Holla Forums
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Activism #23
/our guy/ Corbyn
Daily News Thread 2/16
No Holla Forums, this isn't racist
Here's an idea: instead of relentlessly trying to organize your workplace or college campus into socialism...
How is le egoism meme not literally just ancap ideology dressed up with dialectics?
I genuinely don't know how to feel about North Korea. Part of me supports them as an anti-American...
Why isn't Juche the banner of left unity?
On February 10th the left wing youtuber Sargon of Akkad debated the editor of The Daily Stormer on Baked Alaska's...
Streaming Hidden Colors
"Communists support indecency, polyamory, and polygamy!"
Any fat guys here?
Who wants to take a quiz?
A Human Face of Tragedy: Every Student Who's Life Was Cut Short During Yesterday's NeoNat Shooting
Can someone explain to me how the USSR in the 1950s wasn't actually socialism?
Press S to spit on grave
Daily News Thread 2/15
Was the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Imperialistic in nature...
>Sure, those are all things that held back the Soviet economy, but the most fundamental* problem is
Holocaust debate thread
What accelerationist praxis should be?
Adorno vs Marcuse
Which socialist party in America should I join Holla Forums?
Accurately labelling political compass
Arm the teachers
Soviet Valentine's Poster
The Mine Wars
Why don't leftists seem to be interested in things like opsec, firearms training, small unit tactics...
Amerilards back at it again
Stop liking militarism and psychopathic rulers, you bootlickers!
Make a commiecat lewd request thread two days ago
Thoughts on Michael Brooks...
Communist optics at an all-time low, how can we improve our image to bring in more average people...
Daily News Thread 2/14
We all know that nazis know shit about history and culture but how can we fight the argument of muhwestern civilization?
Black Feminist revisionism
Peterson vs Zizek
Zizek: Why do people find Jordan Peterson so convincing?
What you think about Hungry, Czech, Slovakia, Serby, Romania, Bulgary, Ukrain, Belarus, Lotva, Letvania and Bosnia?
Why the fuck are people obssessed with this dude
Give me one reason fascism doesnt work when real fascism has never been tried
How can a billionare help communism?
How come neoliberalism removed all welfare?
You can't doprah the Oprah!
Now - The Invisible Committee
The ruling elite know that global warming is real
It seems like the internet has fostered an extreme self-conscious, in which all sincerity is rendered grotesque...
Trump campaign chair in KY pleads guilty to sex trafficking of minors
I'm a Leninist and I love Makhno!!
Commisar Jimmy Dore is on the Joe Rogan Experience right now
Society of the Spectacle
Daily News Thread 2/13
When did this happen?
‘No need to attend’: Young Labour responds to critics of straight, white men ‘ban’
What is the consensus on Holla Forums of the hippie movement? Are they not considered here as leftists...
500 pages about how we should forgive everyone's debt...
Im so fucking lost
Kehinde Wiley, artist responsible for the Obama portraits paint white woman beheaded
I'm not a prole. Nor am I a socialist, or a communist, nor an anarchist...
Monads and shit
Two Muslim Scholars Created Alcohol (And Much of Chemistry) as we Understand It in 700's CE
Aut-right will be dead in not even 4 years
Trump Admin Replacing Food Stamps with Box of Food
Daily News Thread 2/12
Dems treat grassroots like useless moolies again
Is being for open borders a required tenet of being a real leftist? Aren't borders a "spook"?
How do I not let myself become depressed when we are losing in virtually every front...
Will the last surviving communist state be able to bring one ONE (1, singular) gold medal at this year’s olyimpics...
How do you lefties expect to beat us in the happening when we're:
Since Marxism-Leninism led to Trotskyism, Stalinism, and Khrushchevism, and since Maoism and Anarchism are memes...
Holla Forums here. Got any more pics of your catgirl getting fucked? I saw these and figured there'd be more here
History of Uruguay
When he finally reunifies Korea will he drop the whole "grim suited nuclear dictator" look...
Why do people keep feeding the lie of racism, when it isn't real at all? Like...
Is keeping the right ignorant (i.e...
What does leftypol think of Paul Kagame?
To be or not to be
World is Burning – While Western Left is Quarreling https://journal-neo.org/2018/02/03/world-is-burn
Bat'ko buttering up idpols
The whole world is against us. Liberals hate us, the right hates us, apoliticals hate us...
What do you think of George Soros?
How can any prole hate Socialism...
What exactly IS human nature?
I'm from /actualpol/ (4chan), ask me anything
Venezuela to replace dollar with oil backed crypto
Beijing slams US claims it is not a market economy
When do we destroy the cult of personality and identity politics by destroying personality and identity itself...
Daily News Thread 2/10
So I actually sat down and read this meme book, and I have to admit this is actually one of the greatest works of Marx...
Leftism and dating social dynamics
Thoughts on Michel Foucault & other serious postmodern philosophers?
Is this the 1970s?
Serious question, are there any paid positions in any socialist parties or organizations...
What was socialism like in Africa...
Is the Olympic stuff all spectacle or does it actually mark a change in ROK/DPRK relations?
Could we please ban anime on this board?
WELL THEY FUCKING DID IT: Fascists ruin Colombia once again
Muke is the new PragerU now. 'Introduction to the Law of Value - Marx in Minutes'
Daily News Thread 2/9
Be me in college
How to explain to normies that Universal Basic Income is bad?
Why do people go around and say that money used to be backed by gold if banks have never allowed people to exchange...
Violence in Politics
The nazis were heartless spergs
Hey, I'm not a stormfag like pic related
How do we convince idpolers to stop focusing on word usage so much? Saying "nigger" is rude...
Tankie Cringe Thread
I need help
Thniking about the future
Holla Forums CyberInternational Intervention
Hey Holla Forums, Holla Forums here, I would like your opinion on this quote and on Georges Sorel in general
What would I get, the gulag or the wall ?
The state pressures people to get married and make children, but in the end why make children in a cruel world...
Kyle Kulinski and Cenk Uygur debate over Russiagate
So, I've been perusing the gruanidad and they've got a piece up on Peterson:
A question for Anarchists, by someone who wants to be an anarchist
Did he contribute anything positive?
So, I might as well ask, who actually created Alunya?
Is this it? Is this the defining photograph of Capitalism...
Drunkposting but serious question:
State atheism?
Without capitalism, whos gonna work as the shitty low-paid employee that gives you your mcdonalds bigmac and coca cola?
A couple of anime suggestions
Holla Forums btfo: "Cheddar Man" from Britain 10,000 BC Genetically Tested. Black Skin, Blue Eyes
Daily News Thread 2/7
Hey I'm trying to figure out a solution to this question
Racist dude on subway
Contacting Cuba: Implementing Cybernetic Socialism
Holla Forums reads: 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos by Jordan Peterson
Whats the fucking point?
This New Species of Crayfish Clones Itself, and It’s Threatening Europe, Asia, and Africa
Why does it seem like the majority of leftists here support G mos?
Wants true violent Marxist revolution
Communism can never work because I can just bribe people
Daily News Thread 2/6
Study: Majority of online news consumed by Trump supporters is actually #FakeNews
Y-you guys don't really want the liberal capitalist order to collapse right...
Believing in historical materialism
Why are western aka bourgeoisie lefty/communists so anti-nation and anti-patriotism and anti-military and...
Just got banned for posting this on /r/communism
Who are, imperically, the most lumpen peoples?
What does Holla Forums think of climate change and global warming?
What allowed the British Left to survive under Thatcher while the American Left died with Reagan?
Why is China investing in Israeli apartheid?
Venezuela transforms into a Worker's State
Daily News Thread 2/5
What do leftypol thinks of the Fate of Empires?
I really hate commies, but I think I can't refute Mr. Wolff on his critique of capitalism
Do pro-borders "socialists" not think that undocumented immigrants are workers...
DOW Crashing
Leftists are the real nazis
Holla Forums BTFO!
Normie outreach
I hate Illinois Nazis
Right wing cringe thread
/ddr/ -- East Germany General
The left a shit
"Elite" Baltimore police Taskforce end up being Weapons dealers drug pushers and extortionists
Egads! my revolution is ruined!
What species on the planet has the most biologically intrinsic Marxist thought-process?
How would a socialist planned economy work in a country like the US?
Continuity and Rupture, by J. Moufawad-Paul
We finally did it, Holla Forums. We finally fucking did it...
Fascist here, or some variation of it. I would like to talk about exploitation,and why exactly is it wrong
When you're ridiculously puritanical about actual communists but somehow Churchill qualifies as a commie because...
Daily News Thread 2/3
A strong majority of US millenials are unpartnered
If you live in the relative comfort of a first-world country...
The Last Anti-Revisionist
How would you prevent Capitalism from forming in a system of anarchy?
There are currently 3 threads shilling third worldism and spreading defeatism
When does sex/gender actually matter?
We live in a time where 4chan and imageboards becoming "popular" is viewed as a good thing
Life Comes at You Fast
New Ideas
It's time to accept that there will never be a successful leftist movement in America
Final Crisis of Capitalism
Daily News Thread 2/2
Was Marx right about immigration lowering native wages?
Is Ba'athism a left wing ideology Holla Forums? It does talk about socialism in its motto after all...
So what now comrades?
Lazia Cus
Were anti-porn feminists leftist?
White Fragility Incoming
Daily News Thread 2/1
What is leftists stance on cryptocurrency?
Mfw there will never be as good a daddy as Castro
Is Jason Unruhe a Pedophile?
I've been reading about Makhno and I've found it hard to understand his leadership
Define The Stirnerist "Spook" And Explain How Egoism Coincides With Leftist Thought
Cursed Liberal Images Thread
/leftitaly/ 2018 elections edition
Violence in Japan
Papers, Please
Americans stayed in over a dozen US military bases in Syria until it was obvious it wouldn't work out...
Lavrentiy Beria
This is a light hearted, not all that serious thread. I wanna talk technocracy with people...
Is there anyone else who was actually convinced by Holla Forums to change their views?
Daily News Thread 1/31
<I pay for the machines
Why doesn't both the mainstream and alternative left accept any responsibility for the explosion of single motherhood...
What does leftypol think of the Jews?
Question the capitalist system
Confession thread
Lefty Music
Capitalists and their shills
What does Holla Forums think about the Democrats first rebuttal of trumps State of the Union?
Anyone here watching Trump's State of the Union speech?
The Dore is streaming. Come spam some commie propaganda
Women and socialism?
Dialectics - A tool/method of analysis and observation, or a force/law of nature?
Questions I want True Communists™ to ask me
I think we're all aware of the looming economic crisis
Daily News Thread 1/30
Been here for over a year, would like some questions answered
London braced for the 'biggest protest in UK history' against Donald Trump visit...
Depressed about feeling like I need to hide my beliefs
If Holla Forums is all autistic virgins, explain this
BREAKING: Half of Zizek's face is paralyzed
Joe Biden more popular than Oprah Winfrey and other Democrat candidates for 2020 election, poll shows
I assume that the majority of the people on this board are familiar with this retarded fellow ~
Daily News Thread 1/29
Neo-liberal Media
"MFW I report an illegal who goes to my school to ICE"
If this is how chaotic capitalism has been in the last 5 years in a boom/recovery period with the stock market in a...
The Trouble with Student Group Communism
Is there any diference between normal muslims and conservative christians?
Amazon's new workplace perk, "The Spheres", will officially open on Monday
Killing One Million Workers: Triumph of Capital
What's the point of arguing online about socialism when the CPC controls one of the most powerful governments in the...
Labour is pledging to provide 8,000 homes "immediately" to house people with a history of homelessness...
I think this picture perfectly describes our religious "allies"...
I want leftist materialist opinions
Illegal documentary on the DPRK, watch it before it gets zucked
Why are anticommunists so godawful at """""arguing"""""...
Long-time Holla Forums youtube channel responds to /leftpol/ criticism
Is Transgenderism a contradictory mess? It calls for the abolition of gender but it also reifies gender norms. wtf?!?!...
A socialist who doesn't read at least 100 pages a day is just wasting his and everyone else's time
/lefty biz/
Chapo Trap House
Czech Presidential election
Rоjava General: Battle of Afrin edition
Good luck today, user-kun!
Researchers teach monkeys how to use money
So...what really happened?
Communism will fail
/leftpol/ defends Twitter banning leftists for being "Russian agents"
Anti-immigration on the hard left
Fucked if i know
Is this retarded, or am I?
Daily News Thread 1/26
Rojava allying themselves with the US was a huge mistake
Universal Basic Income is the only way we can evolve to socialism
Living below the poverty line?
Based Maoist student BTFOs 'former soviet' parasite
Italian Fascism
Regardless of what your theory states, in practice almost all of you despise real working class people
Moustaches BTFO
I Paid To See A Movie About Singing. I Got Ninety Minutes Of Pentagon Propaganda
Stop with the stupid "gang" and vaporwave shit. You're all turning socialism into a joke...
Daily News Thread 1/25
US escalates war for annexation of Syria
This is Belarus, Post-Soviet country you should know about
Is she our succdem?
LeftyBritPol - Tory JUST Edition
Is Jail the Final Redpill?
How do you all feel about the fact that America is actually going to strike North Korea...
What job do you plan to have after the revolution? Farmer, factory worker, or something else?
Dutch police to ‘undress’ youths wearing clothes deemed too expensive for them
Let's have an honest discussion about the Supermarket of Ideology
63 years ago today this anti fascist died
Given the recent shitposting by edgy teenagers and other subhumans...
About hierarchies, bosses, and commmunism
SAA and Kurds achieve left unity
Join UK "anarchist federation"
Michigan man who threatened to kill CNN employees/interns, ‘identified with Nazi Germany’
Ive been reading the book "Iron Curtain...
New Atheism and Marxist Philosophy
What the hell should we do about CCP stans
Why shouldn't I fucking off myself
How does it feel to go through total ideological annihilation?
Are immigrants destroying Europe?
Ž: antifa will do nothing to get rid of right-wing populism – it's just panicky posturing
Is the word "Oriental" considered racist?
Daily News Thread 1/23
Holla Forums lose their shit at gay Guy organizing multiethnic dating event
The Dystopic Leftist Youth of Reddit and Facebook – Dark(ish) Web – Medium
The old and the young
Why do communist countries always ban "degeneracy"?
Anybody else find it amusing that Holla Forumsyps, for all their massive collective hardon for "muh biology"...
How to convince people of socialism?
Marxism and occultism
Why is it that mongrels are attracted to the ideology of Nazism...
White trash
What is your opinion on Free Software and the GNU project?
Daily News Thread 1/22
Holee fuck
Why have communist states been so anti christian? I know Marx regarded religion as unnecessary...
Conspiracies that ended up being true
De-Classcucking Memes calls for migration to leftpol
How do Marxists/materialists explain the origin of the universe? Can something be created from nothing...
Who was in the right...
I'm studying electrical engineering and I hold anarcho-communist views
Batshit America
How do we build Socialism in Western Nations when they've been largely deindustrialised and lost manufacturing...
Pedo right strikes again
Middle East Videos
What's Holla Forums opinion TERFs? And radical feminist in general?
The US made ISIS
"Muh La Raza Muh N.O.I and New Afrika movement"
Comrade Roo is being false flagged
How Do I Find Out If The IWW Is Hiring?
Daily News Thread 1/20
Hi Holla Forums, can we discuss equality? I've always followed the enlightenment philosophers on this issue, i.e...
Arguining with Holla Forums
In regards to the HQ (hafu/happa question)
Kill All Normies documentary
Communist dictator legalizes Bitcoin and makes it tax free
Fascist nerds
Daily News Thread 1/19
Shitty video about communism
New documentary on the alt-right sheds light on the movement's beginnings
What did he actually, in the not fascist Goebbels propaganda, Trotskyite slander or Khrushchevite revisionist sense...
How can we counter this ?
"Marxism debunks philosophy"
What does this even mean?
Adult virginity
Alt-right rojava solidarity
What is Holla Forums's view on Antifa?
LeftyFlag thread
How do you go about explaining why idpol is bad to people without sounding reactionary? Pic related for instance...
Daily News Thread 1/18
On the Subject of Our Resident Naziposter
Is Jordan Peterson's popularity a symptom of how profoundly stupid and solipsistic neoliberalism has made our culture...
Why does communism/socialism rely on a revolution to get into power...
A question from a concerned Classical lib conservative
Asylum seekers are being sexually assaulted in U.S. detention by ICE, other Law Enforcement Officers
My brain feels broken
What's their end game, Holla Forums? are they really on their way to socialism or is Xi just bullshitting everyone
Michael Wolff's controversial Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is coming to television
Daily News Thread 1/17
It finally came full circle for them
On the Topic of Primitivism
Communism in North Korea is going well
Automation GANG
Small Businesses Are Overrated
Biden Scolds Millennials Saying They Have It Rough: ‘Gimme A Break’
Daily News Thread 1/16
Leftism and Philosophy
Just how poor are the poor in America? Sometimes you can hear horror stories but how widespread poverty actually is...
My friend said that these are "illegal soviet union pins",are these legit?
Debunking the Jew meme
How to fix a tankie
The TRUTH about the Red Scare By Alex's Jones
Slavoj Zizek is the Only Hope Against the Alt-Right
CIA anti-communist thread
MRN Live Stream: Using the N-Word
Which country is better?
Flake: Trump is like Stalin, Republicans are like Stalin's enablers
Mfw this board unironically idolizes Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hoxha...
Did the Soviet Union really destroy centuries of Russian culture?
28 Year Old Alt Righter Matthew Nicholson Arrested After Shooting Mother For "Breaking Game Headset"
Daily News Thread 1/15
General Safety for Noobs
One party states
Prison Abolition
In practical real life modern day terms, and not fantasy fully automated luxury gay space communism...
Important meta thread PLS NO BAN
How do you prevent looking down on plebs
Why do so many leftists (especially /r/ anarchists) push the "le direct democracy" meme like it's actually not mob rule...
Ted Kaczynski
Roo and the "trans issue"
Are College Degrees A Scam?
So was he really that bad, or was he the first victim of US/NATO unipolar dominance in the post-Soviet world...
Everything bad about the internet is because Something Awful and Stormfront, they spawned SJW, aut rightists...
Criticism of Holla Forums, /leftpol/, and their moderation teams
Was Pol Pot secretly an anarchist?
/biz/ is on suicide watch after literally all of their shitcoins crash
Ctrl f
There is something that I do not understand
Is it possible to have anarcho-bolshevism? Everyone gets to be Stalin
South Africa
Online """"socialists"""" and "white people"
Radical feminists hate female gender traditional roles
Yemen Civil War General Thread
Chelsea Manning to run for US Senate
Daily News Thread 1/13
Why do people on the left think that human genetic diversity has no impact in the geopolitical world?
Hikikomori: Japanese youth do not want to leave their rooms, so their mother needs to come and leave food by their door...
Muh Haitian wage slaves
Ultras apologise
Lmao this is a Christian AnCap rap metal band hahahahahahaha I shit you the fuck not
The Polish Operation
Hello Holla Forums Power is an online US politics game where you create a politician and run for a seat in one of the...
Is it 1929 yet?
I voted for Trump. Ask me anything
Merkel's Fate Left to Social Democrats
Laid Off - Post Bad Experiences
Thought Experiment on Intersectionality
Jews & Intellectual Life
How do we confront the new liberalist movement...
Muh Stirner
Daily News Thread 1/12
Are '''YOU''' a Shitholer?
The next revolution
A reading list i got off Holla Forums
Neo-Nazi behind Daily Stormer website Andrew ‘Weev’ Auernheimer 'is of Jewish descent, his mother says
Climate General: News and Research of What Climate Change Means For Our Collective Future
Russian Communist Presidental Candidate
Is there anyone more /ourgal/ alive?
West Virginia
What the fuck does "support" even supposed to mean? 99...
Possible LARP, fingers crossed it's not
I'm a Leftist
Mautist Cringe Thread
What is to be Done?
Is psychology the memest discipline...
Soc Dem Checking In
"What does it tell you about capitalism? IT FUCKIN' SUCKS!" - Jimmy 'Arm the Poor' Dore
People are Radicalized into the Alt-Right By Truths Generally Not Uttered Anywhere Else
Daily News Thread 1/11
Following >>2350482
Why youre fucking wrong
Anything good to counter retarded shit like pic related?
Phil Greaves vs RedKahina
SDF release over 400 ISIS members
It really interests me why do you listen to people like Zizek...
Whats the del with leftism?
Which caucus is best caucus?
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Announce Deadliest Threats to Man in the Coming Years of War
"Rare" Holla Forumsyps
What do you think of this? I feel like all of these Holla Forums "I'm an insider posts" are bullshit...
"Communism is akin to slavery because the individual does not own his own labor"
How do we get more people on the left to own guns and train with them for the future?
Che thread
Daily News Thread 1/10
The revolution will unfold in the most developed state of capitalism i.e. the dominant imperial power
Teacher Arrested After Questioning Superintendent Pay Raise
Trump Expands Empire's War on Protests in US
Damore, Peterson, and rerouted anti-corporatism
Maoism or Hoxhaism?
We're bleeding users
IQ and Pseudoscience
Gay Liberation
On the Topic of Jury Duty
Jason Unruhe: "Question The Age of Consent"
The history of Irish Socialism
How will your communist/ideal society look like
Daily News Thread 1/9
Who is the revolutionary subject in the west?
Jeremy Corbyn is about to transform the Labour party – again
Liberals want Oprah to run for US president in 2020
Toothbrush question
Is nazbol really just a meme?
Larp Incoming Brace Yourselves Lads and Ladies
On Judaism
After you abolis private money creation...
How do we recruit sympathetic right-wingers?
Gazi Kodzo
Berniebros doesn't even have a chance
Daily News Thread 1/8
Are they trying to lose the working class on purpose?
Draw and tan related stuff, "Turbo" edition
Trumps are Trannies
The holocaust was not real. Convince me otherwise
Communism boiled down to one thing
Hooman Nature
Donald Drumpf Cartoon Superstar™
Reactionary Environmentalism
Macaroni to investigate Jews
Only unevolved people want to have children
On the Topic of WikiLeaks and Julian Assange
Now that the 2010s are almost over can we finally admit that this game encapsulated the spirit and cultural logic of...
20th century
Can a comrade write a rebuttal to this short fascist video about British education?
Fascism and "race and iq"
Why are Americans falling for the 'we need to invade Iran' meme again?
The accuracy of the STV and the LTV
The Trans Question
Professor Wolff, how do worker coops acquire the capital needed to run the businesses?
Heard about IFPS
How will leftists compete on the day of the right? We have the men. We have the money. We have the people...
Hypothesis: Maoism is the basis of postmodern idpol
The End of the Gold Standard
1st world 3rd worldist
Take a small dose of Klonopin every morning before work
Capitalism will win
First time poster
What is your opinion of Chomsky? I haven't read any of his stuff yet but have watched a few videos of his talks...
The 2010s are almost over
Nederdraad - dutch language shitposting
Why is there so much fucking obscurantism in so much critical theory, esp...
How is America ranked the "most empathetic country" in the world?
Is the entire purpose of promoting Orthodox Christianity as a way to distract the Russian and Serbian populace from the...
Optimism thread
Daily News Thread 1/6
Does anyone have that screenshot arguing in favor of abortion? In it...
Convince me Holla Forums
Leftist Art (Anti-Tank)
Questions For Collectivists
If god dosent exist
What's the final Holla Forums verdict on this guy...
Question about boomers
Media in Communism
TOX thread
Let's have a nice thread about Jared Taylor, anons...
Hi, Holla Forums. I have a message for you!
Is there any marxist/leftist prescriptive on or criticism of game theory?
Daily News Thread 1/5
Canadian jobs market 'on fire' as unemployment falls to 41-year low
Leftists are Immoral and Hurt America
Moronic Sceptics get destroyed by a Fascist
A need to apeal to peoples conservative side
ExistentialComics thread
Kermit thread
Is he right? Is Marx's theory of value really this flawed?
Tell me what you think about Stalin. Good? Bad? Somewhere in between...
FBI arrests white supremacist (Holla Forums associated) of terror attack on Amtrak train in rural Nebraska
Daily News Thread 1/4
Are you a proud Cultural Marxist Chad or Orthodox Marxist Virgincuck?
What country in the 1st world has the largest chance of revolution
Ctrl-f no hibernian thread: Hibernian thread. I haven't seen a godamn hibernian thread in months...
Socialist Militas
BREAKING: Unfolding Computer Security Crisis
Disparages immigrants
Drumpf BTFO
Rules For Radicals
Where is the next revolution going to be?
Do you believe he really collaborated with fascists?
Video offers rare glimpse of hardline ideology from presumed next leader of Cuba
Free Speech Under Socialism
Daily News Thread 1/3
I know this board is dedicated to pretending like we're all revolutionaries and all but I just wanted to break...
Why does the modern left have so few notable female figures...
DKG - Democratic Kampuchea General
Right-wing puppet media honors the Holodohox
I fucking hate TYT
Communist Party of Iran (Tudeh) on the protests
ITT: we pretend to be what Holla Forums thinks we are
Thoughts on the Free Software movement? Do you use GNU/Linux?
New Declassified Footage Shows Raw Power of Atomic Tests, Classified out of Public Fear Backlash
British Rail Privatization
Daily News Thread 1/2
The board is dying and BO is killing it, but we don't have to die with it...
How do american leftists here feel about the New Black Panther Party?
US - Iran, US - NK History Archive
How will socialism help ugly betas and incels...
Lets have productive discussion
Slavic Nazis
ITT. Shit that disgusts you
*Communizing Beams*
Shit that ClassCucks Say
Bourgeois decadence doesn't exi…
How many Holla Forumsypes do you know irl ?
Leftist Political Parties of America
This board is fucked
Hello Fellow Burgers:
Daily News Thread 1/1
Can I get a quick rundown on Phil Greaves?
Turning a liberal into a leftist
How did people forget about the 2008 finacial crisis so quickly? How did people forget how fucked the world got...
How do we drive ourselves to Communism?
Daily News Thread 12/31
I hate to make this thread but
So it's scientific fact that Commies are the best looking of all political ideologies...
New year
New Leftist Fag
Good socialist parties in the US still active
Managers and Class
Spectre Rouge Update and PDF
Contrapoints on Capitalism
Legit question – why were 20th century socialist states so repressive?
Commie housing
Opinions of people who living in leftist nations
Graphic Design And Infographic Templates Initiative
Have any marxist philosophers written about ethics and related topics?
Daily News Thread 12/30
What critiques of there are the concept of 'human rights' from the left...
Questions for "Real" Socialists
Utah art teacher fired for showing kids classical nude paintings
Iran protests
Which industries would cease to exist in Socialism
Fucking with the alt-right
Any thoughts on this book?
Why are anticommunists so pathetic and terrible at arguing?
What to do when economic crash
Political Alignment Test
Fascism in Poland
On value
Dubtrack thread
On the Future of Britain
During the inevitable collapse of American society, how am I supposed to dissuade people on right-wing beliefs...
Where did all the fucking Marcyites come from? They're all over leftbook and twitter...
So..I support anti racism and anti imperialism and all, but does anyone else feel like westerners are a little too rich?
How the Interrogation of Reality Winner Reveals the Deceptive Tactics of "Friendly” FBI Agents
Leftist sci-fi
Ultraleft dickbaggery
Daughter of Eric Garner Likely Assassinated By NYPD
Just realized how insane Holla Forums is
Lindsay Shepherd on /ourguy/'s podcast. He's already getting shit on twitter for even having her on
Reading rightist theory
>tfw even Bookshit understood that co-ops and "market socialism" are just red sticker capitalism
Communalism General
Okay I support a Socialist sy-
Daily News Thread 12/28
Lefty Parliment
Marxism as a science
/game/ How will be purged ?
Batko cucks out/goes full SJW
What determines Land Values
We're bleeding users!!
Macron about to smite unemployment benefits
Star Wars
Leftypol is dead! Long live Leftypol!
President Trump
Non marxist socialist economists
How many of you commies actually believe in marxism because of the economic aspects?
An honest question by a petty Bourgeoisie
Daily News Thread 12/27
One of my favorite Mao quotes (read it, motherfucker!)
Can it be called socialism if there's C-M-C?
Comrades, behold… the power of "socialism" with Chinese characteristics a.k.a. Chinese state capitalism...
Daily reminder:
Hear ye!
Political correctness could destroy passion
Soc dem?
Kanye the Porkie
Holla Forums is Holla Forums
Unironic Eco-Deleonism
New to leftism
Got banned for
Political Tests
Random alt-right account
What are the pros and cons of
Is there any reason beyond being an edgelord to write your circumscribed A like the way on the right...
/prc/ -- China General
Is this being ironic or is 8ch this spooked? This seems very ironic and i don't know what to believe...
Just finished reading Keynes; why the fuck do rightists think this guy was a socialist...
Daily News Thread 12/26
I think that the Soviet Union operated under a socialist mode of production...
Space & Socialism
Last orders for Corbyn
Communist Parties/Organisation
Anyone else interact with liberals this holiday season?
Having arguments with family members for having radical views
Russian Communist Politics: big happenings explained in detail
How do you deal with legitimately like, severely mentally ill people on the left without coming off as a dick?
Anarcho-Communism vs Communism
None of you is concerned about the fact that 8ch in a honeypot?
/union/ - Trade Unions General
Is there hope
I'm interested in Marxist geography, which book would you recommend as the best entry point? Also...
Can ANYONE give me an argument against consensual bestiality that isn't meme arguments like "muh religion" and "muh all...
Uncle Pete's Bread Club
Which political ideology and economic model will ensure the highest possible rate of scientific and technological...
Merry Christmas Holla Forums!
Yeah I know there's a lot of (well deserved) criticisms of Jacobin as an outfit and they gave it a meme Christmas Eve...
Jesus wasn't a communist, Jesus wasn't a socialist, Jesus wasn't an anarchist
Trump referred to 15,000 Immigrated Hatians in Meeting "They all Have AIDS, why can't we move?"
Jill Not Hill
He's based. But we need to pinko pill him even more
Gennady Zyuganov will not run for Russian president in 2018
Psychedelic Communism
Joint Dictatorship of the Proletariat of Oppressed Nations
Merry Christmas, Holla Forums
Worst piece of anti-communist propaganda ever
Aleksandr Solzhenitzyn
Santa Claus is a capitalist pig
Muh socialist breadlines
I'd like to buy the world a Pepsi
Why do most Socialists these days defend Religion and Religious people against mockery...
2017 in Review & 2018 Predictions
Tech Bros Bought Sex Trafficking Victims by Using Amazon and Microsoft Work Emails
Teenager charged with killing girlfriend’s parents who believed he was an ‘outspoken neo-Nazi’
We are not all inbred retards. A lot of us are leftist communists, especially in mixed suburban neighborhoods...
Be on pornhub because bored
Communism doesn't work: Prove me wrong
Capital Volume One
Jimmy Dore live again. Get in here and tell him to read more Marx
Explain to me why you think this man was wrong, Holla Forums...
Daily News Thread 12/23
Beta Uprising Now
What exactly is the marxist definition of wage labor...
How to best respond?
Rural America
Leftism down under
How come people convert to Islam?
What are your thoughts on the Black Panthers?
Socialist Content Creators
White farmer gets land back under Zimbabwe's new leader
Marx said that only those wh work should be able to freely take part in the communist society and its fruits...
How do we save the left from consuming itself via undiluted ideology and revisionism, Holla Forums?
Corbyn Wishes Happy Christmas to Imperialist Mercenaries
Christmas general
Why do americans hate socialism?
Holla Forums screencaps
Ex-right-wing gang thread
Daily News Thread 12/22
Does racial makeup of society, that is, the average racial background of the individual in said society...
Bitcoin in freefall celebration thread
How low can you go?
Economics Thread
What exactly is going on in Venezuela and why...
Negative profit companies
Counter the pol MCMB operation
I'm fucking done with reddit
What's Holla Forums's best arguments against anarcho capitalism?
Daily News Thread 12/21
Without giving much detail about myself
ITT: Describe who did the worst for Communism and its goals
Are Deleuze and Guattari worth reading if I'm a Maoist? I only ask...
Climate Change - Is Socialism the only solution?
/lefty/ DnD
Amerimutt Concept Of Race Influencing European Nationalism
World GNI per capita is decreasing
I know this is talked about every day, but I wanna ask, how soon is shit gonna hit the fan? If you asked me 2 years ago...
The Future
Materialism or idealism?
Astroturfing/mass shilling alert
Holla Forums is plotting another LARP
Hounduran Elections
Daily News Thread 12/20
Wyatt Ingraham Koch
What the hell is it with the Austrian Economists and their hatred of planning?
Women Under Capitalism
Why do Holla Forums and Holla Forums keep fighting each other?
The Culture Industry
Solving the manchild problem?
How socialism will help losers
May 68
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...