Who /immigrant/ here?
Who /immigrant/ here?
I don't hate you. I support you joining a union and so on. Just don't expect society to change itself for you.
I'm not sure what stance to take on immigration as a whole though. It's ultimately encouraged by capitalists.
I can't get into the Union. Tried already
The far right doesn't hate you as long as you fully integrate and uphold the values of the host nation.
I'd take a non-white immigrant that genuinely loves America over any of the white, feminized human detritus being churned out of today's universities every day of the week.
What's wrong with that?
Nothing, if you really want to live in a nation of /cuteboys/, I guess.
i would prefer it
Traditional unions are dead. They were relevant in the era of mass employment and job security, they aren't anymore. How do you expect precarious workers to organize on an outdated model inherited from the industrial era?
We only had an era of high employment and job security precisely because of unions struggling for decades.
Work in the 19th century was often very casual. The rise of Uber and zero hours contracts and the like is a return to capitalist normality.
Every worker should be unionised.
That sucks. Have you tried the IWW or something?
iktf feel lad
shit forgot to take off the shitposting flag
You've still got it on.
I looked into that. They don't even bargain for wages. It's just a club for left wing People
What? the Left doesn't hate you; it just recognizes that, unfortunately, their is often direct economic disincentives to allow immigrants into your community.
Which really is the whole point of Marxism, we are fundamentally alienated from each other by having to first and foremost mediate our social interactions through the economic realities of capitalism meaning that no true organic, human interaction is possible at this stage.
kek now DELET THIS
What did you expect?
Only social democrat lead unions fight your rights and wages as worker. We are the only ones in left whom care for and represent the workers.
Idk, I expected an actual union. I learned of when when I saw the wobblies documentary on YouTube and I saw myself as something like those Irish/Italian immigrants that fought for the 8 hour work day, and I was quite inspired. But it turns out unions nowadays aren't like that. Sucks
kys cuck
you're a fucking conservative not "far right"
Hmm. Are you in America?
Top kek
Ascended kek
i don't hate you immigranon
I want to emigrate off my country but Holla Forums has a light anti imigration stance and I'm not sure where should I go.
Anywho a single room apartment in europe or the usa is better than a wooden hut down here.
But we ARE all just human OP.
Also this tbh. I'm in a union that doesn't fight for wage increases and just sucks money out of everyone.
yeah you're right, we're far left :^)
wut? any leftist who is anti-immigrant is just as bad if not worse than those who side with neolibs as a lesser evil. We are certainly not in favor of a restriction enforced by the capitalist state.
I'd like it. real women might be more desperate then. supply and demand.
the real left doesn't hate immigrants.
Can I be pro-immigrant but anti-immigration?
From lurking here for so long, I was under that impression
That's me too tbh
I personally think closed border socialism (only allowing immigration to fill demand for highly skilled positions like neurosurgeons) is the only realistic way of bringing about a successful socialist nation.
You would also be competing with the violent conquerors such a weak nation would inevitably attract.
I think there can be a happy medium.
if you're okay with nonwhite immigrants as long as they "le assimilate to culture" then you're part of the weakness you braindead shitstain
t. riggered
h real left doesn't hate you, only the LARPers on Holla Forums don't want you here.
comrades who stand against porky and idpol are welcome to me
Nah, comrade.
I'm fully on board with human biodiversity, but I have no problem with limited immigration (white or otherwise) as long as they fully integrate. You're letting your ideology get in the way of what would produce a better nation and personally improve your standards of living.
Idk what to say other than sorry fam, I'm not American
Immigrant to where? The Americas or Europe? It matters greatly.
don't call yourself far right and don't speak for it. you're nothing of the sort, nonwhites not "integrating" is not the problem, it never was.
I never asked for this.
good luck fam
I've been thinking about getting an EU member passport and settling down in Ireland. EU passport holders can just move to any Schegen country without viss and shit, right?
they can travel with just a passport yes
i don't hate immigrants themselfs, i hate the porkies and politicians that let them in.
But can you live and work there too with just a passport?
Do tell what you see "the problem" being.
If you aren't a criminal outside of violating federal immigration laws :^), I don't think you're in danger of being deported. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump deports all of the "criminal" illegals, and then offers some sort of amnesty for those remaining.
I wouldn't call tankies and nazbols the real left.
the far right has a problem with multiracialism. not burqas.
Not bad. Anglos have it much worse lel
Some of us here are against mass immigration for materialist reasons but that doesn't mean we hate migrants as people, the vast majority of us are internationalists too even if opposed to mass immigration for purely economic reasons.
How does, say, a ~130 Autism Level black couple (allowed to immigrate as one or both are filling highly skilled positions) moving in to a homogeneous nation and fully adopting the culture a net negative? Their children will likely be less intelligent than they are, but if they're raised properly and there is no toxic "urban" culture to indoctrinate them into or "educators" giving them a racial bogeyman to focus on, why would they be any worse than the equivalent Slavic, Greek or Italian family?
Rootless cosmopolitan
WHO ELSE /noborders/ HERE
So are Marxists for or against open borders?
Until capitalism dies open border will just increase exploitation by creating a larger labor reserve. When capitalism is murdered I'm all for open borders.
Might be useful for accelerationism but I've never been a fan of 'make shit more miserable to effect change'.
But how tho? The borders in SE Asia are one of the ways capitalists control the workforce there. They threaten to take factories elsewhere if the workers get too uppity
Most leftists I know don't really care unless you're a muslim.
We need to end the system of economic exploitation that forces people to flee their home countries. But people should be free to migrate, and to work with all the rights of citizens.
Workers of ALL countries, unite!
That will just cause overpopulation.
What if I am
Your bones get grinded into cement for bunkers
that's not how that works
Most leftists who leave their basements on a regular basis have no problem with Muslims. A lot of Islamophobia I think is due to the lack of any actual interaction with Muslims.
Hmm it's almost like westernized "Muslims" who do not uphold the pillars of Islam and give half a prayer a week after binge drinking at a club on the weekend aren't the Muslims in the east who will kill women for exposing their ankles.
I mean, I'm as much muslim as American Christians are Christans. Just casually. My connection with the small muslim community is mostly of a result of them helping me out when I first immigrated.
Obviously I wouldn't dream of Killing everyone or whatever you imagine Muslims want to do
Nah I just paid attention to what Islamic representatives and governments said multiple times.
Which one is it?
When did I say Islam needs a reformation? Maybe that would help, maybe it might make things worse. I'm not Muslim.
You, however, seem to love Muslims.
51% of them support Sharia… and those are just Muslims in the US. They are significantly more wealthy and more educated than the average Muslim. Who knows if they even answered honestly, if I were a pro-Sharia Muslim in the US, considering the vilification of Islam and the existence of the NSA, I wouldn't answer honestly. What do you think that number is in the ME? In Africa? How is this compatible with communism?
I don't have a problem with Arabs, but I absolutely have a problem with Muslims, be they orthodox or diluted/casual. Not even from the perspective of the risks of radicalization (of which there are many), but from the viewpoint that religion is inherently divisive, and Islam in particular teaches that one must not only refuse to integrate with the host nation, but also shape that society through Sharia, which frankly is a really fucking bad deal for everyone involved.
Going outside and seeing people isn't interaction. Take a minute and count the people you talked to today, you'll find that you're actually lonelier than you think unless you're either a public speaker, or you harass strangers all the time.
I've never really talked to a Muslim, because I'm not a Muslim, though I see them, I've also never really talked to a Chinaman, though I've seen them too. They're not in my social group, my tribe so to speak: we share no language, no food, no religion, and I don't know if we share any of the same jokes.
But I don't believe that. Nor do many of the American muslims I know.
Where does it say that in the article you posted?
Doesn't matter what you personally believe, your Clerics do and they're the ones who are going to be teaching your children should you send them to be educated indoctrinated into Islam. I understand it feels like a totally harmless community thing right now, and I sympathize, but you're playing with a cancerous and supremely dangerous ideology, top to bottom. I don't expect you to suddenly break from Islam, since quitting can be harder than breaking the worst physical addiction since not only can there can be very real social consequences, but to describe it as inner turmoil would be an understatement. All I ask is that you take what I've said with as much salt as you need until it's palatable, and file it away for later.
It will. My country is already overcrowded. I want strong population control, globally. Ideally reduction to 4 billion, gradually through sterilisation.
If your the Spurdo poster I was talking to earlier I apologize for getting mad at you (I might've called your post "schizo-babble"). I was having trouble distinguishing between you and the Spurdo poster who was repeating all these platitudes about "the winners writing history" when I tried to show him explicit archeological evidence.
what did you do in your past life? beat children? kick dogs?
In all seriousness, the real left doesn't hate you. Hell, we've even got a few turd-worldists kicking about. We hate the conditions where masses of immigrants are brought in that create competition and depress wages: capitalism.
Same realisation I've come to only the problem is more perverse in Europe because these are nations losing jobs, public services, living space to migrants that will always have a home while the Europeans are slowly being perminantly displaced from their own countries and services. The preferential treatment for migrants is also stoking alot of resentment.
Why don't you stay in your own country and make it better or work towards revolution in it where they go about seizing the means of production? Instead you flood other countries at the invitation of porky for a reduced wage relative to the domestic worker so porky can further shower his vault and your native country loses you, a potential talent thus making sure your own native country stays poor, you live a better life at the expense of the domestic worker in your new country and the native worker in your home country and porky becoming infinitely wealthier like all the statistics show.
tl;dr you're part of the problem
Have you considered that i they weren't offloading people to the west all the time the works would finally have to organise in some cohesive way instead of following the pipe dream of easy living in the west or Australia.
Poor European workers flocked to the New World in the 19th and 20th century, and they were very active in improving the lot of the working class here.
At least when native workers weren't selling them down the river and were willing to practice solidarity
Is this board NazBol now?
We can fit like double our current population comfortably on the planet now tho. It's just a lot of space isn't being utilized properly because of capitalism
That actually sounds like many, though not all of the mainstream unions these days connected to labour and social democrat parties
Pretty bad when unskilled workers collaborate as a group against American exceptionalism (skilled workmen) You are a plague. Kill yourselves.
Why would the right hate immigrants? Hired one the other day; great guy, taught himself English. Often highly skilled, solid work ethic and willing to do entry level work that entitled neets scoff at.
Well then you are sucking out all the skilled workers from poorer countries not allowing them to build up there economy which will lead low skill people coming because of the economic disaster you inadvertently created.
The subject of immigration is very delicate: on the one hand, immigration consists largely of refugees fleeing for humanitarian reasons, but these same humanitarian reasons do not tell the whole story of a tale much more ridden with the natural consequences of capital's globalization and so on. A refugee may be fleeing at once from economic destitution, but also from a war following this economic destitution or a war largely around not humanitarian or social principles, but purely economic struggles between bourgeois nations vying for profit (e.g. in Syria, the war is largely Russian interest in maintaining Europe dependent on its oil versus the west, spearheaded by the US and its proxies like Saudi Arabia, to get an oil pipeline through and get Arab oil to Europe, thus in a bourgeois fashion solving EU dependency on Russian oil). On the other hand, there is the economic consequences of capitalism itself: immigration is very welcomed by a large portion of the neoliberal bourgeoisie which knows to find it in it large reserves of labor power, which then drives immigrants to even further compete with local workers for their bread. There is no true solution to this, but the baseline for international working class solidarity thus isn't one of necessarily concretely opposing or welcoming immigration, both of which reactionary or reformist, but to see things as they truly are in the paradigm of choice: socialism or barbarism. The abolition of wage labor is the only lasting solution to such large displacements of peoples.
Zizek puts these things well too: youtube.com
Why the fuck would anyone care what whites on the internet think OP
That's your first mistake
The US is not a vacuum; libertarian skilled workers move to America to advance their own interests. Nationalist skilled workers would stay and further the interests of their home country.
And to avoid a flood of illegal immigrants all that is required is functional border controls.
Do you beat your wife then blame her for marrying an abusive poopscooper? How does victim blaming an entire nation solve anything?
A state is not a state without national sovereignty; the people are responsible for their own. Representatives are state workers responsible for expressing the will of the people through law and represent a country as a whole.
It isn't victim blaming. Rather what you are doing is creating a brain drain. When you remove all the skilled people the economy suffers making the country on the whole worse. The poor people will in turn immigrate many times illegally. You should prevent both types of immigration.
Good. You know our goal is its complete and utter destruction as it currently exists, yes?
I want to immigrate to UK to be with a friend but im not rich or of high skill. My heritage is mostly British at least but no gandparents from it so that is probably useless.
Reactionary immigrants of the same breed as White Russians, Cuban Gusanos, and recently Salafi infiltrators in this refugee crisis aren't ours to support.
Are we talking about objects with no free will? Am I Kilgraving only skilled individuals to immigrate?
People are able to gain new skills, survive off the land and in the proper community flourish. If your community is shit; make it better, start a new one or move to another. These are things a leader, revolutionary or entrepeneur might do to further his own.
What good is societal destruction; other than to give a group of sadistic fucks their own niche. Needless suffering and sacrifice is human, but I thought the goal was to improve society.
And if your group does succeed in redistribution; this Secular Humanist Cosmopolitan Libertarian will be enjoying your tributes until there is nothing left to distribute. At which point the situation escalates and your group of self entitled sadistic fucks will tear eachother to pieces in further attempts to redistrubute. Meanwhile those that turn away from the woodchipper enter feudal arrangements and lose their rights in exchange for shelter food and work for their families. Or live in small communes essentially devoid of technology; however your fantasy scenario plays out it will be a step down from where we are so that some fellas get to stroke their philosphical egos.
Don't blame others for your own shit; that isn't how to teambuild. And don't expect anything from this world; its been here a bit longer than any of us.
What? No real leftist hates immigrants
Ireland is not part of the Schengen agreement.
Jesus fucking Christ, i will never understand that.
on all the countries in the world, why did you move to one you're not welcome in?
i'm not a Holla Forumstard, hell i'm not even "white", you idiots are just making things worse.
You must live in the Midwest or Europe if you seriously give a shit, and if it's either I pity you deeply. You don't need to pity others. They tend to work harder than you do.
this comment makes no sens.
wtf are you trying to say?
I'm calling you someone who gives too much of a shit about nothing in particular.
I agree with a tankie for once
why do you have such a chip on your shoulder about "whites"
Because it's amusing from a board that has a chip on its shoulder about every nationality.
They're welcome in, faggot.
well yeah nationalism and nationalities are dumb
I live with my parents, but I can give you a side of my bed, if you a /cuteboy/
it's literally done with clicks today, you don't have to join meetings in person etc.
not everyone agrees with you apparently. since op is having a hard time.
Not everyone applies themselves.
Everyone has a hard time in this totally-not-country
Country of origin?
Immigrants aren't necessarily reactionaries.
At last a correct stance
no we hate you
…wouldn't you?
Who's we? Whites? A minority of whites hate all non whites, because we are your neighbors.
And besides which Holla Forums, you're nobody to speak, since half your board is Chicano nobodys
Who is "we"? I'm whiter than your whitest parent is, and I hate you.
t. black Holla Forums user
I understand this argument (and I've used it myself in the past), but how many of these third worlders are specifically becoming doctors and engineers so that they can have an easier time legally migrating to the West which offers the single largest improvement for their quality of life? I would guess a large percent of them, talking to the Indian doctors I know, but that's anecdotal and I admit don't have any hard data on that.
That would be prevented by strict border control in the closed-border socialist system I proposed.
Indeed, I was the one you were having the friendly back and forth with in the dedicated holocaust shitposting thread before I fucked off and went to sleep. I appreciate the post-war abortion angle you provided, that has proven to be an interesting topic.
It's fine, there are quite a few spurdofags here. I'm tempted to drop the flag altogether since at this point it's causing more confusion and mistaken identity than anything.
I wouldn't, no. It might be fun for a little while, but that wouldn't be sustainable.
The "real left" doesn't hate you. Any leftist that hates immigrants is not a leftist.
Also, for marx-kun, I'm not any of these posters in that thread:
Fucked that up and delete = wrong password. Be right back, eating a bullet.
what's wrong with this statement
Speak for yourself dude. I've had plenty of Muslims and "chinamen" as colleagues, lab partners, friends or study buddies, and I go to college in white-as-snow suburban New Jersey. Solidarity proceeds from familiarity and shared circumstances, which is why expanding access to higher education is so crucial for the leftist cause.
Turn of the centuy migrants that are moving to settle arn't the same as economic migrants now. Neither are the environments or many other factors, right now they're used to undercut the native working class. It's a loose comparison at best honestly.
basically this. autistic NazBols are a figure of fun to the 'real left'.
what the actual fuck did I just watch
I thought it was a shit movie, but the visuals are pretty great at times.
Well shit.
not sure if delusional or sarcastic
people hate you > developing world economic misery
nah, i prefer my own
Is that supposed to be an insult?
Immigration is okay as long as it is not used to undermine the working class. In a perfect communist society everyone would have secure well-payed jobs so immigration would not threaten their livelihood. The problem is we don't live in such a society. My thoughts? Attempt to integrate and don't leech off welfare. Porky doesn't pay taxes so don't think your hurting him. Try to find a job that not a lot of people are doing, not only will you not be direct competition with other members of the working class, but you might get good pay as that job could be in high demand. Although we will never truly have a perfect society until the revolution, at least you can live decently until then. Also don't blow people up or rape and shit, but given that your intelligent enough to find this board I doubt your the type. (Last point was kind of satire(Not that im Okay with that type Of shit. Please don't.)) Of course ideally you don't immigrate, but if you really need to move then at least make yourself useful and don't be a burden. Then We can be Okay.
you've already demonstrated that at best, you have no idea what communism is. the rest of your post about integrating and not leeching off welfare makes me wonder where you came from.