I've seen people proudly proclaiming that they refuse to go along with white guilt as it if was some major cultural force, but I've never seen anyone express actual white guilt.
Is white guilt really a thing?
I've seen people proudly proclaiming that they refuse to go along with white guilt as it if was some major cultural force, but I've never seen anyone express actual white guilt.
Is white guilt really a thing?
Guilt has it's origin in debt both cosmic and material, this failure to pay the debt culminate into the feeling of guilt.
Now lets see the category "White", you will need to answer me in debt to what?
Only in Germany. They really have ww2 guilt in there. They're all taught that caring for you country is the same as being a nazi. They're all taught that they are born with a sin.
For the rest…No i don't think so. Just look at France, they did some awful shit in places like Algeria and Vietnam. Yet french peopel are still all racist as fuck and have no such thing as "guilt". When other white french people returned to France from Algeria in the 60's after the war of independence ended, they were still seen as foreigners from other native french people.
It exists but its honestly quite rare, I have seen a lot more self loathing people of other "races" honestly.
Oh, it exists. For example, there's a moderately-sized facebook group I've seen links to where white people buy black people stuff from their amazon wishlists to apologize for slavery. It's the same group of fools who buy safety pin boxes, make sure that they appear in every thread asserting that revolutions aren't really revolutions unless queer black femmes are leading them, and get their jollies from cultish pandering and turning black people into some kind of bizarre cult figure.
Don't mistake me, I'm full on for anti-racism and such. But the fucking people who do it are about as insane as the people who perpetrate it, and it's honestly terrifying to watch.
Go meet people in a private film school, then tell me
No we are not fuck off Holla Forums.
No and it shows that the same people who believe it are the same idiots that think "being anti pc" is heroic. Both are byproducts of real racists and sexists thinking they're "speaking for everyone" when they say reactionary shit and they only reason you aren't saying these thing is mythical white guilt or scared because of "muh pc culture."
That is not to say the other side doesn't get hot and bothered over non-issues as well but I rarely see your question addressed or people even asking whether the monolithic "pc culture" really exists either.
I'll take "American who has heard this from second hand sources and doesn't know shit about Germany nor it's education system" for 500 please.
You think they get taught Sharia law and have Turkish as a mandatory second language as well?
If white guilt is not a thing, then how do you justify the white idpols that post "all white people should die"?
I usually see this said by members of other races and the few times I haven't it isn't said out of white guilt it's said out of being edgy. Something the other side knows a whole lot about.
yeah pretty much, Germany is a shit hole
I'm getting a CS degree at a liberal arts college and it's pretty common for people, especially girls, to make fun of white guys. When we had Yik Yak almost every post with a lot of upbotes was making a bad joke about white people or bitching about muh privilege.
I also took an Intro Sociology class to see if it's a joke (it is), and I could easily imagine a retard feeling guilty about being a white Christian because of it. We had an assigned reading clickbait article about how America has a white male terrorist problem.
Germany is pretty shit but ironically enough for none of the reasons Holla Forums talks about.
But… don't you actually have one?
Black, jew, and asians make a self-deprecating joke all the time.
Is it guilt too?
We have a domestic terrorism problem. I think the last major successful terrorist attack from foreign born actors was 9-11.
I've never seen "white guilt" any place that wasn't the internet.
White men are the only group that it's still acceptable to mock
I hate it when I see people lumping all white men together and talk about how much they hate us, and it's even worse when women refuse to date white men. No, we're not all rich and have easy lives. It feels disgusting, like I want to rip off my skin. None of my ancestors owned slaves or anything but I'm still evil in their eyes.
It depends on your social group. In some social groups it is definetely very acceptable to make fun of other races, but never of whites.
Well I don't see that. I always feel like I'm walking on eggshells around people who aren't white for fear of being attacked
Sort of, I'm not sure how disproportionately white it is. The article quoted both Mercer and Elliot Rodger as white.
Probably not. Anyways, I don't think it's white guilt, I think it's resentment. The difference is that anybody is free to do it, when making fun of another race would get you smothered to death by antifa dykes.
It seems like you need to find another social group then, because the one you have now seems cancerous as fuck.
I don't really have a social circle, it's just my limited experience and observation of the world and where it's going
Sometimes I think, "damn, I sure was lucky to be born a white American", but that's about it.
Why aren't you So Sorry?
No white guilt from me personally.
I've had people try to tell me because I am white I am responsible for slavery, since my ancestors were alive for it. Pretty funny since not a single one of my ancestors were in the United States any early than like 1910 or 1920. But yea a bunch of poor immigrant farmers from Northern Europe were resonsible for US slavery.
Plus my family has never progressed passed lower middle class, so its not like we really benefited all that much from "muh white muh privilege"
it seems like you're confusing your own social awkwardness with how the world actually is, and should probably spend more time talking to people offline
It might be a real thing but Holla Forums interprits as if you're not "proud" of being white, you have white guilt. Personally I've never seen it but I'm not white and I never went to college.
Well actually I recently hooked up with a girl (she was a bonafide sjw) and she talked about white muh privilege and cultural appropriation. But even her and the worst sjws don't promote self-hate…
Again it's just a way for Holla Forums to shame people who aren't explicitly "proud" of being white
it's not hard to see it irl. these race obsessed freaks with a chip on their shoulder are taking over
people clearly do that to trigger Holla Forumsyps and even people here
This conception of "history" that allows for this crap is the most fucking retarded spook out there.
Accusations of "white guilt" leveled at people who don't buy into ethno-nationalism and historical revisionism is pretty much the white equivalent to bellicose Israelis calling any other Jew who doesn't subscribe to their aggressive settler-colonialist imperialism a "self-hating Jew".
actual practice of white guilt seems uncommon.
demands or insinuations that you SHOULD feel guilt for being 'white' seem much more common.
Yeah I know a couple of girls who are bona-fide SJW's (talk about manspreading, #oscarssowhite, #mycultureisnotacostume, cultural appropriation, cultural relativism and other stupid shit like that.) I've never felt like they are *anti-white, and they even talked about how political correctness and divisiveness in the SJ movement were going to far. I think that the worst offenders are people on the internet who are only willing to spew hateful shit online and know its not socially acceptable irl (just like many white supremacist. You can get the impression that racism both left and right is very mainstream from the internet but its really not or at least people keep it to themselves.
I know Holla Forums is always against "muh idpol" but you have to admit that white people have stolen, raped, killed, and enslaved non whites on scale never seen before.
To this day we control governments around the the world and are the wealthiest people on the planet because of imperialism and murder. Racially profiling by the police and blatant racism still exists today.
I'm a 100% certain it's the self-loathing non-whites who want everyone to sink to their level, that promote this shit. We've all had experiences with these people.
No they didn't.
No, user, think about that for a moment.
"whites have x"
Ascribing actions to a racial group, as though everyone in it shares a collective conciousness that makes up the one supreme 'white man'.
Nationalist pseudohistory in which you as some random fuck somehow have some real "part" in the actions of OTHER PEOPLE, not just other people, but other people who are long since dead.
Refer back to point one. Are you a part of some collectivistic white superbeing comprised of every "White" persons magical immaterial spirit?
Are you a pig who murders black kids?
Do you support or agree with pigs murdering black kids?
Fuck no.
triggered reactionary detected
Liberation is based in solidarity, I know Holla Forums is made up of edgelords but even you guys have to admit that white people ( and in particular white males) have inherent muh privilege even under the guise of "non-discrimination"
No, being White is not enough to grant you a priviledge.
You didnt address anything I said.
So, you're just determined to view the world in ORCS VS HUMANS LOL.
You're determined to be a fucking retard spooked to hell by 'race' and 'history.'
Fuck off back to r/socialism. Everyone else isn't edgy, you're just a retard.
smells like Holla Forums in here
up against the wall faggot
Whether you like it or not most Anarchist and Socialist groups that actually have irl demonstrations have the same mindset as me. Your special snowflake "anti-idpol socialism xD" will go nowhere in these times of racism, especially with a white supremacist in office.
You are the reason the left will get nowhere.
Thanks cunt.
So it's true, this place is just a front for Holla Forums to larp as "real leftists" in order to coopt legitimate lefty movements. Unfortunately for you basement dwelling memelords you're derided and mocked and will never get a real footing to influence anything.
That's rich coming from an idpoler.
You still never actually addressed anything that was said. Just parroted meaningless nonsense from tumblr.
cry more
whatever, arguing with reactionarys who literally think that BLM is detrimental to POC is pointless huh
not sure if falseflagging Holla Forumsyp or retarded Tumblrina… Or good ol pic related
Just kill yourself
[People of Capital]
Literally noone mentioned BLM. There was one mention of it in the OWS image, which you promptly interpreted in the most retarded and way possible and used as an excuse to boil it down to 'Holla Forums HATING BLACK PEOPLE I KNEW IT'
dem trips tho
BLM is detrimental to working-class blacks because it's an attempt by liberals to co-opt grassroots revolts. That's why people like Soros fund them: not because they support black emancipation but precisely because they're dead afraid of black discontent being channeled into anything else than spectacular, reformist identity politics.
They wouldn't be idpols if they listened to reason.
they are different, Germany payed a severe price for their fuck up.
that "guilt" is mostly fear.
for France, a few pied-noirs were expelled from Algeria and that was about it.
this not only didn't cause "white guilt" but produced a strong resentment among a large chunk of the French population.
a French Racist is like the average American racist except he has a special hatred for Algeria and Algerians in general
Yes liberal faggots legitimately think they need to apologize for other whites doing gay shit to blacks. Its all around disgusting and unbecoming but it is a thing that actual living breathing humans do to feel better about being ardent capitalist consumers.
White people have committed fantastic crimes against the other races but in the grand scheme of things they aren't any more serious than many other awful things races have done to each other (Bantu genocide of Khoisans, Hun genocide of Eurasians, Mongol genocide of Eurasians, Japanese genocide of abo SE Asians etc etc)
we should apologize for Milo?
Everybody should apologize for allowing Milo to go on existing tbh.
"The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist's real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful."
Be self aware regarding your resentment.
you're right.
im so sorry ;_;
I've always thought of master-slave dialectics to be extremely homoerotic. So the white enslavement of powerful black bodies I always viewed as a homoerotic white cuck fantasy of dominating an intimidating racial foe. Your Milo allusion isn't entirely off the mark
tell me this isn't white guilt
You know I can't see any way whites and blacks will ever come together
Too much distrust and bitterness, too many nationalists and would be genociders on both sides
before we overthrow the bourgeoisie we must eradicate the Twitter tankie
This wouldn't be so bad if he didn't stop at "whiteness". All spooks belong in the dustbin of history.
White idpol is the other in the room nobody wants to touch on leftypol.
To be fair most of us shit on both, but I admit that most here are more willing to civilly debate huwhite nationalists than SJWs/Non white ethnonationalists.
yeah, a good chunk of my ancestors were North Euro immigrants to Australia.
I think you need to stop hanging out with retarded normies who think Beyonce is a feminist, although in the US that's probably pretty difficult, especially if you're a leftist.
wtf even is "whiteness"?
it's a concept that doesn't seem to exist outside of circles populated by American pseudo-intellectuals
Germans don't see themselves as members of the same nation as the Third Reich anymore than they do of the Holy Roman Empire, or Americans of 17th century British colonies.
Believing one race or nation to be superior is highly discouraged in Germany. You're twisting that to suit your persecution complex.
t. someone friends with several German families, been to Germany twice, spending about a month each
Sadly so, and it's idpol of the highest degree and must be purged.
arguing with authentic opposition is more rewarding than trying to scrape the caked on shit off your own boots
and i cant speak for anyone else here, but I used to BE one of those "SJWs" and have already been round and round trying to explain to the groups I was part of why I didn't think the way they did anymore. It's like trying to leave the mormon church - they've got the special knowledge and morals and if you reject it then you're a bad person, no ifs or buts. Shit is tiring and I had my fill of it years ago.
"whiteness"==European ancestry
How can you not figure this out?
because people who actually unironcally use the word that I've asked to explain it to me have said specifically that it ISN'T this but were then very vague when asked to extrapolate.
Uh… Not really. Poles, Italians and Irish weren't considered white until later. Whiteness is a profoundly spooked concept which people never seem to stop using.
What you're talking about isn't "white guild" but something similar that was actually real, the "Kollektivschuld" ("Collective Guilt") ideology by the americans.
The reason was to
1. cover up for the high ranking nazis that they rescued out of germany or kept installed in positions of power by distracting away from them and blame indiscriminately of class and actual power and responsibility,
2. cement the myth of a "democratic takeover" by the nazis and smokescreen the heavy banks and industry support for Hitler that enabled him in the first place.
3. justification of continued military occupation and propaganda against the Stalin proposal of withdrawing all military, uniting Germany and make it a neutralized power without military abilities since their idea was to, if not the whole of germany, have the heavy industrialized regions in the west under their militaries rule.
Here's the picture americans drew of "the eternal german":
White guilt however is something only perceived by tumblr and Holla Forums in both its extremes.
If you looked like this and on top also lacked cognition and intelligence to understand racisms class character, you'd try to find issues like this to obsess about too.
Lies Hans F. K. Günther, möchtegern Rassenkundler.
Go to your german friend and start praising germany and german culture and see them squirm in discomfort. Works every time.
Den Schwachsinn glauben tatsächlich nur Ausländer und Nazis über uns.
Das einzige was natürliche Abscheu erregt, ist die Nazizeit.
This hurts my ears
wtf is this shit? Into the trash it goes.
Who ANUS here?
You clearly are.
I don't think many germans are discomfortable with Goethe or Beethoven, and as much as the Weimar republic was a failure for the well being of the common man, it produced quite interesting pieces of culture.
Yeah, I used to be a super idpol psuedoleftist kid (toted as the "woke" working class white dude, invited to present on a couple campuses, full blown in that shit) and the second I tried to move any of my shit away from pure idpol I saw entire groups of people essentially disavow me for the thought crimes.
It's way easier for me to talk with normal right wing people about class and how it's porky fucking us than it is to argue with the people who a few years ago saw me as a bastion of knowledge (if they will even lower themselves to talk to a white guy). That shit really ain't worth the time anymore.
What necessarily makes huwhite nationalists more authentic than ethno-nationalists of "other races"(I'll guess I'll have to disclude white SJW's since its a different phenomenon, though it is analogous to non white Holla Forumstards)? Its kind of odd really since a lot of my far right friends have distanced themselves from me in a similar manner when I moved leftward(I used to be something of a turd positionist), I don't really see this sort of behavior as exclusive to the "left wing" of idpol really.
meant for
I meant authentic opposition as in someone who is unmistakably and unapologetically on "the other side" vs someone who is ostensibly on "my side", which is where the stereotypical SJWs and (somehow) non-white ethnonationalists often sit or are perceived to sit. Basically someone who will at least argue with you from a point of simple opposition rather than trying to condescendingly "teach" or "correct" you, which is what usually comes from woke left-libs.
Yeah I think it is a thing. We can see it clearly expressed in many "leftist" spaces when people start arguing for fucking retarded things like theocracy or fascism outside of Europe, because white people looked askance at the native population once.
Is that proto-glitch art?
Nah.Eastern-europoors have it worse than nignnogs in Long Beach.
so all black americans are white then? since they all have european ancestry due to slavemasters raping
Other than some tumblr attention whores, white guilt is just a word racists use for everything related to "oh god, the blacks are still subjected to racism these days, we should do something about it"
I see you Holla Forumsyp
It is when I see horseshit like Black Capitalism come out of it.
Race essentialism is dumb, but saying race is totally unimportant is also dumb.
Honestly, it smells like a poe to me.