Curious to the personality types of Holla Forums posters. Holla Forumsyps are atypically tilted towards INTx, the autist group. Is it the same for Holla Forums?
(INTJ here)
Curious to the personality types of Holla Forums posters. Holla Forumsyps are atypically tilted towards INTx, the autist group. Is it the same for Holla Forums?
(INTJ here)
Two for two, good start.
hard intp here
Trend so far: I, N. Introversion and abstraction.
No wonder most people here think we should get back to theory.
Holla Forums is even more anti-social than Holla Forums.
INTP austist here
I want to know what is the point of this thread especially since we have it every second week and it's not even /Holla Forums related.
Bonding, introspection, community building. I think it is good for the board.
Holla Forums - my friends my here
Not existing feels good
most threads in the catalog are now shit anyway. There is nothing bad with this kind of threads as long as they are not frequent
I feel like that leads naturally to weak social-democracy, or as I've taken to, total hopelessness.
Wow it is almost as if a certain type of people tend to congregate to internet anonymous forum about abstract things like politics and history. No prize for guessing my type
oooo next you will be proclaiming the revelation that INFP are mysteriously prone to leftism!
Are we using the same board?
people's commissars
the rest of you, grab a gun
or a hammer or a plow
When was the last time you seen this thread? It's mostly just political compass and stuff, I haven't seen this thread for a few weeks.
this is how stalinism happens
I agree, I'd much rather organize a democratic workplace than lead troops into battle
I like how all of these categories are positive. Where is the "antisocial autist with few skills or interests" personality type?
That would be INxP.
One or two weeks ago, they are pretty frequent and always shit.
I would've thought that autism was associated with S, not N.
I'm an INTP.
so? political compass is bigger shit so I never participate in them. good thing about Holla Forums is that you have allways bunch of books to read if you don't like current catalog… or you could go and create actually interesting thread, that would be more productive than sagging this thread.
INTJ autist reporting in
My result changes all the time
sometimes INTJ, sometimes INFP, sometimes INTP
anyone else get different results? I'm guessing it varies based on test and mood
I don't put much stock in it really
I'm going to post this until this those threads die off.
But those are all such creative, intelligent people. What if you're just an antisocial loser retard?
That's not what people want to read about themselves :^)
I do, but I do not remember my previous results. It's not like you should base your life about one random test on the internet
INTP/INTJ Libra here
I enjoy John Barth, Thomas Pynchon, and sucking dick
I have literal autism and I am an INFJ. very empathetic and sweet but reclusive and judgemental.
as for horoscopes/zodiac/astrology, I'm a Leo sun, Scorpio moon.
I don't know, because some questions are so stupid/simple/non-defining and all over the place, that I think I ended up in every category at least once.
I hate these tests
I don't know, I've never been to a party.
I don't know, I've never had a job.
stop bumping the horoscope threads go read something that isn't completely worthless.
INTP just like stirner himself
Stop perpetuating this shit.
horoscopes are spooky as fuck but also i'm an INFP/INTP Aries isn't that backwards?
How do you cope with autism? Is it hard?
Go read theory instead of making some retarded "everybody posts, nobody reads" threads.
The title of this post actually made me realize something. This bullshit is the horoscope for people who don't believe in astrology and have to rely on four letters to define themselves.
INTP. I would think that Holla Forumsyps would be more in the INFx group, as they care a bit too much about their feelings towards women and jews.
INFP Pisces
Try using your brain and imagine the question as something you do
All it's asking is are you social or asocial
ENTJ reporting
INTP and literally autism
it can be. I don't have a single real life friend and school was a struggle because I couldn't focus or function well in such an environment. I just try to be as kind as possible and hope for the best. don't worry user :) I'll be okay
INFP. I'm going to guess most of us lean towards SF or NF
I was an INFP six years ago. Since then, my involvement with science and the scientific method changed me into an INTP.
INFP of course.
There's a reason OP called it a horoscope.
It's been a while, though.
INTJ, Pisces, Tiger and single
MBTI is too loose when it comes to established functions.
Dysfunctional in*p.
no wonder we have a leftcom problem, jesus fuck you guys
What percentage of the general population would actually show as extroverts on this test, anyway?
INFJ here
From Reddit.
Someone who can draw should do a leftcom version of this.
Implying the NSA tailors their subversion to mbti types.
ENTP master race, born politician for the vanguard
MBTI is Western capitalist aberration of socionics
INFP gang who woke
wtf i love stalin
ISTJ, why are we so underrepresented here?
While funny, please don't post unspoilered porn
INFP. Have a maybe accurate guide as well.
you'll never be in alunya's position
why live.
Please rape me like a good cat.
I'm OK with this
m ffffuck me in the ass
i'm isfp
daily reminder myers and briggs were uneducated and unscientific buffoons that misappropriated jungian theory
this shit is self selected and about as accurate as astrology fortune telling
They're all meaningless horoscopes.
Nice, I.Q. is filtered to Autism Level.
Yeah, damn near same boat as you.