck ragequitting
You are subhuman, you have no right to lecture anyone.
I think you finaly converted me. il help you making ancapistan real.
So i can buy all property around your house, so it becomes nap or starvation.
if you believe certain things about communism that's fine
Islam is actually pretty ancap. No taxes and all that. If you mean "radical islamic terrorist" see graph.
There is no people controlling the state, the state is it's own entity. No one is controlling Trump - the Trump is he's own entity.
"Capitalism" according to the cancer people of /leftypol" includes imperialism, wage exploitation, genocides and slavery.
"Capitalism" according to everyone else, is private ownership of the means of production. Without the state, we would have full private ownership of the means of production.
Which were created by the state - something that is outside and destructive to capitalism.
This never gets old.
He was a socialist to.
You couldn't afford one of those property, and my property connects to a road.
Literally the intelligence on /Holla Forums
Are you implying Trump is the state?
Whcih is theft, imperialism, exploitation and slavery
Who defends and stablish these property rigjts?
Wrong, as the state stablishes and defends property claims
Keep struggling kiddo
so much cancer
wtf now i hate jews
Wrong, we can counterfit money and buy it
Fule of law is defended by the state, so is fiat money
And? Under propriertarianism, roads are private property
Could you please tell me who built that road, Right next to my ear gently please.
Then the State must not exist according to you. If no one gets together to control it, it must be a delusion - a figment of your imagination.
Here's the difference between you and me retard, you are so mentally impaired you can't fathom that two events can be connected within the whole if it fucks with your worldview. In turn, you can only deal with absracts. Some version of Capitalism that does not exist and has never existed. You idealize it, worship it. It's your drive - without the ideal you can't live. You can't argue against leftypol because leftypol is taking about actually existing Capitalsim. The reason we don't address your ideal is because it's just that - an ideal. You were dropped so many times as a child that nuance is completely lost on you, everything is bad or good - right or wrong. All or nothing. This is the defining feature of Right wingism. The inability to cope with reality, in place you substitute an ideal, you will create wild conspiracies - anything to keep the ideal from being crushed. What you are saying about "the state" is nonsense, it's just words. You're so crippled by your fear of change that you've elevated the State from an institution run by people to an omnipotent and inhuman entity. What a pathetic waste of life you are.
You mean he is not POTUS?
Which is why I said Holla Forums conflates capitalism to mean everything that they don't like.
We do.
Yes, they have an unjust monopoly on that services. I don't think they are actually protecting private property rights at all, but are taxing us to promote such things like imperialism, exploitation and slavery.
You asspie kids have me so beat. I don't know how I will recover. I guess I just have to keep promoting Pinochet style fascism so I don't have to deal with you single mum mistakes.
The state.
Pure fucking caner.
State does not build shit workers do
The only "individuals" you believe in are the bourgeoisie because in your delusion you believe yourself to be of that class.
I'll always be against the occupation of Palestine by ethno-nationalist porkies. Let them drain the USA of their capital and get them involved in destabilizing neighboring countries all they want, at some point the world will awaken to the horrors of the jewish occupation of Palestinian land and the unnecessary deaths of 1 million + Iraqis.
Therefore the state is an entity controlled by him and his advisors, good job proving yourself wrong, cuck
Are you accepting capitqlism is theft, usury, imperialism and slavery?
Good, then we can decide to disregard them the moment we want to
Thats right, however creating parallel states is the opposite of the abolition of the state
Yes I can tell
Explain how it is the government and its rule of law the ones who solves legal issues regarding property rights
As expected,
You've lost the polemics game friend. Now why don't you go back on YouTube so your mentally challenged faggot followers can fantasize about sucking off Mises while you choke yourself.
Wow that was fucking terrible. Nationalism is the opposite of anarchy. *Fascism* literally means rule by the "group" at the expense of the masses.
In this case it would be "White People" vs the rest of the world. You are literally suggesting 3rd World Accelerationism or Constant Violent enforcement of enslaving Africa and Asia. The west can't maintain its rate of consumption under capitalism without slave labor.
This video was 2 hours of balanced review of the Jewish Question with respect to Jews but is severely misinformed about communism. Respectable production. Could have been really good. You should read up on leftist theory so that you don't lump everyone together as trying the same thing. If Poland or the French Ambassador thing never happened you might have got your wish.
But if Hitler never rose to power and Luxemborg turned Germany Socialist they could have collaborated with the USSR and the Holodomor would have never happened.
If Germany joined the USSR and used that war machine production on Communism we would have luxury moon bases.
This is an naive assumption. Communism Will Win.
Thanks for the entertaining shitposting you red filth fucks, but I've had enough. It really takes me back to a few years ago when I was doing the same thing on the chans. Back when I was starting out as an anonymous struggling capitalist that no one knew.
Now that I have my channel and grown my business, I've successfully made LSR cry into his corner, been featured on other larger YouTube channels, made a name for myself, had many people offered to give me their money, and is doing his part on the destruction that is the communist biological disorder.
And while I've been doing all that, you kids have been doing nothing. Which is unsurprising, because you kids are nothing, won't amount to anything, and honestly - are a genetic mistake that needs be purged.
Communism will never win. And if were made up of the same genetic mistake that most of you guys are made up of, I would have used the helium method on myself a long time ago.
Oh well, you still have Muke.
Jesus Christ son are you retarded?
This Jew video was pretty good how can you be this stupid?
"Anatolian obsidian as a raw material for stone-age tools was distributed as early as 15,000 BCE"
Stop trying.
Money has been in most societies worth living in.
Come on now buddy.
You got blown the fuck out and you're too proud to admit it. Even the autistic anarcho-nhilist poster gave you a run for your money. Now, wallowing in your defeat you decided to shout about "muh big dick". Once again, what a pathetic waste of life you are.
Kek. He's falling for it. Ancaps are literally autistic.
tools are Capital now?
Humans have been hunter gatherers from 200,000 BC. This doesn't mean nomadic and it doesn't mean caves. In areas of abundance this continued until modern times.
People started settling 200,000 years ago, in fact Neanderthals also settled into camps at the time causing the tension that led to their eventual extinction of them and Homo Sapiens dominance.
Gift Economy is a thing. It still exists in the South Pacific.
The Iroquois federation stewarded a self sustaining Agroforest that covered most of America that was abundantly populated with edible fruit, nuts and deer.
Aztecs similarly had self feeding floating gardens that provided more than necessary subsistence for little to no labor.
Most of the historical record was wiped out by western imperialism and continues to be suppressed for the benefit of Capital profit.
That's the period Marx describes as the beginning of the state and slavery
Look up epigenetics. Conservatism is a condition that is brought on by exposure to trauma. Conservatives glorify this by saying that "hard work makes you strong".
It is valid to say that 🍀🍀🍀liberals🍀🍀🍀 are torture chamber snowflakes that don't see legitimate threats. That's why they vote for Clinton and thing that War Criminal Obama is a hero.
Most Ancap threats aren't irrational. Just the ones about money. Its likely that this is a result of money related trauma. Don't fall for the tricks.
You can be proud of your hard work AND contribute to a better mankind. From each according to his ability to each according to his need.
Jews make up a disproportionate amount the pork and bourgeois above all others with the greatest most antirevolutionary attachment to their identities that even Marx himself had to call them out on this. There is simply no way around this.
10% BTFO
And here's an archive which you can pelt LL&A with the next time he decides to BTFO himself archive.is