US might be a shithole heading for military dictatorship but let's be honest, they make the best tv series
US might be a shithole heading for military dictatorship but let's be honest, they make the best tv series
Pure spectacle
Drop the spectacle bullshit, faggot
unless they do a tv adaption of Alan Moores Swamp Thing run or a proper live action Batman tv series i'm not watching
normies BTFO
but superhero shows are shit user whats wrong with you
Legend of tomorrow is the best show right now
Other than Constantine these shows ARE kinda shit IMP.
It's because our Jew to Goy ratio is higher then most countries
bait post?
Lol they have articles now detailing how people aren't meeting the qualifications to be in the US military because they are too fat or out of shape.
In a generation the US will barely be able to hold their burger king bag let alone military gear.
Idiocracy was a documentary and not just a movie.
There have been no good fictional TV shows this decade. The only good shows have been documentaries or game shows.
Us tv shows are so drowned in liberal ideology that even if the writing is good the shows are unwatchable
The only decent show on tv atm is rick and morty, which while having an ancapish main char doesnt feed you ancap ideology.
I also love the originals, I am so sad the vampire diaries are ending :(
What about the expanse
Commies/anarchists are the bad guys though, it's liberal 'heheh you want to use violence that makes you just as bad as the oppressive forces of the state that use violence'
Not to mention not understanding how the water cycle works
wow who would have thought
i am literally shocked
British TV is better anyway though
UK has some pretty good shows too, thanks to socialism™
sage because who the fuck cares? entire thread deserves nuking.
Is it heretical if I enjoy listening to The Apprentice and Dragon's Den while I play vidya?
Well, they used to make some good shit but nowadays it's all just pure trash.
star trek died with rodenberry. DS9 was already military warmongering propaganda shit.
I like Gotham. And Batman in general which I guess is weird for a leftist because that plays into the wealthy savior trope perpetuated by capitalism.
This was true in like, 2005 when the only good drama TV were those over-awarded HBO shows
Now the brits fucking own
Literally the only worthwhile U.K. Shows were sheelock and doctor who
Why would you watch anything but anime
Congrats, you picked the worst ones
Doctor Who is literal shit now
Fuck off doctor who is one of the best shows ever created, the character of the doctor is beautiful, it doesn't matter who plays him, they are always perfect.
I disliked that capaldi would be the doctor when I first learned about him but now I love him and don't want him gone.
It is one of the few shows that it remains good throughout all seasons
Have you never heard of Britian?
I haven't watched for about a year I guess but it's not the Doctor that's the problem, it's the direction/writing, every season now is an exercise in how the plot can become even more convoluted and self-masturbatory and incomprehensible when it should just be focused on interesting one off adventures mostly like it was at the start of the new run.
actually no, i haven't.
Well that is the whole point of doctor who you want an underlying mindfuck kind of plot instead of just random filler adventures.
The doctor's craziness and the story's craziness is what makes the doctor so great, not that individual episodes are bad, some are really great like that zygon war one but A main plot is needed
Okay I completely disagree, the adventures are the whole point in my book, but I guess you're entitled to your opinion
Ash is prole af
Bread and circuses.
Forgot to take my shitposting flag off.
Literally what makes the life worth living faggot
Doctor who is shit and has been shit for many seasons, whoever claims otherwise must be trolling.
But have you faggots not heard of Ideal or Black Books or Spaced or Jonathan Creek or Garth Marenghi's Darkplace or - if you need a current example - Black Mirror?
They did Swamp Thing back in the early nineties.
There are not many retail clerk action heros out there.
Sixties Batman was the shit. Even going back to it fifty years later the show is a riot.
Oh come on now. If that's not a bait, you're literally underage.
They didn't do Alan Moore's saga. It's possibly one of the best runs in comic book history.
Right, I was more talking about that stuff, plus the Office, Peep Show, Yes Minister, Brass Eye, etc.
Many autists here
Capeshit is for retards
wrong picture lol I meant the one with the totally countercultural girl who loves the avengers, you know which i mean
the thick of it
Ah yeah I was trying to remember the name of it, I always forget.
My favorite episode is one where the Labour and Tory ministers both go on the radio
Read more British Invasion writers bruv.
I don't really consider Watchmen/V for Vendetta to be capeshit because they don't follow the typical formula
I'm not talking about them. British Invasion authors working even within the "formula" of being a cape comic, or making compromises with Pre-Vertigo DC are still really good, i.e. Moore's Swamp Thing, Morrison's Animal Man and Doom Patrol, and Milligan's very underrated oeuvre. And while Sandman probably doesn't follow what you deem to be the typical formula, it was still originally conceived as a superhero story what with the crossovers with Martian Manhunter and Constantine early on, and the work slowly became its own thing.
i just finished watching the first two seasons for the first time ever, really enjoying it
Honestly anyone who doesnt like the flash, arrow, legends is fucked in the head, full of autism
TNG will always be the greatest Star Trek series in existence, and not just because it was a perfect illustration of full communism in the future. Picard is best captain, Q is hilarious, every single character is memorable and lovable AF, the list goes on.
What about Voyager? Was that any good? And aren't the J.J. Abrams films at least a decent look into an alternate reality of TOS?
I wouldn't mind watching a spy/assassination show by a big producer but that sadly doesn't exist
Eh, I would argue Troi and both crushers are fucking shit.
Watching Trek again a few weeks ago, it actually was pretty amazing how much I think Pulaski was actually one of the better characters on the show. While she was a cunt to Data to begin with, she ends up one of his strongest allies by the end of the season and she has way more fucking depth than Crusher.
I stopped watching Arrow a while ago. Has Ollie started seizing the means of production yet?
You shitting me?? Troi was AWESOME. Say what you will about Wesley, but at least he had a consistent arc throughout the series. Plus, Wil Wheaton himself is a pretty kewl dude.
I won't lie, though, Data's arc was definitely the most significant and compelling in the series. Gotta love Data, man…
The guild is the best web series ever. (that is where I first saw Will Wheaton)
wil wheaton is a hack cuck
Not from burgerland, but who /threekingdoms/ here.
haha holy shit
Chinese dramas can be pretty okay. Sometimes they're kind of disorienting to watch though. It feels like there's alot of cultural context that I just don't get because I'm a gweilo.
Those are literally all shit. Even worse, they're mostly capeshit.
Canada makes (or used to make) much better stuff.
Shit, here I was thinking they have the most reasonable position and are the most likable. The liberal faction would probably be Earth and they're presented as decadent, elitist, and exploitative.
This is how you identify someone with shit taste, anons.
Wtf is capeshit?
Wait, what? It seems pretty sympathetic to the workers imo. They show them being constantly exploited and there was even that space mine where the workers were striking only to get fucking blown up just because they wanted healthcare for their kids who were all retarded thanks to corporate corner cutting. Earthgov, Mars, and the corporations that run the solar system all are portrayed as being equally shitty too and seems to portray the belters as right in wanting to rule themselves.
American superhero comics. Superman, Captain America, etc.
source please
I don't know what they were thinking with SGU to be honest. It was like they actively tried to fuck up every single thing that was good about SG-1 and Atlantis. The characters were mostly unlikable assholes, the plot was all about their various attempts to out-asshole one another, the pacing was taken straight out of Lost, and the lighting budget was probably spent on drugs and hookers.
Past year I've been watching normie TV with ads. None of these big shows, just horrific news and garbage.
It's background noise and I lose my mind bit by bit. The brainwashing is hard to describe.
>"You wouldn't drive 3/4 of a car."
And all these drugs and side effects lists. Every time I see Kelly Ann Konway I die a little more.
Fucking autists
It's trash m8
You might want to go see your local doc because you might be diagnosed with shit taste
I liked the characters for the most part tbh, but they did seem to be needlessly and randomly assholish to each other at times.
Holy fuck what were they thinking in devoting entire episodes to a dysfunctional lesbian relationship, an AIDS mom, a drunk trying to get back with his ex-wife, and a kid with his stacy mom who got knocked up by the chad? What were they fucking thinking?
Fucking why?
Marvel is crap and you're dumb for consuming it.
Free cable. Shit TV with no USB connections.
I am one that has lost all direction and has had too much free time. Hard to find meaningful help in the U.S. even in the East coast.
I am the one enjoying agents of shield, flash and legends while you cry because people like that more instead of autistic nobody series
I love we stay, literally 3 of the best series in one day :3
I need medical treatment but don't have my documents in order to apply for the social services trap. Holding out for a premium insurance policy and just hope all my preexisting conditions are assumed to be brand new.