Can ANYONE give me an argument against consensual bestiality that isn't meme arguments like "muh religion" and "muh all...

Can ANYONE give me an argument against consensual bestiality that isn't meme arguments like "muh religion" and "muh all actions should benefit society"?
Or at least give me a reason that it should be kept ILLEGAL like it is today?

only serious responses.



Because I find it gross.

thats an even worse meme arguement.

How can you get consent from something incapable of communicating it to you?

100% spooked

are we doing this meme again?

Right, how can an animal give consent?

For double post.
Assuming animals can give consent,I ain't got no problem with other people fucking animals.

must i give this lesson every thread?

Furries should be shot




I'll do you one better: consent is irrelevant re bestiality. Animals are legal objects, not persons, and the only one who needs to consent is the owner of these legal objects. If you even think about it for two seconds, you would realize this - we kill animals without their consent all the time, so a fortiori fucking should not pose an issue.

The reason why we nevertheless don't allow it is twofold: animal cruelty laws, where you fucking the animal implies that you are causing it suffering, and remnants of bygone morals. We can honestly do away with the latter; if you don't have to mistreat the animal to fuck it, nobody should really care in a society where billions of animals are killed for food yearly anyway.

thats why i said consensual, no use of any force or coercion, nothing that might even come close to being cruel.

obviously if someone is doing something that is causing pain or damage they should be punish, like if the animal is too small. but if not then…..

OP is a fag

lol wtf?

what are you, a faggot?

Literally who?


So, if I put peanut butter on my junk and let a dog lick it off, what does that count as? Is that coercion? The dog is unaware of what it's actually doing. How is this not rape? You couldn't cover yourself with chocolate syrup, have your 6 year old cousin lick it off and get awat without that being illegal.

>>>/zoo/ for OP