What went right?. Seriously though, what did the Soviet Union get right? Looking for nom ML opinions as well

What went right?. Seriously though, what did the Soviet Union get right? Looking for nom ML opinions as well

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nothing it was corrupt at every level from the get go

the totalitarian shithole crashed and burned proving diamat was right all along

It was able to provide significant economic and material gains to its population. It was stable for three quarters of a century despite two world wars and several foreign invasions. It was able to raise the literacy rate from 10% under the Czars to over 90%. Despite not being socialist, it's worker-oriented rhetoric worked as a bogeyman in the West to keep them at least pretending to give a shit about their workers. Its scientific achievements were significant and have lead in some cases to revolutionary forms of medical treatment and advances in numerous other scientific fields.

IMO the period from Stalin's death to Glasnost will be viewed in the coming decades as a golden age for Russia especially if/when it comes into direct conflict with the US. Red Nostalgia will lay the groundwork for real socialist reform and when capitalism has left it in ruins socialism will rise from its ashes.

This trotsky should have won tbh

Space race
BTFO Hitler
Khrushchev hit his shoe on a table and told everyone their children would be communists, making everyone butthurt as fuck

They pretended to read Marx and Lenin but didn't, thus creating a religion-like cadre that supposedly embodied their ideas despite not doing so, while at the same time solidifying the concept of "revisionism" to fight against: marxmyths.org/hal-draper/article2.htm


killing cruel dictator was great start, then quick advancement of life of workers came almost to the level of quality of life near the levels of norther european countries.
The real problem came (and the reason why so many people in former socialist countries hate SU) when the system of quickest technological advancement started to be threatening to way of life of corrupt politicians.
Finnish Bolshevik made good video about some great things they made
**i had to delete my last comment, i'm a little drunk and it sounded like i'm potato''

fuuck, i'm not even able to spoiler now. I think I should quit internet for today

the 60s and 70s basically

Everything from 1917-1953

To say the Bolsheviks were actually evil or the USSR was shit is 100% delusional. Anarchists should be more accepting of the Soviet Union and atleast respect it as a project. Stay critical, but don't bitch about it like a liberal.

the bolsheviks dindu nuffin

Why do people not like Kruschev exactly? He seemed like he was genuinely willing to make the USSR less dictatorial and restore some semblance of worker's democracy.

Slavery,starvation and death toll weren't as horrible as in Auschwitz.

It went from agrarian shithole to global superpower in less than a century, despite suffering two crippling wars. Pretty impressive, all things considered.

For one, he remodeled the whole soviet industry and 5-year plans. Removed production quotas etc. which is the major reason for end for soviet growth in productive forces.

Still pretty shit fam.

lmao no.

Trash I tell you.

Unavoidable when your entire worldview is based on a nonsensical bourgeois concept, personal liberty. The USSR was dogshit, I am not it's proponent. But unlike most modern pseudo-Socialists I don't rejoice like a braindead reactionary at it's destruction either. We will never have a means of criticizing the USSR outside the pro-imperialist narrative until the word "libertarianism" is abandoned to the bourgeoisie.

because he was pussy. He tried to look like technocrat but he never tried to go against the interests of the rest of politicians

Yeah, state capitalism is wonderful. Instead of being oppressed by capitalists the working class can be oppressed by bureaucrats.

kys anarkiddie. Makhnovists deserved worse.

Bolsheviks were unironically worse than the Nazis

If you apologise for their actions, you're a disgusting human being

of course they were, they didn't allow none private industry in their land


But that's literally what Marx said, read the Gotha Programme.

Soviet engineering was TOP NOTCH. It's clear proof that lack of Capitalism won't stifle ingenuity, creativity or innovation.