
You can't be a communist and be pro-choice at the same time. The two are mutually exclusive. This de-valuing of children in favour of people's petty desires is what led to child labour in factories, and it's repeating itself today, though instead of forcing your children to go to work in horrible conditions, you're just killing them before they even have a chance at life.

The rights of children today are comparable to those of slaves in the 19th century. Sure, you're allowed to teach children to read and write, which is all nice, however it doesn't make up for the fact that in many places it's perfectly acceptable and legal to beat your children, force them to do whatever work you desire (which you don't have to compensate them for), and it is even legal to kill your child, because apparently people's right to have no-consequences sex is more important than a child's life, amirite?

Children are as much of an oppressed group in society as anyone else, and communism is not about just liberating one specific group from one specific form of oppression.

My stance on abortion does not come from any religious or gender-based motivation, but simply from the fact that I want what is best for all children. It's not their fault your condom broke or you pulled out too late. I fully support a woman's freedom of choice in HER OWN LIFE. Your child's life is not yours, and your child is not your property.

One would thing this would be obvious to communists, but apparently not

A child is its own being and you do not have the right to do whatever you want with them, and they don't deserve to die because of your stupid mistakes.

Take responsibility.

There is no way a communist society can exist if responsibility and virtue is not cultivated among the working class.

There is a very simple solution if you don't want to have to worry about abortion: don't have sex. It is the only possible thing which could create a child, yet people still get surprised when they do it and end up with a positive pregnancy test.

Other urls found in this thread:–Modernist_Controversy

A blob of goo in your stomach is not a child. If it is, then my sperm is a child too.
You cannot be a communist and be pro-life. Parents have the right to determine whether they want to put a child into the world or not.

Every time we jack off we commit a genocide against children

Believe it or not, that blob of goo is a living creature. And don't pretend that you are anything more than a blob of goo.

You don't have the right to kill an already living being which you created.

It's a fetus, it isn't alive


Okay fine, that living creature can go fuck itself. Billions of living bacteria die when I sneeze.
Why not?

This is an anti-natalist board go back to reddit

They aren't conscious. Your liver is made of cells, there are cells throughout your body, even bacteria.

That doesn't make them fully conscious.

A Blob of Goo and cells is not a child
Now if its eight months along and it can survive outside the womb and is basically a full grown baby then my opinion changes

But to see what this Radical Anti-Choice agenda brings just look at Romania and "Ceausescu's Children"

Do I really need to explain to you why the murder of an innocent person is wrong?

I guess it's okay to kill people when they're sleeping then.

Fetuses at abortion term are not capable of dreaming.

Imagine a wasp larvae. I'm using this metaphor to piss you off. Most of its development it simply is not alive, but growing.

When does a merged sperm and egg become a 'person'

Fetus's have no consciousness anywhere near the point that could be considered sentient

Do I really need to explain to you why having kids can fuck up the lives of multiple people if they aren't ready for it?
Life is literally worthless if there's no quality of life.

a month old fetus is more comparable to someone who is braindead. pull the plug

Because there aren't enough kids in foster care already

Having sex isn't just for procreation. It is good for your mental health. You shouldn't be forced into parenthood if you don't want to be a parent.
It does a child no favors to be born into a broken home, with parents that don't want them and don't want each other.

Since when does dreaming make something alive or not?

Either get sterilized or don't have sex. There's a very simple solution to this problem. We know exactly why people get pregnant. There is no excuse for an abortion unless you were raped in which case, that's not your fault at all.

Procreation is literally the only reason it exists. Biology does not care about your happiness.

Of course something pleasurable is good for your mental health, but it's not as if there aren't thousands of pleasurable things that exist which are a lot less risky.

Well i dont care about Biology i do it because i want to
How is sex "risky" unless you get a STD or knock someone up?

And human beings don't give a fuck about biology. Which is why they vacuum out the parasite they don't want. Humans can now have sex for pleasure and not have to worry about repercussions for it. Good.

It's a standard function of consciousness

It's pretty rare to see atheists realize what they support is literally infanticide so props for that I suppose OP.

"Think of the children" is a morality scam. It is always used to force people to give up rights, to do things they don't want. Just another way to try to control others.

Infantacide requires the baby be to be at a certain term. Early term abortion, is as harmful as picking your nose.

t. delusional murderers


What am I murdering?

disturbing, yes. immoral, no. can it think? feel? answer those questions with science, and you've changed my mind

Sorry but that doesnt answer when a merged sperm and egg become a 'person'

Your post is really spooky, OP. Pic not so much.


How is sex "risky" unless you get a STD or knock someone up?
That is exactly how it is risky.

Consciousness =/= Life

This is your brain on Antinatalism

Life =/= Personhood

Its Literally objectively not Murder Via the Law

You are on a board full of revolutionaries. Basically everyone here supports murder of some kind. You're supposed to argue for why killing babies is a bad thing if the baby fucks up the life of the parents.

and in return, possibly fucking up the kid's life, too.

Except its not a child
In most cases its Literally just a lump of cells of the size of a ping pong ball
Its got no brain function
And no heart beat

At fertilization.

Human life.

A person in a coma can't feel and arguably can't think either so….

literally bunker on head retarded

No its right to me because i think its right

Then what is a 'person' and how is a bacteria or tumor not a 'person'


That's like the "baby" from Eraserhead - yes it's alive, but at that point it's an unholy eldritch abomination and should either remain sealed in darkness or be destroyed

But it isn't human life yet. It isn't alive. It's a part of a woman's body at that point. It becomes separated longer in development, but at the time of abortion, it simply is part of that woman; not a separate being.


Why don't you start caring as much about actual human beings.


Life begins at fertilization of the egg with the sperm. The reason bacteria and tumor isn't a person is because they aren't human. Tumors and bacteria will never have a human heartbeat, a human brain, human legs and arms. A fetus can, will, and does.

Nice I hope you abandon being a socialist and never again question the boss about his property.

Well at least you're ideologically consistent in wanting to murder innocent life.

You have already lost the argument by the second sentence. You start with the premise that aborting a fetus is the same as killing a child, when its more akin to having a finger removed. Yes, cells die, is it sentient life? No. The slippery slope is to trying to say it is potential life - by that logic, masturbation and menstruation is murder.
Fuck off fascist

Time to become anarcho-primitive sunsoaker, so as to never take another living thing away from existence ever again. Oh shit I just sat on some grass, end me now.

They are literally the people who are going to be carrying about the revolution when it happens.

Before communism there is. What I meant is that if you think you're going to have a revolution with a bunch of lazy, irresponsible people who are always chasing after convenience, then you're wrong

dumb as fuck


uh huh

Except most of the time when aborted it has none of those

That's not what I meant. I meant at a certain point it becomes an infant, but until then, when abortions usually happen; it is literally part of the feminine anatomy.

It's not alive besides the growth of cells. Not the kind of alive you want it to be.

Go take sex ed again.

Make like Jesus and get on a cross so we don't have to hear your drivel

Abortion only empowers the gynocracy therefore I tactically support it being rescinded as a """"right"""".

The "gynocracy" implies there's a government

Care to tell me a spooky campfire story?


The state as it exists now is set up to protect femoids at all costs, this is not debatable.

My grandma was on life support after a stroke. I can honestly say it was in her best interest to pull the plug.

You can't be a communist and eat meat at the same time. The two are mutually exclusive. This de-valuing of animal life in favour of people's petty desires is what led to slavery, and it's repeating itself today, though instead of forcing your forcing humans procreate in cages so their offspring will work for you, you're doing it to animals to eat them

The rights of animals today are comparable to those of slaves in the 19th century. Sure, you're allowed to keep them as pets and love them, which is all nice, however it doesn't make up for the fact that in many places it's perfectly acceptable and legal to physically punish your pet, force them to do whatever work you desire (which you don't have to compensate them for), and it is even legal to kill your pet, because apparently people's right to have no-consequences for eating meat is more important than a animal's life, amirite?

Animals are as much of an oppressed group in society as anyone else, and communism is not about just liberating one specific group from one specific form of oppression.

My stance on meat does not come from any environmentalist or anti-anthro-based motivation, but simply from the fact that I want what is best for all animals. It's not their fault your parents raised you to eat them or you like the taste. I fully support a human's freedom of choice to eat VEGETABLES. An animal's life is not yours, and your pet is not your property.

One would thing this would be obvious to communists, but apparently not

An animal is its own being and you do not have the right to do whatever you want with them, and they don't deserve to die because of your stupid preferences.

Take responsibility.

There is no way a communist society can exist if responsibility and virtue is not cultivated among the working class.

There is a very simple solution if you don't want to have to worry about animal slavery: don't eat meat. It is the only possible thing which could create the system of animal genocide, yet people still get surprised when they do it and end up with bowel cancer.

Everyone should get abortions, including men.

Wipe the human race out, legalize the removal of the testes at a young age.

The Main difference is i sont care about Animals that much and thus dont give a shit if they are "enslaved"

I got a vasectomy. I love killing babies. I like to keep it a secret from women so I can use them to kill hundreds of babies before they realize I'm fixed.



By week 5 it already starts to develop a brain, spinal cord, and heart. Would you be willing to ban all abortions past week 5? Or is this just a mask you're using and you don't give a shit when it's aborted so you don't even have an argument to begin with?

Truly intriguing.


If you guys believe this how come I never hear you guys protest artificial insemination. They have to harvest and fertilize a dozen eggs and they only put one in the womb, the rest are thrown away.
Don’t say you didn’t know, because you guys know all about abortion and fetus tissue trafficing but not this?


Really makes you think

No, but a fetus can live in its own, so it’s still part of its mother. Would you be willing to risk the life of a fetus by pulling it out of its mother? Why should the mother be obligated to carry a fetus to term because of your spooks.


This is pure idealism.

Because she spread her legs and therefore needs to pay the price.

Yes. I'd prefer you die over my dog tbh.

No, the baby at 5 weeks is the size of a wad of gum. Their brain the size of an eraser. They’re not anywhere close to functional.

Would you be willing to have the baby put inside you so you can carry it to term?

How very bourgious of you. The fact is that every living thing is just a mass of cells going through electrochemical reactions, and the bigger the living thing, the more septillions of microscopic bugs it hosts on its body. Humans are just motherships for insects, a machine hive.

This level of autism needs to be a bannable offense.

The Bible is cool with abortions, says so in the Old Testament.

The patriarchy is going to be violently reinstituted come hell or high water, deal with it femoid.

nothing more bourgeois than your biological reductionism, to be honest. Atomism is the very logical of liberalism.

Think you kinda tipped your hand fundie. You guys are against abortion because you see these babies as MoP you can exploit and fill your pews with their ignorant minds.

Hasn’t Christianity itself killed oodles of people. If you value life so much how come you don’t reconcile that?

Yes good job Billy you can now go and kill every person in a wheelchair since they all have non-functional limbs.

Yes it's true people are killed both ways. I expect once abortion clinics are shut down we'll perhaps see a movement against artificial insemination next.

Thanks for the non-argument and outing yourself as a liar since literally no one besides 1 person on this board is a vegan.

Ok I'm honestly really curious as to what you're going to cite.

Dumb as fuck critique. Christianity is on the wane everywhere in developed countries. The struggle against abortion goes back decades and if anything all it does is alienate people. Look how outmatched I am here, literally 5 responses for every one of mine condemning my view, and then go ahead and multiply that by millions due to how liberal society has become.

I don't understand. What did I lie about?

Why? Because a zygote could grow into a baby? Then isn’t masturbation murder too, or just cumming anywhere but inside a womb?

Well, yes

Thanks I only needed one honest answer murderer.

You shouldn't consider yourself pro-choice then because ANY restriction at all is absolute anathema to these people and if you fight for a restriction at week 5 everyone will go against you.

Putting human and animal life on the same level.

Already answered.

Hahahaha no, you have resources to protest both, IVF are NEVER mentioned by fundies. It shows your rank hypocrisy.

Seems arbitrary, you said sperm and eggs can form a human, takes more than that. Even inside a womb it takes a lot of thing to go right. Is every woman that doesn’t have sex when she’s ovulating a murder too?

You've answered nothing and you were homeschooled in a trailer park

If I tried to set up an anti-artificial insemination campaign right now you'd still find some autistic reason to complain. Face it: you're just mad that some people are against murder and you're trying to regain moral superiority by blasting them for not doing more than they already are.

Let me spell it out for you since you're retarded.

Sperm by itself does not grow and develop into a human being.

Eggs by themselves will not grow and develop into a human being.

Eggs FERTILIZED by sperm will. Thus they are life.

Wow decades, truely this is a struggle Christians have always concerned themselves with. And no it’s a legit criticism. How many Christians are against wars AND abortion, I can count on one hand the number I’ve met, and they were all Catholic.
How many Christians are against rents. That right there would nearly eliminate abortions. You don’t care about unborn babies you just have an authoritarian hard on against women. Litterally one to one evidence eliminating poverty and giving free contraceptives and sex ed brings down abortions.

Life of the women holding them until a certain date,

Now I wouldn’t, I’d eat popcorn as I watched all your middle aged fellow pro lifers eat you alive.
You can’t open your mouth and say your against IVF too? Wow your schedule must be brutal!
I’m not mad, just pointing out your anti abortion crusade is hypocritical, and really about creating more vulnerable poor proles to exploit then about life since as I’ve stated I don’t see pro lifers at anti war rallies or protesting IVF, or trying to get taxes raised on rich people to help children.

It only stretches back decades instead of centuries since mass-scale legalized ABORTION IS A RECENT INVENTION and only now has awareness been brought about holy fucking shit.

You don't care about the weakest women of all - the women in the womb. You just want to have feminists on your side and virtue signal like the rest of your liberal friends. Protestant Christians in my country brought us nationalized healthcare, raised taxes on the rich, and cared for the most vulnerable. Just because americans are fucked up doesn't mean everyone is. And your argument is basically one long ad-hominem anyways.

lol ok I'm going to start a thread on reddit let's see if I get "eaten alive"

Why don't you stay on reddit while you're at it

The fact that you fundies weren’t against IVF from the start proves your crusade isn’t about the sanctity of life, otherwise you’d be against all zygotes being killed. Along with being a giant war and letting children alive now be in poverty.


Think your fellow fundies will actually support it. Also explain why it wasn’t part of your platform form the jump? Though all life was sacred, unless that life is helping old white wimen have babies then saving those lives is just a bridge too far lol.
You see babies in the womb as sexually mature women! Ewwww…. Last time I checked ever woman I ever met did not require a womb to be alive.
No I hate feminists, abortion isn’t necessarily a feminist issue, it’s also a men’s issue since men would be forced into parenthood without it as well.
You guys also colonized the entire planet and killed god knows how many people. Where are the scores of fundies protesting wars and cuts to schools funding? I’m talking about fundies alive today.

How did you predict anything? Your pro life campaign past actions neglect of IVF shows your a hypocrite. I knew about IVF, how in the world could an entire anti abortion movement not know about it unless they really did and use it themselves

ummm, user, do you even know what Fundamentalism is?

Let’s do the math. IVF has been around since the 80s. 10s of thousands of procedures are carried out each year, each procedure requires at least a dozen eggs, sometimes more. By my calculations the number of “murders” that this has caused has to be in the millions by now.
How could fundies have possibly missed this unless their motivations were political and not moral.
Why aren’t fundies harrassing people who were born from the IVF procedure for murdering a dozen other babies. You guys sure will kill abortion doctors.

I guess not…can you explain?

Ok so you admit that when properly educated "fellow fundies" will be as vehemently against IVF. Thanks for playing.

And here we go again with moving the goalposts. If kill count done by people claiming to be christian is the issue shall we dive into Mao and Stalin being retards?

I predicted that even if I carried out the action you demanded you would still find some autistic reason to nitpick, and you verified that prediction marvelously.
It will never be enough for you people, see the person right above you critiquing people now for not protesting schools funding.

Anyways, it's only hypocrisy when you're have full knowledge of your actions. Just because you were doesn't mean other people are. How many pro lifers have you attempted to enlighten as to the dangers of IVF? I'm guessing none.

too lazy. just look through this for something very simple–Modernist_Controversy

Huh? No I’m saying fundies know about IVF, it’s impossible for them to to know if they are so we’ll informed about abortion. Your movement purposefully ignored it because your movement has a bunch of women in it that can’t have babies and are hypocrites and would never close themselves off from the procedure.

Umm sheesh you fundies don’t do anything, and no I know a an earnest effort whenever I see one. You’d think for people that claim to care so much about the lives of children would concern themselves with child welfare at ALL stages of childhood, not just this narrow part.

*it’s impossible for them to not know if the

I'm vehemently pro-abortion. Not pro-choice; I want mandatory abortions.


Y'all are spooked as hell. Abortion in the first two trimesters is literally a non-issue, and imo infanticide should also be legal in the first 6 months to a year