WELL THEY FUCKING DID IT: Fascists ruin Colombia once again

FARC suspends electoral campaign after being bullied with impunity, unsurprisingly: The Pro-American government shows it's unwilling to give spaces to leftist policies in the wider democratic forum.


"The leftist organization, which signed the deal in 2016, said there were “a lack of guarantees to realize political activity in the country,” after a spate of attacks against their wartime leader and current presidential candidate, Rodrigo Londoño. The group said the suspension of campaigning was temporary but did not indicate when, or if, it might resume."

Redpill me on Columbian/South American groups (like FARC?), were they really Socialist(s)? I think I heard about these guys on Narcos.
Anyone want to sperg out about Narcos??

I've said it before and I'll say it again, all of South America including Venezuela are all subhuman, natural fascists, they must all be killed if communism is to thrive, fuck them all.


Re read my statement.

kill yourself

You first fascist fuck.

Ultimate over-tank

No, you know what stay right there, I'll kill you myself instead.


The farc and other guerrillas exist due the violent persecution of any sort of political or union activist.
In colombia violence and politics can't be separated and the current political order exists because they killed all the people who doesn't vote for them.

He's a retarded Holla Forumsyp.

And you're a retard ☭TANKIE☭ who can't even properly see where to work next.


First part and last part makes sense.
This sounds spooky as hell, like you actually believe politics has no violence in any way.

Thread immediately derailed by cointelpro

I mean in colombia politics only happen because there was a gun fight earlier

The thread was always cointel pro.

Significantly not spooky, thanks.
Sage for no content in my post


Only cointelpro would claim such a thing.

What if all of leftypol is just cointelpro talking to itself?

Anyway, business as usual in Colombia I suppose. Aren't they all just drugdealers anyway?

And before the mods ask because I know that they will.
I'm not falseflagging, I'm just a very controversial person because my opinions are the truth no one wants to hear. I genuinely mean what I say.

The first generation of South American's were a bucnh of imperialist greedy crackers (no genuine offense, I'm a cracker myself I'm just using it in "that" sense.) and the second generation were a bunch of Nazi's, Hitler himself went to Colombia for Christ's sake.

South America is inherently fascist, there is no turning it, there is no saving it without destroying the people itself, the US would rather die than loose "MUH FREEDUMS" and South America would rather die than ever stop being fascist, every white, mestizo, and black on that god forbidden continent is inherently fascist, we need to nuke it until it sinks into the ocean where it can never hurt anyone ever again, if not put them through worse torture, death is too good for those fuckers.

Sorry but I hate South America with a fucking passion.

Only Holla Forums would still use the Continelpro meme.

Comrade, do you not know of materialism?

Yes but what does that have to do with the focus on culture and people that I am addressing with SA.

You're talking spooks comrade, those things are subordinate to material reality, "muh human nature"-tier arguments.

Open an history book fam, you literally just need to stop American intervention and most of these 'cultural' problems fade away.

FARC behaved like fools they deserve this.
they should of never laid down their weapons.
Also they had the intention to go SocDem so fuck them.
get fucking rekt you fucking pushovers.

never mind they indeed went full SocDem.
fuck FARC.

Is this the new baboon poster or something….

Mate take it down two notches.
something is going to overheat in your head.
I'm not entirely sure, about why you hate south America with a red hot passion, but mate breathe and take some time to read.
other posters have suggested it already so I'm not saying anything new.
have you ever heard of operation Condor?

Your questions are biased and they are presetting some conditions like assuming that all South Americans are Fascists.

Seriously stupid, sure.

oh man at this point you are sperging out.
baaah ya que mas puedo decirte?
You dont even appeal to reason.

I was actually going to write an elaborate reply to >>2389565 being Latin American myself, but given that you are either a) a fucktard or b) a Holla Forums fucktard that doesn't even know the definitions of 'imperialism' and 'nazism' and equates them to the expansion of the Spanish Empire in the 16th centure, given your second last post. It's not worth the bother and this is my last post on the thread.

saging because the thread is not worth having until mods ban and delete all posts by this prick.

All the mass movements and leftist parties currently existing on our continent, far more than 'a few communist groups in the US', to take your own words. You're being ignorant because you willingly want to be ignorant.

Llora como marrano marica.


Tenia rato que no me reia tanto.
you are an absolute lolcow.

I'm thoroughly enjoying this unravel.
Should I trigger you with my native language some more?

Is it still a play if the actors don't know they are acting? This is the question you pose as.

Never should have disarmed. What the fuck were they thinking?

What are your thoughts on Cuba?

fascinating thread

This thread is autistic but lmao

RIP to my boys the natives


Gratz on managing achieving Holla Forums level of being a fucktard on your own, I guess.



They shouldn't have put down there weapons

I wish I had some more time to archive the thread.
I enjoy reading some of the past deeds.

did you ever thought this was going to have another outcome?, well you clearly don't know shit about colombia do you?, they lost their chance somewhere around the 00s, when the us goverment gave so much aid to the colombian goverment that the groups almost got destroyed, they only exist because someone on the top would rather get the money instead of buying new black hawks, and so the goverment did a peace process, the moment they become a nuance to colombia and thus the us they would be squashed again, it has happened before, it will happen again, i somehow doubt anything will change until there is a left wing organization that doesn't have >70% dissaproval rating

ps. the colombian goverment has slided in and out of facism periodically ever since that bitch llorente got his flower base broken, so stop with that "Fascists ruin Colombia once again" thing

Weren’t the FARC just glorified drug dealers towards the end? Not that I have a problem with drugs, but it’s kind of a sad thing to resort to

the Soviet union fell apart what did you expected them to do?

the CIA doesn't think so

wtf happened? Why delet?

a Holla Forumse passed by

No, fuck off gusano.

FARC Are just a Bunch of Drug dealers and 60s-70s throwbacks who like to LARP and live in the past anyhow

t. gusano

Can you prove me wrong though?

Tbf even the government deals drugs in Columbia

FARC already tried a peace process once. The paras had a field day, killing the former soldiers with impunity, not to mention the usual labor leaders, citizen activists etc. They had no choice but to take up arms again. And I know this would happen again, because Uribe entrenched paras' activities for good. He was Pablo Escobar's goon, for fuck's sake.

It's not like the civil war was going anywhere either. I would give a (long) shot at peace after decades of fighting with almost nothing to show for it.

No because yes, farc were violent criminals but that implies that there was a pacific and moral way to do politics
Crime is a necessity not a choice

good post

But a drug ring is literally a capitalist enterprise built on taking advantage of the working class with a Boss Managers Guards Dealers Etc
And being a drug Lord is exactly the same as being a "legal" porky imo

Yes but i'm not seeing money come from any other means

You could say that, but mate it has been really painful to watch them lay down their arms and turn into a political party.
Violence against them hasn't ceased, they were so foolish to accept the peace process, I bet you the ultra right wingers, the government and the military are using paras to harass them (just like they have done in the past).
I didn't knew about the previous failed attempt for a peace process.
but this current one seems to be definitive, I highly doubt they could turn back.

the farc had the plan of forming their own security company to avoid genocide
with the farc the last process said that their sympathizers could form a party but the party will be more or less separated from the farc, said party was the victim of genocide
Eh, they can get new guns but not new lands

those posts never existed, user.

I'm from Mexico, even tho I've been in a somewhat lazy way been a socialist for 4 years, I've never invested enough time into reading about the history of FARC.
Everything we get here is so murky and shady.
could you provide me a link to that(said party was the victim of genocide) you've caught my attention.

Union patriotica se llama el partido, busque sobre el exterminio de la UP
dato curiosso; en colombia el amarillo se asocia con partidos socialistas

A pesar de que en el fallo en contra de Hebert Veloza, alias ‘HH’ solo se documentaron ocho crímenes en contra de miembros de la Unión Patriótica, el caso de este paramilitar, sirve para demostrar la persecución a la que fue sometido el movimiento político. Hoy, 20 años después de la tragedia, aún es incierta la cifra total de víctimas que algunos informes acercan a cuatro mil.
Yo pensé que usted estaba exagerando, cuando empleo el termino genocidio.
Le pido una disculpa por mi testarudez.

No se preocupe que usted aprendio algo
Ahora enseñeselo a otros

Didn't the exact same thing happen in the 1980s?

Yeah and it ended in slaughter but supposedly the farc has a plan to avoid that

I generally don't like being smug, but I find it funny that its the Christcoms rather then the hardline ☭TANKIE☭s who still haven't capitulated to the goverment. Also funny how they didn't delve into drug dealing until the FARC signed a deal with the government and forced them into a poition where they now have to undertake small operations to survive.
I would post an ELN christ-chan if I had one

weak state
corruption in military units and narcos

"Moralism" has its uses.
We need this.

Great job mods, you're really defending the board, delete anything too leftist but always let right wingers post and suck up to them because "We wouldn't wanna seem too extreme now do we?" :^)
The left has lost any balls it had, but hey when South America becomes a fascist state, and Holla Forums starts gaining more influence while we just sit around reading and banning anyone who tries advocating for action or who is "too far left for us xd"

Yes I also used "retard" and "cracker"
Subhuman is a abstract term you morons do realize calling me Holla Forums for saying that is like calling Marx a capitalist for agreeing with the Theory of Labor value right?

I spoke the truth and a bunch of brainlets couldn't handle it, they sperged out in denial and eventually a few ticked off mods banned me for no reason.

I'm going to keep saying it, and no amount of censorship just because you dense motherfuckers can't comprehend that I'm right will stop me.
South America is inherently fascist.
I will say this on any thread about SA and it's problems, because it is destined to be the most problematic continent of the world.

And mods I suggest you lift my bans because me taking 5 seconds of my day to turn on my vpn is a minor annoyance I can do without but you know, keep abusing your power and you might be in trouble yourself.

What ideology is Antartica?

Anarcho primitivism.


Doesn't sound like a materialist view to me. Can you explain further?

actually existing technocracy. the only permanent settlements there are for and by scientists and engineers