Is it possible to be a Leftist and not become utterly jaded and cynical with time?

Is it possible to be a Leftist and not become utterly jaded and cynical with time?


"Pessimism of the intellect, Optimism of the will."

You sure you aren't SocDem? Leftists are optimistic upbeat people who look forward to the future. With anticipation.

Your nativity is cute

Yes, you gotta have fun once in a while though(aka antifa action)


I feel like the proletariat will never rise up. What should i do to combat this pessimism comrades?

It has nothing to do with Leftism. The sort of feeling you describe is prevalent in any political affiliation.

Once one has found his affiliation i.e. the paradigm of thought which he deems correct, any deviation society takes from the "right" path makes him lose hope little by little, all the while analyzing the same deviation through his ideology. Why do you think Holla Forums is all doom n' gloom and reactionaries are constantly sperging over the "fall of the West" and so on?

Tankie autism has its weaknesses, like being utterly irrelevant and not doing anything, but also its strengths, like not having any of the emotional strain that comes with actually engaging the real world instead of LARPing. I envy you.

It is a must

Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies. a Plan.

Also, your "real world" is a meme. What it consists of? Voting for the Lesser Evil?

Koba's pic has a point, the prospect of revolution hinges on much much more direct effort and thus more tangible than reforms.

You're gonna stay pessimistic only if you're idle and expect society to transform.

Holla Forums is over the moon right now. The only happiness their ideology allows is the feeling of conquest over a defeated enemy, but they just got "their guy" elected president.



Teach me how. I feel like this last election has completely drained me. Political instability in my country has not helped. I've been an active, engage leftie for only a few years and I already have weeks-long periods where I need to keep distance from politics and seek distractions elsewhere just to avoid the emotional strain.

And I'm turning cynical too. schadenfreude over Trump for example is impossible to avoid.

I'm very ill at the moment but reading this board keeps me going

Thank you leftypol

Why do you care so much? If everything works out, you get what you want, if everything stays the same, everyone has to eat the giant shit sandwich they've been fighting to protect the existence of all their lives.
If everything gets drastically worse with the population in collusion then they get exactly what they deserve.

Reading this board helps me at times, but it also makes me lose hopes at other times.

Yep, including me. Unfortunately I'm not in the age and/or income bracket where I can afford to be a detached observer anymore. I have to eat my piece of the shit sandwich every time I go to work or pay my bills.

explain this image pls

Communism isn't about making the perfect world, it's about the present state of affairs you abolished along the way.

People make the mistake of thinking: communism = A, B and C and if it doesn't have those things then it's not communism!!! Communism isn't a rigid checklist, it's the constant and undying process of making a better world by changing the current one and constantly striving for the ideal. The truth is we will never actually have a pure and perfect world because that is idealism. Even when we have FALC there will still be present states which should be abolished. Communism is a dynamic process that will always be relevant (but perhaps under different names). It just happens to be that the best way to abolish the current state of things right now is the destruction of capitalism

Realize that they'll probably rise up after society collapses as a result of climate change or any of the other future catastrophes but by then it'll probably be too late