Is this true?
Is this true?
makes absolutely zero sense but sure bud
the political compass is a meme for e-philosophers.
Can you explain why you think it may be true?
decadent prosperous societies become lazy and stagnant, get destroyed and reorganized from the ground up, a few geniuses emerge and improve quality of life with new technology/ideas, society becomes prosperous and decadent
t. every civilization until it is destroyed/conquered for good
It's absolute bullshit.
Can you name any of these societies after the invention of the steam engine?
your politics are spooky as fuck
theres all kinds of things, it's a cyclical structure applaid to a something that charts out something completely unrelated and separates whatever it means by "men" or "times" to two different sections. implying the "times" dichotomy are only either top left or bottom right and "men" top right and bottom left. utter nonsense and literally facebook tier shit.
no civilization can be reduced to this process. completely ahistorical and reductionist shit that also has nothing to do with that picture really
Dustbin of history.
you're basically like the people who said the prequel trilogy was actually a part of the genius circular plot by the master of storytelling george lucas
Are you basing you historiography on a game of civ?
If would have been nice if you'd just told everyone up front that you don't know anything about history instead of wasting their time.
Top kek, been a while since I've seen this.
The legacy of fighting the gay racists lives on.
no not at all
define "decadence." Most of the time people who stick to this narrative will tend to focus on the fall of Rome and suggest that "sexual looseness" caused it. They'll fail to recognize for example that the ancient greeks were deg.enerates through and through from beginning to end. The slogan can essentially be boiled down to "a society rises, then declines then collapses." The idea that this somehow has to do with at all is ridiculous.
Before you try to make a comment about the "cycle of men and hard times" how bout you pick up a history book you fucking mongoloid.
did everybody forget you can type sage into the email field and it makes these shitty Holla Forums tier posts not get seen,thus not further encouraging such dog shit their spooks
Nah, it's bunk. We just accumulate technologies, capital, and go through predictable economic and social cycles. "good", "weak","strong", those have no meaning. There are only the material forces.
Look likes the cyles of capitalism tbh.
Literally what the fuck is this trying to say.
Literally kill yourself.
No. Its retarded.
sage goes in all fields in shitty threads you retard