Questions for tankies and any authoritarian leftist for that matter.
What should be done about corruption in the state? In my opinion it was one of the biggest draw backs of the Soviet Union and the root cause of the collapse of communist China. Under your ideal of the state how exactly would corruption be dealt with beyond harsh punishments. How would you seek out corruption at lower levels and how would you prevent higher ups to join the payroll
Questions for tankies and any authoritarian leftist for that matter
It was worked on. Stalin had his purges and Mao did the cultural revolution.
getting rid of jews would go a long way
Sometimes all you have to do is get rid of one jew fascist collaborator for that to work.
Fuck off, juice is awesome.
either shoot someone or join the state and drag them down legally.
or jerk off on imageboards all day
remove the incentives, increase loyalty and idealism.
yeah this, good ol whitey never did nuffin wrong, it was alway's someone else.
Long prison terms for corruption.
the problem with corruption is that measures meant to combat it are often used by those who are corrupt against their enemies solely
Frequent purges and a zero tolerance policy against right opportunism. A constant state of red terror against revisionism. Despite the liberal narrative, Stalin and Mao were too SOFT on the enemies of socialism. We must not repeat their mistakes.
If you want to completely fucking stomp on the working class like that, feel free to, but at least be a Nazbol or something.
but what would you do to create this idealism especially among bureaucrats, and at what point does it become to much to the point of fanatical support
it was worked on, but the great purge and the cultural revolution were temporary solutions and cost a lot of lives and man hours.
The real answer is to use the power of technology to anonymize everything. If you don't know who your coworkers are and if it's punished by law to reveal your job then things would probably work a bit better. Officer work nowadays can all be done at home. The state should be faceless to everyone outside of it and inside.
Corruption wasn't the downfall of the soviet union, the necessity of relying on the Tsarist state bureaucracy, the devastation of the civil war, and the failure of the revolution internationally caused it to relapse into capitalism. Corruption is a symptom of this relapse.
Remove all benefits of the elites.
Stalin got rid of the jews
no he didn't
Instant popular recall would do it.
kys liberal
Yes, this question is bugging my mind for a very long time. I guess redistribution of government resources should be very transparent, laws should be very harsh on anybody who would try to enrich himself and of course, investigation of corruption and judges should be not in direct control of the state. And also throw into mix some massive propaganda to shift culture to more "honest" one.
yes, but corruption came back. You can't possibly think that you'll have only good, honest guys as the head of state for ever.
This would just enlarge the corruption, because people would be too scared to accuse anybody in power.
please, elaborate.
i believe that this should be discussed more.
this is why I'm an anarchist
t. revolutionary
All resource allocation should be totally transparent, digitally recorded, and available for public review online.
Easy: You get rid of the system that allows them to have more power than other people.
dude just no system lmao
every government, even anarchist one can become quite corrupt
disappear the corrupt people
We have to rid ourselves of the intelligentsia and middle-class scum that have typically dominated Communist organizations. Proletarianize party-power and subject all deputies and delegates to immediate recall.
This shit isn't hard people. All we have to do do is build a Democratic Communist Party. Once we get to that point we're effectively invincible. It's just a matter of hammering that idea into people's heads.
Simply create many agencies that regulate each other. The problem in the ussr was the fact that during stalin's purges, many of the old bolsheviks that were true communists in heart got executed for no reason. I think that alienated a lot of people from the party, and people joining did so for personal profit and not because they were ideologically communists
Oh lol
IMO, the original vanguard would take a position similar to that of the US Supreme Court, while the rest of government is filled with elected and re-callable constituents.
Full stop.
Corruption in USSR as compared to what? Soviets criminalized a lot of things. Consequently, they've got more crimes being committed. I'll pull a number out of thin air and say ~90% of Soviet corruption was completely legal within Capitalist states. From Soviet point of view, Capitalist states were hopelessly drowned in corruption - they simply didn't admit it.
Actually, abolishing private property was much more efficient than any purges. Getting a pile of gold you can't spend on anything without a lot of eyebrows being raised (and you being unable to explain how you acquired it), you don't have much of an incentive to steal money from the state.
The second thing was grass-root democracy. Moscow was getting a lot of input from below that helped keep people straight (granted, it generally a bit of time to process things, communications were slow in the 30s).
Purges are mostly a meme efficiency-wise (and in general).
bottom-up not top-down
centralized economy is fucking dumb
problem solved
> it generally took quite a bit of time to process things
Purge the whole Central Committee every 10 years
vague af
Not an argument
After careful consideration, the Central Committee has decided to decline this request. Furthermore, please report to your local commissar first thing in the morning.
Another hilarious meme xD
Holy fuck someone must have destroyed this guy's entire worldview in another thread. I'm seeing these salty posts all over the place.
An international State led by an international party sticking to marxism above anything else, even if it means settings back.
The guy was right indeed.
great, original contribution to the thread
Okay this really was a good contribution. Unironically made me think.
What more could Stalin and Mao have done?
How will you prevent your system from turning into tankies or porkies tho?
That isn't the problem though, the problem is finding them.