What is the connection between videos games and nazis?

What is the connection between videos games and nazis?

Who is this semen demon

alienated young men like game and are easily drawn into fascist movement because they offer acceptance and a scapegoat for their problems


Always sage anti-gamergate feminism.

you mean what is the connection between video games and tumblr sjws

there isn't one. it's just made up by metropolitan liberals and bourgeois "leftists" as an excuse to bash something they don't like

games are harmless. the culture of drink and drugs is far more harmful to the left

Fuck off, media scum.

Coming for dem nazi's.

Audrey Horne

This better be b8

there's more but that's a good place to start

Drugs are a way to burn off thought binding superegoic conditioning. There should never be a time in a society's life cycles where casual drug use is stigmatized. You have effectively reached Catholic Church, Nazi Germany level destruction of autonomy and freedom if you restrict access to mind altering substances.

ah yes, all games fit that mould

games like animal crossing don't exist, no siree

public education failed you user

you need anti-spook education

Rampant drug abuse is a symptom of capitalism and should be fought vigorously, but recreational use of substances has always existed in human history and will always exist unless the transhumanists have their way. I'm a Catholic leftist and even I recognize that.

Secondly, "bring back Prohibition" is not the kind of rallying call that will win the youths over to socialism, I don't think

Very well said. Heavy drug use will naturally decrease along with the level of alienation of the average person. And no Western society can go very far without coffee, booze and cigarettes, at least for the time being.

Criminalization feeds black markets.

i wish it did tbh

i want suited and booted early 20th century style socialism, not postmodern rainbow shit

Video game commentators on youtube are literally the heart of contemporary NRx recruitment. I'm not baiting, I'm asking wtf the connection is and why this happened. For some reason video game culture has developed a strong rightist affinity. Sagers ITT are probably children who care about ethics in video game journalism.

why tho? what did videogames ever did to you? ever heard of farming simulator? why shit on a bunch of people that never did anything to you?

hope that one day, an entire group of… buddhist monks find you, hang you with your own guts, set you on fire, skin you alive, and break your ribs in a way that every breath you take is agonizing
I dont fucking know, but for the same reason you libshits are shitting on gamers. Dont know what have they ever did to you. All I know is that you fucks ruined their games, for no fucking reason, and now you are acting all weirded out when they Trump'd the white house.

You hipster shits should hang first. They are the source of all bad things ever.

you need to stop using stirner memes like they're arguments, it makes you look like a total retard

because a load of dumb unsourced jack thompson shit about how video games are evil is totally an argument

lel at being this fucking stupid

all countries restrict access to mind altering substances. and what's wrong with that exactly? why should people be allowed to stuff their bodies with poison and expect society to help them out when it all goes wrong, which if you're messing with hard drugs like cocaine and alcohol, it inevitably will?

animal crossing is pretty fun user, i don't find it grindy at all

the state and anyone who attempts to erect the state or dominate humans should be smashed, all of its manifestations and laws should be abolished and again anyone who attempts to enforce them should be smashed. if you are advocating using state violence to control people's minds, you are going to be deconstructed and repurposed or just destroyed. Anyone who tries to control intelligence will end up being destroyed.

what does that involve exactly?

society shouldn't be in control of any amount of resources, the state shouldn't have some supply of resources it can waste on anything. The state shouldn't exist, society shouldn't be legislated into being and given properties that a person has (like owing or being owed debts). You're going to be destroyed, everything you believe in will fail and I hope your whole genetic lineage is cleansed.

Presumably for the same reason that you expect society to help you when you suffer an accident while repairing your roof or playing rugby. Human activity should dictate resource allocation, not the other way around.

go on then, faggot, explain it.

we take everything you have and you make your own way in the world. without access to any special priviledges or rights to exploit others. If you are competent and pro-social you will immediately be successful, if not you will die. Its that simple. Your house, and cars and property is now the world's though. Your degree means nothing, your religion and philosophy is a threat to mental sovereignty of others and should be kept to yourself or you again should be ostracized or exterminated.

because SJWs kept shitting on every nerd hobby in existence for one, then kept insulting people who complained about it in the bought-off gaming media. This is what GG was about originally, fighting the shitty media, and dragging the nepotism, paid reviews, under the table deals out int he open and actually having some semblance of journalistic integrity. But SJWs went full retard and apparently had a sleeper network nobody but a few knew existed and took full advantage of it. Coupled with Holla Forums being brigaded by stormfaggots and neonazis which normalized that behaviour which originally was mocked for being insane, and also coupled with general social alienation that nerds and incels generally suffered, they because pushed towards the rightwing. Redpill, PUA shit took hold, then the nazitards rebranded as "alt-right", SJWs kept going full retard by censoring and oppressing, and whining which just galvanized them because in their minds they were right all along.

I'm 32, I'm a first gen Holla Forumstard, was there in the first few months of of 2004, back then shit was left/right libertarian for the most part, I've had to slowly watch people I used to consider friends, or at the very least compatriots become rightwing lunatics because of this social alienation and it's depressing as fuck. I know some people are going to shit on my opinions here but I'm telling you what I saw, what I heard from people, this is how they think and why they reached this point. This is why inclusiveness, and understanding is the only way to get through to them(the ones that can be reasoned with), you can't shit on people to convert them, they just become more radicalized, this is why Holla Forums won them over.

i don't feel like giving any more reason than that

is this bait? yes people like to play games of stuff they cant do in real life, most movies dont feature the main character waking up, getting dressed, going to work then coming home and sleeping either

Most modern nazis are faggots who grew up playing vidya like most westfags currently in their 20's. Like most commies here I wager.

Hello 1990s pearl clutching self-righteous, church-going soccer mom with absolutely no evidence supporting their opinions, how have you been?

Over half of the male population aged from 16 to 30 plays vidya. The only way you can see a connection is by being such a deluded twat that you think half the population are secret nazis.

no you're just that stupid and unable to use your neo-cortex/higher reasoning faculties effectively, you're also autistically attached to video games which are a powerful tool for shaping someones pscyhe so you can't properly assess my argument. You're essentially an intellectual nonparticipant if you think about it

So I'll make a deal, don't you think the whiny sperging, mouth breathing, incoherent, bleary eyed existence of a gamer resembles the prototypical Holla Forumslack? There, I appealed to your retarded stereotyping, illogical damaged amygdala. Now fuck off

every single thing I said is a fact, or has been discussed by people who've written more books than your whole family has read you bug person

name 'em, faggot.

The people who enthusiastically embrace "gamer" as an identity, build their only persona around that identity, and lash out at any perceived attacks on that identity are a bit different from people who buy the new Madden every other year

you need to backup your claims with something that isn't a basic paper on how videogames improve reflexes but actually change reasoning ability

oh I see, you just came from r/iamverysmart, you're cute, maybe we should keep you around as a supplement to the FreudCigar shitposter

This is a good empathy test actually.

The OP doesn't say that, though. Only 'video games'.

whom? the facts?

ok a top down sim game is exactly like how a technocrat would mentally manage an economy

a repressed soybeast gyno'd out male would 100% get mental catharsis from playing penis envy fantasy as hyper jock chad violent ubermensch

grindy, loopy, boring, autistic, low res, polygon laden games like side scrollers and animal crossing, minecraft appeal to autistic low res mathematical mind

adrenaline junky racing games clearly appeal to people who are too much of faggots to actually work on a car or save up money to drive a car fast enough to satisfy lack of seratonin in their brains with adrenaline and dopamine rush.

I don't see why I have to keep reiterating basic descriptions of video games, the mindset of the people who play them, how that person engages with them psychologically and then analogize that with people who run our society like its a game, like its a game of chess or an rts or a casino.

My claims are accurate first hand descriptors of the different popular genres of games and the types of people who play them, I don't think anyone is debating that mega nerd rts autism correlates with management mindset and machiavellian technocratic/nrx leanings (or if you like state socialist/soc dem transhumanist technosocialism lunacy)

o im laffin

but yeah if you really want to psychoanalyse me i play video games because real life is shit that I wish I could turn off

Why am i not surprised


never leave

lol you're killing your own mind user. Just fucking make the connection yourself. People who are obsessed with Civilization and Starcraft might have a neurological predisposition towards a MANAGEMENT STATE. This is not at all an extraordinary proposition considering the lunatic shit you people take seriously on here all the time which is completely contrary to science and philosophy.

none of us ever leave once we make a post user, you know that silly

yes and probably a genetic and neurological correlation as well. blaming everything on your environment is halfwit logic. Try to figure out if maybe you have psychological or even biological urges that push you towards entertaining yourself with games, maybe analyze how they might reflect your political and sociological outlooks. Everything is related user, you're ignoring half the picture for the sake of upholding a self-soothing narrative. I'm sorry for attacking your dopamine drip, but there is a reason for almost everyone's hobbies and habits and a lot of those reasons are social engineering and then a lot of them are strictly biological and psychological. This weird disassociation people do with video games and technology when they would be hyper critical of so many other aspects of their world is telling that it has a strong hold over a lot of people.

im not a faggot that attacks everyone elses hobbies, but i dont see how video games are different from them, if someone likes trainspotting I don't begrudge them of that. I don't really get what your point is.

Honest question, have you ever played a video game? If so, which games specifically have you played?

On a related note, am I the only one who's at a loss as to exactly what the fuck is going on with Karl Sharks in the POWER game?

I already told you it's social alienation, they don't exist because they want to, they exist because they have to. It's like oil and water, you're blaming the oil drops for floating to the surface and joining together. You're literally blaming the victim here. And you're also ignoring another aspect to this, people with similar interests group together, this isn't some magical thing. If you have a problem with that, maybe you should genetically engineer a human race that literally thinks the same thoughts, because that's the only way you're going to get those groups to stop existing. Shit, do you get on people for having book clubs? Or horse riding groups? Or gardening? The only difference is those groups lack the social alienation, when you tell someone you have a garden or red books they don't look at you like you have herpes.

I think the anti-autism jihadist is an autist himself for not figuring this most basic shit out.

A good day on leftypol.

Also, remember to sage.

yeah okay, and i'm sure you will survive the collapse of civilisation somehow

Good worker, keep supporting nerd culture.

The other people here are laughing so let me be open here: you're coming off as having some sort of mental illness.

nah you are all like
and you want everyone else to also shits on a thing for no reason

these people are playing videogames alright, not building missiles and nuking your asshole, ripping it apart and causing the butthurt
they are just sitting in dark rooms, playing their fucking videogames, not disturbing anyone, not causing any harm, not doing anything bad
there's a court for those, go and sue them (pro tip: you wont because you are just talking some bullshit)
these are literally virgins, just what the fuck are you even talking about??

nah, you are the aggressor here
some people have different hobbies and different opinions than yours, and that is perfectly fine
failing to realize that some people have different opinions and different hobbies is autism

That's good, do you have any other gas lighting left wing key phrases to tag me with? I'm sure instead of systematically addressing what I said and pointing out how its absurd or illogical isn't too much to ask?

For instance why is it that the actual people we are talking about, NRx who on twitter are extremely open about their beliefs and self aware at that, why is it that they acknowledge EXACTLY what I'm saying? have you ever been on NRx twitter or frogtwitter or pol for an extended period of time? Do you understand the anime-primitism/animism meme? Are you fucking ignorant of everything your enemy is about and wants? Or are you just another faggot gamer who is upset I am poking holes in your dopamine drip?

You retards will never move on, won't you? Just deal with the fact that Holla Forums fucking killed it and think of new ways to help actually leftist causes.

Reactionaries got angry at SJWs and thought the best way to fight them off was act exactly like them but on the opposite side of the spectrum (same autistic spectrum though).

what like Castle Wolfenstein?

No people are the product of psychology, environment and biology. Most humans have little to no self reflection or self aware mental activity that would consitute a self. The average mainstream normie is a literal gigantic bug which responds to stimuli. Your underestimation of the damage of capitalism and more importantly public schooling (socializing more accurately) is your downfall. THIS specific hobby is an issue and goes with the NRx mindset and the alt right will continue to mine the endless supply of lonely autistic, repressed, aggressive gamers into being their ideological pawns and you guys will continue to sperg because you like N64 and Fallout 2 and Waifu sims.

And again the technological system will collapse and there will be a species wide holocaust of basically everyone on the coasts and riverbanks and near major cities/hard targets. If you don't understand this then watch more of the news because you are clearly out of touch with reality

I love gardening for the record and have no problem with people making art or doing sports or anything of that sort. Gaming is autistic, 90% of games are trash and prune your mind. You would get more out of sports, reading and intellectual discourse a la the Academy than gaming.

I'm pointing out that you can blame victims and aggressors. I blame faggot autists for being weaklings and I blame the NRx predators for manipulating them. That's called taking an even handed approach. There's nothing logical about anything any of the pro-gamer people have said.

Loneliness is ONE aspect to why someone joins reactionary radical politics, another might be a LEGITIMATE psychological predisposition towards machiavellian, autocratic political outlooks. Which could be said to go with management and power sims like a lot of games white guys tend to play. That's it, that's all. I play video games every fucking day, I am acutely aware that I am more sensitive to NRx and statist managerial (think USSR, PRC) thinking than other people are. Which is why I work extra hard mentally to excise those mental tendencies and force myself to think rationally about my politics. Which is what I hope most people here do: suppress retard sperg urges to favor some particular outlook over another and then actually from the ground up reasoning out their politics (i know this isn't what you guys do at all, but I have high hopes)

Your posturing is retarded as is the other idiots who are trying to say I'm being crazy in my lines of arguments. There is nothing weird about making connections between different subcultures and using different lenses of analysis to tackle a question that someone asked ALL OF US (not just you) to answer.

A-At least anitwitter has a good chunk of leftists.

Right. Listen, whatever you think is real in your mind probably is, for you. All I am saying is, if you would bust into my house and broke my copy of fallout 2, I'd probably call the cops and you'd end up in a cell. Since I am ~100 kg's heavy, nearly 2 meters tall, and working out twice a week, I could probably also hit you with something like a chair and you probably wouldnt be able to move around for the rest of that day.

All I'm saying is, feel free to post your opinions online as much as you want, but physically imposing your (retarded) opinion onto other physical beings in the physical world might have physical consequences.
Now I'm gonna go and play some of my videogames, there's nothing left to be said here, all I found here is a crazy person that wants to force people who play videogames to do what they want.

Again, it might be all real in your head, but outside of your head trying to enforce your opinions could backfire. You claim to be rational, so perhaps you can see for yourself that you alone dont have enough force to enforce your dictatorship on millions of men in their prime, who you also claim are all extremely militant and self-defense oriented.

nice bump fucktard

Nerd/antinerd threads are thinly-veiled idpol bullshit.


Also, for a board clearly filled with nerds, it's surprising to me how many are hostile to them.

I would imagine one's access to truth would hinge somewhat on their being able to contain that truth within their own mind and to understand it consciously (which makes what you said even more retarded philosophically than it already is, cute parental posturing again)

I don't care about you even a little bit and would never aggressively attack you and take anything you have because you have nothing i want. Your boot licking knee jerk response to a person having an emotional crisis who decides to burgle you is indicative of liberal low empathy (probably from eating lots of food that damages your melatonin production)
Why the sudden dick swinging? I never said I wanted to harm you for your vidya. I said that society will collapse and weak nerds will all die if they don't beging thinking in eugenic ways. That's it

This is a non-statement. You're doing the pseudo-masculine left wing posturing parental thing about how the police are gonna get me for taking your vidya and you're going to hurt me for touching your properties. It makes no sense I never said I was going to organize vidya burning rallies or anti-vidya militias (its just sperging). Your snapping into a violent mindset because I dislike nerd culture which is funny because that's exactly what autists do when you threaten their goodies.

No I want people to consider whether vidya shapes the way we think about reality and if its possible that it strongly correlates with certain political outlooks.

They're all going to die when they fire nukes at Israel or China you sperg. I don't want to control any of them. I know for a fact that we are going to either be locked into techno-capitalist hell forever or we are headed towards Day Zero courtesy of NRx lunatics with nukes.

You're violent fantasizing is curious and telling, thanks for sharing with me buddy


It's called self-awareness.
And I think you can like nerd/otaku shit without being obsessive or a shitty person.

Not much, I am actually all for anti racism but a FPS with a campaign where you play as the Waffen SS would actually be pretty neat.

What's your favorite video game, Phil?

Have you ever played a video game?

Video game culture is for idiot basement dwellers. Nazis re idiot basement dwellers. Pretty simple.


Why do tumblr liberals hate games so much?

Why do retards love bumping shitty threads with shitty posts?

Fuck off Holla Forums with your idpol bullshit.

BO, please make "not liking vidya" a bannable offense, thanks

This is a board about politics, not video games, you fucking chump.

It doesn't matter. Someone who doesn't like vidya can't be a good person, let alone a good poster.

>What's the connection between very common thing and bad thing?
What connection?
Huh, I seriously don' get it.
>There are many examples for people who very common thing and who are also bad thing.
The common thing is pretty common. Have you thought about that?
No. What even makes you believe there is some special connection here?
>*lists examples of people in bad thing who are also common thing*
Again, one of these things is really common. So. What of it?
>*fumes coming out of ears* Yyyyyoooouuuu. At least you could agree with me that any instance of bad thing is bad. Take a stand.
What's your point?
>Any instance of bad thing is one instance too much. Why haven't you denounced bad thing?
There are plenty of things that are kinda bad like this bad thing. Do you denounce these all day long?
Okay. Two questions: What does this actually achieve and how much time do you have left for doing anything else?

Behead those who insult vidya.