Ctrl f

lets change that
ITT post leftist webms, mp4s, and other videos you have collected over the years

Other urls found in this thread:


why ctrl f?
there's a search bar in the catalog. i never understood this meme.

A classic.


Anyone have the Porky one where it's just a black silhouette with a question mark and some Banjo Twoie music?



'Ere you go.


(and so on)
(some kiddo singing about his dick and begging for attention?)

just why?


You just don't understand it fucking pleb



Thanks, comrade. I'll put it to good use.










(video) BBC News coverage of the Iraq war
(picture) "The Day Today" parody of television war coverage.

What show is the first webm from?

shit I'm blind nvm

In the spectacular world there is no line between reality and fiction.

The Day Today. All the episodes (and even the pilot) are on YouTube.

I didn't finish it before my silly question, but yeah.



you can feel the levels of butthurt of the 'stache posters from Tito

I always feel interpellated by these threads (since I've made a good chunk of .webm OCs since this board's inception), but sadly I can not provide for my comrades since my previous laptop got fried. Nevertheless there's this – if only the original uploaders could start seeding again: thepiratebay.org/search/leftypol

In any case, I never understood even the hoped-for potential of these shitty anime "Détournements" – not just because if you actually read Debord you realize they are not really such – but because on leftypol anime-stuff are generally considered to be utter capitalist trash, an unsalvageable genre:

In any case, give me 1-2 month(s) and I'll hopefully be able to recover my original webm library.
Until then: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoNqS6OJ5iuXWO2SywXDQQpQRNI9UXauE



Comrade-Captain Picard AKA Lenin


All's I got for now.


gets me every time

the ending to this also gets me every time





someone should make this shit with the "Who's that Pokemon" version

except people here are above 16

Those are just random anime webms, nothing leftist about them.

Kek, who made this?

Voicefag user posted a vocaroo record of his dramatic reading, leftypol made it into a webm.

I know this isn't a Webm, I have no idea how to make them. But this is pretty fucking good and I don't think anyone on here has seen it before. youtube.com/watch?v=aDO6xq-vhjI















Link to that big think video pl0x



waht show is this

Is that supposed to be lenin

Yes, it's Fall of Eagles.

Blyth made that other dude look a fucking bitch











source on that last one?




does anyone have that nat trot webm with the ear rape i'm a real one playing in the background with the line I'M A THROW 4S ON A BITCH with the 4th international signs

source for last one?

Yo its my boy. I work for blyth, hit him up after reading Austerity. Currently trying to talk him out of being DemSucc gang.

proof is in pic

It's a really shit film called Rampage.

Did you just dox yourself lad?..

I've seen the liberals.webm a bunch of times. I can't play the whole thing. Each time, I open it. And every time I can't get through the whole thing. Something about it just makes very unsettled. The people, their mannerisms, their voices. Something in them makes me fearful and I just don't know what it is.

That first one screams of ☭TANKIE☭.

In what sense?



Reminder Frankie Boyle is a trot who has read Debord.

That's not even the weird part. the blond one hasn't even gone inside of her vagina yet.







/r/ing webm of this youtube.com/watch?v=RhdEbOzcN1U

Git gud, scrub

technically this is OC but not mine

Wow what an amazing diet that guy has.

















what's the song?





I wish that was BO, I'd pick Trotsky myself for a few hours with that semen demon.


what is the "la la la" song from the japanese riot video op?

pffft dont they know that the only song that Stirner would want is 'Bodak Yellow'?

Man i miss campaign Bernie



this is no joke the cringiest video i've ever seen in my life

bookchin is a zionist hack

an un-apologetic "fuck indigenous arab christians and muslims and jews, palestine belongs to colonial zionism"

i cant wait until capitalism is failing this hard in america and we become this real

everyone here has guns

its because of the inherent un-easyness and unnatural feelings you get when you look at the bourgeoisie and petit-boog wannabees.

anyone with a brain knows something is off when they see these "rich parent" liberals, they understand how unnatural and gross they are





















the fuck song is that? it's dank

You can see Tom Morello's rage every time Bill speaks in this clip. Sorry about the terrible video quality.

i have no idea.

also i was the one who made the webm you just posted, what are the odds

this is painful to watch

Videos like this show that liberal "leftists" are quicker to side with neocons than actual leftists.




it is for americans. most countries in europe however have movements with long histories and in some the comintern parties have a pretty solid base. most socialists (or even anarchists) here that are from europe most likely got in touch with revolutionary politics irl and not from the internet.


Fucking kek

fucking animals



Oh shit I know that guy


That little girl is cute

not even once

Rampage 2 by Uwe Boll