Today the hegemonic ideology tells us there are two options: democracy… or else!
Today, when the USA attacks another country it does it in the name of Democracy. Today, in the EU, when an insignificant minority party takes over the government it does it in the name of "more Democracy." Today, in Africa, the masses thirst for "Democracy" while they already have it, albeit in a version that they can have.
All I know is this. Today, a conscious communist understands that the ideal term and the actual praxis of "Democracy" designate a double-blackmail, a pair that reinforce themselves in holy unity.
Are you suffering from a bad case of Erdogan, Putin, Orbán, Trump?! No problem, all you need is >MORE DEMOCRACY.< For the record, these politicians already and officially stand for "more democracy."
Every leftish theoretician stands for [insert adjective]-democracy! From Cockshott, through Bookchin, to Chomsky, Papa Wolff… The list goes on, really… Just look at their proposed form of "democracy," for crying out loud! A typical tactic they have developed is to compare our current [suboptimal – the story goes!] level [it has grades, they say!] of democracy, and compare it to… to what? Always to historically never-existent ideas!!
With Cockshott:
With Boogchang:
With Chomskeh:
With Wolff:
What happened to good ol' Lenin who intuited that the optimal form of governance for capital was democratic. Of course everyone who sucked on the tits of ideology will retort angrily: "omfg, u totalitarian basstard!"
Well, m'lady: fuck you, and fuck your ilk too. Communists are not, and were never democrats. This might shock you, but this is a historical fact. Marx's and Lenin's strategic advocacy for participation in elections, etc. were all historically conditioned.
Long story short: today our, that is, communist's (regardless of your stupid particular flags – anarcho-, Marxist-etc.-ist), number one actual enemy is called democracy.
Grow some balls, you stupid shits, and read Badiou and/or Zizek on the topic. Working towards "more democracy" will get us nowhere. Our actual goal should be thinking outside of the hegemonic box, and theorizing, then bringing about a society that is more just, egalitarian, etc. than visions of democracy could ever be.