There are people here who unironically believe that pizzagate was anything other than a Holla Forums crafted tinfoil...

Not to say that Elite pedophile rings don't exist, but this conspiracy theory is autism to the max. It's on the same tier as jewish people being lizardmen.

Other urls found in this thread:

5 months later and still not a single piece of evidence, and not a single victim has stepped forward.

Yeah it's pretty fucking retarded.

it's not real obviously but it's also very funny

Pizzagate is about John Podesta and James Alefantis owner of Comet Ping Pong, not everyone on earth.

Nice strawman retard, PG 'investigators' have been producing fake bullshit for almost half a year and still have nothing. I didn't get in their way, I didn't force them to invent obviously false 'satanic' connections.

You had your chance, and you failed to produce anything of value.

that's exactly what you're saying though

No, it's not. Otherwise it wouldn't be called "Pizzagate", I've been following this via the conspiracy community since the day it began. Clinton has no connection at all to James Alefantis.


it doesn't fucking matters what some people decided to call it you fucking idiot

what the actual fuck

It went off the rails when it moved to voat and attracted high octane conspirautism.

People like to strawman it as WHAT YOU THINK HILLARY HAS A GLOBAL NETWORK TO FUCK KIDS LOOLLOLOL but there is some seriously suspicious shit going on there that at least merits investigation.

kys liberal

Yea, actually. What did you expect? Us to wait for a report from infowars or breitshart?

Parse the evidence yourself, you useless bourg.

Lots of people believed the Blood Libel too, which incidentally PizzaGate is just a modern iteration of

Dershowitz is a pedophile too. Not helping your case.

You people are literal niggers aren't you

*alleged, don't sue me bro

The reason they think that Podesta and co are pedophiles are because of codelanguage that mimics pedos. The pizzastores have questionable photographs but that's all there is to it, it's not proof of anything. I don't find it surprising that victims don't come forward, they usually don't know who abused them and sometimes they are killed and disposed such as in Dutroux's case or the Zandvoort case in the Netherlands.

Given the current evidence I really doubt pedophile acts have been commited by the pizza company in question.

Mails like these from wikileaks do make you wonder what is going on. There's no way Obama would've spend 65.000 just on hotdogs. It's obviously a coverup for something that the money was spend on and I'm fairly certain that it would point to sexual acts or druggs. There's no other purchase that Obama would need to hide from public view except things such as strippers, hookers, druggs.

I initially thought it was a little odd, but I'm now pretty sure it's just an in-joke.

There's a chance it might've been something else, but you don't really need to dig deep to find examples of the ultra-wealthy (or their servants like Obama) spending excessive amounts of money on something as frivolous as flying "authentic" Chicago pizzas/hotdogs for a private party

Or it's a joke about claims of outrageous spending of public money.

That too.

I know pizzagate is a stupid meme but I would not doubt there are actual pedo porkie groups (or am I bring crazy?)

Belgium, finders cult, Jimmy Saville.


Pizzagate is obviously baloney based on autism over vague symbolism, but the silliest part is that even some of the people they think of as unquestionably guilty (Epstein, for instance) while they do have genuine charges against them, still haven't been confirmed guilty.

It's the same with nearly all Holla Forums autism, really, which is what makes them so infuriating to deal with. Even when Holla Forums is 100% telling the truth, some combination of ignorance, incomprehension, and outright dishonesty usually means crucial things are omitted that render Holla Forums's entire reaction pointless if taken into account.

For instance, I'm a bit of a n00b regarding imageboards (I only lurked archived threads occasionally until GG happened), so one of the first of Holla Forums's antics like this I got involved in was Common Core. I remember how my eyes popped when I saw those gradeschool textbook and handout PDFs full of propagandistic filth straight off official servers, I thought "Wow, Holla Forums really IS right!"… Until I read up on CC's actual rules, and it turned out that the flaw with CC wasn't that it had loathsome propaganda embedded right inside the legislation, but that it relaxed the approval standards for filtering out political content from educational materials, and in fact it would've been (still is!) 100% legal for Holla Forums to ram through openly neonazi flavored K-12 math/science/etc. materials for sufficiently "redpilled"/trolly teachers to use.

A /po/yp was so desperate for Evidence of Pizzagate that the shit went into the Pizza place with a gun and fired off a shot in the damn place

Which is exactly the hyperreal drama of liberalism and why it's a tedious pain in the ass that needs to be relegated to history alongside phrenology.
This isn't a matter of autism. This is a matter of rejecting bourgeois authority and deciding matters for ourselves as public investigators and jurors. It's offensive and insulting that liberals would tell people they can't augment logic and reason with intuition and estimation, for what little pull they would have. More likely, as has been done by liberals in the past whenever their supremacy is endangered, you're moving the goalposts from probable cause to beyond a reasonable doubt.

If you really want to do the police's/court's job, you need to stick to the same standard of proof, since hearsay isn't good enough for any civilized society to punish anyone. Can't have it both ways!

Further, this isn't probable cause, this isn't even hearsay. There are no hard links between many of the critical people supposedly conspiring with each other, no communications that unambiguously suggest any wrongdoing, no accusers, no witnesses, no victims, and MOUNTAINS of evidence of benign explanations for every single "suspicion".

Remember the Satanic Panic from the 1980s, where accusations based on hypnotically facilitated "recalled memories" were used to accuse people of raping children in demonic rituals, sometimes years or decades after the supposed events? Pizzagate is weaker than that!

"Pizza" was definitely code for something. There was the email from Podesta's assistant where she says he left a napkin at a dinner party with "pizza" related stuff written on it and he tells her to throw it out. What it actually stands for we'll probably never know. Maybe it means percs.

Not even Holla Forums believes in this meme.

Some things can't become real, no matter how much meme magic you use.

There was something up, but it was closely related to the Clinton Foundation.

But since it involves money, it's no surprise Holla Forums missed that. We all know economy isn't their strongest expertise.

But since no one is looking up the Clinton Foundation, we may never know the truth.

I'm more afraid of this fact than I would be if someone came forward.

a loophole giving plausible deniability doesn't disprove intend, which given the creators of common core, is obviously there

Yes, Alan Dershowitz is probably a pedophile. What does that have to do with pizzagate?

Perhaps true, but it still means the methods Holla Forums (and the broader right) used to attack the bad parts of Common Core were inherently ineffective, because they were derived from misunderstanding.

A similar example from the "left" is the sex pay "gap", which is commonly touted as "the Kennedy-era legislation banning sexual discrimination by employers is being magically evaded", rather than the truth of "female-dominated occupations have terrible pay". The only actions that can result from such willfully ignorant premises is to bang one's head against the wall of reality.

Holla Forums pretends to care about kids being diddled.

Meanwhile they claim they will put down their lives for the Cathnolic church.

Fucking lol.

Also isn't it typically conservative fucks who turn out to be pedos? For example, UK pedophile ring was Tories, same with the Family Murders in Australia.

pretty sure it was government made and Holla Forums was just useful idiots as always.