Are they just really edgy nazis? Do they just consider jews to be the bourgois targets of highest priority?
So what's a nazbol and why is it different to stalinism?
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They are STEM sinners who don't want to abandon their previous racist ideology so they settle between communism and nazism.
https: //
It's just a meme
Is he still nazbol?
It's Russophile fascism.
It's also a Holla Forums meme like Posadism, except there are actual Nazibols out there.
Nazbols have basically abandoned Marxism even if the system they would like to bring about resembles ML.
why do you keep posting that polish hag?
jews aren't the problem. bourgeois europeans are just as greedy and subversive as the bourgeois jews.
Post qt nazbols.
Taking the best out of Stalinism and Not Socialism
Join the fun
She's not Polish, she's Romanian.
Leninism+racial supremacy
nice meme
National Bolshevism is based not on the historical 1917 revolution, but based on the fourth political theory. The fourth political theory posits that current systems and past systems are inadequate. It is not based on race or class, but on Dasein. Dasein is German for “Being in the world” or literally “existence.” It refers to the primordial form of being before all other identity is formed and refers to how active one is in the world. The opposite of Dasein is apathy, which should be avoided in all circumstances.
Using the Fourth Political Theory, suffering will not be tolerated. Ignoring suffering does not cause it to disappear. It will only become a larger issue and will affect you, whether you want it to or not.
hurr bad things are bad hurr
wtf i love nazbols now
So, "matter and energy in motion" replaced by mystical pseudo-kantian nonsense.
This is the stupidest goddamn thing, like Scientology-tier.
Any similarity is, of course, pure coincidence
nazbols are either russians with no good fascist movements to be proud of and thus they try to change history to make stalin look less like a dirty kike commie and more like an alternative hitler or edgy commies in the west that also hate niggers and can't stand your typical commies nig fetish
High Autism Level posting.
Leave Haruhi out of this.
Take every anticommunist accusation and slander against Stalin.
Pretend to be in favor of the accusations.
Reply to Marxist Leninists with "Stalin lied" when they are contradicted to cement your anticommunism.
You now have become a "Nazbol".
Meanwhile, Stalin handled their founder by throwing him into Gulag and having him shot.
That site is fake and gay. Try this
Basically, they take Eurasia from 1984 and go "Hell yeah! Give me some a that!"
Founder? Ernst Niekisch was the founder and Hitler arrested him, not Stalin.
Fine, "a" founder
Stalinism is just the continuation of Leninism. In this sense, to understand Stalinism you should read Lenin's works like Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism. Ideologies like Trotskyism and Revisionism that claim that Stalinism is not a continuation of Leninism are not legitimate. Trotskyism for example is not a legitimate ideology it is just a unprincipled band of wrecker saboteurs. Revisionism is not a principled ideology it is just a form of unprincipled wrecking activity which did an unprecedented degree of harm.
Stalinism has many ideas, principles, and values that it inherits from Leninism. Different people are sympathetic to Stalinism for different reasons. The least sympathetic people are fascist stooges of imperialism who are butthurt that their fuhrer was defeated. While Stalinists support Stalin because they embrace the enlightening principles of anti-revisionist Marxism-Leninism, the 'NazBols' only sympathies with him due to unprincipled nationalism.