Who /immigrant/ here?
Who /immigrant/ here?
I don't hate you. I support you joining a union and so on. Just don't expect society to change itself for you.
I'm not sure what stance to take on immigration as a whole though. It's ultimately encouraged by capitalists.
I can't get into the Union. Tried already
The far right doesn't hate you as long as you fully integrate and uphold the values of the host nation.
I'd take a non-white immigrant that genuinely loves America over any of the white, feminized human detritus being churned out of today's universities every day of the week.
What's wrong with that?
Nothing, if you really want to live in a nation of /cuteboys/, I guess.
i would prefer it
Traditional unions are dead. They were relevant in the era of mass employment and job security, they aren't anymore. How do you expect precarious workers to organize on an outdated model inherited from the industrial era?
We only had an era of high employment and job security precisely because of unions struggling for decades.
Work in the 19th century was often very casual. The rise of Uber and zero hours contracts and the like is a return to capitalist normality.
Every worker should be unionised.
That sucks. Have you tried the IWW or something?
iktf feel lad