And yet you faggots are not coming down to stop us?
What happened?
Nolan Perez
Didn't know Shia Labeouf was the admin of Holla Forums
Gabriel Carter
Leftists turds have lost the presidency
You will soon lose your life
It's over for you
RWDS coming soon
Robert Watson
Are Holla Forumsacks closeted faggots ?
Lucas Martin
I don't want to interrupt the gay orgy which will come in the next few minutes.
Anthony Kelly
Do you really think we are the same thing as liberal Hillary supporters? Are you really that dumb?
Jacob Richardson
Feel free to come and say that to our face, nerd
Thomas Sanders
Are you high?
Austin Watson
We say it in public now. Try and stop us, faggots
John Reyes
That's not Holla Forums, that's HP Lovecraft and some girl I went to highschool with's head shooped onto the body of the guy groping HP Lovecraft
Alexander Powell
Nah, by the time we got there, you two would be buttfucking eachother in front of the camera.
We respect peoples… uh…. well I can't really say privacy now can I.
Carter Sullivan
Again, we don't part in your gay right wing orgy
Jacob Jenkins
Nice orgy you got there Holla Forumsfag
Lucas Mitchell
David Martin
Are they toasting jugs of milk? What the fuck?
Thomas Ward
The only faggots we see here are you lot.
Luke Martin
Not a single ANTIFA/leftypol faggot tonight
What happened.. you guys scared?
Samuel Carter
Lol guy on the right looks like he was born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Jacob King
he must be a Holla Forums newfag
Jacob Wright
It's a celebration of milk and nationalism.. milk because it is white and non-whites are lactose intolerant
Ryder Stewart
But we're not anti fa. Again, we don't want part in your gay right wing orgy
Noah Stewart
Are they drinking their own semen?
Jordan Robinson
pretty sure we're laffin tbh
Eli Powell
I'm pretty sure it's cum
Sebastian Foster
Why does 4/pol/ have more camaraderie than us?
Eli Morris
The only faggots seen here are you, you delusional autist.
Jason Sanders
Robert Ramirez
If think you mean CUMraderie
Josiah Smith
leftypol are manlet betas and tranny NEETs
When they do go out in public they have to wear a mask
Ethan Morales
these are the saviors of the white race? you guys are FUCKED
Nicholas Rogers
Liam Stewart
Say that to my face faggot
We're all at the stream celebrating nationalism
Feel free to bash the fash.. oh wait.. you're a bunch of fags
Daniel Ross
Josiah Clark
probably numbers tbh. There's most likely a hundred Holla Forums faggots in Vancouver, but I think I've seen only 3 (including myself) Holla Forumsers reply in the location threads.
Robert Morgan
We're not anti-fa, and you're not doing yourself any favors either, lad
Grayson Barnes
Joseph Long
Is that a common thing among white nationalists? Celebration of milk?
Thomas Mitchell
Well, we don't know you address.
Colton Richardson
Nicholas Turner
We've done it numerous times actually
Jaxon Lopez
You keep on saying that word. I think you're projecting
Kayden Peterson
yeah, over a century ago.
Josiah Parker
Nicholas Jenkins
since we're LARPing i've got stalin on the phone he's not happy he's gonna get ya!
Joshua Robinson
Easton Harris
Post your address then, fam. You seem to be very eager to get some punches.
Connor Gray
I swear, stormfags are closeted homosexuals. They'll probably start dressing in drag next time they come.
Asher Davis
Isaac Martin
lol you guys have a surprise get together and claim you won?
Next time, announce this shit ahead of time. Unless you are scared. But I'm not driving 5 hours out to New York to bust your ass, only to find you've gone home before I arrived.
Fucking cowards lol
William Cruz
what makes you think we care about autists on a webcam
Sebastian Flores
Jace Gomez
Holla Forums is there every night
ANTIFA fags don't come out at night
Levi Allen
This is some poor projection on your part, lad
Nolan Bailey
i really dont understand why you think this webcam is so important
Juan Perry
how about this: you're actually the gay one not me
Aiden Green
Because leftist faggot Shia fucked up thinking that Holla Forums wouldn't invade and take over his stream
Now we run the stream and you LEFTYPOL MAGGOTS are pissed hahahaha! The right wing won. SOCIALISM LOST HAHAHAHAHA
Caleb Bell
We're not anti-fa though
see for weak
see for pathetic
see for fags
Ryan Davis
Nathaniel Watson
im really just kind of confused honestly
Brody Richardson
Blake Edwards
shia isn't a leftist, fag
Jackson Diaz
Lol now you're trying to distance yourselves from your own comrades. Wow! You guys are fucking so sad.
Brandon Martin
isn't it past your bedtime?
It's more like them with a plank from a closet door over their faces and saying 'if I can't see you, you can't see me'
Charles Phillips
Won what?
Liam Morris
Shia isn't Holla Forums though. And neither are his liberal supporters.
Shia supported Hillary, we didn't. Are you acting dumb on purpose?
Carter Butler
I don't fucking care. You have to choose a side already.
FASCISM is here. What will you do when RWDS knock on your door?
Joshua Green
Both you and that shit you're disrupting are equally fucking gay.
Mason Kelly
Yeah rightio
Logan Powell
Jeremiah Roberts
wow you're stupid
Jonathan Reyes
how is fascism here do you think trump is a fascist?
Ryan Foster
You seem mad my dude.
Chase Cook
So let me guess.. Holla Forums has invaded your shitty little leftist stream and you guys are here calling us faggots? Why don't you come and take it back? You're all pussies who can't commit to action. You don't have the guts, fortitude and power to fihgt us.
We're here every night.
Have you conceded defeat? Yes you have.
He is a proto-fascist. Keep running your mouth and he'll go full fascist. Keep attacking Trump supporters and acting violent and you'll see what we're capable of.
Isaiah Hall
can you even fucking read dude or are you just mad (and gay)
Cooper Diaz
We don't really to do anything lad, you're pretty much just making yourselves look like the closeted homosexuals you are, while sperging out for all the world to see.
Besides, I think it'd be rude to interrupt the gay orgy that's going to start in the next few minutes.
Adrian Diaz
>I have evidence l@@k!
Christopher Clark
*really need to do
Jonathan Taylor
that picrelated is tasty. I just wanted u to know that.
Adam Anderson
Hi I'm new to this board, is this place left leaning but anti-SJW?
Elijah Collins
Luke Bell
Jaxon Morris
Did you change your name so that you could blend in after you realised the ass your were making out of yourself, or are you genuinely new?
the answer is yes
Hudson Rogers
*ass you were
Angel Brown
Joshua Perry
Newfag, lol. If you've ever come here before, you'd notice that 90% of posts concerning antifa mock antifa, Richard Spencer getting punched was good regardless of who threw it. Go home.
Justin Nelson
It all the way left and yes, progressive liberals are not welcomed.
Brody Gomez
If you're a communist this is the place for you. if not, maybe lurk a bit. Also no need to call yourself a faggot. others will do that for you.
Jaxson Reyes
I literally have just stumbled upon this board while looking for more hentai/porn related boards on this site. Saw this thread under latest headlines.
Also I don't know how to change my name after I post, I'm just a faggot.
thank you.
Brandon Cooper
We've had plenty of anti-fa hate threads famalam. The only reason we liked richard spencer getting punch was because of richard spencer getting punched. Doesn't matter who threw it. It could have been a trump supporter and we would still cheer.
Blake James
google bookchin
Liam Flores
Well welcome lad. Sorry for the misunderstanding
Asher Cooper
I don't know enough about communism to accurately criticize it. But this is my political compass, if that even means anything.
Gavin Nguyen
Don't listen to
anarchists, stalinists, and socialists are all welcome here.
Ethan Gonzalez
Then you are forever faggot, welcome to the commune, you have no property.
Jeremiah Cox
Ah so you're a libertarian socialist/ anarchist by the looks of it.
Hey Holla Forums, was hitler a good guys because he didn't do the holocaust or because he did?
Christian James
thank you, I will read these.
Dylan Ward
Justin Cox
Which is bullshit, because the lactase enzyme is also produced by many Pakistanis, Indians, and Persians (fellow Indo-European peoples); as well as Arabs and even West-African peoples. Oh, and especially Niger for some reason.
Holla Forums is wrong yet again. What else is new?
Sebastian Evans
It's a virtual certainty anything on Holla Forums in graphical form falls apart on even the most cursory examination.
Samuel Lewis
I wonder if it would trigger them if we started calling them Potemkin Infographics