Full automation will kill capitalism right guys?

Full automation will kill capitalism right guys?

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Doesn't mean we'll have to like what comes after.

No, things will just become more dystopian.

or 8 people will own all the factories and sell the products to their direct manservant's and nobody else, while everybody else spends 100% of the time living off bugs and fighting the robofuzz mach 9000 to attempt to enter Switzerland, which they each live in 1/8th. Around their walls is a daily massacre, yet still the people come. Around their factories and farms its the same, unarmed malnourished people can never fight 4 billion dollar killing machines. Yet what choice do they have? So still they try.

Or it will kill us. Revolution now or never.


I see him posted around, what's even his philosophy? What ideas did he bring in? I'm asking a nazbol so I'm not expecting much of an answer, but what the hell is Nick Land pushing?

lol no


remember this article guiz

Take a look at

He's a dork enlightenment/alt-right idiot.

that means so little
he disavowed the alt-right after the term got hijacked to represent what it does now

He was a trailblazer in accelerationisn (the real kind with theory, not everything bad is good kind), but then went off the deep end into horror-crypto-ancom. Although, there are times he still invokes Marx.

He's a big proponent of the "Dark Enlightment" ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment). He wants a corporatist society that has a literal CEO of the world leader.

sorry not ancom, full on capitalist

technocratic feudalism

He's a troll.

the rabbit hole just keeps going

Just like the majority of these idiots. As soon as the lights got turned on they scattered into the cracks so they can rebrand themselves. Thanks for correcting the record tho.

I personally believe he's still socialist, but is practicing accelerationism and trying to create a movement with the Dark Enlightment that brings back the things that Marxists railed against.


no, but hopefully it kills anime

full automation would mean that the machines make anime for us. So infinite anime not less.


Oh yes.

He disavowed the alt-right since it's inception, Nick has no love for what he calls "ethno-coms"

Nick wants a patch-work society, image lot's of Singapores.
He big on the whole "exit, no voice" thing, which would be a bit meaningless with a world-government.

Just when I thought nazbols couldn't get more autistic.

Oh, god, an eternal paradise of fan animations and touhou skin mags.

Full automation will also lead to full decadence

Automation is just an excuse for laziness, and is inherently counterrevolutionary. The proletariat should take pride in his work, not shove it off onto others so he can get fat off of McDonalds

You have to go back.

You picked wrong flag for such shitposting you nigger.

Yeah but who is going to buy the products?


He has exiting by default, one would need to opt-in.

Wrong there bucko.

That's just a transition period. Once they're all dead, the remaining humans all own the means of production and communism is achieved.

No. There will be no jobs, but you still won't be able to feed yourself because of private ownership and defense of private property with robotic force. Good luck.

Nick Land is anti-human, which means he wants to push technological capitalism to disregard useless workers and let them starve. His goal is to accelerate the growth of capital until it creates a technological singularity and produces posthumans that will probably cause human extinction before heading off into space to do cool AI shit.

Truly the invisible hand is just and fair

I think former labourers will be considered useless welfare queens and get exterminated or starved sooner or later. By robotized military/police controlled by the burgeoisie.


seconding this article. it's the most lucid piece of writing on the topic.

I will fuck your mouth you leftist bully.


This is a level of 4D chess so complex i think i'm going fucking blind even trying to wrap my head around it.

At best, you will see a spike of rural communities and furthering of conservative/traditionalist ideals, at worst you get Kowloon Walled City.

You don't win either way really, because its always gonna lead down a path of people wanting to go full primitive mode.

No, it will destroy any functionality in society.

Liberals will save capitalism again. This time with universal basic income.

Yea Land is off the deep end, but I don't actually think he believes any of the shit he spouts. He's trying to put accelerationism in full practice by bringing back some of the ideals that were around when Marxist thought was born. Neo-reactionary thought is literally Whig ideas with an new coat of paint.


Full automation capitalism will kill the proles.