50% of black youth are unemployed.
Niggers are majority lumpen. (Working-class blacks usually aren't the ones chimping out. It's mostly college students and lumpens.)
Spics are mostly scabs, not lumpens. There are some lumpen spics, but most of them are workers shipped in to replace native labor, usually unionized jobs.
Most other American immigrants are usually highly paid scabs who occupy managerial-professional jobs. They actually are more muh privileged than the native whites and blacks.
No one cares for your feelings. Also, the lumpens are lazzaroni and reactionaries. We, meanwhile, are the successors to the sans culottes.
It's very simple. The working class has different material conditions from lumpens, and thus have different interests. The lumpens have no class interests against the capitalists. (Or against workers.) Basically, the lumpens have no reason to overthrow capitalism so long as they get free shit. UBI means the downfall of revolution and the end of democracy as a possibility. The same thing happened to the Roman plebeian, who used to be a freeholding farmer before becoming a landless urban lumpen. (And thus the Roman Republic became the Empire)
Of course, this is too brief to fully explain the point, but basically the lumpens have no revolutionary potential or motivation to overthrow capitalism. The state can provide welfare and UBI without interfering with the interests of capitalists. Meanwhile, workers, due to being exploited, have an inherent interest in overthrowing capitalists.
Since capitalists are a minority and need some base of support to maintain their rule, they naturally turn to lumpens, importing loyal scabs, and using idpol to weaken the power of the working class majority. (And, it has worked magnificently for porky.)
That's not lumpen. Most rednecks usually work for a living, though there are the unemployed trailer park "white-trash" who fit the term lumpen. Lumpen just means the unemployed, criminials, and, in the loosest sense, precariat jobs.
French national identity really came in during the late 19th century, but began in the French Revolution.
There's a labor perspective to it. Native workers want to protect their own interests, which involves attacking foreign scabs and capitalists. In fact, minorities such as blacks/immigrants, before the communists embraced them, actually felt closer to their bosses than to their white/native coworkers. It was the unions that passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. (Even the radical ones such as the Knights of Labor.)
Of course, you all are the real LARPers here. :^)