Daily reminder if you waste your life to fight for a country you are retarded and should kys
Daily reminder if you waste your life to fight for a country you are retarded and should kys
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Daily reminder OP is always a faggot.
dying for ZOG Occupied Government is honestly a silly idea
daily reminder to learn how to sage, newfaggots
why do some on the left hate cops and act neutral towards soldiers when soldiers uphold imperialism and nationalism?
Most soldiers join the army not because they like it but because they got pushed into it.
Most are just worthless brain dead nationalists who take pride in being so stupid they are happy they were born in X coordinates on earth
no u
Agreed, for the most part. Dying in the Middle East would be just about the most pathetic death I can imagine. The soldiers who died there were fools. If you died actually defending the country, rather than working for oil barons, there is some honor in that.
Soldiers are more honorable.
Translation: DUMB AS FUCK
Please crawl back to whichever den of facebook autism your crawled from.
Also mods are eternal faggots.
Someone has to do the job. There will always be militaries. But I agree. They were stupid to join. Recruiters mainly prey on stupid 17-18 year olds, though. And people are still stupid as shit at that age. So don't hold it against them too much.
A brain isnt something that is magically bestowed upon a few select people, everyone has the same potential, some prefer to ignore thought and just brainlessly accept whatever idiocy they are told.
No sympathy for morons
For large swathes of the US the choice is either the army or prison. They do their four year enlistment and get their certification and then hit the door. Yeah, a significant portion of the American military is made up of exactly the same meathead jerks that make up the police force, but the circumstances aren't exactly the same. Johnny Bumblefuck working out on the flightline vacuuming shit out of a C-130 might technically be working to uphold capitalism/imperialism, but he isn't an armed enforcer on the street bashing prole skulls. Being a cop on the other hand is an end in itself and also specifically designed to attract the sort of low-thought power tripping asshole that the military uses for cannon fodder.
tl;dr soldiers are often there because they have to be, while cops are often there because they want to be.
Soldier worship is excellent in the us but there is no reason to be an edge lord.
There's nothing "edgy" about that.
Most new recruits are still practically children. you're being too harsh.
That's not true.
Some (most) people are born stupid.
People seriously responding to some of the oldest reposted bait (OP) are reddit newfags with nothing worthwhile to contribute and the board is worse off for their presence here.
Let's see what OP and friends are up to today: youtube.com
Enjoy the next 4 years, "comrade"! ;)
our entire society is built up to praise soldiers and their sacrifices. I mean yeah most countries are like this around the world but most do not have the richness of the us media behind this exhortation. I think also politicans have done this a bit on purpose to drive very nationalist minded men into the military where it's become pretty taboo to seek political office their service.
Many of the pro military politicians like McCain see them as a tool to fight in more wars (as expected from an Admiral's son). Trump broke this kind of thinking and seems to genuinely believe in the mindset that the military creates given how he's sought out generals to fill his cabinet. With a few good crises we can see a country that is much more nationalistic. I doubt anyone is going to call the new America Nazi but well it won't be a far cry from it.
it is sad in a way, i'm not saying soldiers are morally innocent but they are mostly naive enough to believe they're doing it for good reasons which is pitable
The highest echelons of the military are mostly talented and intelligent. He could easily do worse.
Also, I never bought into the patriotic fervor when I was growing up. My elementary school (circa 1987) used to play the national anthem every morning. I'd usually fuck off and praise Russia or something when it played.
Soldiers do a tour and then become veterans. Cops make it their entire career.
Flawed premise. Sane people don't die for a country per se, they die for principals. Life, usually. As in protecting the lives of their children, and safeguarding future generations. But twisted people will die for twisted things. Know any muslims? They'll die (and kill) for Allah and the promise of seventy-two virgins.
Do you not remember all those military and intelligence officials saying how much they opposed Trump? It's pure appeasement on his part.
I don't know man. The principal at my school was a nice enough dude, but I wouldn't die for him
These faggots believe in nossing, Lebowski. Nothing other than "gimmedats, I want it!" & "WAAAHH I don't wanna work!", that is.
Most agencies are civilian controlled. The president is the one who decides who runs the top of said agencies. People from the prior admin who were civilians placed there by Obama were critical of Trump.
Anyway the US intelligence clusterfuck needs a cleaning.
Allright, perhaps you wouldn't die for your school principal, but you might die to preserve a system where children can attend school in safety. You may die to prevent an opposing ideology from absorbing your culture. You may want your daughter to be free to attend school without being subjected to a clitorectomy. So in that light, it's not about your principal, but the culture he represented you'd wish to preserve, and even that insofar as is preserves a future for your children - that was at least as safe as the past you were raised in.
Nice OP, You got em good
antifa is gay and you should kys
Based post
I don't give a shit about children, my life is the one that matters
[splices tape back together]
And tomorrow, ve'll cut off your Johnson!
killing for your masters = honour? ok
That's where you're wrong, kiddo