do liberals actually want a 2nd Trump term?
Other urls found in this thread:
liberalism was a mistake
Don't be so undialectical
hahahahaha you ll be lucky if Trump isnt impeached first for saying and promoting unconstitutional shit.
The guy should be executed since he is a proto fascist
Tell me about the burgers again Holla Forums
i thought her impression of spicy sean was bretty good personally
you know they picked a fat chick with attitude specifically b/c they knew it would tick off trump supporters on a primal level.
39% approval rate
3 fucking 9%
I wish i was as delusional as Holla Forums
If your definition of "winning" is having the government be literally run by bankers and corporate executives and eventually having the economy collapse.
Really makes you think.
like the landslide Hillary was going to get? Those are fake.
that was like 1 polling company and did the election not tell you anything about how polls are fucking useless lol
2nd term so simple
Not even 5 minutes and already tears
Eat shit liberals. Maybe you can try to get your socialist Bernie up to run after Trump's 8 years are up. Assuming he's still kicking it.
how so?
you are a sheep my friend
Trump has been completely incompetent thus far and is the laughing stock of the entire world haha
1)Do you know what the constitution is and what is its goal
2)Have you watched how he talks and what he says?
That usually answers it
hmmmm…warmed up talking points. Your impotence nourishes me.
1) vague allegations with no proof
2) omg he says things I dont like
You guys wonder why you are laughing stocks
fucking lol
So next you ll be crying about Hillary am i right? ;^)
hell yeah dude let's keep letting immigrants in to drive down the cost of labor. STRAIGHT WHITE MALES BTFO
yassssssssssssssss Clinton 2020
Wouldn't you guys want to the centre of capitalism to collapse? If you think Trump is going to cause this then why didn't you vote for him/are going to vote for him in the next election?
Next youll be crying about MUH RUSSIAN/MUH PUTIN
amirite ;^D
come on dude.
Why would I be crying about someone who lost? Also
I'm laughing at you guys whining about Trump. It's sad you don't know what it's like to win so much you confuse it for whining. Also
You can go back Paco. Let me know what the other side of the wall looks like.
Keep feeding me your tears Liberals, I'm enjoying them.
All lefties are liberals. Tumblrfags are communists you know.
Everything i said is true.
You are fucking delusional m8
You don't understand. We are glad that Trump won because Hillary would have stagnated the radical left beyond redemption. We are using this opportunity to further radicalize liberals. This was a win for us. We will probably not see an another Trump for a long time.
wheres that dichotomy pic template
MSNBC. The channel that kept saying Hillary was going to win. FAKE
Youre the one out of a job picking tomatoes for your local co-op
That wall is made to stop you from jumping over to mexico because everything will be expensive in your shithole ;^)
It's almost as if Holla Forums and the Trumpets don't really give a shit about their retarded meme president and just want to see other people upset about it.
Really makes me think.
Wheres the "every left wing position ever" template?
hell yaeh dude. any leftist out there know that free trade is fucking SWAG. let's get the third world working #FuckYeahChildLabor
Read a book, nigger.
If Trump is really just another neocon fool to deride, why is twitter censoring ONLY positive replies to his tweets?
Stopping outsourcing and deporting the labour inflaters sure makes everything expensive, right.
Careful leftypol, soon you'll start generalizing about how ALL niggers are criminals or how ALL jews want to rule the goyim
trump and his supporters have literally entirely removed the thin line that separates reality from comedy in american society, in the eyes of most Euros tbh
Idk the exact reason tbh user but I suspect its because Trump is the less effective evil
Yeah man Mexico is such a utopia. I'll definitely go there someday.
The objective fact that so far it's accomplishing the goals it's setting out to do, including big ones like bring jobs and remove TPP?
Next you'll tell me Bernie wasn't a communist too.
if he was less effective, he wouldn't need censoring now would he
I'm not reading that rag-site shit
Why would we want Hillary to win, though?
You're as bad as some Glen Beck listener citing glp
And people wonder why Communist Governments always fail.
coome on dude Liberal =/= Leftist
Defeatist cuck detected. YOU are a broken shell of a man. Please start lifting and find some self respect.
That pic is pure retardation
Wouldn't a capitalist just find cheaper bananas?
I mean, if we just exploit the third world, wouldn't USAball call up Hondurasball for $20 bananas and the $80 to $120 savings would go towards building the wall?
It was a victory of the working mal, the decent man. It was a victory of rural America over doochie America.
If you on California and New York want to leave, then go. Let's see what you can do without rural America.
plus mehico would be royally fucked and even poorer than before
Can't lose if you weren't even invited to the game. None of the candidates were on "our side".
Liberals: We support the working class!
Working Class: We support Trump!
Liberals: Wait
Way to go, taco.
That's why their press screeched so loud, right…
It doesn't count when you win against yourself.
Who's counting? You?
Though, I wouldn't expect Holla Forums to understand much of anything.
You know what you are. That's why you're so mad.
Your dad will never love you like you want him to. ;_;
Are we being invaded?
I feel like we've hit a new height in the amount of shitposting threads. Do your job mods.
Holla Forums-tier logic everyone. Literally feels>reals.
I have a fine relationship with my father.
Maybe that's why I'm not a stormkike.
single mom child detected
You don't
People are finally waking up and taking the red pill.
Hopefully you all will achieve the same understanding. Or not I guess, someone has to be the losing side.
Less-effective in the sense that no one is fooled, he doesn't put a happy-face on capital, he's pretty transparent for good or ill. Obama and Shillary were the damage control that the American capitalists hoisted on the American people to put a happy face on American imperialism after the post-9/11 invasion. Remember it was people just in America who were mad about the wars but people all over the world.
BLACK Obama and his tranny bathrooms; woke Shillary and BLM, the pattern was changing the image of the representative so people didnt associate American capitalism with male domination, white supremacy etc. while leaving capital itself free to operate. That didn't fool any honest worker after the Obama years but its still necessary that the image of American capitalism project itself to be something it is not. That's not Trump, he's spent his life tailoring his image as the embodiment of American capitalism.
That's why he's the less effective evil from the standpoint of the capitalists.
Sums up the typical Trump shill tbf
I don't care if Trump has a Jewish son in law but Holla Forums should, if they actually believe anything at all. Do you actually have a coherent political view or is everything just based in 'triggering liberals lmao'?
Holla Forums is literally 5-year-old tier
nu-uh Trump is a kike HURRRRRRRRR
That why he got rid of TPP and regularly cites Israel's wall as justification for securing our borders?
Come on leftypol, even Behrny Saundurrrrs complimented Trump after TPP was thrown out
It's based on tactics a.k.a. 4d Chess. He's always 5 steps ahead of you fools and you're still stumbling about repeating your mantras, too incompetent to grasp how your world is changing.
We are not your enemies. We ultimately want you to see the light.
So that's a yes?
Yes, we're being raided by Holla Forums, if it wasn't obvious.
I thought this was a meme, do you fuckers actually say this?
But seriously you didn't answer my question
Differing opinions on my safe space? It's more likely than you think!
Considering most fathers range from boomer to gen-x, I'd have to say your premise is false.
Most men from these age ranges would not approve of their sons running around with pink hair and antifa masks
Isn't that the Queer flag?
And they say leftists are different from liberals.
What? If Jews support Trump, doesn't it make the rationale behind your support for him inconsistent? What the fuck? What do you even believe in?
guess all the bitching about reddit I've seen on here was true. There are a lot of liberals using /r/politics talking points ITT
pathetic really
Read Art of the Deal, it outlines most of Trump's mentality.
Who is this "you" you keep speaking of?
CTR have been ramping up their A game slowly since Hillary's loss.
Trump will be america's Gorvachov fag, screencap my words.
The Nazi flagster and his fellows of course
Ya all should follow catgirl drawgirl on twitter
Nazbol Catgirls
pol is one person
No, you guys raid us pretty often. Holla Forums has been in a constant state of being raided for the last three years.
It's more banal than anything. If anything, it's more funny that you guys are so delusional about Trump even after he stabbed you in the back.
Holla Forums is anti-Jewish and pro-Trump. Explain.
it pretty much is, since it calls out a logically fallacious tactic.
Not an image
Yes it is. You all sound the same, loving some random austrian junkie that killed himself.
It's Spanish Republican you fucking /political illiterate/. Way to prove my point that you have no politics other than insipid reactionism and 'DUDE MAGA LMAO'.
Then what were you implying?
That we should all bow before Trump because of something he didn't do?
they rebranded to CREW btw lol
You're on an AMERICAN Imageboard you filthy foreigner! So behave like it!
no cared enough
Looks queer to me
Drumpflets everyone
I've probably been posting on this board longer than you've even known about it tbqh
And Wifebeater Saatchi & Saatchi has just spent 60 million Bong-Coins on shit memes to counter le ebil internet nazis.
Well you look like a dipshit to me but you don't see me judging you because of it do you. Look you guys obviously don't actually have anything to say other than sperging so why don't you just go back to your containment zone.
I'm not an anarchist. I'm a Marxist.
And my dad is a Noam Chomsky fan that describes himself as a "libertarian socialist". My grandpa was in the communist party.
Post those smug pepes. I'm not tired of winning yet
damn youre fucked
That Cuck-Hunt Shirt is fucking based!
Are you pretending to be retarded?
I've been posting here just shortly after the board started.
🍀🍀🍀Marxist🍀🍀🍀 family
Uh… this is hardly the worst raid we've faced.
I wont respond about the first image but in regards to the second I have only this to say Holla Forums
Glass Houses.
nice try pol
Then why won't you guys state your support for Trump. Did you vote for Trump because there was no other choice than between him and Hillary or do you guys genuinely support him?
As far as I know, it looks like the Iran war will be in motion. He's vehemently anti-Iran, and goes who's the most anti-Iran
Das rite, Israel and KSA
So again, what is the reason behind your support for him? Do you truly like him?
Yeah, he's a weird sort of leftcom, and not in a Bordiga kind of way.
My mom is a typical liberal centrist.
To an extent maybe but at least most of us don't jerk off telling everyone that fascism is gonna somehow take over the world within months because a president with extreme Jewish ties was elected (????)
Dear Nazis.
I want you to know every other branch of fascist thought hates your guts more than we do.
He just asked Flynn to resign who was the Iran attack dog. Honestly though I'll never get Iranian politics or why the hardliners there seem to truly desires a war with the US
My dad was in the Army Special Forces and my grandpa was in the Marines.
Why am I defending my family to Holla Forumsyps? Holla Forums probably just thinks of their family as "tendies dispensers"
I'm moar an oldfag than u r
They also dox each other constantly which is even more funny. I remember when pol was trying to get us to report that furry KK guy but we didn't care so they had to do it themselves.
I don't think anyone ever has said that but fuck that scarecrow up fam
Like half of your shitposters in this thread are just posting pepes and going 'WINNING, LEFTIES ARE GONNA HANG SOON LOL'
Your family are probably whelps. Anglo saxon blood pumps through my hot veins as it has for generations. Put in me in an arena in which I can physically fight you, and I will crush you.
were you the gun user from that thread yesterday?
And leftists claim the intellectual high ground.
and your shitposters are using arguments from /r/politics. GLASS HOUSES BRO
Which one?
Probably because Trump didn't have a choice. He is still vehemently anti-Iran (he does after all have very strong Jewish ties) and would support Israel over Iran any day of the week.
Explain why you love Trump despite being loved by Jews (porky and prole Jews alike)
And my mother's a unicorn.
WTF-EVER nigger.
My falangist friend will not go on Holla Forums at all, and he actually wishes his ideology had something more like Holla Forums
it makes your wordview easier. Dont judge him pls.
ok kid
This is actually a joke right?
He was in the marines before he radicalized.
You realize the Communist Party used to be much more important before it was destroyed by the House of Un-American Activities and the FBI, right?
And that's why you will never win, since you cannot fight what you cannot understand.
i know comedy can be a form of relief, but i don't get it.
I think you were the guy who told me that battle rifles replaced SMGs in urban warfare iirc
anyway good post in that thread
You don't know what either of these two terms mean.
read more books you cretinous scum.
Man, you liberals are getting weak. How will you fare these next 8 years of us winning?
Holy god, what the fuck is happening in this thread?
They're still stuck in the Denial/Anger stage since they're used to getting their way through screaming.
I think they'll never evolve.
lefttards are getting rekt
Our victory is inevitable because capitalism is unstable by its very nature and headed towards total collapse, and fascism cannot reverse the fundamental contradictions which define the capitalist mode of production.
Okay Holla Forums, explain this.
If Trump is GOING to fail, why hasn't it happened YET?
That is some outstanding graffiti, anonymous tankie.
But every communist government has failed and killed millions. Why are you so hellbent on killing people?
I just want everybody to live with likeminded people.
You're both leftists. I bet your next words are "Feminists aren't REAL leftists! I'm not a liberal!"
I don't even like Trump man. I just voted for the most nationalist candidate I've ever seen in my life time.
Also news stories regarding Trump and Israel lately. No Jerusalem embassy. He told Israel to stop building shit in the west bank. etc. no more pro-israel than Barry was. Also you should ook up the video of Trump answering the charge of if he's an antisemite from the news conference yesterday.
Then of course we have to look at how the vast majority of jews voted for Clinton and supported Clinton financially to make your argument that jews love trump kinda fucked up. Like a few jews do and they're regularly attacked in jewish press. You should see the stuff they write about jared lol
Christians deserve to die
If by "fascism" you mean specifically the system created by Mussolini and the Italian Fascists, then fascism has only ever existed in Italy from the early 1920s to the end of WWII.
If by "fascism", you mean what most people mean, the common ideological current of the Axis Power and their allies and fellow travelers, then I'd define it more as "radical nationalism".
Leftypol fell for the juden lugenpresse meme
Excellent taste in music comrade
fucked up man
We have fundamental disagreements with the idpol "left".
I'm with ISIS
I actually did but only for myself. I enjoy the way he plays everybody and achieves his goals while being immune to the 🍀🍀🍀media🍀🍀🍀 and making these evil people flail around like autistic children.
It gives me hope for the future of this world.
7th floor just got purged. looks like libtards didn't have the balls to get rid of those kikes.
Watching these liberals getting roasted is something
American Education
If by "distance" you mean the distance between his tonsils and Netanyahu's circumsized knob, sure.
Holy hell these are annoying wordfilters. And Holla Forums calls us the torture chamber.
I'm also noticing no one responds to:
How about Venezuela?
You're not winning unless you're a landlord, stockbroker, business owner or some other kind of non-productive capitalist parasite.
This isn't a game, there are consequences for people who work for a living when plutocrats like Clinton or Trump gain power.
You picture seems unrelated to my point. Was this a mistake of yours?
Holla Forums bringing the denial, fallacies, and deflection again I see
Cognitive dissonance
If you aren't buying and selling on the Stock market you should an hero. It's easy as hell and a great way for cheap capital.
Why don't you become the burgers you hate so much? Instead of hating success and bringing it down, why not aim to be that success and rise up?
I understand if a liberal like you lacks the cognative ability to understand this though.
please articulate HOW he is sucking Netanyahu's dick
Capitalism is allowing private property. Socialism is the direct opposite of that. You need to read a fucking book and stop taking unsourced info from blogfags.
Also, it wasn't Hitler who referred to them being true socialists, it was Gregor Asser (not a surprising consequence considering you never check your sources)
But every fascist government has failed and killed millions. Why are you so hellbent on killing people?
I just want everybody to live with likeminded people.
Like you cucks having to find jobs to pay for the new Prinz Albert for your Wife's bull.
Who said we said he's going to fail?
He's going to fuck over the working class like bourgeois politicians before him have and succeed at doing so, it doesn't mean we have to applaud or like him for it.
What does state capitalism have to do with socialism?
Here's the fixed version
liberals would rather have seven trumps than a single bernie
No my next words are:
Liberals get the bullet too.
your not even white ;^)
So you're going to an hero?
historically that's your ideology
Government ownership of the means of production is not socialism. If this was true, every monarchy that ever existed would be an example of socialism.
Socialism is worker ownership of the means of production.
Also, they call themselves the "Socialist Party." This means nothing. North Korea calls itself a democracy and a republic. This doesn't make it so.
You are an economic illiterate.
actually accurate
That would be kind of tricky for you nogunz faggots, wouldnt it?
Only if you Republicans kill yourselves first
No it wouldn't. Liberals aren't leftists.
Holla Forumsyou unironically believe this has already happened in Venezuela
You're right. They're Marxists.
Because people shouldn't aspire to be leaches.
oh delicious tears
*Holla Forumsyps
You understand he's not referring to classical liberals, right?
What I meant is, that you fags live in commie states with nogunzallowed. So you're pretty much stuck in your endless loop of pushing trashcans over.
Being a Liberal literally entails being anti-gun. That's a leftist stance.
The mods haven't banned any of you and you should be grateful for that. There are many places which don't work like that 8pol . But please whine more about how you forced to write down the word Not Socialism.
Holla Forumscuck :^)
Most of this thread is a puppet show.
You guys realize these are competing bots swarming any thread that uses keywords relevant to their handlers' interests, right?
Those aren't real people debating each other.
Well I guess you've admitted defeat. Come back when you read a thing or two. Holla Forums is for sensible discussion.
/leftyshit/ :^(
You keep saying this, you Republicans are always trying to force memes
They're slowly denying support for Trump now, as seen with It's kind of a funny sight to behold
oh leftists never change
literally Holla Forumscucks
Your pic is what you think liberals are doing
This pic is what you actually are doing
confirmed for retardation and republican
The only cuck here is you, you ignorant bootlicker.
omg clearly your shinfographs have changed my mind
Why haven't we invaded Syria?
confirmed for I'M WITH HURRRRRR
You literally just got cucked by Russia after shilling for them, and it looks like your porky is pushing for a war against Iran. Enjoy getting drafted, burgers :)
literally /r/thedonald
There is literally nothing wrong with Capitalism and owning Private Property.
Haven't you seen all the lolberg memes, they've been around for several years
The fact you cannot understand we aren't liberals just proves how illiterate you are, but I'm sure you voted all GOP right? Assuming you voted, assuming you are even legal age, or American
No. Many people on the left have criticized these countries long before they failed. For example, see these books denouncing the Soviet Union in its infancy in the early 1920s (long before its most successful days before its decline).
Also see Kropotkin's criticisms of Lenin and Russia.
Chomsky discusses the early Marxist criticisms of Lenin that considered him a fraud and a "right-wing deviation" of Marxism (these criticisms were made before the Russian Revolution):
Finally, the term "state capitalism" was originally used by Lenin to refer to the economic program he adopted for the Soviet Union shortly after its creation.
I don't know why I'm spending so much time responding to you. Maybe I hope you'll look at one of the resources I've provided.
are you high or something?
Your inability to understand nuance and differing opinions within a group is a fault that lies within yourself and no one else
What you are essentially doing as a worker is you give a part of your labour away for free. This is how capitalists get rich.
ITT: marxists getting mad about being called out for their obvious faggotry (sjw/tumblr/landwhales)
Theyre even deleting their posts to hide their ravaged rectums
there are no winners here user, only shitposters
Arguing with Holla Forumstards really is like playing chess with a pigeon, fucking hell
Why does this thread exist?
There is better dialogue in Sargon's comment section.
It's called trolling and you retards are falling for it.
Then why are you projecting and arguing like one?
Wew, this was a good liberal baking. These tears will sustain me and the Trumpenfuher for the next 8 years.
Keep it up guys.
Come back when you have arguments.
Could you be any more predictable at least get a little bit better at the old bait game
I remember when trolling used to be about shit that wasn't important, now with the human race at stake, it's a bit harder to just ignore this shit
That's democracy kiddo. Get used to it.
This is your home
But you aren't a democracy your a constitutional republic hence why the president is elected by the electoral college. Meaning Trump could win with less votes same thing with Bush.
But seriously though, don't be mistaken. We prefer Trump over Hillary because of accelerationist reasons:
This low energy troll attempt
Those furries you are impuning helped get Trump elected you cisnormie
its a republic meme
A republic is a form of representative democracy
you are still political babby aren't you?
The only things being accelerated under Trump are commie's exile and/or execution
What if Hillary was the accelerationist choice. Or Sanders even. Zizek's public face is that of a reasoning for an introduction of threat to the Democratic party, but the party mechanisms which were in place for the revolutions of a hundred years ago are non existent. Any change which derrives its basis from the neccessity of a revolution in the twenty first century in America will be a product of bourgeois political difference between two ruling classes, the one leading the revolution having necessarily no involvement in Marxist politics.
Had Clinton won, she would be struggling for eight years with Iran, China, and Russia. Not Trump.
Why is Holla Forums so politically illiterate?
Are they even white?
Did they ever read a book?
Yes where the vote is centralised by a state by state case. This means your vote is worth less if you live in California or Texas when compared to the smaller states. If your vote is worth less depending on where you live I would hardly call that a form of pure democracy.
regardless of the electoral college, a republic by definition is a form of democracy
Democracy is a form of Government (which ends up being more like a phisolophy of government in practice)
Republic is a form of State
That image describes such an abhorrent understanding of the history and basic economics—you don't even deserve an image.
now he's going on about MUH TRUE DEMOCRACY
leftypol is a walking/talking/breathing NO TRUE SCOTSMAN
so yes?
Tell me more about this basic economics, socialist :)
I'm surprised you now about molymeme
molymeme has been all over pol for several years now
Hell he was around before the first exodus
What are you on about? If someone is elected with less votes and wins I don't see that as an effective working democracy.
If it had been Clinton who had won with less votes we would of heard about it from you lot for years.
Also leftypol isn't one person.
I came over to just to say.
Get a Job!
but have you?
Get a Jeb!
Trump was the accelerationist candidate for us commies. The only thing left that he needs is a war against Iran, which by all likelihood seems to be happening imminently
California is worth 55 already. How much of a handicap do you need ya fucking crybabby.
you fuckers are liberals
You haven't addressed one of my points sticking muh or shouting meme dosen't constitute a rebuttal
Why do Democrats fight Voter ID laws so much?
Is it because they cheat?
You need ID to drive, buy beer, open a bank account.
But somehow if you ask for ID to vote you are OPPRESSING THE POOR MINORITIES (same ones who voted for clinton over that crusty old white guy)
If he keeps eviscerating the media like he did yesterday, expect those numbers to rise even higher.
i did address your points
leftypol so mad they bumplocked thread
literally wrong
Its called bullshit news
that is representative democracy for you, hence why we call it bullshit
Psst… not an argument, kid
aint got nothing to do with you, its a cancerous thread
No. Republic means either 'get rid of the monarchy' (French tradition) or 'blend democracy with aristocracy/monarchy' (classical definition).
The French version is inevitably just some variation on democracy. The classical version was originally intended when America was declared a republic. The President serves as a short term elected monarch in the tradition of the consuls, originally the senate was a more aristocratic body, being appointed rather than elected. This is even more obvious if you actually look at the voting rules of early America which weren't nearly as black and white as presented but did often have things like 'anybody can vote for the state house but only taxpayers for the state senate' or 'only Kulaks can be senators/governors of this state'. That's all gone now of course but since the lifetime-appointed appeals judges were slotted into the actual role of the aristocracy that was laid down in the original concept of checks and balances America still maintains a republican structure.
This all has fuck all to do with the electoral college which is actually a federalism thing (which again, means something completely different in Europe because the fucking French ruin language merely by existing). Except nobody thought through the fact that letting states decide how they wanted to pick a president would create a massive crab bucket where nobody could shift positions to something less retarded without losing power.
low energy
damage control
You can't be impeached for "saying and promoting" unconstitutional stuff. You can only be impeached for breaking the law. Saying you'll do things that would be unconstitutional doesn't pass the mustard.
He's not doing anything unconstitutional.
Its called liberal activist judges carrying out the commands of their handlers
Whig History is for simple minded morons.
Even if he signed into law something that was unconstitutional, even that wouldn't be grounds for impeachment since unfortunately passing unconstitutional laws isn't a crime. The court shreds the law, but the people responsible for the law are never held accountable.
Otherwise we could be hanging liberals for trying to infringe on the 2A and hanging republicucks for trying to ban nigger abortions.
Tell me something I'm not aware of lad :)
You can be impeached for literally anything congress wants according to the courts.
Of course, he has a majority in congress, and there's zero chance of losing the Senate in 2018 given the seats that are up.
let the blue haired children dream
Nope, you can only be impeached for a crime. Spoilers: Clinton wasn't impeached for getting his dick sucked, he was impeached for perjury (a crime, don'cha know?).
Literally no one thinks Trump is going to attack the Jews except maybe a handful of liberals who who bought too much into the "second coming of Hitler" meme
stay cucked, redditpol
Sorry r/the_donald, you have to go back to reddit. We're not going to entertain non-arguments and memes. Either you respond to posts like these:
Or we'll just bumplock the thread and call it a day.
Unsurprising, considering you guys are still struggling with "the left isn't a monolithic entity and has multiple ideologies"
Of course they do. The entire ideology is masochistic and weak. They deserve to be brutalized and conquered, so they will be.
We're perfectly familiar with the idea, it is just difficult to differentiate between you when you all serve the Jews in more or less equal capacity.
Okay then, describe Marx's theories of dialectical and historical materialism.
Keep praying to your impotent gods for impeachment, it's not going to happen. :^)
Nothing but failed bunk.
If Obama wasn't Impeached for that, I don't think Trump has anything to worry about…
Sure. First, give me an empirical proof that the Labor Theory of Value is true that doesn't rely on an entirely fabricated definition of value.
I didn't ask for your opinion about it, I asked you to describe it.
You said you knew all about it, right? Just give a brief description.
top kek, you fucks are clueless.
it literally didn't bother me in the least, I kek'd when she said ," I cant talk good", because sometimes he struggles with speaking.
/pol posting here
I was banned for saying I was concerned with trump's decision to resign flynn..
So hey guyz, I guess I'm a communist now.
We don't need to study for 10 years and get our PhDs in marxism to know its bullshit.
normie gtfo, go watch ghostbusters 3
sure you were
So gommienism didnt work cuz gommienism???
Why are commies/marxists/socialists using Molyjew as a meme? Wasn't he libertarian?
And in the resulting court battle the courts determined that congress gets complete say in what is or isn't a 'high crime or misdemeanor'.
There are many, many different socialist ideologies, many of which have fought in the past.
You are dense
Then what the fuck was supposed to be "obscure"?
Are you trying to say libertarian is socialist?
Are you under the impression that Emma Goldman, Kropotkin, Chomsky or Lenin are "obscure"?
i know enough to know its shit.
Reading Marx economic theory is like reading Socrates divine math
modern lolberg are free market stooges
The left leaning libertardian meme
Those aren't even remotely obscure if you bothered to leave your right-wing circlejerk every once and a while.
Why don't you put that clairvoyance to good use and win the lottery?
anarchists lol
Why should I care what anarchists think? Fucking lolbergs and anarchists.
It was the original libertarianism. "Libertarianism" as a word came about when the French banned the word "anarchist".
Almost all of the original libertarians were what you might call "social anarchists" (mutualists, anarcho-communists, anarcho-syndicalists, anarcho-collecticists, etc) because capitalism is in direct conflict with personal liberty.
So butthurt poorfags have been around awhilet
Yeah, he thought anarchists were Marxist.
Because they were Leftists that criticized the Soviet Union while it was still big and powerful, which is what you fucks wanted.
How the fuck does Holla Forums live in this mess?
no I'm laughing at you for bringing up anarchists
I didn't bring them up. They were the authors of those works you were calling "obscure"
How do they live in shitholes like Venezuela or Soviet Union?
Are you autistic?
brevity is the soul of wit and intelligence
That guy wasn't me, I was just amused by your pathetic attempt at a handwave that revealed how illiterate you Trumpcucks are
Why have you and the rest of the lefttards ITT gotten so shitter shattered by a bunch of illiterates?
You guys should have the mod implement pic related
I'm more amused by how eternally retarded Holla Forums and their fellow travelers are and continue to be. I hopped in to see the ever more ridiculous 45 dimensional chess claims and stayed for the political illiteracy.
Why do leftists always shift so much?
Say what you want about trumpcucks but at least they dont keep redefining words or themselves to handle the banter.
Youre not very good at this. Maybe you should go read some more anarchist literature
You don't even know what the ideology of the USSR was.
"state capitalism" is not a redefinition. It was the name that Lenin called his economic policy.
Great theory
Extreme cases are important to look at. In this case, it demonstrates that some ideas can't be condensed into a meme and that it doesn't immediately disqualify the idea.
And I'm not an anarchist. I'm simply aware of some anarchist theory and history.
I can see that I need to be blunt.
We always use the same definition of those terms. It's you that misunderstands them.
He's been in office less than a month.
He's already solving immigration and planning the wall. Despite leftist judges pulling bullshit.
You are either a shill or a hater, but by all means
How do they keep getting baited out so easily?
This is why I brought up the weak memes before
He's managed to rile up more anti-government sentiment, and push more people to the left, than I've seen in a long time.
Since you guys like your infograph memes so much.
They're not that complicated, just too complicated for a fucking meme.
Even if the popular vote was correct, you've still got almost 63 MILLION in opposition
kek, I'm still waiting on those Soros protest bucks
But every socialist organization I'm in contact with has reported record membership drives, and the DSA has more than doubled it's membership.
Maybe you should take it up with your org leader.
uhhh user
The DSA will eat itself some. As is the fate of all organizations that included modern feminism.
Even as a basic infograph that's a fucking disaster and makes you look like you're fucking mortified at the most basic response.
This isn't even about 'complicated' ideas, you just have shit taste if that's something you'd want to share
Wait what?
Who is responding to who here??????
I am laughing with
oh ok
Its such a common, hackneyed fucking response, it was included in the image macro.
then stop being walking/talking examples of NO TRUE SCOTSMAN
Guess what, YOU addressing that response makes YOU look like the giant bitch who's assblasted by the most common, hackneyed insult anyone can throw
leftypol so mad they had to anchor the thread like 5 hours ago
We aren't under the payroll of Soros, that's the joke.
Holy christ this thread
No, you need to understand what No True Scotsman is in the first place.
We're not assblasted. We're responding, ahead of time, to one of the most common, boneheaded internet replies, so you don't have to have that conversation again every time it's posted.
I don't know what it is with people incorrectly citing fallacies they do t even understand.
They don't teach Marxist feminism in Women's and Gender Studies.
Ask the average liberal feminist Tumblrina if they've read The Second Sex, almost all of them will say they haven't.
Would you be less butthurt if I said MOVING THE GOALPOSTS instead of NO TRUE SCOTTSMAN?
I never said it wasn't feminism.
Feminism isn't a single ideology, you see. It's a somewhat vague term describing multiple ideologies.
Don't mind him, that infograph is amazing and he's just triggered by his own lack of arguments.
much like leftypol's definition of socialism
I really don't know if you're being obtuse or if you're just generally incompetent now.
Your very basic attempts at communicating "lol no true scotsman doesn't apply to us" instead reads as "STOP FUCKING ASKING THAT QUESTION YOU JERKS" to anyone who isn't in the exact same mindset as yourself.
That's true. That pic is from back in the days when anakids ran wild and Market "Socialism" was considered intellectually sound, thankfully Bordiga posters solved that.
I don't know what's sadder, the fact that you might've pavlov'd yourself into finding your own intellectual dishonesty funny or that you're really hiding how triggered you are by posting such a stale meme.
Bitch that pic I posted is hilarious.
Did you respond to the wrong person?
If not you're a complete moron, because nothing he said is related to management of their own finance.
There is a layer of irony in that 3rd picture that can only be understood after taking note of both the canadian flag and the fact that this looks like it came from half chan