Why is there so much fucking obscurantism in so much critical theory, esp...

Why is there so much fucking obscurantism in so much critical theory, esp. stuff in the continental philosophical tradition? You don't need a new fucking neologism for every new idea you think you came up with.

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You know it's a shitposting Holla Forumsyp when they can't even come up with an example in their ranting against "critical theory".

Because communism means absolute rule by a continental intellectual elite. The language is obscured so useful idiot proles don't find out.

Why is there so much fucking autistic soullessness in so much πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§angloπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ works, esp. stuff in the analytical philosophical tradition? You don't need a new fucking "mathematical proof" for the very same ideas regurgitated for the hundredth time.

Because communism means absolute rule by an analytical intellectual elite. The language is abstract so useful idiot proles don't find out.

Dollars to doughnuts this is the guy that got BTFO yesterday trying to claim Marxism invalid because Marxian value and the dictionary definition of value aren't the same. Or maybe not, there's more than one retard in the world.

Analytical philosophy is based on logic and reason. Nonsensical moral relativist tripe like Marxism and critical theory are the foundation of communism.


Moral relativism is anglo.



Hi Sargon of Mossad.

Because philosophers are worthless scum. Just like merchants and politicians are always out to sell you something rotten and tell you it is great, artists, philosophers and social scientists go around creating problems instead of solving any, trying to sell you something rotten and tell you it is beautiful/important.

These 'criticists' are all fucking worthless. If you could do a thing, you would do a thing. Everyone can criticize, but almost no one can do. These 'criticismists' (because that is what we do now, add ism and ist on everything) never build anything using their critique, because they cant do or build anything with their critiques, no one takes them seriously, none of their shit works, and you wont see a single one of them competing in the market, because they literally cant compete.

You know, going trough an engineering school, and spending my time with mostly successful technical business people, you know, 90% of the fortune 500 companies being successful people, I noticed something.
Physicists, mathematicians, engineers, useful and problem solving people in general, they simplify things to the extreme. They try to make their stuff as simple as humanely possible. Einstein said "if you cant explain it to a 5 year old, you dont understand it yourself" and the sayings such as "no stupid questions, just stupid answers" and "you either find a way, or an excuse" are quite common there. Scientific method is a zero bullshit policy fundamentally. Mathematics too is all about having 0 contradictions.
Meanwhile these artists and philosophers and politicians and merchants and snake oil peddlers basically make their living making excuses for their retarded shit that doesnt work or doesnt even do anything at all.

They are one of those fake intellectuals that dont even use mathematics in their work, whose work is trivial, pointless and irrelevant, that cant be tested or proven or be beneficial in any way. They are fake intellectuals.

I don't really disagree, but people like you always fail to look at society on a larger scale, and when you do, can only try to frame it within capitalist market logic.
I could explain communism to you in very simple words, but you are conditioned to vomit bile everytime anyone mentions communism to you. It would in fact be much easier to explain it to a five year old than to you.

philosophy is not a social science. There's a difference between philosophers and academic shit stirrers whose only purpose in life was criticism for its own sake without ever creating something new themselves.


t. brainlet

I notice you didn't use a single equation in your post, so I couldn't stand to finish it.

Performative contradiction/10, saying something about the world without using mathematics

that's kinda what science does. Unless you mean something normative.

You can't explain dense and complex concepts through over-simplifications. Most Critical Theory wasn't written for normies anyway.

This. The problem is with activists who think that all workers need to be fucking philosophers.