Who can Leftists rally behind like the Alt-Right and Trump?

Who can Leftists rally behind like the Alt-Right and Trump?

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fuck it, make him the secret Leninist that Bannon pretends to be




My man Terry E

For now we have socdems. Meanwhile we cultivate the revolutionaries of tomorrow.

They could find justification for standing behind any bourgeois parliamentarist, really.

Proper communists, however, would never stop to such delusional kind of politics.

I propose we actually volunteer for the Jeb campaign next cycle but insist on doing it in full black bloc the whole time.



Trump isn't a nazi either.

All communists, really. The communist movement begins where bourgeois parliamentarism ends: in the class struggle.

I know. Just a right populist.


He could be our Milo

He's liberal. Fuck off.

ayy lmao



Nah, Brand has actually read Marx and talks of dealing with wealth inequality. He also endorsed Ed Miliband (who was a secure Demsoc).

What reading Marx has to do with not being a liberal?

10/10 and I don't even know what Brand is.

Are you fucking retarded famalam?


Certainly not that slob Zizek


r u ?

I'm going to have to become that leader, won't I?


We can be leaders together.

Just do what I do. Pretend you are a leader until you die. I dislike being the centre of attention or leading too, but nobody around me seems to be capable so it falls into my lap. Oh well.

tell me something about your fetishes user

Dominant women are hot.

Not that guy though.

No one. Oppose all forms of electoral politics and work towards a global revolution from below against capitalism, the state, wage labor, money, and private property.

Next thing you gonna tell me is that instinct and reflexes are spooks too.

Tis our burden.

I'm vanilla as fuck, tho I do confess I like stronk women.

I suppose there might be a psychological factor in wanting to serve. I want to stop thinking for a second, you know? I want to have no doubts for once in my life, to have a clear goal and a clear path towards it. I crave simplicity and certainty because they're the opposite of my overthinking, anxious personality.

I suppose there's also an aspect of kinship in it. By serving, it's implied I've found comrades in more ways than one. Meaning I'm not alone in holding these fringe ideas, that I'm not a crazy prophet shouting at the closed city gates.

Lastly, there's the low self-steem that makes me want a clarity of purpose in life and to feel like my life was worthwhile.

Well, I guess writing this helped me organize things a bit, so thanks I guess.

The genius already walks among us: Bob Avakian! You can't have a revolution without knowing the BAsics!

I agree with the sentiment and am happiest when I can just follow someone else's lead without worrying too much. Femdom is total shit though, one of my biggest turn-offs. imagining myself as a woman and doing lewd things with a strong guy is one of my favorite fantasies though

Fuck Holla Forums got real this night. I feel exactly the same way comrade.

Just out of curiosity, do you study computer science?


Strong agree

Welcome, brother.

That doesn't mean we should kill all da joos. Having someone you agree with and follow doesnt mean stopping questioning them.

are we really still beating this horse? Tell me one of his policies that is going to actively bring about socialism.

Really Jeremy, you are going to revolutionise the rail network. Jesus


Gotta take others into account m80.

The only answer is "the working class". Unity and our sheer numbers are our greatest strength. If, we can bring about class consciousness.

We need a new lenin

BEng in electrical engineering.

Let's all radical lonely souls get together and make a chain. Each person unthinkingly does what someone else orders them to, while at the same time ordering a third person what they should do unthinkingly, and so on. The only way to have a truly socialistic hierarchy: everyone's both a leader and a servant.

Man I don't want to abandon my critical faculties, I just want to have one thing in my life of which I can be certain. One single constant amidst the infinite variables of life. Which I suppose might be the same impulse behind religious thought. I better write this down…

I would follow Zizek into death

I know that feel gommie. You won't find it in material, since matter and parts of the whole are ever-changing. Something metaphysical must be an answer, but God (while tempting) feels like a cop-out.

You're probably just lonely and tired. Given that night is a sadder time than day, you might also be lacking the sunlight.

How else to know what it is to be a man? Lack of strong father figures leads to eliminate men, unable to stand the rigors of true revolutionary struggles.

Is Corbyn still /ourguy/?

I might like some of his policies, but he seems to be completely incapable of being the transformation of the Labour party we needed. Plus, shit like abstaining from the Snoopers' charter vote makes him look completely ineffectual.


post yfw fascism is masochism

Not even joking read Lacan

See OP, this thread is your answer.
It's difficult to find a single figure we can agree on as leftist/individualist/anarchic thinking individuals tend to disagree a lot on many different things and divide, squabbling among themselves.

With Holla Forums, nazis, fascists, alt-right and such it's easier, they all share a couple of common goals and are willing to put aside their differences to focus on key points in their agenda to push fowards, so it's easier for them to find a single individual that can be their avatar, all they have to do is make sure that said individual has as his priority the key points they wish to push upon.

Left pol Ecelebs and or walking meme's: Xexiy, jason unrhe, chapo trap house

Leftypol politicians : old man corbyn, old man sanders

Leftypol thinkers: zizek.

Leftypol countries (may or may not be acutal communists still): china, north korea, cuba, laos, vietnam

never build a movement around one person, dumb Trotskyist

actually the ting about the alt right was that it took the idea of anonymous, a decentralized, leaderless, movement of losers shitposting and trolling online against both the right wing and liberal establishment.

It was only later after many success that con men and controlled opposition tried to infiltrate

I would say zizek is still an important thinker in modern leftism though.

This is precisely why we need forced D/s BDSM relationships, otherwise kids fall into le nationalism spook

we only endorse Rojava and EZLN

You're being retarded.

Might as well just tell him kill himself.

what about iceland? don't forget iceland.

Me too. What year?

I hope you're not serious.

What does this mean? I've never read Lacan.

I think we need to push the "trump is a socialist" meme to fuck with Holla Forums

yes, and there should be a left alternative that uses the power of organized memetics to seize the means of information to gain traction onto a leftist narrative to the mainstream. We already have a good amount of leftist youtubers doing this, but I plan on writing theory that will hopefully unite people already doing this, but more organized.

We will make Half/pol/ look like monkeys throwing feces, while we are capitalizing on their low hanging golden fruit.

That wouldn't be a bad idea, actually.