Well, most certainly, I know it ain't a full-on solution but it does help, and IDK if I made it clear I don't really use the BY-SA licenses myself, I just use the regular more open -BY licenses for the stuff I make because of that aforementioned love of remixing on the part o myself and others.
Even outside of the whole Revolution, in the meantime I'd love to see an organization to buy up those works sat on by corporate squatters and put them into the PD, and to retroactively reduce copyright in the US to its pre-1976 levels of 56 years so everything 1960 & earlier is PD.
But, as I mentioned before, here's a few of the more prominent OSOC-related things I know of:
Jenny Everywhere, basically the first modern open source character, only requires a paragraph to use. She's basically a character whose power is to exist in every universe simultaneously, kind of an adventurer, and has a Wikipedia page even: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny_Everywhere
The works of David Revoy, basically including all of those Blender-made shorts and the adorable; gorgeously drawn webcomic Pepper and Carrot about a little witch and her cat. He’s immensely talented, and almost all of his stuff is released under a CC-BY license, so I’d recommend him: davidrevoy.com/
The Public Domain Superheroes Wiki has a bunch hosted on there, tho compared to a lot of the other sources, Sturgeon’s Law hits it hard. So be aware of that: pdsh.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Open_Source_Characters
The Fear Mythos, which basically was why I had the idea for a take-a-paenny leave-a-penny license, because that’s basucally how it works, with you having to add to the “pool” if you make a new Fear, which is basically like an eldritch abomination themed after a primal fear: thefearmythos.wikia.com/wiki/The_Fear_Mythos_Wiki
Wuffle, a cute SFW webcomic released into the Public Domain by an artist that I’m pretty sure is a furry bara porn dude. But, it’s cute and endearing and BELONGS TO US ALL: wufflecomics.com/
Freedoom, an attempt at making a version of Doom with all new non-copyrighted art, with credit going to the Freedoom team. Some of it isn’t the best, but the creature designs are fun when they’re good (Especially those by raymoohawk) and I’m still hoping somebody eventually does a HDoom version o those: freedoom.github.io/
Open Game Art, which has a bunch of CC- assets, but I think there’s enough original designs there with their own distinct personality to use as Open Source Characters that I literally made a whole collection there of that: opengameart.org/content/art-with-open-character
My own stuff, because yeah I do a lot of it, and I’m considered kind of an expert on it amongst my friends. Tho, I’ll say a lot of the stuff is badly in need of an update, and even without that my art tends to be unusual; namely because of the method I use to make my lineart. Which is basically that I carve it out of the paint with a mouse and use layers to put it together, but I digress, here’s the masterpost: titleknown.tumblr.com/post/118337756398/a-masterpost-of-my-open-source-characters
There’s a few other smaller examples there IDK if you’d be interested in, but also, anyone else like the idea of us being a producer of that sort o stuff? Like, with a Public Domain-making thread, where drawfriends and writefriends make stuff to go into the PD, art for the Revolution and all?
Also I know of a few smaller examples of OSOC stuff, anyone wanna see 'em?