Non-whites of Holla Forums

sup guys, few questions for you all;

how do you feel about racism in general? is it still a big problem in society?

what do you think of identity politics, national liberation and anti-racism?

how do you feel towards white people?

do you feel like people criticising identity politics are just smug closet racists?

should there be reparations for colonialism/slavery?

do you think non-whites are vindictive towards white people?

finally, how can we all work together?

Other urls found in this thread:


this is exactly how i feel

get over yourself




I'm a "non-white" and I want you to stop making these threads. I'm tired of arguing about white and non-white people like they are a big homogeneous blob. I'm tired of all racial politics and endless whining.

Racism is bad. Yes. I want at least this board to accept this as a common knowledge and not engage every retard from Holla Forums for hundreds of replies and multiple threads.

I'm a "non-white" and I say who gives a shit.

Slav here.


Yes, I want those fucking german cunts to pay us back the same amount of reparations that they're routinely paying to israel

Of course

By killing whitey of course :^^^^^^^)

Kill all nigers

how do you feel about racism in general? is it still a big problem in society?
Racism stems from a lack of internationalist proletarian class consciousness. It props up bourgeois ethno-nationalist chauvinism. The elimination of race is a revolutionary necessity.

what do you think of identity politics, national liberation and anti-racism?
Mostly a pool of confused inter-class banality. The issues themselves stemming from legitimate structural inequalities which do indeed need to be addressed.

how do you feel towards white people?
White people do not exist.

do you feel like people criticising identity politics are just smug closet racists?
Sometimes they are. Sometimes they are rightly criticizing the cancerous liberal ideology propagated by the bourgeoisie.

should there be reparations for colonialism/slavery?
Gay, straight, black, white - Same porky same blight.

do you think non-whites are vindictive towards white people?
Individuals have different opinions and attitudes.

sorry 'bout that homies

What a intelligent, nice, and well spoken young man who I definitely wouldn't want anywhere near my daughter, or my family.


Fred dun already fucked all your kids and your wife.


Racism will never die, but in a classless or class-flat society, it will be limited to jokes and banter rather than Nazi masturbation fantasys and lynchings. Economic inequality is the root of the true problem.

Racism is identity politics. Identity politics are bad. National liberation is good when an area is liberated from capitalism. If not there isn't much point unless it's a real step towards this goal. Racism is bad so anti racism is good. I am a white person I am completely ambivalent to the skin colour of white people or black people.

No, being against identity politics has nothing to do with being a racist. Idiot.

Reparations in the form of the abolition of capitalism and modern day slavery sure.

Non whites are not vindictive towards white people.

We can all get along when we abolish capitalism

this is some avant garde shit.

Drop all the shit in the OP and focus on revolutionary socialism.

I once read an article about three tribes in Pakistan I think, that lived very close to each other but got along fine. They'd joke and banter with each other a lot, and say shit like "I just heard this great joke about tribe A, but since I know you're from there I'll tell you one about tribe C instead."

People give zizek shit about his diplomacy of vulgarity but I think there's something to it.

We can't, mass the bikes etc etc.

well said

then why do leftists blame them for everything bad, especially in america

Ftfy. To clarify, "white" is just a range of skin tones and "white people" don't necessarily have anything else to do with each other apart from that. They are not a homogeneous class or cultural group. The same goes for "non-white people".

t. "non-white" person

How come you are this stupid, pol?

People who call themselves leftist are not one big hivemind. Just like how Holla Forums calles conservatives cuckservatives hates the alt-lite.

then they're pretty dumb

especially when i see lgbt people idolising stalin

Report these shit threads, they slide genuine threads purposely.


my nigga

Stop bumping dead, duplicate threads with bait, asshole.

Whats the source and context of this vid?