LeftyBritPol - Tory JUST Edition

"I read the news today oh boy
The tories were planning to oust her again
And then the news was rather glad
And I had to laugh
When I saw Boris in the photograph"

Other urls found in this thread:


torys in shambles, nice

side note: when you post an article in your thread, post the headline in ==Red== so that people can figure out what the thread is about without clicking.


You know when even 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧The Sun🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 writes something thats not jerking the tories off they're doing bad.

I really like this Beatles reference.




It was always going to be Sunny Jim though the liberals of the party would of rathered the Tories won than Benn win an election.

Why is it so dead in here these days

Because BO decimated our board

you're standing on a beach blaming canute for making all the water disappear

Bumping cus leftybritpol threads are always quality

(screams in Keynesian)

For all he was laughed at as unelectable in 1983, he got surprisingly close in 1976. 43.8% Foot/56.2% Callaghan. (137/176 respectively.) He's probably the more realistic leftish choice for leader.
The problem on the left is, of course, that Foot was first and foremost a party man. The conscience of that party, but a party man, where Benn was an ideological man treating the Labour party as a vehicle. Still, it would've made the late 1970s even more interesting times.

Sometimes I wonder what things would be like had we undergone the 1980s under Denis Healey as a British Bob Hawke expy. (i.e. charming funny labo(u)r man overseeing the transition to neoliberalism, with all the misery that entails.) That's less an economic question (we'd be miserable and poor while the city made bank, plus ça change.) and more a cultural one. It's hard to imagine Healey occupying the same place in the public imagination as Thatcher did, and it also raises all kinds of questions about how impregnable that administration would appear. (Do the Conservatives pivot back to Heathish paternalistic Keynesianism, or promise to be more Healeyite than Healey?)

To get that outcome you probably need Wilson to win 1970 then lose 1974, though.

You lads seen the news thread?? Trump seems to think that if the government banned us protesting his arrival, that would actually stop us. How quaint.

Eh we'd be more like France: the ideal would be betrayed a few years into the 1980s (see: Mitterand) then Labour would slowly die as neolibs took over (think Blair but Blair doesn't win anything) then we would see a popular leftist take back control in the 2010s…
Wait a second this is just our timeline with less privatised shit, wtf.

Am I blind 'cause I can't see it. Also I think if they did that it would actually make more people go. If there are protests when he comes I'll probably go even if they are likely gonna be liberal hellholes. Maybe if they did ban it they would become more radical.


Didn't you get the memo? Trump said that if your protest sign is funny enough or has a sick enough reference he'll resign.

Just came back from the Labour NHS rally with Corbyn.

got a feeling the tories will scrape to a win at the next election
although that's fine too. these morons are on the verge of destroying capitalism.

I’m a Labour party member with nuanced views – but to Momentum I’m a “Blairite”
Blairites on Suicide watch

Any good?

Nah, and absolut deadlock that cannot be broken without a re-election on a different voting system is the only real way.

He's a blairite.

Jon Ashworth was there and was quite good speaking at some length about Labours plan to rebuild the NHS. Idea of housing, social care etc being a form of housing was mentioned throughout and later reflected by Corbyn.
As far as mentioning the dirty S word, Corbyn said that Labour is a party of 'Socialism and Social Justice' and that 'Socialism in action is the NHS'.

The whole thing felt like the NHS was a battering ram to make case for collective action and public ownership.



Yeah, polling today shows that people think the NHS is now more important than brexit.

Oh look, it's muff poster.

Three more Tory MPs call for PM to go amid fears of ‘meltdown’ in May’s local elections


What did leftists do to stop Blairs new labour from taking over? How do you think they felt when he won in 1997?

I mean Corbyn was going around saying "Blair is a twatmonger" for most the period.
As for why he won, it's simple: The lib dems were strong and the tories were absolute fucked.

This is what right wingers actually believe

Wow No fucking point made his entire post
What a shock
What is this "Art" he was talking about?

the christcom-trot synthesis


Want your opinion on a matter involving an user's encounter with monarchists in /leftytrash/.
If the English monarchy is dissolved (assume it's still liberal democracy) will the crown would be allowed to keep all the land they legally own from the 1600s (which they still own today)?

From my understanding the crown doesnt only own the land in theory (much like most of the English monarchy's power). The state would probably "force" the crown to sell the land to them since the state currently controls the Crowns land and receives the money it makes.

I didn't say they'd stop it, i just mean that regardless of whether its legal, there will still be large protests.

We aren't American, queers are literally some of the most class conscious people in the UK, and im not joking.

Can we get crowds of people to make an 'orange wanker' football-style chant? Straight forward, but has some bants potential.

Anons, what do you feel are the reasons for the low productivity of the UK? In my perspective I feel the low wages and poor housing prospects saps people’s incentives to work hard. What do you feel are likely reasons? How could we solve it?


The Prince's Trust gave me PTSD. Good luck.

It could be partially that I live in the shithole hellscape that is Cumbria, but most good leftists i know are queer. Knowing one neoliberal queer isn't an excuse to alienate a group with huge potential to be radicalized.

Oh, I didn’t mean to imply that, I’m trans myself. It’s just that a lot of gay people subscribe to weird conservatism. I think it’s partly a mix of ‘fuck you, i got mine’ the other groups now that homosexuality is becoming more or less accepted, and also because some wanna feel part of the traditional culture and not part of a counter-culture.

Actually i agree with you, my fellow tranny. I think a lot of middle aged gay men find themselves falling in line with neoliberal bollocks because they want fit in. Sorry if i came of as hostile, just so many people on leftypol are anti queer its kind of hard to tell

low investment, low skills, bad management culture, weak demand.

Kill yourselves.




Shits bad comrades, this is 19th century tier.


Also turns out young turnout didn't increase that much: the Corbyn revolution isn't just for edgy students lads.



Should have known this shithole would be full of mentalists. Get yourselves checked out, lads.


You know lad, as a rugby player I am kinda a fan of a health service that is free at the point of use.

Tbh this is boring, it is not going to help anyone.

Capitalism's the best and brightest when it comes to breeding its own enemies, as usual, it seems.

In the real world Heath won 1974 and oversaw a disastrous period of strikes and high inflation which lead to a period of Labour dominance through the 1980s. After taking power at the beginning of the decade, the benefits of North Sea Oil to the treasury were immense with a significant proportion being stored offshore in a sovereign wealth fund. Neoliberalism was still the dominant global paradigm, and many people will never forgive Labour for the consequences of the end of full employment, but nonetheless Britain retains railways and airlines in state ownership (albeit the latter as a for-profit state owned enterprise.) and the trade union movement remains strongly influential in the politics of the Labour party, with a majority of the last Labour cabinet having some form of association with a trades union.
We live in an alternate history dystopia to that reality where it's assumed since Labour won, we can butterfly effect Heath's corporatism and fear of unemployment out of the picture and replace him with the second or third maddest person on the Tory front bench…

We'll keep on going, of course… but in what manner?
it's actually a fun sort of "they are both the worst" situation, since if you do accept this story then Wilson only won two elections, meaning Blair beat him. Of course, a radical centrist bipartisan compromise is to have Labour win 1974a (meaning Wilson has equalled Blair), then lose 1974b (1975?) to a Con/Lib coalition that nosedives into the ground in 1979-80.

Capita: almost £1bn wiped off value of UK government contractor==
Looks like another one is going down lads. Also can this thread be made cyclical yet? Leftybritpol is one of the best parts of this board.

Labour plans to make landowners sell to state for fraction of value

Corbyn is going to make Mao look like a fucking liberal


tbh he cant say yes can he. Most of his MPs hate him as it is and are just waiting for an opportunity to back stab him again so out right saying he is a socialist wouldn't be the best idea. Also he isnt really a true socialist, but is paving the way to a future socialist labour party. He just needs to grow some balls after the local elections and purge the party of Blairite scum

TL;DR: he was opposed to it being removed, but he won't say whether he will go back. However what he suggests in the video is actually "CLAUSE IV DIDN'T GO FAR ENOUGH".

Also yeah it seems like he wants to back but doesn't want to directly say it and will get around it by making a new clause thats basically the same thing but with extra shit added.

Just saw someone unironically say the UK should have an equivalent of a tea party, can't even imagine how poor that would go. At least I can live with the fact he probably lives in one of the safest Labour seats in the country so he's permanently annoyed by those around him.

Even when things look bad here I always think about how much worse our American comrades have it. Thank god we dont have a tea party equivalent

Dude we did: it was/is called UKIP.

You're kidding yourself if you don't think Corbyn's (and lets be honest here) minor success isn't going to inspire a far larger far right reaction.

It's been several months and no such reaction has happened.

Where do right-winger get these terms from? It's like one day they just turn on a dime and all start repeating the same insult. Like cuck, snowflake, and SJW were actually kind of effective terms (though I'd never actually use any ofthem), but these new ones like soyboy, low t, bugmen etc. all just sound stupid.

They all read the same shitty blogs and propaganda outlets.

Lad, you have it the wrong way around: Corbyn IS the reaction. To the recent financial crash we have seen a near-universal reaction across the cultural west, that of two movements bound together: National populism (UKIP, Tea Party, Southern FN, Western AfD) and Post-Fascism (BNP, Richard Spencerites, Northern FN, Eastern AfD). The reason the UK has a large far left movement now is that 1) the post fascist movement started to gain ground in 2005 and peaked in 2010, well before most in Europe 2) the two movements never linked arms in the UK like they have done in other places (Frances, Germany and America). As such, they fell apart quite quickly. You see Corbyn is the leftist reaction to the failure neoliberalism and the inability of right wing populisms to deal with the issues of the modern age.

We /Militant/ nao


Nah we're not: Militant never got Benn elected.

These are the policies btw:

I've always found some irony in the way "for the many, not the few" was one of those unobjectionable Blairish phrases that came to embody Corbynism by accident.

Corbyn's success followed our moment of "right-populism" though.
(In Brexit, which yeah I know wasn't strictly right wing or even undesirable, but still. That was the illusion.)

NEED a labour government to abolish council tax entirely and introduce something-anything less terrible.

Iirc introducing a LVT to replace both council tax and dbusiness rates was in the good o' red book.

That's when the ruling class stops pretending they were bugs, and reveals they were features and we all get to live under a dictatorship

So much for the fiscally responsable right.

Haringey boss Claire Kober: 'The argument that I’m incompetent would not have been used if I were a man'
Liberals man.

Sad that Corbyn supports the Trans nonsense. He should be learning from the experienced second wavers rather than hysterical teenagers like Madigan

lmao cockshott is a TERF

I think you have the wrong Cockshott, unless they are both TERFs.

The thing is he doesn't play it up much, he is pretty much like most britons: positively not giving a shit.

I figure the fight at the Rees Mogg meeting is worth bumping this thread for. The right wing mind is a fascinating thing. They are able to carry on behaving as if it was the protestors are at fault and the RM supporters even when there is footage of the RM punching a woman in the face.

an incorrect analysis

As you've all seen polls mean very little especially in Britain where it is dependent on a small amount of swing constituencies who wins, concentrated support means nothing unless it spreads to those areas. Corbyn won't win, he had it easy at the last election as there were several Tory gaffes and when people are faced with the reality of a hard left government they will go for the more centrist approach, also he will be old as fuck come 2022.

Honestly JRM scares me: there are enough people wanting to LARP Downton Abbey in this country that he could make his way to PM.

There are several flaws in this analysis:
1) Polls between elections mean fuck all, Kinnock was polling over 50% in 1991.
2) As for swing seats, things are actually changing quite drastically: for starters there is no such thing as a safe seat in Scotland anymore: literally we had people with absolute majorities get kicked out last time. The next election shall see an earthquake in rural southern England: Jerusalem shall be red again.
3) He didn't have it easy last election, the tory gaffs meant jack shit: it was the early manfiesto and the hype around it created by the leak (which I am like 99% sure was deliberate).
4) On him being fuck old, honestly I don't think he will make it to 2022 either: his aim is to reform the party so whomever comes after him will carry forth his vision without moderation. We are already seeing several leftist successors come in his wake.

It does look like we will have an election by 2019 , Richard Leonard made the point in an interview that the house of commons as it stands will never agree on the final brexit arrangement. There are enough hard brexit and pro EU torys to cause a stir and block the governments bill, unless somehow they come to an agreement parliament will end up in deadlock and would lead to another GE. Hopefully Corbyn will have sorted out the party. Does anyone have any ideas who his successor might be, Emily Thornberry seems to be the most likely choice for the soft left "unifying" candidate. I cant see John McDonnelll going for it but hopefully he stays on as Chancellor of the Exchequer for a bit. Dose anyone know any up and coming left wing candidates who could take over? Maybe Clive Lewis but he is seems too young still?

I worry about Thornberry, she openly said she supported "reforming capitalism" on QT like a year back. There are a few names tho, Laura Pidcock (the QT that says she wouldn't be mates with any tory MPs). Chris Williamson was a favourite until he quit after saying council tax should go up 200%. Keir Starmer is a bookies' favourite, although I don't know how quality his leftist credentials are tho. A few others are Rebecca Long-Bailey; who was actually one of the 36 to nominate Corbyn in the first place, Clive Lewis as you said; (who hangs around with Varoufakis, Zizek, is a part of DiEM25 and is a vet who is anti-war), Angela Rayner; who is not really that ideological (for either blairism or Marxism-Benninism) and just wants to fix the education system she feels failed herm (while admirable I am not sure if it is what we want) and finally Richard Burgon; who has Paul Robeson, Pro-Palestinian and Momentum stuff on his twitter.

So yeah there is a crop, but at the end of the day the leader won't matter much as it is McDonnell that is doing most off the leg work at the end of the day.

In the end, it's mass popular involvement and a radicalized street level base that will play the deciding role. The liberal media loves headlines about Momentum thugs and far left activists threathening people, I think that's a good sign.

I agree. The one thing people are ignoring is that the real momentum (honhonhon) is not coming from Momentum but from leftist members joining and doing stuff. These people aren't ideologically trained, they just want shit to get fixed and they see the Labour programme as the means of doing this. They're proletarians of all stripes and are a part of the revolutionary subject: and they are being mobilised in a way not seen since perhaps the end of the second world war and the 1945 election. Time will only tell where we go from here, but if we keep the ship sailing I have hope we can fix this rotten country.

Made some OC, spread it: especially with your scottish mates.

Fuck me just noticed the spelling errors, if someone could fix it I would be grateful.

A white supremacist who plotted a machete attack on people at a gay pride event has been convicted of a terror offence.

He was described by his barrister as "lonely and inadequate" and as having an autism spectrum condition.

The absolute state of Holla Forumsyps.

forgot pic

Iron that shit you lazy twat.

Of course.

jesus christ how horrifying
The greatest rivalry in history.


The government spends ages confiscating knives but let machetes and axes slip by. Fuck's sake bobbies, are you even trying?

my son yuo are bisexual now, you must choose

Pointless twitter drama, but still bants.

with a possibility of a market crash, I hope you lads know what you duty is

[The Union of Wales has Capitulated]

Anybody else seen this yet?
Made my blood boil


I need more Mosley's, Mosley posting is probably the only genuinely funny meme the British right has ever come out with and Totalist Mosley is even better

Liberal centrist Jonathan Pie says antifascists are the real fascists


Oswald Moonsley.

Mosley probably loved A Trip To The Moon.

He's a right arrogant cunt, who gives a shit what he says

UK to consult on employment status after gig economy concerns
Seems like they're at least trying to get somewhere with these "gig economy" companies.

UK to consult on employment status after gig economy concerns
I worry about myself sometimes.

I think they are worried about the growing unionisation of the sector: with groups like the IWW (Yes, that one) and the Solidarity Federation starting to get workers organised. The irony is granting workers' rights is more likely to spur unionisation as to defend them.

I'm starting to miss David Cameron.

it was a simpler time

you still think you can control them, dave?

I miss Ed Miliband tbh.

Haven't been following it too closely but it's good to hear the more radical unions are getting a bit of a foothold in there then. Jobs like that are just going to become more and more common so they're going to have to do something about how shit the workers are treated.

I'll take any excuse to post this image

Momentum sets up councillor network to target local elections
Honestly I am from Toryshire and seeing some labourites win would make me break my lent: giving up pornography.


Now if only the video bit of wobchat would work perfectly and we could go back to red cards that were actually red instead of the shit loads of badges design everything would be perfect

also, r u in Bristol?

Freemasons call for end to 'discrimination' of members
Okay what is it with all this Freemason shit recently?

No idea. Was eating breakfast this morning and heard someone on the tv spouting some weird shit but couldn't see the screen and apparently it was these lads. I always figured Freemasons was just like a LARP country club where you go to get pissed.

Nah, I'm not in England, in one of the non anglo bits
Its nice to see these sorts of things happening, but the IWW is still virtually invisible in the uk, I literally only found out there was a group in my area because my friend sent me a youtube video of them with like 15 views, gotta start getting the word out

Sounds like some sort of piss fetish group

This looks good he wants the workers to control the nationalised Industries


Tories back ahead in the polls. What the fuck are Labour doing? Is the media sabotage campaign in overdrive?

Intra election polls mean fuck all: Corbyn was at 25% and Kinnock was at 52%.

Yes they are ultimately irrelevant, but I'm wondering what caused the drop.

There's been fuck all terrorism lately.

The jihadist movement's been losing steam since late-2016, maybe it's finally over?

I don't have any connections with leftists tbqh.

Labour have been not rocking the boat. To my impression we've done nothing. (But then, I don't read the news.)
The Tories are in government, so they get to go on telly to announce their response to stuff they can't bounce, like Brexit negotiations, or any other ongoing event. In consequence, their profile is higher. Doubly because people don't really care about Labour stories when they aren't negative. It's not just coincidence that Labour's opinion poll standing skyrocketed the minute they were legally mandated to give both parties equal say.

At the same time that does raise some problems, since the extraordinary result last time might engender complacency.

So much for the college campus left.

I'm at Sussex, and the "leftists" here are just demand-side weak-Keynesians.

pardon my tinfoil hat, but I don't think it's close enough to election time for there to be another attack



Bullshit, any good British child would have called a brown haired German a Jew who got away.


I want to fuck this cunt

What are your thoughts on this


While its true that when it comes to 'human rights' and the military Corbyn doesn't have a hard stance as that would be electoral stucide and would do no one any good, he has consistently advocated, especially in recent months, the exclusion of Israeli and Saudi interests from UK government and has highlighted the government's support of them. Important to note the consistent attempts by zionists to sabotage Corbyn which in themselves show he is a credible threat to their interests.
The points on the Iraq war and Ireland are pretty bullshit. Corbyn did everything he could as an MP to oppose the war and condemning the soldiers rather than the government does absolutely nothing of value while giving his critics extra ammo and it doesn't take a genius to see that privately Corbyn supports a unified Ireland and Gerry Adams' constant endorsement reinforces that.

Pacifism is liberal bullshit.

So friends how can we assure Labour won't become another SYRIZA once in power

From my understanding SYRIZA was fucked hard by the IMF and the EU, they cant legally make any laws that would effect Greece's economy without going past them first and they just dont have the energy or will to fight back. Labour wont have those problems and will be pretty much free to do what it wants to do (once the purge the scum from the party)

Leave the EU

Labor just had an "Alternative Models of Ownership Conference".


Read a summary from a Marxist economist participant here:

Good post and an important issue. However while it is important that expropriation takes place and we can hope that a Labour government would bring it about as unlikely as it seems, they would have to be entirely suicidal to detail a plan to expropriate the city finance and industrial capital.
Insofar as we are trusting in what is at heart a socdem party recovering from decades of neoliberal rule we can only hope that a Corbyn/McDonnell government would take radical action if push came to shove.

These polls arent important, the local bi-elections in the coming months will be a better insight into whats happening, currently there hasnt been enough this year to see a clear trend but there are alot coming up next Thursday. More importantly the local elections in May will be a good time to see how Labour has improved

I unironically wanna move to Britain so I can join the Blarite pruge gangs

I wish I had more spare time so I could join take part in the Momentum purging but I have a Maths degree to do. Even though it makes the Labour party look worse I love it when blarites complain on the news about being deselected. The revolution will be fed with Blarite tears

what sort of twisted fucking logic is this?

Corbyn has consistently throughout his life be anti-imperialist: be it anti-apartheid, anti-settlement, anti-Vietnam [insert Wilson.mp3 here], against the Iraq & Afghanistan wars and finally pledging to introduce BDS for both Israel & Saudi Arabia and stop the atrocities in Yemen. He will be the first proper anti-imperialist PM this country has ever had.

This tbh.

Eh even the locals in May are iffey: remember the 2017 locals? Still, the ones to watch are: Haringey, Preston and Salford. These are the three Momentum are targeting to introduce "municipal socialism" and if they win big we will have three 1980s Liverpool councils again.

Eh the removal of Blairism isn't actually that active: it is more subtle. They aren't being kicked out, they are just leaving. And in their wake they are being replaced by either legitimate marxist-socialists or genuine proletarians who while not up on theory just want a country that fucking works and is decently left wing. My CLP is a good example of that tbh, we doubled in size since the election and most of the new lot are at-least Wilsonites.

Tanks and MLMs gonna do what they do.

Yeah I agree the problem with locals, especially one off ones, is that local problems can be very different to national ones. 2014 local elections are another example of not to look at them too much. They showed a clear swing to Labour but didnt show the collapse of Labour in Scotland


Tbh I think we should less at if this will reflect nationally, and more if our agenda can be implemented locally.
Also would be interseting to see how well labour does in staunch tory areas, we have hope in area of the home counties for at-least a few more cllrs.

It would also be interesting if Labour can hold its seats in the north (especially the north east) where the did loose some support in the General election (ex-ukip voters going more towards Torys than Labour).

Underrated post

who /libdem/ here

we're centre-left, so we're on-topic


Does anyone actually know any libdem voters? I know one, they're rich which probably is part of it.


Tbh all my mates voted lib dem last time (mostly because they are upper middle class people who are class conscious enough to see the tories are against their own interests but fell for the "muh magic money tree" meme).

the real question is what constituency you're voting lib-dem in.

won't labour just keep capitalism going though? isn't it a good thing that the tories are breaking the system?

Sheffield Hallam


Wow great thinking lads not a single hole in that argument

Lads, we are about to face the longest walk-outs in universities for nearly 50 years, Who else is ready for some shit?

Just got back from the student strike support meeting, this ought to be good famrade.


tbf this strike doesn't just cover the lecturers but the Librarians, admin staff and PhD student-teachers as well. Lets not forget also the strikes that have taken place in other sectors as well like the bus drivers and train drivers, factory workers, shipyard workers and truck drivers. McDonalds workers unionised sucessfully last year and the CWU voted to take strike action but weren't allowed to go out due to some legal fuckery. Local council workers may end up going out on stike later in the year as well.

How do the Tories have any support at all? Are Brits just natural classcucks?

There is something that an American pointed out to me on here a few weeks back: Doctors in the US are petit.bourgeois because they buy shares in their hospitals: while Doctors in the UK tend to have a far more proletarian mind-set (being unionised and such) because there is a strict employer-employée relationship in the NHS.
Now the irony is that with the nature of new public management: the guy in charged turned from a bureaucrat in a grey suit (who was a part of the government) into effectively a capitalist boss. The marketisation of public services has in effect, turned those employed by them into proletarians in effectively all aspects. So, now we have mass unionised doctors, lecturers and teachers: all of whom are now acting out of class consciousness. It is yet another beautiful proof of the self-destructive nature of capitalism.

so will Labour's plans for alternative models of ownership turn workers into porkies and further entrench capitalist ideology

No they shall introduce De Leonism and issung dishing out State-Supplied GFs.

incredible policy

What does LeftyBritPol think of Mao?

He was daddy.

On a real, Chiang Kai would have killed more, but Chen Duxiu was infinitely better than Mao. Mao was pretty incompetent in a lot of things, although Zhou Enlai would have been worse: since he would have killed all those people deliberately and without remorse..

Who is ready for some keks?

I want the 'everything was fine but then everything changed when the trump nation attacked' meme to die

Chiang Kai-shek was a traitor to the chinese people but Zhou Enlai was a pragmatist and wasn't a revolutionary as Mao. Why would he have been bad? Most of his career was spent being the voice of reason to Mao.

Zhou Enlai was basically the Chinese Beria: concerned with power and as you said: an unideological pragmatist. Instead of a cultural revolution he would have just purged people straight up.

kinda, the big right wing papers have an ironclad grip on much of the population

Birts used to be naturally left wing but since Blair thats not the case anymore. I think a big part to it is people want someone leftwing like Corbyn but keep buying into the "magic money tree" "loony lefty" meme. We need to remind people that they are in fact left wing and support left wing policy

Problem is the left fell hard for the multiculturalism and identity politics meme. Normal British people don't want this. If Labour dropped it they'd be far more popular.

Corbyn is trying tbh, he can't go full on blast but he hasn't said anything crazy like Clinton/Bernie did in the US

Is he though? Youth Labour and Momentum love it and they're his power base.

Go back to Holla Forums

Really? Because the Red libs are the one autistically screeching about him.

this tbh
Blairites and the Labour right-wing are the idpol vanguard.

Half the gay men i know are liberal and that was before gay marriage was legalised. 1 in 5 gay men in france vote national front.

Truth is gays are bourgie. Maybe once they start getting married and adopting itll change

Youth Labour is a bit more dicey but Momentum is largely guided by the mentality of the old union boys from the Old Left, as user points out the Blairites are far more invested in idpol shit.

it never ends this shit

He has to be in power and then the economy has to tank for that to come to pass


I've never heard of this take on Zhou Enlai. Zhou's policies provided Deng with inspiration for 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧reform and opening up🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. Zhou was a rightist, Beria seems to be an actual commie, well, more so than any other potential successor to Stalin.

He was one of the founding members of the CCP and one of the key players in the communist revolution.


housing debt crash incoming

Autoloan crisis incoming.

Homeless man dies on 'doorstep' of Houses of Parliament
People are fucking dying on the steps of bloody Westminster Station: honestly we have reached a point that is too far.

UK Prime Minister May calls for fight to “defeat socialism”

What did she mean by this?

What does this mean? I means porky is immensely spooked. Keep up the good work lads.

So much for meeting triumph and disaster and treating those two impostors just the same.

May trying to go full Red Scare 3.0

There is actually a really good story about how a minister of technology and post-master general was actually a British spy for the Czechs during the cold war.

Just the Czechs?

Yes, specifically just the czechs.

Just watch them fucking do it.


Another nauseating piece from the Spectator.


The tide goes out before it comes in, Mrs. Thatcher.

Actually why though? Even from an army perspective all you need to do in a war now is to get some lad to pilot an army of drones to bomb a school and soon enough a robot will do that for him. Their only arguement is calling younger generations pussies for not wanting to kill people in the name of the state and porkies interes which is purely feels > reals.
Honestly hope I don't turn out like that when I'm older and if I do throw me in the fucking gulag.

Well it's for sure the Army doesn't want to have to deal with a load of younguns. The only kind of people that want these are those who want the youffs of the streets and think it will deal with the "snowflakes". The irony is that they would be teaching a generation that hates them how to use weaponry.



Their "Vote Liberal Democrat" headline of 2010 and the constant Obama dicksucking should be enough to put anyone else off.

Apocalypse now for Britain’s retailers as low wages and the web cause ruin

Today on this episode of "Marx is proved right yet again": The falling rate of profit as applied to consumer retail.

The high street deserves nothing more than a painful death. Just walking down them makes me depressed.




I don't get it, is he taking the piss out of lolberts?

Yes and no: he is more highlighting the inherent aristocracy that exists in Britain.

he kind of is
the third one is the most obvious one probably

Honestly I am just fucking hope they lower interest rates on tution fees: fuck 3% on 9 grand that I can't even pay back.

I wanna live in the Daily Mail's fantasy world to be honest

This makes no-sense as the capital of the Soviet Union doesn't have -grad in it. If anything like Manchester or Liverpool would be Jeremygrad.

are they even being serious at this point or have they been reduced to shitposting

of course it doesn't make sense it's the fucking daily mail

Wouldn't it make more sense if it was Corbyngrad, since Lenin was his last name, Stalin was the last name etc.

Tbh the Daily Mail make good fanfiction.

Why's everyone mad at Mary Beard?


She had the balls to defend Oxfam and said someone along the lines of "tbh it is hard to keep up civilised behaviour in a disaster zone".
This whole scandal reeks of "let's cut the foreign aid budget through sneaky methods" tbh.

I wouldn't go that far. The current infrastructure of NGO's and foreign aid actually undergirds globalizing capitalism: it provides the first world with indulgences, tax-breaks, and also serves as a job-creation machine for the managerial class, so I don't think the elite wants to get rid of it.

On the point of what the Oxfam people did, it is bad: they are supposed to use their resources to help people, and some of it ended up going to buy under-age prostitutes. They fucked the people they were supposed to help. But otoh, she is also right; it is a disaster zone inside of a country that had already disintegrated under imperialist preasures. The people working in it are going to get desensitized and act out even of they weren't crooks to start out with. And there's also the power relation that arises between them and the locals who are dependent on them. UN missions run into this kinda stuff all the time, where peacekeepers and aid workers end up abusing the local people. Things like this scandal are unavoidable. It does not suddenly turn Oxfam into some more evil organization - it's entirely a systemic problem.

Oh I agree with that analysis, but the specific thing about Oxfam is that it has been hitting out against globalism and neoliberalism and has criticised austerity: so suddenly some dirt arises and boom their funding goes strikes me as immensely fishey.

State of Cuckbyn.

I'm gonna guess you're the same salty Holla Forumsyp. Ask yourself one question, if Corbyn is in league with the ebul establishment why do Tories, Lib Dems and Blairites try to take him down? He is the only person critical of Israel in British politics atm and has the balls to stand up to the puppet masters of western arms manufacturing: the Sauds.

The absolute state of Holla Forumsyps

fucking pathetic mate

I have found it: peak pork.

I swear these articles always have a picture of Corbyn on a bike for some reason.


it's because bikes are actually existing socialsm

Does this answer your question?

Why would anyone be against an ideology that wants to force unwanted sexual activity on others?

chill out pal, nobody wants your skinnyfat chud ass


Reminds me of Comrade Robbie Rotten

No, there really, really, really, really, REALLY wasn’t a youthquake
TL;DR: in the 20 seats with the largest turnout upswings, they have average 18-24 turnout but the 25-44 turnout increased massively. Basically the Millennials aren't maoists: everyone that isnt a boomer is.

It is to do with the "Chairman Mao Bike" thing. Legit. Also I believe it is to make him look less "statesmen like".

Thats real stupid for so many reasons. It's weird how negatively they treat it anyway as if bikes are some kinda demon.

The revolution will arrive on a bike.

Well you see bikes are things of the "urban liberal metropolitan elite": the REAL WORKING CLASS drive 4X4s around the home counties.

I mean I wouldn't expect Stefan to be right wing. Guy lives in Iceland.

I think my mind is broken trying to figure out the thought process that could lead someone to actually believe this. Surely a bike is the ultimate working class transport? Cheap and reliable. I fondly remember riding with my nan on her bike through the town to the local shop, sounds like a tradcucks dream.
The only ways I can think how people get to this is bikes are for pussies and liberals are pussies thus bikes are for liberals. Either that or companies convincing people that bikes are shit so they buy their overpriced cars.
I know this is pointless but I need something to do at work


Bikes are simultaneously popular with the poor, with the young and with stereotypical arty, smelly leftist types and very, very unpopular with the rural and suburban middle and upper class, at least as a form of transport, as even a very poor person can afford quite a good one and they don't really function as status symbols in the same way a really nice car does, a nice bike is only really a status symbol in cyclist subculture and then only when married with ability and in fact the bikes that the average person will likely find the most appealing and nice looking are the most utilitarian ones

Corbyn is about to outdo Wilson. SocDem gang just can't stop winning.

Hopefully the mask will slip and we can see DemSucc arise from Succdem after the election


Well Haringey and Hackney are having campaigns literally being run by Momentum so we will see at-least some Sewer socialism.
Also Barnet will be an interesting one to watch: it has the largest jewish population in London.

from this "graph", did green voters start supporting Labour? Or did people who didn't vote before started actually participating? Also where the fuck did that 7% UKIP went?

user, a lot of that 7% from UKIP went to labour.


And here you have fallen for the "Purple is closer to blue" fallacy: a lot of UKIP voters were labour voters who didn't like Blairism and wanted to leave the EU. Now Labour has its red balls back they are coming back to the party.

anyone feel like editing this to corbyn's face?

Is anyone in the know on the National Youth elections for the Labour Party, who are \ourguys its always impossible to tell from the candidate statements they always word them to appeal to as many people as possible without giving a good insight in their political beliefs

Momentum says: Leigh Drennan for chair, Lara McNeill for NEC.

Watch the video for some hearty keks: you can hear him squirm.

I do love a good Aneiling

I do love a good Aneiling

wow what a surprise


I;m always interested in what people from the mainland think of our little shit hole, things are getting really weird here

To the extent that we think about NI at all it's usually just being baffled about the Republican/Unionist split, I don't think anyone in mainland Britain outside of maybe a few fanatics can understand the aggressive pseudo-patriotism of Unionists that seems so rehearsed and laughable and I'm sure the Irish feel the same way about Republicans.

But, that's how people are I guess, that's tribalism for you. Even so, I think most of us just don't get it.

The uni strikes start today, remember not to cross the picket lines.

Labour says land value tax would boost local government budgets


I asked this like half a year ago but I think I should ask it again.
What does the average brit think about May and the Tories.
What about Corbyn and labour?

What is an "average brit"? I don't even know anymore…



that's peak fucking socdem. It sounds nice though but I doubt the tories and the libdems or even the snp would ever agree to this


Thank you for posting this. It made my day.



fucking terrific mate

Actually this has been Lib Dem Policy (lowkey) for a while, there are sympathetic tories and iir SNPers too. LVT is weirdly universally popular, especially considering it comes from a branch of economics that literally no governments have ever actually implemented (although Sun-Yat Sen tried).


Also I saw some polling in the Times: literally no one gives a shit about the Czech thing. 64% of people feel the same, only 6% of people think worse of Corbyn. The best part of it though is that 6% of Britons also feel BETTER about Corbyn after the Czech spy allegations.

6% of Britons are KGB agents?

No, 6% of Britons are leftypol lurkers.

What are the odds this is a far-rightist?

Sounds like the name of a really dodgy R L Stein book. I'm just looking forward to seeing who Holla Forums tries to blame it on this time.

Seriously though, I'm pretty sure every sizeable urban area these days has an incredibly depressing set of shops around the "ethnic areas". londis, costcutter, maybe some polish shops, some halal shops, a black barber's, carribean grocer, some greasy takeaways, and a betting shop seems to be the general structure, give or take a few elements.

I do get depressed looking at some of the deprivation around my town tbqh. The utter state of these outlets, their clientele, and the housing is truly dire.

When the government tries to do something about shite areas, they just "move the problem around" (Nothing has changed since Engels made the observation in the 19th century!)

By the way, just so you don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying the prescence of shops catering to minorities is depressing, I'm talking more about the dilapidated nature of the streets.


Jeremy Corbyn makes Unite's Andrew Murray a part-time consultant
Why does Labour keep on trying to make be break not fapping to porn for lent?

from wiki

As I said on the Corbyn thread, I don't understand the ☭TANKIE☭s on Leftypol that spend their time whining about Labour.

Holy shit is he Hoxha-poster?

So Corbyn has come out in support of the Customs Union, thoughts? I agree it is a pragmatic move but I am worried it will cuck us out of being able to make proper trade deals to support leftist nations.

He has sort of said nothing though. It seems he wants "a" customs union not "the" customs union so at the moment it doesn't really mean anything without the details of what the customs union he wants. Which seems to not really be much different to what is being offered by the Torys its just the wording. So it seems just to please the moderate pro-Eu labour voters as well as give the pro-EU tory MPs more of a reason to vote against the final Brexit agreement. This speech is more to do with trying to make the current government fail then actually Brexit policy I guess he wants to try and get a general election as quick as he possibly can.

I can see the first one, tbf a Norway style deal with regards to trade (not hte single market) where we are join on some issues but on others we are not could work in the medium term: at-least until someone like Melenchon takes power in France and decides to shake the whole thing up. One other thing is that it needs to allow us to make our own sanctions so we can deal with certain nations Turkey and remove sanctions on others Venezuela.
As for political savviness, I think it is a good move, we will need to see how it plays out with leave voters but eh.
As for heading for a new election ASAP, I think that is a bad move tbh. Labour is still sorting itself out internally and I think a few more pieces need to fall into place before we can get the train rolling at top speed. I would say give it until just after brexit has been negotiated tbh.

I think this would take effect on the final vote on brexit which would be early 2019. We kind of need an election soonish since Corybn is getting old and there inst really anyone good with enough experience and credibility to take over.So it seems the plan is play the long game: put pressure on the Torys in these Local elections (which could lead to Labour nearly having complete control of London) as well as make every brexit vote as difficult as possible. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Tory leadership bid after the elections in May followed by a even bigger split over Brexit with a possibility of an General election late 2018 early 2019. We could even see some soft Torys like Anna Mary Soubry maybe going Libdem

That seems a perfectly sensible assessment of Stalin.

What's with the "lmfao"?

The problem is if we do have an election before brexit: what the fuck happens then? How is a deal going to be made unless they reset everything? The brexit deal made will still be the tory's.

They are fucking idiots that think you can have an All-Union Communist Party without having a Russian Social Democratic Labour Party first.

Well the deal for the 2 year transition period will probably end up being the same but what will happen after that could be changed considering if the government fails to win a vote on the final agreement then its not legally binding in the UK but we have to leave the EU after triggering article 50 so who knows what happens then

The real problem you're forgetting is that most of the posters, ☭TANKIE☭s included, are yanks and thus have neither any conception nor experience of working class politics.

Ameritanks are the worst tbf.


why are people still talking about "soft" and "hard" brexit? Does it really fucking matter what you call it? I think it's pretty obvious what Britain can and cannot affor if they don't want to go bankrupt in four days.

They had no meanings to begin with, it started with "HARD = GOOD SOFT = WEAK" but then switch around in terms of positivity and now nobody fucking knows.

the nobody fucking know part kinda characterizes brexit as whole in my opinion

I agree. I mean it is seen perfectly with this announcement: Corbyn said he doesn't want to join the customs union, he wants to HAVE a customs union with Europe. The nuance of this entire situation just cannot be handled by the media of this day and age: all of this was designed for a time period where shit was done behind closed doors and that was that.

In other news:
Jon Lansman tipped to stand for role of Labour general secretary
Laughs maniacally

Burger here, where do ya'll stand on Brexit? Maybe I'm stupid but it seems doing Bexit seems that ya'll will be chaining yourself to the U.S as a trading partner as well as more politically.As much as I would like to see a leftist Alliance between the U.S and U.K trusting Americans seems pretty foolish. I mean I'm American and I barely trust us.

Answered your own question. I'm considering moving if UK goes down any further. Might turn way too neoliberal to live in once brexit happens

Was tempted to vote to leave (the EU is a capitalist hellhole), but voted remain in the end (the only alternative was to align closer with the US).

I think leaving the EU had definitely polarised British politics to the degree where Corbyn has a shot at forming a government, but I'm sort of worried the economy will crash quite shortly, and if Labour's in power they'll wind up blamed for it.

Well that's the thing: upper class brexiteers want to get closer to the US, but most working class brexiteers want either protectionism or the ability to self-manage the economy. The two stances are going to butt heads sooner or later and it will take the wind out of the tories' sails for a long time.
But regardless, you cannot implement democratic socialism in on countryside inside the EU unless you are Germany or France so leaving is the best thing for now.

Leaked images of Corbyn mercilessly sniping tories from his balcony.

Honestly I will die a happy man if I ever get the chance to have a pint with Jez.

He can't keep getting away with it.

I've been in the pub with him (before he was leader though). AMA.

Did he ask how your mum was?
On a real, is he that nice in RL, or is it an act? how competent do you think he is, do you think him naive or is he really aware of the threat of coup against him.

Nah. Said I had a good hat though (I had a ushanka at the time).
He's really nice, from what I remember he spent most of the time talking to his old Trade Union and LRC mates. Bought a bunch of the younger people that were hanging around pints though. Absolute unit.
This was about 2013-14, so well before all that would have even come up (and most of the chat was about the independence referendum). I know people in LOTO & Momentum HQ spend a fair amount of time thinking about things like that, not sure they've ever really come up with a practicable response if it were to happen.

God I wish that was me

unrelated to everything, but why do LeftyBritPol threads never become cyclical?

They used to before the leftpol split: we are "ebul liberals" now.

They're very on and off so they go dead until a big news story pops up

but there's a lot of quality discussion in these threads. Also a lot less amerifags so it's a lot more civil

Well I guess all those constant flag threads can't help

TL;DR: literally we either get a topaz brexit under someone like Gove or Mogg, or a national government will have to be formed of soft brexit tories, lib dems, SNP and blairites…

cause plenty of people moved to /leftpol/

cause plenty of people moved to /leftpol/>>2368798

thought: is the LGBT+ rights movement in the UK less bourgeois than that of the USA?
partially just thinking of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners but it would seem like there's probably a plausible historical narrative to that idea. the underlying conditions of British society and politics would seem to lend to a more genuine alliance between the desire for social liberalisation and the implementation of social-democratic economics in the Labour party than what you'd find in the US Democratic party, which can much easier afford to place all their eggs in the first basket.

maybe it's something to do with top-down leadership vs bottom-up activism. or maybe it's just the fact that your average Genderqueer Palo Alto Google employee holds more wealth than the bloody Rees-Moggs.

Well I mean it WAS Wilson that decriminalised homosexuality, but that is neither here nor there.
Tbh, I think a lot of the L&GStM has to do with Maggie's anti homo policies.
But there is also a lot of bourgie stuff in the modern movement: has a lot to do with its Americanisation.

*sells you a newspaper*

What are the tier lists for British Socialist papers? I don't know much about them. There are a lot of organisations nowadays

Are they mostly just the same? Are any of the Trot splits in the UK actually significant?

I know there's also Solidarity (paper of the AWL, Trots), The Clarion (paper of momentum, AWL front?), Morning Star (CPGB, probably the closest to mainstream)

Is the only one I've ever actually seen sold myself in recent years but then again I don't really check very often.

Same you can find it in most Co-ops even if your living in the south and are a lot more common in the North

They sell it in tescos where I live

what is it with trots in particular and having such a huge focus on selling papers

I mean there are worse things to do, but

from my understanding Appeal (IMT) and Worker (IST) split because the IMT are enryist and accuse the IST of being ultraleft in militant tendency days

if you think about it it's pretty obvious. Trotsky mostly operated in the west during the 30's. He was a communist, so of course he wanted to target workers with his writings. Radio did exist, but many poor people didn't own one. The only way he could reach out to workers was through newspaperssince it was a cheap and easily accessable medium.

wait are there actaully co-ops in Britain? What are they like? I'd love to know. Things like this are considered "bolshevism" where I live.

Co-op is just a supermarket chain in the UK, its not reffering to actual Co-op/

Yeah there just like a normal shop but give some money to charity more. I believe the workers get a cut of the profits at the end of the year as well. Histrionically we did have more proper Co-ops but they have faded away. We do still have a "co op" party still but it is merged with Labour (more or less they are still separate but in terms of elections the same) I dont know if they actually are for proper co-ops or not though

The "Co-OP" is a chain of supermarkets, its not a full on co-op, it still has a hierarchical structure etc. but the workers do have more say in how things are run than usual and get a cut of the profits at the end of the financial year, IIRC they also have some better conditions and benefits and more say in how those conditions and benefits evolve compared to the average workplace

The Co-Op ==IS== nominally a co-operative. Unfortunately, the store is run by managers and directors introduced from commercial enterprises who run the group as such and then whack the costs of the social aspects of the group on top of standard supermarket pricing system. Oddly, other divisions of the group were not so prone to this; resulting in the banking arm being run by a crazy addled vicar with a taste for whores and false accounting.

Christ lads, why are most left-wingers on the internet so fucking snarky and unpleasant? Not you lot though, you're alright

I am a card-carrying Tory.

Has anyone been getting involved in the uni lecture strikes this week? Its pretty good opportunity to talk to lefty's and bring them further left. Also fun to find out your lecture is a proper socialistic.

No one cares

You care enough to reply.

100 Labour members are threatening to leave over the ruling about transwomen in the party. That's 0.016% of all current members.

How will Labour recover?

Jeremy Corbyn blasted for 'mansplaining' International Women’s Day at PMQs
The absolute boy is at it again.

Blairites on fucking suicide watch

Absolutely livid right now. I wish someone fucking shoots the bitch and the saudi faggot while they're at it.


When the tories start attacking you from the liberal-left, you know victory is at hand.

Corbyn still refuses to say that Saudi Arabia and Britain are committing genocide in Yemen.

He's literally said today that both are actively committing war crimes, a starvation campaign and should stop.

He won't call it genocide. Everything is "war crimes," the imperialists are deliberately committing genocide.


Good God she really is insufferable

Walked past the UCU strike picket today. Anyone involved at all? Hope they get on well though.

literally me centre left, grey jacket and glasses.

Wasn't expecting that. I guess it answers my question though. Didn't realise it was on until I saw you guys. Always nice to see some red flags on my lunch break though.

it was a good march, very comradely atmosphere and lots of positivity. This was more a "proof of concept" line to try and swing the fence sitters.

The absolute boy at it again

Correction, there shouldn't be such thing as British cuisine.

Look at the state of you

I was on there too, I was one of the guys selling papers. It's good to see a strike so solid and confident. I always get bored during rallies, I prefer the marching and chanting.

Corbyn opposes Momentum leader Jon Lansman’s bid for Labour’s general secretary post…wsws.org/en/articles/2018/03/09/lans-m09.html
Is this just wooswoos the splitters' paper of note being contrarian Trot cunts, or is there something to this?

I think its too do with Corbyn wanting a women to have the role and since the women standing cant remember her name is pretty left wing then it makes sense. I dont really understand why he doesn't want Lansman to run maybe to not split the left vote?


fuck me, what happened to that pic

Imagine being this delusional


Attached: corbyn freddos.jpg (2192x2372, 624.81K)

is this real? please be real
i have to find out if they're selling this here

Is it worth reading neoclassical economic theory?

It seems so fucking boring.

What did The Economist mean by this?

Attached: 20180310_BRD000_0.jpg (1600x900, 1.21M)

Yeah but from a Marxist professor.

Attached: 296.jpg (900x1200, 152K)

As it fucking should be.
And another thing: Companies should have to pay their striking employees. Not the full pay rate* - but say 50-70% of normal wage. If you provoke your workers into a strike, you should pay regardless. The stability of their conditions is more important than the stability of enterprise cash-flow.

*I mean while I'd personally like people to go on strike just because it's summer and it's more comfortable on the picket line than in the office, it might make the policy too easy to repeal…

I've been going in to help strik on the days I've had lectures. I'd go in everyday but I'm sadly doing an MA so I need to dedicate an ungodly amount of time to researching my final dissertation. The strike seems to have been relatively successful here, although its week 4 now (the final week to my knowledge) and a lot of people are starting to get sick of it. Still we have managed to convince rather a few people to either join the picket or go home.

As an additional, someone keeps scrawling 'Scab Receptacle' on the dustbins near my Uni.

what? How? Why do liberals love calling evrybody who has actual political stances a populist?

Whilst I'm willing to admit he has 'popular' policies, some of them are popular for legitimate reasons. Again, Liberals can't seem to fathom that people want actual economic change instead of limp-wristed social policy that promises much but delivers little.

populism is a specific thing where you posit the existence of an elite that is controlling everything to the detriment of the common/ordinary man.
this should stand out particularly to the left because it's particularly apparent from the right, where they try to paint Labour as the party of gays, weirdo trade unionists, feminists, communists, vegans, animal rights clubs, doleys and immigrants. who are of course either part of the liberal elite, or their playthings. (so naturally we should vote for a derivatives trader from south of watford to depose those elites and rule in the interest of the REAL common man, namely Richard Littlejohn.)

while the forces that propel Corbyn probably have in large part a populist root - that is, the same undercurrent force that propels populists to power, Corbyn is an interesting case because he's not really a populist at all, he lacks the personal demagoguery, and his narrative has significantly greater vintage than "NAFTA means we're being ripped off in trade". Much like the SNP, he's been an interesting relic of the prior order thrust into an advantageous position.

the problem with liberals is that liberals don't do politics. but there's another one - and this one is more baseline, and perhaps why Corbyn can appear populist, and where he comes closest to populism: He has a story he can tell you. mp4 related. What was Clinton's "story"? What was May's story? Cameron had a story - the last government spent too much, we're going to have to do hard things to make it better. Blair had a story. The leave campaign had a story. The Scottish 'Yes' movement had a story. The 'No' campaign had scare stories but no story.

Attached: Mark Blyth Trump Story.mp4 (640x360, 8.95M)

Reminder of the latest election polls

- LAB: 44% (+1)
- CON: 37% (-3)
- LDEM: 9% (+1)

If you support Corbyn and you're not a Trotsky you're not even entry level labour.

Attached: trotskyist_soviet_flag_by_americansfr-d8u3aea.png (1024x600, 23.94K)




Whew lads. It would be mildly entertaining to see how fast it got vandalised if they did put one up though.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (717x367, 14.74K)

They had to put the last one in Parliament to stop people. If it's not under guard I bet a tenner someone will having her head as a doorstop in a week.

it looks like british liberals are worse than burger ones…


they invited Farage to "diss" the EU. Fucking Farage. PragerU is the single worst thing on youtube. And the retarded amerifats are praising him in the comments, saying shit like "My favourite thing about this channel is they don't get some random guy to talk about the issue, not even someone who studies the subject, but someone who has first hand experience on the issue and can give insider information." Like holy shit why are ameircans so fucking dumb

does anyone have some good IRA memes for St st Patrick's day tomorrow?

Here's your Republican meme starter part.

Attached: 37a0ff3eff985c9d643c2401c418478863162941a181d81ef7495a97ded4cb12.jpg (479x199 75.29 KB, 16.24K)

Attached: ira feels.jpg (480x360 22.19 KB, 215.08K)

Thanks comrades

Little homemade edit from a Mechagamezilla video

Attached: MGZ IRA 2.mp4 (720x480, 10.81M)

god 2016 was a trip



When Blair (pink) says he wants to "reclaim the middle ground"

VERY tasteful

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2048x1536, 5.18M)

it amazes me how Farage manages to stay so fucking irrelevant after basically getting the UK the leave the EU

From the right, looking left, Corbyn offers real solutions to three serious problems: housing, health and wages. He is also up against a very weak government that is incapable of delivering on these same three issues for complex reasons.

If you're hurting in this country, and in desperate need of an alternative, Corbyn is the only "make it stop" candidate. "Strong and Stable", on top of being a fraud, also meant more of the same.

Corbyn's best chance for a governable majority with a leftist agenda is for Theresa May's negotiation to collapse. "Brexit" has become a lose-lose situation for the Tories. Victory in a GE depends on people loathing the Tories more than Corbyn. That means getting liberals, brexiteers, globalists on board.

Don't fool yourselves into thinking there has been a far-left revival, until 2017, nobody with national platform has been making the case for that. Corbyn benefits from a referendum crisis and almost a decade of austere neoliberal government. Future public support for socialism will depend on Corbyn making good on government "for the many". Should Labour succeed, he will then be in the position to entrench a permanent realignment that could unwrite Thatcherism and its children.

if this left resurgence will have any chance of survival in the UK the tories MUST be the ones doing Brexit
brexit will be utter shit any which way, and the average voter will only remember the guy who's in charge while it's all going down, not the retards who actually pulled it off

Crime is one of the issues that interest me, the way its been surging for the last year or so is a really interesting measure of how much things are going to shit at the moment. Any London fags here to comment on this? The news is going apeshit about crime in London right now, does it feel as bad as they say it is? I know theres definately more shootings and stabbings going on than uual here in Liverpool.


Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Now get off the computer Tony.

Attached: 767df3be97bafc16fd41c67687c289ceae78ebc1a085d59c8c087c51ce162205.jpg (730x413, 50.1K)

Anyone else waiting for some big pedophile scandal for the Tory's

ahahaha fuck me
now just put tony blair's head on the little guy (morty?) instead of the us flag

Fucking hell the tories are trying to one up eachother on "NO IM ARDER ON RUSSIA", pretty entertaining.

May trying to do her psudo-Iron Lady Thatcher rip off is embarrassing it would be nice if we didn't try and restart the Cold War again.

Thing is they are trying it at a time when we are most isolated and our army is dogshite: and they literally cant win becuase there is nothing TO win. The Falklands worked because it was a short snappy war, this is a slow burn crisis at best. It has already faded from the news.

Why are there only Trot organisations that are prominent and doing anything in the UK (at least among students)?

Should I join one despite not really being a Trot?

to clarify, I am aware of the existence of the CPGB-ML and such, but their membership size seems insubstantial and are usually very old

I went in on his Patreon, the podcast that came with it is comfy as hell, and I'm saying that as someone who couldn't get into Mean Bean Machine.

lmao jezza sacked owen smith

Nah, most form losey goosey broadfronts that are behind labour now anyways. There used to be the SWP, but they turnednout to be rapists. Best trot group is either AWL, Communist League or just momentum.

Twatmonger deserved it.

they are compete shit.tbh Momentum if you are in the right place can be proper lefty and is the currently the best organization at promoting the left. The only probably is converting center left people into social democrats, but I find this isnt too hard among young people and students, might struggle a bit with older members.

He had it coming I just cant wait for mandatory re selection.
Is anyone here know how the deselection of candiates like Ben Bradshaw, Chuka Umunna and Owen Smith is going?

Bit trickey atm, not much change on deselection. Most efforts have been on locals recently: a blairite bourgh mayor in London got deselected and Haringey may elect a socialist council again.

I heard about the mayor thing, I think where I am still has big support for Blairites even with a student population

Jewish groups attack Jeremy Corbyn over anti-Semitism
Jews going into panic mode about Corbyn again.

Can someone fill me on what the fuck the Labour antisemitism scandal is actually about, I was a liberal when corbyn was elected leader and missed the start

Is it literally just opposition to zionism or has it something to do with all the trots in the labour party?

its just cause of opposition to apartheid/zionism

anyone on the left who isn't anti-zionist isn't on the left

You mean a single member was involved but some in the disputes committee who oversaw the case knew the man involved personally. Also, to put things into context, the dispute was brought forward a certain time after the fact which alters the effectiveness of the police. Since then the SWP have completely revamped their procedures to focus on independent inquiries.

Google Bex Bailey

It is hypocrisy to suggest anything to do with Labour. People just don't shit the bed when they see Labour, Catholics or Conservatives organize students. There are many more cases of rape and assault within these groups.
I heard a lot of momentum groups end up talking way too much about internal party conflicts. Is this true?

Literally just "stop being mean about Israel, you are clearly just ANTISEMITES!"

original guy asking about trot groups here.

yes. I went to a few meetings with some trot pals from uni and almost all of it was this. Also, almost everyone in the room was aged like 60+ and they seemed very gracious for our attendance.

isn't being behind labour and critically supporting corbyn the best position atm?

Since there haven't been any opinion polls since the whole antisemitism thing does anyone think it will actually make a difference. People don't really pay attention to politics outside of elections and local elections are still a month away. I have a horrible feeling Corbyn's ability to resit attacks by the media are going to start to fail

Polling from the Livingstone case shows the public don't thin Corbyn is an antisemite, but I am seeing a v interesting counter reaction going on to all pf this: almost Trumpian in a way. Jewish people coming out in support of Corbyn v explicitly. And with supporters like the Jewish Voice paper, there is an interesting counter reaction.
Still tho, I hope at least some of the actual anti semites (who are mostly memeri tier wanks or de facto nazbols) get purged: they are as much cancer as the blairites.
Oh also John Woodcock is a snake.

You could be right, I wouldn't be surprised in a week that everyone has forgotten about this.
Purging anti-Semites is pretty easy but purging blairites is seeming a lot harder. I think Momentum is now officially campaigning for mandatory re-selction. I guess when you could have a general election any time in the next 4 years you dont want to rock the boat too much.

One way to ensure reselection is to go to the 600 boundaries.

They almost certainly wont go to 600 MPs, the boundary changes are kind of fucked because they took so long to work out the data is now pretty old (2011 I think) and unfairly helps the Tory's. Also no MP is going to agree to cutting the numbers they dont want to loose their job

For fuck's sake.

I honestly think the opposite. Just like the boy who cried wolf every time a ridiculous unsubstantiated smear is made against him that's forgotten about a week later it makes it even harder for any genuine criticism or a non-ridiculous smear to stick.
If the man can survive "he was a COMMUNIST SPY" AND "he hates Jewish people" what chance does a Milliband-style bacon sarnie pic have?

Attached: save our bacon.png (429x563, 381.54K)

On this note: Super Hans was in Doctor Who.

This tbh. He has reached "trump level" teflon.

Attached: Screenshot_20180328-020038.png (1920x1200, 1.26M)

have the tabs you wont to look at in a separate window on one half of the screen and then ads in the other half, then mute the ads.

His base supports is pretty strong idk if that's enough to win a general election by itself though

The day has come, the blairites are autopurging

Fuggin anglos

Thoughts on Blue Labour?

Originally thought they were a blairite outfit, but the stuff i've seen seems to be pretty decent.

Hey Brits, Kraut here. Recently the whole "Corbyn = Antisemite" gained traction in our media, how do I argue against liberals who are convinced that Corbyn and the Labour Party are raging antisemites? I was linked this as "proof":

I know nothing about Brit politics but from an outsiders perspective Corbyn seems to be pretty cool and this sounds like your same old smearing campaign. Is there a compilation of debunking this shit or proof that Corbyn is not an antisemite?

I wish he was an antisemite. Alas, as you suspected, it's just the usual slander against those who dare to challenge neoliberal economics (not that Corbyn is even particularly extreme in that sense).

Unbelievably, the media over here are still going on about the whole "Hitler was a zionist" fiasco.

This is literally just a shift in tactics by blairites and conservatives

They tried smearing him as a pinko commie that wanted to cut Richard Branson's hands and feet off and throw him in a small room with a starving pig but then it turned out that young people liked that sort of thing, so now they're going after him for being an antisemite because he doesn't like Zionism
The entire crux of the controversy rests on him speaking up for an artist being censored for anti capitalist art that featured a figure that kind of sort of looked like the happy merchant if you squinted
Also bring up that one of the Jewish pressure groups that responded specifically mentioned "the far left's outrageous hatred of zionism" in their open letter about it

The issue is that there are actual anti semites in labour, but this is being turned into a witch hunt.
The tories have fucked up though, they called for a day of debte on it in the commons: which will alienate normal jews that just don't want to be harassed since it overtly been made party political.

Good take from the NS: people are applying right wing conspiracy theories to leftwing anti-cap, muh joos results from this.