Wonder if they would collectively shit themselves this hard over any alt-right bullshit.
The alt-right's asskissers on Knowyourmeme triggered by "So much for the tolerant left"
Muh co-opted memes shouldn't be in full display to normies. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
that's an alt right meme wtf its making fun of cuckservatives like PJW
thsi is the best one
looks like your memes of production were seized
The Left should be about as tolerant as Robbespierre or Lenin.
That's pretty gay
we infected it with white supremacy so youre spreading white supremacy when you use it
I thought the right won, why are they so easily ass shattered?
uhh people who say "so much for the tolerant left" are conservatives AKA the people that wouldve supported ted cruz or ron paul
(they lose the primary)
why the fuck is a website about cataloging memes talking about politics now.
It's a meme m8. Ownership beyond acknowledgement for where it was created and gained most of its popularity is some newfag twitter/youtube bullshit. If everyone is using it then you have a funny meme.
that's where you're wrong, myeme property
Top kek
It's funny that the entirety of the comments are trying to call it forced, when they're all trying to come up with a way to force a response to it. KYM and Cheezburger Network should have been burnt to the ground by anons when it first cropped up.
I warned you about commodification, dog.
This is one of the most pointless No True Scotsman arguments I've ever seen. I've seen plenty of alt-righters and NEETsocs use this phrase in earnest, it's not just Tea Party normies. Just accept that some people are laughing at you and move on
The notion of tolerance is reactionary to the core.
It is interesting that they would use a pic depicting executions from a period in which the bourgeois usurped power from the aristocracy and call it "the left".
fucking lol, you're so far up your ass with marxist interpretation that you forgot the term "right" and "left" originated with the French revolution
Yes and the original left were fanatical free market capitalists so what the hell.
You're retarded
Wew lads
feminism "everything is excellent" tier
that's not how it works