Cuckchan pol is trying to troll the Islamig community. How about we foil their plot boys?

Cuckchan pol is trying to troll the Islamig community. How about we foil their plot boys?

Other urls found in this thread:

why bother? let fascists and religious fundamentalists argue and waste their energy attacking each other

so what

Why not watching both spooks spook each other to death, mr. Holla Forums?

im the nazi trolling business and business is booming

stfu city boi

for the lulz. don't be so boring

Foiling raids is gay as fuck.

But you're the boring one.

Brad Pitt is def /ourguy/ he beats his chink adopted son and doesn't give a shit

Comrades, where's that pic showing just how white Holla Forums is?

I didn't know domestic abuse was Nazi

Check this out.

Afrocentricists are fucking retarded though.


legit not my intent. the alt-right is fucking killing us right now when it comes to memetic warfare. Let's start working to troll everything they do.

what if he was black?

Fuck off Holla Forums, this thread is shit. You can't claim to be doing something for teh lulz xd when you know full well there won't be any funny consequences of ruining their raid. It will be funnier to let them do it. Stop being the anti-troll police faggot.

You have to kill Hillary and neoliberalism first. Look at pol, before going on with Trump/Hillary/Liberal memes they attacked "cuckservatives" with endless humiliation of the Bush family, El Rato, Marco Roboto, Sleepy Ben and so on.

Mohammed was most likely black though.

Any interest the alt-right has you should be working against it lol. How can you guys sit online and praise antifa for disrupting IRL trolls but wont disrupt cuckchan from trolling on twitter?

Neoliberalism lost. That shouldn't be the focus. We have an adversary terrorizing people online. Why not work against their interests?

Muslim from Holla Forums detected.

It's fun watching you be so triggered.

a lot of pol shills in here. no wonder this place is so passive. it's a bunch of poltards larping as radical leftists

hello pol

Says the butthurt nigger/muzzo newfag.

Your thread was on the front page. Everyone and their dog is ready to find you and shoot you dead.


Considering he took direct action against capitalists I would say he was pretty radical.


you didn't prove anything pol

top kek

Reactionaries responding to deadly provocation by violent niggers of all colors with its own deadly force is no vice.

t. pol

Sounds like charismatic hierarchy

nobody in this thread mentioned violence yet you're the one saying people will be shot dead. another example of alt-right hypocrisy

You're all antifa until proven otherwise. Antifa is nothing but violence. It will be met with equality. Don't you like equality?


You want to help out a religious institution? Religion is just the opiate of the masses and what has been used by the oligarchs to control and destroy any awakening in the people.



Fuck off cointelpol

It doesn't work together. How could you think it could?

Abrahamic religions emphasis sharing in their texts. You can be a Christian communist/Anarchist. I don't see the problem. I sincerely am inviting the left to be more inclusive to liberals and religious folks. You don't have to let them steer your views but how are you ever going to grow without outreach?



I see nothing wrong with this tbh

There is a reason you made sure to say "Abrahamic" because you were probably raised in that society and so because the elders around you said it was the way you feel even at a remote level that there is something good in it.

Religion is slavery of the mind, it enslaves you to the ox cart and never allow you to think otherwise. To want to help the worker but feed him nothing but bowing down is the same as having the worker bow down before the greed of the wealthy.

There is a problem in the left recognizing religion, it has been used to destroy the revolution, time and again. The left now seems ever more adulent to give themselves to Islam now and it will be their downfall and everything the Enlightenment brought will be thrown away.

Implying any similarity between the liberal of the Enlightenment and the religious folk of the Medieval ages, they are anything but different. One sent you to war for their own profits while the other gave you science and boy does religion try to explain or capitalize on it for religion cannot compete with science.

you're implying that religious (Muslim) civilizations didn't bring about golden ages of science and mathematics. Education is romanticized in cultures that have practiced Islam.

Good luck with recruiting to the left with your isolationist mentality. And if you think that if there is a societal economic strife people will automatically come to your side you're mistaken.

t. liberal
you didn't respond to any points and there are countless thinkers and scientists who produced infinitely more than you who were religious
sage because you are retarded, do not respond to me with more empty rhetoric

Why dont you fuck yourself?

Nobody gives a fuck about twitter, and 99% of these "raids" fall flat on their faces within 30 minutes, due to personal incompetence. There's really no point in getting involved when Holla Forums acts retarded on the internet. Most people are just going to call them retards, and move on.

Did it ever occur to you that the left now are the reactionaries? All you ever do is react to what real political movements are doing.

You aren't the cool rebels anymore guys :'). Holla Forums is.


Islam's Golden Age happened only because at the time there was no orthodoxy or governing council so an Imam in Baghdad could mold the group to what he thought was best while another in Syria would be using it to exterminate a whole population. This "Golden Age" ends very quickly as an orthodoxy sets in and rituals like everyone going to Mediana become practically mandatory, from this station Islam starts to go after the smaller cults, some become so much zealots they even raid Mohamed's tomb. And now we find Islam conquering over the world, I'm not saying a Greek in ancient times or a Christian in medieval times wasn't able to think but it wasn't his belief that gained him this ability but it was his religion which stood in the way for him and serf to have control of their lives.

Can you prove to me that it was their belief in religion which drove them to it? Are you Greek Polytheist in the robe of someone at the Library of Alexandria? Are you Taoist or Buddhist in the vein of one of their great philosophers? Or are you a follower of one of these Abrahamic religions fighting for more converts, is it people born across the world inventing these things or is it the religion of their culture?

I can see a trend in one way, I wonder why you can't.

Kill yourself immediately moron. I refuted your bullshit about how religion hamstrings people from thinking freely. You may know religious people who are close minded and stupid but I know atheists who are close minded and stupid. Did you win that argument? Fuck off to Reddit.

The more I think of it, the more stupid this idea appears.

It won't affect muslims, and it can only make blacks like islam more. The only potential for division would be convincing SJWs to start spreading depictions of Muhammad, but that's unlikely to happen, given they don't exist.

It's like Holla Forums doesn't realize they're the only people repulsed by black skin color.

It's funny because there was a thread just like this one about getting into people's phones just a few days ago.
There are already several groups dedicated to trooling le nazis on reddit and facebook, why would you bring that shit here?
If you really care so much about this make a /leftyraid/ board and invite people there, don't slide the catalog with this trash.

is this whole thread one Holla Forumsyp replying to himself?

Muslims hate black people with a vengeance. Some arab areas had black slaves up until the early 20th century. Also they pretty much invented going to africa to hunt for slaves.

They started big on black slavery in the 7th century, before europeans even really knew black people existed.

Also, antifa hasn't killed anyone and only a few of their members have conducted violence. Therefore your response is unbalanced.

Saudi Arabia and Yemen abolished slavery in 1962, Oman in 1970, and Mauritania in 1905, 1981, and again in August 2007

YOU are the cancer.

Just spread those screencaps to stop them. Who cares.

The endless cuckoldry I see here is astounding. Pathetic.

It can't be both astounding and pathetic, that doesn't make sense.