Guillermo Lasso, ex-banker and leader of Ecuador's right-wing opposition, says he will revoke the asylum granted to Julian Assange since 2012.
Oh boi
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a feeling the media will go into full propaganda overdrive leading up to his murder
otherwise he will serve as a martyr
Assange already destroyed himself going insane inside the embassy and going full fucking spaz on twitter sharing Pizzagate shit and stuff.
Like, not that I blame him, but he's done for and Wikileaks is completely compromised.
While I don't believe the Russian hack shit, I legitimately do believe Wikileaks has been overtaken by Russian intelligence. There was a distinct shift in the way Wikileaks engaged with the public after they announced Kremlingate that was never released.
t. Hillary
We need this man, and more like him. Without him people like Alex Jones will be taken seriously.
He's right tho
not surprised
May Rafael Correa smite this right wing cockroach
Correa is no longer eligible. He supports Lenín Voltaire Moreno Garcés
Nah, he was just power hungry nerd from the beginning.
Propublica and other organization that collaborated with wikileaks back in snowden era realized he was government honeypot and started to handle leaks themselves.
Not sure if this is really good tendency but more decentralized we become, harder for them to drone strike us.
ITT: liberal shilling against Assange
the dialectic is in motion?
this. Wikileaks is compromised. It screens dumps to protect Putin.
Propublica is an example of a credible, neutral replacement
Thanks, Hillary.
I don't give a fuck about Hillary though? Do you have an argument except reflexively painting people as Hillary fans?
Democrats wouldn't have lost the election if they had argument.
t. Bill
I don't think anyone here is a Democrat, friend
are you on the right board?
Did amerifarts have any alternatives?
Multiple third party candidates, but not really
There's not a lot of evidence here that the omission was intentional.
There are three possibilities:
1. Wikileaks scrubbed the cables
2. The source scrubbed the cables
3. The email later found are not authentic
4. The email wasn't part of the original cables that the source got hold of
Also, the writer of that article is noted for his slimeyness:
I'm very skeptical of the scaremongering going around Russia now, because it serves the ruling class of the EU and US too well.
Check out the recent Stephen Cohen interviews on youtube, calling out the lies of the diplomatic establishment.
Yeah but no reason to trust Russia for every single occasion or is it?
That may be so, but other people have pointed to a lot of weird stuff happening to Assange and Wikileaks (and their public tone) right around the Panama Papers being published
I just think if you look at the totality of their actions and statements, Wikileaks doesn't look neutral anymore.
pick one.
If you look at the spread of the article on Reddit:
/r/politics (was Hillary's shilling nest under the campaign)
/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/ (same)
/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam (same)
/r/democrats (…)
/r/hillaryclinton (…)
/r/GamerGhazi (anti-GG liberals)
and various conspiracy subreddits
The Panama papers included Russian millionaires as well. Can you actually articulate your reasons for suspicion or do you generally tend to gobble up the mass hysteria?
At the very least he's a good source for how the inside of things work, and has done much to help.
However I've always consider the informants more reliable, your Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning. It's just a god damn shame how much whistle blowers aren't even possible at this point in how draconian everything is inside.
forgot webm
I'm not watching something on Youtube. Do you have any articles you can link to?
Also, just because some Russian oligarchs were included doesn't mean that the bigger shit WASN'T scrubbed.
Sick shit, sick sick shit. These porky fucks are building up an ocean of bad karma for themselves.
Very shilly conspirecy-theory-tier arguments, lad.
>How do we know that they aren't evil?!
Anyway, here's Cohen:
Just like you do on leftypol, tripfag waste.
I'm not generating any bad karma by annoying you. It's a fruitless thing.
Funny, because that's the exact same shit Wikileaks has trafficked in for the last few years. Remember them hyping up the Pizzagate shit? Or how about Assange being DRONED ANY MINUTE NOW lol
ooh, call me a shill
How about JIDF or CTR next you simpleton?
You gotta be kidding me.
Ecuadorian presidential candidate calling for Assange arrest is implicated in WikiLeaks cables as US informant:
google translate:
Russia is the premier anti-imperialist force in the world today. They should absolutely be trusted whenever they are opposed to the US. They're the good guys.
I recall back during some elections in Chavez's (PBUH) time, there were at least two candidates called Stalin, one pro-Chavez, the other anti.
I can't stop cumming!
keep cummin for this debate,tho
wew lad
How did anything get done before Putin? He's behind everything. He even paid me to make this post just to mock that one idiot who posts here without receiving a single ruble.
Thought this had to be a joke but it's real
Top kek, communism will have to win