Foreman Domai

Was he /ourguy/ leftypol?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just downloaded Alpha Centauri earlier tonight. Have no clue what I'm doing but I'm having a good time.

Same, my nigga, same.

inb4 the NEET autists screech at the implication that fully automated luxury communism is a fever dream

Get real

1.Play Chairman Yang (Hive)
2.Inifinite City Sprawl with minimum distance between cities with small pop
3.Glorious Victory


Yang is that edgy kid who read a Nietzche wiki article and thinks he's got all the answers when he goes to philosophy 101

Chairman Yang is a neo-Confucianist porky.

cased close

He really is fucking Hoxha, eh?


When the corporation becomes a state and the CEO it's emperor, and all their cities is named after some branches of their company, doesn't his "Free Market" becomes a Planned Economy?

I wish planned economy wasn't so awful in this game, or that at least he could use green economy

I lost the CD centuries ago, please anons could you tell where I can download it?

GOG or torrent


If you want to actually buy it

Thank guys. Now I can die of a nostalgic overdose

Guys, it's a video game.

WTF are you smoking?

I'm doing great with a democratic planned economy focused on power.

I've set my citie governor's to build and conquer and now I spam weak troops at everyone.

Hell, I'm doing great with research too, Zeta is my waifu and see tech trades everything I need for a little bit of energy.

Domai fucking rules!

horseshoe theory in action

I hate liberals.

In theory (so-called "Organized Capitalism") - yes. SocDem had been touting this as a prerequisite for "proper revolution" since forever (19th century). Apparently, until this happens, we are not allowed to do anything.

Obviously, IRL this is extremely unlikely to happen for many reasons.

I loaded this up last night and played Yang (Hive), along with Pirates, Data Angels, Peacekeepers, Spartans, Morgan Industries and Believers.
I thought this would have funny results as it was a good mix of ideologies we have on this board with the UN thrown in as the comic relief.
My game plan was to expand rapidly, putting my research and construction into foils, colony pods and terraformers with enough basic defense to hold off the alien menace and to wipe out the anarchistic pirate counterrevolutionaries before they become too powerful, and I start on the far north west of the map. I implement a police state with a planned economy and principles of knowledge as soon as they're available.
I eventually bump into Svedish Sven of the pirates, who rapidly became the most powerful of the factions (fug) based in the far east. He shakes me down some for some research which I oblige because his army is unmatched, before I buy the commlink for the data nerds off him. By this point I have had several bases churning out formers long enough that setting them to energy storage is amassing me quite a few credits. I hit up the data nerds to see what they're up to, and it turns out they're far south to me and have got themselves into an all out war with the bible thumping burger scoffing Believers, who are upon the Angels and almost just as much distance away from me. They invite me to a pact to wipe out the spooked cucks and I accept, using my substantial wealth to purchase large parts of their research database.
By this point the Peacekeepers have got in way over their heads and are screaming blue fucking murder at me over the commslink for me to come and deal with the Spartans and Pirates. I decline, and instead they ask for a loan and to buy some research, to which I accept. It's at this point the Spartans contact me, also asking for a loan and research, which I also accept. This goes on for some time and I make a fortune buying up research from the data nerds and selling it off to various warring factions in the east while making them take out extortionate loans to pay for it all. Eventually the data nerds get mad because I am too far away to launch an effective assault on the bible bashing belt who have overrun several of their bases and they break off the pact with me, just as I have the Believers ports surrounded and am constructing landing bases around their territory. The data nerds then, angry at my arrival in the region and committing minor atrocities on the Believers alongside my all encompassing police state declare a vendetta on me, which the Spartans join. I hit up Morgan to see if he fancies an alliance but all he does is shout at me for having a planned economy and he tells me that he doubts that I won't try and borg him into the Hive as soon as it's convenient before hanging up.
None of this really matters as the chaos, plundering, profiteering and war has made me and the pirates skyrocket our global standing leaving every other faction looking miniscule. As the game stands where I left it I'm carpetbombing the shit out of the Christians and have destroyed most of the east just by funding and arming various groups.
Take that imperialists.

such a beautiful dream

Is Yang just a head on life support like the head jars in Futurama or is he wearing some kind of space suit?

time for hybrid gulag

I think it's supposed to be a space suit.


Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment.

Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Essays on Mind and Matter"

zak and miriam are best :3

A tankie triggered by game balance? Colour me surprised!

A leftcom shitposting, not understanding the post he is responding to, and wasting vowels?
I'm flabbergasted

Yes. One of the logical inconsistencies of capitalist dogma. Free market is good except inside of companies.

"Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outwards, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment."

Sounds spooky.

No. One corporation owning everything doesn't get rid of the market. It's not like Morgan starts delivering goods to people without exchange based on social need because he owns everything.

The point is that explanation is thoroughly Liberal.
"-2 Economy: Revisionist decentralized planning" or "-2 Economy: Socialism with Chironian characteristics" would've been better. As is this implies that laissez faire is superior to planning.

"+1 Industry: Workplace democracy" would also make more sense.

If corporation has monopoly on all goods produced and is the only buyer on labour market - there is no market per se. Not unless it is allowed for internal divisions to compete with each other and have resources distributed on the basis of money earned (some moron did it recently, IIRC).

IIRC, market just refers to the system of exchange, contrasted to a planned system where goods are distributed without exchange.

Well, there is no One True definition of market. Post-modernist newspeak allows for any abuse of semantics. It is possible to define two people meeting and having a barter exchange as "market economy".

However, within Marxist discourse, market refers to the situation where economy cannot be controlled by human will. This implies multiple participants: buyers and sellers.

Thus, if we have one seller or one buyer only (which remains true even if we increase scope - an important point) - even if exchange happens - we don't have proper market anymore. No economic force exists to compel the Absolute Monopolist (until workers organize and rely on collective bargaining - in which case we get only two entities on both sides). It's not necessarily Planned economy, since it also requires some organization, but I wouldn't call it Market Economy.

Holy shit, Holla Forums is patrician af

Another econ thread, another autistic planner screeching all over it

No, as you can have both a private or a national planned econ/market

First of all, Aki is best girl.
Secondly, Miriam and Russian science man are best ship.
On topic:
In every game I play the believers get rekt into oblivion by another faction. I guess all that science hating doesn't do much when you're essentially pitting muskets against assault rifles.

Reminder that this mofo is the only sensible, ethical leader (besides Forman Domai but no one gives a fuck about the expansion factions) and the rightful commander of the colonists ever since Yang went crazy and violated the charter.

All Pravin wants is people to fucking get alone peacefully, do their fucking job, and to obey the fucking charter that they agreed to.

Top Lal



If you fail to plan you're planning to fail.

You're supposed to deploy probe teams as the believers and steal tech. Usually from whoever's the most technologically advanced at the moment, usually University of Planet.

Whenever I play uni of planet I target the believers first. I interpret it as Zak being the biggest tsun in existence


What's so hard about it? It's not that much more complex than Civ.

I had this same problem,, my advice is to automate everything. Assuming you are on a low difficulty the game will practically play itself. Explore the interface, and gradually disable the automation as you begin to understand wtf is going on

The game looks impenetrable, but once you see how it works it becomes simple.

muh arms though! :D
t. spartan

The most important thing of playing any old strategy game (I say strategy rather than 4X, because it's literally the key to any old strategy game) is to understand that games are not meant to be won without effort. You will die, you will die a lot, and you will learn from every death.

That being said, all worker units should be automated, don't automate bases until you have too many to expand. Remember that armour doesn't affect anything unless being attacked, and guns don't effect anything unless attacking, so decking out your blitzkrieg units with full armour is a shit idea.

Also, no nerve gas or nuclear bombs unless you are prepared for total war. It's better just to steal the mountains and encourage climate change with massive heavy industry and solar mirrors.