DOW Crashing

How can a lefty exploit this to their advantage? Is it too soon to try? DOW down about 1000 points since Thursday.

Other urls found in this thread:,sh_price_o10&ft=4!ds=24q0!2mvn=1:2mvo&display=line^DJT|finance|headline|story|&par=yahoo&yptr=yahoo

Why don't u buy some stocks.. See how capitalism works instead of complaining about it….


sounds like capitalism alright

Nothing wrong with that when anyone can become bourgeois for under 100 USD.

Oh look someone else who doesn't know what bourgeois means.


Read a book lmao

Cool, so now I get $7 per year, offset by the 3% average inflation, so I'm looking at an effective profit of $4 per year. Well shit, I'm gonna start picking out what color I want my Maserati.

Hmmmmm…… Looks like your class interests wouldn't change just based off of your relationship to the MoP…….. Interesting..

Yeah sure, if we consider having a 0.000000001% share in Apple as making you bourgeois then you're right. Which is why stocks are a game for the rich to get richer.


At best it would make you petit-bourgeois.

wow, 100 USD what a great relation to the MoP

t. doesn't read books


How low does it need to go to provoke a depression?

For fun I calculated this and one share of Apple, which costs 160 dollars, is equal to 0.0000000191797217% of the company.

So we could say that a worker with $160 could effectively buy a high-valued stock and make some money off it - but wait! You'll need a minimum amount of money to open a trading account at any brokerage, a suggested amount would be $1000 for a discount firm. Let's say we found one that would accept our $160 though. So if we want to actually buy a position, we need to submit that order, but uh oh, we'll be charged fees to make the transaction. Fees are usually charged flatly, irrespective of the actual value of the trade, with a low amount being $10. So to invest our $160 we would actually need $170, and we've lost money before we even start. Now we'll need to hold the stock for two years to make a profit, to simplify things lets say our stock grows in value at the average of 7%. So, if we hold for two years, our stock will have grown in value to $182 which is more than we paid for it. To cash out, we'll need to pay more fees, so our stock is now worth $172 which is almost exactly what we paid for it, but hold on now, we have to subtract interest to get the actual value of our investment back, so minus 3% for the first year and minus 3% for the second year, our return is now worth 161.83. But hey, at least we don't have to worry about taxes since we didn't make a profit right? Truly the stock market is open to anyone regardless of their wealth.

You know, if I didn't know better I would say this game is rigged.

Why…. do you keep….. typing….. like… that…

Because he's probably twelve.

If he's 12, then he needs to be in school, instead of shitting up the board.

If you can't afford $1200 that's your own fault. Move somewhere cheaper.. Learn a marketable skill…

How exactly do you enter a stock exchange with $100? Aren't there minimum entry fees in the tens of thousands?

Well now I know for sure you're underage, because if you had been in the real world you'd know just how ungodly expensive even "cheap" rent can be even for people with marketable skills.

I've shared an efficiency with roommates, and there are efficiencies near me for under $700, a 30 minute drive from a major city. The problem with leftists is ur to lazy to try….

Peterson is a hack. Neck yourself.

Okay, I'll humor you. What city?

And furthermore, what job did you have? Did you have assistance paying rent at any point from family?

Also, it's spelled "too."

Not sharing my location or other personal details, but sub-$1k rents for 1BR apartments aren't unheard of in at least one or two cities that aren't shitholes. Millennials want to live in NY or CA. It's no wonder they can't afford rent with their liberal arts degrees. If I were going to spend my parents money, I'd do something nicer than sharing an efficiency.

t. anus

Motherfucker, I've got an information systems degree.

"sub-1k" can still be ungodly expensive if you're just starting out, even if you have a marketable skill and a good degree in a technical field. And that's not even taking into account gas, food, etc.



Nigger I was born here

People move to cities because that's where the jobs are. It has nothing to do with muh millennials you old faggot.

Also, I have to ask, what generation are you?

You realize that real wages today buy far less than they used to, yes?

Never doubt that Holla Forumscucks' admiration for "Western Civilization" is anything but sincere.

I guess there's plenty of space since your brain doesn't take up much room

Who let you on the internet, grandpa?

stock market crashes generally take 300x longer than crypto market crashes, so we'll probably know in 6 months if it's actually crashing vs. today

NOPE, a lot more proles are in the stock market than in the 20th century. There's no minimum that I know of. You are thinking of hedge funds.

There's a minimum to open a trading account, and if you try to trade low amounts you will just lose money as I demonstrated

No there's not. THere was no minimum for opening my Vanguard account that I remember. THere probably isn't for robinhood either. It depends on the broker, Interactive Trades DOES have a minimum for example.

you absolute autists, stop being tech analysts. The dow isn't crashing, its doing a 1-2% correction.

It's already down 3.7% in 5 days. But yea it's tbd whether we are going to crash or not

There certainly are and there are minimums for buying into mutual funds
Vanguard isn't what you'd consider stocks though nor is it a trading account

It's probably not, the real crash will either be end of this year or next year. At most we'll get a flash crash like in '15

You can buy almost any individual stocks or ETFs at Vanguard (with fees). If you don't like fees, there's Robinhood.

Literally the most Marxist thing you can be other than a labor organizer or revolutionary.

tbhq vanguard is pretty alright, almost all their trading is done via ai and their much more reliable than other investment banks.

what's the minimum for opening a Vanguard or Robinhood account? I don't know of any




It costs money to move, and unless you have accreditation it doesn't matter what you learn because employers want PROOF that you've learned a marketable skill. That also costs money.


It was 26,616 on the 26th Jan. Shedding 1,5k in a week isn't good.

Porky will not let this happen… right?

This is some high-quality bait.

I dunno, does this look familiar?


I'm unironically hoping for it, I want this hateful world to go down in flames.

I want it to go down now, the tension is killing me.

wat de fug

I'd wait for 2 or 3 weeks before saying anything for sure though.
hopefully it's crashing for real but I won't get my hopes up



hopefully somebody will get this


It's now at -1137.55

Make that -1332.57




How long do you think until domestic terrorism and civil war start to sweep, I give it a month


At least I can say I was there when all went down.

You should start believing in posadist fantasies, user, you are in one.

I can't believe in Posadism until the sky flares up tbh, I'm not ready, I'm still in my Maoist long march phase.

Now it bounced back to -881.67

What the shit, some short-seller got their money's worth.

Two months ago I predicted we would have a crash within 18 months. Hardly anyone was listening. Now, after a week straight of sliding markets maybe some people will begin to look at what I've been saying. The market is not backed by anything solid anymore. It's running on pure speculation and the big players know this. I don't believe we've entered the real crash yet but considering how fragile everything really is all it takes is for the big players to exit their positions and it comes falling down. So this could be the beginning of the end. A cynical person might believe that Trump's tax cuts were actually a engineered by the financial elites to allow them to close their positions before crashing everything. My best bet is that we enter a short period of "consolidation" in which prices go up and down for a bit before finally crashing in the near future. Based on treasury yield curves and interest rates, we still have a bit longer to wait. But again, considering how the markets have only been expanding due to speculation, the big crash could easily come at any time now.



I think I can use this gif

Can't have a 1917 without a 1914


oh thank god i was worried it was going to conveniently crash when the u.s. elects their next president

2008-10 2

So is Trump going to become the next Hoover? Or is this going to become full Tsar Nicholas II!

oh boy
I hope this is a proper happening


crisis are not to be celebrated, nothing good comes out of finding joy in the misery that is going to affect the workers and poor more than anyone else
put your own hurt ego to the side over people rejecting our ideas and learn how to agitate in favor of the cause


Oh cool a Bernie version of the Ron Paul meme AND an anarchist version. Neat

2008 Holla Forums made good memes, what can I say.

Fucking hell I just realized how I was able to see the birth and death of Holla Forums…I feel kinda emotional…and depressed…(not for Holla Forums obviously but Jesus)

It took two World Wars to get rid of the monarchies. It will take no less than two to get rid of liberal democracies.

Meaningful change requires destruction, and people's core beliefs cannot be shaken without trauma.

What if those two world wars just turn everything succdem

For as long as the capitalists control everything, there will be world wars.

It's not good for the economy but it's not even big enough to be obvious, once it reaches that point then you can celebrate but until then you're literally just Holla Forums everytime a terrorist attack happens and they say "RACE WAR WHEN?!?!?!"

yeah it dipped similar amounts after the election. im not convinced

The market lost and regained 500 points in 20 minutes, and currently losing them again.

the revolution was ripening before and it was successful in the soviet union because Lenin was consisently proven to not only be right but to have fought for the interests of the workers the entire time
nobody will change their mind and follow you because you toot your horn and proclaim "i told you so!" after the fact,
without daily work in preoperation of the crisis a trauma will only strengthen the reactionary forces further
1914 for germany still lead to its 1933

im waiting for the big pop user

Yes, that's called the general economy, until it reaches the point of very clearly being THAT bad then it's no different from the status quo at all, there's a fine line that needs to be broken before you can ever so much as think you're near there, until then it's pointless.

Yeah well no shit, I'm sure Flumph caused a permanent spike in the economy.

The pop is called a pop because much like a pop it comes quick, and it can't be called a pop until it pops.

The reason the revolution succeeded is because the capitalists were busy fighting amongst themselves.

It really didn't: actually it surged at the election. That specific bum is the period 4th of Nov to 11th of Nov: the election was 8th nov.

so in your opinion it was the unity of capitalists in germany and the lack of it in the soviet union while Lenin did jack shit
ok, "tankie".

No socialist movement will succeed while the global capitalists are united and not distracted.

I'm gonna have to agree with the Stash here. Activism and education is going to be needed if 1917 is going to happen, you can't make something out of nothing after all.


actually what needs to happen is the creation of the correct social conditions which produce communist thought, namely horizontal worker to worker relationships where they live together ass opposed to the suburbs of the US where they are scattered to the wind and have to commute to get to their jobs, and most of their free time is spent with exclusively their family, rendering them like the French Peasantry of the mid 19th Century.

Ding, ding!

We're down 1,174.87 for the today.

Speak for yourself.

Ooooo that's gotta hurt


the biggest 1 day drop in history for DOW right?
CNBC said markets dropped for "no reason", no bad news or anything other than Fed rate increase

Somebody smart knows something, my god this IS 2008 all over again.

Right lads, required watching: The Big Short.

i just looked it up and 2008 crisis had drops of 6-7 percent while this was 5. EBIN

It is the largest drop in term of absolute points, although the largest in terms of % was ofc 1929.

Okay ngl I feel kinda sick in my stomach this is going to mean hell.

Everyone ready to see Deus Ex becoming reality?

is he right?

what would it be a false flag for lol. invading wall street?


Conspiracies aren't real.

well obvious they are commie jews that want to hurt Trumps image and economy

If the economy crashes who will Trump blame. Never himself. Except when things go well, then it's entirely his doing.

I hope he calls out the D.S.A. and the IWW in public and starts a round of lynchings



What I'm more worried about are his retard supporters. I know one who literally a month before Trump fired him, was talking about BASED Bannon and then threw him under the bus daddy Trump wasn't agreeing with him.

Shut up

The entire market is nothing but speculation based on optimism. The smartest players have left on the 26th. Today we saw leaving of the slowest among the smartest. The panic selling and shorting en masse hasn't even started yet.

the FBI and Democrats


You know how Holla Forums was always saying that Alex Jones is controlled opposition back before Trump was a thing? They were right (but for the wrong reasons of course.)

I can't fucking wait

Wow the only vaguely leftist orgs in the United States. Unless you want the BASED TOTALLY NOT A DEMOCRAT PUPPET CPUSA to take charge

But he and his constituency have control over every branch of government. And he's been saying he's "done more than any president previous for him"

There's no way to twist this if everything comes falling down into his second yeara

remember to empty your accounts and heighten the contradictions :^)

Why are you obsessing over car stocks, again?

Shut up



Sociopath. Mentally ill. Dumbass.

You don't have the stomach for politics if you aren't willing be Machiavellian

Sorry my fault Sun Tzu Machiavelli

driggered muj???


You can't kill what's already dead.

Can't sharpen a katana that's already dull

This is going to be the great part. Trump looking for scapegoats for the next three years

can't tip a fedora that's already tipped

Same thing

They are subprime MK.II. TL;DR: after 2008 the automotive manufacturers shat out low interest high risk car loans to keep consumption up. Now all the same things that were going on with mortgages: securitisation, CDOs, heck even synthetic CDOs are going on here. The worst part is that this will directly impact one of the largest manufacturing sectors in the world. If someone clocks the game is up, we're fucked lad.

can't teleport whats already behind you
sorry kid

official thread theme

i just wanted to tell them to stop by replying to it with a stupid one but you ruined it with an actually good comeback
i want to be mad at you but i can't

Don't just stand there and shout it. Do something about it.

i'm feeling more like this

wew I guess



futures are down across the board for Nikkei

So any practical tip for intellectually challenged individuals?

The handshake
Seals the contract
From the contract
There's no turning back

Taken in
Buy a sun tan
And a grin

idk man this is more fitting
or this even

Oh boy



This fits with the automotive crash theory; Japan is massively dependent on the auto industry and a collapse in it would fuck the nation hard.

Pay off car loans, budget NOW and join an org. What country are you in, we have a list of acceptable ones.

I meant it more on how to avoid big losses in the crisis. Fortunately my family is debt free, so there's that, but my country is essentially a financial ticking bomb (Italy) which is less than ideal.


So… memes aside, we're going to be alright, right?


I'd rather we be alleft hehe

another point of interest is to watch Spanish and Italian banks, if they get hurt so goes the EU

i enjoy the new meme of distorted, melting and brain-colored wojaks
it's a nice evolution

This is actually fucking scary.

Maybe it's just my runners high, but I'm actually kind of excited. Maybe this is really our chance to change our course towards total destruction

That and the Amerimutt meme are contenders for MOTY for 2017

itt post pictures of Americans 6 months from now

well you certainly raised my mood a little with that
akko is adorable


thank god I have government job

too soon to tell, but normally this shit leads to shake ups like 2008
enjoy the ride


Girl of sixteen
Whole life ahead of her
Slashed her wrists, bored with life
Didn't succeed
Thank the Lord
For small mercies

Girl of eighteen
Fell in love with everything
Found new life in Jesus Christ
Hit by a car
Ended up
On a life support machine

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's got a sick sense of humour
And when I die, I expect to find Him laughing

Given that futures are still trending harshly downwards it's not looking like just a simple market correction
a wild week awaits

Fucking kill yourself

Doing what? My dad worked for the NLRB and he got laid the fuck off during the 2008 crisis.

thank my maladjustment and autism i'm already unemployed and have little to lose

so what's going to happen? am I going to lose my job? will I still have to pay off my debt?

And when I die, I expect to find Him laughing




Don't overhype…don't overhype…please don't let this be overhyped

probably yes to the first one, definitely yes to the second (unless we overthrow capitalism)

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours

But I think that God's got a sick sense of humour

And when I die, I expect to find Him laughing

man im scared

im not ready for revolution


The big losses will come to those in debt. As for Italy: join PaP. The best thing to do is ORGANISE, be it in a party, in your community, heck even through your church. Create the soviets, get ready and tbh, I am not sure what arms laws are like in Italy but those too if you get what I am saying.

it is, for the moment


oh, don't worry, there wont be a revolution
it'll be a reaction


"The Stock Market has been creating tremendous benefits for our country in the form of not only Record Setting Stock Prices, but present and future Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Seven TRILLION dollars of value created since our big election win!"


Well this iwll probably be overhyped, but still…
Here's the eternal conumdrum of the leftist… be happy of the failure of the current system or be fearful of the consequeces?

nice quote

this is why im scared. fascists are armed to the fucking teeth and looking for an excuse.


for now it is. The percent drop wasn't that great for a single day.
If it continues tomorrow or through the week, everyone will jump ship as fast as they can


This better pull through or else we all look as retarded as Holla Forums was during US Election Day

not trying to disincourage you, mate but you're probably will just get shot by the military if you try to do that

i really wish i had anything backing me up to tell you not to be scared and prepare instead
but i feel like that comes too late and being scared is all left to do

this is a politics board on a spinoff of a chinese cartoon website, we already look retarded just by being here

worst case scenario is another 2008.


there'd be no need for fear if we had any real strength
i think the reaction will reflect everyones real assessment of our situation

well at least its poetic


we'll share worms
and it's not a gay dick joke

both of these were a result of apparent technical errors in the system though.

This isn't the 60's and 70's anymore. The feds don't care, so long as you're not some creepy cult hoarding guns and child harems.

Trump deregulated what stopped the 2008 crisis in the first place last year


tfw you live in hell


aye aye captain

"Another 2008" means the threat of a complete collapse of the global economic system, and now without China to foot the planetary bill.


it's the Absolute Boy's best chance to take power from the tories tbh.

Well… time to dig up my grandpa partisan rifle! If this country will go through a crisis it will turn fascist faster than our communist party can split.






Thank God I live in Portland where there's still a semblance of class consciousness, a majority socdem population, and one of bigger AntiFa organizations in the country.

North Korea isn't stupid. A destroyed economy doesn't mean that the US nukes suddenly stop working. Far more likely scenario is that Trump attacks them or Iran (likely Iran given that they can't hit back) to distract his base from the economy.

happening faggotry will be the ultimate uniting force of all Holla Forumss

No it won't fuck you. We want entirely different things.

Honestly, can we have an amnesty for all leftists purged recently just so they can view the happening? This should reunite Leftypol and Leftpol.

But in all seriousness, I hope you lads are doing your reading. If this is the big one then we're going to have to be the ones to explain to people what's going on, because otherwise it'll be the Mainstream "Russians are behind 9/11" Media.


b-but capitalism only goes bad when the government intervenes.

its what my ayn rand astro turf ideology taught me! the great depression happened because the government intervened in the affairs of companies too much! that's why we have crashes and that's why the economy sucks!!!

what you want and what you get are also entirely different things

that never would have happened

Not to mention the only happening threads I've ever seen on here are economic crises threads, North Korea threads, and based Corbyn's giant leap forward

I actually it would be best to just pool money and leave.
Our Left has only recently left square one and American Fascists (while retarded) managed to use SJWs as their "counter", so instead of them being as dead as us, they actually managed to outgrow us by having SJWs and Kaltural Marxism be their USSR.
Why does everything suck.

If it were up to me, yeah. I think this board split is pure COINTELPRO, but the BO does what he does.

Why do you want America to fail, Holla Forums? Are you some kind of pinko commie? #TuckFrump

If someone can give me some rundown texts that aren't Capital length I'll get right to it

Mate, we were the same 3 years ago: things can change and they can do so very quickly.

Holla Forums exposed

Tbh, get people to watch The Big Short: but replace mortgages with autoloans.


reminder that Lenin did not believe that a revolution would happen in his lifetime and that the Bolsheviks while a small faction managed to win over the fascists.
So good luck I guess, here in Europe things will not go much better.

Is this the power of reactionary theory?

user, if you haven't noticed, things have kinda progressed beyond that discussion.

We are the vanguard. We are the ones we've been waiting for.

These might help.

It's just a question of time
It's running out for you
It won't be long
Until you do
Exactly what we want you to

Does anyone else think the fascism spook on here is a bit overblown? The right, despite all appearances, is disorganized and split as fuck, and get smaller and more split after each rally. America is not Weimar germany, and should a fascist state even arrive under Trump, the bourgeoisie clearly aren't smart enough to actually improve the conditions of the working class to maintain any credibility as Hitler and Mussolini were able to.

Bourgeois parliamentary politics are a dead end that lead only to frustration.

Fascism offers only the promise of obscene enjoyment and the illusion that things can go "back to how they were" or "back to how they should be."

It's only Communism that offers not only a different world, but a better world. Part of our responsibility as Communists is to let them know this, that there is a world beyond the wasteland of Capitalism, and that they can be the ones to help build it–that we can build it together.

I would expect the US to get less of a Hitler or Mussolini and more of a Pinochet if it happened, not that I'm saying it will.

It depends on what you mean by "fascism." If you're talking about the meme loving fucks on Holla Forums, yes, absolutely it's overblown.

But they really aren't the ones you should be worried about.

Oh boy this is both scary and exciting as someone from Philly.

Who then? Even petit-b rednecks who amass guns like they're candy seem to be an overblown threat, at least around most cities.

Hey man, I'm happy the Eagles won, despite the riots. Fuck the Pats


Yeah this is our first Super Bowl win and with Philly being Philly…riots are happening from the victory

oh no no no those aren't riots. that's just boys being boys!

it's only riots when they're protesting police brutality

There were major riots after the superbowl

You're forgetting the debt ceiling, man. Burgers still have to raise it before this month is over.

We obviously should investigate Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, et al. but for the obvious massive fraud that sustains them and not for mu deep state gay frog conspiracy

The Eagles haven't won since 1960 or 1950 something and everyone in Philadelphia got a little excited.

my crystal ball tells me the dow hits bottom at 12000

This isn't the 20th century, and one of Holla Forums's blindspots I think is that they're expecting (maybe even desiring) a redress of what happened then–that there'll be fascism and reaction again like they've read about. I think the danger might be something altogether new, or at least sharply different from what we have been expecting. After the better part of a century of intense, relentless propaganda, I don't think fascism will be something most westerners would readily embrace.

But what have we seen instead? The veneration of the technologist and entrepreneur.

I don't think that I can accurately guess what form the reaction will take, only that Trump and the Alt-Right represent only an inept preamble.

When the Roman economy collapsed, it heralded a radical shift in European political, economic, military, and social organization. When the USSR fell, it meant starvation and drastic reorganization of society for countries like Cuba or North Korea.

If this is in fact the catastrophe that we've been told is building, then the most similar event is probably WW2, where just about every major industrial economy on the planet was flattened and resulted in the end of nearly 200 years of British domination of the global economy.

I'm really not sure what's going to happen, but I don't think that it'll be good.

so you mean like a parade? a riot is very different from a celebration.

Uh huh. And you call these sports riots despite the fact that they obviously have class character.

lol, yahoo finance is absolutely apoplectic.

In the long run that certainly looks possible, the most boring single liberal party led by clean-cut but "human" technocrats, etc. But how will that play out in the short term? I think a second Occupy movement is very likely. Unless they go full FDR, it's going to be hard to appease the increasingly powerful soft-socdems.

you don't even know how wrong you are


Europe's a whole different question. I think his statement is pretty true for most of America though. Taking away the appearances of radical individualism and upward mobility would kill your average neocon



please tell me that's fake


it's a fake

It is.

It's not like he didn't/doesn't believe anything dumber


That make me sad.

user why would you get my hopes up like this?

I'm tired of waiting, I want to hear about business closing and people living on the streets NAO

hehehehehe I know it's my liberal self that's going to enjoy the schadenfreude that the president is going to slip on to explain this, but god damn it if Trump can explain himself from "STOCK JOBS STOCK JOBS ALL MY DOING STOCK JOBS STOCK JOBS JOBS STOCK STOCK JOBS" to

"W-W-WAIT T-THIS ISN'T MY F-FAULT" when his party controls basically every branch of the government

This is going to be hilarious

Why didn't we listen???

hard times create strong men…

The white baby boomers never had "hard times", they had more opportunities to generate familial wealth than this generation ever had. "Strong men" my ass. As if it even means anything.


fascism doesn't have to be overtly collectivist and the "radical individualism" is too obvious of a farce, neocons don't believe in that shit

There are a lot of variables at play so it's difficult to prognosticate. Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America, and I think if shit were to fall out right this minute he'd be the one that, if not most, a very significant portion of the population would turn to for answers. No one trusts the government, they're going to hate the corporations that fucked them, and it's not like religion is in any shape to step in with a guiding hand.

If it's not a corporate answer that they turn to, I do worry what the military will do. They've been endlessly lionized, and Americans have been conditioned to worship them. For most people, they're the one "competent" branch of the government. In the movies, they're always the good guys, always willing to sacrifice FER FREEDOM, always have America's best interests at heart.

The thought of all those old piece of shit Cold Warriors with free reign over the government and a license to go after any of America's "enemies" is rather chilling imo.
Thread Theme.

Fuck off with your meme ideology. We need people to red Marx not De Leon.

Unironically De Leonism is one of the best things for the west atm. Also he was a journo so it is easy for people to digest.

Have you given any thought on what you're going to say once it's time to march down to your local "Trumpville'' and agitate the masses?

De Leon IS Marx
t. Lenin

XIV hit 80%
termination event is now in play


Unions are no longer relevant.

what does this mean exactly?

Hey now I bet life in a Trumptown would be pretty great.

I was referencing the next few phrases lad.

striver poors are gonna get hosed, sorry bud

The butthurt is intense in (you)
Thread Theme.

Wait are you telling me that we are going to see mass cross-acceleration?

I'm a finance brainlet. Can somebody explain to me what's going on with all of this?

volatility short fund got liquidated after hours
a ton of people just lost a lot of money

Tbf, no one is quite sure why this is happening; but TL;DR: loads of bad car loans, people can't pay them, large debt cucks the auto industry causing people to call in their loans. This is a chain reaction that fucks the economy.
Legitimately, I recommend the film "The Big Short", it deals with a load of complex financial concepts and makes them understandable.

oh no


It's hard to tell exactly, but I think that corporate investors want to dump their toxic low-yield bonds and put their money into "safe" treasury bonds, and so they're selling off all of their shit to unload these high risk assets–in preparation for this exact sort of thing.

I'm sure it's much more complex than just that though.

and it getting liquidated reduces market liquidity, which this fund is supposed to provide during volatility, so things might be fun tomorrow

god damnit I'm not ready for this shit yet

Isn't this whole thing occurring because certain stocks were overvalued in 2017? Doesn't that mean after people are finished pulling their money out and stocks reach a reasonable low that speculators will just buy them up again to hold them?

What do we do? This will almost certainly turn into fascism.

no it won't


^the Wolffman's "Economic Update: The Economy, 2017 — 2018" I haven't had a chance to sit and listen yet but I'd be shocked if he didn't touch on elements of what's afoot.


Mate he predicted this shit on a RT interview:

>turn into fascism
c'mon bro

Fuck bitcoin

how about further into fascism

If it were only about the stocks, yeah, and if investors were reasonable, yeah, but unfortunately there are problems much deeper than what the DOW represents, and investors as a whole are anything but reasonable. The falling stock prices are going to effect other stocks and other indexes too, which in turn will pull the rug out of some corporations, some banks, some governments, and if enough of this things tumble they'll take all the rest of the dominoes with them.

If this is the big one, then this is anything but a simple market correction. This is the culmination of ten years of dumping over a trillion dollars into the finance sector, practically free loans that companies have been using to inflate their stock prices year over year for a decade.

If 2008 was a monster, they've been gorging it all this time, and now it's absolutely cyclopean.

hate myself for not selling sooner

He's been predicting it for a while now, everyone has. I mean he might explain some of the mechanisms causing what is currently happening.

that's better

He does it in the interview tbh.


What do you guys think?

holy shit you're not serious with this bollocks are you?

I don't expect a site called "debunk'd" to be anything but propaganda.


user, this interview has all the reasons:

was Mencius Moldbug right all along, lads?

of course



No both of you are retards

History repeats itself.


*darkly enlightened


now I wanna see some amerimutt go out to wall street and start pouring holy water all over the buildings to prevent a crash

10/10 OC comrade

it's not oc, he took it from /biz/

why does /biz/ make GMIL OC?

If the neoliberal revolution arose from the crisis of profitability in the 1970s, what would come from a similar crisis today? My guess is a technocratic realignment with UBI for the first world proletariat and low intensity war over energy resources everywhere else.

because most of them are having mental breakdowns from the bitcoin crash I suppose

Its worse that that. Capitalism has succeeded in shaping humanity to its profit, "revolution" is impossible. The working class is nothing more than an aspect of capital, unable to supersede its situation. any future revolutionary movement will have to consist of a struggle between humanity and capital itself, rather than between classes. Capital has become totalitarian in structure, leaving nowhere and no-one outside its domesticating influence.

Maybe someone from /biz/ took it from here?

BS, /biz/ doesn't read GMIL


Its too late. Capitalism is forever.

Shut up lol

my ex girlfriend is forever but i dont see that bitch anymore

Capitalism is fundamentally doomed to destroy itself, read Schumpeter.

should have bought her more things

Its going to destroy us with it.

Lad, you are trapped in the ideology. "It is easier to conceptualise the end of the world than a world without capitalism".
t. Zizek.

Stop being an obnoxious sad sack

Someones been reading Camatte

that afghanistan part is pretty good too

this level of class collaborationist talk sounds 1:1 like gorbachev

If the /biz/ thread on here indicated anything, its that we have anons on here that browse /biz/

No, its definitely Camatte. Class corroboration has makes no attempt to end class at all, opting instead that such class division is necessary. Camatte still argued against capitalism and therefore the class structure, he just happened to think capitalism had become all encompassing.


Reading the tweets about the crash is like staring into the mind of a schizophrenic.

i call it class collaborationist because it effectively is, not because it itself would recognize this
guy is new to me but just at first glance i can see that gorbachev must've read his shit

Camatte was an anarcho primitivist.

so much i've read up but i remember some text by gorbachev that was very much along those lines, reading that made my skin crawl in disgust even worse than before

Be careful how you define class collaboration. Bourgeoisie class traitors working with proles to abolish the class system as a whole is not in of itself class collaboration, though it might become such when class is allowed to continue to exist under the guise that class antagonisms can be harmonized.

If you want you can think of "capital" as the law of value. What camette is saying is that the heart of capitalism isn't the bourgeois but the impersonal laws of the market.


reminds me of adornoists yelling "structural antisemitism" as soon as you mention a capitalists name or any corporation and not talking in abstracts

fresh off the press

Shit, i saw a video from him today by accident.


Read Kliman and Marx.

that's one sexy, slippery intro

hey if you have something better then post it

i'm in a conversion mood

that's objectively true, but not a value judgement of whether the circulation of commodities is a good thing or not. The enemy of marxists is production being confined to the commodity form itself, not how they circulate


Instead of going through someone who claims to understand Marx, just read it yourself.

If there are no commodities then there's no need for money to circulate them, so what exactly is he wrong about?

Read a fucking book nerd



This is financial institution annihilation style happening
Wouldn't be surprised if Central Banks step in by the end of the week

Can someone TL;DR: XIV? It is something to do with volatility, yes?



Yes but what does this /mean/?

basically volatility shorts, which everyone was messing with and had considerable leverage in because this was "event that can't possibly happen if the market is going up"


It might correct itself in a day or so and this could all be nothing. Or.

It could keep falling, and the angels wouldn't help you, because they've all gone away

By everyone, I do mean everyone
Financial institutions, pensions, etc. tomorrow will be ugly

Credit Suisse is already down 7%. If they don't have a ton of liquidity we're taking financial crisis

Who the fuck would put a short on volatility? Like the stock market is inherently unstable why would you bet on its stability? Man capitalists are dumber than I imagined.

Are you saying they are going under?

Also some interesting economics stuff:

there's potential, they've had a lot of problems in the past so they're certainly a weak point

because the market is stable user and it's a bull market for the rest of time :^)

So we take the average price of the stocks from
3M, American Express, Apple, Boeing, Caterpillar, Chevron, Cisco Systems, Coca-Cola, DuPont, ExxonMobil ,General Electric, ,Goldman Sachs, The Home Depot, Intel, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, JPMorgan Chase, McDonald's, Merck , Microsoft, Nike, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Travelers, United Health Group, United Technologies, Verizon, Visa, Wal-Mart, Walt Disney

And then divide them by the divisor, and that gives you an approximate dollar amount per point.


Nikkei down 1000+ points within about 45 minutes of opening sounds like a big deal, someone save all the anime quick

If I am right, and this IS related to the automotive industry: then it would be immensely expected that Japan gets it up the bunghole considering how much of their economy relies on automotive production. Anyone have anything on SK exchange? If my hunch is right we will see Germany take a major hit tomorrow.

24,345(.1496772734149)=$3644 a point?



Mein Gott.
I know I have said that a lot but honestly I can't even handle it anymore

This is already within the top 10 worst falls of Nikkei by points lost.

I tried to warn them

what were you even replying to?

it's already recovering!

Meant to be that one^

What a giant recovery, we're sure bouncing back after the Nikkei opened with 1,000 points down



Dead cat bounce.

The wales are trying to keep it afloat, but if the DOW dips tomorrow they will be shorted hard.

Lads, will Amazon still be in business by Wednesday I've got Volume 3 of Capital ordered?

If things keep plummeting like this who knows who'll be in business by Wednesday.

Wtf i thought lefty/pol/ only had shit memes

Tbh download a PDF and read it quic, you're gonna need it.

Also who is ready for the Zizekian vanguard? I fucking am.

M8 I've already spent 4 weeks reading the first two volumes it's better fucking come.

Who wants to start a commune of electronic scrap prospectors in the sewers?
I can cook up a mean rat stew.

I hate reading pdfs though; not only does my retention drop, but the experience is far less enjoyable, due to eyestrain and the lack of a tactile experience.

This is the eternal dynamic between us.

Okay, so
24,345.75+1175.21=25520.96(starting price this morning[?])
Current Dow divisor



funny, I was thinking something similar about a picture of Sowell

If this is actually happening though, things will be biblical

Actually there's probably more math involved as the aggregate price of each point diminishes as it's sold but vOv

If you look closely, this is the same face George W Bush made when he was in the classroom during 9/11. Except now its filled with spite instead of fear. Maybe a mix of both. Plenty of anger. Palms sweaty, moms spaghetti, got my phone out need to tweet, palms sweaty

damnit, I keep trying to encode it with audio and fucking up

"So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me," says the LORD Almighty.
Malachi 3:5.
The thing is, I heard this at service last sunday and the prayer was for social justice. This is the kind of shit that would make someone into a firm theist.

also, funny that Trump should mention "made in the USA".


Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index opens 1200 points and 3.5% down
Its nice to watch all dat red :3


China's soon to get it.
How're things lookin' for them?

If the automotive theory is right, they should dip hard too.

all goo :)

please explain?

That spike followed by that leveling…hmm….looks like a big recovery….

auto industry is exposed to a fuck load of subprime loans they handed out like candy to boost sales


oh shit.
i'm a bit out of the loop but is this bad for the germany? do they still do cars 'n shit?
Thread theme, it's title means "The Summer has Gone" in Portuguese. I think it is immensely fitting.

Germany is balls deep in the car industry; and one of the hardest hit thus far in terms of company stock is Volkswagen group.

It begins.

oh boy, panic here we go


But it's not the car industry that is worth paying attention when it comes to Germany. It's Deutsche Bank. :^)



I'm gonna need a source for this.


Global Markets rn


Right lads, red flag bloke who has been here most of the night. Signing off, will see you anons i the morning. Fuck me, I will never forget this night.

looks like it's just TradeStation right now

Comradely and optimistic reminder that a 2nd crash (2008 being the first) will cause a dramatic shift in consciousness (if it happens once it can be dismissed as an anomaly but if it happens twice…) and we will see an explosion in anti-capitalist sentiments the likes of which we have never seen in our lifetimes :)

I can't help but feel like this is a really low number

You'd think people would catch on after three centuries.

America will probably go full fash though.
good one faggot

The material basis for fascism basically no longer exists. The first will be last and the last will be first. Prepare yourself comrade.

how comes?

Oh wow its literally fucking nothing
Its just a bad Market day lads
It will probably rebound tomorrow
If it goes on longer then that then yes maybe it is what this thread thinks

>The market started 2018 with a bang, but last week was the worst on Wall Street in two years. The selling gathered steam on Friday when the Dow plunged 666 points, or 2.5%, at the time its worst day since the Brexit mayhem of June 2016. Nearly $1 trillion of market value was erased from the S&P 500 last week.

There might be some areas, but a majority of the population is so sick of this shit of continuously getting fucked over by their boss that, this won't work anymore because it's just more of the same really.

You really underestimate that.

It will happen. It's only a matter of patience.

Let's see what happens tomorrow and to the Nikkei today. Beyond that we can speculate.

You aren't getting the picture. Even if it recovers, this is a herald of things to fucking come. You are witnessing a bullet headed from Mars straight to Earth, telling everyone in the observatory worried "The chances of anything coming to a million one", or so they said


American workforce is thoroughly proletarianized. There simply aren't enough petit-bourgeoisie to carry out the actual work of fascist suppression. Historically, the bourgeoisie had to lean on the petit-bourgeoisie (and lumpens to a lesser extent) because they were too small and weak to enforce fascism themselves. Now that layer of society is drastically smaller.

Anything but the US government's irresponsibility when daddy is in office

I'm seeing nothing but pink Wojacks.


The US military are still classcucks


This is true, but exhausted classcucks can change their minds quickly. Plus, 40% of the military supported Gary Johnson (at least before the actual election) in 2016 for his anti-intervention stance. It's mostly a matter of connecting the dots between "intervention" and capitalism for them.

I hear the Navy tend to prefer socdem policies is this basically true?

Dow Total Market cap
$6,873,564.29 in millions or
x .046
loss today
Three-hundred-and-sixteen billion dollars lost is no big deal really :^)


I love it when a globe has so much red on it :D

Boomer genocide when

To be fair
If I polled this thread and asked them if they preferred
A) Getting fucked in the mouth
B) Getting fucked in the eye
C) Getting fucked in the urethra
I don't think the outcome would generally be representative of the thread's preferences.

Is this on Red Alert?

What site is this?

Joe Rogan in the building?

Everything is going to hell and I feel nothing.

It's beautiful. Porky is assblasted right now. The seeds are being planted.

Man Trump sure was retarded for taking all that credit for the "biggest DOW market ever"
Pretty decent visualizations for the numbers.

His retarded followers I've met keep sucking his dick and refuse to admit anything wrong is his doing

A dip of 5% isn't really anything honestly. If anything this will eventually cause more growth as people will be buying assets.

Guarantee you they'll spin it this way

Most already are. Sean Hannity has already.

Canada still has too much green on it. suspicious. What are you hiding you maple drinking bastards!

Can someone tell me the dip for 2008?


The dow lost 316 billion on its own, and every other major market on the planet is taking a shellacking too.

So what about many trillions of dollars lost "isn't really anything," exactly?

This is a warning. A herald. A prophecy of things to come.

DOW dropped in 2008 by 778 points, or at the time 7%. Currently it is down 1000 ish points, or currently 4.60%. We aren't even close to the percentage losses back in 2008.

The dow is much larger than it was back in 2008. Does that not make this 4.6% proportionally greater?

well yes, that's what he said
778 points then
about 1000 now

I'm a brainlet who doesn't know shit about the stock market. If you're not a stockholder what direct impact will the market crashing have on the average person? I imagine probably something to do with interest rates and debt and such, rising prices?

Depends on if the company that goes down you work for

Literally you and everyone else in this thread needs to watch the best movie in recent years,

Well you wont have to be jealous of anyones large pensions anymore.

If you had 1000 in stock right now and it was based around the average you would have lost 46 right about now. If you had 1000 in stock in 2008, you would have lost 70.

Still, any good investor (especially when young) knows you're supposed to buy when it's low that way you grow with the assets.

It's the worst market fall since 2008

Rising interest rates are likely. Bankruptcy is more likely than increasing debt burdens (unless we're counting government debt which is fucked already) and falling prices are likely to fall unless the government tries to inflate its way out of the crisis like the 70s.


Unless you're retiring tomorrow you don't have anything to worry about. If you're young, buy some stock or invest in a company. Get some say in what they do. Then as you get older that shit ages.

Doesn't really help to "buy le dip" if you lose your job, retard.

But will it continue tomorrow?

XIV imploding means a bloodbath on US opening

Son, it has even started yet.

Right, the retirement accounts are tied into it

I've thought about watching it a while ago never got around to it.

Interesting. So there'll be more concerns with debt and companies going under? Student loans are probably about to be even more fucked, great.

I work part time at Burger King, I'm a philosophy major at uni atm. Probably not happening.

How can you buy stock and get worthwhile returns when you have little capital to begin with? I can't afford to take that risk when I'm on a min wage part time salary and paying rent/food/school.

I'm not even Dengist, but holy shit

Explain in layman's terms what XIV is?


volatility shorts that everyone was heavily invested in
They went poof today
Several financial firms are potentially at risk now, specifically Credit Suisse and Duestche Bank
Along with them a ton of mid range retail and institutional investors will take hits in the 10%+ range tomorrow due to it

Call me in a week. If it's still dropping, that's when things start getting exciting.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, one economic collapse is all it will take for the house of cards to blow. The people are pissed and they know who to blame. A revolution will occur, we just have to make sure the right side wins.


But if I have 1000 stock in 2008 that is worth $10 each, then I have $10,000 in stock, a 7% loss means I've lost $700.

But if I have 1000 stock in 2018, after a decade of stock value increases and are now worth $50 each, that means I have $50000 in stock, and a %4.6 loss means I've lost $2,300.

So doesn't that make a 4.6% loss today an even bigger problem than a 7% loss in 2008, because more money is being lost over all?

My burgerclap brain arteries are clogged with beef fat, please forgive me.

People bet on how stable the market was going to be in a manner of speaking
It was a "safe" bet to make a ton of money as long as the numbers were green

as long as people still get their cheap food, porn, entertainment, etc keeping them placated i dont think many people will have the fire to actually do something.

I thought I'd read that a bunch of Italian banks were teetering on the edge of bankruptcy before this happened, and their government forbidden from bailing them out. I wonder if we're going to see the Italian financial sector implode.

And how are they going to get those things without jobs? And after a decade of just about every government on the planet slashing benefits and eviscerating social safety nets?

The US market collapsing would lead to a global collapse. While we may not see something big in the US in the event of a legit depression, places like France and the UK would be very ripe. Don't forget how well the left did electorally in the last elections in those places.

If CS wobbles I wouldn't be surprised if Spain and Italy implode

Not to mention there are active Maoist insurgencies in India, SE Asia, and the Philippines.

True, didn't even take into consideration all the benefit cuts the GOP have planned. If people lost their food stamps and health care AND job and things were looking bleak, many might take action instead of "playing it safe" due to desperation. Of course things like the internet and TV, sports, etc are very powerful tools to keep the population distracted, and they won't go away.

Wait till the banks close and people can't buy food. The complacency of the west will vanish like smoke once there's food shortages.

Leftypol pride themselves on being smart. Yet they can't read a simple graph.


Anyone recommend me some music?
I'm making the happening video as we speak

5% drop in a week is pretty bad though

yes correction to its true value, ___zero


Don't get hyped till it drops below 15k tbh


Very much so, in order to get out of the 2008 crisis the FED has maintained very low or even 0% interest rates to get things moving again. The downside to that is that most companies have used these lax policies concerning credit to go on debt binges, oftentimes corporate boards do nothing more than buy back their own stock using cheap credit. This is going to hit a lot of major companies hard on their bottom line if it continues.

Definitely, something like a 1/3 of student debt is delinquent even though unemployment has been relatively low. They make it extremely hard to default on student low payments anyways, so your instinct is right here, higher unemployment is going to mean the student debt crisis gets worse. There's probably also going to be a fiscal crisis as the government will have a hard time paying for everything with the shit economy and Trump's retarded tax cuts.

In my state the maximum "weekly benefits amount" is $350, and they only last for 20 weeks, during which time you only get them if you file weekly reports that you're actively looking for work. On top of all that, you're only eligible if you lose your job "through no fault of your own," which generally speaking, your job can just make up a reason to fire you, and it's not like the state will work very hard to investigate. Generally they just take your employer at their word, because fuck you.

And that's just unemployment. In my state you can't get medicare if you're unemployed, or food stamps either.

We're having fun nerd

you do know this is a fucking massive one day drop, it still could be a correction but the likelyhood of it being a crash has increased cosiderably from the NYSE opening to now.

Go to halfchan's /biz/, then pick and choose whatever lyrics are being screeched.

It reeaaaaaally doesn't want to go back up past -300 does it


You'll be the first into the gulag, traitor



tfw no bipolar DOW-chan who embodies casino capitalism and is an abusive gf to user the wageslave

Dow just hit new low



Excuse you?


Plus she'd go down on you every day




Does she have a gangbang fetish or something couse we're getting fucked from every direction.

Bloomberg live: What happened to the "buy the dip buy the dip"?


"If this correction turns into an official “bear market,” defined as a 20% loss or more for stocks, that certainly has to be considered. (A correction would be achieved if the Dow falls to 21,293, which is just 2,300 points from where the market was trading Friday afternoon)."

What does this mean???




French stocks hit new low


C'est une petite correction





time for bed for me. looking forward to see what the asx and sse does tomorrow.

Bull Trap




un crash

I told my petty-bourg father to take out the money in Dow Jones he has and put it in Venezuelan stock. His lose.

oh le fuck off, m8 :DDDD

Your dad should put money in reverse ETF instead like TVIX. Much higher gains

J'aime vraiment, vraiment , vraiment cette image.

Is that's what Soros is doing?

I'll settle for a 2% drop today, though I'm crossing my fingers that we see a massive drop in the late afternoon like we did yesterday.

Both of them in constant drop.

Bloomberg live: "This doesn't seem like a very well founded correction!"

Ze big Question hon hon
i'm not french


474.99 (1.99%)

Mark my words, nigga, we closing at -3 – -4 %

2 percent





oh boy


Boi watching the Nikkei later is going to be fun




Good night, drumpfy. You shouldn't have fucked with the King.



We have lift off

stop going back up you miserable shit

I'm calling a massive sell off starting right about now.

Oh, you think so, do ya?

should i buy the correction ?

It's going to sawtooth comrade. But the trend line is clear as day

10/10 correction


DOW chan i cannot take this please


It's to-hooo-tally not a big deal, you guys




They sound exactly like Holla Forumsyps whenever trumpy does something blatantly stupid.
Truly cut from the same cloth.




239.16 (1.00%)


Now that looks like state intervention right there.

I don't see it having a net gain today.


I was hoping for a bigger drop but I'll take what I can get

Looks like the buy le dip meme is starting to lose its traction again

Bloomberg live: "Stocks are finally rising again, looks like there was a little support – perhaps."

Man they're shilling this hard.

And no sooner does it go up than it slips again.




So is this over?
Looks like the Plunge Protection Team is acting.

Pump and dump just like yesterday. It'll drop like crazy the last hour.

30.66 (0.13%)

absolutely fucking disgusting

Capitalism is a fucking religion.



I'm just watching those. But can't you see how utterly panicked they all are?

if she'd just fucking turn around…

those "ancom posts"
I see why they love Hillaryposting

Next time the roller coaster sets in, lets start cheering in the chat and collect the salt!

We're in the green boys! Capitalism wins again! So much for a "crash" you dumb commies!

I support this motion.
Someone put a link to the stream.

Some dongers:

LOL it's rising

back in the red again

we're going back to opening aren't we ?

Not anymore.




Your efforts have been rewarded. Rally reversing. Send more energy pls.

A bear market is a one effected by or created in anticipation of a slowdown, recession, or depression. Stock prices are depressed, buying slows, but it isn't necessarily a recessionary or depressionary situation yet.

The opposite was what we had until last Friday, a bull market, where everyone just fucking goes nuts buying and selling and the sky's the limit as far as "the economy" is concerned. Usually bull markets are associated with expanding economies and all the positive benefits bourgeois economics tend to associate with that.

Usually when a "bear market" is identified, it means that the economy is set to "retract" or decline, in production, consumption, etc. It might mean there'll be a exclamatory crash, or a long, gradual decline as diminishing supply/demand starve one another.

That might be where we are now if something doesn't stimulate the economy again, which the government/traders/etc don't want because it might lead to a sudden collapse, where everyone just stops trading altogether and the whole fucking thing flies apart.


🎣 buy the dip, they said 🎣
💵🔻 💵🔻 💶🔻


This is disappointing

Does the Nikkei still has a chance to crash now or is it really ogre this time ?



Are these porky investors in the live chat? They're acting kind of weird

Look, when it is "over," you won't have to fucking ask.

This isn't an event like a fucking ball game where it's self contained and runs a finite amount of time. It's a process and it's going to have repercussions days, weeks, months, or even years later. Nothing is fucking over.

And it's in the green again… well shit

Who's on the wild ride now, cucks?

sacate a chingar a tu madre.

it's over boys i think it has…


lol we haven't even seen the rate hikes they're so afraid of to begin with

Yeah, they call yesterday's massive plummet of DOW right before the stock exchange's close "jitters." You have to be blind not to see the propaganda machine that is trying to hold this shit together with every catch-phrase and memetic band aid they can make up.

What has happened today? Give me a quick run-down while I'm on the shitter

this is a fact

Market's in the green

The market is currently buying the dip, expecting to sell the rally.

Market went down to -500, now it's at +200, all in the space of about half an hour.

It dropped 500 points and then rallied into the green. Still hasn't recovered from where it was earlier this week.

down to 73 now

Prepare yourselves lads. We're about to go DOOOOOWWWWNNNNN

lol, the fact it went that deep into the red should be alarming to you. it's all going to slide, maybe not now, but soon


all abord the train next stop 1K



That wasn't much of a rally to sell.



Meanwhile, on the Caracas Stock Exchange.

If that is the case, then yeah, not only is nothing over

It hasn't even fucking begun.

The fuck is going on?


back in the red



oh, ok then

The rollercoaster will never end



Lénin is pumping the market from the grave

I don't think we'll go back down today

Last 10 minutes will bring a 2% drop.

Yesterday's biggest point-drops came after 3pm EST.

If that happens I will personally suck your dick

seconding this.
i'm so lonely ;~;

If you have cute kneesocks i'll also suck your dick

If you have cute kneesocks I'll let you suck my dick

I mean.
It happened yesterday

Comrades, comrades! No need to cut the queue. Be patient in the dick line.

it will go down now
i command it to

Jason is that you?


fucking hell, comr8

I imagine if there was a prolonged US government shutdown the markets would completely collapse. Hell, even a strike could be the kicker.

Even if we're above whatever the hell it's measuring and in the green, we're still below opening rate.



Has anyone else thought about just how volatile it is for it to swing between almost a thousand points in a day?

"No thanks, I hate buying fake ingame currencies."


pure propaganda, holy shit


Yeah, Porky is scared.


They can't hold on to that brief positive period. It's in the red again.






back in green

back in red


Back in red

We're coming!



fallin fallin fallin





The tempo is just rite



Even tho I enjoy watching Porky gamble and lose money, for a while.
I just can't help myself, remembering and imagining, how around the world, the workers are being robbed, by the bosses all the time.
this is not how I want to see porky lose something, I want to see capitalist pigs being persecuted around the world, by furious masses of workers, slaying them with out mercy.

ahaha holy fuck


it's back up now


It's back down

m8 you have no idea. This is from today's business front page


They're buying the dip again how greedy can one be?



Are they trying to keep it near the close price?

my prediction

It will be known as the "Historic Spurdo Crash"



Get ready for a surprise :)

All right, who's the little shit that did this?


red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green red green


Then it's stable in it's instability?



the stability of dow jones is in quantum superposition.

We're somewhere around here i believe




looks fine to me

just dropped 0.23

In 30 mins the DOW will crash harder than it ever crashed before. Screencap this.

Now to calculate the probability of the up and down quark.

Let it go comrade, it won't drop again today


I actually thought that was a Ben Garrison cartoon for a minute

What the fuck is going on that picture?

No, he must report

It's an album cover



It's a fucking cult.


Think trump called in some favours?


Nothing to worry about guiz!

Up 400 now



You can use that meme once you stop calling every downward trend that lasts for more than 15 minutes a bear trap lmao

You didn't win you just were humiliated for a week

yeah seriously you guys were acting like Holla Forums every time a terrorist attack happens.

8 minutes to go

We all do, may we live to see it. May we live to do it.

I'm burning my pdf of Capital as we speak, lads.

This is called the "I wasn't that mad" dance, I see children in my family do it all the time

As opposed to communists who have been humiliated for decades haha!

Venezuala's market has been more successful the past week than any single major power play on the planet

What happened?


Capitalism has been humiliated since 9/11 and 2008, spare me your "decades" I've lived them, and I have no faith in what you support.

Look commies, this is what an ideal market looks like. You may not like it, but this is what peak profitability looks like.

all the fucking labels.
poking fun at Ben garrison.

Get back to me in 6 months if your spic neighbors haven't killed you to use your skin as toilet paper first you sudaca shit

Where do you live?

No fun allowed

I think I'm more worried about Amerimutts sexually abusing someone outside of their pit

Are you Mexican?


It isn't without warrant, this still is the single biggest drop in global markets since 2008, and I seriously have doubts this is over.

It is all set up to be a bubble, and one way or another be it next week, next month, or even next year It's all going to crash.

You have no idea what you're talking about if you think unsustainable growth like this can go on forever, this is a boom, and following a boom there is a bust.

That is what occurred this week worldwide. It is not the end by any means.

Sudden drops



fugg i forgot about that maybe the crypto market will do something this week end

Guys… what if we are in the bear trap right now?

For the Ameriburger in the thread.

Remember that Tax Cut your government passed, or was it Tax Reform? Whatever it was, guess what this week did? It erased all growth made from that Tax Reform in your country, it wiped it back into November 2017

Before this ""Tax Reform"" your government made even existed. And yet your government promised, in its infinite arrogance and greed, it would """help working people""" and """help the econom""", all vacuous statements

=vacuous statements cemented by any growth it could have made being completely erased in a week

Why do you have any faith your government will improve the state of the economy when it has just shown it's at serious risk of not just pulling itself down, but pulling global markets down as well?

Pure irresponsibility for the system you even support!

I suggested that a while back.

It'd mean the most hilariously enormous drop in the economy since the fall of the fucking roman empire.

Tokyo opens in 3 hours. See you then, comrades.

then i'll be fucked cause i'm all out of alcohol

You may not like it commies, but do you see that giant cliff? That's peak performance and it's the cliff I intend to jump off of, owned bitch


Wait how does a bear trap makes the market drop? i think i'm mixing bull and bear trap over here

This entire past month, not just week, has been a loss of -4.64%. And people are claiming that it's been a success? What is the success? Where is it?

Minus 1,178.23 Points?

Is this what success looks like? Is this stable to Americans? Knowing all your health lives, family lives, and sexual lives, it wouldn't surprise me if at least the one of you here thinks this kind of complete loss is actually a "win"

You all live lives of constant loss and can salvage anything you can get, even for your own dominant ideology. Loss of empathy, friends and loved ones to health reasons, higher infant mortality, impoverished conditions.

If you think this is a win, I can't say I'm surprised. Being able to win for any Amerimutt is a win, even if it means getting care for injuries sustained from a car accident, despite having to foot the bill

Your talk of success is cheap just like your country

Bull is the one before the real shitstorm.
That would mean that we still have yet to even truly climb the mountain.

Sorry, bear trap is the one that comes first and it happens before the truly insane manic buying.

This isn't directed at any of you, just the guy going "hueh hueh commies btfo" for a slight rise.

This has still been an overall gigantic loss in all international markets, including America's. All your precious growth that your oafish president promised is gone.

So that would mean that we're still years away from the actual crash? Hope it's no a bear trap then

No not years, months if not weeks.

For this to be a bear trap there would have to be somewhere for this economy to grow, and all it's been doing for the past decade is cannibalizing itself. The only reason there's even the appearance of growth is because the Fed has been pumping a trillion dollars a year in practically free loans into the banks, and all they've been doing is handing it out to their corporate cronies, who then just buy their own stock, making it look like they're actually growing and increasing profitability, but they're not.

And what happens when that free money is threatened, not to be cut off, but just slowed down? The market shits its fucking pants.

China was the economic engine driving growth across the planet for the past thirty years, and that nickel's spent. There's no other market of comparable size to expand into, and no one has any idea of what to do or where to go in this "post-China" economy.

I expect that's what going to be happening this weekend. Whoever decides these sorts of things is going to try and cobble together some kind of plan to get the economy "back on track," but so far their only plan has been to 1) print money, 2) keep printing money, and 3) jesus christ for the love of god don't stop printing money. Ten years of this shit and they haven't managed to come up with anything else.

So really, all the fools crowing about "this is a correction!" or "this is normal!" had better hope they're fucking wrong, because otherwise it's most likely going to mean 4) see step one, and all the systemic contradictions and countervailing economic pressures building within it are going to swell the eventual detonation from "bunker buster" to "Tsar Bomba," and there won't be a bunker deep or hardened enough to save anyone.

No, these series of bubble can pop at literally at any time. One week. One month. One year even.

This severe drop was a warning. It was an earthquake before a volcanic Eruption.

This is not hyperbole. All the signs for this "volcanic eruption" of sorts are there, and you will not be ready for it when it finally erupts. Like everyone in 2008 wasn't ready and taken by complete surprise. Despite this they had warnings all year, with drops and rises, drops and rises.

If this is the warning, you should be scared shitless. You can't have this amount of unsustainable growth, with a series of giant bubbles, without a domino effect of consequences.

It's just chaos theory at this point.

American commie here, stop shoving us with American Porky & reactionary corp. will ya,

If it's the first one it means we still have years before the actual crash. It'd also mean basically the bankruptcy of huge swathes of the economy.

I was speaking in the direction of one certain poster

thanks for clarification. The thread is a bit manic especially with my slow bandwidth.

2008 was the bear trap

gr8 post

God I love Wolfe

Also when I mean "Amerimutt" I usually mean a specific kind of person. One that defends all the faults of their system and economy blindly, with total faith in its institutions, no matter how corrupt they are, to keep everything going. I'm talking about defense of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, racism, classism, capitalism, everything quintessentially wrong with America in the eyes of the rest of the world.

I don't mean those who know enough. I'm speaking of people who know the problems and whole heartedly support them anyways.

just fucking nuke'm all

It's okay, I'll be in my bunker.

So what's y'alls personal take on this day? Even though I thought it would go into the red today, I highly doubt that we're in a bear trap.
There's always the asian markets to spectate too.

I'd like to expand on this notion, to clarify the implications, to draw a clear picture if you will.

If 2008 was the bear trap, to a much larger trend; say 10-20 years. Then this "bull trap" map last for maybe as long as a year, it'll dip lower (maybe to 20,000 on the DOW), then climb higher (maybe back to about 24,000). After that, it'll taper off, and then dive, and dive HARD.
We may see something bigger than 1929 in 2019.

I'm betting we'll see some continued drops over next week. Some stagnation. It will probably float like that, a little up, a little down, for a couple weeks, then we'll probably have another couple days of significant drops.

I'm doubtful that the Dow will get as high as it was before this week - people will be a bit shook by 'the worst week for the market since 2008' for a while. It could recover a bit, I don't doubt that it will, in fact, but I'm guessing we'll see a downward trend for the rest of the year, even if that trend is slow.

I don't really have anything to base this on, but I get the feeling that a lot of the upward forces keeping today from just plummeting were motivated by "bargain hunters" looking to snap up some properties before the weekend. There'll be no trading for the next couple days, which will give them time to assess what's happening and see what might happen next. They'll get to see how the Asian market responds, what the governments do, and if anything big happens to stir the pot.

Yeah, they might have paid a pretty steep price for whatever they bought today, but it at least won't go down for the time being, and if it doesn't look like things are going to improve, they can dump it and keep some of their money. If it looks like it will improve, because Trump promised something or the Fed said this or that or whatever, then they managed to snap up some juicy stocks at a discount right before their value appreciates again.

This is just speculation, but I think it's reasonable, especially since no one really seems to know what the fuck is happening yet or what it's going to mean.

That would be my guess unless there's a big change in policy or some other announcement to spur things on.

The entire market is a speculative bubble.


Would you look at that. Even the vampires have their own vampires to worry about.


How long until the Nikkei opens

It's 8:30 there now, so another half-hour I think.

why does Nikkei look like an accelerometer?

You know why

Wait is the Nikkei open on weekends?


We'll have to settle with a cryptomarket crash then, i mean it has been stable for two whole days a crash is overdue

Opens in 1 minute.

HAHAHAHA :) Good one

It's been remarkably stable so far Asian discipline is no joke.

What exactly is open now?

Ah that's right, it's already tomorrow in Moonland. We'll just have to settle for it being at -506 for the next two days.

If we're in the bear trap now, that means we have decades until the real crash. And that not only will the crash be spectacularly immense, but the escalation in buying will be hard to even imagine for us now.

A recession comes every 6-8 years. Its been like 10 years since the last one. This is it. This will be the big crash and what we're seeing now are just the fault lines before shit really starts to nosedive.

No way this is a bear trap.

New Fed Chair isn’t as interested as Yellan in keeping interest rates low.

Why is Bitcoin going up?

Is this good…

Just want to thank this thread, because it probably the reason for the recent bum in active users.
This and /leftpol/ sucking.

Yeah, its been a good week, the best case scenario is it continues on monday and we have a nice big drop and market panic.


fuck, skiping words and letters, feels like i typed this with my ass.
guess i need some sleep.
good night, crash that shit for me.

I can see the dotcom bubble, the '08 bubble and yes we're in a huge bubble right now.

Nuclear fuckin' meltdown's-a comin' I'll tell ya hwat!

I have to say, one of the funnier things about this thread has been watching the totally normal and not at all insecure and dysfunctional Holla Forumsyps trying to shit it up.

It's because any economic downturn reflects poorly on daddy. It's actually a bit strange how much they are into the Trump cult of personality. If Trump weren't the president they would be cheering with us.

At the end of the day, he is them: a rich oaf who bumbled his way to the top off daddy's money.

You ever look at those chad dipshits you see at a nice dorm at a for-profit college? That's him, right there: slow-witted, dumpy, entitled, tacky fashion sense, and utterly lacking in anything that could possibly be described as a chin. They're impressed by shiny objects and Big Things That Move Around (TM), think every woman that gives them half a chubby owes them unrestricted access to every possible hole of theirs, and if you ask them for an opinion on something, they stumble over themselves, attempt to sound smart, and fail, instead just offering a word salad of vapid feel-good speak. That's him. That's your average of-age Holla Forumsack. They are him.

I can't pretend like seeing /leftpol/ plummet down to 3 posts an hour doesn't give me a certain gratification.

That's what happened this past Monday, wasn't it? Big sell off Friday, then it dropped off the fucking cliff on Monday.

A repeat of that would be phenomenal.


So just woke up from a bender last night, what happened with the DAX, DOW JONES, NIKKEI and HANG SUN in the ned?


nothing much
dow +1,4 after getting down for a while
dax just -1,2 with some upwards but general just falling
nikkei -2.3 dropped a bunch and holding
hang seng -3,1 dropped a bunch and holding

also 25 minutes until they open in new york again, we'll see if they can hold on to the plus

Th NYSE opens on weekends?

not my fault i don't have a life
and even if it is, i don't give a fuck

i love you a-anyway user~

Sooooooo is it just a correction?

just one

just a bulltrap

There's no way of knowing for sure just yet. I'm sure Bloomberg, FT, NYT, WSJ, etc are overflowing with takes that would overload the scoville scale though.

I feel like everything happened faster than I could comprehend. Was able to follow shit on the first day but by noon on the next day I was literally lost.

Is it over? Any updates?

It's the weekend you dipshit.


You tell me.

God this is depressing, I think I might actually be slightly traumatized from 2008.

Chances are, more than "slightly."


Whats worse is that if the crash is actually happening then this crisis is gonna be way harder than 2008

Probably, yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone thinks of capitalism once there's nothing stopping it from preying on them and everyone they know and love.

This is from a blog post from Tuesday by Marxist economist Michael Roberts:

Anyone got other reflections from Marxists since?

When the crash comes Greece will have an Anarchist Revolution.

can someone explain the difference between a bulltrap and a crash?

be nice
this is a nice bois thread.



All things considered I think the third option is the most likely one.

HKEX and SSE in 5(cinq) hours

Get the beers and nachos ready, it's almost time to party B)

The fuck's up with /biz/'s love of fart porn?

capitalism cheerleaders love shit mixed with hot air


BTC isn't going down. It's stagnating, which is arguably worse for the idiots who bought during January or (god forbid) december since it implies that there is some kind of ceiling.

A week of stagnation isn't enough to say that the crash is over

It's a old meme from Holla Forums

What happens tomorrow?

The Nikkei opens in about 35 minutes. We'll probably learn then.

IMO we'll either see more of the same up and down instability as traders try and hammer out what's going on, a big sell off since nothing happened over the weekend, or if there was some development I'm not aware of, a rebound in purchasing. I figure things ended up on Friday because of the weekend kinda sorta guarantees a kind of stability, and to wait and see what might happen in the mean while.

My money is on a big sell off like last monday, though. But the future is ever in motion.

I think that the Nikkei is closed because of a holiday

The stock market keeps crashing, but it's fine because it's just a correction and the stock market isn't the economy.
Fuck, looks like you're right. What Jap holiday is it?

God damn it why does Japan have to ruin everything

The Australian and New Zealand exchanges are open though

Still got Hang Sen.

I think that the holiday is related to the Nikkei not Japan but HDEX and SSE will both open in one hour so will still have a chance to witness a crash

Seems like shit is likely to head further south this coming week. I'm so not ready for this but at this same time am mildly aroused.


Okay link Australian stock markets to use so we can see what the Emos are doing.

This meme should be remade for the Dow

And it has oficially started.

I don't want to look. It's just going to make me angry.

It's over lads I've done some TA it really was a correction after all

This is gonna be a wild ride, isn't it?

It's way too early to tell but so far it looks like a boring slow raise

You'll always get some boring ass days sometimes, but there is no chance in hell that this can last for more than a week at best.

we're under the opening there's still hope!

I am being optimistic though.

Why on earth is the market so volatile?

Inflation might force the Fed to increase the price of money, which might destroy the entire Obama economy.

Goddammit it's 3:30am if this shit doesn't lose 200 points in the next half i'm leaving

I'm not an expert but such rapid ups and downs shouldn't be healthy

Yeah this is weird regardless.

It's a game where there are no rules and the points don't matter.

Nothing has a solid value, but everything is based off the value everyone imagines these things to be based off of the amount people paid for them. But those things might not actually be worth anything, or even worth less than worthless. The problem is there's no way to know because all these guesses are based off of other people's guess work about how much they think other people will pay for whatever they're trying to sell.

And when all this fucking guessing game bullshit turns out to be smoke and mirrors, you get 'corrections" like this, where people try to guess the new numbers when they find out the old ones were wrong and the market guessed too high or too low.

So right now everyone is trying to guess what everyone else is guessing, and buying all the slips they think are good guesses and sell all the ones they think are bad guesses.

Why is the market so volatile? Your guess is as good as mine.


It's going back down again now. Seesawing all over the place.

this is the pulse of those involved as well, btw

This is gonna be a crazy week, isn't it

There are some people saying that this is the "new normal." If any of these spinning plates fall they're going to take the rest with them. It's gonna be great

Porkie thinks the new “correction” means the market values are now perfect, making Porky buy stalk.

I'm gonna laugh if we're moving into a bulltrap now.

Let us consult the augury.

U.S. Stock Futures Rise as Investors Hit Desks After Brutal Week

Sorry guys, I guess Hayek and his Chicago Boys win again.

t. it's actually exactly like 2008

No, he's right, it is nothing like 2008.

It's WORSE than 2008.

Hahahaha dis gonna be good

Remember China is Capitalism with Social Democratic Chateristics, not pure Neoliberalism, they can’t be counted on to be representative of what’ll happen in Europe, America, or even South Korea & Japan.

Raging over good market scores.

but will it be worst than 1929?


Meh. Just keep your eye on the long-term trends.

Yeah I know, just I Hang Seng going up by so much took me by surprise. I thought it’s stagnate or go up by less than 0.5% a 1% increase is a lot. ☭TANKIE☭s are probably happy because Hang Seng is “anti-imperalist.”

I haven't seen one "tankie" in this thread trying to claim the perspective you are trying to push here. I've seen several butthurt idiots trying to derail the thread however into the usual hysterics. Maybe >>>/leftpol/ is more fitting your disability.

I think the "China can do no wrong" and "Fascism is anti-imperialism when it fights America" tanks are gone

the drama kinda over

STOP derailing the fucking thread. Nobody is interested in your idiocy.

I forgot to link the two posts above me chill

hilarious interview on Bloomberg Live with a chinese investor lady:


There is a very real possibility, yes.

On the one hand, Porky isn't stupid. They know that economic cycles are a thing, too.

On the other hand, the things they'd need to do in order to prevent, much less mitigate, these cycles would directly impede profit generation, and when they are put in place, they do everything they can to dismantle them.

The global economy in 1929 wasn't nearly as interdependent as it is now. National economies were still dominated by and large by the national bourgeois. That doesn't change until after WW2, but in 1929, even though international trade and national productivity collapsed, the internal structures of the national economy was still intact. Is there a single hospital in the US that doesn't outsource essential services to India? Is there a single industry that doesn't rely on the industrial labor from a dozen different countries? How many millions of tons of foreign food does the US alone require to feed its people? What will happen when all these interconnected industries suddenly aren't there any more?

The only comparable event that leaps to my mind would be the collapse of the Imperial economy in the last centuries/decades of the Roman Empire. The disintegration of the state body also lead to the disintegration of the international economy within its borders. This lead to economic and social chaos that took centuries to overcome. This isn't ancient Rome, but if there is a crash on a scale comparable to 1929, I think it's going to take the entire planet's economy as we currently know it down with it, and it'll fall so hard that I can't even begin to guess at who and what is going to get flattened under the rubble.

Australia. Closes in 1 hour.

ASX200: what a day!

This level of 'good' is acceptable. Just because the numbers are green doesn't mean the markets are recovering or that the ride is anywhere near over. This stuff is small fry in the broader outlook, In the context of the drops we've seen last week this is negligible and just the briefest moment of calm before the storm. The real interesting stuff will be seeing the American markets resume after the weekend.





The vanguard of capitalism.

That fucking ice water dude is tearing my sides apart i have to leave but please keep take more screens of him

Australia started falling 30 mins before closing time.



5 minutes to close, Australia going bit spastic.


Australia closed.

Qatar just opened but I can't find an index for QE.

d'oh. opens in one and a half hours

This is Shanghai reopening after the lunch break.

Hong Kong reacting?

Russian open.

Saudi Arabia open.

Turkey open.

So as I understand Keynesnian theory, a lot of economic wellbeing has to do with spooky investor confidence. Does this mean that rising markets elsewhere will stimulate US stock markets? Will we really get a good idea from Europe? Does 'investor confidence' in one place more or less equally affect it elsewhere? Intuition tells me US and China determine how the others go, not vice versa. Hoping for another -1000 day today boys.

Bloomberg Live calls it a "very strong global recovery".

US is still the hegemon for global finance, so everybody follows US's lead.

They'll say anything to try and stop investors on the NYSE panicking

I don't think so, Tim. When US opens up, we're back to our regularly scheduled crash.

US futures were rebounding somewhat so that may have been what caused markets to open well today. What happens in the US today should determine whether we get a rebound or not. But regardless, this will only be temporary.

Less than 30 minutes until EU open.

Yes, naturally.

So far CNN only has futures for London but its looking good

Israel opened (TA-35).

are you kidding me?

Hang Seng is on the downturn towards closing

Holy fuck that doesnt look good

London opens in green.


closed at -0.03%

Germany, France, UK

Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel.

Looks like today is gonna be boring

I highly doubt it:

Meanwhile: Heineken.

U-um. Should I be worried?




huh, I guess Heineken isn't REAL socialism huh? Checkmate giommies, look at the red star.

Was Jim Rogers correct Leftypol?
Are we due one of the worst crashes ina lifetime?

Wolff also warned us.

To be fair Burger;and is a next food exporter.

What sort of "food" does it export

Oh boy, I hope so. Nothing would be more pleasant for me than to watch all the boomer fucks that have been browbeating us younger folk for not trying hard enough or whatever starving in the streets because they lost all their money in the porky lottery.

literal boomerpocalypse

This, most western states that aren't like Luxemburg do because western agriculture is a perfect example of the falling rate of profit: there is a reason farmland shrinks every year and there is massive waste. In short in the west we produce way too much food for consumption (yet people still go hungry). One thing any socialist government must do is create a buying reserve of produce and turn it into long lasting forms (E.G: canned food) to create a national reserve of product. It is actually really easy to do and it would solve hunger in the west at the very least.

All are welcome in the jobless marching corps.


Two hours until the NYSE opens

just did some research on this, and that graph is terrifying.

Can you give us some comparatives? When was the last time it fell by 80%?

Well before 2008 the volume of these interbank loans was some 5 times higher than today (close to $500 billion as compared to only $100 billion two weeks ago), the recession saw something more akin to a 40% drop then. However since then the volume of interbank lending has dropped significantly more to below $100 billion which could well mean that it no longer has such a large impact and banks are no longer dependent on them.
But if these are still as important despite their far smaller volume then an 80% drop may be a big deal because this reduces interbank loans to next to nothing.

That's not a great thing for us though. Less interdependency means there's a higher likelyhood that a crash would not bring down the whole castle.





NYSE opens at half past doesn't it?


What do you think is going to happen?
I'm the only one who is scared?

Almost certainly going to rally at the open, however if things start going south here over the course of the day it'll bring the European markets down from their limbo of 'recovery' today and we might be in for another crazy night.

nothing special will happen until the next week

why next week especially?

That's like saying that the only fun part of a roller coaster is when you get off and tell your friends about it.




another wave of cryptocrash hopefully with the introduction with the next APU-MIX mining machine


Don't worry guys, it's just a correction.

Qui si convien lasciare ogni sospetto; ogni vilta convien che qui sia morta


I dont speak european

Divine comedy:
Here all suspicion needs must be abandoned,
All cowardice must needs be here extinct.

If it makes you feel better I am Italian and the old Italian Dante uses is a bitch to understand.

Slow and steady bois, also rate my memelines

They keep testing the trendline, I've no idea what it means but it doesn't look good

It means capitalism wins again, foolish commies kek #Winning #RealNews

wait till my friends on t_d see you libtard f*gs get owned >B)

my memelines will reveal the truth you fool

Can you please explain exactly what we're seeing? At least for me, I'm on a phone.

Also, does the NYSE look similar?

Looking at Yahoo Finance is a trip, like reading a bipolar ex's livejournal. One day it's shrilly proclaiming doom, then optimism, then exuberance, followed by terror, doubt, enthusiasm, despair, and all back over again.


So far it looks like anemic "growth." Depending on the entrails this or that priest is using to divine these things, it's either about to explode into bull market hallelujah good times are here again, continual market instability, or incipient collapse.

Notice the volatility. The day is far from over.


The important thing is the green line going down that's the trendline, the color rectangles are just there to help you see where there might be potential resistance i'm not smart enough to explain how it works mathematically but who cares TA is just a self-fulfilling prophecy anyway

If my memelines are correct we're going up today and down tomorrow

Seems like activity died down in comparison to a few days ago.

The important thing is the green line going down that's the trendline, the color rectangles are just there to help you see where theme might be potential resistangles i'm not smart enough to explain how it works mathematically but who cares TA is just a self-fulfilling prophecy anyway

If my memelines are correct we're going up today and down tomorrow

True, and even when the US stops trading, we still have to see how the Asian market is going to react. It doesn't seem like any of the markets have a strong direction. It doesn't seem like anyone has any idea what is happening and is just shuffling pieces around while they wait and see what happens.

This precipitous plunge in interbank loans is concerning though, at least it seems it ought to be.

What the hell is happening i deleted that post and it came back from the dead

I'm messing w u, fam

Well guess i have to trademark Resistangles™ now

Trump introduced his meme-plan to rebuild infrastructure that will bring in trillions of jobs.

Again, volatility.

Looks like Stocks are just shooting straight upwards. Maybe it has something to do with>>2393315 ?

on the topic of meme-lines:

We should be hitting the ceiling soon if it breaks i don't know what will happen tho

Considering it's basically a trillion dollar corporate bonanza I really wouldn't be surprised.

I really wouldn't be surprised if that's a contributing factor to this drop in bank lending. Maybe Trump is taking a page from Abenomics and the new "economic stimulus" will be a trillion dollar money laundering construction scam.

Does that mean that this is actually a bear trap?

Considering construction news, investors might be even more willing to chuck money into the stock market.

Apparently the money is supposed to come from the states and local budgets. The Feds are putting up $200bn of the $1.5trn plan, so if states are going to go along with it they are going to be issuing a bunch of bonds, some amount of which will have income streams from tolls and shit. Otherwise, they're going to raise taxes or cut elsewhere.

Could you explain what you're talking about please ? i don't know much about american politics, btw they went a little bit above the ceiling but it doesn't look like they're really confident about going higher

Trump's infrastructure plan. The basic gist of it is that states either raise taxes or sell off everything. This means privatized roads, airports, bridges, etc.

What innovation Trump is truly a visionary



I'm not completely familiar with the legislation, so I'm not certain what effect it would have exactly. It wouldn't be inconceivable in the face of a speculative frenzy that we would see a spike in the market. Completely overhauling the infrastructure of the US is the only thing that I can think of atm that would create a market to replace China now that their growth has decelerated.

However, the US isn't China. They don't need foreign expertise to modernize. Most of what they need could be made domestically, crowding out foreign companies, and so not bringing in foreign capital.

Japan basically uses it's construction program as an unofficial welfare program. On paper they're providing employment at decent pay that keeps the chronically unemployed population low. But that's what it is, basically a subsidy. It's not a profitable venture, ripping up and rebuilding the same road every six to eight months.

So if my current understanding of the legislation is correct, it would basically be that, the US government subsidizing these construction companies. I really have no clue how many ways you'd have to split up a trillion dollars in order to employ enough companies or contractors it would take to completely overhaul the US, or really even how many construction companies there are in actuality.

If I were a betting man too, most of the jobs would go to non-Americans, keeping costs low, and profitability up.

What would really get the waters churning is how much of this infrastructure is going to be privatized. What kind of Capitalists would they be if they didn't charge us to build it and then charge us to use it? IIRC Riyadh owns the Pennsylvania or West Virginia turnpike and makes a mint off it. I would imagine the prospect of owning a major American thoroughfare would be pretty appetizing

But all this is just speculative, off the top of my head. I imagine the real answer is more complicated and more horrifying.

Thank you guys, I'm not exactly at liberty to double check my guesswork so the information is appreciated.

Oh hey it really is worse than I thought.




Well, I mean… the guy did pretend to be an isolationist during his campaign. Maybe they're next?

Damn, that's a good joke

Since it's been proven that "the less people the less economy needed"[1] my guess is that they're going to start cutting some heads


Also here are my current memelines


This plan is going to fucking rape the red states. Good luck raising taxes or finding anyone to invest in country roads.

Can't wait for education to get slashed into oblivion where Betsy DeVos brings about her plan to make every fucking school private or charter

That's probably the point of all this, or at least a happy accident to the Koch-tier oligarchs.

All these cuts will probably be sold as just another indictment of 'government failure and waste' to the average republican voting red-stater.

We will just keep making cuts until only the military is left.

Holy fuck, just let it crash porky

Perhaps then some of that anti-North-Korea propaganda will lose its sting

if that's going sideways i really want to see what you call going down my dude

Bloomberg Live calls Kim Jong Un's sister "NK's new weapon" and a bit later "a cheerleader".

Kill the baby boomers, give the young an early grave, and force them into the military because all that's left for you if you want any benefits is a military career.

They're taking fucking hints from the Starship Troopers movie, not even the stupid novel

Can't wait until this smug smarmy fuck gets booted

Hopefully it’ll cause Rednecks to give up on the GOP.

Good luck

Look, you pie-in-the-sky Democrat, the state cannot bear the unsustainable burden of providing school lunches to children without the means to pay. Furthermore it instills in them at an early age the false idea that other people should pay for their mistakes. It's time we let these little Welfare Princes know that the free ride is over.

DOW just broke 2% increase. Up 500 points

Yeah they broke my memelines kinda expected since the trend was too sharp to continue much longer but i still expect it to drop considerably tomorrow or the day after tho

01:52:00 to go. Let's see how they do just before the close.


RIP in peace, VIX.

is this one also going to be liquidated at a certain threshold ?

It's the volatility index.

Ah that's the one the XIV was valued on ?

Seriously, when's this all going to come crashing down? The suspense is killing me

if we're lucky right before the close, wouldn't hold my breath tho

Capitalism is strong, much stronger at least than your commie dreams of equal utopia. While you are not producing anything and drooling over a possible (but highly unlikely) crash the investors are turning around this boat and creating value for society.

This is perhaps the height of Poe's Law.

No they aren't



It looks like it will keep climbing for a while. Probably will dip again tomorrow or the day after

Nice, time to invest in rare pink wojaks

Since January 6th the DOW has dropped 7.96%, the global markets were in sudden turmoil, and the XIV lost everything it ever made in nearly a decade and is now extinct

Please tell me more about your strong stable economy

Anybody know why the Interbank loan market data says it crashed in January? I honestly don't even know if it is significant, it has swung like that before, and swings like that don't always mean there is a crash coming.

*January 26th

I think the memelines got me now i kinda want to put $50 in crypto for fun

Don't be a noodle-armed soyfag, boy! Sell your house, put it in crypto!

post results

Alright but i'm going to wait for the next big one before going in

1 hour to go.

Hold on to you pantaloons.

Back to work, proles. Nothing to see here, move along. This happening is officially OVER.

Read Cockshott.

Bloomberg Live: "US capitalism is enjoying its renaissance now!"

Good lord, the absolute state of porkies.

Looks like we're out of the bull trap, and returning to "normal".

His idea of non-accumulable digitised labour vouchers seems like a less fetishisable form of Gessel's freigeld.

Bloomberg Live: "Trump's proposal [to possibly privatize the infrastructure] is going to open up a very healthy debate on alternative ways we can take care of infrastructure."


Burger Pokies, Smartest Pokies

Seems like crypto follows the stock market. Once a downturn happens again, I expect both to fall

Little sell off at the end.

Looks stable after a volatile start. It'll be interesting to see how long that lasts

I wonder–now I wonder–if slashing aid to the poor, those most severely hit by both both the opioi epidemic and the economic downturn and the flu crisis, I wonder if that isn't accidental.

Tokyo opens in 02:47:00.

corresponding VIX

American stalk, end of day.

ment to post

Any day now, the correction is coming. (says an increasingly nervous classcucked prole)


Get the names down of these people. They'll have to answer for their crimes before the people's tribunal, when all is said and done.

Does anyone know when Japanese markets open.

About half an hour

30 minutes from now


usually there's a 10-15 minutes latency

Easiest way to cut budgets in the US is deporting people.

The math doesn't work out. People in the US illegally are very unlikely to take from entitlement programs, so the burden they put on the country is very small. When compared to how much immigration enforcement costs, you never actually save any money. Plus, you know, they pay sales taxes and such.

They do, they just get fake social security documents, which you usually need to work in the first place… Many illegal immigrants also receive welfare through their (citizen) children.


[citation needed]

I hope you enjoy paying $15+ a pack for cigarettes then.


You lose out on sales taxes and also on property taxes cause illegals occupy real estate that most americans wouldn't even dream of going into. Deportation takes a lot of resources and funding so you'd have a net negative.

Then they won't give a fuck

About you

You fucking idiot



Squatters fucking rights



... yes?

No that wasn't your assertion, that was that they were on welfare. You have yet to provide evidence of this..

Good thing I don’t smoke.

Why does this look so fucking goofy

It looks like it's about to start chortling at me in Ed Wynn's voice

Say that to the millions of homeless Americans.

We care too much.

The volatility is real, buckle your seatbelt because we’re going on a roller coster ride.

Illegals dont live for free you know.



paul ryan is a soulless sociopath
I'll never forget the time he defended ending school lunch programmes with an invented sob story about a kid who was sad because he got lunch at school while some of his friends got their lunches from their parents made with love
it was the most disgusting thing imaginable and him almost tearing up while spinning this bullshit is worthy of going to hell

I really hope he trips on his treadmill at full speed.

Really? I just hope someone drops his ass with a gun lol

No, somebody as loathsome as him needs to go out in a way that's humiliating to the point of comedy. Like he slips on a banana peel into an arby's deep fryer

He's so exhausting I just want his life to end anyways I don't give a fuck how, just let him die.

Shoot him, throw a rock at his head, dump acid on his face

Actually dumping acid on his face is probably a fate you and I can both agree would be fitting for Paul Ryan. Because I don't know anyone can stand his fucking looking like he's about to cry face.

so much for the tolerant left


Holy shit.

We can't go down everyday otherwise that would mean that we're already witnessing the crash

We should be making an effort not just to observe, but to try to understand why these markets are reacting the way they are. The way Bloomberg is spinning it, the storm is over and it's all sunshine from here on out. But the American indexes ended up, what, +1%? And

Is just the first few hours of the second day. There are still plenty of innings left in the game.

Open wide.



Yeah i won't believe that it's over until we're back to pic related level right now we're still going down and relatively fast too. Also don't read fucking Bloomberg m8.

That would be a lot better for my blood pressure. I mostly just look at it either for stock quotes or to see what the "official word" is. Access to the Financial Times would really be ideal, but >money

New RDW btw, just out yesterday. If he doesn't mention what's happening in the world market I'll be rather surprised.

It kinda look like they're following the Dow so i took a look back at the Dow chart and i'm really confident that we're going to see a big drop not at the next Dow session (maybe at the close) but the one after. If there isn't one feel free to insult me for jinxing it.

please fix this mods

Is this the bull trap?

No to be called a bulltrap it would have to go back to something like 22600

It's a BO thing, and it's not enabled (or was originally) because tracking. Now that Holla Forums tracks you though I don't know that it matters much.

Screenshotting this post so that when the crash fails to manifest we know who to blame.

Alright but it works both way if my prediction is correct i want Holla Forums eternal love and admiration, also i'm not saying the crash will happen i'm saying that it's going to go back to the previous low


Was I right?

Well I've got some bad news then because no matter where we are currently in the crash (if this is actually a crash) it would probably still take months to reach the bottom of it

If you have the courage go watch a documentary on traders their job is to found new AIs that works they're not actually trading themselves

It isn't impossible, or particularly unlikely. I can't help but think that part of the schizophrenic positions these news outlets are taking is part of it. We know that Trump microtargeted people via facebook during the election, and we know too that Facebook is basically a big statistical treasure trove. I really wouldn't be surprised if there were artificial personalities both monitoring specific users and feeding them strategically placed bits of "information."

Then I read things like

And remember that whatever AI are running this thing, somewhere someone's got their finger on the scale. I wonder too how effective AI would ultimately be, especially if they A) confer a serious market advantage and B) are priced out of the range of less affluent firms and markets.

But I also wonder too if any of that matters.

This has also been at times major point of contention between myself and other users on Holla Forums in the past. "Attacking non-military figures and civilians will doom your cause! It's never worth the negative backlash it'll bring! Blah blah blah public opinion!" When you have IT serfs maintaining integral components of the bourgeoisie's technocratic infrastructure–AIs, AI developers, server farmers, engineers designing drones, mathematicians working on the algorithms designed to suss out would-be leftists on social media, whatever–if their destruction impedes the development of bourgeois class power or their absence creates instability in the system, they're a valid target, whether they're "wearing a uniform" or not

If you have the courage go watch a documentary on traders their job is to find new algorithms that works they're not actually trading themselves

oh boy oh boy oh boy

such gains
such market

Buckle in, boys.

35 minutes until Japan closes. This will be a bumpy ride.

Japan starts freefall



not slowing either




they get a lunch break for 3 months?

How do you think Sumo wrestlers are made?



Hong Kong following suit.


These markets should have known better

10 minutes till close

8 minutes

7 minutes

can we hit -1 or -2%, comrades?

6 minutes

4 and a half minutes





Man the Nikkei is in freefall. Oh shit

It is officially closed but both marketwatch and google lag behind 10-15 minutes. It's still falling.

Is there anything unique to the Nikkei that just causes it to shit itself repeatedly? All the other markets are doing okay, but what the absolute fuck is happening to them?


Shinzo Abe suggested that he may get a new finance minister which is what may have caused today's downturn. But that rapid downturn is a bit disturbing so I dont think thats it.

I mean they're all in the green, I have no doubt that there isn't a large amount of shit that can go wrong for them, but today was a bull market.

Does finishing less than 2% in the green after tumbling all day really count as a "bull market?"

how deep does the rabbit hole go?

01:40:00 till Hong Kong closes.

Is this… dare I say… a beginning of another free fall?

16 minutes till close

14 minutes



France, Germany and Britain starting off rocky



The European markets are average, but the real interesting news is in American oil.

Rocky is the right word for it.
I doubt we'll see much till the NYSE opens since the European markets are almost always led on by the trend in the US but this volatility could be chalked up to the current pre market trading which at least for now indicate the DOW will fall on open. So as usual the show starts in 5 hours.

dat volatility, tho

We're on a downward trend in France and Germany, curiously less so in Britain but its one hell of a roller-coaster there

It was up by 1.5% and closed at -0.6% It’s going down.

Oil is going down because of increased compition from Nuclear and Green energy.

NYSE opens in 01:53:00.

Volatility is so high in Europe that NYSE's start will probably determine the course of all. Even a slight negative in NYSE opening can spiral into a negative reinforcement loop b/w EU & US.

and ofc vica versa

Ridiculous volatility, esp. in Britain!


Man when even futures are down you know your in for a bad time

Soon they'll have to start calling then no-futures.

Today could be it.


a little under an hour lads

'=='Cause it don't bleed and it don't breathe==
It's locked its jaws and now it's swallowing
It's in our heart, it's in our head
It's in our love, baby, it's in our bed

I only wish I could. In fact I wish we both could. Why I don't think you've ever looked so good as when you were looking away. You're the only person I know who's portraits all consist of the back of his head. When your father opens up his wallet it looks like a barbershop style guide. After your delivery the first thing he said was "What's your return policy, doctor?"

Wake me up
Say enough is enough
I'm dying to live
Something's gotta give

EU anticipating US open (24 minutes).

plz help us, thx


(I've been posting under Downloading Communism & :DDD flag so far. I'm assuming this flag in an anticipation of what is to come.)


It's gonna be fine



Soon the Revolutionary Synthetic Communist vanguard will lead the proletariat unto victory!




hoo boy.






How bad does it have to get before social cohesion starts to break down and the US goes full fascist?


Volatility index.
🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


It keeps getting higher.

Good Morning Comrades






Are they trying to keep people calm? I have Fox Business on and they are playing videos of robots doing flips and shit to distract people.

Try MarketWatch. It updates every couple of seconds

watch Bloomberg Live on youtube for keks.


Thread theme:

It's not going well,is it?

why not both
Fox Biz is funnier IMO

Oh my suggestion was just for google not auto-updating

j-just a correction , nothing going on here market theme for the day

(Sweats profusely)

Replied to the wrong post. whoops

meant for


Its so satisfying watching porky lose their shit



Its ok prole. Just buy the dip!

How is it today?




Hasn't their market been the only one consistently rising since this mess started?

sure seems that way

Man, they're pumping the market like crazy

s m a l l
b u s i n e s s

Volatile as fuck and still in the red

Bloomberg is much more sectarian on the market:

thx Trump-ama



Also, I learned two new English words today:
Strumpet: a female prostitute or a promiscuous woman.
Dotard: an old person, especially one who has become weak or senile.


Just a reminder: high volatility usually means yuge sells when the stock market is about to close!


Why must the habbening be such a cocktease?

Most trades are done via algorithms and they keep "buying the dip".

It's not, really. Look at the broader context, the actual habbeding, and reflect on

Teasing cocks means somebody is making a lot of money.

Also, checked.

Because even if we don't know it, Americans all know this is the end of the empire and the end of being the sole industrial power in the world, rather than give that up, we'll try to take China, and the rest of the world down with us.

If this level of volatility continues up until market close we'll see morbid stock burn.


YAR! These be some stormy seas, mateys!

Volatility index

Alright dimitri begin phase two.

how do I hold all this volatility

This was the plan all along..


the dow is shaky as fuck
my guess: it's actually dropping pretty hard but some of the big players and bots (who can manipulate the stock market but only to a certain extent) keep forcing it upwards again
the moment they stop forcing it, it's gonna crash

Elaborate? Who are these big players and how can they do this?

The DAX had a strong finish lads.



bro, i do dat

I doubt its exactly a conscious effort. Rather the volatility of the market is just due to the fear caused by the sell-offs and the predatory buying and selling of those who want to buy the dip and sell fast on the sort of market which hasn't been seen in a while.
The problem with this limbo of zero growth is that it was initiated by rumours of inflation/wage growth/rising interest rates which caused the initial massive drops. Now that its settled into this uneasy volatile limbo, it can't continue forever. Something will have to break it and unless they get good news that everything will stay the same they won't return to the high growth of the past few years.
Rather, either the news comes out that there is inflation or there will be a rise in interest rates from the FED and that will cause everything to breakdown or the current no growth pattern just gives in at some point and it all goes down. Either way this limbo state is the metaphorical 'calm' before the storm and is good for us since there's no real way but down from this market stalemate.



c'mon baby take a chance with us


individual players can't manipulate the entire stock market, the market cap is far too high

And meet me at the back of the blue bus

flag related

lol what

How about tomnoddy, poltroon, coxcomb, blackguard?



this is a dumb thread and does not deserve a cyclical

This supposed to explain what directly…? Your confusion?

2008.v.2. don't deserve its own thread cuz muh feels




when it actually happens, we will have threads
there is no point in watching the stock market with baited breath, and screencapping every up or downtick of .05%
it's pathetic

The global market has been volatile worldwide since January 26th

This is easier, cool down

it's basically our /biz/ shitposting embassy right now

Oh shit its mooning.

wtf is happing

Could you take your asspain somewhere else and stop shitting up the thread.

Wtf happened here.

It was pretty fun last week when it was down by 400-900 points and steadily dropped every hour or so. I think most of us here just want to recapture that energy.

Pic related - the glory days of yesteryear. (Feb 8th).


some news gave out more cautious titled articles even though they took note of the plus
basically the tenor is "it's not necessarily over yet"
we'll see the coming days

It don' matter. Nona this matters.

The fact that after such a huge drop, the rebound has only been .25% for today must be scaring the shit out of investors.



Can someone please explain to me what happened.

They bought the dip bro

Afterhour stock trading was in the negatives, but people bought the dip at the end of the day.
American Oil still remains to be an interesting prospect though. It too took a deep dip and then barely managed to recover. Only to dip back down to .10% at the end of the day.
Have no idea how the Crude Oil industry affects things, I believe it is the backbone of the American economy, so this might be bad news for the yanks.

Oil isn’t that important for America per say, but in seton regions of America it is. Such as the Gulf Coast, North Dakota, and Alaska, without oil those regions would suffer severely, but the rest of the country would continue on as if nothing happened. It’s also worth noting the Gulf Coast is already pretty impoverished.

Can we get it to go into the negatives, right before closing?

It closed at +.16. Literally nothing

Final Closing of today

Damn, capitalism wins again. Is the Nikkei the next one we have to look forward to?

O ye of little faith.


0.14 is stagnation, not growth

Nikkei's at +88

Nikkei's in the red now lads.


It’s going up unfortunately.

It's back down at .26%
Market volatility remains high.

It’s going down. (I know this meme was made for Bitcoin ,but it applies to the stocks as well)



What the absolute hell is going on with bitcoins? Has it always been this unstable?


fuck, not 1000, 509 points, 15%

Not good

The dimwits who unironically talk about karltural marxism love this damn pic.

That pic should read "your butt.

Well, what's the bubble?

Looks like the nikkei will go under 1% today. This shit is tanking

Thank you god


I like anime!




tokyo final

Hang Seng and SSE both closed with a plus.


London just pooped its pants.

Hot damn. Imagine being on the trading floor.

wtf happened lmao

DAX and CAC too. What the hell is going on over there?


Hot damn. Did somebody piss in a server or something?

Futures went into negative.


Found the reason: Markets go into reverse as US inflation unexpectedly spikes higher - business live.

Apparently the cause is the US CPI Data release

don't ask me what any of this means but inflation has people shook.


It's because of this.


That's ltierally a NOPE.avi in financial form.


Looks like Dow's reacting to the news too.

Look at those related stories.

Porky gettin' scared.

Damn, the slope on that motherfucker

Yeesh. Today's gonna be crazy.

It looks like things are mooning after that bit of news, so I guess they took things pretty well?

Oh, I go zip zop zoobity bop!



Bitch please

This tbh


I think we need to drill into people's fucking heads endlessless that this was all precipitating by news that wages had risen so people understand that the interests of stock and profit are fundamentally opposed to the interests of workers.


No duh

Don't worry proles it's just a correction!

We had about a 2300 point drop from the height of the dow. The rebound so far has been about 1050 points. Generally it takes about ~50% rebound before we enter the "return to normal" phase before we start heading straight down. The major dip is about to come.


They're going to pull children's teeth and hair out to pay for this, those who refuse to comply will get a conservative facebook boomer meme about being lazy and unpatriotic like Colin Kaepernick and antifa. Alternatively, if this goes through, ( ), the feds can punish the poor by downsizing their rations.

Not just downsizing rations, but excluding fresh produce from the list of available options for the people on benefits to spend that money on. In this way it becomes a minor boon to the corporate manufacturing groups that package and sell canned and preserved foods. Worse economy = more people on benefits = more people who have to 'live within their means' while on social welfare = more net sales for the handful of international megacorps that manufacture most of the food we eat because that's all you can buy with the benefit money.
It's corporate welfare that feeds poor people shitty food.

Not to mention those who receive megacorp welfare behave exactly like drug dealers

exactly like drug dealers, except with way more money, power, influence, lawyers, and usually an imperialist terror-state to back them up if the locals get too rowdy, like in Guatemala during the banana wars.

Is inflation the ultimate spook?

This is only happing because Valentine’s Day is a mass day of consumerism, like all holidays in America, unfortunately.

Porky wins again. We have about a 50% rebound so hopefully tomorrow is when shit hits the fan


Same should be true to a lesser extent of the days leading up to it.

Good morning fellow crash addicts! Monitoring Johannesburg stocks because of Zuma's resignation.


hey, so I'm still learning economics, but wasn't the consensus a few months ago that the republican tax bill would be like an adrenaline shot for the stock market, and hold off any crashes for a year or at least until the end of tax season or something?

don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love it if the stock market crashed right after the tax bill that porky championed as a huge boon for the economy was passed. imagine liberals tripping over themselves trying to explain that one

Who’s ready for the Bull trap.


Oh, I'm ready.


Did this meme come with an advertisement?



I'm reading that bitcoins have been rebounding too. If growth continues for the rest of the week, I think we're firmly in bull trap territory.

Go down motherfucker




Down down down downnnn


Germany in red.


Rally status = sold

DOW in red

Germany, UK in red, France holds.


Okay, now should come the panic sell-off as people see that the rally is over.

France still holds.

all coming back up again

Looks like this is gonna be a super volatile day. Dow is at +.10 now

(readies the Glass just in case)

Germany, France: going down.
DOW, UK: going up.

erryone going down again

bring it down

b-buy the d-dip!!!!!


How many hours left untill they close??
Click "hours" of Germany, France, UK, NYSE.

I'm betting on +.45% increase for DOW and then a dip again

Is it just me or Google updates the graphs MUCH less frequently today?

Seriously, CAC 40, DAX, FTSE, DOW: it only updates every half minutes, while it did every 5 second before. (I'm pressing F5 as well.)

you all probably hammered the servers too much lol

Porky wont give up

The higher it climbs, the worst the crash is going to be. Porkies are getting really fucking desperate.

Call me a nutjob, but at this point I seriously think that those who have major stakes (shares) in these markets have an auto-buy bot in place for every major dip to match it.

Go down dow plz.

I think we have a little bit to go before that. Porky still has faith that everything is under control. The "it's just a correction" meme is still getting play. If bitcoin plummets again, or a bunch of sudden bankruptcies start popping up, or some kind of major, unexpected shift in the market, that's when the panic will start imo.

For the big hogs, things are ideal. They expect to recover to where things were pre dip (and more), so they're getting a bunch of bargains that they expect to shortly increase in value.

I can't guess what could happen, but all of a sudden investors have been swarming over phone apps that have been losing money for years. Snapchat, Twitter, and other "big names" have climbed up recently. I'm not certain why, but I find it hard to believe that they've somehow solved their revenue problems. If one of those folded, I imagine investors for other internet properties and apps would flee in droves. They could call it the dotapp bubble, and we'll all have to pretend that it was totally unexpected and like this is never happened before. The anemic retail industry could be a weak link too.

Maybe I'm just a brainlet, but it seems like a lot of things are balance very precariously against each other, and any one of them going could send it all crashing down.

Reminder that Plunge Protection Team exists.

I made that vid (& gif) and I love it. Fuck me for my narcissism.

source? (The free market is strong, it needs no outside meddling defenders!)

Good job man. Will be using it on /biz/ when the market goes south again.

Ok, but this in Germany, France, UK as well?

European markets just take the cues from the US

What happens on Dow Jones echos almost everywhere else. Global hegemony, remember?

Bloomberg is acting like everything is back to normal now.

Do you think they'll all start plunging tomorrow or it will start next week?

I'll give it until March or April before shit actually hits the fan. I highly doubt that the crash can be any sooner or later than that. There is simply no real reason why the market would fall now, but it will fall eventually and there is simply no chance in hell that this could be prevented.

Give it a minute and they'll be in a panic again.

Japan is going up



Ment to post

What do you think is gonna happen?


The market is still going crazy

I-it's fine. It's just a correction. All these government regulations have really messed up the economy, and Trump Sama just needs time to fix it, so of course there're gonna be a lot of corrections! baka!

It's because of the Russian Indictments.

Markets are closed on Monday. Look at the end rally, Tuesday will be an absolute bloodbath

To bad this thread will be dead by then

Not if we keep it alive (worst case scenario we make a new one, I'll make it if I need to)

We could just chat about bitcoins. Specifically about how much it's been spiking these last few days.

Any news or something?

markets are closed rn so not much, but probably next week will be a blood bath

what makes you think this will continue so soon?

You can't predict what will happen next week tbh. We know that the stock market is currently wildly overvalued, and that steps are being taken (raising interest rates by central banks) that will hamper the financial markets. So a big correction is necessarily in the future. But if it will happen in big shocks, and if so when these will come, is all dependent on unpredictable mass hysteria.

I want it to crash again in the next month.
This time 80% loss.


Bitcoin prices

BTC still has a long way to go. It will probably break $60,000 to $100,000 before it crashes hard again.

its funny watching you guys talk about markets.
if youll notice, before 12:30ish, things were chugging along quite strong (especially considering the week previous). it was the indictment announcement that got everyone scared. then the press statement went out and softened the blow saying that there was "no connection to the election" or whatever it was they said (cant remember). this happens a lot in the securities world as the big boys get the news prior to everyone else, cash out prematurely, wait for the market to tumble on the bad news, have their buddies in the press soften the blow, then they jump in and ride it back up.

the sharp sell off you see at the very end of the day is totally standard for a holiday weekend and just weekends in general (the floor traders pretty much always take their money off the table for weekends). other than hedges who cant move in and out of things, almost everyone cashes out for the weekend, and especially long ones like this.

i do, however, think that tuesday will be a red day, but i sincerely doubt that we are going to see the dow below 24,000 (ie it will be bad on tuesday, but not catastrophic like the other week). i honestly wish it would keep falling so that there would be more buyback opportunities, but thats my porky problems, not yours (although i suppose they line up here).

its important to remember that due to most trading being done electronically, crashes are a lot smoother than they used to be. for example the biggest crash ever was the one in 1987, black monday. back then almost all trading was done via broker, through the phone. everyone was heading for the door on the friday before, and when everyone saw what the futures looked like on monday, everyone else tried to pull their money as well. now since this was all done over the phone, and had to be put in during market hours, you had a massive backlog of massive sells, and obviously no buyers. so those people who didnt get their order in early enough were unable to sell until the market bottomed out (and i DO mean BOTTOMED out), thus losing pretty much their whole equity. the people who were trading on margins accounts were not only completely wiped out, but also owed quite a bit of money to their brokerages, some of which ran out of money themselves. the fact that trading is done electronically now bypasses most of these pitfalls. there are also "circuit breakers" that halt all trading on certain exchanges after they fall a certain amount in a day. so while i know you all are praying for some sort of massive market meltdown, if it happens, it will look quite different to how the previous ones did.

also i forgot to add, since you guys are looking forward to total collapse. if you know nothing about how the market works, and want to see if today will be a bloodbath, check the VIX in the morning before the market opens, and then check it a little after the opening bell. if it is spiking like crazy than you can be sure there will be blood, atleast in the immediate term. the VIX is literally referred to as the "fear indicator" and measures volatility. amaze your friends with your new power to predict massive waves of retail trader suicides.

also, and this is just out of curiosity, i know you guys are obviously very much against the free market, and trading in general, but have any of you ever considered taking up short positions? it is more risky than long positions, but it is literally taking money directly out of the pockets of people who are invested long in corporations. i would imagine quite a lot of you guys would get off on that (i know i do, and im a full fledged porker myself). you could also trade options and just set up a bunch of long puts so that if the stock market crashes, you would become a millionaire essentially from stealing EVERY boomers retirement plan.





Do Not Worry



On a real this is more indicative of a coming crisis than the actual start tbh

that whole thing of monitoring the first initial slide within hours and days was fun and all but if you want to be a bit more serious about this you gotta look at a longer time period

we had bigger movement than that on last thursday, so this really isn't that interesting until after it becomes a significant drop again


Not today I suppose.

Let's make it -1%!


I thought the markets were closed today

The US is.

US only, no?

oh geez relax. im just tryin to help you guys make sense of what youre looking at.

as most of you are aware, this recent crash is the result of rampant speculation that has been going on in the market for around a decade. the catalyst, on the surface seems to have been the political happenings, but the reality has more to do with the central banks. that bloody monday that happened a few weeks ago was on the new FED chairmans first day. this new guy is faced with the dilemma that the FED has put off hiking interest rates basically since the 08 crash and subsequent bank bailouts. it is becoming clear to most traders that the FED will likely hike interest rates 4 separate times this year. this will crush the global bull market. the mountains of debt that have been piling up will start to gain weight, and with the dollar already declining it is very likely that this will begin the end of US hegemony.

should be good news for you guys. but make no mistake, this has less to do with politics, and more to do with the whole debt economy crumbling under its own weight.

so, politics

discerning the portents is of the utmost importance, citizen. offend the gods at thine own peril

The nikkei is open



By the way screenshot user, I appreciate your dedication to this thread even after the apparent market stabilization/lack of exciting habbenings


And we have reach -200

Hopefully tomorrow is gonna be a bloodbath for the US markets. I'm getting sick and tired of porky's bullshit.

Second. Damn dude.





What's got them spooked?






Japan Today

The rally for the hang seng is astronomical

It sure did shoot right up there

Only in Burgerland

Just wait until tomorrow, I can't wait for my big fat wet country's Markets to open it'll be so cathartic.

Asian countries are starting to rally.

The market isn't crashing, but it will in a few years. This is the bear trap, expect everything to go sky high for 24-48ish months then pop.The market isn't crashing, but it will in a few years. This is the bear trap, expect everything to go sky high for 24-48ish months then pop.

Market fundamentals are still too good for investors to feel skittish. Consumer spending is still up, taxes are being cut and overall the boat is going too steady. However most larger banks realize major problems are not being resolved, the most obvious being the China trade deficit which will likely spark a trade war as Trump moves on that over the next few months (the s232 investigations are timed such that they'll deliver right before the midterms, a move that will ensure a Republican lock on Congress). Trump will turn the H1B system into an auction meanwhile use a reformed NAFTA to "fix" the Chinese trade problem. Meanwhile the fallout from the "russian meddling" investigations will almost certainly result in new Internet regulations which will hamper the ability for tech venture capitalism to operate as it has. In Europe there is concerns over the profitability of major banks, even with negative interest rates growth is not where it needs to be inside the core EU economies. Meanwhile China keeps stacking on debt to keep their economy afloat, an untenable situation that is causing banks to cut their credit ratings of their debts.

That said, this is a witch's brew of an economic collapse. Just not now, things are sliding along just nicely enough where investors aren't going to panic sell. But in 24 months investors will see that none of these issues have been addressed, so when the market begins to naturally cycle back into recession investors will run and the market collapses.

The 1st world will die for good with the next economic crash. China will do just fine. Expect them to start "developing" the hallowed out center of America by 2025.


What sort of market fundamentals are actually doing well though? European banks are on the brink of collapse, Japan has been failing to go above 2% on their last rally and the numerous debt that people have been collecting will likely hit way sooner than you think it will. There is also the fact that America is failing to even be innovative anymore, banks are starting to destroy their own jobs and the fact that the homeless situation is becoming ever increasingly worse.
I don't really see this lasting for more than a few months at best, although the actual collapse will be slow and arduous that the actual hellish effects that will come from it will manifest within the 24-48month timeframe.
Of course, I am nothing more than someone who has been keeping an eye on the markets for more than 2 months, so take my hypothesis with a grain of salt.

Nikkie Post-Luch break is making small recoveries.

Fuck I like listening to RT

Europe opens in 01:30:00.
Japan closes in 00:30:00.
Hong Kong closes in 02:30:00.

If America is forced to raise interest rates for whatever reason then the game is up and the west will collapse.

Nah fam they're gonna start doing negative interest rates to breathe oxygen into this zombie economy. They haven't run out of tricks yet.

You realize we're due for a crash, right?

What on Earth are you talking about? We've bought the dip, the market recovered, capitalism is living its renaissance!


For this to be a bear trap there has to be somewhere for the economy to grow, but there's nowhere. Consumption is declining, production is declining, profits are declining. The only thing keeping all these plates spinning was trillion dollar a year loans at practically no interest, and just the hint of that not being the case any more made trillions of dollars evaporate from the market.

And privatization. That's the key here. Austerity and privatization schemes will keep this train going until the system collapses or we end up in an ancap hellscape.

ancap hellscape will be the collapse dude, these things are one and the same. Good news is ancap will not be a durable regime to break. Just as the GDR emerged out of Nazi ruin, socialist America must emerge out of ancap ruin.

If this is the bear trap, then by the time the bubble bursts we'll be fucking living on Mars.

If Trumps infrastructure package happens, it's pretty much going to be an ancap hellscape.


We've had some ups and downs with the hang seng. Seems like Chinese porkies are trying real hard to stop this shit from crashing but the "recovery" is short lived. They wont be able to stop whats coming. Nikkei dropped a decent amount today too. Lets hope the european markets and the DOW go down as well so that panic begins to set in.

Morgan Stanley: Says Stock Slide Was Just an Appetizer – the "Real Deal" is yet to come!


South Africa




Guys what if Cape Town runs out of water and South Africa really tanks? Will that be what pops the bubbles of cheap credit all around the capitalist world? Can we steer our communities away from fascism before it's too late?

we had bigger drops just before the weekend before it "recovered"
can we just wait for some significant movement now? this is getting tiresome

Europe open.

Singapoor, Russia.

Looks like a short squeeze for the European markets.

Aaaaand down we go

Hong Kong close.

It won't. China's debt loads are much higher than America's, a situation that will be much worse 2-3 years from now if they don't stop issuing debt. They will either face a Japanese style economic stagnation or a total economic depression. Also they won't be developing America because NAFTA will be reconfigured to lock them out of the NA market. This is why Mexico is entertaining the NAFTA renegotiation at all, because their capitalists are working with America's to cut out the competition and make more money. This is capitalism in it's rawest form.

American consumer spending is up, which is the basis of the entire global economy. If that weakens the bottom drops out. Trump is also creating new American jobs through protectionism which will increase (this is not an endorsement of him, capitalists all turn on each other when cornered with falling rates of profit growth).

That said, this isn't sustainable in the long term nor do investors expect it to be. Everyone is realizing the market highs mean the market is peaking, so a slide into a recession is inevitable per the capitalist business cycle. Most economists realize this, but they can't agree on the timeframe. It's either going to happen very soon (2-3 months) or in a few (2-3) years, based purely on investor confidence. Normally this is not a cause for concern, it only turns to panic when larger institutional problems have not been addressed (EU banks and Chinese debt in particular). Coupled with a reorganization of international trade due to the NAFTA regurgitation and things look pretty bad.

But again the issue is the timing, and much of this is based on how much Americans are buying. If Americans keep buying more and more things then investors will have more faith in the markets. But consumers do not have bottomless wallets, so this will eventually end. The question is when.

Negative rates won't happen in America because it would just cause a bank run. Americans aren't trusting of their banks like Europeans are, also people could avoid it by moving all their deposits into their 401ks, which the government wouldn't hit with a negative interest rate (if they did they'd be subsidizing the current economy with the future one, an untenable situation as people would cash out their 401ks and horde physical cash or gold instead). Either way the policy wouldn't work and would only serve to leave banks without enough deposits to issue loans, thereby crushing their ability to make profits. As is partially the case in Europe.

That's my point.

The underlying reasons for the Long Depression

>What the Fed economists don’t explain is why the US economy has been slowing in productivity growth and innovation since 2000. What is missing from the analysis is what drives the adoption of new techniques and labour-saving equipment. Gordon and others just accept the current slowdown as a ‘return to normal’ from the exceptional 1990s.

find out next time


dat volatility

Looks like we'll be opening in the negatives

England pooping its pants. France doesn't know yet. Germany on the decline.

DOW futures keep tanking as well. Its almost down 200 points. Looks like today is gonna be a Bloody Tuesday

ooh boi


(Euronext is Holland)

wouldn't get too excited just yet, its not really bloody until its a 900-1000 point drop

past 200

Four and a half hours until NYSE opens, futures keeps dropping.

Russia on steady decline.



That's a legit business opportunity, my friend!

no doubt the politicians have broke the banks (that happened in 08), but this collapse will be more on the backs of the bigboy banksters simply being unable to prop their own shit up anymore.

financial powers operate seperately from the political elite. they scratch each others backs, no doubt, but they have different methods and ways of getting things done. i would argue that the financial powers are far stronger (and obviously their lobbies have a great deal more money behind them). their goals and motivations line up quite a bit, but they most certainly live in different worlds.

i dont call bankster politics, politics, because it lacks the "political" aspect of having to present yourself as a good guy (its much more like how the mob works). big bankers can operate their entire careers from the shadows. the political aspect of trying to save face with the population in order to keep your job is non-existent in the financial world.

anyways. looks like it should be a red day, will open down a little less than a percent overall. i think that there will be a big slide of sells at open, then all the floor traders are going to buy it back up, and we are going to go sideways, maybe slide down a little until wednesday or thursday and pop. if you will notice the VIX indicator, it is up 3% right now which is quite a lot for premarket hours. you should see a massive spike right at the open of volatility, as most major indexes crash somewhat, it should find the bottom sometime before noon, and then it will stabilize. i could be wrong though, the irrational thing would be for it to just go parabolically up, in which case the major crash you are all looking for is MUCH closer than ive anticipated.

like i said though, you wont see a major crash until the FED announces when these rate hikes are coming. at this rate, we are looking at about one rate hike a quarter. this will turn the street into the bloodbath you are all looking for

7 minutes, faglords!

the absolute fucking retardation of this thread is mind boggling

there's the door, faggot

Care to elaborate, my learned friend?


he's showing that stock futures are down by .070 percent stock market grew on average by 5% over the previous week. As of right now Dow is down .45, S&P .027 and Nsadaq 0.15



dude seriously .041 is nothing. It's actually nothing. Even for the lowest of the low retail investors on robinhood it's nothing. It cannot and is not supposed to go up all the time.

Go on any website that tracks world indices. Nasdaq is now positive

When Apple Amazon Google Nvidia all the major banks and most tech stocks are positive nothing's happening. It's literally an average day. The retail sector is down because of bad earnings from Wallmart but that was to be expected and nobody gives a shit


please relax


you bullish for today? im calling sideways for a bit/the week. probably going to set up a long straddle on the S&P. looks like its just going to consolidate at around this level for a little bit


Not really, I don't particularly give a shit either way but I am looking at buying shit that dipped in the retail sector that had good ER's recently and raised guidance.
I don't even know what a long straddle on the S&P means if you mean you will buy the SPY etf then have at it I personally never buy ETF's.
if you mean the indices then I dunno as long as they don't go back to break their supports again at 24k and 2600 for the S&P it will jsut slowly go up probably

This is a general market watching thread fag

if you don't like it fuck off

EDIT: CRSPR stock with crazy good last year
AMRS: renewable, recycleable chemicals for industrial production, lots of reeeeaaalllly long bulls, hardly EVER falls more than like 40 cents
i meant trading options contracts so that if the price of the index stays range-bound, i make money on the premiums of the contracts and flip them. and you should really look into ETFs more, they are an incredible tool. especially in these volatile times. it can be hard to pick the one good stock out of the bloodbath. ETFs give you coverage over an entire sector (and leveraged ETFs can give you 2x or 3x the amount of coverage on the stocks), so if you are anticipating a move of any of the related stocks in the index, you can take up a position in all of them. there are also inverse ETFs (as well as inverse leveraged 2x, 3x) that you can take up short positions on (even if you cant take up short positions, ie dont have a margins account). this is what i did two weeks ago and made fucking bank. right now im triple shorting oil because fuck oil (DWT).
thats a safe bet, but im anticipating a MUCH bumpier ride than last time up to 26k. imo you should stick your long positions to things in the nasdaq (QQQ), with a focus on CRSPR related stocks (NTLA, EDIT, CRSP)

Dow down -142

forgot to mention that there are also currency based ETFs as well as commodity based ETFs so you can take up pseudo forex positions from your position as a retail trader

its probably going to just bounce around between being flat and around -1% for the day. i would be honestly shocked if it ever makes it to positive during regular market hours. nasdaq is bouncing back hard, but thats mostly because idiots still think the tech bubble is a thing. the week should be pretty much sideways, and my longterm outlook is very bearish once the FED starts hiking things. it looks like the new chairman wants to wait a little bit first (bad idea imo as it is only staving off the inevitable)

implying the FED hike isn't already priced in.

Literally every sing major bank predicts stocks will rise by at least another 40% this year that is 40% over the all time high before the 10% correction I'm not saying they are right and that it won't decline but I wouldn't bet on it

yeah one of em is being priced in right now by the market. thats why you are seeing so much indecision. but the thing is the FED is playing catch-up right now, as the last bitch basically just didnt do her job for all of obamas presidency, and now we are faced with an actual crisis. there are going to be atleast 3 more rate hikes this year. going on that, id say that the people who are projecting 40% year are 1) blowing smoke up your ass, and 2) probably have short positions right now and are trying to sucker idiot bulls into getting on a 10 year long trend.

but as they say, the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. who the fuck knows.

wew, got out of that short oil position just in time. that wouldve hurt

I don't know, Yellen was generally appreciated by the banking sector.


How will this effect things?

So that's what they meant by entryism

Socialism does not preclude markets or stock, as employees can own a majority of the stock through workers collectivies, with spare profits being split amongst all employees. This isn't as common today as it was 50 years ago though.

of course she was. the big name banks and hedge funds all have so much money that they can easily navigate this type of problem. its speculative traders, small retail traders, and many companies/corporations with massive debt (and the workers that will be layed off as a result of restructuring/bankruptcy) that are going to be blown the fuck out by multiple rate hikes. not to mention the currency in general. expect the dollar to tumble fucking hard, which will of course affect the stock market very negatively. i bet china will fucking soar too as a result.

it would have affected my portfolio very fucking negatively if i hadnt had a vision of my own imminent destruction a mere moments before. i was short crude 3:1. was not expecting that, but i got out just before that initial pop in your pic.

the real answer to your question, is that the commodities market is an altogether different beast from the stock market. sure, when you see a market wide global sell off, you will see commodities tumble accordingly, but they really are not related in any serious way. in fact sometimes big money will hedge itself in various precious metals, crude etc when shit is hitting the fan. the most notable one is obviously gold, which people buy up like crazy when the dollar starts getting crushed.

this is refreshing to see. i think a lot of socialists failure to understand the market and how it could be used (and used collectively), puts you guys at an extreme disadvantage.

im obviously not even remotely a socialist, but even ive always fantasized about getting a whole gang of nihilists with trust funds together and setting up an enormous sell wall on some fucking hyper evil corporation like alphabet or apple or amazon or something. it would pleasure me greatly to destroy their entire corporate workforces stock options and retirement plans

It’s going down

The absolute state of walmart

is this the retailpocalypse?

this is what we call moving sideways. its up, then its down, then its up again, then its down again. end of the day within less than a percent of where it started either way. this was my call for the day seems good so far.

i saw that, i guess they missed earnings estimates by a little. i dont know who the fuck thinks that means that walmart is going under, but speculative traders are pretty easy to shake out. on the other hand walmart is a prime example of a corporation that will be negatively impacted by rate hikes. the problem here is that instead of doing anything to their business model to address it, they will simply fuck over their workers more.

literally all the growth we've seen since the financial crisis has been from low interest rates. any hike, at all, will reverse everything. they can't price it in, because if they did, we'd still be near where we were before the so-called "recovery" began

im glad at least someone here is paying attention. this is exactly correct. as far as the market is concerned, this is still 2008 and the last ten years have simply been a nice dream

Basically, all of the physical retail sector is in MASSIVE debt (like KMart has more debt than assets it could sell in bankruptcy) so any failure to meet profit expectations is colossally bad news.

also id like to add
never doubt hedge funds willingness to short an entire economy into dust just so that they and their buddies can get a good buyback. they care not for the plight of the mortals and their precious assets classes

oh man if only you knew how many of these big name corporations run on massive piles of debt. your commie boners will simply not be able to handle it.,sh_price_o10&ft=4

for example, this website is a stock screener. i have it set to debt/equity >1 and current price at over 10$/share. so this is all stocks that are currently listed that are running with more debt than they have equity. you can continue moving the current price dropdown menu, up, and continually find dozens of big name companies that everyone seems to think are economic powerhouses. they arent, they are fucking dead weight kept alive on hope and prayer (and the too-big-to-fail ideology).

Dow stayin' down


I'm looking for a reaction image that could cover a negative (debt-based) boner, but I can't find one!


post-op neovagina maybe?

1 hour to go

power hour baby. 3-4 is one of the most actively traded times. things can go either way from here, but no doubt they will move swiftly in whatever direction.

and fucking DOWN SHE GOES




ha you guys are gonna make your heads explode looking at this. it will fake you out the whole way down, but when it turns, get the fuck out of the way or youll get trampled




looks like the S&P found bottom. lets see if it holds.
youll know its time for it to turn around because it will get stuck in between a very small range for a couple minutes, then itll pop off like a cork. assuming it doesnt just slide hopelessly into the closing bell


Are you glib? Fictive capital is a thing, you know!
You don't say!!!

hey its a /biz/ thread, im praying for a bear market, just as you guys are, ive been polite enough, and helpful for those who want to know whats going on. and this thread cycles through anyhow. if you cant stand it being on the second or third page then have your mod anchor it for a little bit

but if i have to go to the gulags, then just do it already.

double lol


d-did he get away?

How does increased interest rates effect the rate of profit?

Burgerland for the day.

it doesnt look that way user


I don't know. I think you can find a Steam Guide on fixing DOW. Winter Assault has a widescreen fix now.

The falling rate of profit must be papered over with credit issued at lower and lower interest rates, or else capitalism will enter a crisis.

So that’s why Capitalism has continued under record low levels of unprofitability.

It’s a make fun of /biz/ thread

Which will plunge it into a different crisis.

The nikkei is open

Meanwhile in Cryptocurrency land.
Looks like the Asian markets are off to a great start.
Is it gonna be a bloody Wednesday or is the ball going to drop later than today? It'll be interesting to see.




Not so fast

Whys is bitcoin making gains, when virtually every other coin in in the red. What’s special about bitcoin?

Big Japanese gains today.

Japanese stocks are in total freefall

That lunch break really gave them a change of heart

They were so high, what caused them to fall?

I know you guys are jerking off over the flash crash, but it wasn't a big deal for the market except the speculators and MAGAtards. It hurts sure, was hoping to cash out the week it happened actually, and I'm down a decent bit from December, but outside last month, I'm still up for the last 6 months .

Just wait till the bond market collapses soon. You're not getting off of this ride.

You really don't know what you're talking about, there's no indication that the market is nearing a downturn, it's unstable because of trump and the Republicans constantly being retarded

there wasn't a flash crash though. that's a different thing caused by algos going crazy
this is a correction

Nothing! That's the beauty of markets. They rise and fall with absolutely no correlation to real world events. Just emotion and algorithms based on noise.




analyst reports are meaningless, 99% of the time they're asspulls using correlations and bullshit voodoo. Show me earnings, show me actual data, show me shit that isn't based on opinions of opinions and charts based on historical correlations that don't mean much.

Not him but household debt, corporate debt, student debt, is at an all time high. You can look up those stats for yourself. Also like the 2008 financial crash that was due in large part cause of subprime housing loans, we now have a subprime auto loan crisis that is about to collapse. The coming rise in interest rates will cause corporations and households to pull back their consumption and leave many unable to afford their loan payments because the workers in the western world are increasingly broke(1/3 of US workers have $0 in savings account and 1/2 have less than $1000)….add in the fact that most of the new jobs created after the 2008 recession have been unskilled, low wage and disposable ones, the coming contraction in consumption will lead to mass unemployment. Pretty much every sector of the economy is overvalued and within the next 1-2 years it will all come tumbling down in epic proportions.

Dr. Wolff explains this. What we have now may just be a "correction" but eventually, sooner rather than later, something will start to crack. Hopefully this is it because its only going to get worse if we all pretend that everything is just fine.


And the first results are coming in


That didn't take long

This is a good post, however, some of these issues are overblown as to how it will affect the market right now. The auto loans in particular are not at hosting crisis levels, it's a very tiny bubble in comparison to just about any other kinds of loans, I'm not saying there won't be an effect though. The other debt is an issue, but the thing about debt is it accrues but doesn't suddenly collapse, there are cracks as you said. Currently there are no cracks, just concerns, earnings are good, spending continues, employment is high, the second the market starts to legit pullback, where earnings are missed, unemployment increases monthly, that's when you pay attention and start selling shit. The housing crisis didn't start all at once, there were months of warning bells going off, almost a year I think, earnings being missed etc. I'm not someone that trusts the market, I just bought solar panels because I know shit will go down sooner or later.

European stock markets are getting absolutely battered. I'm sure it'll be a sideways gain though, as Japan didn't really get that hurt and they're easily the most vulnerable markets at the moment.

why is this thread watching the stock market like day traders?

When the stock market's red, I gain an erection. It is the only thing that keeps me up anymore.

you realize the stock market isn't the economy. unless it's going down for a specific reason it doesn't really help or harm anyone.
it's like if a bunch of people were arguing about how much your house is worth just in case you want to sell it

here, this one's on me


have one more erection

how many cocks do you have?

lol fuck you fagcap


Does anyone else feel a little bad seeing all these losses? Not for porky, but a lot of normal people across the world have their pensions tied up in stock options and portfolios because savings accounts have basically had negative inflation for a decade or so now

I have so little that it doesn't really affect me, as a result I just think it's funny. I'm surrounded by petite bourgeoisie cunts who are getting what's coming to them.


Why would we feel bad? We're not the ones that defunded their social security programs and paid their politicians to put their citizen's savings into stock market scams.

I really hoped this wasn't a real world.

These are looking good. Source?

45 minutes to go, futures slightly in the green

10 minutes to go, Europe show optimism


it's all over. capitalism wins, karl marx eternaly btfo

dat line: mein penor

Wages are stagnate, consumption is down, US geopolitical power is down, interest rate are super low, the rate of profit is low, were at the end of the business cycle, the only thing the markets have going for them is that energy is cheep with the Solar revolution.

A crash is inevidble.

No! What are you doing?!

weird shaped dick tbh porky, better get that checked out


Line, s-stop!


most Americans don't have enough savings to invest in the first place.
also expected returns for an equity portfolio is ~10% a year. the last 5 years have paid out 80% so nobody is hurting unless they're day trading or something.

(You) did pray the great memelines today right user? you're not like one of those filthy non-believers right?

Teach us, oh, Enlightened one, the prayer of our Market!

I wish my English skills were high enough to roleplay as a priest of the great memelines but i'm French alas so i'm going to explain it in standard speech: I've no idea where they're going i think they might break the trend again but not by much

I like when the meme lines go down. That’s my favorite

the FED is making an announcement today at 2pm EST about their plan for the year. there is fucking no way that anything the FED is going to say will be good for the market, so i am expecting a bloodbath

I don't know, the MACD indicator crossed like half an hour ago and the RSI is looking ok. i think they'll go up today.

Great Memeline, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Curve,
thy crashing come,
thy blow be done,
in Japan as it is in the US.

Give us this day our daily red.
And forgive us our dip-buying,
as we forgive those
who bought the dip against us.

And lead us not into recovery,
but deliver us from boredom.

For thine is the invisible hand,
and porkies jumping out of windows,
for ever and ever. Amen.

O shit tradingview is actually delayed the indicators are actually in the red

i dont know what stock you are talking about but all my indicators on my positions look great. fucking everything im holding is in a bull flag after already breaking out. but the market can turn on a dime, and especially with important FED news coming in an hour.

one important thing that i just noticed is that the highest volume option contracts right now are on a SPY put with a strike at 268. that shows me that there are a lot of people that are anticipating a sudden downward move.

you cant last very long in this market if you just think "everythings great so imma HODL". no doubt it could easily continue upwards till the bell, FED news or not. but everyone is expecting rate hikes, they are announcing them today, it looks like volatility is creeping back up, and we are seeing unusual bearish options activity. could very well crash from 2 till close.

considering my whole job and income is based on risk, i dont like to take it unnecessarily.




adding to my doomsday prediction we are also seeing bonds go on a run right now. highest level they have been at since 08. i think this is the down escalator

what about the upcoming Italian elections?


I'm not holding anything i'm just checking the short and long term indicators on the Dow every now and then

well im saying, if you guys are looking for a bloodbath in the near term come watch the markets after the FED data release. theres simply no way that anything a central bank does will be good for the market (long term OR short term). this bull run has been a nice dream. ive been cycling out most of my trades over the hour to play it safe.

my instincts are telling me that there will be a painful sell off after the FED chair speaks. if im wrong, nothing lost (had a great day) but if im right, the value of my smugness will have tripled in a day

When's the announcement?

If either the far-left, Legia Norda, or MS5, win there will be chaos.

What if they lower interest rates?

Burgerstani Stalks are going up a bit.

That would be the long term.

what doth it mean?

Don't use the google charts, use Market Watch or FINVIZ instead.

Is tradingview bad? That's what i'm using for """TA"""

>first thing I see is

No. I think Tradingview should be alright. It aligns well enough with the both of them and it gives you immediate responses. So use it.
Google just has a lag and it's not very accurate with the other stock charts out there. Best to use a site dedicated to Stock Market trades than not.



pretty sure they have been at minimum for ten years. sorry im trying to do a lot right now cant look

Negative interests rates soon baby, and they'll preemptively pump everyone up with confidence and premature closings so there's no bank run.

looks like those in the know down on the street seem to think thew news is positive considering the S&P just jumped half a percent in 5 seconds

If hope it crashes back down instantly it'd be fun

what is this sorcery?

considering how fast this is moving, this is a certainty. whether or not it falls below what it was earlier or just reverts to the mean remains to be seen. like you said this could easily be market manipulators faking everyone out

Looks like the stock market didn't think much of this news at all. I wonder what the new interest rates even are and what it even was before?

Pretty good covrege, no anti-union bias, which is good.

I think the Fed did it, they implemented negative interest rates. Does anyone have a link to the report.

Negative interest rate is when you give a loan, and as the time goes by, the debtor actually has to pay less.

lol your shitting me, right? every major index just doubled in 5 mins.

im still holding out on my prophecy of blood into the bell, but i may be wrong. bank stocks are soaring, which normally means people are expecting rate hikes. but the stocks are fucking cruising right now. might be a fakeout, watch it.

this is a really interesting time to be watching the markets. there is some big players who just showed up right at 2pm. they might be just going for a quick scalp, and if thats the case we will see this run until like 15 mins to close and then BOOOOOOOOM. death and dismemberment

By the way since you seem to know quite a bit about trading is the Fibonacci retracement tool good?

I'm nothing more than a dilettante whenever it comes to stocks.

Ah alright same here but i'm in crypto

damn i was gonna embed beach boys wouldnt it be nice, but i guess you guys cant embed, that blows

im just a chump too, but i use fibonacci retracements to make guesses on entries and exits. i know a lot of other traders who also do it. and that really is what gives it its stopping power. the fact that a lot of other traders are using it to do the exact same thing makes it somewhat of a self fulfilling prophecy.

but yeah i would consider it a very useful tool. just dont use it exclusively. always triple/quadruple check your other indicators, and the fundamentals of the company you are trading.


that's a poor way of putting it
negative interest rate means you lose money when you leave it at the bank
normal people don't see the effect of this at the fed level. it's basically a tool used to increase the amount of money circulating.

woops i thought you were all the same dude ahah, anyway thanks for the info.

Wait, central bank's interest rates to other banks don't affect those banks interest rates to the customers, do they?

more power to ya, and ive been thinking about putting some into that as well, but i just dont like how there is no rules. its like the OTC/pennystock market on steroids. there is no fucking rhyme or reason to it, you just have to be in the right discord chatroom.

obviously the gains make stocks look like babby shit, but so do the losses, and the low liquidity of some of those radioactive shitcoins after they dump scares the ever loving fuck out of me. not trying to talk shit on them, i think they are a fantastic idea for the future of online marketplaces, transactions etc (as well as a handy way to hide money from the IRS)… but right now im sticking to what i know. and that is the equity market. especially with all this added volatility going on, shit is fun as fuck, and is providing me with just enough risk to whet my whistle

i cant imagine that the banks would try to shoulder that. shoving it onto their customers en masse seems right up their alley, but i honestly dont know

im everyone there except for the dubs actually

lol you guys really made sage a downboat, huh? i was just doin it to be polite

Yeah i don't know how much you have in stock but when i say i'm in crypto i only meant $200 i would never put serious money in it, it's more like a gambling passtime thing. In fact right now i don't even have $1 of crypto i cashed out everything because i'm scared of Tether crashing the market.

it can, but your savings account rate isn't going negative if that's what you're afraid of
it is going to have a cascading effect on everything else; prices, consumer loans, bond yields, etc. which is the point.

Yeah. I assumed "interest rates" were on loans the central bank gives to other banks.

btw guys shit is selling off like mad right now. lower than where we started 1 hour ago. will my prophecy of blood at the bell ring true???

stay tuned…

you shouldnt be afraid of tether, from what ive seen, it is a very useful tool for weathering bear markets over there. and now that the chinese holiday season is over, im certain crypto will go on a run (and so will chinas economy which is what im gonna go long on (YINN)).

also, learning to trade things is a good thing (contrary to what everyone here might tell you). its a skill that is incredibly versatile and roughly similar across a broad range of markets. the fact that you can make a lot of money with intelligent investment while simultaneously working another job (or not working at all) is just a bonus.

the main thing you need to learn is risk management, and not allowing your emotions to sway your decisions. i started out the same way as you, just gambling for fun, and now ive made enough where i dont have to work a regular job at regular hours and can pursue other things im interested in like music etc…

it's effective at killing bear markets because they're literally printing money out of thin air and since Tether is second in daily trade volume when this thing pop it's going to be a true bloodbath.

For trading i mostly use StochRSI and MACD with Fibonacci and Trend lines so i'm not 100% gambling i guess, also nearly all my trades are from daytrading since I've got such a small folio



Forgot to add pic of the volume, right now they're saying that they have 2,2 billions dollars on an account somewhere but they refuse to do an actual audit.

oh fuck yes lads, bring out the happening memes

yeah i dont know too much about tether really. really my only argument with crypto at all is that if it crashes it is going to reverberate into the regular global market in a BAD way (not for commies tho). there is an entire social class in china that has their, and their whole families life savings in that shit.

The great memelines were right once again, non-believers btfo.


also if anyone is interested the BTC is currently in a ride

you know nothing of true power


is that a video game? where are the ayyy lmao? I can't see them

youre late to the party. you buy now and youll get to hold one of those magical inflating bags that /biz/ is always bragging about. unless you hold it for a week or longer, then its probably cool (i think crypto will run now that china is back from holiday).

but for daytrading BTC. just dont do it, youll hurt yourself


They're just lines! Subsidised coloured fucking lines!
The only reason you pay attention to this shit is because its bad form to actually wear a hat that says "i went to private school".

what about the BTC futures in real money with margins and all that?

lol nvm, i get it

you WANT it to go down
good call then

Meanwhile, at Vix.


What's up with Nasdaq's resistance to crashes? They are still up in the green while the others are borderline red or green.

No it's not. It is however extreme volatility though. It could go up or down at any moment.

Really is daytrading that bad of an idea? as i said before i only have $200 in crypto.

Also here's the last month wild ride for those interested

do you smell that?

thats fear


looks like my prophecy has come true
looking at my positions right now. i have lost nothing and my smugness has actually quadrupled, but i think im going to HODL for a few days and enjoy it


Dow almost closing and it's falling hard.




A friendly reminder that Nikkei will open in three hours




jesus fuckin christ, you whiny little whelp. it was obviously a joke

i dont have the equity to trade futures (i also dont trade w/ margins because i dont want to get fucking nuked by a margin call, cash accounts are safer). that shit is hard. as soon as they start doing options contracts on an ETF that tracks cypto though, im fucking IN.

daytrading is always more risky in any market, because of being able to time your entries and exits. if you blow a daytrade, you have to get out and take the loss before it moves too far against you, or double down to try and claw your way back up (this is almost always a terrible idea). whereas, since stocks go up more than they decline, by just holding through the dips, and not realizing the losses, you generally cant lose (obviously you can, but this is the logic behind value investment, and its the SAFEST way to trade). if you only have 200 hundo in, id say do it. youll very quickly come to realize how fast you can lose your money by daytrading.

but on the other hand, i daytrade all the time, i did it a SHITTON today, and im up 5% on my whole portfolio for the day, while every "value investor" is pouring themselves a nice tall pint of vodka. so its all about how you do it


the poor japs. always having to clean up after our mess


Alright thanks again for the info and 'grats on the 5%

take that with a grain of salt.
day trading 5% on a market that swings 10% is basically winning a 50/50 bet

Here's the after hours.

My body is ready.

thanks bud
grats on the trips

i try to risk 2% to make +4%
this way even if im just blindly guessing and it goes 50/50 ill make 2% on the day give or take. and i also do swing trades and options etc so i DONT exclusively daytrade. its just that ive been scared of jumping back into the pool because i had a feeling we were headed towards exactly what happened today, so ive been sitting mostly cash since the friday before the crash, and just doing quick little scalps here and there. on some of these days where its just FLUUUUUUSSSSHHHHH all the way down, i go long on volatility (UVXY, TVIX).

tomorrow will probably rally a little in the early morning and then totally break the fuck down again into close, but its too soon to really make the call official.

ha oh my bad. i thought you were just bitching for no reason. sorry user

So if the big crash comes around, what exactly do you think would happen? Mass die-off of millenials, Baby Boomers? Balkanization of the US? Rise of global fascism?





Second American Civil War

Global fascism definitely. Already in good times Greece has had issues with the Golden Dawn, if the EU's banking system suffers a stroke there will be no recovery and as soon as military officers' pay is furloughed coups begin. The PIGS will all fall to their own militaries, and the rest of the world will be powerless to stop it as no amount of "concern" or sanctions would prevent their rise. Refugees will flow into France and Germany, leading to the crisis there getting even worse. Then there is the middle east, if global oil demand drops so does the price of oil, and if that happens for too long the House of Saud cannot stand leading to a Saudi civil war. Out of that could only rise a true Islamofascist state.

Things are slightly better in America, where the only truly fucked people are millenials with student loans. They will be consigned into a permanent underclass because porkies will never bail them out. The rest of the economy will suffer because of this, but overall things would remain stable since Trump will enact protectionist policies (both unilaterally and multilaterally via the NAFTA renegotiation) to bring jobs home from China. China itself will become fascist along with Russia, due to the prolonged depression causing people to starve there.

Any good site to watch the Nikkei without delay?

Net loss for American stalk.


There won't be a civil war because the only people who'd get fucked by the next collapse are urban cosmopolitans, specifically younger ones who have a lot of student loans. Everyone else will benefit over the next ten years even if the economy blows up, simply because Trump (and Mexico) will ban Chinese imports.

This isn't an endorsement of Trump, but he knows how to win elections and keep the country stable. A vast urban poor will be created, but they will only serve as targets since they are largely pacifists. If they decide to have children, that is where the revolution would be seeded, but that's a generation from now.

nvm found one

The tariffs are only going to make things worse though, American parts are made here, assembled in China, then brought back, if the Chinese are too turned off, the jobs making the parts here are going to be lost.

It's going to be a big fucking mess. If the global economy just collapses, expect a lot of starving people.

Wages will increase though, in both America and Mexico. This will also fix our immigration issues, two birds with one stone. Again, not an endorsement of Trump but both US and Mexican firms will backstab the rest of the global economy for their own gain. As expected of capitalists.

is Holla Forums going up and down for anyone else?

it's been a bit slow in the past hour

US and Mexican firms can't afford to have the rest of the world proles starving and headed to the US and Mexico for opportunity

Nah m8 it's going up, 54chan by the end of the year screecap this

nikkei looking flaccid

They can just deny people at the border like last time. Or alternatively let them in and make money as wages depress (but still rise, compared to present). The rest of the world will burn while the progenitors retreat into their enclaves in New Haven and Ventura.

This has been expected for a long time, it's partially why the TPP was created to formalize the sanctions process and mediate concerns amongst the great powers, this goes back to at least 2005 when talks on that began. But the TPP is dead, to be replaced by raw and unfettered corrupt capitalist deals between countries. It'll be effective, at least for America and Mexico. For everyone else, it's a tire fire.

I hope Nikkei hits at least -2%

Not true, half of preople in Ameirca have no savings, wages are pretty low, unions are non-existent, and debt is high. However a fascist state in America wouldn’t work because there is no real “American Indenty” like there is a French or German one. A more likely scenario would be a complete and utter breakdown of the rule of law.

What do you think the pepes are? They're going to create one ad hoc by enough killing people

holy fuck

To some degree I think you are correct, but perhaps not entirely. I think there's a large enough selection of the population who are similar enough to one another to manufacture a false pre-existing identity that would be strong enough (due to their desperation) to fill the role you are referring to. The notion of 'how the way things used to be' generally sells pretty well in America (and surely will in the future as things get worse), and with enough disenfranchised people who realize they don't really have futures in the existing paradigm I could see a group forming, probably consisting of mostly white, former middle-class (while there was such a thing) that hearken back to 'when America was great, the country my parents and grandparents grew up in, instead of the shithole that it is now'. Or some such thing.

I see it having a somewhat nationalistic bend, though we'd probably describe it a lot more like faux-patriotism, with adherence to 'founding principles' and shit like that. New Confederacy or some such.

I think you are also correct though when you say that an 'utter breakdown of the rule of law' seems likely to some degree, with some places feeling it a lot more than others - I think that will be true as resources become more scarce and the existing power structure has to withdraw to areas of strength. There will probably be heavily militarized city-states and controlled regions where there's still accessible resources, but I'm guessing that the fascist parties will be more likely to thrive in America's twilight years in the rural US. What will be interesting to see is what these mega-cities of the future do when the culminating factors of climate change, resource depletion, soil erosion, growing populations, growing ethnic and wealth divides, and all the scores of other problems that come along with modernity continue to ramp up not only in the US but abroad as well. They will be desperate, they will have grown up when America was an undisputed world-power in the era of its terminal decline, and they won't know how to handle that or desire the burden of trying, so they'll double-down on their fantasy image of the US, a shared hallucination of a better country - which is a situation which will give its way to fascism.

So to respond to your initial assessment - I do think America is ripe for fascism, just not everywhere and not just yet. Enough people still have something to hope for (even if that is only because they are gullible rubes). When that changes, you'll see people lining up behind any strongman who promises to 'really make America great again'. Or however they end up selling it.

Oh yeah that's the stuff

yeah but those people can recover like they've always have, IF they don't have student loans that can't be washed away in a bankruptcy court.

Yes there is: see the New Deal. A fascist America comes to Americans in the form of a postal bank, NASA calendars, nuclear power plants and Amtrak. Just like it was in the 1950s and 60s.

I'm kind of doubtful for that. I'm pretty sure a lot of Baby Boomers and Gen X- types would certainly be ripe for fascism. However I don't really see how a lot of millennial or the newest generation really tolerating that sort of thing. Considering the recent student walkouts that are going on, and the fact that the younger generations will likely come over towards leftist thought after Sargon and co get old. I highly doubt that American society will clean-cut be fascist. An absence of rule of law, balkanization and complete meltdown is far more likely.
The old guard simply don't really have a lot of fit people in their ranks. A lot of the gun owners that hoard guns are more than likely obese and unfit, thus unable to do much outside of getting their own kind shot. Maybe I am naive, but this isn't really something as clear-cut as a totally fascist America. I am not saying that victory for the left in America will be easy, or even really likely. I just don't think it's a certainty yet.

The only thing that could force a New Deal would be an armed and organized proletariat, but there's no organization in America and thanks to this school shooting shit the feds are trying like hell to grab the guns.

You're delusional, there's literally no way for them TO take the guns there's so fucking many of them

Why is it so fucking hard for capitalists to let go of their fucking money to keep their power?

Not an argument.
I really don't think that's true, but in any event I don't mean literally come and physically collect every last gun.

Because they've been investing in a militarized police force and state of the art killdroids instead.

I bet Americans are really going to love outsourcing when it's some former Indian phone service worker piloting the private drones blowing their neighborhoods apart.

If Industry returned to America it wouldn’t be high paying middle class jobs typical of the 60’s era. It would be low paying jobs, often minimum wage jobs, in poor conditions. This is because the Unions in America have been near destroyed, and there is high amounts of labor conditions.

Will America and Mexico become one country, which will become the new global hegemony?

There an internet meme that has nothing to do with ethnicity.

Capitalism stunts technological progress too much for killer robots to be anywhere within the grasp of the bourgeoisie.

No you idiot, it has everything to do with ethnicity, it's performative, they are forming an ethnicity right now as we speak with memes

Some are, others are pretty well organized, but still most of them aren’t fascist, just working class rednecks, who in a crisis could either go socialist or fascist. The Oath Keepers are pretty far-right, but I’ve heard that the Three Presenters are a lot more moderate and have done some work with Redneck Revolt. the thong about fascism in the US, is that if it’s standard white supremacy than the cities will be in huge opposition to it. if it’s “multi-racial, civic nationalist” fascism then rural areas will be opposed to it.


Big Japanese loses today


I think Shanghai is around 1% too


We're fine.

I was talking about drones you autist.

Those still require proles to make and maintain.

not as bad as i thought.

Also, unsustainable capitalist growth ensures there won't be enough cheap energy or materials to support the tech boom needed to automate everything. We're running up against limits for everything, from cadmium to lithium to plain old oil. Then there's the environmental externalities that are piling up and will probably start dragging the economy down within the decade due to super weather events, sea level rise, pollution, ect. Elon Musk's booj robot paradise will never exist.

Download youtube video with Firefox extension. Attach the webm.

Lunch break just over. Let's see what effect the sushi has this time.


Down she goes

The power of sushi.

Another New Deal happens the moment Democrats stop being retarded, remove their heads from their asses, and commit to it. It's why people voted for Obama in 2008.

Dissu issu feiku nuuzu, desu yo.

Hahahaha, sweet mustache duder, how new are you?

Japan close. Hang Seng closes in 40 minutes, consistantly flat around -1%. Europe opens in 01:30:00.







it's nothing

It's dipped again already, It's gonna keep dipping lower and lower as the day goes

watch nothing happen

i'm just a little tired from every dip having a huge announcement as "the happening"
let it fall significantly and i'm in for the hype again but not now

You're right, the reason why the US stock is in the pits is because of interest rate hikes. I don't think there is going to be any reason why the stocks would be down for Euros.

well, maybe i have to retract my statement
we just went below 12.300
after how the DOW closed yesterday looking forward how it'll continue and influence the DAX


03:41:00 to go until NYSE open, Europe seems to be on its regular pre-open optimism track.
06:15:00 to go until FED announcement (and hopefully the beginning of the bloodbath)

porky here

you guys want a bloodbath? watch the US today. it will gap down overnight, open lower, try to rally (maybe) in the morning, then all down from there. im betting the DOW is going to be down +2% by EoD.

i know all you guys just want it to collapse entirely, but im betting we are probably going to correct to somewhere around where the markets were when trump took over ie: DOW should find its "bottom" somewhere below 20k. this entire past year has been speculative more or less, and if they all flee, we will be left pretty much where we were in the end of 2016, before said speculation got completely out of control.

im also betting that this (with bear market enhanced by rate hikes) will be the beginning of the end for a lot of older, bigger corporations with unfathomable amounts of debt (walmart, lots of shitty chain retail stores, caterpiller, maybe even google or amazon). they are going to drown themselves in their own corporate stock options, trying to give themselves their bonuses, while unwittingly diluting their own sharebase at a time where very few are going to be looking to buy their stock. in the long run this will cause disproportionately large losses (in comparison to overall index losses) for said bloated companies.

that came out yesterday. shit has been going haywire since yesterday at 2pm EST in the US markets when it came out. the market manipulators faked everyone out into a rally right at 2, got everyone to buy into it, and then crashed it and took back all their marbles. they are likely going to be shorting everything today, so even if people are looking to buy, they will probably just get creamed and sell again.

we are going to see a lot of people lose a whole lot of money today

odd, futures are now looking positive. might actually open more or less where it was, possibly up a little. still think its going to be bearish overall for the day, but it might be deceptively positive looking for the early part of the day. its probably another fakeout. there is still quite a bit of room to fall, and judging by yesterdays close, we have a lot of downward momentum right now.

Does anyone have screenshots or archives of the data concerning interbank loans that was posted here a week or so ago?
There had been a very sharp drop just after new year but now the same graph that showed it then ends just before it and the FED chart is now listed as 'discontinued' according to some FED notice from october which links to a blank page.

Seems like they retroactively erased embarrassing/concerning data and closed the whole thing down.

sometimes those free browser based trackers are not very good. they have errors from time to time, and then they will go back and fix it. this might be what you saw, but i couldnt say for sure without seeing the graph in question

Talking about drowning in their own stock options, one of the major issues with the FED hike is that it means they can no longer borrow to buy their own stock to keep the prices high, so the value is doomed to tumble regardless.!ds=24q0!2mvn=1:2mvo&display=line

meant for


so i read some news that accuse venezuala of a fake market
someone with a take on that?

AFAIK its their epic inflation rates that keeps them in the positive. The "fake" thing here is the market itself, not the Venezuelan market per se.

Basically Venezuela's stock market is kinda artificially since due to capital controls, companies cannot take money out of the country so instead they reinvest it: a lot of the time into stocks.

i know, its gonna be like enron times a thousand. imagine if this happens to amazon. AMZN is currently trading just south of $1500/share. they have a LOOOOOOOONNNNG way to fall, and i would fucking love to see all those silicon valley twats lose their whole retirement. their business is literally poison to the rest of the economy. they keep buying everyone out, using their ridiculous infrastructure to undercut different businesses, and are constantly trying to re invent themselves. i heard yesterday that they are going to be a fucking pharmacy now too. so you can get your fucking SSRIs and hyper potent synthetic heroin pills delivered to you by drone for half the cost, and become mentally and physically impotent without having to even move.

obviously preaching to the choir here about these fuck huge mega corps, but you should know that many capitalists and wall street types are sick of their shit, and want to see them come down too. there cant be a free market if faggots like bezos just buy out all of their competition, or undercut them and drive them to bankruptcy. and its not like most people can even afford to trade on these ridiculously over inflated stocks like amazon and alphabet etc…

They want to create their own private healthcare branch because the artificially high prices in the US are cutting into Amazon's profits.

I love watching Porky cannibalise themselves.

thats literally what they are called. although its less like one guy, and more like a shitton of traders sitting behind huge computers with 12 screens. their terminals also conveniently have access to the market at all hours of the day, and are given the first buy or sell out of all other traders who have to wait in line behind them. the easiest time to see this stuff in action is during the early premarket hours and late after hours. if you watch the actual trades roll in, you will see a bunch of buy orders or sell orders with 1 share. they do this to walk themselves up or down to whatever price they desire. this is completely illegal but it happens all the fucking time and no one says boo. during the day its much harder to see them in action because of everyone else trading. that is, unless they go on a coordinated run, which is exactly what we saw yesterday when they simultaneously pumped up every major index by like half a percent in like 20 seconds, then suckered everyone in, and crashed it.

market manipulators is a good name for them because it is exactly what they do

You are describing bourgeois dictatorship, whether you know (or like) it or not. That a very few enjoys special economic privileges is nothing new to class rule. They are not 'external corruptors' of the system, but integral and constitutive parts of it.

boo fucking hoo
go take a peek at the debt/equity ratio on AMZN
thats right debt/equity ratio of 1.11

that means they have slightly more debt than they do equity. these rate hikes are going to hurt them for certain, and amazon is certainly not alone in this. there are tons of major corporations like this that are running at massive losses, and are just propped up on themselves.

of course. i was just pointing out that what they do is completely illegal according to the SEC. but you have to be aware that they do this, and react accordingly, so it just becomes another variable in the game. honestly i really dig the added volatility they sometimes provide, and if you follow them, and not fight them, you can come out ahead.

it honestly makes perfect sense that in a game that is solely based around money, that the people with more money would get preferential treatment. i dont feel bitter about it. as a trader you just have to take it in stride, and get the fuck out of their way when they want to crash things

50 minutes to go, lads

Zatsu raito! Hyuu pehzants shuud ghet owt abu owa wei! Shattu appu andu ghetto bakku tuu waak! Hyuuah nattu meikingu ussu enii maani! Bakamono hyakushou da!

Gitto redii. Zissu wirru be gureito.




Keikaku doori
TL note: Keikaku means plan

Jesus Christ.

so the guy payed himself 16 million dollars in corporate funny munny. yet another major corporation that runs with more debt than equity. gee… i wonder how that happened?

you guys wanna see a real live execution look at GE. they are about to break up. for some reason its up 2% today, but they are absolutely in their death throes


Don't be so sure now

im still expecting fireworks. might still chug along until 3 though before making a real move either way. but this is all just a little too peaceful, especially considering how the global selloff is still continuing. i think this might just be americans doubling down like and going balls deep into the S&P against all logic.

Even better than chugging, it's going to steadily climb then just fall dick first into a molehill within the span of like five minutes

actually, at this point, i think what might happen is that the people who are shorting it are going to get blown out and have to cover, which will cause a short squeeze, and a sudden, rapid increase in price.

or the shorts might win, but judging by the momentum behind this right now, probably not

I don't think this will be the day.
I mean, I do think that we're at the verge of an economic collapse, but it looks like the market is being bought to get quick money. I would wait until tomorrow or next monday and then, maybe we will see some real shit, then.
Bonus pic from VIX

take a look though the VIX is inching back up. i think this rally will probably turn sideways for a bit. ill let ya guys know when my spidey senses start tingling again. check back at 3 and there might be something but maybe not

You seem to know what you're talking about. How do you get into investing? Are there any books out there that could help in learning?

I know zerohedge is trash, but this article got me rolling
beanie babies are mooning!

me personally? i cracked open an IRA and just went for it. lost a lot at first, learned a bit, lost some more, learned some more. i also wrote damn near everything down since ive started, so i have a sort of grimoire of all my own tactics, and mistakes that ive made, how they work/fail etc. there are tons of books and courses etc that you can spend a lot of money on, but there are also some really good online resources for free (and also some not-so-good resources with terrible advice online, but i digress). i remember these guys have a ton of really good videos on a lot of the basics of trading.

if you dont have very much money in your account, something i can definitely recommend to you is learning about trading options contracts. they are much more complicated, but there are a bunch of different ways you can use them to take advantage of different market moves (bullish, bearish, sideways, flatlined) and if you know how to set them up, you can easily adjust them to your specific risk appetite. the other advantage to them is, due to the derivative mathematic equations that are involved in the pricing of options contracts (and the fact that they are leveraged x100), you can get crazy high %gains off of small position sizes, and (if youre trading long options) you cant lose more than you put down (and you dont have to put very much down to begin with, unlike stocks). for example, i was here yesterday telling everyone the market would flush after 2pm. so i bought a couple hundred dollars worth of options contracts (puts) with the assumption that the market would dive below my put. when i bought them, they were about .85 cents per contract. then 2pm hit, and the market manipulators launched us into a bull run. so my contracts became completely worthless. but i still thought it was going to flush, so i held them for an hour. by the time 3pm hit, everything exploded, my contracts premium price increased by a couple hundred percent, and i sold them at the end of the day for about 3-4x what i payed for them. options are a godsend for those with small accounts and cannot sit in front of a computer.

first you should definitely learn how to trade simple securities like stocks though. if you sign up for a TDameritrade account (you dont have to put anything in it, just make an account) you can download their program called thinkorswim. there is a function in it called "paper trading" which allows you to place trades with fake money and test out your abilities. just be warned that this type of practice will only teach you the mechanics of trading. actually putting money on the line changes everything because emotions get involved. and managing emotions and risk simultaneously is the hard part.

as far as getting a broker, lots of people just starting out are using robinhood as its a phone app and it has no commission fees. i cant recommend it as the interface is pretty bullshit (i guess its good for beginners?) and they dont even have candlestick charts, or even anything that you can use for technical analysis. no indicators either. i dont like trading blind. the most popular program is definitely TDameritrades thinkorswim, but their commissions are pretty high. i use schwab because lower commissions and they also will reimburse all atm fees anywhere in the world, so i dont even need a bank account really, even if im abroad.

btw everyone, VIX is really getting up there and all the major indexes are declining. shorts just might win this one

its like clockwork
3pm rolls around, time for longs to get fistfucked

So what do you guys think the bottom instead of the inevitable "bottom" is actually going to be?

5-7% below the peak is what I have been told, so if it goes below that we should get into "REAL HABBENING" tier.

i think we are gonna wipe out all or most of the gains from last year. so DOW somewhere under 20k. it will take a while though. and its not gonna be straight down. if you look at the charts, wall st figured out shillary was a loser the week before the election, and started speculating on trump. FED kept rates low, so everyone piled on for a bull run on an already 9 year old trend. now that we have to price in four separate rate hikes, speculative traders are gonna get fucked. if it keeps sliding, eventually hedges will start repositioning, and then we are gonna see some real blood. everyone likes to play pretend and say "b-but the economy is great, look at the growth" as they point to equity markets rising +30% in a year. but that doesnt mean anything other than a lot of people buying the stock.

also, you have to factor in the whole political situation in the US. trump has been pointing at wall st quite a bit. meanwhile dems need a big win. wouldnt surprise me in the slightest if they got some of their more shifty friends at goldman sachs to just crash the whole fucking thing so that they can politicize the crash and try to win over some of trumps base that voted for him for a stronger economy.

and really, trumps whole governing style is to do that old car salesman technique of "dropping the bomb, then softening the blow". so combining that with the MSMs motto to make a circus out of everything, and with news being a huge catalyst for major stock moves, you have a very volatile recipe.

the alternative is that this last crash was just a "correction", but i think thats dreaming. watch as this next rally stops short of the all time high and then drops like a stone. then we will know for sure.

So what you're saying is that this might actually be the end of the long recession? As I don't really see how just having the Dow under 20k would do much outside of get rid of some retail and tech jobs.
Even if there is a crash, is the effects of the crash going to be that disastrous?


I mean if the economy is goes down to the floor of 20k, does this really even do much? Or is the 20k floor just a dead cat bounce that'll rise up to 21k and then back down to an even lower number?

for reference, we were at 19k when trump took office. the fact it is where it is right now is mostly due to speculation. sure, he actually put up decent numbers for employment, and the new tax bill should save normies a bit, and corps a LOT. but you take away the speculation, and we would probably be back where we were before he was in. most of our economy has not actually expanded, and our dollar has been falling for a year (only relatively recently has it found bottom and its now just bouncing around going sideways)

the caveat however, is that really large corporations are at risk of crumbling under their own debt if interest is hiked rapidly (which it will be, despite what this new FED chair is trying to placate the market with). that zerohedge article posted earlier was somewhat accurate in that everything is in somewhat of a speculative bubble right now. these flash crashes we keep seeing every other day are a result of speculators getting shook out. the really longterm guys arent scared yet, but they will be once the trend starts revealing more bearish signals.

or i could be completely wrong, but i mean, its gotta go down at some point or no one will even be able to trade most of these ridiculously inflated securities. as a trader im honestly praying for it. when shit is as high as its been, its really fucking hard to find an entry and actually feel comfortable that its not just gonna come crashing down on you.


i expect less of a day to day impact on average americans than i do a serious negative impact on the rest of the world if the global sell off keeps going at the rate it has been. with US economic hegemony, we are pretty well shielded from actually having to deal with any consequences of our governments and markets actions. of course if we lose said hegemony our currency will hyper inflate and then its either up to you guys or Holla Forums to figure out whats next unfortunately (cant say i have a preference either way).

if we actually DO make it down to what im projecting, the bounce will be so fucking tremendous that even you communists will be drooling over my gains. again though, this is implying the USD stays the world trade currency by the time it gets down there.

Thanks a lot man

Nikkei 225 starting off at -1.07% -234.37 loss. Let's see how this works out for them. Japan's stock has been taking a mean battering.

Nikkei gonna drop in the next two hours the memelines cannot lie

Nikkie has very high volatility, but still gaining.

The nips are nothing if not consistent. This will be a minor win for them.

Status of the european stock

When the fuck is it going to crash

it's a correction, just not in the way libertardians and unironic post-Shayrat Trump shills think

gotta be honest user, probably not today. as we have seen a couple of days ago, all it really takes is for some hedge fund fuckheads to show up and take everyone for a ride. i DO expect a little slide towards close again, but probably not going to be a crash unless someone out there WANTS to make it a crash (im lookin at YOU, goldman sachs). ill let you guys know if i see anything changing.

a correction is already whats happened (according to the % drop from all time high to the low of the crash). im actually calling a bear market for a little. we will know for sure if it fails to meet its ATH (all time high) and then heads back down again in a serious way

up and up

the indexes are all losing momentum. i just took a 3x short position against the S&P. we will see how this plays out


Meanwhile, in Caracas

well i blew it. other than a bit of friday profit-taking, i dont think were gonna see much of a crash today

I hope you're right.

13 thousand percent? Really?

Duck Hunt

my body is ready

Wait until like March and April for this shit to actually come down. There is no chance in hell that this is going to happen just next week.

what the fuck, Maduro

I just can´t fathom he pulled so much money so fast, is the graph believable?

I was reading the other day that apparently Venezuela has laws in place restricting the outflow of capital, and that this along with other regulations has created a relatively safe market that apparently is attracting investors like mad.

Nikkei up in 3 hours. Let's see how this is going to play out.

Honestly this entire country needs to burn to the ground.


The memelines are predicting a dip below previous close, be warned.

Starting out strong.

Today's not it boys. I doubt that much will happen this week.

It must be like in this week or the next one right?
I mean if it keeps growing it's gonna get to pre-dip numbers

Forgot to reply

Hong Kong close, EU start.

The NYSE is open


All it took was a mere thought of rate increases by FED for markets to start dipping. Once bond yields enter 3% the market is fucked.

where to look for bond yields?

Here you go. Bond yield spiked….and stocks went down.

What the?


hooo leee shat

Will I be able to get a gf if the economy crashes?

Canada, Brazil, Mexico.

You get 10 gfs (harem) if it does.

Argentine, S&P Latin America 40, DOW, VIX.

DOW pretty much in free fall mode.



It's falling nearly 200 points now with no sign of stopping


To be honest this is just the stock market being skittish, there is little evidence to suggest that this is going to be the big hit. Wait around the end of March for the real shit that would go down.

Based on what?

Petro Yuan is going to launch at March 26.

Ok, thanks.

Mueller Risk Index Warns of Market Declines as Probe Continues

The Mueller investigation is having such an effect that it has it's own Risk Index.

Holy fuck this is such bullshit. The investigation has nothing to do with stocks and its clear they're gonna make Trump the fall guy for the market crash. Its all because of bond yield increases and the rising interest rates which will divert funds from the stock market into the much larger bond market and also from the coming contraction in spending due to rising interest rates(as every player in the economy is overburdened by debt)

300 points lost.


To be honest in the grand scheme of things, this isn't really all that important. A minor dip in the rollercoaster ride. It'll move sideways rather than dip down completely.
But I could just be missing something. I don't know, a 1.20% overall decrease is nothing that special.

quit playing games with my heart

lol all the gains that happened over the course of two days just got wiped
still up over last week, though. let's hope for another 3pm short squeeze tomorrow and get this bear marked ROLLING

Powell merely suggesting the Fed will raise interest rates did this.

New Zealand, Australia.

Nice everything is dropping even the BTC look like he's going to go back to like 9k~ in the next few days

BTC is actually doing quite well.
Asia on the other hand is totally read, with the Nikkei and Hang Seng being around -1.40%.
This is not the big crash though.

BTC will only drop when there is a legit recession since people will liquidate in order to pay off debts and other such things.


EU start

If we are where this pic indicates, today could be it.

For comparison. Pray to the meme-lines, oh ye faithful!


Yeah i didn't expect them to break the trendline maybe 9500-9700~ is more realistic

the 2h MACD just crossed and the stochRSI is quite high so i think it'll drop a little bit but I'm not good at reading the stocks so if the stock trader guy is still here i'm interested in his opinion

Check my drops, babby

You are like a little baby watch this


Sadly it looks like they're going to break the memeline soon


There's no reason to believe that the memeline wouldn't be broken. The market was just startled by interest rate rising.
People should use different charts anyway and use the ones that let you go back several years instead of just a few months. You'll see that we already hit the recession already, but the actual drop will come a few weeks after this. I guarantee it.

Yeah i know the pic was just for fun i didn't expect the line to hold til $0

I wonder if Amazon's employee-less store will be the killing blow for retail


This might just turn out like yesterday.

yup, we gon fall

-165 now




Meanwhile, on Bloomberg Live: Trump has a roundtable on "gun violence"

Trump just now: Video games and movies should be rated not just for violence but for "terror".




Does the stock market just utterly shit itself whenever this moron speaks at any sort of conference? Jesus fucking christ. This is hilarious.

10 minutes till close


smh famalams

These things take a lil' while user

6 minutes

So, that's… complete disintegration by December? Since the fall started on 26th January?

30 seconds



Just closed, now I'm hyped for March's performance.

Man. Just wait till bond yields cross 3%. We might get a small bounce tomorrow though.

What a nice day to close February with.

Something something ides of March.

Nikkei in two

No idea. There's no indication that it will follow the same trend of 2008. I don't think there's a guarantee it will crash soon anyway. We can only hope.

It'll either crash or hyperinflation to the level of Zimbabwe happens. Either way, the yanks have no way to escape.


This week was a good one.

Suppose to be month. Walt Disney is also down by -5.1%. Sorry for typos.

God is real

The NIKKEI is now open



first i fuck up the formatting and know i reply to the wrong post, never thought that shitposting was so hard

Looking good

Peter Schiff please go

What am I supposed to get out of this chart here? Does this mean that a crash isn't going to happen or what?


Hang seng open

wew lad

Sushi is returning confidence to the nips.

What do you think will happen next week anons?

Critical stability ruins all ability to make meaningful predictions. Financial and stock markets are driven by speculation, which is driven by faith, and faith can be shaken by trauma. Last time, high delinquency rate(9.2%) on mortgages led to CDO's values plummeting, and the buyers leaving, which led to bankruptcies of banks. They are still doing the same shit with student loan. Which currently have a delinquency rate of 11.2%. Student debt being unerasable only buys it a little bit of time.

Marketwatch is bugged tho


It keeps falling

and there goes my nofap.


this shit is not healthy i'm getting addicted to charts and memelines guys


This day will be, at least, interesting

What's their secret?

Also, -2% oh boy

Presumably it's the important one so it's where they put all the AI traders that manipulate things. The US tugs other markets so you probably get the most bang for your buck manipulating it instead of others. And it feeds the American Exceptionalism maymay.

Meanwhile, at VIX.


Brainlet here is the VIX just supposed to show the state of the market or can you trade it like any other stock? Also why does the dollar goes up when the Dow and S&P go down?

Probably should have wrote while the Dow and S&P go down instead of when, but you get the drift.

Really no idea but it reminds me of the whole "when the price of a commodity goes down the price of all the others in relation to it go up, because more of that commodity is needed in order to reach the other commodities exchange value" or something like that, in this case it would mean that less dollars are needed to reach for example the Dows exchange value but I could be wrong

Vix is the volatility index it's basically how stable the market is I think


feelsgoodman i'm getting tired of Elon "messiah" Musk and his world saving electric cars

extreme tendencies (negative or positive on the VIX scale) shows markrt volatility. In othrr words, when the market grows or stagnates, VIX is asleep.

b-but they sent a car into sphace, man


Not impressed

The VIX just keeps rising and rising.

Does up mean more volatile or less?


And we have reached -1%


no brakes


praise be to the meme lines
let's start this march right with a down day

The Nasdaq has reached -1.1%.








You can thank trump for today. His announcement of tariffs are spooking porkies


Wrong picture.

It isn't just that, people are starting to sell off bonds en masse, now it's just a domino effect



I did not know that today is when the happening is going down. What the absolute hell have I been missing? I thought it would be weeks.



we're going back to bicycles lads

Combined effect of two things

1) Sizable Bond Sell Off Occurs Suddenly Today

2) Trump announced a 25% Tariff on Steel and a 10% on Aluminium,

3) Gun industry freaking out about Walmart, Dicks Sporting Goods, etc. changing their policy on the age limit of buying guns, etc restrictions following the school shooting

4) All three of these have combined causing a panic now that the bond sell off and the market reaction to the tariffs and the gun industry's reaction to new restrictions not from the government but from sporting good places by will of their own has them spooked as fucked, and now they realized they fucked up some shit bad

5) Realizing shit is going sour, because of 4, people are now selling bonds faster and faster, causing everything to pitch even farther downward than it otherwise would have.

6) Don't count on it but this chain reaction could cause a massive bond sell off which would see the market plummet

blessed be the memelines

A gently reminder that is in the last hours of the NYSE that are also the most volatile ones.


I keep rereading "Trump will be good on the economy, he's a businessman" from the election. Don't get me wrong I don't give a shit, I didn't want Hilary or Trump or anyone to be president

But you can't deny this

is getting hilarious now





Who knew that guns would be the one that set off the fireworks?


I can't find it but this hedge fund porky figures that on top of this

Everyone is pissing their pants over Trump trying to start a trade war with China because its market is also fluctuating and they may be desperate, and it's all combined into a snowball of shit from speculation at the results of today and exhaustion from the unstable market, and months of work suddenly recovering then falling, recovering then falling; as well as panic in UK/EU markets of consequences of the US being this unstable. This is causing people to sell bonds as there is no longer a stable predictable future, and people see too much risk and are gambling on selling bonds.

Also the new FED guy is confirming their worst fears and that's not helping

This isn't causing people to sell random amounts of bonds, or even a slow sale of bonds, but a fast and ever increasing sell off of bonds.

He also warned that if more bonds keep getting sold at an ever growing number at this rate, the amount of growth may cease.

Basically, The Stock Market Had A Terrible Bad No Good Day of several different problems, and general fear, that all snowballed into people selling shitloads of bonds, and the shitload snowball is starting to stop rolling down the gentle hill, and is heading straight for a cliff

EU will apparently bring forth tariffs to counter US tariffs. We trade war now boys

"By the amount of growth may cease" I don't mean the fall, I mean the market growth the past year may become totally void

It's not like I needed those 400 points!



… Just a correction…..

Call it a stable economy?


glad to see someone saved it

amen, bro

Yes, strong and stable

It just keeps happening

Time for a lesson from Vikings in Iceland


Say it with me



(for the uninitiated)

Welcome to the Trump economy.


To be fair, this is a multifaceted fuck up all at once that resulted in an even greater fuck up than the whole sum of their parts they were expecting.

This has caused a small bond sell off this morning to spiral into a bond tornado of fire

Bonds are getting sucked into the Bond Tornado Vortex and every Bond sold, the Vortex grows.

Whoops wrong graph


Is it finally happening today?

All things considered, this market instability, the growing distrust not just between markets but between corporations themselves, and people freaking the fuck out

The Petro Yuan might be the sucker punch that causes Trump to vomit out his great MAGA manifest destiny into the nearest sink

Not to mention foreign markets are already suspicious as fuck about all this Mueler business and feel the American government is on shaky ground. They're not sure whether to isolate or stay connected, as either has potential consequences. But as the market continues this path of instability, people are going to go from freaking the fuck out to screaming

The time for hot takes about "THE RECOVERY" is over, the porkies are starting to have a panic attack

There are all sorts of factors at play here and if I shake my magic eight ball here it says "Outlook not so good" "Cannot predict now" "Reply hazy try again" "Don't count on it" and last but not least "Better not tell you now"

The Nikkei opening is going to be fun



next stop at 24100 oh boy

If the market keeps sliding up and down up and down, porkies aren't going to pretend to be able to predict what might happen and just fold.

The fractures are already beginning to be seen and teeth are beginning to grind.

The market can't keep lasting on decline rebound decline rebound decline smaller rebound bigger decline

The arrogance the Trump cult have currently is going to be nice getting kicked down like an exterminator spraying a pregnant cockroach



Why is it going back up

The market is mooning, Plunge Protection Team is doing some real shy shit. This growth is not natural at all.


shady not shy

1) General Fear of trade war
2) Massive Bond Sell Off
3) Insecurity over their ability to predict where the market is headed
4) The global market beginning to show signs of distrust
6) Corporate conflict between the gun industry and the sporting goods stores that sell them with more restrictions
7) The gun industry freaking the fuck out about Trump saying they need regulation
8) Steel Tariffs announced, 25%
9) Aluminum Tarrifs announced, 10%
10) Fear of what the Petro Yuan will do to an economy suddenly faced with this amount of problems
11) Sudden insecurity about where the market is headed globally as it remains unstable, and who might be desperate enough to shake the shit up, with all eyes pointed on Trump, who confirmed their fears with the announcement of the Tarrifs
12) The FED announcing it will not hit the breaks as much as they wanted
13) All of these fucking things combined lead to a market place that will remain insecure
14) The Bond Sale Currently Has No Breaks, Is An Eighteen Wheel Truck Going Down A Very Steep Hill
15) Porky is not going to be able to predict for sure what happens next, and any bluff of "THE RECOVERY", is just that, a bluff. The global marketplace is extremely insecure right now and there is nothing to rally behind as the US government continues an investigation on itself and its market continues to bounce back and forth like the rest of them.

Anyone can see a volcano erupting, even the stock market

When you're so hopelessly addicted to MAGA cum a 1,058 point red between Feb 26th and March 1st is a BTFO

Holy fuck, Marx lied to us, he was wrong the whole time.
Now I will become an anarchocapitalist, since I have finally seen the light. Crisis don't happen, and if it happen, it's the goverment fault.

Keep crying, commie.

This is what a very secure market looks like

Meanwhile, in non-commie reality!

My god, the growth so big it gives growth to the previous months through dark energy



This is a good post and is right about what it states, but it also leaves out a lot of meta-level concerns. The arctic is melting at an unprecedented rate right now. Brexit will officially happen in the early 2020s, the wars in the middle east (for all participants) have no end in sight. The IEA, Citibank, and many others have been talking about the oil shortages that will happen in the next decade, at a time where oil discoveries are at an all time low globally. China's recent move to do away with term limits signifies (at least to some degree) an even more hardline stance from the party.

I could go on and on, but there's a lot of big shit that's happening in the world right now, and it's coming at a time when the global markets have basically been floating to the top not on growth by on financial scumfuckery. The state of the American market right now owes itself entirely to Quantitative Easing (QE) and Zero Interest Rate Payments (ZIRP). Basically gaping holes in the world economy have been papered over (literally, kinda') ever since 2008.

We're kinda' just waiting for the shoe to drop and for everything to crumble at this point.


So now that we're mooning what is the best Holla Forums approved multinational to invest in?


Something something Venezuela.

Buy a gun and kill yourself, they're getting cheaper by the second

Your mother's dignity back

but i'm only investing to accelerate the upcoming crash i'm kind of an activist if you will











You know before these topics on numbers in videogames could exite me, now I'm starting to see why the free market adocates find this so fun.



play the AH in WoW best of both worlds


CNBC Denial:

CNBC Acceptance:
==The US Treasury is fucked
We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death, the sun has fallen down, and the billboards are all leering, and the flags are all dead at the top of their poles==

Meanwhile, on Bloomborg.

Who the fuck is buying at this time though? This is kind of insane. People still falling for the buying the dip meme?




Shit is falling stupidly fast. Final minutes to 4pm is gonna be a rollercoaster.

There are probably still a bunch of dummy companies and shit with AI traders set up to but and avert plunges.



Japan opens in





What is the fucking flat earther trying to prove?

That capitalism works

The economy crashes so why not his brain too? I think psychologists refere to this as Porkyitus. Truly a devestating case…

It looks like Bitcoin is surging in popularity



Bitcoins are basically worthless anyways. Cryptocurrencies are going to fucking explode once the market actually shits itself.

explode good or explode bad?

The good kind of explode or the bad kind

What's the difference?

I think he meant implode.
Bitcoin requires people running expensive server farms for it to work. When people can no longer buy graphics cards or pay for shitloads of electricity, the blockchain is going to grind to a halt.

the good

Nikkei in two

Purrdiction: nikke will start at around -0,4 – -0,6%, go down to -1,1 until lunchbreak, after sushi, it will finish at -1,5%

Any predictions anyone want to make for the Nikkei? Maybe it should be a strawpoll.




Northern Ireland?

I'm predicting a -0,4% close



Oh lord, Monty Pythons holy grail is going to be the meme that represents the ecnomic crash that will plunge people into a depression, communists will march the streets yelling Ni, Fascists will Hail the Holy hand grenade.

When the market shits itself people will liquidate Bitcoin in order to pay off debts which will cause huge crash.

As a contrast, the hedge fund that Mercer used to run has made 6 billion dollars since the 22nd of January.
Also if you take this article from 2015
And compare it to the evaluation of their most recent filings:
You will find that they have above tripled their assets in less than 3 years.
Why has this gone unmentioned?

so how much time do you give the markets to plunge like in the 29 crack
im going for 1/2 weeks

There are various kinds of systems in check to make sure that the US economy looks strong and stable.
Looks being the key word here.

Final die when? Poll:

March 26 specifically. Petro Yuan is going to utterly devastate the American economy.

Nikkei in half

nikkei open


alright then

you're going to love this, trust me.
what you're seeing now is my normal state

What website do you get these images from?

this is a dip.


If the HSI manages to stay in positive again i'm eating nothing but chinese takeout for a month

I have no idea how ready I am, but sempai don't be gentle!

does this mean i finally get my communist cat girl waifu?

This video was made for Bitcoin, but applies to the stalks.

Is Marketview more accurate or tradingview?

"Democracy is the road to socialism." ~ Karl Marx
this one is probably the most accurate for the Nikkei

Is this, dare I say, the happening?


Be a good comrade and be selective about that.

Fuuuuuuuuuccccccccccck. Is this the end of anime?

it's gonna bounce back (at least a bit), don't melt down

Sushi can do strange things to people.

That's what they get for making Killing Bites flop


Crashing Stocks!

Being a day trader in Japan must be really fucking boring.


Nikkei managed to pick up some steam at the end, but overall it wasn't a good friday for Japan. The sushi didn't empower the bull enough, and the bear wins this bout again.


Sorry for shitposting flag


Porky falling from buildings when?

Could those who voted "The last week of March" explain their reasoning/intuition?

It's the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year for some companies iirc, so we should start seeing the butcher's bill for that huge fall earlier in the year. Also, I thought this was interesting.

Falling rate of profit, indeed.


dat footnote, tho:

France hit -2% as well. Germoney keeps descending.

Bloomberg Live: "This lovely economic recovery we are having in the Eurozone."

About to open in a few minutes

Maybe… Maybe…. Maybe it happens today?

Theresa May is about to address the bongs on the topic of Brexit. All eyes on FTSE 100.
Bloomberg: this is a mistake. She should have addressed this 2 years ago. This is not what the markets want to hear.

TFW you're moments away from capitalistm's eschaton

hold your horses, comrades


Will look, but no one is really addressing automation of labor either. For now they're blaming loss of good paying jobs on factories being moved out of their respective countries (a small component of the proletariat sausage machine)

at worst there'll be a few % drop thanks to Trump's "trade wars are good and easy to win" comment
hold on to the end of this fiscal quarter. that's when shit will kick off

We need some comrades writing in business journals (Forbes, WSJ, Bloomber) so they can release articles on pivotal mornings to sabotage Wall Street openings.

How perfect would it be if Wall Street was opening this morning (after yesterdays -422 point steel drop) with business journals headlining titles like:

"Automation Leading to Mass Unemployment"

"Outsourcing Causing Depreciation of Talent in Major Tech Companies"

"It's Definitely a Bear Market"

Bloomberg (30 minutes before NYSE open).
Reporter: Are you going to buy the dip or wait it out.
Eggspert no.1: Definitely not buying the dip.
Eggspert no.2: I think the markets are going to be nervous.

You don't say

my body is ready




I have no words for this

Check them, Dow Jones goes below 24k.

230 points in 1 second.

Vix: "Hi guys, wanna party?!"


This is actually quite a bad thing for a lot of people: a lot of pensions are bet against the VIX.

Oh fug.

They're about to make an assload of money, why wouldn't they be happy?

This is gonna be one hell of a correction

The Gulags were just a correction.

We gonna start this again?



It hasn't even been open fifteen minutes and it's already down 350 points

it looks like we're gonna have quite a fun day today, lads

please don't
sage for doubleposting

Eggspert: people will look back to this day and say: what was I thinking not buying back then?!


What happened this time?


Likely the fact Trump is going to start a three-way trade war between the US, the EU and China.

wait what?

25% tariff on foreign steel because cheap export garbage raped Detroit and other. The EU and China are pissed, as is Canada.

Haha. Yes!


…is this the beggining of the end?


that picture is evil and I love it

The market has only been open for half an hour and porky is already on suicide watch.

I knew the orange bastard could do it

Bloomberg: "A super-spike is still on the table!"



get the accelerationist memes rolling!



Dow is down 1.3-1.4%


Dow could hit a milestone for weakness that it hasn’t since 2015

This is gonna be a wild ride lads.



Zizek was right

Is this happening back on? We're back where we were before it started going up again.

It never left. These things are just slow.

Where's the "auto industry will collapse and trigger the crash" guy?

Yeah I remember that guy making that prediction way back when this thread first started

motor industries have been on suicide whatch ever since this whole DOW fall began. It's possible they'll be the first to kick the bucket. Don't forget about the whole diesel fiasco with Volkswagen


Who's that frog supposed to be?

Salvador Allende

They're called groypers, here's two better versions of the Salvador Allende one he posted.

Actually here, let me fix the eyes on the first one

No user, this is the red sky before the dawn.

Ah thanks was wondering why it had a french scarf

that reminds me, is Venezuela’s stock still soaring or did it level off?

It has plateaued.

02:20:00 until Germany closes. Might have a noice finish, if you know what I am implying.

because Chile's flag is red white and blue. And this tricolour ribbon is pretty standart for latin american countries. Colombian republics and central american republics all have something similar.

Not sure but their petroleum-backed cryptocurrency has apparently been doing surprisingly well after launch

Probably because everything was already bought and they are sitting on it.

Yeah, from the initial figures it has payed for 25% of government expenditure (without military spending) this year.

That's interesting any ideas what the colors mean?



Dow is going up. Send your energies to stop it.

It isn't going to do shit, there's too many factors at work for even slight gains to stop the panic. Especially now that Trump has tweeted "Trade Wars are easy"

literally me playing a grand strategy game

A grand strat player understands politics better than Trump. Also, RIP Petrodollar.


i-it was just for the joke i'm absolutely horrible at grand strategy game usually i launch one then give up as soon as i see the giant interface

nope, no clue.

b-but it gives me so much money and I need to subsdise my luxury clothes factories



A colombian flag ribbon was part of FARC uniform some years ago.
Low visibility a shit.

It has shaved off over a thousand points in three days for the second time this fucking year

Even if it has a gain today, the trend is going




Nobody wants to fuck with a trade war, people are buying the dip but there's still too many people selling bonds

going back down now chill

Since January, even with the market's wonderous "correction" it is still a loss of around 2,176 points.

If it corrects for a day or a week it won't stop the overall trend of the plunge.

It's bouncing up but the trend is clear. This volatility will soon scare it down further.

go down you shit



wtf it worked


Don't worry it will. It is written.


McDonald's Is One of the Dow Jones' Biggest Losers RN

Man Trump is unironically /ourguy/.

BREAKING: Burger crisis in burgerland.

In the "I'm such a fucking idiot at this capitalism game I'm going to start a trade war with everyone" sure he's "our guy" but at the end of the day he wish he wasn't


give me the easiest and somewhat recent grand strategy game you can think of please

Also check out this cool pic of the Dow Jones so my post is not off topic

Hearts of Iron IV.

thanks, Is it similar to EU4? because i already own this one

Similar enough.

Guess i'll try another playthrough then, last time i gave up while trying to understand how the trade routes system worked

I look forward to it.

Also does anyone know if /ourboi/ talked about the dip?

Of EU4? It's not that complex: Each market area puts its production in the trade node value, then this value is either collected by someone in the node or brought forward to the successive node.

fucking lmao


It's likely just a push to try and get it back up to where it was, they're trying to make people confident in something that doesn't merit it, it's litterely just rich people investing a fuck ton of money into it to jack up the stocks, once it peaks, or once they feel like it, they'll sell everything and it will drop even harder and even faster. Same tactic that was used in the great deppression actually.

Yep, I was right, predicted it 2 minutes before it happened.

Lmfao, HoI4 is a WW2 military grandstrat, not an economic one.

hey i'm trying my best i'm just not good at these games no bully


back down again bois

Buy the dip! = Buy like a dip.

it's the end of any good animu for a while

my memelines are saying that it should go up a little bit more

this is like really bad endless sex can the dow jones just climax into the pit already

nevermind my memelines are actually delayed by 15 minutes so i've no idea

End of market selloff will happen

probably not a huge one then we're already near the bottom unless Trump fucks up again

S&P 500 companies expected to buy back $800 billion of their own shares this year

What exactly is causing these markets to rebound? I'd figure it would take until Monday for porky to pump more money into it.

Companies using the tax windfall to buy back their own shares

Capitalism just works

For anyone wondering the Dow dropped 6.15~% in three days little bit less than the last drop 7.64~% and the one before that 9.70~%

trade wars?
they are good.


About this bit from the 2002 Bush's steel tarriffs

""The protection of the steel industry in the United States may have had unintended consequences and perverse effects. A study from 2003 that was paid for by CITAC, a trade association of businesses that use raw materials, found that around 200,000 jobs were lost as a result.""

How likely is it that the study paid by the CITAC(Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition) was complete bullshit?

Bonds are currently gaining, stocks are plummeting again.

The pattern is very clear

Hard to say. I don't think this will result in net employment, Trump heading a trade war is like a retard trying to ace a Trigonometry exam, it can't go well

Is there anything to gold prices? I heard that higher gold prices is correlated to a shitty dollar, but my knowledge on that is pretty weak. Gold has been picking up by 1.45%.


btw this is only a 3 months time frame on the grand scale the correlation is much less evident

"Trade Wars are Easy" says local man who thought his marriages and bankruptcies would be easy and jumps into things before fully understanding their immense magnitude, was never actually responsible his entire life


This is the same guy who said "I like war heroes who didn't get caught." He has zero attachment to reality.

Last hour volatility and we were at the bottom so there's only one way to go


Corporations can simply use the excess money they have leftover from the tax bill and Trump allowing offshore money to be repatriated, to spend those billions buying back their very own stocks to save their skin, while others are selling bonds en masse. It's a tug of war

This is of course extremely self destructive and another problem in our buffet of chaos, it works temporarily, but it will not work forever. You have to understand, these corporations are not run by competent responsible people and they will use every get out of jail free card to escape sudden consequence; but regardless it will have long term consequence

Among other reasons, the state plumbing crew is buying up to stop the fall, like they did last time.

It will stop it for a day, maybe a week, but not for a month. Hardly for a year.

We are in unpredictable territory and everyone knows it. The more positive results you see, the more you should honestly be cheering because these people are using every card up their sleeve to cheat

We're basically watching extremely dull and dim witted rich porkies who grew up getting everything they ever wanted and not understanding responsibility, try and fail at playing a Grand Strategy Game.

The gains won't last. They can't say "THE CORRECTION" again because they know now that it was a lie and its all a house of cards

Hey he was right about a few things being easy, dodging the draft when you come from a real estate mogul family

It keeps delaying the inevitable. It's like waiting on someone to willingly walk to the gas chamber.

Are the bourgeoisie funding an economic downturn to prevent a Socialist Movement and maintain anachronistic class order right now? If so the proles will catch the bill later for sure.

350 point swings in a day seems volatile.

No, they're a bunch of irresponsible idiots in adulthood, spoiled brats in youth.

Attempting to see grander modus operandi to any of this is futile. It's just, stupid people making self interested decisions that have managed to pile up suddenly. It isn't as nearly complicated as you think it is

So, this is happening right now in the american companies. Will the same happen in asiatic companies or european ones?
And so, when do you think we will reach the actual HABBENING state?

Look how long in took for the 2008 krach to happen these things need patience comrade.

that's a lot of dip buying, right there

such value

It might encourage the EU and other countries to adopt this irresponsible bullshit, but it's so self destructive I doubt it, so I put a very strong MIGHT. Either way, this won't happen in a day or a week, but it will be a slow bleed out most likely.

how are we doing on the memeline front? plz post your memelines, good sir

My intuition tells me that this won't be a slow bleed out at all. The introduction of the Petro Yuan, the trade war shit that we have going on, bonds and everything is basically going to detonate like a fucking bomb. Even with porky's stock pile of gold, I doubt he'll be able to actually pay back the absolute batshit insane level of debt that the US can't promise to actually pay back.

If we actually compare the two the part that look the most like our current spot is actually this one there's the 10~% drop and everything

ok but i'm awful at reading the stock market, right now my memelines haven't crossed so it could go back up like 3% or 4% but then drop back right after, i'll warn you if they do cross also this can change depending on what Trump is saying at the time

Ex-Trump adviser sold $31m in shares days before president announced steel tariffs

Nice we had something similar but on the way smaller scale here in France where one of our current minister sold all her shares in Danone right after a 900 layoffs plan while she was a chief human resources officer at the company (This was before she got promoted to minister)

So America's legislation and propsals have fucked up every single economy in the world, but DOW jones is doing everything to salvage themselves, but nothing to salvage anyone else… Hmm. I wonder if people will get up and say "America, fuck off." and take action against them and try and economically ruin them… *Cough* China *Cough*


Tbf I am worried people will blame the crisis on protectionism than recognising as a crisis of capitalism though.

They won't. EU needs American dollars to buy oil to keep their economies functioning at all. If America starts barring access to American dollars, the entire Petrodollar system goes bye-bye.

Not for much longer…

Why couldn't this change?

So if the PetroYuan is going to be implemented by the end of March. Is everything going to be fucked up?

*shakes 8ball*
All signs point to yes

USA and OPEC made a deal. KSA is leader of OPEC. The system will be in place as long KSA is stable and on the side of USA. Except now EU has reasons to fuck with USA's interests in ME, and turn towards Russia.


Time to round up the Porkies.

b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but d-d-daddy-daddy trump said-he-he-he said t-t-trade wars are easy to w-win

What if China releases Petro-Yuan at the 40% mark, then demands for all the debt they have on the US?


This is fucking insulting.

And i thought i couldn't despise the US more, fucking hell

Is extra bullet, tovarish.

*tips ushanka*

But that's like nothing to them.

Monday should be exciting

This Brilliant balding bastard truly is the father of the revolution, Kurds were right again.

pretty sure most of the big Euro car companies have production facilities for the US market in the US

that's not how national debt works


More like a "sperm donor of the revolution".

Most do, yeah, though I think Volkswagen does most of theirs in Europe. My uncle was employed at a Siemens plant in Ohio… before they closed the factory, anyway. Asian car makers too. They all have factories and shit here to take advantage of our union-less workforce (and states that will relentlessly crush them).

That's like me loosing $50. It's a lot of money to loose because of fate, but my life will not be particularly affected by it.


oh noeee!111!?

Zuck doesn't just cash out billions of his assets on a weekly basis and spend them, why do publications make these articles? This is like saying "the average retirement plan lost $10k this week!". We all know that doesn't mean you lost $10k in perpetuity, the overwhelming majority likely weren't about to just cash out their retirement plans this week.

Is it just fluff trash? Is it supposed to make me feel bad for Bezos? Is it supposed to make me cheer and pop bottles?

If you are idiotic enough to actually have (dollar & number) in a certain "asset," you already lost to common sense.

Dunno why all the posting stopped just because american stocks are doing better. Globally it's fuckin worse (for them lol).

stocks lcosed for the weekend.

Scientists are still baffled by this message, even today. Is it some sort of code? What did this person mean when they wrote it? We might never know, but science continues to search for answers.

Nikkei open tonight?

i tink they open in like 6hrs



Nice i expect them to go up tonight though

Not of we pray together, comrade!

Memeline, gentle Shepherd,
Bless Thy lamb to-day;
Keep Thy market falling,
Never let it stray.
Guard Japan through the daytime.
Every hour, a one percent drop;
Keep Japan's feet from straying
From the narrow way. Amen.

Been watching the Nikkei. Why the fuck aren't Nip porkies buying up their own stock like the yanks ones are? They going to just do that later, keep printing money or what? They have just been hemorrhaging money for weeks now, only seeing a few rallies that were within a few days completely destroyed.

that's from March 2nd. Nikkei isn't open

I'm looking around to try and find and answer, because that's an interesting question. At a glance, it seems like buybacks spiked in 14/15, but then started to plummet in 17.

Currently the Nikkei is at 21,181.64 , at least according to

So it sort of seems that in part higher stock prices are preventing them from doing so. It looks like Japanese companies aren't having their buybacks subsidized by their government, at least not to the extent/the same way that US companies are, but I'm not entirely sure.


18 minutes



That's very unlikely to happen. The Nikkei is only down by -.5% now.

He said this week not today but i agree i doubt the Japaneses will be the one starting the big one




They're gonna try. More likely Trump will blame Russia or China for doing unfair trade practices and get away with it. This is going to be the narrative Mueller himself espouses when he exonerates Trump.

Shanghai is doing stuff

sushi time


Man the people who thought that today's going to be the day the markets crash must feel like complete morons.

Status of Hang Seng

These are all really mild changes. The DOW is not even fallen past the level it fell to after that crash at the beginning of February, of which it had already made significant recovery from. But the real question is why did that crash matter at all, or why do these percent-point dips and shocks matter? How connected are stock prices to wages, jobs or work-hours these days? Probably the lowest in history, if I were to venture a guess.

i wouldn't call that a "significant recovery", it didn't even regain half of the loss and the latest trend is again downwards
2. this isn't just about the dow though, nikkei and dax both below their first dips lowpoint
3. it's the trumpfags that were shitting themself over how bigly trump is winning with the markets rising
we're just having a piss at them for this retard undoing all the market growth he was bragging about


germany is excited to kick itally out of the eu

The Hunger Games begin in 1.75 hours

Pfft, they are scared shitless of that happening (though there is no chance it will actually happen). Brexit was relatively harmless for the union, but Italy adopted the Euro, abandoning the currency would be like flinging feces at Germany's fan.

germany is actually profiting from the southern states being in the shit

Typical porkies.


Euro Was and Remains a Mistake - Italian League Party's Salvini



EU participating US open.

Tommy seems pretty optimistic.

After the Italian election the negotiating position of the UK will improve.

US open


And we're off


Why is Getty Images making Heroin look blissful and sexy?


Looks like the Dow is recovering already

it's goin down rn tho

Today's going to be another wild ride imo.

DOW goes up, DOW goes down. you can't explain that

The 10Y data for the DOW. It looks like trade volume really flatlined before Trump was elected.

EU up US still down.

The USis in the green atm, but we'll see how long that lasts.



The markets are just mooning at this point. How much is porky buying their own stocks or some bullshit? This doesn't seem to be very natural at all.

Wait for the last 30 minutes.

Apparently there is a vote in US Congress to ease regulations on banks regarding mortgages (rolling back Dodd Frank). The US is like an alcoholic or something.

Can somebody explain what "mooning" is?


lmao this thread

Dow closed in +


It's over the memelines have crossed it's the start of a new golden age



Prediction: Nikkei is going to be boring as hell to watch.




They really are trying to crash this fucking thing with no survivors.

I am having trouble parsing this. What does this mean?

If a bank had over $50B in assets it was subject to stricter SEC oversight, because it was these "too big to fail" geniuses that caused the 08 crisis. This was part of the Dodd-Frank act, was the law passed to make it look like congress was serious about regulating wall street. In effect, the few meager protections the act imposed are being lifted. Small banks will get to gamble on risky markets, and big banks won't face the same oversight, and by "give regulators more discretion" I'm pretty sure they mean "exempt them from having to do anything even if a bank looks dangerously low on capital."

Basically it's 08 all over again.


So is this going to massively inflate the economy, make the debt situation somehow worse? I suppose everyone thinking that the market will crash within the next month have been made to be total fools then.

And I though Porkies benefited from neoliberal free trade? Seriously a trade war is suppose to be bad for markets?

The economy is already massively inflated. All this article says is happening is that small banks can now engage in riskier investments (which I'm sure the bigger banks are only too happy to watch), and that the big banks are under little if any real oversight. Considering the almost nominal nature of the SEC by this point, I'm guessing that things are already fucked and they're shutting the doors to start burning evidence.

I don't know why they would be considering not only has it almost happened several times already, but that every major bank and financial expert has been warning of an imminent economic disaster for the past several years now. The problems are there and visible to anyone that bothers to look. An immediate crash might be a little optimistic, but it's far from the realm of impossibility.

Can you ask your question in a more coherent way?
I'm trying to read this fucking bill and it's just baffling. How is any regular person supposed to know what any of this fucking bullshit means?

What happens if the big banks buy stock in the smaller banks that no longer have any meaningful regulation?

That's because regular persons are not supposed to read it do you think you're in a democracy or something ah

I'm not an expert on banking or banking law, so I'm just operating under the logic of market capture. The larger banks have to keep growing, and there are ever diminishing places for them to do so, but the larger banks have been showing increased interest in acquiring smaller, local banks.

IMO the larger banks are setting the smaller banks up for a fall. Freeing the small banks up to gamble like the larger ones opens them up to the same hazards that brought BoA, GS, etc to their knees. Smaller banks actually fared much better post 08 than the larger banks did.

If what the huffpo article says about smaller banks having less government support is still true, if a local bank were to fail because they put too much of their capital into risky ventures, then I think the most likely outcome would be acquisitions by these large banks (ideally, with unlimited free money from the government and carte blanch to dump all the bad junk assets). I think what we'd see would be a profits bonanza as small banks gamble, then a collapse when they inevitably lose, followed by acquisition and monopolization by the larger banks. Essentially, no more small banks.

There's even shit in here affecting the public housing act. It apparently also establishes an "Insurance Policy Advising Committee"


And a section on "Making online banking initiation legal and easy."

Then there's stuff about a "free credit security freeze," and "protections" for consumers' and minors' credit scores (how does a minor have a credit score?). There's language too allowing for veterans to have delinquent medical bills expunged from their credit report in some cases, I think.

It also looks like it fucks around with housing assistance for low income families involved in Section 8/9, including maximum monthly rents allowed to be placed on these public housing properties. It looks like it's basically opening up Section 8 to any sort of "eligible entity" instead of "public housing agencies" only. One subsection redesign reads:

Oh, and if you don't qualify

So you earn more, you pay more rent, but that's okay because an equivalent amount will be put into escrow, which you may not end up getting anyway.

lol, and there's provisions for these "eligible entities" to receive funds, incentives, and awards, while the renters get their money taken and put into escrow. Yeah, that's fucking fair.

>(e) Supervisory stress test.—Beginning on the effective date described in subsection (d)(1), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System shall, on a periodic basis, conduct supervisory stress tests of bank holding companies with total consolidated assets equal to or greater than $100,000,000,000 and total consolidated assets of not more less than $250,000,000,000 to evaluate whether such bank holding companies have the capital, on a total consolidated basis, necessary to absorb losses as a result of adverse economic conditions.

So this law basically exempts the biggest banks and any "global systematically important bank holding companies" from the regulations and supervision that was designed to keep them from failing like they did in 2007/8.


And these people say that Communism is ridiculous.

Desperately needed bump right now. Blurg

Because it is

Looks like the Nikkei's trending down.

My prediction is -.15 by the final bell.




After how well Asia was doing I thought I'd wake up to see similar for Europe, but it looks like UK, France, and Germony just barely managed to keep their heads above the water.

I'm listening


A declining VIX means means the perception of increased market stability, right?

If the VIX goes up, probably everything else is going down.

Imminent collapse of US dollar & other major currencies will push gold to $10,000 – bullion analyst






no u



nooooo, who will get us to mars now????



I'm seeing a trend here.

going down boys

The VIX from 2007 to today if anyone is interested


Is that just for the SP 500?

Oh boy

I could be wrong but i think that the VIX is always calculated via the S&P500


If previous crises of a similar magnitude are anything to go by, I think we'll start to get the picture by the end of the month

>“Affluent parents often use their resources to ensure their children have a qualitatively better educational experience at every level,” said Laura Hamilton, a sociology professor at the University of California-Merced and one of the authors of the study. “Parents’ class backgrounds remain really salient for children’s success all the way through their experiences.”

It's not the way it way it oughta be.
Destroy the nuclear family.

‘I think we have a greater distortion and a financial danger sitting out there bigger than ever before… It’s going to be a calamity.’

Trump is about to speak on the trade war shit…

Stream link?

Bloomberg live promised to cover it:

~$6.87T/24,856.00=$276,512,54.43 per point, means a drop correction of 50% means
from the DJIA alone.

Here's Jeff Bezos' media puppet as backup.

It's like the election season again!

Trump live

Holla Forums meltdown in 3

I predict that the tariffs will be rescinded. It's a nothing burger.

That would probably make the dow jump back up quite a bit


what an idiot



v a g i n a



truly Trump is the accelerationist choice. S&P and Nasdaq are up tho


He's used to his cabinet 'getting' all of his jokes, bigly.

Pair per



I am bored enough as it is already.
Good news is that Trump is going balls deep into the steel tariff. Hopefully the republicans fuck this up.

Nikkei begins


i am ashamed


Is Holla Forums majoritarily european ? i'm asking because the board is always so slow at these hours.

If I remember correctly, were mostly amerifat.

Has anything interesting been happening lately? Why is this thread still so active?

It became an all purpose economical thread a lot of stuff about the steel tariffs for example

I see.

Lots of stuff has been happening, it's just that most of it isn't simple bandwagon material like "the largest single day point drop in history blah blah blah."

when did marketwatch become marxwatch?

Gary Cohn to Resign as Trump’s Top Economic Adviser

Any time bad news is announced, people will sell off stocks and then it'll bounce back up again. This shit isn't going to do much of anything at all, because porky can always just buy the stocks that people sell. Thus making it look like growth is occurring and all is well.

That's because the dollar keeps getting hammered. If the dollar falls, then stocks relative value to dollars goes up. This isn't actually economic growth, though. It's zero-sum.

Since the beginning of the year, there's been practically no growth. Things are only up when compared to a year ago (as opposed to YTD), meaning that we've had three months of almost no net growth.

Also, it looks like the NIK and HSI are trying to figure out how they feel about Gary Cohn resigning.

fucking spoiler god damn

Also the Venezuelan stock market is still doing gangbusters.

For comparison the DJIA 1 year return is 21.56%

Holy fuck the dow futures are down 300 points.

Stock Bulls in Trump Country Are Freaking Out Their Brokers

Why isn't this an Onion article yet?

Is it possible for there to be a damn near infinite bull market?







EU is crazy


In short, no.

Here come the NURSE boyyyy

NYSE. Fuck autocomplete.



Great news guys, socialism marches triumphantly onward :^)

Why do you invest, if you are a true commie you should buy state assets like treasury bonds or just hold cash if you have savings at all


Take that, patriarchy!

==European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to Trump: "We can also do stupid. Announces new tariffs against the US."

So this is how the world ends!






When the pimp's in the crib ma
When the pigs try to get at you
And if a nigga get a attitude

You know Trump has to respond to this
This gets better and better


If he doesn't respond at all I'd be surprised. My gut says someone is holding him back from preventing World War III lmao




you can feel the stress coming off him in waves

"They want stupid? We can do stupid! Bigly!"


The market will just bounce back after this. People are seriously fucking deluded and will try to get this market to moon as much as possible. This will only cause more damage in the long run, but anyone who is thinking it will crash immediately are going to be nastily surprised.
March 26, introduction of the Petro Yuan might however put a major ding. Maybe not immediately after, but within the week? Very possible it'd happen then, if not immediately soon afterwards.

A trade war will hardly make markets move the way they were in 2017, all of that is currently erased for a while now, and it hasn't been able to recover the climb since

All you can say for certain is the trend. Trade War rhetoric will hardly help
Get a load of this memeline.

I think Holla Forums is raiding to hide the fact the markets are dipping

And the world is preparing to tell the US to go fuck itself

Thanks for mentioning it, because no one else was fucking reporting it.

sorry comrade, I'm on the job

Just so there's no misunderstanding, that was a sincere thanks, because no one on this board fucking reports anything. This is the only thread I've been actively monitoring lately, so you've done Holla Forums a service.

I hate this fucking timeline.

If the dow closes at -1% or below today I'll be happy.

Whoever is in charge of Trump's diet plan.Keep feeding those drugs or whatever is in mixed in it. This nigga is gonna boom the whole economy the way he is going.

Disregard the OP name. Autofill rekt me.

The dow will close at 0% and raise by 2% these next two days. The trumpfags across the states are extremely, extremely bullish.




US close

Not great, but not bad either.

Don't worry. The petro-yuan, climbing bond yields, and intensifying "stupidity war" will deliver eventually.

Japan opens in 02:45:00, Shanghai in 04:15:00
Last close:


That's just redundant, pol.



Business as usual today, but I wonder how fall these bittcoins are going to tumble.

the memelines tried to warn us

Yeah, baby!

I hope it lasts.

Seems to be a clear trend.

Can someone explain why the market has been so bullish recently despite the news? I think it might just be companies buying up their own stocks, but that can't be all there is to it.

Definitely. They waited 1 hour until close hoping that it will go into positive, it didn't, so they started buying up. Notice the sudden drop at the end, corrected again.

Great news Comrades!

J.P. Morgan Chase Co-president Daniel Pinto believes equity markets could see as much as a 40 percent correction within the next few years.

That means invest in canned food and shotgun shells. It's happening.

A pretty boring day overall, the markets have shown no real sign of turbulence, but bitcoin continues it's downwards trajectory down to 9k from 11k and although the Nikkei had a strong start. It quickly began to lose momentum.
Trump's tariffs are also getting implimented and it'll be interesting to see what the EU does in response. Mexico and Canada are exempt, but they have little influence on the market as a whole and will only help a tiny bit.
Bitcoins are starting to become regulated and libertarian types are going to bail it along with the criminals that use it.


/r/CryptoCurrency/ is basically an addict's club/Stockholm syndrome gathering at this point

I feel like I'm supposed to feel bad for these guys, but I just can't.
also that half assed Hungarian reddit looks like the stupidest shit ever. Fucking "submitted egy órája"

ne is mondd

I wonder if we're hitting the "return to normal" phase.

Since Trump offered to halt the tariffs on Canada & Mexico if they agreed to his terms on NAFTA, EU officials started basically begging to Trump for their own concessions. Psychologically this could reinforce the illusion that the US is still in the lead and everything is as usual, starting the "return to normal" phase.

March 26: petro-yuan.





Bitcoin is also shooting back up from 8.7k 12 hours ago to 9.1k. Looks like it's not about to crash yet my boys.


Probably not just yet, but this isn't the first time we've seen a week of water treading/losses only for things to shoot up on Friday. A lot can happen over the weekend.

To be honest I don't even know if Petro Yuan is going to sink this ship. It seems like people are super enthusiastic about this year despite February.

It's hard to say. Depending on what rag you're looking at, at whatever time of day, the headlines are by turns despondent, hopeful, measured, and apocalyptic. I don't think anyone really knows when things are going to come to a head, only that they will.

I'm talking about people who actually buy stocks.

Me too



Comrade's, I've had a theory. May day is soon approaching, and China looks as though it has big plans for this may day parade.

I predict to you now.:
Petro Yuan will be released
Trump makes some stupid remarks about more tarriffs being needed, speciifcally against China.
China places huge embargo's and increases coppycat production of items and hacking of industries in America (which cause an estimated 600-800 billion dollars in loss to the US currently.)
May day parade soon comes
Economy is in the shitters
Communists, Anarchist's and crony-commie neo-liberals/Titoists march the streets, kill the alt-right and over throw the American plutocracy.

A new day, a new week, a new opportunity for capitalism to do itself in.

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How's everything going?are they up?

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Financial speculation and economic divining threads are always terrible but the leftist version is unbearable. Where do you divide the line between prediction and wishful thinking and do you even care? Strangest idea for a cyclical.

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Thanks for sharing with us your perceived superiority.

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They programmed sarcasm into Yahoo Finance screencap bot now! Lefties got some cutting edge tech!


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I like where this is going

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Getting your inspiration from your surroundings user?

don't deny it Holla Forums-kun

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Is that a bogandoff? Are you saying that's what you look like?

Attached: Trumpandoff.jpg (900x850, 295.76K)

I reverse image searched already. Yeah I don't do Lime memes like I don't do: Latvian, Peruvian, Nigerian, [insert irrelevent country here] memes.

w e w

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You win I guess m8ty

Wew lad

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Just another day in our thriving economy.

Attached: da dow.png (332x194, 16.26K)

Even though the value of the indices haven't dropped that much, this much volatility for this long of a period CAN'T be good, can it? I mean, we're over a month into this thing and it's still going.

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Asia finals. What a day in Hong Kong.

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EU right now + US futures. Any particular reason why they're up?

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Lookin good ;^)

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Wall St. higher as easing inflation worries outweigh Tillerson exit

lmao Trump is flying through staff so fast the ouster of the fucking Secretary of State doesn't even faze them

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Germany nearing -2%!
UK over -1%
US starts in negative.

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Dow is dropping 200 points fast

It's closed at -171, wait for tomorrow for the real bloodbath

The American market is super volatile, but there is no reason for it to crash at this exact moment.

What makes you think tomorrow will be a bloodbath?

Admin change ups, rumors are more people being fired throughout the week

Because everything is down lol. Everything

who is this semen demon

You need two criteria for the stock to go down:
1. Is the company turning a profit?
2. Will the company keep turning a profit?

If one of these is out of balance the stocks will fall.

S&P 500 futures, down

NASDAQ futures, down

DOW futures, down

GlobalDow futures, down

Every market's futures on Earth at the moment, currently down.

Yeah tomorrow won't be that great

Sounds fun, how are there profits looking at the moment?


Any sources or exact figures?

i'm not really convinced, they were all going up before the closez

Guys, with all the rise in fascism recently, are we sure we want this? I mean, people'd probably blame the Russians and immigrants. Which would lean people further right, not left. Will we actually win?

Fascists will blame immigrants no matter the era or context, so what should we wait for?

This. Society's biggest problems are systematic in nature and no sufficiently large or significant organized aspect of the culture (be that religious, political, etc) is going to take the blame for some massive problem - it will always divert, always blame anything but itself. It's merely the way institutions (and I'd say people in general) work.

Get people to understand that the true cause of the ailments in their life stem from capitalism, putting a monetary value on everything, consumerism, and a humanity that has forgotten how to value peace, sufficiency and community. Learning to live with less stuff and more actual value goes hand-in-hand with economic collapse, so I welcome it (which I think is a wise choice when considering its inevitability).

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Nikkei hit -1%

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Asia close, Russia open.

EU open in minutes.

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Economic crisis looming? Hungary latest country to repatriate gold
The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) has announced it is bringing home the country’s 100,000 ounces (3 tons) of gold reserves from London.
The decision to repatriate gold reserves, in total worth some 33 billion Hungarian forint (US$130 million), was also explained as being for safety reasons, in case of a potential geopolitical crisis.

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gr8 start, m8

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Isn't she a bute?

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psst, she be sleepin
she be need some time to renaissance

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My projection for today.

Much profits and prosperity will come your way if you copy and paste this pic to your friends.

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DOW has been falling all day

Have you prayed the memelines today user ?

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oh my

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witness the wrath of the memelines

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c'mon baby drop to -300

I believe in you

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Did it?

Nah, 248

toys r us is liquidating

That's one of the few things that capitalism gave me that I actually kind enjoyed.

Don't get me wrong, most toys are made by sweatshop children, but that was before I learned the soul crushing truth about the world.

Dodd-Frank has been rolled back. If this means that only a few banks will be getting supervision, does this mean that the economic collapse is being kicked down to a later date?

the language of the bill that I read means that practically no banks will be receiving supervision

imo it means we're already in it

b-but they sent the auto into the space

VIX seems to be slowly climbing up while DOW is sitting at around +0.8%

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They've also never turned a profit.

b-but I saw it levitate in space

Musk bleeds money left and right and heavily relies on the government, he's very much just a showman who boosts up stock value rather than doing anything concrete

Anyways, another big drop soon since the Trump Organization just got subpoenaed


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One hour until finish.

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Damn. I haven't been paying attention. Someone give me a month review of what happened because I've completely been lost

Dow pooped its pants in February. Most economists you should take seriously say this could end up being a the biggest global economic crisis in the history of capitalism. We are waiting to see if the inevitable will come in days, weeks, months while praying to the "memelines" to bring us many many red numbers.

On the porky side: companies announced they will burn billions buying up their own stocks to stop the fall and stabilize the market. The high priests over at bloomberg (etc.) have already said this was just a recovery and everything is fine, if the stocks fall you should "buy the dip" and hope for the best. Meanwhile completely suicidal laws are being passed in congress to try to save the situation.

Posts you should check:

(thx for the effort post, btw)

Sites you should visit:
indices to watch: DOW (USA); CAC 40, FTSE 100, DAX (EU); Nikkei (Japan); Hang Seng (King Kong ching chang).

Yo help me out, I would like these economists you talk about.

This was written BEFORE February, mind you.

Is it even going to be possible for the economy to be bailed out during this next economic crash? There is no doubt it will be attempted, but I have no idea how it is even possible. Do they just not pay back debts?

Japan close, Honk Kong closes in 21 minutes.

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Depends on who's calling the shots when shtf. That could be a little while, and the us government is going through some shit rn. It's possible to fire the fed chair (not that there's currently a reason to). Currently it's Jerome Powell (since Feb 8)

He's a former investment banker so prospects are probably bad regarding plans to bail out the economy. And if he starts looking incompetent when shit starts to tank, then Trump's administration might try to oust him, making shit worse.

Gooood morning, Vietnam!

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Dow futures slide more than 100 points, as Facebook fall leads U.S. stocks lower


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Baron Zuck already said facebook doesn't care about profits and stock price as long as their able to make their users lives better and more connected.

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You mean as long as they can help the government create a databank of individuals

I am becoming rock hard

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Literally everything is red

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This is what facebook looks like rn

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S&P 500 violates 50-day moving average, deeper trendline support under siege

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Holy shitttt


Facebook is absolutely fucking tanking lel

So far today, Facebook has lost $34 Billion USD. And today just started.

Facebook passes 6% drop into 7% drop

If facebook drops 10% today I'm going to cum

Get cucc zucc


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I know I'm live blogging this but holy fucking shit

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==The day has only just began and so far the DOW has shed 300 points and it's edging for 400.

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Facebook only needs to fall for 0.50% to reach a 8% drop from the 6% drop it started today

It may drop a total 10% today

me too tbh

By the end of the day it'll drop it in the 400 range.

Facebook is fucked. Interesting how much the market relies on fucking DOTCOMs again

Wall Street's 'fear index' jumps 20% amid stock selloff







Welcome to scene of the crash

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Is it time to start posting pink wojaks again?

Please tell me it's time to start posting pink wojaks again…

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Facebook has now erased $40 Billion USD

Set to loose $50 billion today

It's time

Let's elect Donald Trump for the economy they said

I am feeling all happy cozy ;3 does any comrade want to cuddle with me and hold hands?

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Fuck off

We were so right, it feels good being right. I wish we could kiss with our tongues comrade.

lmao fuck off Holla Forums

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okay ;3 but i am shy, can you help me unzip my pants senpai.





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yes sir ;3

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Thank you trump


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The petro yuan is going to shaft this country so hard

Is that where Holla Forums's ERP group is located?
;c will i even be accept. I am super friendly and like to cuddly with lots of tickles and kisses. ;3

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Agreed. That deal is formally announced this Saturday I believe (the 24th). I could see this week's decline being a lead-up to that event by the savvy investors who are looking to cash-out before a bigger (and sustained) drop happens.

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"I'm voting for Trump"
"He's a businessman, he knows about the economy"
"He's very successful! Big gains 2018!"

Attached: 1YEAR.png (410x373, 10.14K)

There's also the fact that Facebook got nailed for their lax security.

This isn't surprising news. Both FB and Google were toasted hard during their House testimonies, who considered them to be tools of Russia and China. The Senate will drive that point home just as everyone moves to make new ceosrship laws.

It was already negative

Jim Cramer: "Stop buying Facebook, don't even buy the dip. Sell all the Facebook you can, before it's worth nothing."

Nobody actually said that, the people who voted for Trump voted for him because Hilary was promising to put them out of work. Hilary 100% had the banker vote and this is reflected in how she handily won New York, Illinois and California. Which is partially how Trump managed to get so popular on Holla Forums despite him being kosher.

(this isn't to defend Trump, but his angle on this is different)

No, people said that.

It's only going to get worse when the government moves to start regulating e-advertising. The Federal Elections Commission is already moving to do this but after FB/Google are raped in the Senate it's likely a formal bill will be proposed.

certain parts of Holla Forums might have said it, but certain parts of Holla Forums also have to ride the short bus to adult school

Cramer: "I Think United Technologies Is Headed for a Breakup. Sell it."

I was talking about more than Holla Forums




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Kushner Cos. filed false paperwork with New York housing authorities for years: AP




It's only -2%. Let me know when the failsafe is triggered as it was in China in 2015.

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Nasdaq's 2.6% tumble intraday threatens to drag the tech-heavy stock index below a key trend line



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How many fucking billions has he lost this morning? Last time I checked it was in the $30 billion range, but that was at Facebook's 6% drop.

lmao Facebook is fucking bleeding

Bitcoin is unfolding like the dotcom crash — just 15 times faster


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Amid massive Uber sell off, Uber's self-driving car killed a pedestrian in Arizona — company is now halting self-driving car tests

Trump issues action blocking Venezuela cryptocurrencies within US

Trump just banned Petro in the US

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhh this is a good morning

seriously, fuck uber. They've been a cancer on transit planning for the past five years and need to fuck off



It's afraid….


this one's corpus is prepared

Is this the Black Monday we've been waiting for?

Maybe for tech. The economy is been meh for the past year but most companies won't see a massive change/selloff. Except for tech stocks. The Nasdaq is where all the fear is, that's what to watch.

It's only just begun

user what you should be watching is the VIX


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Facebook sheds more than $50 billion of market cap as investors flee stock



It's not dead yet, it could still just be a bear trap. Volume doesn't matter, the %age drop does. As long as things stay under 15% larger investors won't get spooked. When drops get bigger than 15 or 20 percent is when more important people panic sell. We're a ways off from there, at least right now.

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The VIX is holding around 40% right now. It's going to remain unstable. Just like it has since January.

Eventually it's just going to fall. There's no excuses left for this year's performance, no "correction". It's going to keep being unstable until it falls.

Leveraged 'FANG' ETNs see massive, desperate moves amid Facebook selloff

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It's coming isn't it boys?

Didn't the government literally just revoke a bunch of laws as well that were made to prevent 2008 happening?

Porkies gonna get theirs today.

yes the government did but that's irrelevant. The housing market was regulated but other markets (auto and student loans) were not. That's going to be the biggest mess, IF things get bad overall.

Guess that didn't matter in the end.


How could it be a bear trap though? The big spike that follows a bear trap involves people dumping loads of money into whatever the bubble centers around. Where would that money come from? Porky's money is primarily in stocks. They can't really invest more in the stock bubble. To invest anywhere else in the kind of large quantity needed for a post-bear-trap spike would require that much wealth being pulled out of stocks and other investments, causing those to fall. The bear trap scenario would require either massive quantities of uninvested money or an impending spike in production that would provide porky with massive quantities of money to that same degree. Barring something radically unforseen, where else is there to go but down from here?

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What if 2008 was the bear trap?

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Usually the last hour drops the hardest


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Student loans are crash proof as they're bankruptcy proof, no?


In theory.

Even if they were a crash wouldn't result in a recession since they aren't as financially significant as mortgage debt securities.

Still a crash would rip apart a lot of the economy

The bigger it is…

Mortgage-backed securities were bankruptcy proof because the government would always buy them. See what happened, the complex financial services web built around it melted it all apart and wrecked several major banks. It wasn't the loans themselves that destroyed the banks, but the things those loans were wrapped into and resold to investors.

This is the self-destructive part of capitalism, where it burns itself down in an attempt to make more profit.

Aren't they also part of CDOs though? So if someone can't pay then it drives the value of it down or make it unsellable, right?


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They are. Delinquency rate on student loans is even higher now. So the crash is coming this year.

i can only get so erect

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When you wish upon a star

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Here's my real question. For the revolution… Do I not pay my student loans back then?


Do you work and pay taxes? Your student loans will still be collected.

See , if you refuse to pay the bank will simply garnish your wages and you'll be penalized on your taxes. This is where the next revolution happens over the next 20-30 years, students who can't pay will basically become permanently impoverished forever. Nothing to loose but their chains.


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"Every late 2017 forecast was wrong"

Unemployed at this time so I'm not paying. However, honestly, I have no desire paying them back. I was like other American kids pushed into this American bullshit dream where you need to have an higher education.

I have been doing well for the most part. I have only left my old job due to benefits issue. (Health Insurance is the most disgusting thing to deal with.)

I'm imagining Kind of Blue rapidly morphing into Sound Grammar as the lines get funkier and it's funnier the more I imagine it

Facebook is bleeding all its investors into Twitter

Porky is fucked. His markets are so interlinked globally there's nowhere to move capital. Porky will try to nationalize markets but its too late for that. I don't think we're going to see a crash but instead slow burn with a lot of mondays like this.

It's damage control, Twitter just posted a profit so investors think the can get rich quick. Nobody is going to win from this.

Someone please collect every tweet Trump made about the Stock Market in 2017 and compare it to every major financial institution saying "yeah we're not going to surpass January again this year"

Twitter is a better option to invest in than Facebook right now if you're going to invest in either

The hot new thing is the bailin, where the bank just seizes as much of their customers' cash as it wants to cover its debts.

Neither are good, the market is at all time highs and the tech industry was thought to be in a bubble to begin with. Now Congress is seriously moving to regulate the tech industry's profit machine: internet advertising.

The only good stocks will be ones that benefit from Trump's protectionist plan, namely domestic metal refining and mineral extraction.

I just saw an ad for a hospital that works in donations for disabled children, and the disabled children like, are the ones speaking through the ad for this hospital. I see it every once in a while, but this talk of a crash was on my mind

And I started crying. How many of these kids are just going to have to be told they can't make it after the crash comes later this year

The only reason they're in that situation is because these cunts have been hoarding all the wealth.

you blew your wad of wojaks too early, it's back under 400 (382 currently)


Today was one of the worst days of the fucking year

the same thing adults are told when they run out of money for insurance: go sign up as disabled and deal with medicaid. The same entity which uses competitive bidding, meaning they're always going to get overpriced and usually broken equipment because the government doesn't want to pay more than it absolutely has to. And both parties wish to privatize this even further.

I know the answer, it was rhetorical. That's why I was upset.

We just watched Porky lose all their profits for the entire year again. Nigga please.

Today Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan Stanley both admitted that the January high will never be reached again for the rest of the year lmao.

How the fuck was this a good day for the stock market

back under 400 in a minute

The smaller piglets, maybe, but most of these rich fucks rely on the international nature of their various conglomerates in order to profit. If they're to be restricted to national levels of production and market capture, they might as well declare bankruptcy now. In the face of the disintegration of global trade, I would expect more international corporate mergers in order to keep profits up, especially with the subsequent sharp contraction in consumption brought about by joblessness created by a major downturn.

IMO we're about to see devolution from global free trade to Colonial-style trade spheres carved out by the largest economies. Popular participation in Capitalism is about to be obviated in favor of authoritarian Capitalism as the bourgeois try to enforce their desired economic system, even as it disintegrates around them.

Gettin spooky again

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"It also raises the possibility that saboteurs could upload objectionable material to a blockchain specifically to make it illegal, perhaps to manipulate the price of a cryptocurrency or simply to sow chaos."

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sasuga /liberty/

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Lolberts btfo

Now how do we exploit this???

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your daily Tesla™ sponsored schadenfreude

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the absolute state of facebook

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Zuccy got Cuccy…

Zuckerberg lost 1.6 billion in a single day. Except that's a lie, and websites aren't worth fucking anything, and even if he were to sell his entire share, he'd still only have fiat. Moth and dust may not devour capital, but it can just vanish.


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Ok what the fuck nasdaq

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-19 E-Mini Nasdaq 100 Index Jun 2018.png (458x301, 22.71K)

soon, lads

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As I said up here it's tech that will get burned first and get burned the hardest. Tomorrow will probably be worse, say 4-5%. If we get extremely lucky it'll drop to 7% and trigger NASDAQ's internal circuitbreaker to suspend trading for the day.

Attached: Stop_OnlySoErect.gif (500x281, 936.12K)

What does tech mean in this case? Like these three or more specialized stuff?

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Okay wtf happened today I've just seen an image of NASDAQ at -3.55% I couldn't watch it all day someone update me on eu and asia and explain wtf happened with Nasdaq pls

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Facebook is getting flamed for providing info to Trump's boys and now they're getting wrecked right and good.

AMD and Intel have had recall/product quality/hacking issues over the past few months while Nvidia is having a major problem meeting demand due to crypto miners, an activity that the government will regulate for the first time this year. There's a lot of fuck ups and uncertainly in the chip market at the moment so investors are very skittish. Ditto for Broadcom's attempted and failed takeover of Qualcomm, which was blocked by Trump himself per antitrust issues.

It's just a mess. The whole tech market is and investors are starting to realize it, so there is blood. Much more will spill, especially if the government decides to crack down on self-driving cars following Uber's recent fuck up, that affects Nvidia too because they make the special chips for all that equipment. It screws up radar/antenna manufacturers as well. Just a lot of anxiety and unknowns, things that create fear.

On the flip side, again domestic metals and extraction is looking great because Trump is protecting them from foreign competition.

Short summary

Facebook lost $50 Billion USD, dragging the stock market with it like the DOTCOM bubble.

Some other shit happened

It fell so low for the, fourth time? I think this year? Anyways, because of that JP Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank released statements that basically said we'll never reach the peak of January for the rest of 2018.

Thanks for the detailed reply
Is this really an issue from their point of view? I mean the cards are still getting sold

Investors, shareholders. Imagine being a CEO on a leash and telling your owners that "we could be making 2x the profit right now if we had the capacity, sorry."

In other words: a company that has a tremendous opportunity to grow and can not is a sick company by capitalist standards. Doesn't matter that it's used wasting online casino money to perpetuate child porn.

It's just business. :^)

It's an issue because they aren't meeting demand, causing customers to build products that forego their cards because they cannot reliably get them. Likewise the current use for them is an activity that regular investors see as a form of gambling that the government will soon strictly regulate if not outright ban. The short term profits are nice, but even their own investors can see beyond 2-3 years and that they have to reach the widest amount of customers possible because relying on crypto is not a viable strategy.

Also this , if they could make a supply that at least got near demand they could charge the same price but sell a lot more meaning more profit. The current situation is unsatisfactory, especially when coupled with Uber's accident that might cause that market (self-driving cars) to be crushed.

Not meeting demand = bleeding consumers to your competitor (ATI/AMD).

Isn't the miner problem also affecting AMD?

It's affecting everyone but Nvidia makes the most powerful cards therefore they sell out first. This is how you can spot a bubble: when random retards are lining up at Best Buy at 6am to buy out their entire shipment of graphics cards with a payday loan.

I've read that nvidia is the preferred hardware, but also so far the market leader. Even IF they both can't meet demand, for the market leader not being able to grow the gap between him and his competitor is a bad omen.

Also: think about "consumer loyalty". So far – as with everything tech related – there were holy wars about the right PC build. Those who are buying your card for its unintended use get in the way of your (pre-existing and to-be) loyal customers, allowing AMD to sell its cards for its intended use.

If I remember well, someone correct if I'm wrong, this is not much of a problem of miners, but a problem with the materials needed to make the graphics cards. They can't ramp up production because there are not enough materials to make the graphics cards (Mostly GDDR5 memory). If the prices of graphics cards are so up it's because of that, because the memory is fucking expensive nowadays.

Wasn't it something like nvidia's PhysX being unintentionally preferable for the mining algorithm or some random shit like that? I'm not sure, I'm not a gambler.

Roses are rosey
violets are violet
Nikkei 225 is nosey
It'll be violent.

yeah this also gets into weird supply chain issues in regards to what chip fabs want to produce and what China's government (who controls a massive amount of the materials needed to make higher end GPUs, at least at a cost level manufacturers will accept) is willing to let them have at a given price. Again this relates back to a general anxiety because none of these issues have clear solutions, and Trump himself is threatening to fuck over Nivdia's Chinese-based fabs with his trade war (including his recent trade actions in regards to Chinese buyouts of US semiconductor component firms), which Intel and AMD would benefit from as their fabs are in Korea, Japan and the US. Which is one of the reasons why Nivdia's stock is taking a dump compared to Intel/AMD's.

I'm pretty sure this is just a bump, people will be porky will be stuffing the stock market with their own cash.
It'll be glorious, anyone who has been asleep until the stock market shits itself isn't getting the full picture here. The world capitalist economy is collapsing at the seems, and there is nothing they can do about it.

2 more hours until Japan open. They closed -0.9% last time.

praised be the memelines your dubs have been checked

Which reminds me. I need to collect some Godzilla pics.

The worst is yet to come. The thing that crashes the market will be the one thing that capitalists could not reverse: the NAFTA renegotiation. Trump is using it as a vehicle to institute a NA continent-wide protectionist scheme, because it allows him to cut China out of the US market in a way that cannot easily be stopped, modified or repealed by Congress (either now or into the future). When that is finalized markets will dump, although certain US, Mexican and Canadian stocks will skyrocket (say ones for US-based chip fabs, metals refining and domestic extraction) on the news. The global economy will suffer as a whole due to North America being cut off into one massive trade bloc against them. It will be nothing less than a massive, potentially shattering crisis for modern capitalism and the post-cold war neoliberal consensus. Most Americans, Mexicans and Canadians won't notice though.

See the graph here, this is the razor edge Trump is skating on. He's going to keep Mexico and Canada in as a means to cut everyone else out. It's incredibly clever and speaks to Trump's craftiness.

Attached: Trump_wants_to_renegotiate_NAFTA-0dbde8530f86cddf672f2f4af9692b39.png (1280x1234 186.21 KB, 680.8K)

That's not how capitalism works, bby.
haha, oh wow

Americans will start seeing more "hecho en mexico" labels on their mcdonalds toys, plastic lawn chairs and PC cases rather than "made in china" ones. Trump is crafty, although he has no vision beyond getting reelected. To that end he's going to demolish 40+ years of carefully constructed American foreign policy so he can get another 4 years in office.

So how long tell this leads to a pan-north american Zapatista movement?

Yeah, but this will hurt the EU. And Euros always make fun of us Burgers on Holla Forums so they deserve to get there economy fucked up hard.

Attached: 26.jpeg (751x511 13.28 KB, 564.98K)

These dudes are so delusional you'll find 10 bullish threads for every AAAAA thread

(repost from daily news thread:)

4/biz/ split on Petro ban:

whenever America's ruling class decides northern Mexico should be incorporated into the United States. There's probably a line their HDI and tax compliance rates have to cross before arming rebels is considered.

Today's stock market was retribution for Anna Campbell!

Nikkei in the moment. All this chaos going on and the petroyuan hasn't been introduced yet. Shit is going to get wild next week.

Attached: Nikkei.png (283x154, 8.92K)

What the fuck is a petro-yuan and why should I care?


Up until now, you could only buy petroleum with US dollars. This guaranteed the primacy of American money as the defacto trading standard and reserve currency for every major government on the planet. China recently announced that petroleum will be traded in the yuan as well, which is the US's danger button. Any time a country has tried to trade petroleum in other denominations, the US brought the hammer down on them. Venezuela is trying to do something similar with their crypto currency.

The US wants to keep the lid on this more than anything. The primacy of the dollar as trade-medium and reserve currency is the central pillar of American hegemony. Providing an alternative in the renminbi threatens to upend the entire basis of international US power projection. Especially with the alternative banking and trade systems China is creating, it threatens to take the US's "soft power" in the form of economic sanctions/manipulation/etc off at the shoulder.

If this crisis doesn't result in revolution then Unruhe is right and I'll suck a dick

What systems?

Oh fuck me, so is it, dare I say, haPpening?

Attached: stop.jpg (252x247, 7.63K)

I'm sure the stock market will bounce back up the rest of the week, It's a resilient fucking thing.

The transfer of hegemon hats between Britannia and USA was actually relatively peaceful, Hitler's autistic shitfit notwithstanding. China's making a play for it won't be. Because why the fuck would Europe want to just sit by and watch it happen?

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It's only by the caprice of fate that they both ended up on the same side of two world wars. The US just let all the old empires duke it out for supremacy, only to swoop in and scoop up all the marbles when they'd worn each other out.

Good morning, EU! Bumpy ride ahead.

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Asia close, Russia start.

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Looking fun.

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For some reason I get the impression of mounting desperation.

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another day in burgerland, another school shooting

Zuckerberg saved tens of millions of dollars by selling Facebook stock ahead of Monday’s decline

Facebook CEO saw net worth drop by $5 billion as stock sinks after data controversy

Facebook Inc. Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg saw his net worth decline by about $5 billion Monday, but it could have been worse.

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What are your bets that the shooter was a right-winger?

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He's probably a blackpilled /r9k/ kid

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Meme lines stronk today

Memelines pls no gains

The good thing is facebook is still crashing. It started at 172 and is at 167 rn

I thought cryptocurrencies were nearly impossible to track so how are they going to enforce that?

you can't fool me dow jones

bubbles ahead

wait for the last 30mins sell off

Goin' back down, lasses n' lads

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The Dow is now down for 2018, but it still has plenty of winners

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So there's really nothing standing in the way of a massive market crash, because these "large investors" they're relying on to "tamp down ugly market routs" have absolutely no incentive to do so. A crash is a bargain bonanza for them, especially if it's government picking up the tab.

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I want to bite the booty

Fucking holidays ,so much for the """Asian productivity"""

Hang Seng is up and open and chugging right along

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EU start, US futures.

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I've been getting doubts that the stock market crash wont happen until after April or even May. It seems like the markets are immune to any real news or bullshit that have been going on recently.


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Oh god help I'm losing so much mon- oh wait my dividends are re-investing perfectly to buy the dip :^)

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Half of American's don't have a plan in the event of an economic crash…

I suppose we have their plan ready for them!

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Where they at doe?

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gettin spooky lads

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Nobody gives a shit about the dow jones. SP 500 and NASDAQ is where the real shit is at.

Attached: Z7HeRxU.png (512x512, 360.9K)
I'd bet on bitcoin going up today with chief twit shilling for it

FANGS is located in the Nasdaq and that's where you'll find a lot of potential chaos. The Dow is most prone to fluctuations, while Nasdaq and SP 500 is more resilient. Thus if you see any big falls in either of those sectors, that's where the real fun begins. Not to say that a large Dow implosion wouldn't be fun though.
It's nothing more than a pump and dump scheme. Any actual value to be gained from it has been gamed so hard by market manipulators that it's value as a currency is absolutely nothing.

Let's be real here, out of all of FANGS which ones would you see most likely to crash and burn forever and which will survive?






Dat slope

Attached: Slope.png (946x466, 24.79K)
Bond yields have been rising steadily this week, btw.


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al gore rhythms

Stock market goes up stock market goes down. What's the point of this thread again?

watching it go up and down, dummy

the incoming crisis?

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We hedge fund managers now?

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Feels like we’re close to another dip

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DOW is falling. 1 hour until close.

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30 mins to go, we goin down again

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DOW closed in negative.

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hot damn

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Who else is held to a fiduciary duty? Lawyers are a typical example. Would we all be fine with some lawyers breaching client-attorney privilege or cutting a deal with the defense to receive a portion of their client’s payout on the backend, if they charged the client slightly less upfront? No?

So what can you do? Well, of course be aware that this is happening. If it’s possible, hire a “fee-only” planner to advise you on your investments. And lobby your state government to institute its own version of the Fiduciary Rule. And maybe get a little riled up about it.

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2008 was absolutely, without a doubt, the bear trap.

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What does this term mean?
It makes me think of a sexy bear, that's also a trap,

A small downturn that "traps" anybody who feels "bearish" on the market by confirmimg their fears. After the bear trap hits bottom, the market rises again and then absolutely collapses.

So if 2008 was the bear trap, that means we're in for some shit.

This economic collapse is super fucking slow. I am getting really impatient.


call me when we're getting back to -2% levels

You realize that the last one took ~1 year to blow up, right?

we won't

EU open, US futures.

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we sinking fast

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oh boy

it takes a while

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we free fallin

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- 0.5% still not terribly significant

It's too late.

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Seriously speaking the chances of the 08 recession being the bear trap are none, right??

Germoney, France below -1%. US futures steadily falling so far.

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Okay, if 2008 was the bear trap, in comparison to the great depression how badly would this hit?

Learn to savor the experience

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this is not how it works


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Oh my fucking god, this might actually be the big one.

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DOW already down over 300 points.

It's going to be a good day, folks.

here we go

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No, the big one doesn't happen until the NAFTA renegotiation concludes. Once Trump announces that NAFTA is going to turn into a full-blown NA protectionist scheme, markets will dump as porkies move to rebuild their enterprises in Mexico. That happens sometime between July and December, Trump can push it through immediately before the midterms or during the lame duck session.

Also, even though Trump does have to go through Congress so long as he has Mexico and Canada's approval (he will since they benefit from these changes too) there is no way Congress wouldn't unanimously pass it. It comes down to a fight between NA-based manufacturers/producers and retailers, the former have more lobbying power.

Attached: NAFTA-renegotiation-timeline.png (1024x768, 242.86K)


Depressing if true.

(second highest, IIRC, since the start of dow's crash)

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Thanks comrade Trump!

I was wrong. VIX is close to being third highest since February's record.

Attached: 1.png (917x261, 34.86K)

Feb.5: 37.32
Feb.8: 33.46
Mar.1: 22.47
today: 21.41 (so far)

Attached: 1.png (328x163, 19.23K)

get under 500 damn you

We no.3. now

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-500 points.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-22 Dow Jones Industrial Average(1).png (1437x495, 62.58K)

Waiting on all these quantitative changes to become qualitative like

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CAN WE DO -3%?

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We're less than 400pts away from the lowest moment of the February crash, and the petro-yuan goes official next week.

Attached: RED_WARNING.gif (500x598, 990.82K)

It's weird how the American press has taken on a noticeable bent towards class struggle without ever saying a single one of the ☭☭☭forbidden words☭☭☭. Look at Business Insider alone:


Appropriate graph, plus a rather optimistic overlay someone made over the gold prices.

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Will the protectionism from NAFTA re negotiations be enough to offset how fucked we're gonna get by petro-yuan?

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Who the fuck knows. At the moment it seems like there's more than at least half the people in the game who are optimistic about this economy still. Petro Yuan is probably going to kneecap the yanks, but not by that large of a margin.

If this isn't a case of the companies buying up their own stocks automatically after a -2% decline I don't know what is.

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I mean we've already been limping around on cheap money for the last 8 years, a bullet to the knee can either mean collapse or just a worse, more painful limp.

Germany as comparison.

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When's the announcement?

2 hours 50 minutes till close

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Looking at market headlines is like reading texts from a bipolar ex. One minute things couldn't be better, the next the world is ending.

Which I guess depending on where one falls in the income brackets is pretty much the case.

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I'm genuinely curious to know how Holla Forums is handling this

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something so based wait what do you mean the chinese tarriffing our agricultur-

which Holla Forums? 4/pol/ is a different entity than 8/pol/, 4/pol/ will blame this on antifa being Xi's agents or something


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Looks like the market is back to being bullish again.

It's rebounded somewhat but it doesn't seem like it can quite break -1%

what if they can't break -1% even with buying their own stock? what are the implications if this is true?

Attached: OHHHHHHH.gif (1278x674 496.22 KB, 76.75K)

The implications are that the dream is collapsing.

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but if the dream collapses, all of our reality collapses, we'll have no frame of reference without this liberalization we've had since the banks took over NYC in '75

I know, isn't it great?

Attached: absolutely perfect.png (436x650, 253.59K)

Exactly, hegemony destroys itself. What comes afterwards can be rebuilt in a new way. Things are gonna get hairy, but i genuinely believe we are ready for this.

going down again

Attached: cash_out.png (647x288, 101.52K)

Yes and no. I expect that the US will undergo a softer collapse than the Soviet Union did, but that there will be a similar sentiment felt among the people of both nations after the fact. The frame of reference will be remembering the gilded days when America was #1 and nothing could touch her. This will be the new dream, a mental and political life lived in the past while the physical life is spent in poverty and concealed shame. I don't really expect America to be a birthing place of what we might call a new left. Rather, I see America doubling-down on conservatism and fascism - lifeboat ethics will be considered even more normalized as things get shittier. Glory days, wishing and dreaming of the past, trying to avoid at all costs the idea of a future worse than their present - a future that many of them know, but few would ever admit admit, is undoubtedly going to be worse and worse as time goes on, and that there is nothing they themselves could do to change their circumstance.

And that will go on until a civil war or Balkanization starts in earnest. (Or, I think, a stratification - ultra-security state in massive urban hubs, and a lack of resources necessary to even partially secure rural areas - a smattering of Gibsonian cities surrounded by Appalachia-tier living everywhere else) At which point things go from soft collapse to hard collapse for most folk.

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Maybe among Gen Xers and the last remnants of baby boomers, but I doubt the newer generations would be so keen to romanticize America. Particularly since a lot of the newer generation are comprised of minorities.

and what sucks is those rural areas aren't farming grounds for something like Maoism, at the risk of sounding like a revisionist, we need to consider the lumpenproletariat as they become a larger constituency of the proletariat proper, we need to include them or we're fucked because we won't have the numbers.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-22 Dow Jones Industrial Average(2).png (341x1264, 119.41K)

The nostalgia of boomers has already started: it was Make America Great AGAIN.

The stock market is tremendously inflated based on the past decade of trillion-dollar, practically zero interest loans being dumped into it by the US and other major governments. This has occurred in the face of declining wages, declining labor participation, and declining consumption. The current state of things is that the rich are richer than ever and the working class is essentially destitute. Market saturation has reached the point that there is nowhere left to grow, and without some sort of major cash infusion into the consumer population the few remaining remedies for declining profits are merger, acquisition, or cash infusion, either from government or by seizing customer assets (the so called "bail in"), or bankruptcy/fire sale.

We saw what happened in February at the mere mention of rising worker wages and the return of inflation. When it becomes apparent that the days of endlessly rising index prices are over, there'll be increasing sell offs with ever-fewer buyers. For the millions whose retirement and well being is based off of these portfolios, it's going to be nothing short of disaster. Depreciations lead to cost cutting, cost cutting leads to "downsizing," downsizing means fewer people making money, much less saving or spending it. The market cannibalizes itself in a long crisis of increasing severity as the companies and various options and schemes working people have put their money in to fold. After a decade of barbaric austerity measures, the evaporation of all their assets will leave millions without any means of sustaining themselves.

For the extremely wealthy, things couldn't possibly be better. Collapsing prices means they'll be able to scoop up tremendous amounts of shares in the remaining worthwhile sectors for peanuts. Market pressures will force out all the penny-ante schmucks, leaving those increasingly desperate to sell to practically give their stocks away to the few people that have all the fucking money. It'll be an even better bargain when they inevitably get the government to subsidize their buying sprees. Billions will be left in utter, desperate destitution, while simultaneously seeing the rise of Trillionaires. And that's if things don't get bad.

Those are my wacky doomsday predictions. Screen shot this post, and don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe.

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I have no doubt that some people from the younger generations will feel the way you have described, though I expect the cultural zeitgeist to be one of fond remembrance of the good ol' days, especially in the face of a most unpleasant future.

Think about the kinds of movies people will be making, think about what the great cultural myths of the era will be and who will be bringing them to people. Children of this era who do not remember 'the good times' that the TV, radio, their parents and grandparents, etc. talk about will certainly be able to imagine them with the help of government-sponsored propaganda, same as today.

I mean shit, this might be a bit stereotypical, but think about how some people from the American South still idolize and pine for the days of the Confederacy. 'The South Shall Rise Again!' is still the moniker of many'a Southerner, and think about how long ago that was - people who have no real connection to those times still think about them as 'muh huritage' and all that. I expect that to be the case for America proper, but on a wider and more pervasive (and officially sponsored) scale.

Attached: download (7).jpg (873x545, 103.01K)

Trump Slaps Tariffs on $50 Billion Worth of Chinese Goods

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It's a pervasive tactic in politics, and it works, over and over again.

I think people tend to view the years (era) of their youth fairly fondly regardless of how shitty they were. Appealing to that nostalgic mental picture of the past that a lot of people have is effective at creating a positive association.

I mean, look at all the 80s movies being remade this decade. Throw a familiar name on a shitty movie remake and vacuum up the money that falls from the pockets of people who want to re-live the feeling they got when they first watched Star Wars, or Ghost Busters, or RoboCop, or the A-Team, or The Karate Kid, or Poltergeist, or any of that shit.
-Here's a list of 78 movie remakes that have either come out or been announced in the last 10 years or so. Everything from Dirty Dancing to Splash. Masters of the Universe to Creepshow. People love what is familiar, and if reminds them of better days all the better as far as the propagandist is concerned.

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At the risk of sounding like a revisionist, if the American left is to survive, it has to cater to the lumpenproletariat in the way Mao catered to the peasants.

Goin' back down

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Attached: NewStateOfTheDow29.PNG (661x556, 32.56K)

So you're saying we're fucked?


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Hot damn

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I suppose that ultimately depends on what you mean by 'fucked', but yes.

And we haven't even started talking about how trashed the environment and climate is.

Attached: leftypol_and_environmental_collapse.png (1808x4544, 1.64M)

Well that is depressing, maybe I should think about a way to commit suicide in a quick and efficient way?


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In a pinch, no real desire to kill myself now

Nah, if youre gonna go out do it as the flame rises.


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Im praying for -2.5% by the close

Acquire glorious People's AK.
That way, ready for global People's revolution, or glorious eternal slumber, or both!

On a more serious note though, I'd recommend using the knowledge you have of things going to shit to accurately prioritize your life. Too many people will waste away for decades in cubicles because they believe that one day they'll be able to retire, chasing that bigger house with a swimming pool, or that one day they'll be the big boss with the corner office. You know that's not going to happen, so don't play into that system. Live your life through your understanding of how precarious our collective situation truly is. Truth can be frightening, but it can also be freeing.

I'm not perhaps the most elegant speaker on this topic, but here's a line that's stuck with me.

“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretence. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.”

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Down 545.91 in two refreshes

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-22 Dow Jones Industrial Average(6).png (1374x43, 6.19K)

Oh fuck

It might really be happening

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Make that 576.10

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Can we have a new thread please, this length is killing my toaster of a computer

Harold Rubberfucking Christ what the fuck.

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Trump's tariffs will deal the death blow
the last three digits will be tomorrow's new low

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That's all of us right now, user

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Stocks are getting bought back up again. Might spike up. Daily reminder that if the stocks are bought back up, don't get upset. Porky's blowing his money away.

This but I'm smiling upright like a Maoist poster

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The car is on fire, and there's no driver at the wheel .And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides.

And a dark wind blows

Attached: WoodyFire.jpg (225x225, 8.22K)


Attached: weew.png (1920x1080, 1.4M)

fuggen dis

We are trapped inside a machine and the machine isnbleedong to death. We either cut our way out or drown in its blood.


The government is corrupt
And we're on so many drugs
With the radio on and the curtains drawn

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Its falling again.

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hey how's it going?

I don't know entirely what I think of this, but it definitely scares me. We will, in all likelihood, have the technological and scientific know-how to create a global post-scarcity society in the coming decades. It;s just frustrating to think that we aren't trying to move there because of a bunch of arbitrary, outdated ideologies. I often wonder if, had we achieved global socialism in the last century, whether or not we would have achieved (or at least be on the cusp of achieving) full communism by now.

It just pains me to know that we could do it; that we could make the world a veritable paradise for everyone. That the painstaking work of the greatest geniuses of history have advanced us from primitive brainlets using stick tools to landing remote-controlled vehicles on Mars, and that humanity is about to throw all of that arduous work away and destroy ourselves just so some microscopic class of greedy assholes can live in luxury.

I really hope the system collapses soon. I don't know if socialism would win though. It's just simultaneously so terrifying, aggravating and depressing to think of what we could achieve in the coming years, but then realize that we might destroy ourselves before we get there.

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We at 601.72 now, bois

Back up to -2.3%, pirky ain't giving up easy



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It will go back up if the porky knows what's good for him.


Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-22 Dow Jones Industrial Average(9).png (660x584, 90.88K)

Lmfao, I guess they started to treat the tariffs seriously.



kekkity kek kek

Attached: daddies.gif (640x360, 1.88M)

What is gonna happen when it breaks the 23k line?

Stock market fluctuations are one thing but given how insanely volatile the stock markets have been, with this no-growth limbo dominating the markets and that this year's first quarter is coming to an end next week, can you imagine the reactions of shareholders when receiving their company's quarterly reports showing that their investments are no longer yielding greater dividends?


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Attached: NewStateOfTheDow40.PNG (666x552, 31.97K)

And straight to 640

Come on baby, just 62 more points.

Oh shit.

Holy shit.

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I need someone to give me major auto stocks pls.


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We're below 24000

You know, today the market will not crash, but if it crashes tomorrow, it will be pretty ironic.

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The Noble Philip taketh and giveth in equal proportion

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POST -700

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Y? What is special about tomorrow?

And we're now down 3% as well, goddamn

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I leave to put a pot of water to boil, come back and we're at -740.94


Attached: NewStateOfTheDow44.PNG (656x540, 31.98K)

That it is friday

nah monday would be better, kr memes and that


Meanwhile, at the NASDAQ

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I'm not 100% sure, but I think the petro-yuan goes live next Monday.

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Dow back up above 24000



Attached: ClipboardImage.png (960x538, 1.26M)

>Not wanting for the day that capitalism died to have the same name that one of the most capitalistic days of the year

Unfortunately yes

Attached: Screenshot_20180322-155124.jpg (1073x924, 133.41K)


Its back below 24,000, they cannot save it


time until close???

nice la!

Four minutes

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-22 CBOE Volatility Index(1).png (1056x365, 44.77K)

you mean the market doesn't go up forever?

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Entropy consumes all, Stacy.

Looks like this is where it's at for today.

Good work lads. Can't wait for tomorrow.

Attached: NewStateOfTheDow45.PNG (649x539, 32.1K)

Well its ogre in the US for tonight, some desperate attempts to get it above 24000 in the last ten minutes there.
Now time for Asia to shit its pants over this.

Wanna go for a wank now tbh.
Also when does nikkei open GMT?

Oh god. Imagine the Hang Seng.

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So painfully close to closing on -3%.

They couldn't bring it back up to 24,000, this might be the final straw

tbh one political comment by Xi could turn the Hang Seng around


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Oh me oh my.

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Well that was exciting. I doubt it's going to stop.


will have their retirements taken away for their fucking arrogance their whole entire lives. And now they think they got the golden ticket because they elected Trump? Will they still defend him when everything they fought for, for god damn years to retire is going to be stripped away as the money burns?

God watching Midwest Boomers fucking humiliate themselves on their political bets is orgasmically satisfying.

I'm not trying to be edgy and I'm not a god damn Hillary supporter the election is over now. I'm just saying, these smug fucks, they have been destroying our future for countless years now.



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Yes I agree comrade we should hate the people who've been mislead by the system instead of the system itself.

Ironically if China does respond they will hit the agricultural states first with tarrifs, aka trump voter

Also Boeing will likely lose business to Airbus

All those fucking boomers who blamed Capitalism's failings thought they could fix those failings by electing SOMEONE WHO'S GONE BANKRUPT GOD DAMN NINE TIMES

WHO WILL THEY BLAME? THE DEMOCRATS? They probably will for years.

They've been mislead, but their votes are what matters. And they've been voting against all of our common interests FOR DECADES

It's a fucking Aesop Fable just deal with it


Yes they are, ripping schools apart, destroying everything. You're insulting them more than I am by implying they have zero fucking will of their own.

Boomers deserve this.

If our generation will never retire, then neither should they

Oh yes the famous grassroots charter school movement

Oh just fuck off already you dumb shit. You know I'm fucking right about all of this.




Attached: ONE YEAR.png (928x565, 34.18K)

Neither of you get it. Midwesterners were already fucked, they already had their retirements destroyed as their companies were bought out, went bankrupt or were recycled into monstrosities that raided their pension fund. Hilary then walked in and told them and their children, to their face, that she'd put the rest of them out of work. That is how Trump won. Fact is material conditions in these places are so absolutely shit poor right now that it can't get any worse.

Trump knows this, and he knows these people only stand to benefit from a trade war. Mexico knows this too, see

Petro-yuans are a meme, Aramco tried price dumping the market to kill US and Russian oil companies but only succeeded in killing China's state oil company. China was/is very asshurt about this, so as consolation they'll be able to buy oil in Yuans. This doesn't help them (it only inflates their currency's value, making their export-driven economy noncompetitive) but it means more business for the Saudis. It's a classic capitalist backstab.


Attached: ONE YEAR.png (884x775 34.18 KB, 797.69K)

get hype, see what I mean when I said the collapse is going to be at the end of this year? The market will run up again over the next few months then Trump will come in and crush it with the NAFTA renegotiation, then walk into another fully Republican Congress because China will be outright banned from certain North American industries (namely auto parts/components/materials, as a major concession to Mexico)

Attached: bubble.jpg (851x488, 145.16K)

His strategy is to win the Rust Belt and this is what all his actions (as in, things he does not things he says) is geared towards. It'll work. Meanwhile Democrats are sitting in a corner jacking off because the Clinton era stock doesn't want a trade war while everyone who represents middle states like Ohio does. It's crafty, even if Trump is a fucking retard and constantly spews shit on twitter.

Sure they are an annoyance and stupid, but to even imply that any voter in existence had 10% of the responsibility for the horrible situation the US finds it schools in is absurd.
I would be fine with talking about how having a corporate media dominate the media landscape their entire life warped their views, but very rarely are any discussions about Boomers productive or worthwhile.


Attached: hahahahahahahahaaHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA.png (868x365 797.69 KB, 46.54K)

Stay erect, my friend. It isn't even Friday yet, and there's blood in the water. The darkest times are ahead.

Stay erect.

Attached: d13.gif (444x272, 788.55K)

Again look at his actions, not his words. By the way, there's at least a 30% chance he'll blame Russia and China for "hacking" our stock market. Why not? I'd be a great way to quickly get unrestricted access to financial data stored in banks. More than present, at least.

Bruh, look at dis dood.

Attached: HAHAHA.png (1886x1444, 1.72M)

I don't read twitter and don't believe anything said on it by Trump. I assume he's always lying.

The market was gonna crash regardless. Trump is just accelerating the process. I do think he will retain popular support in the Midwest cause he is starting a trade war with China, but how long can that support last? Their material conditions are only going to get worse….

He's in Ronald fucking Reagan stages of Dementia, of course he's lying, but he sometimes forgets that that the lies he says are the fucking truth

it's only truth to people who use twitter, people who can afford phones. People who don't live in swing districts in the midwest.

I meant to say, sorry I'm laughing my ass off

He lies all the time, forgets he lied, and assumes what he's saying is the truth.

He's in his 70's for gods sakes, and he's obese, he's not fucking healthy. Health impacts your mental fitness as an elderly man, so does the stress of, fuck I don't know being the president

He's not some fucking Machiavellian Genius, he lies, says some shit on gut anger reaction, forgets about it. It's brought up, and he believes it's true.

He's the last two years of Ronald Reagan's Administration wrapped in fucking one Administration

Read this. It is fairly short, but it may help you understand why a global enlightenment based around needs-based distribution of resources hasn't happened yet and sadly why it will never happen.

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Oh fuck off, are you going to cry I'm broke as you and have a refrigerator next you fucking closeted neolib

His main issue is that the way he's going to cut China out is doing it with Mexican and Canadian support. Voters might spit that out at him, especially if Democrats push hard against NAFTA in favor of a strong border and strong tariffs on all imports, not just Chinese.

However, this is incredibly unlikely given that strong borders and high tariffs are things the current DNC leadership are opposed to.

If someone can't afford a phone, or a fancy phone contract, they're not reading Trump's garbage tweets directly and have to instead hear it from their local news station, which might have been bought out by Clearchannel and turned into a Tea Party mouthpiece. Even if they do have a phone, it's probable they don't sit on it all day like urban white collar voters often do. That's what I'm getting at.

user, we already have the technology for a post-scarcity society. We just choose not to, because artificial scarcity drives profits for the powerful.

Guess I better get rid of my god damn bougie food. And my god damn bougie computer. And throw away my god damn bougie phone I rarely use I keep in handy in case of emergencies. Water is also bougie so I better convince my land lord to stop paying for that, think of the morality will you!

Fucking Fox News talking points

You are literally insulting them more than I am by calling them dimwitted hillbillies who don't need a phone service. Give me a god damn break.

I don't care what they say, what they do, we're all going to suffer, and so are you.

Will is irrelevant in the dictatorship of the bourgeois.

oh god I'll be forced to buy stupid plastic shit every other month instead of every other week, the horror

Will is irrelevant to you because you won't shut your god damn mouth for two seconds. Maybe I should blame it on you, and not the news.

You're using a computer. Posting on Holla Forums. The dumbest website of all time. I don't think you get to decide what is and is not stupid plastic faggot

Attached: lol5.png (885x205 32.16 KB, 28.58K)

Don't forget, boomers and other retired people are literally petite bourgeoisie. Their retirement is in the form of stocks. Hating boomers is like hating small business owners.

Fat load of good that'll do them.

This morning the DJIA was up 18% over one year ago, after today it's down to 16%. Since November there's been null net growth, and if this continues it means its actively shrinking.

Is there any way to get current GDP estimates, or is that the sort of thing you have to wait until the following year to get tabulated?

Attached: l'ordre regne.jpg (225x225, 7.57K)

And this

This is my personal favorite from now until the crash at the end of the year

this is to go even further beyond

Attached: lol6.png (1882x866, 491.71K)

Please keep your faggotry to yourself and stop shitting up the thread.

Attached: 1262185201640.jpg (640x480, 115.47K)

"This could be a big day for the stock market and…


Is there not a hard limit to how many houses we can build, how many vegetables and animals we can raise for food? How many barrels of oil does it take to maintain the current system? How much bigger can it get before it is forced to contract?

For how long can we as a species expand while keeping everyone (including all of the new people being made) housed and fed? What kind of impact does that have on the environment? These activities all have the end effect of warming the planet. How warm can it become before reefs die, oceans acidify, the arctic melts, before traditional agriculture is impossible because of soil erosion and increased temperature, before there's no fish left to eat?

The message of Jay Hanson's ( writing (which you should read, by the way) is that every form of life we've encountered, from bacteria to rats to people, always follow the same principle of maximized production. Every available resource is always used, and has always been used, until it runs out, at which point the subject either finds new resources or dies.

Environments, in this case being the earth as a whole, are not infinite. We can only make so many batteries, only drive so many miles, ship so much cargo via freighter - you have to understand that at present humanity is in a state of severe overshoot with regard to how much it is using the earth compared to how quickly the earth's systems are able to repair the damage we collectively do. We can't keep this up forever, yet in spite of that, we continue to expand, to use more, to grow, to pollute.

Read the article, user. It's short and it explains this (and sources it) better than I can.

Attached: ResourceDepletion.jpg (1000x1000 676.43 KB, 3.14M)

That's not how it works you gay homo.

Tell the freak to stop defending his dad's honor when I mock boomers

Would you please consider being less of a faggot

Attached: cant handel it.jpg (402x475, 56.87K)

I don't decide, Walmart and Amazon do. The two companies that are going to get the most fucked by a trade war.

There are literally fucking hundreds of tweets of him just congratulating himself on the stock market and it's all going to be in future history books (if there is a future)

It's all gone. No net growth. All gains erased. All of it, is fucking gone.


It's exactly how it works. Their retirement income comes from stock dividends. When you retire in America your class and class interests change because American retirement plans are based on the stock market. The reason "you get more conservative with age" and boomers are such reactionaries is because they are literally petite bourgeoisie with bourgeois class interests. The exceptions are the ones who were unlucky enough to not be able to retire. As more of them lose their retirement and have to face the prospects of working again, their attitudes will shift leftward (unless the media convinces them that the mexicans are at fault).

You should invest your energy into reading instead of laughing at the stupid things one of the representatives of the bourgeoisie said.

btw US national debt at 21 trillion

Thanks, I will laugh at the fucking president of the United States for being a dim witted fool, you buzz killing, boomer shielding, masturbating with his own sock little fuck munchkin ass

Attached: lol14.png (910x494 69.01 KB, 71.15K)


I usually don't at all. But he's been gloating about the fucking stock market non stop and now everything he ever gloated about is gone.

It's not even gone, it's beyond the point of being gone when he first started tweeting about it.

If that doesn't give you an eency little bit of schadenfreude, I don't know man, you're fucked. This is funny as hell

I'd like to remind everyone that Japan's stock market is still recovering from the 80's in which we saw this
Another crash, while Japan is still recovering would launch the JCP into record high gains and would mean a rapidly climbing communistic Japan, especially with Abe's approval ratings in the fucking gutter.

Example A

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Laughing at the US president is counter revolutionary alright pal gimmie more tips, is stepping on a nail an aphrodisiac


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We're under 24k

Attached: Screenshot_20180322-154103.png (1080x1920, 326.13K)

What can I say, it's a great year for success

Holy shit.

This year is gonna get spooky

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god. we just need a similar percentage drop and it'll happen. I want a 7% drop soon

Attached: b67bb35362cf1e18cd850d1ccbcf84f8fd793d19eeab42469128b7e526219207.gif (9825x1067, 4.11M)

Just a correction
pls don't sell, I'd advise buying right now

It is just a minor correction. The collapse happens when the new NAFTA is announced. All the smart people would sell now and get ready to buy in ~1 year.

Attached: sell everything and run for your lives.jpg (238x166, 13.18K)

It's a shame they pull the plug at 7%, I want another Black Monday. 22.61% drop

These are pretty massive corrections.

I'd say it's a fucking down trend.

He's meming autist.

Thanks to HFT (high frequency trading), your dream might come true. It only takes one major server fuckup in the NYSE's physical exchange to cause a lot of problems, the type that could easily cause a huge collapse in the first few seconds (not minutes) of trading. Look at how Coinbase got fucked during BTC's drop from $19k to $15k, they suspended all trading not to stop the market but because their computers had stopped operating and needed a hard reset.

Nobody really knows what a huge recession with HFT means. We'll probably find out before the end of the year.

so is shit happening again?

We dropped several hundred points on monday, it rebound slightly Tuesday.

Now we lost little under a thousand points

It started happening two months ago. These things take time.

They only pull the plug for the day at a 20% drop. At 7% and 13% respectively they only pause for 15 minutes. So a 20% drop is possible in a day on the NYSE.

I don't know man, you tell me what this chart spanning a year looks like, I just work here

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I don't mean to buy into the 5th dimensional backgammon meme, but I'd be really interested in seeing how Trump's friends have been doing since he came into office, and especially who's been benefiting the most from all of this market disruption.

Imo that was the entire point of him getting the presidency, that he'd be in prime position to influence the economy when shit starts to get real. I find it hard to believe that he isn't receiving some kind of quid pro quo, telling certain people before he goes public about tariffs, etc.

He's in his 70's and he's gone bankrupt 9 times, one with a steak company he pulled out his ass that was only sold in the mall at Sharper Image, the tech store.

He is not that bright. You are looking at a Rorschach Test. You can apply any motive to him.

In the end his mind is an ink splot on paper

Kek loves Holla Forums now.

They are doing as well as they need to be, that was the entire point of the tax cut. It buys Trump some leverage with them, because even if the economy collapses they stand to benefit with him over a Democrat that might actually consider raising their taxes. Likewise capitalists from Canadian, American, and Mexican manufacturers/refiners/minerals extraction industries are all deliberately conspiring to cut everyone else out of North America, which they would profit handsomely from. During this process a lot of businesses will get fucked and crash the market, but this only means cheaper assets for the vultures to pick through and use for their own advantage.

This is what capitalism is and why capitalism is not sustainable, because blocs of capitalists will conspire against each other and bring the entire system down. The real damage here isn't so much America, Canada and Mexico as it is the rest of the world who will see the nation who created the post-cold war consensus isolate itself from it. The consensus will cease to exist and the international globalism we've grown up in will suffer a massive stroke then cease to exist during Pence's second term.

It's wonderful really, I'd be extremely optimistic if I lived in France or Spain who are going to have a lot more political options in the coming years.

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Bolshevism with occult characteristics

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Ya I'm sure Peter Thiel is going to love helping build the fascist state out with Palantir.

if u realize it or not: u r describing the post-austerity society of 2020

t. erratic trumptard



*smacks lips*


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thanks for playing

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why tf my peepee hard


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Nikkei down 3%

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What a way to start. It took the American markets almost all day to drop to 3%, yet here the Japs are already surpassing them, one step ahead as usual.

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Where are you getting that? I don't see that on Google or CNBC

we sub 24k now

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You better believe it.

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Wrong song, mang.

The SUCCESS! that will last a thousand years

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dropping like a rock

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Friendship with Holla Forums ended. Holla Forums is my best friend now.

If this kek meme magic bullshit is what actually winds up driving Holla Forumsyps to Holla Forums en masse I will jump off a bridge

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So I'm a brainlet, explain exactly how this possible trade war affects the stock market?

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It threatens to disrupt the entire globalist system that all modern economies currently rely on, breaking apart the international capitalist detente and dividing markets along regional and corporate lines. Depending on how things hash out, there could be continental shifts through all levels of the economy as production, sourcing, shipping, and consumption change in response to tariffs and trade restrictions.

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your portfolio took a little tumble

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Genuinely curious about what Holla Forums makes of all this. Do they still think they're winning or do they think that it's the globalists/jews fault?

They were passing this one around during the last "correction."

Attached: smuggies trump protectionism.jpg (800x462, 64.41K)

It will. Just watch we will get all the happening and incel threads. Doesn't that sound like fun?

Too soon. USA economy will grow for the next year overall.

But the EU is fucking themselves, China is screwing themselves up pretty bad as well. USA is also screwed on a slightly longer term. Anyhow the next crash will very likely be much worse than 2008.

I appreciate leftypol much more than pol overall. The views are varied and there are sometimes very decent topics and quality posts.

Pol has half wild conspiracy threads, 20% or so irrelevant shitposting, 30% of threads describing a problem but usually putting the blame on the wrong group and without analysis of the problem.

Hm, Trump his protectionism won't cause as much of a crisis as the huge increases in debt we saw since 2008. Currently we're in a period of economic growth in US as well as EU. France Spain Italy (and Greece) won't be able to endure another crisis without getting an unrecoverable economy much like the position Greece is currently in. This won't have an easy solution.

The financial system is broken. People will throw fits about social issues which are plaguing western Europe and banks + corporate lobby will just buy out the parties to get their policies through.

The social issues in Europe mostly stem from non western, mostly Islamic migrants who got here through temporary work contracts (usually for low paid labor). Idea was to send them back after contract, never happened. Reason they took those contracts was that they could send money back which was much more than they would earn in countries like Turkey. Now fast forward 40 or so years, these people have kids and they're integrated worse than their parents. Original population hates these people due to their over representations in crime and them generally just harassing the population. Now when this is forming to be 15% of your population this is a huge issue. It will prevent people from uniting with each other to combat capital.

Instead they will just turn on each other due to cultural differences and the corporate lobby laughs as people are in a constant state of fight due to large cultural differences. It's typical divide and conquer from the bourgeois elite.

They're not talking about it. Since it isn't a kike / globalist fault :^). It still surprises me how pol can make these wild conspiracy stories while neglecting both capital and money flow.

What do they even mean by "correction"?

where were you when capitalism said "poopt"?

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You know when a bubble pops? That's a correction. Lolberts gave up trying to counter marxist criticism of stock markets, and just co-opted it, saying it's good instead. 30 million people going out of a job and losing their livelihoods is just "business cycles".

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Look at the hit the Shanghai took.

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Oh fuck me. Of course.

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I don't want to nitpick but isn't it possible that this falls into the "fixing trade deals" category? Most of the industrial jobs that have been lost have went to developing East Asian states that practice both open and silent protectionism.

It's an Obama-dweeb meme that free-trade isn't a problem and the only issue is automation. Of course, I agree that ultimately it is capital that is the real culprit.


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The party don't start till the soyboy gang arrives.

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We can have BO ban all the incel threads, but I like happening threads… as long as they're proper lefty happenings.


Nato countries will be exempt keep an eye on SCO activities.

For those who don't know:

The SCO is basically Chinese NATO.

What SCO members is the US engaged in trade with?

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Would these exemption mean anything now?

Of course they would. Not only does this show this is a deliberate attack against China and its allies it means that busniess can carry on as usual for the countries listen (Basically US allies.) It's an attempt to grab control of the global economy.

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The Nikkei is basically destroyed.

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more like a desperate grab at trying not to lose control of the global economy

RIP Japan

This. America is going down.

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Nato is much stronger than the SCO.

Indian, Russian and Chinese GDP combined doesn't hold a candle to the EU, The US and Canada/Mexico.

I'd say it's a pretty big stretch calling it desperate. China has made great strides and more and more people are starting to veiw it as a global leader, but, the United States Empire is centuries ahead here.

Attached: Borg_First_Collective.jpg (325x396, 25.68K)

SCO is not NATO, and I think you mean GDP per capita.

India is 7th and Russia is 12th

It doesn't really matter. Nobody is going to win, except American capitalists.

Almost -1000

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It's a national; economic, political, military alliance between eastern countries.
It very much is and yes like I said none of them can hold a candle the NATO allies.

Even. Chinese GDP per capita is far outpaced by the EU and US. NATO countries have more capital, eg, power.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2013-10-21-at-10.05.39-PM.png (500x494, 464.67K)

Son, USA's economy has been either flatlining or declining since 2000. It's gone hollow.

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Why is trump so fucking autistic?

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Indian GDP figures are cooked tbh

His Bogness be praised! They heard my prayers and are destroying Japan as we speak

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I didn't say that.

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Now closed. Google's thing is from 15 minutes ago though.

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This is truly spiraling into something catastrophic

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For perspective, Black Tuesday was a drop of 12%

S&P global 100, friends.

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Holla Forums on suicide watch.

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looking good today!

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Because most of the ruling class is retarded.

what documentary?

Is the Venezuelan stock market still skyrocketing? I'm bad at the internet and can't find it on marketwatch

Not really. I think the skyrocketing was due to the insane amount of inflation going on anyways.

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Sometimes it feels like engineers don't know a Goddamn thing outside of engineering.

They don't. Engineering students are drunk fucking retards who are decent at math.

t. chemical engineering student

Physicist here, can confirm engineers are the worst.


I wrote "decent" nigga

That doesn't matter in the face of shifting economic forces. If it did, this conflict wouldn't be happening.

You don't know what you're talking about.

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It sounds like something from The History Channel.

Yeah, you did.

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How does that mean military power?

Yes it's well known that China started ok the exact same level of economic growth at the exact same time as the United States and its behind cause because Asians can't into the economy.

You're projecting.

And yes it does because if you have more capital on your side you have more weight to throw around economically. That's why China can only put 3bill in tariffs on the US who put 60 billion, more or less. Because the US has more capital avaliable too it.

Any one who thinks China is economically comparable to the united states is delusional.

Again? Not impresed

It's a more charitable assumption than that you're an equivocating faggot.

Your assertions aren't based on facts. That the "United States Empire" is "centuries ahead" is just plain wrong.

Every one of your posts is more idiotic than the last.

Attached: oh zissu issu a shamefur dispray.jpg (620x348, 25.04K)

I actually recognize his post style from a month or two ago, he's an user who thinks the US can never be defeated and that China/Russia/etc are all paper tigers waiting to fall over with a small push

Russia is far weaker than people realise, vs the EU it would need to "win" within 9-14 months or get dicked.

Didn't China manage to create an electro magnetic canon that the US couldn't do? Saying that China would be absolutely boned if they went up against the US is complete idiocy.

Well railguns are under development for the US navy. They're not actually that hard to make, the issue lies in making them better than conventional guns. We already weaponized lasers, but we're not in Star Wars yet because ballistic weapons are still far better, same thing for electromagnetic powered guns.

On China vs US, I have little doubt that the US would win the sea war (with not an indifferent amount of casualties however). To go further than that is absolute fantasy, a land invasion of China is impossible.

The most likely scenario is a nuclear bombardment of mainland China and nation wide embargo enforced by the fleet and troops in the middle eastern land trade routes. Even that honestly is unlikely to suceed without crippling damage to the US itself. Neither nation can survive on its own.

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They don't even need any kind of em cannon or anything like that. China, Russia, and Iran have been working on advanced cruise missiles that can strike at a distance and effectively sink any modern surface ship. They can be made cheaply and in enough numbers that they can simply overwhelm a fleet's defences. The US could still strike beyond the range of these missiles, but doing so means limiting the effective range on their bombers, and increasing the chance of interception (and presumably casualties). All that is aside from the fact that the US's current wonder weapons don't or can't be made to work, reliably, if at all, so if there was a war tomorrow it would be with aircraft carriers from the 70s and jets from the 90s on the US side (before some sperg nitpicks I don't mean that literally) as opposed to the supposed wonder weapons like the Gerald Ford or F35 that they try to tout.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about; not from a material, historical, or economic basis.

This is how a stock market should look.
You may not like it, but this is how peak trading looks like

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-23 Dow Jones Industrial Average.png (1244x435, 54.26K)

Making one thing; rail guns for example, says nothing about the economic power of China in relation to the US.

I personally support China, but, I just don't see it as logical. The east is not as powerful as the west.

I don't care about the opinions of wrong people.

Keep in mind that's up 100 from a drop of 1000.

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Dunno about cuck/pol/, but I paid a visit to "our" /pol yesterday, and their topmost sticky (seriously, they got nothing but stickies) is about somehow protecting Trump from the evil influence of his kike lawyer. "Denial" doesn't even begin to cover it. I'm beginning to consider it may actually be a honeypot.

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Why are you excited about a market correction?


America's economy has been weird since 2008. It's like Da Markets have been growing nonstop while the economy for the person in the street goes to shit, like having a boom and a bust at the same time, and of course, all the boom goes to Porky. Like some sort of economic voodoo doll that transfers only the bad things from Porky to the people.

socialize costs privatize profit

user, we are past correctiom territory.

Well yeah but that requires visible mechanisms to happen. This seems to be happening almost like by magic, like your cousin finds money on the street while you have a piano fall on your head.

That whole 4/pol/-8/pol/-r/The_Donald-Right Youtube ecosystem is in general just a cult at this point. They've utterly lost touch with reality, they practically psychotic at this point. They won and it still hasn't gotten them what they wanted, and it broke their minds.

Quantitative Easing and Zero Interest Rate Payments. QE and ZIRP are what define the current economic circumstance we find ourselves in.

For something like 2 years after 2008 the fed was creating and sending trillions of dollars at zero interest to the banks - these are loans that are/were never expected to be repaid. This has continued to this day, though at a slower pace.

Essentially the global markets are propped up by glorified monopoly money at this point. No new real economic output was created during/after the crash, but trillions of dollars of 'value' was magic'd into existence to save the global economy.

The US was able to do this largely because of the petro-dollar. Every nation needs oil, and oil is largely traded in dollars on the global market, therefor everyone in the world can use dollars to buy something they have an eternal need for. Without that guaranteed usage case, the dollar is a lot less valuable. If the petro-dollar becomes the petro-yuan the dollar itself goes from essentially being a/the global currency to being much more localized in value, which would basically remove the ability of the fed to print them indefinitely without them losing value, which would destroy the American markets which at this point absolutely rely on this fake money to continue growing the way that they do. When the US market collapses it will have massive repercussions for the global economy, but it is inevitable. I suspect that the Chineses have known this for some time, which is why the petro-yuan going live is both exciting and terrifying - it might mean that China believes that it is ready to become the 21st century global power in earnest.

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I keep saying this, but the jew thing is mind aids. There is no getting through to them rationally at this point, because the jews will always be the reason for everything that happened. It's like trying to convince a hardcore Christian that Satan isn't behind all the evil in the world.

I think it runs deeper than that. These people thought that Trump getting elected would bring back some vague Shangri-La of Libtard Triggering where they get to be in charge of the cultural conversation again and the economy gets magically better through Running The Government Like A Business (TM). What happened? They're even more of a laughing stock outside of their alt-right/MAGApede bubble, the far-right is splintering into an impotent mess, our economy has barely done any better to the point where if you ask one of these people what Trump has done for the economy, the best they can maybe come up with is something like "I got a bonus" - nothing large-scale that he can take credit for, just piddly shit. Our influence is continuing to decline because these people are classcucked enough to think that we just need a Big Strong Man to Fix The Broken System(Also TM). Well, like any cult, their prophecy didn't come true, and instead of accepting it, they've doubled down and driven themselves insane, and in order to prop up their increasingly insane, deluded worldview, they have to look for scapegoats like "the jews" or "antifa" or "the globalists." Otherwise, the cognitive dissonance eats them alive, because they'll be forced to realize that the reactionary bullshit they've hinged their identity on doesn't provide an answer or resolution for the suffering and alienation they've been living with. It would be funny if it weren't so sad and pathetic.

And mark my words, America is gonna be the place where the far-right wave starts to recede. It's already happening, albeit slowly. It'll be a test case for what happens when their demagogues are shown for the charlatans they are, and what happens when their rabid acolytes can't face up to the fact that they've been had. The far-right is celebrating right now thanks to their successes in Europe, but soon enough, what's starting to happen over here in Burgerland will hit Europe to varying degrees sooner rather than later, especially if and when the next global economic crisis hits.

Indeed this is true, though I would say the same phenomena can be seen from the mainstream liberal side judging by the majority of reddit and the mainstream media and how they've failed to come to terms with the fact that Donald Trump was able to become the president of the united states.

Trump being president is such a mindfuck to people who weren't aware of how corrupt and broken the political system in the US is that it just doesn't compute - it's like telling them 2 + 2 = purple. Their mental image of the country/world they live in cannot coexist with the reality of Trump in the oval office. I mean I get it, it's pretty fucked up, but they can't accept how bad things really are for that to actually be the case. Damn near everybody suffers from a positivity bias (Pollyanna principle). It's ingrained into us by every happy ending in every story, always a silver lining, always a hope, always a good. That is fiction, but most people can't tell the difference between their cultural/imagined fictions and actual reality, which is, I think, why the Russia-gate shit plays so well to so many people. It's the only way they can make sense of their reality - and why everyone isn't losing their shit about climate change, because accepting the fact that industrial society at-large is coming to an end due to its own internal processes working as designed (and not some zombie plague or meteor impact) is unimaginable to most people.

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Attached: NewStateOfTheDow46.PNG (651x545, 31.31K)

Absolutely. Mainstream libs are basically the new "THANKS OBUMMER" crowd. And the more the rest of us tell them "We told you so" they have to push that knowledge out of their minds so that they can keep this sacrosanct image of America as a temporarily tarnished shining city on a hill, which again just shows how out of touch they are as well. For anybody on the left who isn't a brainwashed liberal, Trump winning in retrospect is the only outcome that made sense. It's the perfect encapsulation of our oafish, imbecilic culture enabled by an economic system that imposes sociopathy as a way of life for anybody who wants to climb to the top.

When the Dow crashed in February, it got as low as 23860.46.

It is currently at 23891.52.

Who thinks we'll beat the crash value today?
If so, by how much?

Attached: NewStateOfTheDow47.PNG (663x555, 32K)


Attached: Capture.PNG (628x365, 24.33K)

maybe dropping all the way to 22K

realistically? probably 22.5K

The end result from yesterday was something like a 770pt drop.

If I remember right the biggest drop from the February crash was something like 980 (though I missed the first day of the crash so maybe that one was higher).

All the same, 22.5 would be an insane drop - would probably break the record again.

Though it is Friday, and it is right before the petro-yuan announcement, so…

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Jesus fuck this market is insane. Spiking up to the moon and then dropping off at breakneck speeds.
Nasdaq is getting fucked ultra hard in particular.

better screencap


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New thread theme

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Dropping fast today. Can't wait to see the last 30min.

Attached: NewStateOfTheDow49.PNG (652x553, 32.53K)

Bouncing back up. This is getting wild

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What mean by the Spain/France thing?

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There was a small correction this morning.

It was a pathetic correction to such a drop. The fact is even if it has a "correction" it's looking like it either will still be in the already extremely fucking low 24,000's range, or stay in the Wall Street Nightmare 23,000's range.

And the dollar is dropping as we speak.

Tesla wild ride (one month timeframe)

Attached: Tesla.PNG (1793x811, 128.11K)

I love it

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I think investors are still in a period of optimistic uncertainty, both waiting for something significant to happen, but expecting that when it does, it'll bring the resumption of increasing profits. I'd speculate that we're seeing bargain hunters swapping this and that after yesterday's sell offs with the expectations of a quick rebound. It'll probably end on a positive note as buyers try and grab what they can before the weekend break and see how things hash out.

Barring any major changes between the end of closing today and the close on Monday, we'll probably go back for a while to the stasis or tepid growth we were seeing for the past several weeks.


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Oh defently. You don't catch me in disagrement.

In my opinion the bubble is bursting poped by trumps tariffs and this is a trend that will continue down to possibley 20,000k before resistance levels.

If we're lucky even more.

Attached: GreedyNextBassethound-max-1mb.gif (240x181, 612.83K)

I know it gets old, but often, I like to see how things are doing in the span of a year. Just for some perspective usually I'll post it.

But this will never, not be funny to me under the "I understand the economy and business and stocks very well jobs jobs jobs invest invest amen" president

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A Dow Theory sell signal could trigger a selling avalanche

>Though the Dow Theory traditionally focuses on closing levels for these two Dow averages, you can bet that some investors will jump the gun before the close on Friday if it appears as though those averages are about to drop below the requisite levels. If so, the end of Friday’s trading session could be especially ugly.

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I don't think It'll happen, sadly.

Do we know what bill it is?




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All systems of measure depend on the points of reference. Technically, it is still way, way up. Saying so is rather like saying whether a car's engine is "on" or "off." "Listen to that baby purr! It's running better than ever!" he says as it careens over a fucking cliff.

The Twenties in Color from the Smithsonian Channel

back into the red zone

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I think we're approaching the end-of-day selloff.

Attached: NewStateOfTheDow50.PNG (655x526, 32.93K)

Since January 26th, with all the drops and the meager corrections, from the frantic exponential growth of 2017 following the substantial growth of the previous year, yada yada, that doesn't matter: The DOW has shaved off approximately 2,691 points.

Since January 26th, "corrections" applied, the DOW is

2,691 points in the red. No correction has been strong enough to reverse this negative trend.

That's it porky, keep shoveling money into the machine! Pump those numbers up for as long as you can!

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Prognosis: Meager recoveries to overall extremely negative trends either show that a crash is relatively imminent or this meager downwards trend will continue to slowly drag as time goes on.

look at the chart for the last 2 decades
it's amazing how they can halve and then double everything up and down like that

We're approaching the final hour

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Attached: NewStateOfTheDow51.PNG (656x541, 34.79K)

Oh boy

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what will happen if the Air F0rce One go mia in Korea this May?

I think this is actually lower than it was earlier today… Graph is fucky, but point-value is lower than this morning's dip.

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Bush: I'm going to create a recession in my terms as president, can you beat that?
Trump: You are like a little baby, watch this



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How more erect can I get if it plunges below 23,000 into 22,000 this year

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300 point Drop when

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Howdy boys

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PE Ratio 173

it's mesmerizing that people still buy stocks with a PE above 50 and zero point dividends; buy a f. book that explains how things works, then pay attentions to those little numbers

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their attempting to pump money now, but all the previous pumps have just delayed the current fall

Since January the Dow Jones has fuckin fallen about 10%

Never mind, it's fallen 11% since January now

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make a new thread with this in the OP:


Attached: 0.png (960x720, 1.09M)

We are approaching the last half-hour before the markets close for the weekend - the weekend that the petro-yuan becomes official.

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If you vote for me, you will get rid of the terrible, terrible economic policies, that have done so much to harm you. No more wars, lots of jobs, lots of oppurtuniies, and very good, tremendous stock numbers

Very good stock numbers! Unbelievable! Cannot beat me at stock! I am very smart, and I know stock!

We bring back stock and jobs! Bring back stock and jobs very good!

hi john bolton


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Who would win?


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Trump went bankrupt nine times, one time was with with a kind of terribly reviewed steak that he sold at a tech store at the mall, another was an air travel service that nobody even heard of (trump air), another was and a coaching service he called a university and then immediately dumped every student he had sued him over

These recent developments in everyone losing their money because they trusted the king of all kings of cheap huckster sheisters, are the most unsurprising developments I've ever been unsurprised by in my life


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j00s can print money
they can use money to go short and make the chart happen

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I don't see many jews in the White House aside from Jared

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350 when

Last 15 minutes!

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By deaths, I mean the ocurrance that they died


are you kidding me?



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Serves him right he trusted

Trump Tower Tampa: A proposed Sister Building to the Trump Tower in New York, in Tampa Florida. It was proposed to be a 52-story Trump Tower in Tampa wasn't conceived of or proposed or drafted up by Donald Trump — he just sold the use of his name to developers of the $300 million condo project for a cool $2 million. They, in turn, collected downpayments from individual buyers drawn in by the Trump mystique. After the project went belly-up in 2008 (right after he lost everything Trump invested in the hilariously timed "Trump Mortgage"). Buyers sued Trump for misleading them. He eventually settled, in some cases for as little as $11,115, with plaintiffs who had lost HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. AND ONE MAN WHO LOST MILLIONS BECAUSE OF THIS PROPOSED PROPERTY

And now we are living in Trump: The Presidency

We are trapped in the last Trump branded product. And the brand is bleeding to death


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158 and falling.

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That's actually looking possible, 438.


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Trust me, everyone in America is going to win and be very successful, would I lie to you about that?

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Is Nikkei open tonight or is it weekend?


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In the weekends is everything closed in the stock market, sorry.


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Hahahahah losers and haters, you're just mad trump is better at economics, look at that rise

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inb4 it closes at 137


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Good shit

And the fucking nasdaq is down almost 2.5%

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I was cheering this yesterday but now I'm getting legit scared.

when the stock really crashes this year how many Holla Forums posters will go homeless without the money or ability to sue Trump for the last great Trump Brand they trusted him for. His other tricked consumers who trusted him with their money, they could all sue

Holla Forums will never be able to regain what they will financially lose this year

Only then in the end, after all the friends and family they alienated, broke and penniless, will they realize it was all for nothing

because they fell for the last Trump branded product Trump wanted to sell before he died

How is bloomberg doing now btw?

Attached: 747949.jpg (224x224, 13.22K)

What did you think would happen lol

This is fucking Trump: The Presidency. Have you ever heard of a fucking Trump product lasting longer than a year? The man is ADHD about his fucking brands, now he's stuck being president, and right on time

it's going belly up.

I made a graph to help.

Attached: HistoricCrash.PNG (663x541, 51.06K)

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-23 CBOE Volatility Index.png (1146x398, 49.73K)

y tho?

I mean this is like getting Space Balls: The Presidency, after the enormous failed brand attempts like Space Balls: The Loofah, Space Balls: The Shower Curtain, Space Balls: The Nerf Gun, and Space Balls: The 2008 Mortgage, and hoping for the best

There is no hope everyone just voted for the equivalent pinnacle of Space Balls: The Presidency

Their response will be the same as it always is, was, has been.

Attached: f5c.jpg (600x901, 91.53K)

Well, they won't be wrong that they fell for and supported the presidency that's been the friendliest to Israel in the history of Israel's existence as a state

Too bad they'll reach this consensus like, probably never or 3 years in

At least three years

see you Monday folks
I'm watching the free skating now

You're indistinguishable from a liberal. It's not about Trump, it's about capitalism.

Guys, there's still post-trading, it's still going, the ride never ends.

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Post link

This would have probably been only delayed by a liberal, but Trump has deregulated so many aspects of the market in just a year, that he's managed to accelerate it.

I'm not a liberal I'm just telling you that this is the most hilariously unsurprising thing I've ever got damn seen in my life

That was the joke retard, that there was a small incline.

Nikkei dropped even harder than Dow with nearly 1000 points

Attached: 1517681147784.jpg (188x182, 12.56K)

post-market tradings ended, went up a lil.

Now at 23581.8

I mean call me a liberal all you want, Trump still is a fuck up who we are seeing the last brand he fucked up, end fucked up, and people are refusing to see it as a fault of capitalism or capitalist democracy when it explodes in their face

It's not "liberal" to laugh at people voting for That Notorious Failed Brand Guy as their white savior of civilization and not the last gasp of a dying empire.

North Korea says as much in statements, and yet I hardly hear accusations of them being liberals.

It's just unsurprising to a hilarious degree. It's almost cathartic to watch it all just burn and blow up in slow motion. Like a man who walked forward in an attic, and stepped on a loose floor board that shot up and hit him in the face. Then he goes the other direction, and the same thing happens. Then he walks the other direction he got hit and gets hit again. Endlessly, until about four hours later he realizes he probably should just walk to the side and avoid getting hit.

It's fucking slapstick comedy

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2008 was the bear trap.

I mean, I agree, but it's worth pointing out that focusing on Trump as the reason for this can do nothing but help the neoliberal consensus uphold its power in future elections.

Sure, it's kind of funny. It's basically been the same joke ever since he got elected, though, and I'd rather focus on the greater scheme of things here.

S&P Global reaches new lows.

Attached: Screenshot_20180323-152600.png (1080x1920, 282.96K)

It's been the same joke because it never gets old. I want to focus on, not making the same jokes again and again

But the jokes begin to write themselves at this point

it has just begun

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Delicious schadenfreude

Attached: 4pol.PNG (472x88, 5.67K)

Give thread now.
Give link.

It is liberal to think that is or was the exclusive makeup of his base, though.


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stop posting /biz/ memes

i literally drew this afew hours ago

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-23 pol - AAAAAAAAAA - General - GLOBAL FINANCIAL COLLAPSE - Politically Incorrect - 4chan.png (568x153, 27.64K)

The Jews hiding under my bed are crashing the economy so they can remove Trump from office.

for /biz/?

no to post right in this thread

I wasn't laughing at them all believing that, just the hard core, basically fandom of Trump they've created for themselves

B-but it's going up YOU SEA

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Soooo… are we getting blood on monday because of the PY??

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Have we started the fire?

it already started

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No, it was already burning.

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We're at February 2008 levels on the VIX btw. Y'all know what happened in March.


amazingly accurate prediction


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People in the Third World die daily meanwhile leftypol iz happy because of stock markets. I-I don't even know, first world. Think about it.


Trump works for them

We're happy the markets are crashing because after a substantial enough crash people begin to realize that their conception of an eternal-growth economy was essentially fake news and pseudo-religion. After the final crash we too will be forced (at least to some degree) to live within our collective means and find a new way of being outside of a perpetual growth paradigm - like glorious third-world comrades - which will ultimately result in less worker exploitation and death.

Revolution ain't gonna' happen any other way, my friend. Big picture.

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they can play that chart game over and over again

it's probably thousands years old, invented when they jewed the Egyptians or the Persians, I don't even remember since I don't give a shit about their history

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dear lord, it's going to be a funny ride

Good lord, these people

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No people, only fascists.

you know its just gonna go back up right

Attached: meme gif.gif (128x128, 151.46K)

you know that the market is your religion, right?

t. Feb 2008

I recall reading that once the market drops 20% that it's officially registered at a crash, we're at 11.58% now. I might be wrong about the figure, but if I am right we're 57.9% of the way to it officially being a crash.

As someone who avoids STEM like the plague due to the fags that inhabit it, can you share the memes plz

in June, after Trump going mia in Korea over a golf dispute with Kim during the negotiations

We'll see Monday.

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26th, actually

looks green to me

Attached: nass2.png (937x641, 43.41K)

btw, is that a coded message to start the selloff? any masonic symbolism related to those 3 little fuckers?

Attached: 3.png (67x79, 786)

It was the day the market peaked. Since then it's nothing but down.

holy shit, it's the Crucifixion of Jesus right there

Is that loss?

and on the 31 there was the Super Blue Blood Moon

it wasn't a coincidence!

Lol imagine thinking mythology is the same as market speculation.

that Evening Doji Star that started the second selloff…

lol you think that's not happening in the "first world" you fucking retard???

Attached: rdw_stock_buyback.mp4 (640x360, 8.56M)

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So this means companies buying back their stocks is going to be mute in this?

What often happens is that when the stock falls ridiculously low is companies buy beack their stocks so they can turn over a profit on selling it back.

It would be moot, yeah. Stock buybacks create the appearance of growth and profitability, while in reality undermining confidence in the market. Stock prices go up, because the stock prices keep going up, which makes people buy these inflated stocks, because the prices keep going up. But when all the easy money facilitating those stock buybacks end, investors come to find that what they bought isn't worth what they thought it was, sell it, which set off cascades of other sales and various other market maneuvers. "Fund A is selling off shares in X Corp, why? Oh, it's because their prices are based on garbage. Sell, sell, sell!" So now they cat is out of the bag.

It's possible that is what the first drop in February was, indeed a "correction" as investors begin to realize they've all bought a bunch of magic beans, and then scrambling to offload. Suckers less savvy investors then buy up what they think are bargains (creating that "bull trap") in the anticipation of a "return to profitability," perhaps because they expect the market to recover, some sort of market intervention (bailout or whatever), or because they might be able to keep prices up long enough to unload their useless properties onto unwary stool pigeons, etc. But barring any kind of major shift or intervention, the cat is out of the bag. Even if someone isn't holding shares in a hollow industry, they're still going to be scrutinizing whatever properties they do have to make sure they'll be sound in the event of a major crash (which they won't be, because their shares are all monstrously inflated as well). The cascading effect turns into a pan-market, simultaneous correction, colloquially known as a crash.

Remember to hold your hands up and scream real loud on the way down.

Attached: crashing this stock market.webm (1280x720, 8.16M)

Well shit… We truly have been bogged

Attached: bogged down.jpg (1909x1073, 614.4K)

did RDW burp at 00:08?


it's a W-shaped double minimum, a classic

now look at the Nasdaq again
isn't it a double minimum? I don't think so
anyway, people will wait the rebound: if it starts and the W looks good, then you can buy a little a see if it holds; the problems will start in the 6,666 area (that number again kek): if it goes lower the second minimum will make the potentially upcoming W to looks bad: this is when people will realize that it's not a double min, but a bull trap, "return to normal" is kill, "fear" starts

Why can't this happen instead?

We've heard people saying this since January 26th when the first giant slump happened. Then it got slightly better, and people were saying "You see, you know we're going back to January again! Hahaha! Can't beat that market! : D"

Then it didn't, another slump happened.

And again they said

"You see, you know we're going back to January again! Hahaha! Can't beat that market! : D"

And then it slumped again, and they nervously said

"Y-you see, you know w-we're g-going back to J-January again! H-hahaha! C-can't b-b-b-b-beat t-t-t-that m-m-m-m-m-m-market! : D"

And now it has rendered all of 2017's stock growth negligible.

At this point smug satisfaction at the power of the market is only going to disappoint you.

I'm sorry that we were right.

no mention of the drop in the news? CNN, BBC? nothing
news aggregator (no ads; made by user at 4/news/):

why? are they waiting to go full short before scaring off the goy masses?

No what is happening is that they are trying to prevent a panic.

Jason fuck off.

Guys! Guys! If we deny it's happening maybe it'll go away!


how? the dow went from ~20k in Jan to 24.7k in Dec. right now it's at 23.5k. there's still a long way to go till 20k?

So what's the next set of predictions going to be? I'm fairly certain that a lot of blood will be shed due to how shitty retail retail revenues.
On the other hand they could just buyback their own profits again.

Well, let's look at the current ituation in America, Anti-fa and students are begging for blood or change, which they're getting neither, the main thing stopping them is the rich, the police and the government.

Once the stock market crashes and the petro releases, assuming the petro is successful hyper-inflation will occur, this means that money becomes essentially worthless, it's what sparked the communist and Freikorps coup's in Weimar Germany.

Now, since moeny is worthless at this point, do you really think the police are going to be able to afford to use any high tech shit? Or even be able to pay the police for that matter, it requires legaslation to change their pay so the government won't be able to match the inflation quickly enough for them to get a salary worth a loaf of bread.

Once this happens the police, to whom the fascists have been hiding behind, will dissappear, and since much of the communist and anarchist insurrection in the U.S. at this point is the youth, I imagine that the police or military will feel reluctant to shoot their kids.

I was talking about the stock market, but I admire your optimism 4fag.

Some major auto firm is going to go belly up: that is when shitnwill get series.
Legit, looking at some figures, Japan is immensely fucked.

Oh, they're gonna bail, and buying back stocks is moot because:


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I'm sorry my mistake, it has erased nearly all of 2017's gains, not exactly all of 2017's gains

That's going to happen over the span of this month

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Zuckerberg takes out full-page apology ads in British Sunday newspapers
The billionaire placed full-page ads in a number of Sunday publications in response to pressure from US and European governments following the leak of 50 million users’ data to Cambridge Analytica. The UK political consulting firm is accused of using the information to influence the US presidential election. "We have a responsibility to protect your information. If we can't, we don't deserve it," the advert read.

Attached: 1.png (480x360 52.75 KB, 1.7M)

Is Tesla in crisis?
Labor relations are getting worse between Tesla and its factory workers in Fremont, which the UAW is using to file a string of unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board. The union conflict had been publicized in February 2017 when Tesla employee Jose Moran posted a blog article detailing harsh working conditions. Moran said that some of these workers had contacted the union because of it. In October, Tesla fired about 700 workers, which CEO Elon Musk said was part of routine performance reviews, but which union supporters described differently.
Tesla workers and management are facing a steep uphill climb. In July of last year, Musk predicted the company would be building 5,000 cars a week by the end of December 2017. A Bloomberg tracker estimates that's more like 832 cars a week this month. To reach Tesla’s revised goal of hitting 5,000 a month by the end of June, conditions will need to improve significantly.

Attached: 1.png (752x481 27.37 KB, 54.74K)

Tesla employees should take over the company

I think there is some definite truth to this, but I would add to this part-

When police departments aren't being funded with enough money to pay their officers enough to buy a loaf of bread and a jug of milk many of those officers will begin looking for better paying private security positions. That high-tech military police shit doesn't just disappear or sit unused in a police armory in a situation like this, it will be in the hands of the people employed by those who can still afford protection, or in the hands of whomever pays the people guarding the armory enough to look away while they load up.

These officers, when confronted by the prospect of 'starve with the huddled masses in abject poverty with no power' or 'protect these rich assholes and have a less shitty existence and some small bit of authority in a time of crisis' will, I would speculate damn near always, choose the latter. It's why a lot of them became police in the first place. If Mr. Bloomberg is giving them live ammunition and their boss is telling them hold the damn line, you can bet that they will fire into the crowd.

What we can learn from this-
Be the people who buy-up the armory when crisis comes in earnest, and give the officers who are sympathetic to the people's cause an opportunity to become moles/insiders.

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no shit

Petroyuan tomorrow

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He's dick Zucking at this point.

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crash and burn

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top kek

Good but not big enough.


That would describe all of Musk's companies.They're all one bad day away from being revealed to be the shams they are

This, Tesla has never made money.

Not even in selling Tesla cars?

not even by sending the car in space?

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Cmon boys how much left for the petroyuan??

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I believe that individual units are now profitable but as a whole the company still runs a loss.

Petroyuan is massive, but it won't impact overnight. Gonna need to wait like 3 months.

Stock markets are held together by belief. Anything that shakes the belief, shakes the markets.

Agreed - I wouldn't be too terribly surprised if the US market upticks a bit after PY goes live and doesn't immediately implode the economy (day-traders manufacture a lot of their own hope), but as more resources are transferred to the PY and people come to terms with the idea that they can trade oil in something other than dollars I expect there to be some subtly, quiet, yet substantial moves in the global market to the new standard. When the bigger traders become more aware of this and it trickles down to the smaller fish, I could see us start to witness a true decline in the US market which will never be recovered.

Just in time for war with Iran!

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Yes but petroyuan is not actually that well known of a concept amoung most investors and most won't grasp how big this is.

What if China a skirt been organising back room deals to bassicaly pay off and bribe every country that produces oil so that they immediately abandon the dollar overnight when petro releases? Given Russia's control over Syria and Russia's fuck-buddy relationship with China. That might be likely.

This really, it'll take time to sink in

The Fed, trade wars and recession

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Stock traders actually talk to each other. Eventually, somebody will blab.

China's organised secret back room deals*

On phone. Shitty autocorrect.

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Russians and Iranians would be willing to hop on pretty quick but once again, moves like this rarely happen overnight, 3 to 6 months would be pretty fast

Btw also about the petroyuan thing: this will weaken the US stock markets (long/short term doesn't matter) but at the same time all this will go to Chinese markets, right?
So the bourgeoisie as a class won't be so fucked(? Or am I missing something?

Well considering Venezuela can't trade dollars properly atm they were in before it started.


The petrocurrency is about inflating demand for currency. China has massive debt problems of its own.


Actually no.

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Oh shit, we're on BST now.

Actually no. Premarkets open.


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News on the grapevine that people are trying to back off from the tariffs already. However the only link that I got was from wallstreetjournal and I am not paying for that shit.

Makes sense, the Bannonites have been purged and Kushnerites are globalists. Won't change shit though, the cogs are already turning.

Trump fucked himself big-time. If he backs off the tariffs he's going to betray the blue-collar Rust Belt voters and really piss everyone off, and if he continues with them he's going to fuck up the economy and fail to bring manufacturing jobs back anyway.


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Now it's a "negotiation".

China practically owns the Midwest. If Trump wants to play the tariff game, he'd better be ready for his base to be unemployed.

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They're his base because they're unemployed.

FTFY. China is the main support for a lot farms right now. If they would decide to take their business elsewhere in retaliation, the Midwest would be completely fucked.

Japan, Worst Korea, 'Stralia, New Zealand.

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Ah, so they're renigning?


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No they don't. At the very most, there's the new Foxconn plant in Wisconsin but that's Taiwan (a technicality but one which exists and always causes problems for Beijing). As for Trump's base, they are ALREADY unemployed, the few employed left are underemployed at Mcdonalds and Walmart. They can only go up which is why they went for broke with Trump. And Tar riffs on farm products truly do not matter (at the ballot box) because most of it is automated, the ultimate example being self-driving farm tractors and equipment.

As for "negotiation", it will break down once it's revealed to China that they will be 100% cut out of the NA auto market as a concession to Mexico per the NAFTA renegotiation. Ditto for China's other attempt at buying out America's semiconductor industries, Trump saying No to that (a policy everyone in his cabinet and Congress demands) fucks China's attempt at shifting into high-tech markets.

Trump knows what he is doing here. He's going to fuck over his base with Mexico because that option is expedient and lets him continue playing the "fuck China" card to keep his base voting for him. Whether or not any of this is well thought out or a good idea is another question, but China doesn't have any cards to play here other than accept a recession due to American protectionism or accept a recession due to a trade war.

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No it isn't, this is completely fucking wrong. First of all realize that the entire US agricultural industry is owned by like ~10 companies, there are very few private farms left. Besides the fact that these companies primarily get their money from domestic corn-related products (everything from plastic to soda), they can straight up just reduce production to keep prices the same therefore seeing no reduction in profits. The only "support" China has is through real estate deals, but most of these were blocked starting under Obama and it's not more than 4% of all commercial farms in America. As a result, these companies can just shift their leases to other property.

Meanwhile China is a net food importer, and America is the #1 food exporter. If China decides not to buy American their total food supply market shrinks causing prices to rise just as their own citizens are seeing purchasing power deteriorate due to their weak economy. They are fully America's bitch in this regard. Which is why they are even bothering with "negotiations" at all, they have to. And it's likely their leadership will opt for higher food prices instead of ceding any ground on manufacturing.

And such is how global capitalism destroys itself.

Pol is getting in on the conversation.

They've made major acquisitions such as Syngenta and Smithfield, in addition to tremendous land purchases across the US. China is now one of the largest names in US agriculture.

What's to bet that the USA is going to declare another war just to save face?

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So even if the stock market crashes, America is likely to come out on top?

In the same way that the top floor remains on top of a collapsed building, yeah

ah, just in time

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Could this be the catalyst for WW3?

Not controlling stakes, and they are C-list companies anyway (Smithfield itself got BTFO by Argentina and Mexico, Syngenta is Swiss). The land purchases are completely pointless (except to fuel capital flight) as companies can terminate leases and go elsewhere. Which is why capitalists hate ownership, they prefer renting because it gives them a far greater ability to manipulate markets.

China's options are to accept Trump's terms or start a trade war. In both scenarios they are the bottom bitch because American capitalists teamed up with their friends in Mexico. That is the dynamic here.

What do you think the "security agreement" is all about? Mexico wants help with their own border/immigration problems and per the NAFTA renegotiation Americans will be paying for it while other countries like Japan, South Korea and Australia promise to side with America in trade disputes in exchange for missiles and airplanes (note that their domestic industries were previously crushed by American firms).

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Are Saudis fucking retarded?

This is a very good response

If markets crash overnight all it does is give Trump a blank check to start a trade war, which means higher employment across Mexico, America and Canada. But at the expense of large cosmopolitan cities who will have to pay more for products. However, global finance is completely ruined during this process, which means most of the planet is straight up fucked and in deep shit. The EU and China in particular, whose economies are strung together with gum and rubber bands (see the Euro Stability Mechanism and China's 2015 stock slump).

North America will come out on top, but there's not going to be much to lord over as the rest of the planet will be dirt poor and extremely angry at Trump for not letting global finance continue. It's a scenario ripe for revolution.

Is the pope a catholic?

yes and this will become more obvious as American oil companies continue having the US government require higher and higher ethanol blends into gasoline and diesel, which fucks non-US oil companies who are forced to blend American corn oil into their fuel. Notice how Trump never ever talked about this, even though it's a thing his base regularly whines about.

My dude, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

No, he shits in the woods.

What's currently going on with that?

Yeah, and most meat in America is beef which comes from Argentina and Mexico. They got utterly fucked by those two countries, who made special deals with McDonalds and Walmart which is why the US government signed off on the Chinese takeover. Although after which whining from Congress caused Obama to crack down on it, which is why Foxconn had to buy into Wisconsin and not a mainland Chinese company.

Formed in 2000 = paying royalties for using Monsanto's patents. Curiously Monsanto also profits from the recent growth in solar power, as they used to own Monsanto Electronic Materials Company which made PV panels. This is also why Monsanto doesn't like China: Chinese firms ripped off their patented tech which is partially why Trump moved to tariff Chinese solar while also investigating them for IP/patent law compliance.

Current Nikkei

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You aren't any less wrong you fucking faggot.

Besides EPA required blends (usually seasonal, increases in the summer for certain regions) states are increasing their ethanol blends especially conservative ones. California and Illinois are in on it too. It's all money and it's all protectionism for the corn lobby.

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You are a retard and should fellate a gun barrel.

Why can't foreign companies blend ethanol derived from something other than the least efficient source of ethanol?

Just follow the money if you don't believe me. The rise of the Tea Party (whom Monsanto backed, just as they were flush with cash from solar patents) and later Trump all has long lines of cash and corporate fuckery behind it. The type of corporate fuckery that will eventually destroy capitalism's grip over the world. It will be the self-created subversion and destruction Marx realized was inevitable.

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Isn't the stock market crash also going to completely fuck over the tech industry? Because China sells a lot of rare earth minerals to the US?
On the other hand, I don't know if this crash will really do much if everyone outside of the US, Mexico and Canada are going to be too broke to properly function. Is this really going to bring up a revolution if the US can just ship their goons off to foreign nations and override their nations with fascist dictators?
America might not even be all that harmed by a crash, no matter how bad. The only reason why I am even looking forward to the crash, is because it would wipe out baby boomer's pensions and force them back into the workforce.
Basically it looks like American porkies have nothing to lose from this stock market crash.

Because America is the largest producer, and buying American ethanol is paramount to giving American companies some percentage of the final fuel sale. Which is to say, the larger the required blend the larger the profit US firms make at foreign firms expense.

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What exactly do you think is going to happen in the event of a "stock market crash?"

Hang Seng is open too

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The tech industry is the first to die, because they are so overvalued compared to the profitable services they actually offer.

I guess it would take a while to grow your own sugar beets/cane to offset it?

The richest of the American porkies would be able to buy even more of the means of production. Essentially it would wipe out the petite-bourgeoisie as the whole. Imagine if EA owned basically every video game studio, if Facebook owned every single social media site, or if Amazon replaced all the retail stores with their own brand. That is basically the future.

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yes also non-GMO sugar cane can only be grown in certain tropical environments while corn is grown all over America. Corn harvesting, refining and processing is also largely automated by this point, corn farms were the first places self-driving/remotely operated tractors were deemed useful because there's just so much of it to harvest.

I don't think this is going to work in the long term.

Remington also went to shit years ago when they were bought out by Cerberus. This is unsurprising and it's likely they will have all their assets liquidated for Cerberus's investors to feast on. Just as Bain Capital did to Toys R Us (who will formally go out of business on May 16th following their bankruptcy last week). Parkland has nothing to do with it.

Ruger's monopoly will grow quite a bit.

Not really, there is simply no way that America doesn't benefit from the stock market crash. Considering what the user here says, it seems like this will basically cement America's dominance over the world. Basically we're fucked and there is nothing we can do about. I am cynical about his claim that this is an oppurtinity for revolution whenever North America will basically lord over everyone with impunity. Yeah everyone will be poor as shit, but isn't that how the bourgeoisie want it to be?

yes it does because the result is corn fuel, corn plastic, corn syrup (candy, soda) and canned corn. The only reason food stamps are still around is because it's by far their largest subsidy, which is why Republicans are trying to only reduce food stamps down to "healthy" foods (eg, canned corn) instead of allowing things that might compete with American companies.

It's also one of the reasons why socialism can work. Such a highly centralized and protected industry is now almost fully automated, again the ultimate example being self-driving tractors.

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Petite-bourg are the source of support for fascism. Eliminating the material conditions for its rise is a good thing.

America's dominance ends when everyone besides America is poor. Then people have nothing to loose but their chains, and revolution occurs outside America.

The party hasn't even started.

Inside too.

At the same time?

An American who has canned corn for dinner with soda can sit in a chair made of corn while ordering more corn products off the internet which will be delivered from trucks powered by corn. It's a huge industry, one that rivals the petroleum oil industry itself.

And thus having corporations who have access to your personal information, monitor you frequently and can be co-opted by the state is a good alternative? Unless you have a method for combatting rainbow capitalism, (which I sincerely hope you do), I wouldn't say that's brightest of ideas to let corporations take over the market entirely.

tbh you come off as a butthurt nationalist

DOW futures climbing.

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Well I'm sorry, because that's not my angle. What's happening is that American capitalists are working with Mexican ones to cut out the rest of the world. Hence why Trump didn't move for a full repeal of NAFTA, only a "renegotiation". By comparison Chinese trade is not subject to any free trade laws or treaties, Trump can do whatever he wants there.

It is so absolutely typical of capitalists to do this sort of thing. And it is why capitalism will not continue.

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Wouldn't this only cement the capitalist's power though?

All of those things require electricity. And US infrastructure is currently decaying, without the help of IEDs.

C'mon, son. You're the Black Flag, why does a statist scum like myself have to explain to you that the state and its institution's grasp on the populace is illusive at best.

I know it's huge, but is it actually a good source of plastic or food? I already know that it's not a good source of ethanol.

So basically what could happen is that in the which i will probably say unlikely case of a general strike, the workers can literally shut off the power?

Meaning no offence, but unless the format remains digital, it's likely there'll be multiple access points to keep the institution running.

Some of you may come off as bootlickers, but I'm aware that there are a good chunk of you who only see the state as a measured response or necessity (that is if we're addressing it from a marxist definition).

Announcing policies on gun control, new additions to law-enforcement, and the fact that the US government bailed out banks in the GFC is illusive now?

This isn't the society of the spectacle, comrade

A stock market crash isn't just a shopping spree for the insanely wealthy. Among worst case scenarios, it means the evaporation of multiple of trillions of dollars of liquidity that the global marketplace requires to function. The consumer economy as we currently understand it would cease to exist as mass unemployment ensues, with companies unable to get either the credit they need to continue to function, and all the conspicuous consumption made impossible not only because of mass unemployment, but because the trillions of dollars of debt that have subsidized the economy for the past decade becomes recognized as essentially worthless. All the companies that have been sponging off of this source of revenue wither, and pretty much the economic engine of the entire planet grinds to a screeching halt because there's no money to make or buy anything.

The only reason this didn't happen in 08 is because of numerous bailouts and cash injections since then, but that nickel's been spent a few times over now. The Student Loan debt crisis, Auto Loan debt crisis, and various other consumer debt crises are all looming, and all are likely to hit the market simultaneously when employment takes a nose dive.

Really, bourgeois ownership over the means of production isn't going to expand so much as be concentrated, because everything worth having is already owned by the bourgeoisie. Mergers and acquisitions that would have made even Congress blush will sail through unopposed because they'll be promised as beneficial to the economy.

Do you reckon they'll apply more succ-dem/ keynesian economics as a result then?

Dow, nasdaq, and S&P futures are now sinking like a stone. Tomorrow's going to be fun.

It's the best for America, for whatever that is worth. Corn allows America to be self-sufficient, if America wanted to be and profits were not a concern.

The state exists and acts by the will, or at least apathy, of the people. You can only squeeze so much out of them.

No because they're killing each other. American, Mexican and Canadian capitalists will survive by sacrificing all the other capitalists. Capitalism will murder itself, rendering it's destruction inevitable.

You can't be serious, lad.

If what user explains becomes reality it would take 5-6 years for the elite IMO to recognize that implementing a full blown keynesian economics is tantamount to their survival. They will try the bailouts again, they will try sucking out the last drops of water from an already dry well. If what user says becomes reality all eyes will be on American comrades, because an OWS simply will not be a sufficient response to the absolute devastation the population will experience. If the fucking liberals start a kumbaya session again, or people divert mass energies into smashie shit instead of building a militant movement with mass appeal, the fascists and various ethnic-nationalist factions will divert the energies of the masses and make a revolution impossible.

disregard the fucking flag

I did say apathy works too.

Or national bolshevism finally happens, as bailout czars morph into full blown directors and managers, as entire industries are rendered untenable without state support due to trade wars and market manipulation. Idpol melts down as the neoliberals tear each other apart inside increasingly stratified cities, culminating in workers' strikes forcing a socialist revolution. Capitalists will either casually relinquish their worthless paper stocks at that point or have it taken from them by armed revolutionaries. Neolibreals will either accept this brave new world or self-deport to North America, where mankind's final battle will be waged.

Our generation can do this. In 1920 the mere concept of "social security" was thought impossible, as was the idea of state-run transit in 1900. We can do it.

Lol, China has plenty of tentacles, gommie.

Tf you talking about?

I imagine that that's how they'll be billed, "new deal 2.0," etc etc, but they won't be anything of the sort, at least not in the US. If Trump's infrastructure "initiative" is anything to go by, it's just going to be one huge giveaway after another to these huge conglomerates to try and extract whatever else they can. The government will have to buy its continued existence by selling off anything of any actual value. Post office? Gone. Interstate? It's a long turnpike now. State Universities? Owned outright as job training institutions and "innovation centers." The responsibility for keeping people fed and housed will fall to the state, with everything else not directly applicable to corporate profitability slashed, shelved, or sold.

I think a return to actual Keynesian economics severely unlikely given that there's no labor movement to speak of, much less a militant one, to hold porky's hooves to the fire.

I think the elite have been anticipating this for a while now, and like hell they'll pay. Corporate scum have been brought up all their lives to view working people as maggots and leeches, and they've invested billions of the workers' money into equipping every substantial police force with the means to keep their boot on people's collective throat. The second they get a whiff of even the most benign OWS fuckery, it's going to be jackboots on street corners and indefinite detention and plenty of indiscriminate violence to go around. OWS was an embarrassment that the elite are not willing to suffer again.

tldr, I think we have Authoritarian Capitalism to look forward to, and plenty of

for good measure. It's going to be Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics from hell to breakfast, with the US being reduced finally to tiny first world islands in endless seas of economic misery, the elite safe within their glittering walled cities and everyone else left to starve or otherwise suffer the predations of nature, from plague, pestilence, or some other "natural" disaster.

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Nikkei and Hang Seng inching up towards the positives

ASX down 0.6%, Nikkei down 0.4%, Hang Seng down 0.5%. That's considered a bad day for capital in a normal market. After the Thursday and Friday that we saw, it looks good by comparison, but only by comparison.

I think we're going to see the East's markets close roughly where they are now, and then who fucking knows what the US is gonna do.

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Holla Forums is a bunch of retarded teenagers, who cares

I mean, we're just a bunch of retarded 20-somethings.

Speak for yourself, retard

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stop shitting up the thread, you unbearable faggots

Hang Seng nosediving again. Down 250 points, half of that in the last 20 minutes!

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Top kek. Nikkei is gonna be fun when they come back from lunch.


It'll hold steady for today, until negotiations between Trump and China break down.

China did a 1% freefall

Attached: 1.png (431x375, 31.94K)

It's still sliding tho. 0.99% right now. 1% when

Oshit 1% now

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Looks like the American stock market is pretty optimistic all things considered.

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I think they're all just hoping for a bounce, but it won't come.


NZ, Australia

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Ignore my previous prediction of stability.


China is the Shanghai.

Hong Kong is, while still Technically China not as accurate.

fucking asians and their lunch brakes

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Shanghai Stock Exchange is doing even worse.

Also, rest in pepperonis Caracas Stock Exchange.

How bad is it?

Rest in pepperonis

It shed almost 25% in three days.

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Looking good

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They're too retarded too talk to.

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The Venezuelan stock market was "booming" for the wrong reasons to begin with: inflation. Now, that Petro has been successfully adapted and Maduro has announced that they will be slashing the Bolivar's denominations by three zeros, the stock market is reacting quite 'naturally.'

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do you even econ101?!

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EU open in 10 minutes. American markets overly optimistic.

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wait wait
so hierarchy is basically because of genetic factors in their view right
so wouldn't that mean jews are superior to them in their own view?

What hierarchy are they even talking about? Income? Job positions? Governent positions? Because genes are probably one of the worst ways to explain those.
Why are nazis so fucking dumb?

UK open

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The second guy is a cuck who supports his (most likely) lower place on the "social hierarchy." Kek

I mean, if you think about it, it's a great coping mechanism. After all, he can't help it since its just his genes

it's probably why they're all so bothered about cuck porn lmao

It's actually a doubled coping mechanism: 1) I'm poor and powerless because I'm genetically predetermine to be; 2) I follow my leaders uncritically because they are rich and powerful due to their superior genetics.

So although I'm shit, I still can be in the right, cuz I know my place in the world, and those who revolt against the status quo simply haven't accepted their proper place in the world, so in this sense I'm superior to them…

the absolute STATE of Holla Forumsacks

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Shanghai, ASX, and New Zealand are all down though.

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Death of US dollar? China launches petro-yuan to challenge greenback’s dominance
webm related

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Why is going up tho

I occasionally lurk stock market and investing forums and it still seems like they're bullish because of the rise in futures.

In part because Trump said there'd be new tariffs but then said "psych not really lol," probably because it wiped out all the gains between then and last November.

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I expect the VIX to climb, tbh

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kill yourself dipshit


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today is gonna be a recovery don't even bother

Slowin' down

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Europeans stocks are now falling.

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Europe in red!

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Trump orders expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats, closure of Seattle consulate

14 EU states announce mass co-ordinated expulsion of Russian diplomats over Skripal case

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Aaand we've just fallen over 100 points in under an hour.

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oh h*ck

This is improvised Cold War 2.0. right here.

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hey, when the economy is about to get fucked, just start a war!



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EU: 'plz, no'

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Still goin' down

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buy buy buy
buy in time baby
trust me this is the time to buy

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Can any one copy paste the full article here?

Tech bubble confirmed

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I liked the part where sniffman touched leakman repeatedly

‘Against common sense and intl law’: Russia to retaliate over diplomats’ expulsion by UK allies
“The Russian side, despite our repeated requests to London, has no information over the case. There’s no objective and exhaustive data on it at the disposal of the Britain’s allies, who blindly follow the principles of the Euro-Atlantic unity harming common sense, principles of civilized dialogue between states and international law. Naturally, such a hostile move on part of this group of countries won’t go unanswered,” the Ministry said.

I like where this is going

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I hate this sentence with every fiber of my being

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Jesus christ how horrifying

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So what are they feeling so optimistic about?

War with Iran.

Attached: 1520265962224.png (645x773, 66.15K)

Here's the entire article if you want to read it.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-26 Political lobbyists are the new hot thing in pop culture.jpg (1069x5565, 1.35M)

They're delusional, just like they were in 2008

Holy fuck.
Also, final results from the european stocks.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-26 DAX(1).png (396x216, 13.75K)

the wind was blowing the right direction today


Germoney is still open, tho

Attached: 1.png (896x325, 44.49K)
China is already capitulating. See what I told you all? America has nothing to lose.

who r u quoteth?

The prophecy has come to be.

I insisted that a stock market crash would just facilitate America's dominance over the world. It seems like the chinese git got.
It'll be a bullish week due to this news. I lurk reddit's investing forums and they are very optimistic thanks to Trump getting one over on the Chinese.

except it's chief trade partner and the main producer of its goods

Attached: creation guided by reason.jpg (1200x1633, 554.91K)

But does that mean the American working class will keep getting more miserable?

What's Japan? Chopped sushi?

Japan never recovered from the Patlabor 2 crash, they won't become revolutionary either, it's just gonna be slow decay until they all die of karoshi

I think I'm going to puke

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I snickered

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The global working class is going to keep getting more miserable regardless of how this recent trade nonsense hashes out.

tbqh were'nt the americans initially butthurt China bought their chips and then made their own, then after that they banned selling Chips to China but now they want them to buy them again?


[The sarabande from HWV 437 plays softly in the distance as The Zucc stares at his loaded revolver from accross the room]b


I don't want to read it. I know it'll just annoy me.

Attached: grumpy face.png (548x61, 7.46K)

You don't remember the blank tape/cd tax? Porky gets his pound of flesh, one way or another.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-26 Why wealthy kids feel more in control of their lives.jpg (1325x2581, 673.18K)


If you had any doubts.

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Just looking at that tiny biopic already fills me with rage.

Even if it finishes way up today, it's going to have to keep that rate up constantly for weeks in order to dig itself out of the hole it's currently in.

It literally can't go positive as far as annual trends are considered.

Trump announced trade negotiations with China. That is why it will end up 2-3% today, and hold steady until negotiations collapse.

we r so fugged

Attached: 1.png (839x604, 59.06K)

When are we gonna see some red

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Chill your tits, it's a deadcat bounce most likely.

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Attached: 1.png (663x416, 41.38K)

Oh shit It could be

Reminder that this 'recovery' is literally nothing and only looks like it in the context of today. Its no where near recovered the combined drops of thursday and friday.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1562x890, 70.02K)

hmm looks like the crash is over sweetie :)

Attached: dow.png (56x63, 776)

wtf I hate communism now

Sure is. Invest your life savings right now before the stock market skyrockets.

Attached: ishygddt.png (1557x763, 59.03K)

Invest it all baby! GET RICH QUICK. We're going to 30k.

When is all this bounce thing gonna end?

Attached: IMG-20180326-WA0050.jpg (1080x777, 42.15K)

The bourgeois are just as capable of reading memelines as we are. They're going to pull out all the stops to try and keep the party going as lond as possible.

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What are you implying?

Attached: implying you will find treasure.gif (221x169, 37.38K)



Judging from the headlines alone they're talking out of both sides of their mouths.

• First, the Fed raised the target range for the federal-funds rate to 1.5% to 1.75%, the sixth rate increase in this cycle. With core PCE inflation printing at 1.5%, this means the real policy rate is now no longer negative. If, like me, you believe that the neutral real policy rate (r*) is currently around zero, the Fed’s policy stance is no longer accommodative.

• Second, the median FOMC participant now expects seven more rate increases of a quarter point to 3.4% by the end of 2020, adding two more hikes compared with the December 2017 dot plot, and taking the fed-funds rate some 50 basis points above the Fed’s own estimate of the long-run neutral policy rate in three years’ time (See Tiffany Wilding’s take on the FOMC decision on the Pimco blog). So the Fed now officially expects to overshoot neutral. Let this sink in.

• Third, recall that the Fed is running down its balance sheet at an accelerating pace this year, which is worth about one additional rate increase.

Attached: cCyWecH.jpg (640x634, 32.91K)

Since this week is a short one for some markets on account of Good Friday/Easter Monday, I think we might see a lot of buying this week. It looks like all the major indexes in the US, Europe, and Singapore will be closed, while indexes in Taiwan and Japan will be open. I'm not sure what the current situation is in Area 11, but I imagine if Abe gets embroiled in a big enough scandal it might shake things up. I have no idea what Taiwanese politics look like atm.

Looks like they managed to recover 700 points. I wonder if this is actually a bear trap, because this has been the largest growth we've seen since 2015 apparently.

It's hard to say. None of these articles offer any real insight into what's happening. It's just hot-take after hot-take.

IMO I think it's still very likely that this is a bear trap. Stocks are surging, because they're surging, and even if the majority of investors don't know why, they still don't want to be left out in the cold just because their competitors know something that they don't. There's a lot of excitement right now, but this isn't the first time this has happened. Trump says something, and the market panics. Trump says something else, and the market explodes. Some articles will say that we're teetering on the brink of economic Armageddon, and then the next batch will tell you why things are only going to get better.

The petroyuan launched today, too, and while it might be soon to tell, it seems to be off and running. That might be stimulating things as well. I wonder if that whole trade spat might have been trump trying to take the wind out of their sails

There are so many flags and so many moving parts that it's hard to tell what exactly is happening.

a.k.a. "what is bloomberg?"

Facebook has lost $70 billion in 10 days — and now advertisers are pulling out
The shares are still down 13 per cent since March 16, when Facebook first acknowledged that user data had been improperly channeled to Cambridge Analytica. The company has lost more than $70 billion in market value since then.

Attached: Mark Zuckerberg is not human.webm (640x360, 1.07M)

^Econanons I need helpnin this thread, thanks.

Attached: internet satisfaction.jpg (449x319, 26.07K)

I hope Facebook dies in my lifetime.

Not really.

zucc is so creepy he makes me want to keep a weapon nearby for safety
legitimately he makes me question if there are clones or robot humans based on secret military tech

Daily reminder that facebook has (according to rumor at least) been thoroughly infiltrated by unironic white supremacists.

Twitter is owned by Saudis too apparently.

Where's Houthi twitter to deliver justice?

tell me more

he's just so fucking unsettling

And what's this "rumor" based on?

So is this week just going to be a long bull rush?

It's a short week followed by a long weekend thanks to Good Friday/Easter, so it's a strong possibility.

8 minutes before the market opens

Wow, what a huge rally

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Goin' up

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Hot damn

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I can't fucking wait for this bitch to go under 23,000

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-27 Dow’s recent surge belies fact that stock market is on the brink of an absolute breakdown.jpg (895x5632, 1.46M)

lol, I saw that. Porky's gettin' scared

So far it seems to be holding at 0.00

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Actin' up a funky boi today

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Don't know if this current trend we're having is a bear trap or not. Maybe it is, but some of us might've overreacted, because the "fundamentals" as they call it are not strong at all.

Invest in Enron

t. Bank that bought the peak and didn't sell in time


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Man GM is falling.

It seems like everyone is struggling. It almost looks like investors are just bouncing from one thing to the next because they have no idea what else to do.


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Dipping back down?

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uh oh

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Nah DJ is gonna plateau for a few weeks then sudden dip again.


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Meanwhile at Nasdaq

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Attached: 449.jpg (481x418, 95.12K)

The status of DOW, Nasdaq and VIX

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Attached: Tesla.PNG (464x155, 12.63K)

Nice work.


Attached: 92007006619c1e6019fc31a3f666fe1f688c675c1da8775034ac236efb2e3f61.png (255x159, 6.71K)

are u day traders

What a bullrush we're in gang

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Tesla down 6.5%.

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That's what they get for getting in between me and my vidya

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Tesla blown out of the stratosphere

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Attached: RIght now at the market.gif (415x477, 178.92K)

We're back below 24,000 lads, let the pre-weekend selloff resume

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when a single car crash drops your stocks by 8% in a day.

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Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-27 Dow Jones Industrial Average(1).png (1150x409, 53.36K)

Holy shit at this rate they're going to reach -10%

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Jesus christ.

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DOW AT -1,50%

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FEEL IT user !

protip all economists know that "trade negotiations" between the US and China will be a total fluke, time to get out before global capitalism sinks

investors only care about themselves, watch them all sell and wreck the market

cmon lets hit -2.00% in the last 20 mins lets go

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Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-27 Dow Jones Industrial Average(3).png (1252x442, 60.37K)

Nasdaq is down 3.5%

That's where the real bloodbath is. Tech is only going to go down.


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They're predicting we correct at 18k by years end.

Lower than this?

Attached: Nvidied.PNG (441x149, 12.21K)

it can go much lower

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Oh i guess you're right i didn't know that they grew this much in 3 years

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Attached: Capture.PNG (629x432, 30.03K)

Holy shit its a rout.

Shouldn't treasure notes rise in the expectation of a crisis? As a safe haven.

Explain the implications in layman's terms?

FAANG is down over 4% at the very least.

Everything is crashing down.
There will be no survivors.

I don't fucking know my niggers, I think the reason Petro Yuan might be involved with that.

Not if you dont expect the state to pay them back.

You shouldn't hype PetroYuan that much.

So less chance of QE in case things go south?


If I see people in stead dumping money in Chinese state paper in stead of USAian government products, I'll be convinced. Then it is over. Put a fork in American Empire, they will be done.

Bond Yields are lower than ever because of QE fuckery, China has nothing to do with it. If anything China will buy more because it means cheaper US T-Bonds from existing T-Bond owners, driving the price back up. Also the government is issuing more T-bonds per the spending bill, meaning overall yields are going to change as more supply hits the market.


Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-27 S P 500 Index.png (1523x522 72.19 KB, 75.75K)

Don't know what to make of bond yields then. If it's good or bad news for whoever the fuck.

People have tried to do that over the past two decades, at every turn Beijing tried to stop it because it meant the Yuan's value would rise and make their export-driven economy noncompetitive. It continues, one of the major issues brought up by America at the trade negotiations announced yesterday is how undervalued the Yuan is. This is a major deal for Trump because if he can label China a Currency Manipulator (manipulating markets to keep the Yuan's value low), he can Tariff all their imports under WTO rules.

A strong Yuan only helps America. The reason why the Petrolyuan is happening now, as opposed to decades ago.

There's not much to make of it. The big story is the NASDAQ taking a shit because nobody can see a clear way out of it. That's going to be where the bloodbath is.

Any of you know what stocks are gonna be open this week?

Well I guess we wait for Nikkei.

According to stock market soothsayers, fortune tellers and other sorts of practitioners of the occult. It is likely that Wednesday is going to be even bloodier than today because the day before the close of the market of the week is the time when stocks are shaken up.
I don't know the validity of such a statement though, so their advice is less than reliable.

Paul Krugman says the overvaluation is over now though, as opposed to in the early aughts. I have no better sources. Does that have any implications?

It's still undervalued compared to what it could be. This is the "middle development" problem China has in general, if they let their currency do whatever then they can no longer rely on exports to make up such a large sector of their economy. But if they don't do anything, America will force the issue by claiming they are a Currency Manipulator and taxing their goods.

There's no good way out for them, at least not one that doesn't involve a brief recession. Which is why Beijing's policy of issuing debt to keep the economy afloat for the past ten years is incredibly troubling to economists.


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Performance of VIX

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You're speaking in memes again.

Is the debt a problem if it is internal though? I mean, can't they just wipe out the debt by government fiat (they have the internal security apparatus to cope), or by selectively purging large holders of debt - finance billionaires.

It's already underway.

the bear dumps the greenback:

When will it finally go full 2008? Everything I've read says the next recession is going to be worse than the last one and it's coming before 2020. I'm getting nervous.

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At this rate, by the end of the year.


Attached: CreepyJesus.jpg (598x598, 91.5K)

In fact, it will be worse than 1929

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How is Holla Forums reacting to all of this, btw?

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Debt is a problem no matter what, the great 1929 stock crash happened 100% because of internal US private debts collapsing on each other, resulting in investors and banks without any money.

As it pertains to modern China, no they can't just "wipe out the debt". If Beijing prints their way out hyperinflation occurs as the Yuan tanks, prompting American tariffs. If Beijing simply says they won't force repayment of private debts to their state-owned banks, then the state-owned banks have a cash crisis and thus the government is either forced to bail them out (print money) or declare them insolvent, destroying their own credit as their banks are state-owned.

Purging billionaire debt holders does nothing except cause the state to own the debt, which they already do as they issued the debt. Thus they are left with paying interest payments to themselves, effectively recycling money from the younger generation (who creates taxable revenues) to the older generation (who spent all the money as loans). Everything jams up and stagnation occurs as young people no longer get the same level of services their parents did, a situation similar to Japan, America and Europe.

And such is how "lost decades" and "great depressions" form. More debt only means more problems, and once the problem is created it can't go away easily.

We go 2008 mode when NAFTA 2 is made public and the US works with Mexico and Canada to wall themselves from the global economy. Everything will crash and burn at that point.

Talked to a Trump supporter in person today and they distrusted the US government excluding Trump.
They also already knew the economy was going to crash and said it wasn't Trump's fault.
When they brought up immigration I did mention Guatemala as an example of how the CIA caused illegal immigration. He didn't talk about it after that.

They are discussing this article.

Some more interesting news:


The Dragon Bites back and trade requirements:

APAC head of fixed income at UBS Asset Management States Petroyuan a legitimate challenge to greenback supremacy:

Geopolitics related:

Iran should turn to Russia and China:

Russia and China prepare hypersonic glide weapons as counterweight to us Military technologies:

technological gap closes (commercially and in certain sectors) between China and USA ( the dawn of superior productive forces is only 1-2 decades away ):

AMLO could sunk that though.

There is no tech gap because America and China produce the same shit. This goes back to the late 60s when China got their first nuclear reactors, effectively placing them at the same level as America. Hence why America didn't just stomp on them or Russia like America did with Vietnam or Korea.

Was it because of the war they prodded?

Mexico isn't a democracy.

There are still certain sectors, namely very core products/services, for example, ISAs for semiconductors (China has yet to make its own to dominante the commercial field, although now it is using x86 and ARM to sort-of bypass this) and general software etc.

But yes, on a surface level they do technically produce "the same shit", but core stuff like Jet Engines is something China still is catching up with.

I have no idea what to think about his damn supporters. They seem to hate the government, including the republican party but they go along with his shit lockstep.

China is also weak in important strategic sectors, like making airplane engines. All their best jets still run on Russian imports, often not even local copies let alone local designs.

Commercial domination isn't the same as capability. China makes their own nuclear weapons, there is no gap. What you reference is a capitalist construction, a desire to completely dominate markets and monopolize them. Their jet engines are pretty good too, especially when they rip off of Boeing, a problem they are increasingly aware of.

China won't be allowed to do this with tech like they did with plastics, simply because of national security concerns. Even Japan got their teeth knocked out by Ronald Reagan of all people, and that was during the Cold War when they were an important American ally against Communism. Trump isn't going to move on this, and Qualcomm (and Boeing) will find it's global business torn apart by a myriad of local regulators and domestic protectionism. Just as Facebook is now having to deal with in regards to webservices.

This is the part of the story where capitalism completely melts itself down.

It isn't that weak, it's really just a matter of QC and reverse-engineering American designs well enough. Exactly what the USSR did in the 1940s and 50s. Stalin himself ripped off the American nuclear weapons program, giving them their first nuke a mere four years after the first US bomb. It's really a matter of management and administration more than it is technology. And here is where the debt problem finds it's way in: companies can't invest in new technologies, training or employees if they are stuck paying a large portion of their income to creditors. Or if their loans are given to the government, then their taxes spent on interest rather than on economic stimulus.

Wow really makes you think that someone hasn't provided a decent left message to the United States population ever.
This dude was old and I had to be the first person to tell him immigration issues has more to do with the CIA than anything else.

I use the point because it is important to contextualize the fact that the CIA has been constantly overthrowing democracies in South America. It is an easy story to tell and includes great stuff like how the Secretary of State was a former lawyer for the UFC.

Competitive local designs are in the prototype/testing phase iirc, a good example being the WS-15 engine.

Japan =/= China, China is not in a position to sign something as predatory as the plaza accord unlike Japan during the 80s.

Trump's tariffs and blockage will bite america in the ass, he was imposed this at a time where America is viewed as incompetent and unreliable due to his leadership:

He alienated Japan, incensed europe and trod on latin america, all could have been key allies in containing China, now China will begin to further woo them to China's side.

But you are correct: boeing will be slapped in the face:

Addtionally, prepare for more costlier tools, vehicles, consumer electronics and tires:

This seems optimistic. The Chinese have been buying Su-27's since the early 90s, yet they still can't build an equivalent engine. We're talking decades here.

Jet engines ain't easy, it's one of the few key technologies only afew nations can really do on their own.

Yes, China is far more exposed than Japan. Besides their far larger amount of private sector debt (the thing that causes all of Japan's economic problems), should the US decide to sanction them at least 25-50% of their GDP is directly threatened. As for "leadership", Americans don't care and neither will the rest of the world as America will still have a huge military protecting it. Which is why Korea, Japan and Australia are all entertaining the "security agreement" Trump proposed, rather than outright rejecting it for Chinese trade.

It all depends on how much money Beijing wants to commit. Again a space where capitalism becomes an issue, because they can't just wipe away debt without undermining their own ability to trade.

Did I miss something today?

The markets are crashing with no survivors.

Isn't that war?

I'm on track to graduate uni in the next year or so. What are my chances of getting a job in the next few years?

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Ah lovely. Dad caught some Seal today as well so must be a sign of good luck.

Look at these badboys over here. Premarket trading, probably not going to down at this level but you can whet your appetite on this before the Nikkei is online.

Attached: After Hours.png (224x417, 15.76K)

This, there's only like 3 or 4 countries that have the ability to make them

For capitalists? Yes. And it's increasingly the go-to option since China's government won't abide by all the US government's demands (actual enforcement of copyright law, and fines for violations, in particular).

100% because all jobs are done through networking. Hope you did that in school.

I hear they have burger-flipping robots now, so that might be out, but Wal-Mart still has pretty high turnover - you could probably get in there.

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You will probably die due to hunger and cold in the streets, as Trump is Making America Great Again launching conscripted soldiers at Iran or Best Korea.

I think that's the typical response, yeah, but we're not in typical times.

This is from 2015, so I'm not sure how things have changed three years on, but I doubt it's in a way conducive to a healthy market.

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We've had 10 years of QE. There's practically nothing left to quantitatively ease. More quantitative easing means basically ending medicare/social security/food stamps, and if that happens there are going to be a lot of pissed off people.

That's a big red line they don't wanna cross, esp japan and south korea, they are in the past for protection from the US, not to be sidekicks in some cowboy fantasy in Asia.

Truly appropriate, user!

Debt played a major part in the crash but it wasn't the single overriding factor in causing it.

Well, technically, it isn't.

It really speaks more to the ruthless, relentless sabotage perpetrated against the American people by their government and their corporations.

This might interest you:

A highlight:

Comrade, I…

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Seriously, the fuck did I do?


Do you have a sense of what that means? Like being a clerk, or a secretary, or what? I've heard people say this before but I don't think they have a plan at all - like when you ask a kid what they want to be when they grow up and they say FIREMAN! or ASTRONAUT! because they have no fucking clue but that seems like a logical choice that the kids media they consume has prepped for them to say when asked that question.

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According to spooked individuals eating seal is wrong

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Futures of NIKKEI

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Oh fuck, tonight is gonna be good.

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4 minutes till Japo open

Tesla is just months from a total collapse, says hedge-fund manager

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I can't wait for the hordes of butthurt Musk lovers when this happens

They'll portray spacecar man as an innocent martyr of circumstance. A steve jobs gone sour too soon.

can confirm

t. mexican

So when's the next report due?


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Tesla and BTC, the Twin Towers of millennial excess.

Down and down it goes, where it stops, nobody knows!

I don't think you realize just how realistic Tesla collapsing is. In late 2016 California amended it's EV subsidy laws to ensure that all auto manufacturers who use the program have "good labor relations". This was done explicitly to tell Tesla to Unionize their Fremont plant. Musk obviously didn't, and a few months later an employee sued the company for racism which is obviously not good labor relations. In addition to this the UAW has filed complaints with the National Labor Relations Board, which even under Trump is still functional in at least airing disputes.

Put bluntly if the lawsuit actually goes anywhere, Tesla will have their subsidies pulled in America's largest auto market (California), just as their UAW-competitors (Ford and GM) start offering full EVs. In practice this makes a Tesla $10,000 more than any other comparable vehicle on the market which will ruin them. Also, the larger AFL is still strong enough to pressure fleet owners into not buying Tesla EV trucks (as opposed to UAW-built EV trucks), a problem because their trucks are particularly niche due to their low range.

What then? Tesla is either bullied into organizing like Ford did, or Tesla closes since they aren't profitable as it is.

nigga millennials can hardly afford to pay rent much less by fancy pants stocks and bonds

Attached: richest 10 percent own 84 percent of the stocks.jpg (1394x4006, 466.22K)

Millennials are just as socially stratified as everyone else these days. There are ones who have and those who don't, and the gulf between them in lifestyle is significant.

The Nikkei's about to get off their lunch break, while the hang seng is about to go on theirs.

Attached: hang senf.png (965x337 39.4 KB, 40.95K)

I'd argue it's BTC, Uber and Tesla. Two of them are already toasted, one left.

yes and they take jobs as uber drivers and invest in BTC because they can do the former with their car while hiding their money from the government with the latter. Teslas are things they want to get.

how else am I going to be able to distinguish class so easily?

A lot of millennials are into crypto because they can "invest" in ICOs (and reap the potentially massive gains if their shitcoin "moons") whereas with stocks they would prevented doing so due to their low net worths. It's the result of a system that basically refuses to allow wages to increase.

sorry didn't mean to get in the way of your hateboner please carry on

I am also a poor millennial. I do not pretend there are not plenty of rich millennials as a result, though. I see them every day, and it would be a delusion.

Nikkei's down 365 points
Hang Seng's down over 450

When does Europe start coming online? Or India's exchange, for that matter?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1542x946, 55.52K)

Europe started 3am Eastern (20min ago) and it's red all over.

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It goes up, I make money. It goes down, I make money.

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Is a rally or even more capitulation likely today?

I'm an optimist, so… I'm gonna say it's all downhill from here.

I'm going with my gut and say it'll probably try to bounce back up.

It's still got a while to go before Trump will be willing to address it. It continues falling though.

Futures aren't looking too optimistic atm

Here's to another day of historic losses, gentlemen

Attached: cheers.jpg (890x768, 198.43K)

Today's gonna be a good day.

It's very possible that the stock market might rebound. Currently the futures are only about the baseline.

I’ve been living at home since I got my associates. Good luck

It's going to keep bouncing off the trend line for months.

Attached: trend_line.png (792x534, 256.53K)

I highly doubt this will be a bad few days for the stock market. There's a lot of good news going around recently with Blackberry and Walgreen stocks, and I think investors will try to invest money into the stock market again.
Also Facebook is trying to clean up it's image and they got Instagram and What'sapp in their pocket so things are going to be likely okay for them.

LOL. They're fucked and on the way out. The Analytica scandal only worsened the nose dive they were already in.

That's where the facebook inc's real value is in now. Facebook as a site is fucking dead in the water, but the firm itself is unlikely to be that harmed.

Oh yeah 4th quarter GDP raised to 2.9% from 2.5% today. So expect things to be pretty bullish for a while.

Except people arentalking of busting the trust with regards to them: and considering how much politicians use whatsapp…


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it's beautiful

Porky pies
Made porky lies
And now the stock market dies.

wow this thread is out dated lol


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Amazon down almost 5% this morning.

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back in the red

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Tesla is fucking dying

Attached: Tesla.PNG (1791x811 13.33 KB, 106.72K)

how much would it have to fall to truly die?

Is it just me or does that spiky pattern look pretty consistent at the open of the last couple of days? Like it seesaws near the opening then tries to stabilize for a bit and then tanks…

nah, it's not just you, I see it too

Why tho?

I can't wait for Elon Musk to be forced back where he belongs, making electroswing mixtapes on Bandcamp like all the other epic science rockabilly scum.

My guess is that "dumb" money is scrambling in the morning and the "institutional" (smart) investors make their plays later.

He built up enough of an ego and reputation among liberals that he’ll remain rich simply from donations to save the liberal “god emperor of science”

Two main reasons
Both pretty spooked, adult seals are dangerous and meat is tasty and available.

So everyone, brainlet here. Why does the whole fed giving loans at practically 0%interest rate create a bubble, I mean how?

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Because they can just give away money for free? Even though all this does is cause inflation to spike through the roof.

Well, what's .05% of a trillion dollars

That money will stop coming in as soon as Rick and Morty is cancelled, he'll be destitute sooner or later.

But how does that eventually lead to a bubble?

500 million

the way cheap credit always leads to bubble, the credit gets more expensive and it throws everyone off

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Im reporting you to cointelpro

Some people are saying this is a bear market.

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I've no idea so i'm going to say that at -95% we should be good

You've started to ascend continue on this path and in a little while you'll be able to completely decipher the memelines

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Definitely going trend down, lads.

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The DJIA won't bleed as much as the Nasdaq. If you want a full blown collapse it'll happen in tech.

I'm sorry, I think I expressed myself wrong. If I'm looking at the right thing
The interest rate between 08-15 was .0025, or a quarter of a percent. Assuming it's just a flat trillion every year, that's 2.5 billion dollars in interest, so compounding interest on a trillion, plus another trillion every year for 7 years, jumping up to half a point in Dec 2015, .0075 in 2016, 1% in march 2017, 1.25 in june, then 1.5 in Dec

I'm much too tired to crunch the numbers on that kind of compounding interest, but even if it were just the principle alone, we're at 10+ trillion dollars that has to be paid back.
In 2017, the US's GDP was 17 trillion (if chained dollars means fixed or something)

So already we might have a debt that exceeds the US's annual GDP. And that's just what we know about.

In effect, the Federal Reserve has loaned or just given away trillions of dollars, and when taken all together, the number not only exceeds the US's gdp, but threatens to balloon to the point that the accumulated debt and interest becomes literally unpayable.

And, despite lending out all this money, the US economy hasn't grown commensurately, and is in some ways even less healthy than it was in 2008. Yet, you can look at the stock market and see that it's only grown and grown. A large part of that money has gone towards stock buybacks, inflating their prices, and creating the illusion of growth. Another interesting little tidbit.

The US's annual gdp growth, depending on who you ask, has been around 1.5-3% since the crisis. With the interest rate at 1.5%, we could be entering the "danger zone" (assuming what mr gross says is true).

Basically, all those trillions over the years have massively inflated these stock prices beyond what they're actually worth, and that has subsequently bled into other aspects of the economy, and is separate but related to the debt balloons in student loans and auto loans, both of which become increasingly unlikely to be paid back as the economy deteriorates.

And that's how it's created a bubble–the fed gave practically free money away, which companies used to buy their own stock, making it look like their stock was worth buying, which made the economy look like it was growing, which got them more free money, which companies used to buy their own stock…

My apologies if this isn't terribly coherent. I haven't slept in two days.

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That's actually one of the problems with raising interest rates right now, if they continue on the path they're taking it's going to start simply consuming the US budget just to make the payments

That said, they're just raising them so they can drop them for muh QE late this year or next year

It's kind of a catch 22 actually. Not raising the rates means foregoing a return to "market normalization." We saw what that meant in February. Raising the rates means potentially torpedoing the economy and sending it into a recession, or possibly worse.

And that's not even figuring in the banking situation in the rest of the world.

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Comrade, the politburo orders you to take a nap, effective immediately.

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This, stock buybacks have shaged any return to a normal economy. Neoliberalism has played itself.

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I'm confused where all there numbers are coming from. What is "assuming its a flat trillion a year"? The deficit? Also, I don't even know what the implication of the $16 trillion is on that website. I'm assuming it's a total of all emergency loans and liquidity operations at the time, but I'm not counting. The actual GAO report it is citing says that total assets for the entire Federal Reserve system peaked at ~$2 trillion sometime between 2008-2011 (I'm not being precise because I just skimmed the summary and some of the tables). Its total loans outstanding peaked at $1 trillion. The GAO claims that all emergency loans were already paid off by 2011, and the Federal Reserve terms on the loans were stricter versions of their discount window loans, the banks had to put up more collateral than usual and all of it had to be highly rated. The loan terms were usually short, only a couple of months at most.

The note about foreign banks seems like it had to do with currency swap lines with foreign central banks. The foreign central banks needed dollars for user banks to have liquidity for their own dollar denominated debt obligations, so they exchanged their (or other forex?) currency for dollars with an agreement that they'd buy the currency back at a later date at the same exchange rate. The summary table says those swaps were all wrapped up by 2011 as well. I'm also not sure what is meant by "secret". The GAO seems to state that its regular independent audit didn't note anything unusual about the financial statements related to emergency procedures, and the GAO seems to implicitly concur. The main thing they found umbrage with was that there was a lack of documentation concerning certain decisions about lending to certain banks, but that just means the "why"s behind those decisions. The actions themselves are documented. The main thing outstanding to this day is all of the mortgage backed securities and treasuries.

I'm not trying to cape for the Fed or anything, but I just genuinely don't understand some of the claims. I do agree that asset prices were inflated by low interest rates, but as I understand it all the emergency actions taken by the fed were to provide liquidity. The banks they did allow to fail, they did so because the banks were insolvent. Though there are plenty of economists I've seen who felt the Fed behaved in a confused way during the crises when determining what banks were having a crisis of liquidity, and which ones were bankrupt.

Attached: fed annual audit note.PNG (783x621 30.58 KB, 95.64K)

Come on crash already you crazy whore!

don't worry proles this is just a little infighting
we'll kill off the tech companies so we can retain the power of our retailers then it's back to business as usual!

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if tech companies get screwed will anything happen to the price and availability of computer parts?

Ah, I found the table it was talking about. What is interesting is that the loans would seem a bit inflated by the accounting methods, at least for a layperson looking at the first table. It states that PDCF loans are not term adjusted such that they would be directly comparable with the TAF loans. This and the following table seem primarily to be showing the magnitude of loans taken, and who was the biggest borrower. It explains that the accounting for PDCF loans here is not addressing that some amount of these loans were technically overnight loans that got rolled over. So a $10bn overnight loan renewed for 30 days would appear as $300bn in the table, even though it was literally a $10bn loan for a real term of a month. The next table on the next page adjusts for this by multiplying all loans by days outstanding and dividing by days in the year, but this only serves to compare loan magnitudes, so doesn't really shed light on how much was "really" borrowed, from what I understand.

Attached: total borrowing.PNG (725x547, 132.08K)

no, it's good to ask questions. I'm not an expert either, and without sources at hand I'm acting much from memory as well.

My understanding was that these loans from the Fed to these various banks or what have you ammounted to more or less a trillion dollars a year, give or take a few hundred billion, so I just assumed a trillion dollars per year. I'm not sure what their schedule might otherwise be, if they dole this money out month by month over the year or what. I'm not really completely free at the moment, so I wasn't able to track down a good source on the exact terms of these loans. I suppose it was sloppy on my part, but I was mostly trying to illustrate the magnitude of the money outstanding, but in retrospect it would have been better to wait until I had firmer sources to draw from.

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Back in red.
Also, we're at 3 p.m zone.

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Here comes the end game.

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There needs to be a 3 MB verison of this with subtitles.

4/wsg/ has a 4MB limit, bucko

Get fugged gommunists sgum

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At least is something

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US close.

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Does anyone know?

It would probably depend on what parts, which companies were effected, and a plethora of other factors.

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It's been almost 90 years. I think they already figured out what will happen to their jobs, food and homes.

Sorry gramps but i bought a 144hz monitor and i'd like to able to use it without having to spend 2 grand on a computer

Any lads out their care to give the run down on this for someone who hasn't been paying as much attention as they should have? Where do things currently stand and where do they seem to be going?

Easy money has been pumping up the market for the past decade, creating a tremendous financial bubble. The market growth this stimulated was reliant on a steady stream of this easy money at as low an interest rate as possible.

In February news came from the Fed that the interest rate was going to rise, that and allegedly the report that employee wages were going to rise caused a gigantic tumble. According to the experts, this was the beginning of a "correction," where the market would sort itself out, rationally revalue itself., and then we'd be right back to unlimited bull growth.

In reality, the market has stubbornly refused to grow. In fact, it appears to be severely contracting. If you take a look at the DJIA for example, all the gains since last November have been wiped out. This is on top of the record levels of retail closings last year, and big name bankruptcies like Toys R Us this year and most recently Remington.

No one seems quite sure what this means. Trump says one thing one day, and the market stampedes that way, then someone says something else and it goes another. IMO investors are in a holding pattern right now trying to hash out what exactly is happening and what is going to happen.

The Federal Reserve is between a rock and a hard place, because they can't just keep dumping money into the economy forever, and they can't keep interest rates artificially low forever either. However, not continuing to do so threatens to upend the whole thing. Economic growth in material terms has been absolutely tepid since 2008, if it can be said to exist at all.

So, a "return to normal" means potentially capsizing the economy, but continuing as things are means continued over-valuation of the market, and inflation of the bubble to ever larger magnitudes. There are numerous other faults in the economy threatening to break at any moment, and any one of them could set off a chain reaction that leaves the global economy in utter ruins. All of the problems that caused 08 are still there, and have only been festering this past decade, and what few measures they actually did take to try and prevent another market catastrophe are being undone even now. The Dodd-Frank act when instituted a patina of oversight over the "too big to fail" banks was recently undone, with the biggest banks completely immune to oversight. To my knowledge, there's no official plan for what to do when the economy does finally implode. Everyone is just trying to not be the one holding the hot potato when it comes. So far the only option seems to be "throw more money at it," but that nickel's been spent and we're at the tail end of that ride.

So depending who you ask or where you look, it's either the best of times or the worst of times. The economic rags shift from despondent to enthusiastic almost by the hour. You have people claiming that Tesla is about to be kaput, that Facebook is on the way out, that the economy is about to fucking detonate, then a short time later hot takes about how there's nothing to worry about, how everything's right on track, and soon this carriage will be a-rollin' again.

As for where we're at right now? Last Friday, major crash. This past Monday, major rebound. Now we seem to be in a holding pattern as robo traders swap stocks while everyone not sitting on a trillion dollars in assets chews their nails, and markets around the world try desperately to keep from sinking lower and lower.

Attached: the current state of things.png (1321x764 114.16 KB, 124.77K)

not to mention there's been an explosion in corporate debt thanks to the easy money, leading to these closings and putting a whole swathe of industries also at risk for getting shut down by the loan holders, a good example is American oil production/fracking. While on paper it looks good, the truth is that entire area right now is only being held up by debt and those corporations being able to borrow large amounts of money at low rates

I'm sure there's even more besides that. Basically everything is on fire, and it's only going to become more precarious as this "correction" or revaluation or whatever you want to call it continues, and more and more people come to find that there house is not built upon a firm foundation.

Attached: american prosperity.webm (854x480, 4.55M)

Why companies buying their own stocks just makes things worse, I mean how does that accelerate the crash??

they literally can't afford not to buy back their own stocks even though it makes the situation worse

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No, explain further.

It's a way to make stock prices go up without making capital investments.

Also, people on the board of directors, who makes the decision to do this stock buybacks, usually own stock in the company. They're gaming the system to enrich themselves.

It's a bit of the two.

The stock market goes up because the price of stocks keep increasing. The price of stocks keep increasing because the Fed keeps doling out cash. The Fed keeps doling out cash because the stock market keeps going up. The stock market goes up because the price of stocks keep increasing…

Because diminishing returns; profits cannot continue indefinitely. It's a massive speculative bubble.

think of it like this: normally he stock of a company would go up because either there was an increase in the overall profitability of the company (and so investing in it is more sought after, increasing the value of the stocks) or there is the expectation of this happening in the near future (and this is how companies like Tesla, who never made a single dollar of profits, are making billions in capital investment).

Both of these require an investment in the company itself, be it to enlarge the marketshare or the production or R&D. What is happening however is that the rate of profit is so low now that there is no sure way to turn such an investment into a profitability increase. To put it simply there is little room left to grow.

This means of course that the only way capital can increase its reproduction is through financialization. Hence companies using their capital to inflate their stock value rather than investing in themselves, skipping the risky step.

This of course means that all of this capital is going to unfruitful processes. Do remember that only work, human work, can produce value. Capital cannot reproduce itself. The financial market may be less susceptible to the decreasing rate of profit that is destroying real economic growth, but it is ultimately a sterile environment by itself.

Imagine the situation as a greenhouse. Buying back your stocks is making some fruits growing on the plants bigger, which consequently brings the rest of the fruits to grow bigger as well.
The bigger fruits represent a bigger profit in the form of specutalive gains on stocks. Of course you could also use that money to buy another greenhouse or hire another farmer, but that's barely if at all profitable, so you keep pumping your fruits bigger and bigger, helped by the federal government that gives you "growth serum" pretty much for free (and these are the near zero interest rates).

Of course the issue is evident. You can only grow so much before your plants are no longer able to sustain your ever growing fruits, your farmers able to tend to the ever increasing amount of work, your greehouse able to house the ever growing forest. Not to mention the fact that you can keep this up only because you can grow your fruits almost for free, what happens if that is taken away from you?

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Asia close. The Loch Ness monster visited Japan today.

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So EU is closed today.

No it's not, it's live right now. Seems like it's doing well enough today.

Thanks comrades (specially the last one)

Nothing to see here. The correction is over, buy the dip!